TAB Semi-Weekly News-Herald... WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS YTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT TT TYTYTTTT 1 lrJP OOJNTIIVS JJUJL. TTJHLM: NEWS FOB OWLY A YJdIfc, TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION THREE MONTHS FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. OFFICE ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH , NEBRASKA 6 3E L THE EVENING NEWS. PLATT8MOUTH. NEB. VKIDAT, AVUV8T , 196. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Highest cash price will be paid for a tew old rags at this office. For exchange, cord wood for a pood horse. Enquire at THE NEM'S office. Get Tour abstracts of title made by Robert J. Vass. Office in Briggs build ing. The Cabinet, made by Otto Wurl, is th best nicLel cigar sold anywhere Try it. Go to Robort J. Vass for roliable abstracts of title. Office in Briggs building. Music Lessons on Piano,Guitar and Mandolin. For terms call at St John': Convont.coruer Oak and Sixth streets. It is said the editor of the Omaha World-Herald has not yet heard of au lection in Vermont. Some one ough to wire him about it. In the absence of Rev. A. H. Post from the city .Elder McKay will preach at the Baptist church on September 6th, at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Fred Stadleman's lunch counter is open again, where you can get some thin tr nice to eat. and baking will bo done oh order. Opposite Ilatt's meat market. Pass the good word along the line Piles can be quickly cured without an feneration bv simolv anplviHg De Witt's Wnitch Hazel Salve. F. G Fricke & Co. "Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!' so said De Witt's Little Early Riser to the man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. F. G Fricke & Co. LOST A leather pocket book con taining 95.05 between Seventh and Rock streets and Mockenhaupt's brick yard. The finder will be rewarded by leaving at News office. Col. Frank P. Ireland wf s in the city yesterday and took occasion to say that Judce Ramsey had more than met the expectations of his friends as a fair, able and impartial Judge. Persons who have a coughing spoil everv nicht. on account of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome it at once bv a dose of One Minute Cough Care. F. G. Fricke & Co. A women in Chicago died on hor husband's grave Tuesday, of grief. It is said to have been a most touching spectacle, and was witnessed by sev eral people who were in the cemetery Small in siie, but great in results DaWitt's Little Early Risers act gent ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small nUl. Safe pill, best pill. F. G. Fricke A Co. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the af dieted. There is no advertisement about this; we feel just like saying it The Demecrat. Corrollton, Ky. For sal by all druggists. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas anter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds F. G. Fricke and Co. Dr. W. A.Humphrey was recognized yesterday as a physician of merit and standing by the Missouri Valley Homeopathic medical association which elected him its president for the ensuing year. The next meeting of the association will be held at Dcs Moines. ' Th 8t Fair. Fully a thousand people were in at tendance from this city and adjoining eountry at the state fair and evening festivities in Omaha yesterday. The fair was the best ever held in the state, and the Aksarben parade in the evening was an illuminated allegori cal dream of beauty. The electrical display alone was well worth a sight seeing trip to the .metropolis. The Plattsroouth crowd on the B. & M. filled fourteen eoaches to standing room on the special train last night which did not reach this city till after midnight. Another Harness Thief Convicted. Clark the man arrested for stealing harness from D. V. Skinner's barn aear Alvo, after a spirited trial was found guilty yesterday after the jury had been out less than fifteen minutes. H. D. Travis defended and the county attorney C. S. Polk appeared for the state Mr. Clark will soon add his name to th big list of penitentiary birds that Distriet Court and jury has turned out this term of court- ' . Union Veterans. George H. Hess of Lincoln is in the city today for the purpose of organiz ing a Union Veteran republican club here this evening-. Veterans and sons of veterans are requested to meet at ririr.1v headquarters at 8 o'clock McKinley headq this evening. IX THE COURTS. District Court. Judge Ramsey continues to transact an immense amount of business, and on Monday will finish up the criminal docket entirely. On yesterday the twoGillespics,who stole Elam Parmele's harness, were sentenced to six years in the peniten tiary at hard labor. This is in strong contrast to the few month sentences that Judge Chapman used to make, and can but have a salutary effect. The jury was excused last evening until Monday morning. Today Sheriff Hollo way took Sulli van and Porine, the Louisville burg lars of Edwari's Bros, store, to tho penitentiary, they having received sentence a few days ago, the former for two and a half years and the latter for one year and a half. Mrs. Rena Bounds, the woman who was mixed up with Clark, tho burglar. and who was found with Aaron Better son's harness on her team, is in jail awiting a hearing on tho charge of re ceiving stolen property. It is eviden that Clark and Meachams stole the property and turned it over to her Later The woman was discharged Today a jury having been waiyed the case of Skommal vs. Insurance company, is being tried to the court The forenoon was largely taken up in calling the law docket. Will Take Its Medicine. The democratic (so called') state con vention meets in Omaha today, bu not to nominate a state ticket, no no. It meets to bow low at the feet of W. J. Bryan. kiss tho hen of his pantaloons throw democracy to the dogs and espouse the populist state ticket nom inatcd a few weeks ago. It will be a great spectacle to see time honored democrats throw aside their bourbon cloak and don the gown of populism All this for principle? No, its all fo Bryan, who hopes by this sort of legerdemain to win his wav to the white house. The populists with rare considera tion which is beautiful to contemplate left a vacancy for one office on the state ticket, that of attorney general which by their grace the democrats will be allowed to fill. H. D. Travis of this city is mentioned as a candidate for the nomination and we can say truthfully he would be a credit to the ticket. Mr. Travis had four years experience as a county prosecutor and he did his work so well that he got more than his party vote for a third term. If we can't have a republican attorney general a majority of the people in this county we are sure would prefer Mr. Travis. Col. r . Jasper Morgan, the Nestor of the "new" democracy. Hon. J. M. Patterson, whose conversion threw our Col. Sherman into his fatal letter writing mood, June Black, Matthew Gering, also one of tho converted, II. D. Travis, and several others went to Omaha this morning to be in evidence at the convention. Why Not Free Flour or Wheat. At a banquet given to the state Hour millers Tuesday afternoon at Omaha, Secretary J. Sterling Morton mude an address which has caused a great deal of unfavorable comment among free sil- verites. Tho secretary said there should be legislation for tho regulation of the millers which would put up the price of cereals that the farmers might get $1 worth of Hour for 53 cents' worth of wiicat. He thought there ought to be a law passed which would compel tho millers of the state to comply with this regardless of what other nations might do. He called ubon Governor Holcomb, who sat at his side, to take steps to secure legislative enactment to bring this about wiihout waiting for action by congress. If law could create a value in one kind of products of the soil, it could in any other Kind, if it were a good thing in one case it would be equally so in all, and if it couldn't be accomplished by this nation alone, then an International agreement should be ptVjected to hold up the prices of all products. This would prevent panics, for panics only took place when prices advance or fall. For these ' reasons, he thought, the millers should be compelled to give $1 worth of flour for every 53 cents worth of wheat brought to them bv the farmer. Nebraska City Press. Teachers' Examination. Examinations for teachers' certifi cates for the city of Plattsmouth will be held in room eight in the central building, beginning Monday,, Sept 7 at 9 a. m. All those holding certifi cates which have expired, and all those desiring to obtain certificates for the firat time are requested to bo present promptly at that hour. Only One Acquittal. The county attorney as well as the sheriffs officers are justly proud of the fact that after two weeks work in the trial of criminal cases only one ac quittal has been had. This was in the case of the state vs Adair a one armed boy charged with burglarizing the B. fc M. depot at Greenwood. H. D. Travis and T. Frank Wiles defended the boy very ably and are entitled to redit for so successfully doing their work. GAKFIKLD OJi FREE SILVER. (From a speech iu the House of Representa tives. July 13, lb7tJ.) Mr. Speaker I can hardly conceive a situation in which ihe House could be brought more directly face to face with what seem? to present on the one hand public honor and on tho other the deepest public disgrace. It has happened in the fiuctation of these metals that there is now a nota ble opportunity to cheat seven millions of men by adopting the baser metal as a standard of payment, and thus ac complish a swindlo on so great a scale as to make the achievement illustrious. By the proposed measure one-fifth of the enormous aggregate of public and private debts can be wiped out with a sponge. This nation owes $2,10U,000, 00') and privuto citizens of the United States probaoly owe $2,500,000, pos siblv more. At tno present moment the relation of debtor and creditor in the United States involves noaHy $5, 000,000,0;0, It is proposed by the amendment of the gentleman from In diana that at one fell stroke one-tifth of all this enormous sum shall be wiped oil, repudiated, and that the process shall be called honest legislation. Since I have been in public life I have never known any proposition that contained so many elements of vast rascality, of colossal swindling as this. Gentlemen may remember the finan cial shock of 1837, the later shock of 1S57, and the still later shock of 1873. Conceive them all in one vast crash, and the financial ruin, the overthrow of business would be light in compari son with the shock that would follow. Put in operation the provision now suggested and all our gold coin will leave the country as fast as it can be carried abroad. Do this and, a revolu tion in our monetary affairs, utterly unparalleled in the history of our na tion will follow. MANLEV NEWS School opened last Monday with W II. Irland as teacher. Mr. A. Jenkins is preparing to ro- rnodel his house. Mr. Sleeford has just completed a snug little barn on his lots. This, with his new house, which ho built earlier in tho summer, makes him a pleasant and comfortable home. Tho young folks of JYlanley and vi cinity enjoyed a pleasant evaaing at the home of W. H. Taber, Sept. 1st. Mr. Keckler and family are attend ing the state fair at Omaha this week. Mr. C. M. Andrus drove to Platts mouth Tuesday. Mr. Cass Sander is reported on the eick list this week. NEBRASKA NOTES. Jonas Sudgeon estimates that he had 1.000 bushels of apples knocked from the trees during the late hail storm Clarks has a police now forcecansist ing oi six men appointeq to rounn up tramps at hicnt and furnish them lodging in the city jail. 11. M. and W. A. Hamptsu fo Alii ance have purchased 1,000 noad of cat tle which they are placing on their rrnch south of Alliance. Mrs. J. N. Stanley of Bostwick, has a new kind of pea that at least for size of pod is remarkable, some being fnlly eleven inches. sam iiooor oi loade nad tue mis fortune to got the fingers of one his nands padly crushed in the cog wheels of the windmill last Sunday. The doc tor thinks amputation can be avoided. jonn uusioi a iarmor residing near T 1 T . 1 ... Fremont, was the victim of a com shelier accident a few days ago. He cavght his fingers in the cog wheels and it was mangled so that amputa tion was necessary. J. B. Nelson f Creighton broke his arm in two places recently. Whiie coming to town on a load of hay the tongue of the wagon broke and ran in to the ground stopping the wagon so suddenly that he was thrown to the ground with the foregoing result. There are ten men employed at Oak land by the railroad company. Those men all live in Oakland and spent their money and are not despised citizens because they get their money which they epend from tho railroad. All of these men are for McKinley. This is odly a straw, but it shows which way the wind is blowing. Oakland lepublican. Ed Wild and Alva Smith had a dis pute over "lovely woman" at Blair. The doctor put Smith's arm back in place. Alva says that when that arm gets well and his eyes resumo their normal color and condition, he will meet Wild on the summit of the brocken, or any other old plnce suited to deeds of violence, and mutiliate him as a free silver paper does the speeches of James G Blaine. Bernard Mosier of Minden is a pes simist or a philosopher, as one may happen to look on life. Ho has avol ved the following calculations, which he calls the "Lover's table:" Sixteen smiles proved ono nod; Sixteen nods ono wuru fcwenty-eient words one tryst; four trysts one engafremenf ono engagement three csies; three cries one wedding; one wedding forty years' tnisery;forty years' misery one funeral; one funeral the happiest day of your life." Tiresome Twaddle. Mrs. Bryan is a trifle too censpicious in this campaign. She is an estimable lady, but after all she is not an issue, and we grow rather weary of reading windy accounts of her daily doings, probably dictated by her husband. Ono story, written in a vein of nauseating gush, tells of her "loyalty to her husband" and of the beautiful spirit in which she seems to say "where thou goest there alo will I skedaddle; where thou diest there also shall I croak." Why in tfca name of all that's sacred and solemn shouldn't she bo loyal to her husband? Is it a shining virtue to cleave to her husband because he has been nomi nated for the presidency, rather than sen ten cod to the penitentiary V We hear no twaddle about Mrs. McKinley. Some time ago, when Secretary Carlisle was a presidential possibility, a sniveling reporter wrote an article about Mrs. Carlisle, with a great deal of slobber, bow charming was her faith in her husband, and all that sort of thing; and they Ao say that the great Kentuckian hunted up that re porter and read the riot act with sheet iron accompaniment, and cast him into outer darkness. Walt Mason. IKU WATEIt NOTES. During the rain and electrical storm Saturday morning, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, lightning struck the large barn of Will iam Westlake, and burned the building, one borso, 350 bushels of grain, all his farm tools, wagons, humeri, hay, etc. The barn was 49xG8 feet in size, and was, with its contents, Mr. WestlakA says, worth about i3,000. His insurance was tOOO in the Phoenix. Thero were five head of horses in the barn at the time, but four of them were sescued before the flames had got complete control. This is a heavy loss for Mr. Westlake, and we sympathize with him. Weep ing Water Republican. Frank Fowler and wife returned last week from a two months' visit in Indiana, Ohio Mid Illinois. Mr. Fow ler says that whiie absent he took par ticular pains to visit the mills and factories in the localities where ho was. to ascertain the feeling in regard to the political situation, and he says that seven-eights of all the laboring men in those institutions are for Mc Kinley, nnd among the farmers the ratio is almost as great. He says that in Indiana he found twenty-six of his relatives who had always voted the democratic ticket, but this year they will change, and vote for McKinley and protection. Weeping Water Re publican. K. and L. of Security. On account of a number of members intending to bo out of the city Thurs day night it is deemod advisable to convene tho Knights and Lndies of Security upon Tuesday evening, Fept 8. We will elect officers upon that night and each member is earnestly requested to be present. By order oi the president. Cheap Kates via the JHIsaourt 1'acilic. One faro for roand trip to St. Jos eph, Mo. Tickets are to be said Sept. 5th to 12th, inclusive. One fare for round trip to Kansas City, Mo. Tickets are to be sold Oct. 3th to 10th, inclusive. C. F. STOUTKNUOliOUOH, Ag't. Chewp Kate to Drover, Col. For the nation! Eistedfodd to be held at Denver, Sept. 1-6, the B. & M. will sell round trip tickets for one fare plus $2. On sale August 20th to Sept. 1st, with fiaal limit of Sept. 10th. W. L. Pickett, Agent. Less Than Half Kaaas to St I'aul. Minn Is offered by the Burlington route, August 30 and 31, on account of the National Encampment of the G. A. 11. Tickets, sleeping car reservations uad full information on application at any agent of the B. & M. R. R., or to J. Francis, General Passsjager Agent, Omaha, Neb. FreBb Oysters in all styles at Jako Hoi n rich's restaurant. Ioe Cream Parlo. John Schiappaoasse has refitted his ioe romm nurlors for tho summer and will.sell five gallons of tho best crm for $4, or 84.26 delivered. Twenty-five cents per quart. All the tropical and reasonable fruit in variety at lowest prices. Next door to Carina's drug store. IS mm nth rrrs I Par mele GUARANTEE Chester's Compound good as any other preparation of to ready to refund your mosey if it doea not Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, loss of anpe- tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, eta A Great Nerre Tonic and System Renovator. It 5fakes Weak People Strong. PRICE, $1 H BOTTLE. AT61IISON OLOltK SKiliTS Every man who has a large family ought to keep a grocery store. All husbands are not alike, because some husbands arc bridegrooms. When two men talk, the one stand ing is the one who has something to sell. If you have any friend who reg.-inls you as an ideal, don't ak a favor of him. Not evry man can increase his come, but every man can reduce m- his expenses. Half the declarations of love ;i man makes to a woman, are to quiet her suspicions. If you want any attention paid to your advice put on your best clothes when you givo it. When a dog chases a bicycle rider who is wearing golf stockings, no one gets very angry at it. Men leave trouble to others, when they can, as readily as a girl leaves dirty dishes for her mother. When a woman asks a mm if he loves hor. and he wants Vi please her without declaring himself how he longs to be clever. When a woman goes out of town later than the 31st of August, we re fuse to state that she has gone off to spend the summer. It has been declared by the parlor haircloth furniture society that it is improper to accept an invitation to visit at a man's house if the invitation comes from tho mas; it must originate with the wife. State of Ohio, City of Tuliuo, 'Us that Lucas County Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partuer of the firm of t'. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and ttate aforesaid, and that said firm will nay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Clrk. FRANK. J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence, this th day of December, A. D. lKs. ai A. W. GLEASON. SLal Notary public. Hall's Catarrh Curt is taken internally at.d acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Send for testimonials, free. t J. CHENEV it Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Eli Hill, Lumber City, Fa., writes, "I have been suffering from Files for twenty-five jrears and thought my case incurable. Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me as a pile cum, bo I bought a box and it per formed a permanent cure." This is only one of thousands of similar cases. Eczema, sores and ?kin diseases yield quickly when it is ut;ed. Keiuoved to New (JaMrterit. Will 1. Cook has moved his tonsor ial parlor to the room under Morgnn's store, and would be glad to meet, his old-time friends and the public gen erally desiring ork in his line. Tfce I'uiw Covuty Dttiry. Everything clean frosh and pure. Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered at your door every day. 11. F. Dean, Pro . OEAL MERIT Q. istic of Hood's is tho character Sarsaparilla. It cures even after other preparations fail. Get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. WANTS. (Special notices under this Load will be charged 'or at the rate of H cent per word each Insertion.) nOAKUlNO. ljJAN 1 ED Hoarders by the day or week. One II block from the court house; pleasant rooms. Enquire at Tbc News. FOR SALK AND KXCIIAXCiK COKSADE A nice farm, UK) acres improved. 1 near central L.ity. in JVlernck county, bix miles trom railway depot. Will be sold on fa vorable terms. Call on or address V. E. CJai ex, .-viyuaru, ieD. FUK 5ALt A bflck house, three lots, good barn and outbuildings, lots of fruit fo: onlv Ifil . , 4 1 . .L . LI tij at umc m me news omce. LOST A HI) FOUSI). LU51 On the road west of town. Wednesday a boy s coat and a gray shawl. The finder will confer a great favor ornce. by leaving nam at Nks I OST- j. wo record books beloneine to -ea 14 l.odtre in tins city. Ihe finder will be warded by leaving same at News olhce. MISCKLLANKOl'H. f ANTED Washing to do for private ianuliee. I Leave ordora at Med Halter s iruit stand. OUSE-CI-EANlNG,taking down stoves or any 1 1 una oi won u'jne. Anyone warning mat kind of work done will do well to call on or address viiuow uromers, naustuoutn, INeD. Extract of Celery the kind on the market, and stand benefit you as much as anv other SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. 1 jrftW"?- I Blackwell's Genuine You will And one comxm innlde each 2 ounce Buy a bug, ruud tlie eoupou and see bow to a.. THE CITY HOTEL, HANS II. G00S, Proprietor. Best Si Per Day House in the State Thoroughly cleaned and refurnished. A nice table and rooms. Bar in hotel stocked with pure Liquors and Cigars. Corner Third and Main-Hts. PLKTTSMOUTH, W. STILL IN B EST rijjs for Wedding, Fuajraln or Plea attended to promptlj'. Term. reasonable. rates. Telephone 7G. N. II. W. D. Jones auctioneer disposed of. -all Don't Make ins Mistake Of thinking ym can't alloi'd to attend tlio 'U Slate Fair. Tho truth is you can't afford to stay iway. It makes no difference :is to what business you f.diow, your knowledge of it, your interest in it will bo greatH increased by what you pee in Omaha, August ' IU Sep tember 5. And the low rates and spe cial train service offered by the BURLINGTON ROUTE make ihe matter of reaching Omaha a very cheap and cisv iiffair. l"HI; PERKINS HOUSli, F. R. GUTHWANN, Prop. Rates Si and $1.50 per Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. E'LATTSMOUTIl, NEItHASKA. THE KNIGHTS OF AK-SAR-ltl-IN PARADE Omaha, Thursday evening, Sep tember 3. What a crowd it will attract! What a rnyaf spectacle it will b! Ask the loeal agent of tho BURLINGTON ROUTE for full information about spe cial Stato Fair State Fair rates trains and to Omaha. low Legal Notic. - Ferdinand I'fiiic.shaunth. dif.-ii,l notice tbat on the i"ith dav of M;.n,. i iiUKsnaupin, piaintitt herein, li h-.f h.-r i,.-tii,.., in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska against said defendant; the object and prayer of which is is to obtain a divorce from flu f!.f. .mi- am upon trie ground of abandonment for more man two years last past, and such other relief as to iiji.- court may seem juht ami equitable. Vou are A-quired to answer said petition on or lief ore the Hth day of Septruitier. I-Wi. MARIE l'PLU;sHAfI-TH. I'iaintiM. Matthew Gerinfr. Attorney. Wowlmrn of the Worl 4. Attention Sovereigns I 1 will bo at my office at A. Clark's grocery store east of the court house on Main street every Wednesday and Saturday from 7 to 8 p. m. to transact all necessary and special business that may come before me. O. Gutiimann, Clerk. t4 4 t ft ft FT has and 'wo coupon InMdo earh 4 ouuee bug. ft get your xbare jf ir0.(XK) lu presents. NEBRHSK7T. D. JONES... Cn ss Co u it t v 9h This is ihe very best Smoking Tobacco made. i Oldest : Livervman. 618 MAIN STREET. BUSINESS. uro I'.i tio, etc. Casii preferred. I f ick oriUi' H C ill and get kinds of coods and farm stock HINDERCORNS The orflr nrr Prir ot mrnn.mi)ji pain. mmM diking may. lite, ml llriirfiHi. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clnman and t,ntifie Uia hale 1'nmiutea luxuriant growth. WflVep FnHn In UrinM i i Hair to Ita Youthful Color. Cum acalp dimuM balr (nliine. ftic.and i.n at D-ufrf If voo CONSUMPTIVE cr hare I-w)l(rfiflnn, 1'iilnful ilia or In Mlity ut imr kind u rAHKEH'S OINOEH TONIO. Muny wli. w. ie liowj fcxttuU uuoouraKtal tutvo rcKuUuxl iuatlUi Uy us usu. The Chicago Chronicle IS A Democratic Newspaper. It Is Not Republican. It Is Not Mugwump. It Is Not Populist. It maintains the Democracy of Jefferson, Ja k sun ami i ll.d ii, l.ehevintr it to lie tlic salvation ol the Kepulilic. It is therefore opposed to Social ism, f ree Silvcrism nnd Kepuiliatuniism. No dollar is too good lor an Aiueiican. Sample copies tree. Addiess THE CHRONICLE. lUf-llMt Washington St.. Chicago, IIL J -hlhtrr'a fviilli ilpn.l lit ad I. UmimlL rSLLS -j!7v Orlfffnul and Onlj Clitulm-. A, tf lwv nilM. ikh.Lb lr Z 'ot, Makl with Mm I nLr VL turn ami imitutwnm. At l'ruirirlta. or 4r. in Rtamf rf fculurn, t'-af invtnUI ami "fcetltt tnr I. !!, in Utter, hy Mum r mwb iF.wriFw "tuiMiiiiBia. i am tuuer. BEESON & ROOT. OHico over First National 11 ink. PLATTSMOUTH. NEHICASKA. HARD COAL. jur Coal. Genuine Canon City C;.J FOR CASH. Missi Lere orders at F. S. White' W. WlflTK. K. STULTZ. House and Sinn Painter PAPER HANGER, Etc. 1 'LA TTS MOUTH, : NKBItASKA. DR. InL. B. ELSTER. DENTIST. Teeth Extracted Without Pain Ail Dental operations performed in the best possible manner by the latest scien tific methods. A guarantee with all wrk. PLATTSMOUTH. : NEBRASKA. T. FRHNK WILES. -ATTORNEY : AT : LAW. -raooosUaneouni nty and st&ta courts, i given to collections. auMkUon Speclsi Omoa IN W1T1BM1H BLOCX. mm idbjailL PHTTESOUTH,