Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 05, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Dr. SturJevanl of Alvo was a I'latt
mouth visitor tnil.iv.
D. K. B.trr was iinum iu, iirlof
etiito fair visitors todny.
Si Muars, the K in wood La very ram,
is in llie city m bu-infs.- truLiy.
John Fitzgerald wt.nt to Om-iha thi
morning to attend the ttato fair.
John Ituttery was shaking.' hands
with his l'lattsmouth friends today.
A. C. Stout and Isaac 'Poland, of
Alvo. were attending to borne court
bu-iness in the cit3' today.
J. K. Keilhiey, the veteran editor
of the. Weeping Water Republican, i.s
iu lLo city- today on business.
CJoorjje I Vase is in town today on his
way to Red Cloud where he is moving
his Villisea stock of clothing-.
Tho M. i carried quite a crowd to
Oiuaha today' on account of its having
a late train returning toniphl.
Jarcd Core and Fred ltonne of Mt.
l'lcasanl precinct were iu town today
and made TiikNkws a pleasant visit.
The county commissioners departed
this evening for Omaha, where they
will peiid a few hours at the statu
f nr grounds.
The county clerk, J. M. Robertson,
had a pocket full of gold coin today as
evidence that the yellow metal is still
in circulation.
Tr. Humphrey went to Omaha this
morning to attend a meeting of the
state, convention of Homeopath ist--, he
being secretary of the association.
1 he lest stato fair Nebraska ever
had is holdi ng foi th to thousands of
people in Omaha this week. C-tss
county will send up quite a crowd.
The tile men and park men arrived
this morning U put the linishing
touches on the depot and de.Kt
grounds. The doj-ot will Miori tc ready
for occupancy.
J. i:. Marshall, of TliK News ofliec,
accompanied by his wife went to Om
aha this morning for a week's visit
with relatives and to attend the A'.-sar-ben
Uryan's neighliois are getting up an
excursion party of 3-" to visit McKin
ley at Canton. They will have a
special train chartered and no doubt it
will l)o a royal trip.
Ed Fitzgerald got some lime or sand
off of old plastering in one of his eyes
a few days ago, and inll mir.tion set in
which has caused him much trouble
and inconvenience.
Our friend Sheldon, the Vermont
capitalist, who spends several months
each year in this county was for free
silver and democracy, but it seems be
fell in the soup - up in his Vermont
homo. So mete it le.
The regular U. & M. train from the
ea.-t this morning was over an hour
late. Tho second section, however,
passed through on time with two
extra coaches, which were quickly
hllea with passenger? for the fair.
Sup l Ilawksvvorth today presented
Hen llempel for the t. A. K. museum
il niece of toard taken from the An-
deronville prison, which will bt
added to the war relics of which Mr
llempel has a most interest assort
in e u t.
S ito Holloway says the McKinley
boom grows like a snow ball rolling
down hill. As each day closes his
election is more certain and his ma
jority larger. The country oaght to
begin to take on new lifo soon at the
promise of McKinlcy's election being
so certain of fulfilment.
Win. F.dge.rton, who has been suffer
ing with the growth of a cancer on
his lower lip, had it cut out yesterday,
and is getting along nicely. Dr.
Cook, assisted by Dr. Livingston per
formed the delicate operation in a
skillful tuiiDocr, and it is to be hoped
the cancer may not break out some
where else.
Klienniat ixni Oirnl in ;t Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action u;oii the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and tho
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 eeuts.
Sold by F. G. Fricke .Jc Co., druggists,
I'lattsmouth, Neb.
oxygen starvation
You can starve the body in more ways than one;
you can give it food and not feed it. It needs oxygen.
The oxygon" you get from the air is carried to all parts
of the body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One
drop of blood contains millions of these. When these
are deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it
shows itself in general weakness, lack of appetite, and
loss of weight. What you want is something which
will make more red corpuscles.
of coddiver oil, with hypophosphites, is something
more than an oil. Its peculiar action depends on a
number of substances active principles which will
increase the red corpuscles of the blood. '
5ocrwi $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Knew M'hnt He Wanted.
A lartfe, portly man entered the drag
store and asked for 25 ciuiine pills.
"You mean quinine pills," remarked
the fresh clerk, with a grin of contempt
plainly showing itself uioii his face.
"No, I don't mejui quinine pills, " re
turned the customer, with Rome vigor.
"I asked. fr canine pills, and I want
them and nothing else. My dog is sick,
and I want to cure him at once." At
which the fresh clerk colored, deeply and
mumbled something about the other
having a cigar on him. Philadelphia
Thomu Hardy.
Thomas Hardy, the novelist, is thus
descriljod by a writer who- has recently
met him: "His cheeks are slightly
snjiken and his skin is sallow, speaking
of sedentary labors, the midnight lamp
and of a constitution that could not
support tho sustained straii of an ardu
ous task. Yet his cyrs toll another tale
and jiossess that phosphorescent light
that indicates energy. The solution of
these contradictory remarks must be
that he is mentally as robust as ho is
physically delicate. "
"Going the whole hog" was original
ly a piece of butclar'n slang. In the
colonial days of America purchasers
would frequently buy a whole hog to be
cat up at home; hence the butcher would
ask if the customer meant to go the
whole hog or wauled only a part.
If we hope for what we are not likely
iiIhkmss, we act and think in vain and
take life a greater dream and shadow
J;an it really is. Addison
Moving: In the Rowery.
There was a moving in the Bowery a
few days ago, and it was watched with
interest by a score or so of passersby.
A stout Italian bootblack was transfer
ring his stand to some other part of the
town. Jnst before the moving began tho
proprietor and his weazened little wife
stood Inside tho stand. The little wife
then put a dirty little pillow on her
head and stooped a tritlc. The husband
therenpon picked up the stand with diffi
culty and balanced it on tho little wom
an's head. Then he took the two chairs
and placed them cm tho stand in such
fashion as to secure them from falling.
Tho little wife, having straightened
up under her burden and made sure of
its equilibrium, started down the Bow
cry, and the stout husband followed at
ease, puffing a cigarette, while the spec
tators looked on amazed to discover tho
usefulness of a wife as a beast of bur
den. New York Sun.
Orrat Wear of Railroad Iron.
Taking the total length of the rail-
wavs of the world at even 60,000 miles
and allow ing a daily average of 10 trains
over each load, it is estimated that the
total loss of iron by wear and tear each
day of the yeur is not less than GOO tons.
The iron thus ltgoes back to the earth
in the shape of line powder, which is
finally trau.-f-irmed into soluble iron
salts. i't. Louis Republic.
George Eliot's portrait represents her
as bav iiig a rci:t.-;i katdy nnpreiossessing
face, vitli bijivy nose and chin and
thifk. badly sh:q-d lips. She would be
proi-.onm -d i-o.-itiwly ugly.
in I-mi tins ami rut of capital invest
ed ki e.etton factories whs $20K,000,000;
ten yeai s later it had ri.-eu to $334, 000.-
0'y.. '
llurnili For Vermont.
Vermont, which gave a republican
majority of l'.l.OoO four years ago,
now gives over "57,000 for the repub-
can ticket. This is a petty eloquent
straw arid it speaks volumes for the
certainty of an overwhelming victory
for McKinley in November.
1?5 in Ciolil tiiveiu
International News and Book Co.,
Baltimore. Md., are makit g a most
liberal offer of $175 to any agent who
will sell ninety copies in two months.
of their new book, "'Under Both
Flags,' or si gold watch for selling
forty copies in one month. This prera
ium is in addition to commission
Graphic and thrilling ventures of the
civil war loth sides. Every word
written by eve witnesses. Stories of
camp fires, comradeship, deeds of dash
and daring, anecdotes, etc. Hundreds
of war pictures. One agent reports
twenty-live copies old in two days,
another agent forty-two in four days,
Complete $1 oullit sent for 50 cents in
stamps. Write them immediately
Freight paid and credit given. This
is a splendid opportunity for students
and teachers during1 tho summer va
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
j -""V 0 'Ufc.l ICS
To Anoth
"Every Monday morning for two years I've used
SANTA CLAL'S SOAP always makes the
clothes pore and white without hard rubbing
8 2e?$fige53&.
soap has
colors in
fx: free
Iteatty's Organs and' Ii;mo.
lion. Daniel F. Iieatty, of Washing
ton, New Jersey, the great Organ and
Piano manufacturer, is tuilding and
shipping more organs and pianos than
ever. In 1870 Mr. Reatty left home a
penniless plow boy, and by his in
domitable will he has workod his way
up so as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of
lieatty's Organs and Pianos since 1S70.
Nothing seems to dishearten him;
obstacles laid in his way, that would
have wrecked an ordinary man forever,
he turns to an advertisement and
comes out of it brighter tuan ever.
His instruments, as is well know n, are
very opular and are to bo found in all
parts of the world. We are informed
that during the next ten years he in
tends to sell 200,000 more of his make;
that means a business of $20,000,000, if
wo average them at 100.00 each. It is
already the largest business of the
kiud in existence. Write or call upon
Daniel F. - Beatty, Washington, New
Jersey, for catalogue.
'iOO In iolt (iiven.
The International News aud Book
Co., of Baltimore, Md.. offer $2t0 to
any agent who will sell in three
months 225 copies of their book "Cam
paign and issues oi n. is. iuu,
graphic aud complete account of the
campaign all sides given. Beautifully-
illustrated. Biogrphiesof the leading
men in each party. The book of all
others to sell now. Freignt paid and
credit given. Complete outCt lo
cents. Write them immediately. A
gold watch given in addition to com
mission for selling 70 cooies in thirty
davs. Agents wanted also for other
books and bibles.
Legal Notice.
Notice to non-resident defendants.
In the district court lorCass county Nebraska: II.
T.McCorniack and hlla K.Mct.orniai k.plamtais
vs. Mary K. Keuneliy, J. I.. McCtirniack. W. S.
McCorinack and T. fc. McC'orniack, defendants;
To Mary K. Kennedy, J. L. McCi.rmack aud T,
K. McCorniack, non-resident defendants:
You are herebv tiotihed that on the 27th el
Aiicu-st. IK'.'., the ulaintitts filed a petition in the
ottice of the clerk of the district court oi Cass
county. Nebraska, askine tor the partition and
order- of sale of the premises, towit:
west half of the northwest quarter ot section
twenty-hve ("if) and east half of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-six (2f). all in township
ten yl norm oi ranee eieveu in; r-asi. in :
county INebraska. ou are required to answer
said petition on or before the 12th day of Ictober,
1 1 - ...... ..
ewo. ri. j. fii. -kii-
Ity Crozier & McCormack. their attorneys.
I'lattsmoutli. Iet., ept. 1. lxo.
Administrator's Sale.
i.. ,.i ,.,i, ;c.,..,t 1,,. o... r,,mii'
I.V II1UC ! mi ...v,.., mnnuu ... - I
i.wl.,o rA fate numlv. Ki-orpe M Sour ock. HI tlie i
,1 h . .' ' . . 3 m - I I I 't . 1 1 I I
matter of the estate ot John Holschuh. deceased.
1 will sell at public vendue tfie following personal
property belonging to said said estate as follows:
All grain, domestic animals, larm implements and
machinery, stovewooa, Cottonwood iumner, lence
posts and other articles. Sale to take place Sept.
22. ls'.ni. at 10 o'clock a. ni., at premises north
west of town.
.Theodore Starkiohn. Administrator.
Referees' Sale.
t'nder and by virtue of an order of the district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, duly entered
upon the 2-1 day of August. A. lsi, in an
action therein pending wherein I.udwig B. Kgen-
berger and wile, Annie r.. r.genherger, were
plaintiffs, and Anton H. Weckbach and wile, Mary
Weckbach, were defendants, which order con
firmed the report ol referees theretofore appointed
in said cau-e. and directed them to sell as upon
execution the lands described in their said report.
the undersigned referees will, upon the 3rd day ot
October A. !., lsyti, at l-fO o'clock p. in., in front
of the south door of the court house in Cass
county, Nebraska, sell at public vendue to the
highest bidder the following described real estate,
subject to all encumbrances thereon, to-wit-
The west half of lot three 13) in block thirty
three (31) in the cily of riattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, and the un iivided halt ot the partition
walls on the east and west sides of said west halt
of lot three 3 block thirty-three (33t I'lattsmoutli
Cass county. Nebraska, upon the following terms
and conditions, viz: fror cash. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Hated August 2.rth. 189C.
( J. W. Johnson,
Referees K. V. Hvfrs.
(Thomas. M. 1atteks n.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys tor l'lf.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk ot the district court, within
and lor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 2litli day ot September. A. 1.
I at 11 o'clock a. m. oi said day at the south
door ot the court hause In the city of 1'lattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following real estate,
Fractional lot 3 in section 7, town 12. range 14.
iu Cass county. Nebraska, lot 12 iu block 13 and
lot 41 in blick M." in the city ol 1'latt.sniouth. Cass
county, Nebraska, together with the privileges
and annertenances thereunto belonging or iu anv
wise appurtaining. The same being levied upon
and taken as the property of Katherine Keuland,
defendant, to satisfy a judgment of safd court re
covered by iVttibonc and Nixon, plaintifl's.
against said Katherine Keuland, alias Mr-, IVter
Keuland. Omaha Brewing association. John
Black, Samuel Grottelder and lewis Tachau,
partners, as Giotfelder "k Tachau. defendants,
i'lattsmoutli. Neb., Aug. 21, A. !..
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petition for settlement
ol final administration account. Iu the county
court ot Cass county Nebrask i.
In the matter ol the estate of J. I'reston Mef
ford, deceased. Kliza J. Atherton. John Mettord.
Teresa (Mellord)t'hapen, arah I Mettord) House!
Isaac Mettord, (ieorge G. Mettord. the estate of
John W. Gullion. deceased. Wm. Atherton anj
all other persons interested in said matter, arc
hereby notified that on the 15th day ot August,
IMfJ, A. C. 1-oder filed a petition in said county
court, praing that his final administration ac
counts herein, be settled aud allowed, and that he
he discharged from his trust as administrator,
and that if you tail to appear Ik fore said court on
the 12th day of September, 1-S:. at 10 o'clock a.
m. and contest said ietition. the court may grant
the praver ot said petition and make fucli other
aud further oiders. allowances and decrees as to
this court may seem proper, to the end that all
matters pertaining to said estate may le finally
settled ami determined.
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at I'lattsmoutb this 2ith day of August. A. 1..
Is'.r,. George M. Si-crlock.
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notce.
Notice by publication on petition for settlement
of final administration account. In the county
court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter
ol the estate of John VV Gullion. deceased. Mary
H. Gullion, James Gullion and all persons inter-
I 16XK&& swh 1
Woman I
have my washing done by nine o clock. This
never harmed the most delicate
my summer dresses, so it must
from all acids. I do wish you
send down to the Grocer
get a cake to try on your
next washing-day. You will
find a perfect Laundry Soap.
Sold everywhere. Made only by
11. iv rvuiuaua.
ested in said matter are hereby notified that on
the 21st day of August. Is'.Hi, James C. Stevenson
tiled a petition iu said ounty court, prayinc that
his filial administration accounts herein be set
tled and allowed and that he be discharged from
his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to
appear before said court ou the Jd day of Sep
tember, ls'.wi, at 2 p. m., and contest said petition,
the court may e ant the prayer ol said petition
and make such other and further orders, allow
ances and decrees as to this court may seem
proper; to the end. that all matters pertaining to
sail! estate may be finally settled and determined.
Witness my hand and beal of said court at
riattsmouth, this 2'rth day of August, A 1. lf.
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
To Adaline Crit'pcn. Gurdoii H. Crlppen. IJen
jamiii A. Gibson, Mary Gibson, Kdwara A. Bangs,
trustee, William C Crippen, Bradford Savings
Hunk is: Trust Co.. George Leslie and John W.
Mitchell, non-resident defendants: You and each
of you are hereby notified that ou the 14th day of
August, 1 siH. John H. J'ettibone and S. K. Nixon,
partners doing business under the hrni name and
style o f l'ettib one & Nixon, commenced an ac
tion and tiled a petition in the ottice of the clerk
ol the district court in and for Cass county. Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain tax lien against lots M aud 21
in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter
of section :t. in town lo, range 11, Cass county,
Nebraska Jatid also against tlieS-'outhwest quar
ter ot the northwest quarter of said section and
the west half o the southwest quarter thereof:
said lien being for tax certificate issued Nov. 6,
tor l.s! tax ou said land, Jf.74. and for sub
sequent taxes paid May 4th. 1"4, for tax
4;n"i, for Slv;n paid ay 10, lsx., for the ls4
tax against said land, and for $41.57 paid May 1st
ls for the l:i" tax against said land with 20 per
cent per annum interest ou each payment till
Nov. i;, l "v."i. and lo per cent annual interest there
after, and 10 per cent attorneys' fees on the
judgment and tor costs of suit. It is asked that
your equity of redemption in said premises be
foreclosed and anv claim or lien you may have
against said land be adjudged interior to plain
tilts' claim thereon, and it is asked that said
premises be soid to satisfy said claims with inter
est, attorney's fees, and costs of suit. ?
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday. thelth day of September. l9ti,
or the allegations in said petition wul be taken as
confessed and true, and Judgment entered ac
cordingly. You will take due notice and govern
yourselves accordingly.
John H. t'f iTiHONE ami S. K. Nixon.
by their Attorneys, IJeeson & koot.
i'lattsniouth. Neb., Aug. is, lv.;.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petition for adminis
tration of estate. In the county court of Cass
county, Nebraska. Iu the matter of the estate
of Christian Gauer, deceased. Christian Alex
ander Gauer.John Matthew Gauer and Anna Bar
bara Gauer and all other persons interested in
said matter are hereby notified that on the 3rd
d ly ot August. 1M, C. A. Gauer. John M. Gauer
aud Anna Barbara Gauer filed a petition in said
county court, alleging among other things that
Christian Gauer died on the 17th day of July,
Is'.;, leaving no last will and testament, and pos
sessed of real and personal estate valued at eight
thousand nine hundred dollars ($,'.hm), and that
the above named constitute the persons inter
ested in the estate of said deceased, and praying
for administration thereof.. You are hereby uo
tilied that if you lail to appear in said court on
the 1st day of September, lS'.nl, at 2 o clock p. in.,
and contest said petition, the court will appoint
Christian A Gauer, or some other suitable per
son, administrator, aud proceed to a settlement
of said estate. GkoRge M. Si'1'KX.ock,
County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtueof an order of sale lssuod by Goo.
F. House worth, clerk of tho district court,
within mid for Cass county, Ncbrttska.and to
(niedlro'tin, 1 will on thctli day of sept., A
I). WXk at 11 o'elook a. m. of said day at the
south door of the court house in the city of
, l'lattsinMi t h. in said county. s'll at uubllc
I mint Inn til IKw lii'.fwwt. liirionr for fJ4.Ol tlm
following described real estate, to-wit:
Thesou'h halftsK' of lots 1. 2 and 3 in
Dloek thirteen tl.f
Ki.i in the city or riatts
., - . .... - , ...i.U
"" m t-wunijr. -eur.-.K iu;riuciiiu
ttll Hml EltK'lllfirtl.l
all and singular the hereditaments ntid ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or In any
wise appertaining. The same being levied
upon aud taken as the property of V.
Ya na tia and K. J. Vanatta, defendants: to
satisfy a judgment of stld court recovered
0y I U .ries C I armcle as receiver of the
Citizens' Bank of riattsmouth, Nebraska,
plaint ilT; iigulust sail defendants.
riattsmouth, Nebraska. July 31. A. D ,
I;;. Harvey Homxiwav,
Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska."
Sheriff's Sale.
By v irtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk ot the district court within
and tor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the 5th day of Septemlier, A. I).
Is'.;, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city ol I'latts
moutli, in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wit: The noith half of lots eleven and
twelve (11 and 1). in biock thirty-six (.iH, in the
city of Biattsniouth, Cass cou uty, Nebraska, to
gether with all and singular the hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise n ppeitaining; the same being levied
upon and taken as the piope ty of Klizabeth A.
V oodson and James M. Woodson, defendants,
to satisfy a judgment ot said court recovered by
Charles C. I'ai tnele, as receiver of the Citizens
bank of I'lattsmoutli. Nebraska, plaintiff against
said defendants.
J'lattunioiith, Nebraska. July :il, A. I). 191.
Hakvky Hoi.loway,
Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
Sheriff S Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by
George F. I louse worth, clerk of the district
court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska,
and Mi me directed. I will on the 5th day of
fopt... A. !.. l'.n;. at II o'clock a. m. of said
day nt tln south door of the court bouse tn
the c.l v of l'l ittsinout h. in s.iid county, sell
at publie auction, to tne highest bidder for
cash, tho following real estate, tow.t:
The. southeast quarter iSK l) of the
southwe-t ju:.rter t"W of section thirty-
four i-il i. township thirteen (l.C range twel v e
ll"). containing forty acres more or less to-
cetln-r with ll mid singular tfie heredita
ments and arjpurtenariees thereunto be
longing r in anywise appertaining, Tho
same lictiiz levieil upon and taken as tfie
property r William A. it. I licks et al. ue
fenti.iiit: to satisfy a judgment of s lid court
recovered bv A. K, Wattle, pi :t In tiff, against
sates cieieu'lant.
I'iaiwiiouth, Nebraska, July 31. A. V. ls'.r.
1 1 A It VKT llol.I.OWAV.
Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice bv public tion on petition for settle
ment ol final guardianship at counts. In county
court, Cass county. Nebraska. In the .matter ol
the ci'ardiansh t of Robert A. Mitchell, insane
Julia M. Mitchell, executrix of the last will and
testament of Robert A. Mitchell, deceased, and
all other pcr-otis interested in said matter, are
ficrebv ie. ntied that on the .'lli Jay ot lulv. i!i.
David Miller tiled a petition in said county court
praying that his final guardianship accounts be
settled and allowed, and that he be discharged
from his trust as guardian, and that if you fail to
apiiear before said court on tne Ju1 dav of Aumist
I' 3 o'clock p.m. .and contest said petition, the
cou. t may g rant the prayer ol said petition and
make such other and timber orders, allowances
and decrees as to the couit may seem proper, to
the end. tha" all matters pertaining to said
guar. han , hip may be tiiiauy settled and deter
mmed. GEOKliE ,M. Sri'RLoCK.
County Judge.
- - Legal Notice.
Alice L. Mc Reynolds, defendant, will take
notice that on the day of April, 1S'i. James F.
McKeynolds, plaintitf herein, idea his petition in
the district court of Cass countv aeainst the de
fendant, the object and prayer ol which is to ob
tain a divorce fYom the delendant upon the
ground ot abandonment and rruettv. and that
the bonds ot matrimony between plaintitt and de
fendant may lie dissolved.
Vou are requited to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the ltth day .of September. 190.
Dated July 1, 1MHJ.
James F. McRkyKolds, Plaintiff.
Matthew Germg, Attorney.
At the Remarkably Low Price of $14.
I - j . -s'
J It 1 "i 5.
' 'fc r I 3 :
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t r f 1 ..-.- 1 ,
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1 1I32 ' .. "TK-iiM
2. rr rEr-L z- -rc .irr
Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs justi n.
J.I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
I'ald up Capital
Offers the very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds, (told, uoverement and loc
securities nought and sold. Deposits re
celved and interest allowed on the certti
cates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
II. N Dovey. I. Ilwkwurl Ii
Wtinuh, T. E. White, i. K. lvy
ttn. K, Itovej, I'ren. H. WaLgh, Cashier
II. N. Uorej Aunt. Canhtr.
are the most powerful, safe prompt and re
11 :i bio of this kind In the market.- The
oriicnal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your druggist if he don't keep
thorn. Write direct to us and wo will send
It direct upon receipt of price, 1, sealed, by
mail prepaid. Medical advice free, JACK
SON M KDICAL OU, Chicago. III., or our
agent, I. L, Snyder.
o UL It
13 (.mTi It
HiXrit.ADocr.5 cuoto row 33 lints
OR 0
w N.B. Don't take any substitute
S with the same name but different -t
spelling on which your druggist 5
imakes twice as much -5
An institution for thp Radical cure of Ca
rrr and Tniuora Withont tb one of a
Knife. Satisfaction (.aarantd.
We have never Failed to Effect a perma
nent cure where we have had a reasonable op
portunity for treatment. Book jeivinu de
scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment,
with terms and reference! free. Address
Kbonitniloah, Iowa.
The News for 10c.
1' ' '" "' " ' Ill-Mil "" " I mi m J..! ,,."
j ' " ' " ' ".
" - . "V" J- '" "'li'J'l' ''JT'. ''""V!-v. : t'1'-" 1 " . I
. . .. i S
, ,, iij
! ' :i' ;i.i-if
:i II::
Ki -
C&mplsxion Preserved
Ttcmove;Preckles, Pimples,
Liver -Mole?, Blockheads,
Sunburn ami Ten. and re-
storos the skin to Its origi
nal iroshness, iiroauciriR e
1 faoef --
nrTknr.tfiiiM nnif rwrfpftlv harmless. At all
druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Bend for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP U rimrly InonmparmhU u a
Akin purilvln Honp, niMquall for th toilet. Rod witixmt
tJ fur Th- nurpw rr. Ahuolutclr fnM and dvllcatel mtMSi
emtml. At driurit. Price 2 5 Cento.
The Q. C- BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
Instant Killer of Pain.
Internal and External.
-Hnrelltnm, Bttll Joints, VUL.1V ana
jhajvi' mminur, (jnoiera nor
:bu, Cronp.Dlptlierla, Bore Throat,
j tli.AiAC.Hi, as u by xuagto.
the moot Powerful and Penet rating Llulmentf or Man
or iiuast in existence. Ieorge 11 tUze awx, 50c aiio -.'tx:
Medicated aiid Toilet. The Great 8kln Cure anil
Face Beautlfier.. Ladles nil find It the tooki
delicate and highly perfumed Toilet Boap cm
the market. It la absolutely pur. Jienes lj
fibln fkAf anrl rtu! rflritnrM the lnpt com
fileaionf i a luxury for the Bath for Infanta,
t alay It oh 'nor, cleiinnes the fcalp and proaiOU
the growth oi hair . rioe 2So. i or Bale Dy
For Catalouge,!adares9
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N.
PIA KinC Ortcans, 35.00 upwrrds; want
I IrlriUO Agents. Catalogue free. Ad
ilrti liauiei K. Beaty, Washington. N. J.
ORIT.A N Q I'lanos, 225 upwards: want
UlXUTAllkJ Acents. Catalogue free. Ad
dress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J
RFATTV'Q I'lanos 'S25.00 upwards.
DLtt I I I O For cataloue address
call. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. N. J
un. For particulars, cata-
loirue, address or call, Daniel F. Beatty,
Washington, N. J.
DCATTV'O Organs 35.00 upwards.
DLrtl I I O Write for catalogu-;addres9
or call, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended, either
1 l' ! -
. "I1 A VI .
' li . J'
will do If ast" as a wash according to dl
rections: Drevent transmission of blood
diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic
ulcers, stricture, fissure or the hands and
feet. Eczema, Tetter, fea It Rheumatism. In
flamatlon of the Bladd er. Diseases of the
bones. Joints and muscles. Syphlietic In.
sanity, Scurvy, Scrofula in uiaoy forms.
The above and a hundred other forms of
disease are traceable directly or Indirectly
to Syphilitic Blooa Poison for which the
Dr. Jackson's Euelisu Saety Tablets is a
sure pre veotive. and is asafe Germ Killer,
rendering contairion hardly possible, hence
its value. If neglected such troubles resul
fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed VI:
boxes for 5. Medical advice free. JAOK
SOM MEDICAL CO., Chicago. 111., or our
agent. I. L. Snyeer.
01 iirr.Ki v
t a;
512 DAY
30ZZ DAY Kuri -lLJ'-'"-i
tn thirty days by a new perfected sc'entlHe
method that can not fall unless the case is
bevond human aid. You feel improved the
first day: feel a benefit every day; soon
know yourself a kins among men in hod y,
rrlnd and heart. Drains and losses ejjded.
every obstacle to happy married lite re
moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain
power, when falling are restored. If tin
elected such troubles result fatally.
Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
sealed for ft tit boxes for IS, JACKSON
MEDICAL. CO.. Chicago. 111., or oura.-ent.
I. I Snyder.
Tllnr mm m. b wrm
ror inrormanon ana free Handbook write to
MVUS it CO- asi BsounriT, Nw You.
Oldest bureau for aecnrtnit patenui In America.
Every patent taken out by iu to brought before
the puUio by a notice given free of charge in the
JtiMrfifir; msie an
tarirest ctrenlaHon of mny artmitlnr parter In toe
world. bilendldJy Ulnstnted. Un luu-Uirf-n
man should be without lb Weekly. f3 iiO :
year; ijo ox months. Adama. U DT CO
6 Al
..rrr tt t
i Scientific American
fj Aflency T
bnusBERS, 361 Brueday. Kw Vur