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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1896)
7i Y THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, OUTH NEB., SEPTEMBER 5, 1890. TtieSeml-Weeklu News-flerald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS . .0BY THI ... NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... Six Months, . me Week, Single Copies, SEMI-WEEKLT EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months, $5 00 2 50 10 5 SI 00 50 T LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. KEFl'IILICAN NATIONAL TICKET. For President, WILLIAM M'KINLEY. of Ohio. IFor Vice President. GARRETT A. HOBAKT. of New Jersey. State Ticket. For Governor, JOHN H. M'COLL. For Lieutenant Governor, ORLANDO TEFFT. For Secretary of State. JOEL A. PIPER. For Auditor, P. O. HEDLUND, For Treasurer, CHARLES E. CASEY. For Attorney-General, A. S. CHUCHILL. For Supt. of Pub. Instruction, H. K. CORBETT. For Commissioner, H. C. RUSSELL. For Supreme Judges, ROBERT RYAN. M. P. K1NKAID. For Regent State University. W. G. WHITMORE. Congressional Ticket. ' For Congressman. First District, HON. JESSE B. STRODE. County Ticket. For County Attorney, s A.J. GRAVES. For Senator. J. A. DAVIES. For Representatives, T. T. YOUNG. E. A. POLLARD. County Commissioner. Second District, GEORGE V. YOUNG. Do YOU hear very many people com plaining about their dollar purchasing too much when they go to spend it' We don't think. TnE sixteen to one you hear people talk about h abeen fi cured out to mean that there will be sixteen men out of work to one employed if Bryan is elected. One of the best documents that could be sent outduring this campaign is McKinley's letter of aooopUnca. It contains facts and figures that cud not be denied. The newspapers over the parts of the state where Judge Scott is mak ing his free silver speeches give that gentleman such warm roasts that he will not get cooled off before spring. The Central Nebraska Republican, published at Grand Island by Seth P. Mobley, is doing more good work for the republ lean ticket than any paper in the state. Mobley is a good writer and is onto the situation. I-F A gold dollar is a 200c dollar, how does it happen that all other art icles made of gold are cheaper than ever before? Goldsmiths would like to discover where the appreciation of the yellow metal comes in. Globe- Democrat. The Illinois democrats have a good opinion of each other. Ex-Congressman Foreman, among other things, charges Governor Altgeld of mist sing the state's money during the present term. Altgeld has a whole lot of bidb to answer for. "Let no act be done, no policy be adopted, no expedient resorted to,that will tarnish the honor of this great 'republic," is the adfice of John Sher man. It is gratifying to know that thus far in the history of the country every party of repudiation has been wiped out at the polls. It Isn't anywouder the people of Lincoln feel sore when they contrast the actions of their candidate for pres ident on the pop ticket, and the candi date who resides at Canton. Hundreds of people visit Canton every day, and Mr. McKinley's residence is of some value to that city. Bryan is putting in his time chasing around over the country placing himself on exhibition making a cheap show of himself and is of no particular benefit to the place of his residence. Ex. It is estimated that McKinley's ma jority in New York will run above three hundred thousand. More than a hundred thousand has been added to the estimate since Bryan read his es say in New York City on account of the fact that he fell so far short of ex pectation and so much below his reci - tation delivered at the convention at Chicago. His quite brilliant recita tion had caused him to be greatly over-estimated, but his essay dispelled the illusion and gave his true meas ure. CHETEiJNE county, wnich was some what affected by the popular craze at the tima of Bryan's nomination, is fast recovering itself, and will soon have gained all and more than was lost. The people are beginning to think, and the more they think the more con vinced they become that free silver is not what they want so much as they do an opportunity to earn an honest dellar. This opportunity will of course come with the election of Mc Kinley and thd starting of the mills and factories thatare.npV idle.--Sid- ney Telegraph, nor THE REAL CAUSE. Jn December, 1892, President Harri son sent his annual message to con gress. In reviewing the condition of the country he wrote as follows: 'There has never been a time in our history when work was so abundant, or when wages were so high, whether measured by the currency iu wnich they are paid or by their power to supply the necessaries and comforts of life. The general average of prices has been such as to give to agricul ture a fair participation in the gen eral prosperity. The new industrial plants established since October 6, 1890, up to October 22, 1892, number 345, and the extensions of existing plants 108. The new capital invested amounts to $40,44G,080,and the number of additional employes 37,3S5. During the first six months of the present year 135 new factories were built." This is an accurate review of our condition then. That prosperity was achieved under a republican adminis tration and under the existing money standard."' The fact that such prosper ity resulted proves that our money standard is not the cause of present depression. Under the same standard our prosperity will return again. It is folly to try reckless financial ex periments when the present standard has been tested and found satisfactory. The panic of 1893 was severe and its effects are still felt. Let it be remembered that the panic of 1857, 1837 under bimetallism were far worse. Bimetallism is not proof against industrial disturbances, as ex perience shows. Lincoln News. The idea that they can pay their in dobtedness easier with a 50 cent doi lar than with an horrcst dollar is quite a fetching theo'y with many people who like the idea of repudiation if it comes in a manner sanctioned by law What silver you have in your pocket is with one blow robbed of half its pur chasing power as you must know, hence there is no benefit -from that source. But how are you to get any of these cKpap dollars? The mine owner who has become a millionaire is of no benefit to us now, why should he be of any more benefit if his fortune were doubled. Did any silver mine owner ever make you a present of a dollar, do you think anyone is likely to do so? No you must give labor or eorn or wheat or some other product in exchange for the dollar. The mine owner even under the new order of things will not require an additional bushel of corn or pound of pork. He may employ a few of the hundreds of idle men which now throng the min ing regions but the benefit from that will bo infinitesmal. The practical effect of it all will be that a few dema gogues may get into ofllce on the flimsy theory that the common people are to get something for nothing, but the danger comes in the immediate removal of $010,000,000 .in gold from circulation, contracting our currency, unsettling values and incitiug a panic that would send thousands of thrifty people into bankruptcy and financial rirtn. Every monied interest in the country realizes this and opposes the robber standard. Is it likely that these men of money will invest a dol lar or start an idle wheel when .their interests are assailed? The very es sence of the present silver agitation must react against labor, as it pre cludes the possibility of men in vesting their money to give more enr ployment. The gold standard means return of confidence, it means the in vestment of idle money. It means work at good wages for the industrious and general prosperity for the whole country. The mortgage indebtedness of Ne braska is about 8110,000,000. It is a large sum of money, and it would hurry us some if called up to liquidate inside of thirty days. But let it be known to the world that Nebraska has live stock enough to pay every obliga tion and have some left. It has houses and lands worth $1,500,000,000 and a crop on hand that will easily yield 50, 000,000 at present prices. A re turn to normal business conditions will make it possible for any indus trious farmer to gradually pay off his "national debt" and have a lot of property at the "close of business" to divide among his sons and sons-in- law. The democratic party cannot be trusted with legislative power if our people hope for a return of pros perity. It has existed during the past forty years only as an organized pro test against every measure calculated to assist the struggling masses to higher planes of living. It killed reciprocity and closed the markets of a dozen foreign nations to the pro ducts of Amcriean farms and factories. It wrapped its bony old fingers around the throat of home industry and vir tually said to" our people, "Buy of England or go without." Now, the leaders say that new issues have arisen, and they have arisen to meet them (as they did the tariff issue in 1892.) Farmers of Nebraska, would you trust the gang that stole your hogs to stand guard over your hen roost? Would you trust the doctor who gave you croton oil for an emetic to prescribe for you hydrocyanic acid as a rostorative ? No, you would send for the oJd family physician and con fess to him that you had been imposed upon by a quack. You would beg him to help by scientific medication or make your last hours as easy as pos sible. This country has had enough of doubtful experiments and will re turn the party to power, that believes America is large enough and! strong enough and patriotic enough to pro tect her home industries without wait- iog for the aid or consent of any na tion on earth. State Journal. The party of the best money, the best wages and the best men can truth fully be said of the republican party. PS Lvnns Sun. Four years prices of everything- was too high because ot pro a. a: wp. miivif Tinvt free trade to, malce them inuu, cheap. JNow he says everytning- is too cueap anu we f must have tree trade tomaKemem nign. r our years fM aj-o he laid all our ills at the door of protection, now IM he says they are due to the gold standard. Was he jM lying- then or is he lying- REPUBLICAN PLATFORM IN BRIEF. .1: TarilT, not only to furnish ade quate revenue for the necessary ex penses of the government, but to pro tect American labor from degradation to the wage level of other lands. 2. Reciprocal agreements for open markets and discriminating duties in favor of the American merchant marine. 3. Maintenance of the existing gold standard and opposition to the free coinage of silver except by interna tional agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world. 4. Pensions and preferences for veterans of the union army, 5. A firm, vigorous and dignified foreign policy "and ah our interests in the western hemisphere carefully watched and guarded." 6. The Hawaiian islands to be 'con trolled by the United States; the Nicaraguan canal to be built; a naval station in the West Indies. 7. Protection of American citieens and property in Turkey. 8. Reassertion of the Monroe doc trine. Eventual withdrawal of Europ ean powers from this hemisphere and union of all (English speaking people on this continent. 9. The United States actively to use influence to restore peace and give in dendence of Cuba. 10. Enlargement of the navy, de fense of harbors and seacoasts. 11. Exclusion of illiterate and im moral immigrants. . 12. Reapproval of the oivii service law. 13. A free ballot and and honest count. 14. Condemnation of lynching. 15. Approval of national arbitration 16. Approval of a free homestead law. 17. Admission of the remaining ter ritories. representation for Alaska abolition of carpet-bag federal officers. 18. Sympathy with legitimate ef forts ot lessen intemperance. 19. An inconclusive but sympathetic reference to the "rights and interests of women." There ought to be a joint discus sion arranged for between Sewall and Watson, and on behalf of the latter gentleman we hereby challenge Mr Sewall to a discussion of the issues in volved in this campaign. The head of the ticket should not be made to furnish all the amusement for a weary public while the tails remain idle only as ornaments. 1 HAT news from Vermont is too good to talk about, and next Tuesday Maine will add her voice with in creased force and volume for sound money. The attempt to array the rich against the poor,, and vice versa. has proved a failure. Au revoir, Mr. Bryan, your mellifluous voice is not sufficient to draw men 'from correct methods of doing business. Buvan is likely to realize sooner or later that he lingered too long in the "enemies country." He should have quietly remained in the country of bis friends and allowed his friends to call upon him. It is never good policy to desert ones friends in the hope of placating ones "enemies." Young as he is Bryan should have been old enough to haye known this. Tub First National Bank at Beatrice one of the heretofore strongest insti tutions of the state closed its doors yesterday. The Smith Brothers had weathered the storm it was thought. but the guarantee of payment of int erest on western loans swamped them Their eastern creditors were willing to wait but the free silver scare fright ened them and the result is that Mr, Bryan's beautiful(?) panacea has al ready begun to get in its worK and one of the wealthiest banking firms in the state is financially ruined. The Chinese embassador, Li Hung Chang, who is now visiting in New York, is favorably impressed with the United States. The people of New xorKgave tne uninese statesman a royal weloome. Last Sunday he visi ted Grant's tomb to pay his respects to the dead general, to whom Li was Vgreatly attached. General and Mis. Grant being hie guests when they made their tour of the warld in 1879. Li Hung Chang also visited Mrs. Grant when she presented hiin with a steel engraving of General Grant He will p.-oeably return home by way of Seattle. It IS absolutely true as remarked by a prominent advocate of sound money, that: There is no country on the face of this earth, 1 care not where you go, there is no country that opens its raiuts to the free coinage of silver but what all other kinds of money than sil ver,and promises to pay in silver, have tied the land. You cannot' go into a country of this earth where its mints are open to the free coinage of silver and find a gold dollar circulating among the peeple. Not only this, but you cannot go todayinto any country on earth that opens its mints to the free coinage of silver but what your dollar, gold, silver or greenback, will buy twice as much as the best dollar that is in the hands of the people of any of those countries Republican clubs have already been organized in twelve of the siztoej pre cincts of Saline county. They will all be fully organized in due time. ap-o Mr. Bryan said th " . . " . , V to now .' WHO? Who was it buck in Ohio, When but a youth resolved to go And battle with his country's foe ? McKinley. Who, when the clash of war was through. And bold secession kissed the dew Became a statesman tried and true ? McKinley. Who labored with an earnest will. To boost the country up the hill. And drafted the McKinley bill, McKinley. Who never altered his belief. When free trade breakers led to grief. But steered his party o'er the reef ? McKinley. Who often has been known to say. As strong as any A. P. A. "Stand up for our America ?" McKinley. Who, when convention heats are run. Is sure to come out number one. And distance every fav'rite son ? McKinley. Who is the man to win the day And give protection proper sway When Grover leaves for Buzzard's Bay ? McKinley. A. A. Rowley. Christian Hoience. Services held at Christian Science I reading room and dispensary, No 1001 Main street, near High school, as fol lows: Sunday school at 11 a. m., Sun day evening service, 7:30; bible lesson Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend, to listen or take part as they may foel inclined Rooms also open daily from 1C a. in. to 9 p. m. to those seeking health or truth. "Science and Health" and other works of Rev. M. B. Eddy, on sale. Didn't Even Know Him. A peculiar appearing man wearing a prince Albert coat of the vintage of 1837, which he wore tight buttoned and for headgear he wore a stylish silk tilo was seen lingering around the county judge's aCice yesterday and in some way the word got out that he was a long lost uncle of Mrs. Hasse from Australia. A reporter for THE News was detailed to interview the gentleman and found that, instead of his being an Australian that he was a lawyer from a town in Missouri, and the accommodating probate clerk de nied even a speaking acquaintance. Of unusual interest to every reade of this paper is the announcemen made elsewhere in this issue by the St Louis Globo-Democrat, unquestionably the greatest of American newspapers. The mail subscription price of the Daily and Sunday Globe-Democrat is reduced at one blow, from twelve to six dollars a year, placing it within the reach of all who desire to read any daily paper during the comming great national campaign. The Weekly Globe-Democrat remains at one dollar a year, but is issued in Semi-Weekly sections of eight pages each, making practically a large semi-weekly paper This issue is just the thing for the far mar, merchant or professional man who has not the time to read a daily paper but wishes to Keeppromptlyjaud thoroughly posted. It is made oup with especial reference to the wants of every membor of the family, not only giving all the news, but also a great variety of interesting and instructive reading matter of all kinds. Write for free sample copies toGLOBo Print ing Co., ST. LOUIS, MO. Whips! Whips! Whips! August Gorder has some surprising bargains in whips. Ho sells the com mon whip at two for twenty-five cents; a first-class rawhide center whip for twenty-five cents; one of the best for fifty cents, and the very best whip made for seventy-five cents. Come in and see tbem at old stand of Fred Gorder & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb. Cheap Rates Via the Itarllngton. For the occasions shown below the Burlington route will sell round trip tickets at one fare for the round trip: State G. A. R. reunion. Lincoln, Neb. , Aug. 24-30. Dates of sale Aug. 24 to 29; return limit August 31. National republican league. Mil waukee. Wis., August 2o-27. Dates of sale Aug. 23 to 24; final return limit Aug. 29. In a recent letter to the nianufac tubers Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rushford, N. Y., says: "It may be a pleasure to you to know the high esteem in which Chamber Iain's medicines are 1 eld by the people of your own state, where they must be best known. An aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iown, was about to visit me a few years since, and before loavlng home wrote me, asking if they were sold here. stating that if they were not she would bring a quantity with her, as oho t id nnt 1 1 Iff t.n Tw urlthnnt tham " U U " - - w WW W . 1, . The medicines referred to are Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of colds and croup; Chamber lain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame bacx, pains in the side and chest, and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrnoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. These medicines have been in constant use in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. The people have leajrned that they are articles of great worth and merit, and unequaled by any other. For sale here - by all druggists. Marvin Brosdbontand Winino Sar gent of Cedar Rapids returned from a huntins trip to the northern partof the state. The boys Jeport an abundance of game in that section. I &4 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. The following proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter set forth In full, are submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted npon at the general election to be held Tues day, November 3, A. D., 1890: A loint resolution proposing to Amend sections two (2). four (4). and five (5.) of article six (6) of the Consti tution of the State of Nebraska, relating to number of judges of the supreme court and their term of office. Bo It resolved and enacted by the Legists tore of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section two CO of article ix rtii ot the Constitution or tne mhw of Nebraska bn amended so as to read aa fol Irt lira ? Section a The snpreme ooart shall nntil other wiso provl Inil bjr law, consist of five Co) 1ui1ks. a majority ot whom Rtiall ne ne- aary to form a quorum or to pronounce a decision. It shall haye original jutualtion in castas reliant; to revenue, civu cases in which thr state shall tie a Dart v. mtinrtamin nun warranto, habeas cnrim. and nu-h appellate jurisdiction, aa may be provided by Section t. That sectlim fonr (4) f article six C" of the Constitution or tho htnte of Nebraska, be amended suns to read as fol lows: Section 4. The Judges of the KUpn-me court shall lie elect.! hv the elector.-i or the atntA Inrirft. And thftr tTin f office ex cept aa hereinafter provided, shall be for a 1 . . - 1 . .1 A .... rZ ...... n . peritHA (a utiit iii uirai uo vy v - .w letrlslatui'e may prencrllx-. Section a That aet-tloa five (?) of nrtlo e lz (0) at the (Jonstltuuon ox tne ntate w e- braHka, lie amen 10a to reaa an i niow : Section 6. At the flrsS general election to be held in tho rear there tthatl be eU otinl two CO Juiltfeu of the fcupreme court one ot whom wnttu De eieciea ir a term 01 two C-i jeans, one for the term of four (4) Tears, and Kt each Citieral election th?ro- after, ttera whall be elected one jndtre of the supreme oottrt for tho term of five pj yenr, umen (n-iwrwio p.oviii'i '' law: Provided, that the judged of lh-. su premo court vrh'wo terms have not expired at tne tl:ne of noiaing tne general elec tion of 1801. whali continue to hold their office for the remain ter of the term for which they were respectively comiuu stoned. Approved March A. D. 1895. A joint resolnnon proposing an amendment to section thirteen (13) of article six of the Constitution of the Bttvte of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of supreme and district court Judges. Bo It reifWved by the Ijokdature of the Sttt os aMoura jmt: S.'Otion 1 That secMon thirteen O-O of article arc (n) of th Ovitditution of th.? htate of Nobra-k be amended so an to road an t l- 10 wa: Sife. K! The Jtvlgod of tho aunronve and district courts shall roceice fof their services ach com pens itio:i aa rn'iy bo provided by law, payable quarterly. The legislature HhiUl at ltd first so-ision affcr the adoption ot tins amendment, threo-fiftllrt of the member elected to ca-h houie otwicurrim;. establish th'-ir wbmpensutiwn. The compensation so es tablished shall not be chunked oftener than onea In four years, and in no event unless two-think of thn members elected to eaeh houaa Ot the legislature concur therein. Approved SfBrch 30, A D 1805. A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) of article five (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, reluting to com pensation of the officers of tho executive deportment. Be It resolved aud enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: faction 1. Th-t section twentr-four C-'4) of article five (T of tho Constitution ot tho State of Neoraska be amoudod to read as fol lows : Cwttoa M. Tho ofli!ors of the executive department? at the 41 ate" (forernincnt shall taoelTe fat their ser vices a 00m pen nation to be etubllHhd by low. whl-h shall be neither laoreatod nor diniinishixl during the term 10 which ther shall hive been com tnliHione'd and they eh Ui not re reive to their ovm tne any fees, costs, interests, upon public moneys Id their hands or under their control, perquisites ot ofll re or other compen sation and all fees that may here after be payable hv la-v f;r services fierformed bv art officer provided for in his rirti 'a whnll i naid fn advance into tho state treasury. The legislature whall at it first session alter the adaption of this amend ment, three fifths 6T fho members elected to ea-h house of trio legislature con curring. twtabhVh h"e salaries of the officers named in th",s artiele. The coin jvii.Atlon so osl a!fished shall not bo chnngod oftener thnn diice iti four rears and in no event ontes two-th rJs of the members elected to each holism of the legislature concur therein. Approved March to A. D. 1395. A joint resolution proposing to amend section one (1) of article six (G) of the Constitution of the State of Nebras ka, relating to judio'al power. Bo it resolved and enacted by the Legisla ture of th Btue of Netraika: Section . That section on" (I) of article six fB) of the Constitution of the Sta e of Nebraska be amended 60 1 ead as follows : HcfeuMi 1. The imti -iil mwAr of this Ht,:ite sha)l e vestea lb a supreme court, district courts, county courts justices of the pboo. po'li-e magistrates, and in surh other courts Inferior to thj supreme couit as may De ereatea Dy law m wnicn two-tmras or the ineiabe.B elected to each house concur. Approved March 20, A. V. 1806 A joint resolution proposing to amend section eleven (11) of article six &) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to increase in num ber of supreme and district 'Court judges. Be it resolve 1 nnd enacted by th Legislature Section r That section .uveri or krtiole six (TO .f thi Constitution i f the fctate It Nobrasfca to amended Po real a 1 Section H. The teste ature. -whenever two- third.1) of Iflrt m..3uers elHctett to each house ahan Cdpcur therein, may. tp or after the year ima tfioUHBud elht hundred and ninetv -seven sua noi oivnor tnan voce m every lour years increase the number of jtbWes of su preme and district oourfs. and the judical te rorinea ol compact territory, al bounded by rbu.'ity linns; and sm-fa in crease, or aar chnnize In The boundaries ot a district. Khali not vacate the office of any Approved flwircn sj, A. i. tao. A joint resolution proposing to amend section six (6) of article one (1) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to trial by jury. Jt ltwesol ved aud enacted bv the LeztsUtur fectlon 1. Ina3 section six (fl). srtlcle on. It) of thb Constitution of the State of Ne brASabe Amended .o reifd as follow: section 0. "The rlcM of trial b jury smui remain Inviolate., bus tho tecis.afure may pro Tide that in civil actions flve-sUths of the jm y Ef eQder a Verdict, and the leisiaturo may auihpriae trial bv a Jury of a less immWr i twelve men, in courts Inferior to the dis trict court. Approved Uarch SO, A D. 1803. A joint resolution proposing to amend section one (1) of article five (5) of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat ing to officers of the executive depart-xnent. for Infants and Children. CggHlrtTY yearV observation of Castor! n. -with the ratr'n,tc f J millions of parsons, permit n to speak of It without cnwl n f. . It la nnqweatlonaMy the best remedy for Infanta and Children the world ha ever known. It la harmleaa. Children like It. It gives them health. It will wave their Uvea. In It Mothers havo something which U nhwolntely aafe and pntotically perfect h- n. child medicine. Castorla destroy Worm a. Castorla allay a Feverishnesa, Canto ria prevents vomiting Sonr CnrL Castoria enrea Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castor! a relieve Teething Tronhlea. Castoria enrea Constipation and Flatnlency. C astoria nentrallwa the effects of carbonic acid gaa rp oi son on . 1 r. Castoria d oea not contain morphine, epinm, or other narcotic proport y. Castoria asiimilatea the food, regnlates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is pnt np in one-size hottlea only. It ia not sold in hull. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or iromie that it is " Jnat aa good " and " will answer every pnrj'O""-'! See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-U-I-A. T1 4 l , -w dUrnatnre of Children Cry for Be it rewired nnd enacted by the Legisla ture of the Sta oof Nebraska: Heetlon 1 That section one (1) of ar ticle Ave f?) of th- ton.stiiution of iho Mate of Nebraska l-o amended to read as fol lows: Section 1 Th" cxecniivo depnrtment shall consist of a Roveinor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of stfe. au iurrof pnb'ic accounts, treasurer, su o.lnton ieut of pubd; in struction, attorney (? uerat. commissioner of publio binds nnd buildings, and three railroad roinmisiton ;s. ou h ot whom, exci pt tha sail rilnal commimiouein. shall hold lits offieo for a term of two years f-oni tho flrst Thursday after the first Tuesla in January. after his election, sn l until his successor s elerto t and q ,n.ifl.-xl. Ka -h ri.ilroad com missioner snail hold his olUco for a term of three years bemnnin on the first Thursday after the first Tues.l iy in jii luiiry a' ter his election. und nntil his sueona sor is ele to.-, nnd quiiflod: Piovldeil. however. 'i"har fit tho first general ol o tion held after tho adovtio i of this amend ment there hs.l be oiectea three ruliioad oommlsslo ior. one for the period of one year, one for th; period of two years, and one for the p -rlod of three years. Th Rv eruor, secretary of state, auriltoi of pub lio accounts, and treasurer t-hall nwide at the capital during their term of ofll'-: they shall kee, the public reuords, ixxiks and papers there au l b)iiii perform such du ties as may be required by 1 1 w. Approve! h 30. A. D. 189X A joint resolution proptisinar to amend section twenty-six (2P) of ar ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebr;tsk:i, limiting the num ber of executive state oflicers. Be it resolve 1 and imettxl bv tho Lei;. lslature of the htnto of Nebraska: (section 1. That section twentv-six rjlTi of article five (:-,) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows: Section 3". ro othor executive stnte offi cers except those named In so tlon ons il) ot this article t-lmll b.; ereetoii, i-x-i-iit by an act of th-i legislature whi.-h Is concurred in by not lesn thuu three f .urths of the members elected to each houso thereof I 1 rovided. Tliit anv )fncd created bv aa act of the legislature m.iy be nlMiiished iy the lesislaturu, two-thirXs of tho imm- hers elected to emh house thereof concur ring. Appioved March 30. A. D . 18i A joint resolution proposing to amend section nine (0) of article eight (8) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, providing for the investment of tho permanent educational funds of the state. Be it resolved and enacted bv the Legisla ture of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section nine (0) of article eight 00 of tho 1'oiKiiiuMui of tho State of Nebraska te amended to read as fol lows: Section 9. All fnn is belonuiriir to the state for educational purposes, tho interest and income whereof .nly are to be use 1, nhull be deemed trust funds held by the st ite, and the state slvtU supply all lossi-s there of that may in any manner accrue, so that the same shall remain forever inviolate and undl.-ninish -d and shall not tie in vested or loaned except on Unlt-sl States or state so.'urities. or registered county bonds or registered srho .1 district liondtof this state, and su h funds with th i inter est and income thereof are hereby solemn ly pledged for the purpose i for whl hthey are granted mid set aiuirt. nnl shall not be transferred to any oihor fund for other uses; frovldod. The hoard created bv section 1 of this article is einjiowered to sell from time to time any of th'? securities Wlun'liM to the permanent s hool fund nnd invest the proceeds ail tins therefrom in any of the securities ennmerared in this setttion ls;ar lnz a hicher rate of interest whenever an opportunity for bolter investment is pre sented; And provided further. That when any warrant upon the state treasurer reg ularly issued in pursuance of an appropri ation by the legislature and secured by the levy of a tax for Its payment. Khali be presenti-d to the state treasurer for payments and there shall not be any money fn the proper fund to pay such warrant, the. board created by section 1 of this artic.e rosy dire -t the state treas urer to pay tha amount due on su h war rant from moneys in hi- h-.nds lloiiKlne to i he per.naneut school fund i.f lh hihIm, and he fhad hold said warrant ns au in vs:ment o.' a 1 ih nu met s h kiI fund. A;.proVe.l ftian-h 2J, A. i laitj. A j.i:it resnlntioti propesiiifj afi anvMidnn-iif to the C'i)!-t l u!i"ti f f lie Stii'e of Nel)i;u-ka by .iil-iitiej a new secrion t ariicio tn)v(- 12) of said constitution to be iiuiuIk-ii i sis-tion Wo (3) relative to the lin-Jing of tlie goveriimenr f ritu-n .r ilie meiio pol.tan cl.t-.a iiiiii tl' govoi !i i I'tit oi the counties whtnin puch cities are located. Be it resolve I and enacted by the legis lature of tho n.ninui Neiji-ask i: Sec; i m 1. Thlt ail-:e (1.) of ihe Oolisll Uilon if th-: .Jt::e 'if Na. f sia Is amende'.! y a di m t-sintl arti b? n n w -ei-tion t. e fiu'ii'M'i ed s.s!iion nv (2) . r ad as follow s : Recti in 2. Th government of any c.iti of the itictropo nan css and the p..v- eminent of the eoiuity in It rh it is lo -ate t mil' l;e uvii;l vli .i. or iu pai t h -n a u to do h-ts tei-a .sui.iuli.e.i n nnmon or law to tne voters of such cit mil louuty aid re ceive l h-i ass 'lit of a m J u-tly of the voles cast In s.u h tit. aid nl-o a neiioritt of 'he volei ra.t in tho eoivit ex nislve of ihoie cast in su h metioii-i.iia.i city at -uch ele ii i.'i. Approvetl Mir. h 2j A. D. !.-.". A joint resolution proposing an is on every wrapper. L&V -rVX Pitcher's Castoria. aniendment to section six (0) of ailii le seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, prescribing tho manner in which votes phall lie east. Be it reolvisl and enficf.-d by the legislat ure of the Htutrt of : Section 1 Thit seetlon six (fi) of urtlols even (7) of the Constitution ol the hints of Nebraska be ainemlod to real as fal lows: SeetlonO. AH votes sh ill bn by ballot, or snch other method as may lie prrncribmt by law. provided the secrecy of voting be prefiervHl. Approved 81 irch 1. A D 1K95. A joint resolution proposing to amei.d section two (2) of article four teen (14) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relative to donations to works of internal improvement and manufa.-torlra. Bo It resolved and enaered by th.i Ijoz Lslature of tho State of Nebraska : Suction 1 That Mc;iou two (J) if article fourteen (11) of th ) CViiistitminn of th- L State of, be ameudeal to read iclr follows : Sec. 2. No city, county, town, precinct, municipality, or other subdivision of th state, shall ever make donations to any works of internal improvement, or manufai-t' ry, unless a proposiMoa so to do shall have boon firnW tod to ths oie tors and rTiitloii l.y a two thirds vote at an election by authority f law; Provideil '1'hat stnh donution of m county with the donations of such nuuli visions in the aKtrrrgntn hhuil not ri ! ten nr ci-nt of the assessed valuation f i such ooimty; Provided, furiber, Tht mhv . city or eounty may, by a tliroe-fouriin vote. Increase HUh ln.lebtis1n.M9 flv per cent, in addition to such ten tier sent mi i no bond or evidences of indelitedues s i Issued shall l valid unless th' same h I hnve endorse 1 th-reon a strtina e . lt . - 1 by the secretary and or ef M;t. siiowliiK that the same la issue! pursu uu t.j law. Approval Murch 29, A. D., I'jOj. I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska are true and correct copies of the original enrolled and engrossed bills, as passed by the Twnty-fourth session of the legislature of tho fc'fato of Nebraska, as appears from said original hillsY.n file in this office, nnd that all and each of said - a - - amendments are snbmitted to the qualified voters of the Stato of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to bo held on Tuesday, the bVl day of Novemler, A. D., lS'W. Iu testimony wheroof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 17th day of July, in the year of oor Lord, One Thou sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six of tho Independence of the United States the One Huadred and Twenty First, and of this state tho Thirtieth. (Seal.) J. A. PIPER, Secretary of State. Ir. Marshall, Oraduate Ilentist. Dr. Marshall, fino gfold work. Dr. Marshall, gold anJ porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, tooth without plate-. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fiilint's Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect titting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest aonliancea or firht Jass dental work. We have f 100,000 to loan at a low rato of Interest on well-improved farms. Tiik National. Exchanok Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. lMgiish Spavin Liniment removes al Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Illomifhes from horses, IJlood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Done, Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolcn Thronts, Coughs, etc. Save $.V) by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Illeraish Cure ever known. Sold by b G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts mouth. When Baby was sick, wt are her Castoria. When she Vaa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, Khe clun; to Castoria. VVhea she had QJldren, she gave them Castoria.