Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 02, 1896, Image 4

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f n immi ii it ii ii it i? ? i nnnn
Semi-Weekly Mews-Herald,
THE EVENING NEWS. mim. uakfield's furtux-e.
MONDAY, AUGUST 31. 1806.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Help swell the crowd at the repub
publican club tonight.
Attorney W. F. Moran is up from
Nebraska City today attending court
Wendell Foster of Lincoln is in the
city for a visit with friends,
For exchange, cord wood for a good
horse. Enquire at Thk News office.
Get your abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Vass. Office in Buiggs build
ing. .
The Cabinet, made by Otto Wurl, is
the best nici.el cigar sold anywhere.
Try it.
Frank Green went to Ft. Crook this
morning in the interest of the World
Herald. Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable
abstracts of title. Office in Briggs
C. Houel, the Platttmouth miller,
was an interested visitor at the state
fair today.
Colonel Frank Ireland, the Nebraska
City attorney, is attending to business
in district court today.
Ike Cecil went to Omaha this morn
ing, where he will do some worn for
the company at headquarters.
Frank Griffin of Maryeville, Mo., is
attending to business in the city and
is registered at the Perkins.
The Epworth league held a very
pleasant social at the home of Mrs.
Drew on Vine street last evening.
Mrs. Sam Lfinkle of Ilavelock ar
rived in the city tftiis morning and
will visit friends for several days.
Music Lessons on Piano,Guitar and
Mandolin. For terms call at St John's
Convent,corner Oak and Sixth streets.
Lohnes and Will of Eight Mile Grove
purchased a steam thresher last week
and are operating it in their neighbor
hood. The regular meeting of the republi
can club will be held tonight in their
room on Lower Main street. Every
body should attend.
Philip Stoehr, one of Eight Mile
Grove's prominent farmers residing
near Cedar Creek made The News a
pleasant call today.
Frank Benfer, formerly of this city,
but new located at Murray, was a vis
itor at the state fair yesterday, and
stopped off here, enroute homo.
Fred Stadle man's lunch counter is
open again, where yuu can get some
thing nice to eat, and baking will be
done on order. Opposite Halt's meat
Pass the good word along the line.
Piles can be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applying De
Witt's Wbitch Hazel Salvo. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
"Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!"
so said De Witt's Little Early Risers
to the man who had taken them to
arouse hi? sluggish liver. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Miss Mary Jamison was an over Sun
day visitor in the city, and departed
last evening for Tipton, la., where
she is engaged in the city schools for
the coming year.
Persons who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation in the throat, may ovorcome
it at once by a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
William Gilmour and wife, John
Cummins and Jap Young were among
mo umana aeiegauon mis morning
who were going to be in attendance
at the pioneer day at the state fair.
Small in size, but great in results.
DeWirt's Little Early Risers act gent-
Stao Has an Annual Income of W21.000
and Lives In Oulet Comfort.
Mrs. Garfield is living quietly at her
old home at Mentor, in the suburbs of
Cleveland, and the place has been
much improved, says the Washington
Po9t. It is now one of the beautiful
and comfortable farm residences in
Ohio, and an ideal place for a quiet,
retired life. It is only fifteen minutes
from the cars to Cleveland.
Mrs. Garfield is a rich woman now,
but her wealth came with her sorrow,
ner early days and, in fact, all hor
life, even up to the death of her hus
band, were passed in the closet
economy, and she was often deprived
of the comforts and luxuries that
usually pertain to people of her station.
General Garfield nevor had any
thing but his salary. He was an open
handed man, genorous and careless
with his money, and wjs scarcely
over able to make both ends meet. But
Mr. Garfield now has an incomo of
$16,000 as interest from the fund that
was raised for hor by Cyrus W. Field
after the assassination, and a pension
from congress of $5,000, which gives
her $21,000 a year to use as she pleases
and she does not spend one-fifth of it.
All of the children are well fixed.
Mollie, the oldest child, is the wifo of
Stanley Brown, the representative of
the Alaska Commercial company at
Washington. James and Harry ate
practicing law in partnership in
Cleveland, and are rapidly making
both mono jT and reputations. James
is a member of the Ohio state senate,
with an excellent record. They are
both splendid follows, and promise to
be useful and famous men.
Gen. Garfield had more money a few
days after his nomination than he ever
had at one time in his life. He reached
Cleveland from the Chicago conven
tion with just $30 in his pocket. That
represented all the wealth he had in
the world except his mortgaged home
at Mentor. Knowing this circum
stance, Sylvester T. Everett, the
Cleveland banker, in whose house ho
was a guest, started out one morning
with a little subscription paper, and
came back with ten $1,000 checks, one
of which bore his own signature. He
fixed ud a bank book, with a package
of bank checks, put them in an en
velope, and at the first opportunity
banded the package to Garfield, with
the remark that there was a little pin
money for his personal expenses dur
ing the campaign, and an explanation
Mr. and Mrs. Coates Entertain a Large
Company of Young People at the Klley.
Mrs. W. W. Caates, in honor of sev
eral lady friends and relatives from
the east wno have been visiting her
for a few days, gave a dancing party
at the Hotet Riley last evening. The
decorations on the second floor, where
refreshments were served, demand
special mention. Elegant and expen
sive palms were artistically placed
about the hall and such rooms as
were thrown open while Duchess and
Safrano roses were plentiful in every
available space. At the east end of
the hall in a bower of vernal beauty
the punch bowl was located, filled
with a refreshing and palatable drink
In the room ndjoiuine, dolicious ices
and cake were served to all who
cared lo indulge.
The floor was cleared in the dining
room and office, which made an ideal
dancing room, and to the dulcet noies
of the mandolin nnd guitar the merry
devotees of terpsichoro kept time with
flying feet.
The midnight hour too quickly came
but soon after the guests dopartod for
their homes, more than delighted
with the hospitality of their hostess.
Among the many invited guests we
note the following:
Mrs. and Mrs. W. L. Pickett, Mr.
and Mrs A. L. Shewey, Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Brown, and Messrs. Jno. Cole
man, Henry Tartsch, Geo. Spurlock,
Will Streight, Dr. Humphrey, Henry
Weidman, A. R. Eikenbary, Henry
Goos, France Ballance, Con Coffey,
Harry Green, Frank WThite, Will
Hyers, Chas. Howe.JTom Parmele,
Clayton Barber, Carl Fricke, Emil
Wurl, Jno. Cagney, Dave McEnteo,
Chas. Vallery, Lee Atwood, Casper
Thygeson, Misses Josephine Hill,
Lafayette, Ind., Lena Gnam, Clara
Gnam, Carroll, la.. Balance, Mae Pat
terson, Menota Eikenbary, Alice
Eikenbary," Nettie Morgan, Fanny
Richey, Tony Kessler, Minnie White,
Mia Gering, Barbara Gering, Bur
gess, Shepherd, Fricke, Sullivan,
Mabel Hayes, Verna Loona-dT Ella
Clark, Ella Eikenbary, Pheme Rob
bins, Cummins, Boeck.
Friends of Elder and Mrs. Vontzy Give
Them a Pleasant Surprise.
Yesterday was the tenth anniver
sary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Youtzy and in order that this
fact might not bo overlooked by them
their friends, to the number of about
ninety, called on them in a body last
evening. It was a total surprise to
them, but they proved themselves
equal to the emergency and right
royally were their guests entertained.
After the crowd had been sized up it
was found that their home was in
adequate in which to properlv enter
tain them and so they adjourned to
the church where the evening was
pleasantly spent in social couvorseaud
also in inspecting the contents of
numerous well-filled baskets that the
laaies naa taken tno precaution to
The tenth anniversary calls for the
"free and unlimited coinage" of tin.
and as a consequence Elder Youtzy
and wife had tinware this morning of
, . ; 1 1 l . . .
cvury conut'ivuuio description, i a
late hour tho crowd dispersed, wish
ing the elder and his estimable wifo
many more anniversaries of their
wedding day.
Lrss Than Half Kates to St Paul, .Minn
is otlered by the Burlington route,
August 30 and 31, on account of the
National Encampment of tho G. A. R
Tickets, sleeping car reservations and
full information on application at any
agent of the B. & M. R. R., or to J.
Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Cheap Kate to Denver, Col.
For the national Eistedfodd to be
held at Denver, Sept. 1-5, tho B & M
will sell round trip tickets for one faro
plus $2. On s ile August :20th to Sept
1st, with final limit of Sept. 10th.
VV. LPlCKKTT, Agenf.
Cheap Ktes via the Missouri l'at-itie.
One fare for round tiip to St. Jos
eph, Mo. Tickets are to bo eold Sopt.
5th-to 12ih, inclusive.
One fare for round trip to Kunsns
City, Mo. Tickets are to ho sold Oct.
3th to 10th, inciuive.
C. F. Stoutenuokol'oii, Ag't.
K. and L. of Security.
On account of a nuraher -f members
intending to be out of tho city Thurs
day night it is deemed advisable to
convene tho Knights anu Ladies of
Security upon Tuesday evening.
?ept a. w e win elect otneers upon
that night and each member is
C. II. Parmele was out on the btreet J earnestIi' requested to bo preen t. By
today in a carriage. He is lowlv re- order ' the president.
covering from his recent illness.
'r1 v. in... i . .
j.uo i juiisiuouia uun ciuo naa a1
ehoot at blue rocks down below the
new depot this afternoon, but tho hirh
wind preventod any record breaking.
lhey were still shooting as The
News went to Press.
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Every oll smoker
Knows mere is none just
as good as
1 n
You will find one coupon inside
each two ounce bag, and two cou
pons inside each four ounce
bag of Black well 's Durham.
Ihiy a bag of this cele
brated tobacco ami read the
couKn which invcs a list
of valualde presents and how
to get them.
Mi . vc
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) . ,
Lucas County j "
J. Cheney makes oath tnat he is the
senio partuer ol the urni oi r . I. Chenev & Co..
duiiiK business in the city of Toledo, county and
HANS H. GOOS, Proprietor.
Their Seventh lilrthday.
Earl Butler and Ramond Travis hav-
ing attained to the dignity of aseventh
birthday yesterday, celebrated the i
event by inviting twenty of their
young friends to spend the afternoon
with them. Lots of fun was the ver
dict of the following who were present:
C. E. Wescott and son Earl will do-
part tomorrow aftonoon for Chicago
where Mr. Wescott will make his fall
purchases of clothing. He will also
meet Mrs. Wescott, who has been vis
iting for the past six weeks in Indiaua
and Chicago, and she will return
homo with them.
T 4 - 1 . . .. 1 I - .
iw wuuiu iiitru to convinco a man
suirering from bilious colic that his
agony is duo to a microbe with an ud-
protiouncable name. But one doso of
DoWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure will
convince him of its power to afford in-
-A. A 1 ? . T . 1 . .
siani renei. it kiiis pain. t . u.
Fricke & Co.
wnenwo consider that tho intes
tines are about live times as long as
tho body, we can roalizo the intense
suffering experienced when the3' be-
inflamed. De Witt's Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues inflammation at once and
state aforesaid, and that sa;-.' Ilrm will pry the
c i V I. til!VIlJl.Ii t I j t I f lit." i . l.
an-' every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
Sworn to before me and subscribed in niv nres-
ence, this 6th day of December A. I). l!stf.
Seal A- Vv. (,LhAht)N.
rVilMrv I iiiilu:.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internallv ai.d acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials, free.
r. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
sola oy aruugisls, .c.
Best Si Per Day House in the State
Thoroughly cleaned and refurnished. A nieo table and pleasant
rooms. Bar in hotel storked with pure Liquors and
Cigars. Corner Third and Main-sts.
Eli Hill, Lumber City, I'a. , writes,
1 have been suffering from Pils for
twenty-live years and thought my case
incurable. DoVitt's Witch Hazel
it i.
oaive was recommonaeu to me as a
pile cure, so I bought a box and it pot-
lorracu a permanent cure. ' This is
only one of thousands of similar cases.
Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield
quickly when it is used.
Removed to New OuarterK.
Will P. Cook has moved his tonsor-
ial parlor to tho room under Morgan's
store, and would bo glad to meet his
old-time friends and the public tren-
orally desiring 'ork in his line.
W. D. JONES...
Ciss County's
I Oldest : Liveryman,
If tek ordnrg
C ill nnd got
EST riirs for Weldings, Funjr.ils or P:e;turo Parties, ate
attended to promptly. Terms ro isonaltln. C ts'i preferred
rates. Telephone 70.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds of goods and farm stock
disposed of.
that not a penny of it was to be spent Florence Baird.Ethel and Alice Kemp- completely removes the difficulty. F.
for political purposes
When the general realized the
amount and the nature of the gift, ho
fell upon Everett's neck and wept like
a child. Ho. said that the greatest
load ho had to bear had been taken
from him, for he had been laying
awake at nights wondering how ho
was going to meet his personal ex
penses during the campaign. He said,
too, that he never had so much money
before in his life.
6tor, Jean Morresey, Carrie Greer.,
Treesie Hemple, Georgia and Lucy
II ay, Alma Ellingson, and Masters
Paul Morgan, Harlan Snyder, Otto I
Brinkman, Willie and Louie Eggen-
berger, Horace Dunn, Loon Burton
and Clarence Staats.
club with
Iluntly has a McKinley
about 100 members.
Beemer boasts of one of tho best gloe
clubs in the state and tbey are all
staunch republicans.
Wayne Williams of Woodruff fell us
he was getting out of a wagon, Mon
day evening and cut his face quite
The sheriff contest in Hayes county
has been decided in favor of Orr by
the district court. The case will go to
the supreme court.
The farmors of Dawson county are
now busy at work in the hay fields.
j. ney report tne nay crop as very
large this season.
Arthur Warner, an employe of the
Lexington mill, had the misfortune of
dislocating ooe of his ankles while
handling flour last Friday.
Little Roy Balden of near Arcadia
ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion, I burned his foot very badly by pulling
dyspepsia and constipation. Small I tne Pu out of the washing machine
pill, safe pill, best pill. F. G. . Fricke and letting the boiling water onto it.
Co. Thousands of tons of hay are now
The ladies of the W. R.C. requested being put upon the Buffalo Flats and in
the members of the G. A. 11. Post to the Beaver valley. The hay in those
meet with them this evening to ctle- places ia clear of weeds and will make
four tons to the acre.
A horse attached to a cart occupied
by two little daughters of Andrew
Finney of Holbrook became frightened
and ran away. The cart was over
turned and the little ones badly
shaken up, but escaped serious in-
UlHtrict Court.
The case of the State of Nebraska
vs. Eli Jones, which was on trial yes
terday, was given to the jury about 5
o'clocK. This is tho case wherein the
defendant was charged with assault
upon Mrs. Lulu Kamge and her
sister. Miss Carnes, last winter.
About 9 o'clock last evening the court
and defendant's attorney were notified
that they were ready to return a
verdict and court was opened for that
purpose. The verdict of the jury was
assault and battery. Judge Ramsey
has not yet sentenced Jones.
Urowiug iu t-opulitrity.
Miss tannic Bates is growing in
popularity as a reader and is deserved
ly popular on concert programs. Miss
Batos h as a winninor manner, an in
telligent conception of her work and
considerable versatility. Omaha
At Tresbyterian church Thursday
evening, September 10th with Kathe
rine Collins, soprano, and Charles
Keefer, pianist.
Seats on sale at Lohnhoff's Monday.
Reserved seats 35 cents, general ad
mission 25 cents.
G. Fricke & Co.
I'eople who have visited Omaha
this week state that it is worth the
trip to see the decorations alone in the
city. At night three rows of incan
descent lamps, representing tho state
Tair colors, rod, greon and yellow, are
to be seen, while each business houso
is profusely decorated.
The CaKH County Dairy,
i-t ... . - .
r.veryming clean iresn and pure.
Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered
at your door every day.
U. b . Dean, Pro .
Ice Cream Parlor.
Jonn iscniappacasso has refitted his
ice cream parlors for the summer and
will sell five gallons of tho best cream
tor 4, or $4.25 delivered. Twenty -five
cents per quart. All the tropical and
reasonable fruits in variety at lowest
prices. .exi aoor to tienng's drugstore.
We are anxious to do a little good ia
this world and can think of no plcas-
anter or bettor way to do it than by
recommonding One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventivo of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow ncfrlccted colds.
F. G. Fricke and Co.
ii optiin wins ine victory in Cuba it
will take more than tho island is worth
to reimburse her for the expense of
carrying on the war, without reckon
ing the brave Castilian livos as worth
the powder it took to blow them out.
THE BtSTis what the reopio
buy the most of. That 8 Why
Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest
(Special notices under this head will be
charged tor at the rate of H cent per word
each insertion.)
Legal Notice.
Notice to non-resident defendants.
In the district court lorCass county Nebraska- 11
T.McCorniack and Klla E.McCormack,plaintins
vs. Mary fc.. Kennelly, I. L. McCorniack. W. S
McCormack and T. . McCorniack, defendants';
t o Mary fc.. Kennedy. J. L. McCorniack and T.
fc.. McCorniack. non-resident defendants
You are hereby notified that on the 27th of
August, 1K96, the plaintiffs filed a petition in the
unite ui mi: tiei 01 me district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, asking for the partition atid
iuci ui sie 01 me iouowing premises
wesi nan oi me norinwest quarter of
iweniy-nve and east halt of the
l tu Hoarders by the day or week. One
diock irom the court house; pleasant rooms.
r-nquire at ine xsews.
Don't Alakc Ms MLstake
Of thinking you can't afford
to attend the 'M Statu Fair.
Tho truth is you can't afford
to stay 'iway.
It iii.ikcs no difference :s
to what busine.-s you f.tliow,
your knowledge of it, your
interest in it will be greatly
increased by what you see
in Omaha, August "24 -September
And tho low rales and spe
cial train servico offered by
make tho matter of reaching
Omaha a very cheap anu
easv silTair.
Th onTy itn Cim .n
Corns. Mnpi all pun. IMikni raav. Uts. ml Oriii'ffKla.
1 1
Haip ralsam
yimnmn mod rxwitinea xh hale I
I-mciKiti m luxuriant growth. I
rinver Kail a to Ii Oml
- . . j . 1 1 ivuiaiui voior.
CuiM Ktlp drimuH hlllf talluifc
"o.nd f 1 at Pnirpn'
(1 UHfc
PjelttPPNsumptive cr
Irutipmwtinn, fruitful Ilia or Jx bihly o Hit kin
fAU.n.VH.'B UIWOEtt TON lO. Mnny lm wrr Ijol.
The Chicago Chronicle
Democratic Newspaper.
It Is Not Republican.
It Is Not Mugwump.
It Is Not Populist.
It maintains the Democracy of Jelln dii Jack
son and J il.ien. believing- it to be the salvation .,f
the Kepiiblic. It i.s thriefore or.posi.1 !
lsni, J-rec Silvcrism a-iii ki',.
No dollar is too good lor an Anicrirau 'Sun. ni
cotics free. Address
101-100 Vahlnfrtm Ht., Vhii ngo, ill.
brate their Tenth anniversary at their
hall at 8 o'clock. By order of com
mittee. Mra Marion Keefer of Lincoln visited
her sl9ter Mrs. George Sayles of Cedar
Creek last week. Mrs. Keefer doesn't
loots any oiuer man sne aid j.i years
ago when living with her parents at I Juries.
lilfllKlHIR. I A rw . i . . . l
i " -""i-M'r-' v-urresponnenr. out in
From all accounts Chamberlain's I Wheeler county says he has been
Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the af- I threatened with a lynching party on
flictedV There is no ad vertisement I account of some expression of thought I peaches.
Iteacly For School.
With a large and carefully selected
line of slates, tablets, pens, pencils and
school supplies. We have a complete
stock of school books lor country
schools. Special prices on chalk,
black board. erasers and country school
supplies. Lkhnhoff Bko.s,
quarter of section twenty-six (26), all in township
ten (10) north of range eleven (11) East, in Cass
County I.Nebraska, hm are ri'imirrH r.
said petition on or before the 12th day of October
1S. H. T. McCohma. k
. Ki la E. McCormack.
iy v,rozier oc -vicvorniacK, their attorneys
I'lattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 1, 1NH6.
FUK SAUt-A nice farm. 100 acres improved,
near Central City, in Alerrick county. Six
miles from railway depot. Will be sold on la-
vorarjie terms. Call on or address . E. Gai-kn,
FUK SALfc-A brick house, three lots, good
barn and outbuildings, lots of fruit to: only
yyiy hi umc .ii ine iews omce.
Rates $1 and $1.50 per Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
f-T"v nwtgtnnl nt ilnlr Jt-milit.
lruirtH lor Chlrkettrr m Infl-M V
mnttd Hrnn4ln ! wnt ivtiliryjf
, aratad with hi... riM.m . 'i,.L.
tltmtnnd imltM,nm At llrudwl.l.. ft mrn 4c.
in itarrii ft rtirnli,ni, teiiimuUli ao.t
Mltell4f for l-a'tlf-a in Uttrr. t.y rrtura
MifcIL 1 fk-fl 1',-jiLliannUla
.am r tiiftda, fa.
II -
lalil K. mrft
L boy's coat and a gray shavvl.
I coiner
A. t lorn cys - t-L n w
John Robbins, sr., and Will Rich
ardson are home from a pleasant trip
overland down into southern Gage
county,wnore they went after peaches.
They found plenty of fruit at fifty
cents per bushel, but it was of an in
ferior quality. They went several
miles east before they found first class
Administrator's Sale.'
Uy virtue of an order issued by the county
judge of Cass county, fieorge M Spurlock, in the
matter of the estate of lohn Holschuh. deceased
1 will sell at public vendue the following personal
property belonging to said said estate as follow--All
grain, domestic animals, farm implements and
machinery, stovewood. Cottonwood fimih..r ...,,-..
posts and other articles. Salo to tot- 1
"IZ. ltt, at 10 o clovk a. m.. at DremisM norKl
t r v vi tew u
On the road west of town. Wednesday a
anu a gray snawi. i lie nnder will
great favor by leaving same at Nkws
I record books belonging to Svea I
u-ouge n tnis city. Ihe hnder will be re
warded by leaving same at News othce.
WANTED Washing to do for private families, i
Eeavc orders at Ned Baker's fruit stand.
UOUSE-CI.EANING.taking down stoves or any
I kinu oi wort aone. vnyone wanting mat kina
t,.,.,,., Ct. , , . . I in worn uone win uo wi i" u or auaress
- -.y. c oiABMuiiji. -Aaministrator. I KUdow Brothers.
I'lattsmouth, Neb.
about this; we feel just like saying it
The Democrat, Corrollton, Ky. For
sale by all druggists.
A new sidewalk was put down in
front of the First National bank to-
and conviction, but he will continue in
'the same old way until the self-ap
pointed ushers of a bright hereafter
make their appearance
Sent It to Ills Mother In Urrmaor
iir. jacoo Lsbensen, who is in tho
employ of the Chicasro Lumber Co., at
Ues Moines, Iowa, says: '-J have just
sent some medicine back to my mother
I morning and several more people wentl personal U,e to 1
on the 2:22 train. Only one coach was I in the world fot
About fifty tickets wern Rolrl fn v.
day, much to the satisfaction of the state fair at the Burlington dnrv. I in the old country, that I know f
mi.- . . I . . " 1 a I .
DuiunruuB pouddli inua. xne art work
of Uncle Perry Gass, to which he has
pointed with pride, was taken away.
Mrs. M. S. Briggs and Mrs. Tomlin
son departed last evening .for Salem,
Ia., where they go to witness the mar
riage of their two younger sisters,
which event takes place this evening.
They will Tisit relatives for several
weeks before returning.
bo the best medicine
r rheumatism, havinr?
attached to the morning train and it I U3cd il in my family for several years.
n I ..11. r. Ifl PA Ofl iknmkA.l.i-K , .
w no iuuest capacity I v' OIUwriilin 8 -t ain ijaim
was crowded
l- 7 . 1 r .
wuou it teii nere. Uurine- the
maindar nf tha tuaah-
uuwovor, ample
provision will be made for the accom
modation of the crowd.
Fresh Oysters In all styles at
lleinrich's restaurant.
It always does the work." 50 cent
bottles for sale by all druggists.
Mrs. Phoebe White and daughter.
Oquawka, Ills., are visiting the for-
Jake mer'a sister. Miss May Phelps, in this
mnt Ii
Omaha, Thursday evening, Se
tomber 3. What a crowd it will
attract I What a royal spectacle
it will be!
Ask the local agont of tho
for full information about spe
cial State Fair trains nnd low
State Fair rates to Omaha.
Office over First Natinnnl rimi.
Coal. Genuine Canon City Co&l
Leave orders at F. S. White'.
House and Sifjn Painter
Chester's Compound Extract of Celery
good as any other preparation of the kind
Legal Notic-.
i-eruiiiHiui j iiuii.siiaunin. Oi-I-niI:iiir t-.-.
nonce iiiHi on me -.mi uay oi July. iMKi Marie
rfliio-sliaupth, plaintitt herein, hied hrr
; .Jt...:n. . . I ... 1
III llie UIMI1LI LUtlll OI laSS COllllttf I.,liruuL".
I against saiu ueieiniant; tne oliject and prayer o
which is is to obtain i divorce from the defend
11- umii i.,c k"uu ii Hoaiitionineiit lor more
man two years iai past, ana such otli.-r r,. i..f
to ilu; court niav seem iusi Ami mhi1'.i.i.. v....
are $ -qui red to answer s-aid petition on or before
ine iwi uay oi sepieinner, IMl'ft.
t MARIE 1'KLL'CSIMUPIH. I'lailltilf.
Matthew Gcrintr, Attorney.
the market, and stand
ready to refund your money if it does not benefit you as much as any other
Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, loss of appe
tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, eta
A Great Netvj Tonic and System Renovator.
It Makes Weak People Strong.
Woodmen of the WorM.
Attention Sovereigns I I will bo at
my office at A. Clark's grocery store,
east of the court house on Main street,
every Wednesday and Saturday from
7 to 8 p. m. to transact all necessary
and special business that may come
O. Guthmann, Clerk.
TectH Extracted Without Pain
AH Dental operations performed in tlie
best possible manner by the latest scien
tific methods. A guarantee with all work.
rar. le U an eonntr and eut eonrU. tMrii
- x- vuuwuoill,