31 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-H KHALI), PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., SEPTEMBER 2 1896. THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF UNRllfl'S COMPETITION KILLERS. A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. W omai ther : CITY AM) COUNTY SATURDAY. I). ('. McKntee went to Omahn to day to help Mr. Conc9 out at the Hotel DcMone during L:vle fair week. A. L. Decker one of the stauncb re publicans from L,Uity precinct wnsin town today arid made TllK Nkhs a plea-;int call. Mrs. Chas Kail a and little d:tu,'iit.-rs went to Lincoln on the mominpr train and will spend the day with Hie for mer's mother. Fred Kthoredo of Greenwood, a cous n of l?ei t McKlwain, wiio was in atterxlance at the Kndeavor conven tion, is n over Sunday t'uest nf the latter. Lute lloodecker of Louisville was in the city yesterday and had Dr. Cook perfor in a surgical operation for pile?, which resulted in great relief for him, he having been a severe su fferor. . Hilly Stitzer, who was employed in Henry Doeck's furniture store for several years, came down from Uni versity Place awheel yesterday. He is running a repair shop at that place. Kev. F. II. Freund arrived home last evening from a delightful trip with Mr. Queurean up through the lilack Hills and across Yellowstone l'ark. He left Mr. Q. at Sheridan, Wyoming. Most of the Grand Army boys who were in attendance at the reunion at Lincoln returned home last evening and are highly pleaded with the meet ing. It was well attended and every body had an enjoyable time. Quite a number of people went to the fair on the morning train and several more went on the afternoon train. Tho gentle shower of last night served to lay tho dust and make it very pleas ant for those who attend the fair. The two sisters of Mrs. Brlggs, Miss Helie and Llsie Ozbun who have vis ited here, will be married next Wed nesday evening at the home of their parents in Salem, la. Mrs. Uriggs and sister Mrs Tomlinson, expect to be in attendance. County Treasurer A. U. Fiketibary returned home last evening from a brier, though pleasant, visit up at Hot Springs, S. I). He found Mrs. Win. and Mrs. Henry F.ikenbary there recueratin nicely with the effect of climate and medicinal waters. Miss Kate Wharton, who is well known to a ereat many of Plattsmouth young people, having taught short hand hero about four years ago, was married in Lincoln Thursday to Mr. Wallace Crnndall. They were both employed in the district clerk's office. The young friends of Thomas Keppel planned and successfully cirried out a surprise nart v on him at the home of - r his parents on South Fifth street last eveniner. A large crowd was in at tendance and tho evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the young peo ple. Frank Green returned yesterday from Northern Iowa, where he has been acting as agent for the World Iter.ild. He :xpecl9 to go up into the Mack Hills country the first of the week to act in the same capacity. Of course Mr. Green is confident (?) that Uryan will carry the day in Iowa. D.in McCallen, Alex Clif'on and K. K. Forerty are among tho Ilavelock contingent who are in the city laid up for repairs. McCallen had the mis fortune to get a pieee of steel in one of his eyes and Fogerty gets up and down the street by the aid of a cane as a re sult of a sprained ankle, Alex Clifton has been in the. "lack shop" for about ten days, the hot weather having about worn him out. Everybody fo inclined up in the Sec ond ward can smoke ten cent cigars for a week, at Joo McMaken's ex- pense, u account 01 me arrival m .t eix pound girl and a seven pound boy at his residence this morning. Dr. Cook was there and can testify that none got away. Uncle Henry Mc Makcn only regrets that the boy can't vote for McKinley this fall, but he shouts lustily for him already. Wes liarr, who makes a practice of getting a larger load of "the oil of everlasting happiness" on beard than ho can handle when he comes to town, was in the city bastile serving out a tontence. Coon Vallery,his employer. came to town yesterday and paid his oxygen starvation You can starve the body in more ways than one; vou can tcive it food and not feed it. It needs oxyp-en. The oxycrcn you iret from of the lody by tlie red drop of blood contains millions of these. When these are deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it shows itseli in general weakness, lack ot appetite, and loss of weight. ' What you want is something- which will make more red corpuscles. of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, is something more than an 01L Its peculiar action uepenus on a number of substances active principles which will increase the red corpuscles ot the blood. 5oc. .nd $..00 1 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. fine and secured his releasn, stating that he needed him to run his thresh ing maohiue engine. Iiarr is a good man and is all right as long as he stays away from town. MONDAY. John O'llourke of Kansas City, a former Plattsmouth boy, is visiting with the family of Asher Clark in this city. Miss Mary lieu Cher and her two sis ters from Dead wood are in the city visiting Mrs. Joe Droege and other Plattsmouth friends. Plattsmouth people to tho number of twentj--five or thirty drove over to Clenwood yesterday to inspect the $150,0(10 fire at the feeble minded ins titute. The Hardy Herald sa'p there are miles and miles square of good eorn and oceans of feed everywhere about there, and about one Russian thistle to where there were ten million last year. The first fall invoice of emigrants came in from the east this morning, consisting of ten covered wagons with good horses and plenty of household goods. Nebraska is all right, and the eastern people seem to be find in g it out. In districtcourt this afternoon Judge Sullivan offered for filing a bill of ex ceptions for tho Morrisey case. At torney Clark objected on tho ground that tho legal time in which tho bill of exceptions could bo filed had al ready elapsed. Tho objection was sustained. J. W. Wainscott brought a sample of his peaches in today that, for seed lings are tho nicest wo ever saw. One of the largest was SI inches in circum fr.'mcc. This seems to bj a great year for poaches, and no doubt prices will place this choice fruit within the reach of every body. A license was issued Saturday .to - - i Andy Graham, acred 44, and Itetta Price , aged 3S, The happy couple were maricd yesterday afternoon at ono o'clock at the icsidenco of the bride's brother. James Price, down on tho ''Island. " Tho groom is a pros perous farmer on tho Iowa side of the river, where the happy' couple will begin housekeeping. John Denson was in Glenwood Sun day and reiorts that John Giodin,who committed a brutal assault upon old man Stearns, from the effects of which ho died, and who is now in jail with a charge of murder hanging over him, I is coiniT insane. Bv those who are I best acquainted with Goodin thought he is feigning insanity. it is A Kuunins Meeting. J L Hoot, Jake Beeson. Pete Eve lahd and Chas. Bobbitt drove down to Union Saturday evening, where a rousing republican rally was held. Prominent speakers from Nebraska City were present and entertained the large audience present with an able discussion of tho issues of the campaign. J. L. Ilot made a strong argument in favor of republi canism and a tumid currency. John Davies being present in tho audience was called upon and made a brief speech. A McKinley club with a large membership was organized. .liinlhcr JUn Found (iuilty Ilajekiah Elliott, tried in district court SatUl day On the charge of lldul-1 . t ,t ,...:!... 1 .. .i. r 1 I wr-v Kuuy "'"j'-l I - " - Ulre IiamSCV Sentenced him to pay a , j.w" -i. . r ne of 20 with COStS Ol prose J fl cution, amounting to 30 days in jail. As money or friends ho Si 20, and u he has no Will nave to lay it out in i iil r.nir- j iii, reiiuir ing about i days. He has been in j til six months, awaiting trial. whicn will make his penally severe, rather than light. Kltrmiiat inm lured In a Iay. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and 'Neuralgia radically cures in ono to three days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and tho disease immediate! v disappears. The first doso greatly benefits, 75 cents S0!1 ny r . Ii. f riCKO OC uruggints, IMattsmouth, Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria the air is carried to all parts corpuscles of the blood. One mutm 1 "Every Monday morning for two years I've used SANTA CLAUS SOAP always makes the clothes pure and white without hard rubbing soap has colors in free would , and Iteatty'n Organs and I'ianott. non. Daniel F. Boatty, of Washing ton, New Jersey, tho great Organ and Piano manufacturer, is tuilding and shipping more organs and pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Ilealty left homo a penniless plow boy, and by his in domitable will he has worked his way up so as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty's Organs and Pianos since 1S70. Nothing seems to dishearten him; obstacles laid in his way, that would have wrecked an ordinary man forever, he turns to an advertisement and comos out of it brighter than ever, nis instruments, as is well known, are very popular and are to be found in all parts of the world. We are informod that during the next ten years he in tends to sell 200,000 more of his make; that means a business of $20,000,000, if wo average them at $1CO.OO each- It is already the largest business of the kind in existence. Write or call upon Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey, for catalogue. 175 in Gold Given. International News and Book Co., Baltimore, Md., are makirg a most liberal offer of $175 to any agent who will sell ninety copies in two months. of their new book, "Under Both t t . i .i v. r .n;n. rii'Ks "r B"'" V0'1 e3 ln one monin- ""prern- lum is in auaiuon to anumifsiun. Graphic and thrilling ventures of the civil war both sides. Every word written by eye witnesses. Stories of camp fires, comradeship, deeds of dash and daring, anecdotes, etc. Hundreds of war pictures. One agent reports twenty-five copies sold in two days, another agent forty-two in four days. Complete $1 outfit sent for 50 cents in stamps. Write them immediately. Freight paid and credit-given. This is a splendid opportunity for students and teachers during the summer va- cation, 2l0 in ioll ilveu. The International News and Book Co., of Baltimore, Md., offer SHOO to any agent who will sell in three months 225 copies of their book "Cam- . v r 1o 99 ..11 paign ana issues oi ;k. j iuu, graphic and complete account of the campaign all sides given. Beautifully illustrated. Biogrphiesof tho leading n.n,. . e. i in each partv. The book of all ' . , . . ' men others to sell now, Freight paid and 1 ,.. t l credit given. Completo outtit la j flonts. Write them immediately. A I gold watch given in addition to com mission for selling 70 cooies in thirty davs. Agents wanted ulso for other booKs and bibles. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Referees' Sale 1 .j K., .Mrtn. .f - rtf-flr nf tli. fli:trirt court ( jass county. Nebraska, duly entered iirwin the 2;i dav ol August, A. it.. iS".. in au I action therein peuuing w Herein muw ig i. r.gen- I berger and wife, Annie K. Egenlierger, were I plaintiffs, and Anton H. Weckbach and wife. Mary Weckbach. were defendants, which order con- action therein pending wherein Ludwig B. Egen I firmed the report 01 reierecs inercioioreappomicu insairl raiivi-.and directed them to sell as upon I execution the lands described in their said report. I . 1 . l..rL.;n.,.l r..f umII nnnti thi:trd dav of I o:tober A. IX, ISHti. at 1SI o'clock p. m.. in front of the south Uoor 01 tne court nouse 111 vh I rn,,n... Nebraska, sell at miblic vendue to the I highest bidd r the following described real estate. subiect to all cncuniDrances inereon, io-wii: 1 lie wesi nan 01 101 miee f. o mvn iiim, thrce in the cily of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and the un livided lialt ol the partition walls on the east and west sides of said west halt i.f lot three 3l block thirtv-three (33 l'lattsmouth Cass county. Nebraska, upon the following terms ana conditions, viz: rorcasn. jam saie iu iir main open one hour. Uated August Zotn, !'.. J. W. Johnson. Referees K. . V. Hvkrs 1'homas. M. Patterson. Byron Clark and C Kals, Attorneys tor 1'lt. ShenfTs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of tfie district court, within - .1 4 . . r t'tusB rniintv NIKracta and 1 1 1 m 1 i I rected, I will on the .Ui day ol September. A. l 1st;, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at the south door oi the court hause ln the citv of Plattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, trie following real estate, to wit: Fractional lot 3 in section 7, town 12. range 14. in Cass county. Nebraska, lot 12 in block Vin and lot 9 in block ! in the city, of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appcrtenanccs thereunto belonging or in any wisc annurtainincr. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Katherine Keuland, defendant, to satisfy a judgment of safd court re covered by Pettibone and Nixon. plaintifTs, against said Katherine rceuianu, anas n ., ivici Keuland. Umaha lirewing association, johu ltlark Sarmicl tirotfelder and Lewis Tachau. partners, as Grotfelder At Tachau. defendants. l'lattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 21. A. J. Harvey Hollowav. Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice by publication on petition for settlement of final administration account. In the county court of Cass county Nebrask 1. In the matter of the estate of J. I'rcsb.n Mef nru, deceased, l.nza j. Atnerton. John Metlord. aTM lAh& hereby notified that on the 15th dav of August ls'.ti, A. C. l.oder tiled a petition in said county court, praying that his final administration ac counts herein, be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to appear before said court on the 12th dav of September. at M o'clock a. m. and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition and make Mich other and further orders, allowances and necrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be hnaHv settled and determined. itness my hand and seal of said county court at Plattsmouth this 3th day of August. A. I)., isw. - George M. Siklock, (Seal) County Judge. Legal Notce. Notice bv publication on petition for settlement of final administration account, ln the county court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of lohn W Gulhon. deceased. Mary t. Gull ion, James Uullion ana all persons mier- mm cut .i.-cir -j," 1 79&pS have my washing done by nine o clock. This never harmed the most delicate my summer dresses, so it must from all acids. I do wish you send down to the Grocer get a cake to try on your next washing-day. You will find a perfect Laundry Soap. Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago. cstcil in said matter arc hereby notified that on the -1st day of August, lWHi. James C Stevenson hied a petition in said ounty court, praying that his final administration accounts herein be set tled and allowed and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator, and that it you fail to appear before said court on the Sd day of Sep tember, 1M, at 'I p. m.. and contest said petition, tlie court may K ant the prayer of said petition and 4uake such other and further orders, allow ances and decrees as to this court may seem projer; to the end. that all matters pcrtaininjr to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Witness my hand and seal of said court at Plattsmouth, this A day of Aupust, A 1). lSlni. , Geokue M. Spurlock, (Seal) County Judge. Legal Notice. To Adaline Crippen. GurJon H. Crippen. Ben jamin A. (libson, Slary Gibson, Edward A. lianps, trustee, William C. Crippen. Bradford Savings Kank & Trust Co.. George Leslie and John W. Mitchell, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 14th day of August, lsini. John H. Pettibone and S. K. Nixon, partners doing business under the firm name and style of iJettibone Ac Nixon, commenced an ac tion and filed a petition in the oltice of the clerk of the district court in and for Cass county, Ne braska, the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain tax lieu against lots 0 and 21 in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 3, in town 1, range 11. Cass county, Nebraska. and also against theSsouthwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of said section and the west half ol the southwest quarter thereof: said lien being for tax certificate issued Nov. 6, 193. for lsifii tax on said land,i"iO. 4, and for sub sequent taxes paid May 4th. 114. for l.s93 tax $43.15. for paid ay 10. lir, for the ls4 tax against said land, and for $41.57 paid May 1st 1XHS for the ltr tax against said land with 20 per cent per annum interest on each payment till Nov. 0, ltr. and 10 per cent annua) interest there after, and 10 per cent attorneys' fees on the judgment and for costs of suit. It is asked that jour equity of redemption in said premises be foreclosed and anv claim or lien you may have against said laud be adjudged inferior to plain tilts' claim thereon, and it is asked that said premises be sold to sat'sfy said claims with inter est, attorney's fees, and costs of suit. Vim are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, thexth day of September. lsUti, or the allegations in said petition will be taken as confessed and true, and Judgment entered ac cordingly. You will take due notice and govern yourscues accordingly. John H. I'ettibonf. ano S. E. Nixon. By their Attorneys, Beeson & Root. I'lattsniouth. Neb., Aug. is, lMKi. Legal Notice. Notice by publication on petition for adminis tration of estate, ln the county court of Casb county, Nebraska. In the niattt-r of the estate of Chtistiau Ciauer, deceased. Christian Alex ander (jailer. John Matthew Gauer and Anna Bar bara Gauer and all other persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 3rd dy of August. lyt, C A. Gauer, John M. Gauer and Anna Bai bara Gauer tiled a petition in said county court, alleging among other things that Christian Gauer died on the 17th day of July, ls.. leaving no last will and testament, and pos sessed of real and personal estate valued at eight thousand nine hundred dollars ($S,WW), and that the above named constitute the persous inter ested in the estate of said deceased, and praying for administration thereof. You are hereby no tified that if you fail to appear in said court on the 1st day of September, lssm, at 2 o clock p. ni.. and contest said petition, the court will appoint Christian A. Gauer, or some other suitable per son, administrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. George M. Sri'RLoCK. County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale lssund by Geo. b. llousewnrth, cleric or the district court. ) within and for ('ass county. Nebraska.and to ' ...aih jwl I nfllAntl.u'ltiil.iU of .t . A . jsm;. at 11 O'clock a south door of the cou I'lattsuioutu. In said i a. in. of said day at the rt house in the city or auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Thowiuih half (sh of lotsts hdii 3 la block thirteen (13) tn the city of I'latts- mouth, Cass county. Nebraska together with all and singular the liercuitamenis aim ap- purtciianuos thert-unto belonging or in any wise appertaining. The same Oulng leviea upon and taken as the property of S. 1. Vaniittauud b. J. Vauatta. ueiunaants: to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by l-u tries c:. I'arnuuo us receiver or the Citizens' Bank of flat t sniouth. Nebraska, plaintilT; against sail defendants. riattniiioulu, Nebraska. July 31, A. It, IS'.HJ. IlARVET llOM-OWAV. Slit ri IT, Cass count y, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an orderof sale issued by George r . Houseworth, clerk ot the district court within and foi Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the Sth day of September, A. 11. iy.Nl. at 11 o ciock a. m. ot said day at the south door of the court hou.-e in the city of Platts mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to the highest buloer lor cash, the following real estate, to-wit: The north half of lots eleven and twelve (11 and 12). in block thirty-six 3', in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, to gether with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise :nieitainmg; the same being levied upon and taken as the prepe ty of Hlizabcth A. Woodson and lames M. woouson. iielcnaanis to satisfy a tudgment of said court recovered by Charles C. Parmele. as receiver of the Citizens bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintiff against saul defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 31, A. IV IS'.'. Harvey Hollowav, Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska Sheriffs Sale. Uy virtue of an order of sale Issued by Goorite K. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for diss county, Nebraska and to me directed. I will on the 5tu day of Sept., A. I).. 1S!H. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at tho south door ot the court house tn the city of PI ittsniouth. In s:iid county, sell at pubi ic auction. u tne highest bidder for casb, the following real estate, towit: Tim toulheMSt quarter SE li) of the soutb west ounrter tV K ) of section thirty four liiti. townshln thirteen (IX ranne twelve !-. containing furty acres more or less to- uethiT wlih nil and stnzular tne nereult;i nirriis and aDDu rtonanees thereunto be lonirlnir or iu anywise appertaining. The same beinir levied upon and taken as tne nrobcrtv of Wiiliain A. 1J. Hick ot al. de fenu.iiit : to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered bv A. K, Wullle. pl tlntllT, against said tlefendant . PiiUtsiuoutli. Nebraska. July 31, A. 1). le'.KJ. 11AHVKY llOI.I.OWAV, Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice bv Dubl.c tion on petition for settle nient of final guardianship accounts. In county court. Cass county. Nebraska, ln the matter of the triiar.liansh p of Kobert A. Mitchell, insane Julia M. Mitchell, executrix of the l;ist will and testament ot Kobert A. Mitchell, deceased, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the ath day of July. 1'.X. I Javid Miller filed a petition iu said county court praviua that his final guardianship accounts be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as guardian, and that if you fail to appear before said court on the "J2nd day of August I:.at:l o'clock p.m. .and contest said pet:tion. the Cou, t may P rant the prayer of said petition and make such other and lurther orders, allowances and decrees as to the couit may seem proper, to the end. tha" all matters pertaining to said guardianship may be finally settled and deter iniueq. utoKOk ji . sri kliv. County Judge Legal Notice. Alice I MtKevnolds. deiendant. will take notice that on the dav of Anr 1. l9i. James h McKcvnolcis, plaintirf herein, hied his petition in the district court ot Cass county against the de fendant, the object and praver ot which U to ob tain a divorce from the defendant upon the cround ot han,l.,.iir.-nt ami rrueUv. and that the honds ol matrimony between plaintilt and de fendant may be dissolved. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 14th day ol September, lrtni. Dated July 'ia. lsac. James F. McReynolds, Plaintiff. Matthew Gering, Attorney. For Few Days Lonsrer At the Remarkably Low Price of :--t. l : 'MRBS(W -?!"r-f W.VUyW.'V! rirU- ,1 ! x w - ,p : -r. - u k &j r n.t i . L . : MXawKiniir'?nuiM juii n ?ttmp Si 4 I 4 k - ...u " ZJlr I". Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs justi n. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLHTTSMOUTH, NEBRKSKH. J FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. I'ald up Capital 50,0a 10,000 Surplus Offers the very be8t facilities for the prompt transaction of STOCKS, bonds, pold. govereuient and lot securities nought and sold, ueposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certfi cates. Iirafta drawn, avallaDle ln any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORSi II. N lovry. I. IlnwNwrt H. WaucK, K. E. White. . K. I' lieo. K. Dovry, Pre. t. Lth, ;aliler II. N. Uovey AU Canhtcr. are the most powerful, safe prompt and re liable of this kind in the market. The orignal and only genuine woman's salva tion. Ak your druggist if he don't keep them. Write direct to us and we will send It direct upon receipt of price, ft. sealed, by mail prepaid. Medical advice free. JACK SON MKDICAL CO., Chicago. Hi., or our agent, I. L, Snyder. BEWARE OF IMITATION ;HlD-AK-KURE I" II S rtCAOacntS UI-CU 'Q Q CtNTQ t- FOR SALE BV ALL DRUOGIJTS OB U I JACKSON MEDICAL CO. CHO60 ILL 5 280 SO CLARK 5T lUPCRIAL. B'LD'G. wN.B. DorVt take any substitute with the same name but different h spelling on which your druist o makes Iwice as much - - 5 bCWARC Or IMITATIONS 1 I gffENANDOAII SAMTARU'M, An institution for the Radical cure ol Cam- err mid 1'amors "Without the tute of & Knifo. Satisfaction GnarantMd. Ve have never Failed to Effect a perma nent core where we have had a reasonable op portunity for treatment. Boole giving de scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment, with terms and references free. Address MILS. KOHl.NSON A STOCIKK, SbfnAnrlnah, lowm. The News for 10c. I T- " -j .i 1 , 1 fTT 1 illlUllljHIIMPWllf j ipiliyf S: . Lo n ge r Complaxicn Preserved OR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Remove? Freckles. Pimple. Liver -Moles, Blackheads, fun?urn anl Tan, Rud re stores the skin to its origi 1 sfc, nal IrcshuciD. producing j r'.enr and heiiltiiV com Tslorlrtn janTv.rior to all ffleev ev.' - S reparations and perfectly harmless. At all ruggists, or mailed for 5 Octs. Send for circular. VIOLA 8KIN SOAP l rimpir looomprbi. u m kta purtrln Soap, anrqualM for the loilrt. anil without a for th nawrj. Ahwlut-lr pure and A-liemwlr moii-o'-d- Attroiii. Prtc 25 Cents. The Q. C. BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OILI Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cures KHET7MAT1SM. NEURAL- I, , T TaV Q....in. 1 ) .... i .... 8nllings, Stia Joliite, COLIC and i;noi TUC UHRC RniMn Especially prepared for k iiuiivi. wnniiui (jtock, ixulle Htrmiptli, themopt Powerful and Pnetratit!gLlnlinntfor Has or lMsast in existence. Large tl size gikx, at.w. aizo ;ic. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Mediated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cur and Face Beautlflefj Ladies iU find It the most delicate and nlKhly perfumed Toilet Soap on ekin Mift anrl vlvnt anil rwdnrfm thA lot COfTI flexion i ft luxury for the Bath for Infants, t ttlayw Itclifr. cleanpes the ecalp and prowoU B E ATT YS ' CELEBRATED PIANOS AND ORGANS For Catalouge,;adaress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. PI & UnC Organs, 3a.OO opwr rds; want riTiniU3 Agents. Catalogue free. Ad aress laniel V. Ueaty. Washmgtoa, N. J. ADPAUC l'iano. ??s upwards: want UlUTt HO Agents. Catalogue free. Ad dress Daniel F. Beatty. Washington. N. J DCATTV'Q Pianos 325.00 upwards. DLAI I I O ror catalozue address ; call, Uaoiel E. Beatty, Washington. N. J BEATTY'S organs 93S.OO iBijUUiUUU up. For particulars, cata r particulars, cata Daniel F. Beatty, loicue. address or call, Washington, IN. J. DCATTV'Q 0rns 35.00 upwards U lr I I I U nr ite for cata loirueiadd nun or call. Daniel F. Beatty. Wasbinicton. N.-J. B. F. BRENDEL, M. 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