THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HEUAL-PLATTSlrfOUTg, NEB., AUGUST 29 1896. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF TS V gaoooccoooocsasra M "t if lit omao 8H5 JM UNRUH'S COMPETITION KILLERS. A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. W 1 Ot 8 w 0 All CITY AND COUNTY. WKDXKSDAY Kzr.i Sampson and daughter, Mrs. V:il Hiiikel, wcro Oinahn. visitors to il ay. - Charles Becson and I toy Mc HI wain are in attendance at the soldier' re union at Lincoln today. Mrs. S. 1. Ilolloway depait.jd for Lincoln this morning and wi;l joi'i the I'lattsmouth omtinyunt at tlio re union. G. J. Jonos, wife and dauphler and Mr. Iiilihard, Mrs. Jones' father, went to Lincoln today to attend the re union. IJenry Uowlhy' of Crete, pom of the editor of the Crete Democrat, is in tho eity visiting' with tho family ol S. Waujrh. C. S. Jones, the democratic, war horse of Lancaster county, is in tho city today see'n;r how the Iiryan fences are. Miss Lctta Smith departed this morning for Missouri Valley, fa., for a visit with her brother George and family. Ilev. William CoulTer went out to Lincoln this morning and will spend th IkiI.iiko of the week at the soldier's reunion. Final settlement in the estate of the late Dr. John IJlack was had in county court tod.iy. 'the amount of the estate was l'2.STf.tlS. The petition for admission to pro bate of the estate of Frank M. Wol. cott was tiled in county court today The amount iuvolved in this estate is 114,:S:!9.3.'S. Mrs. J. K. Keithley of Weeping , - . - i -i ....... 4 . aier arriveu iu me cny nt ih;uh to day and will remain during the Y. 1. I S. C. K. convention. Mrs. Keithley has charge of the singing at tho con vention.. Colonel I'd. Parrot, who was head pusher on the "hobo express" between the deM)t and shops iu this city for several years, was in tho city today from his farm in Nemaha county with a load of poaches and Tiik Nkws force is indebted to him for a sample of them. XV- 11. Roberts favored Tiik Nkws with a sample of his poaches today which wcro as fine as were ever grown any place, being of lirge size and line flavor. The tree from which they were gathered is but two years old and had a peck of nice fruit on it this season. Mr. Hoberts states that his fruit ci op is generally good this year. It. F. Dean, superintendent of the county farm, and Mrs. Johanna Aagard were united in marriage last night by. Rev. CoutTcr of tho Methodist church, and immediately departed for a visit with Mr. Dean's relatives in Micigan. Tho contracting parties are both highly respected, and Tiik Nkws joins with their host of friends in wishing them much joy. The editor of The News, while ridiug about dusk on the avenue last eveuinj, was in the act of turning around on his bicyclo when he col lided with a horse and buggy that wore being driven at a lively e,ale, which resulted in vei v severe and painful injuries. As soon as a physi cinn could be obtained he was re moved down town where ho has teen resting comfortably today and hopes to bo entirely well very soon. T1IUKSDAY. Mrs. Dyron Clark and Mrs. D. S. Guild are visiting friends in Lincoln today. Captain L. D. Bennett went out to Lincoln this morning to join the throng at the reunion. Mrs. Perry Walker and daughters returned this morning from a pleasant visit at Chicago during the heated eeasou. Mrs. C. S. Sherman departed this afternoon for Crete, where she is en gaged as instructor in tho city school-, for the coming year. Ed Murphy returned home this morninr from an extended trip of over a month's duration through Texas and Oklahoma. O. U. Snyder arrived home today from Mt. Plejisint. Ia his former home, where he attended the old set tlers' picnic last Saturday. The members ol the Gorman t'res byterian Sunday school enjoyed a pic- oxygen starvation You can starve the body in mere ways than one ; you can give it food and not feed it. It needs oxygen. The oxygen yoti get from the air is carried to all parts of the "'body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One lron of blood contains millions of these. When these nro deficient in blood, we liows itself in irchcral weakness, lack of appetite, and loss of weight. What you will make more red corpuscles. of cod-liver oil, with . hypophosphites, is something more than an oil. Its peculiar action depends on a number ot substances active principles wnicii wn increase the red corpuscles of the blood. 5oc. nod si.oo SCOTT & BO WNE, Chemists, New York. nic this aftercoon in the woods near the old brewery, A large crowd was iir attendanco. Oscar Thompson, who has been in the insane hospital at Lincoln and re turned homo as cured, was examined again this morning with a view of send inghim back for further treatment. The Dolia I'ringle comedy company, one of tho bes-t low priced shows on the load, will hold forth at Whito's opera house for a full week begin ning Monday evening September 7. Thk Nkws neglected to mention at the time of the arrival ofn 12 pound boy at the homo of E. XV. Fill last Vriday. Mr. Fitt says ho is a "fit" boy, and he is a good judge. We brother F. on his good fortune. William Neville has the contract for doing the excavating on a largo cooling basin for tho I'iatlsmouth Gas and Klectric Light company at their power house and will start a force of men and teams on tho work tomorrow morning. Frank Morgan is having his annual siege of hay fever. He has been troubled with this disease regularly every year for some time and would be willing to pay a neat sum of money for a prescription that would give mm permanent reuei. George. Thomas, sr., was making preparations to go to Missouri after a load of peaches, but one of his horses got into a barb-wired fence last ni-rlit ai.d was. pretty badly cut up and as a consequence he will be .inable to make the trip at present. Teaches are more plentiful on the streets now than they ever were bofore. There is a good crop of he delicious fruit i:i this vicinity and with the larn-e nuir.ber of loads that have been brought in the price has gone down. sellinjr in some instances as low as id cenis per bushel. SOCIAL FIJX TIOXS. With Hie Cool Wttatlit-r New Lire isuiven tfi the Social World. Miss Kittie Cummins entertained a company of her young lady friends t a tea yesterday afternoon most delightfully. The guests were Misses Louise White, Cook of Milwaukee, Pheme Robbins, Mae Patterson, Matilda Valtery, Rose Hyers, Kate Neville, Illanehe Kennedy and Dora Swcaringcn. Invitations are out for a select dancing party at the Hotel Riley, Monday evening August 31, given by Mis. Coates in honor of her guests. Miss Hill, of Lafayetto, Ind., and the Miscs Gnam, of Carroll, la. Mrs. Samuel Waugh entertained several of her lady friends verj' elegantly last evening, at her home on North Fifth street. . Miss Mamie Sullivan entertained a large company at her pleasant country home south of this city today. WOtf AMY CHIT-CHAT. No matter what you wear so long as j'ou look well in it, seems to bo tho dress rule of the season. There is nothing more incongruous than a fluffy lace-trimmed gown topped off by a stiff linen collar. To lo pronounced Piuart nowadajs is the highest compliment that can bo paid to a woman's dress. A match box and miniature case combined is tne latest novelty in tended for the dearest man in tho world. Judging by tho recent picture of the Princes of Wales, the tight unbecom ing coat sleeve has her approval. The woman who has to study a code of handkerchief, parasol or fan flirta tion is not worthy the name. It is to be res-retted that earrings will bo once again fashionable, as they spoil the ear and injure tho health. IMic-uiiiatlHMi Ctirl in a l;y. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralcria radically cures in ono to three days, its action uion the S3'S' tern is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease immediately disapioars. The first doso greats benefits, 75 cents Sold by F. G. Fricko & Co., druggists Plat tsmout h. Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria call it poor blood, and it want is something which "Every Monday morning for two years I've used-) SANTA CLAUS , SOAP always makes the j clothes pure and white without hard rubbing ( . . . - i i m. i irfgjssp have my wasning aone oy nine j aws ( soap has colors in free would ,and Iteittty'ii Organs and I'ianoit. Hon. Daniel F. Realty, of Washing ton, New Jersey, the great Organ and Piano manufacturer, is tuilding and shipping more organs and pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. I'.oatty left homo a penniless plow boy, and by his in domitable will he has workod his way up so as to sell so far, nearly l(M),O00 of Beatty's Organs and Pianos sincolS70. Nothing seems to dishearten hlrn; obstacles laid in his way, that would have wrecked an ordinary man forever, he turns to an advertisement and comes out of it brightor than ever. His instruments, as is well known, are very popular and are to bo found in all parts of the world. We are informed that during tho next ten years he in tends to sell 200,000 more of his make; that moans a business of $20,000,000, if wo average them at $100.00 each. 1 1 is already the largest business of the kind in existence. Write or call upon Daniel F. Reatty, Washington, Now Jersey, for catalogue. 9175 In ;il iiveii. International News and Rook Co., Raltimore, Md., are makii g a most liberal offer of $175 to any agent who will sell ninety copies in two months, of their new book, "Under Roth Flags," or a gold watch for selling forty copies in one month. This prem ium is in addition to commission. Graphic and thrilling ventures of the civil war both sides. Every word written by oyo witnesses. Stories of camp fires, comradeship, deeds of da9h and daring, anecdotes, etc. Hundreds of war pictures. One agent reports twenty-five copies sold in two days, another agent forty-two in four days. Complete $1 oullit sent for 50 cents in stamps. Write them immediately. Freight paid and credit given. This is a splendid opportunity for students and toachers during tho summer va cation. WJOO in iolil ;iv'ii. The International News and Rook Co., of Baltimore, Md., offer $0 to any agent who wili sell in throe months 225 copies of their book "Cam- -w- .11 paign ana issues oi "jo. j iuu, graphic and complete account of tho campaign all sides given. Beautifully illustrated. Biogrphiesof the leading men in each party. Tho book of all others to sell now. Freight paid and j credit given. Complete outfit 1 1 I ! cents. Write them immediately. A gold watch given in stddition to com-1 mission for selling 70 cooies in thirty ' davs. Agents wanted ilso for other books and bibles. "Wako up, Jacob, d;iy is breaking!" so said DeWitt's Little Early Kisers to the map. who had taken thorn to arouse nis siuprcis" uver. r. v. Fricko & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ShnfrTsalel !'v virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to ine di rected. I will on the day ot ptemoer. A. I . lKWi, at 11 o clock a. ni. ol said day at the south ioor of the court hause In the city ot riattsmotith in saul county, sell ai mimic auction, to tne highest bidder for cash, the tollowmg real estate, tow it: Fractional lot 3 in section 7. town l J. range 1 1, in Cass county, Nebraska, lot 12 in block IIIh and lot 9 in block 15 in the city of I'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appertenances thereunto oeionging or in any wise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Katherine Keuland, defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court re covered by 1'ettibone ami Nixon, plaintiffs, against said Katherine Keuland. alias Mr;, I't'tcr Keuland. Omaha isrewing association, jonn lilac k. Samuel (irotfelder and l.evis Tachau partners, as (irotfelder & Tachau. defendants. I'lattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 21. A. 1).. !'.. IIAKVEY llOl.LOWAY, Sheritl. Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice by publication on petition for settlement of tinal administration account. In the county court of Cass county Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of 1. 1'reston Mef ford, deceased. Fliza J. Atherton. John Mellord. leresa (MotlonDl.linpcn, Sarah (Metlord) Kouse. Isaac Merford. George (1. Mettord, the estate of lohu W. Gullion. deceased. U rn. Atherton and all other persons interested in said matter, are I,.t.-Iiv notified that on the lath dav cd Auuust l.V.iti. A. C Loder tiled a petition iu said county court, praying that his tinal administration ac counts herein, be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to appear before said court on the 12th day of September. lS'.W. at HI o'clock a. m, and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer rd said petition and, make Mich other and further orders, allowances and decrees as lo this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be dually settled and determined. Witness my hand and scafof said county court at I'lattsmouth this auth day of August. A. 1 ., 1 ('.. Gkok;f. M. Si-hklock. (Seal) County Judge. Legal Notce. Notice by publication on petition for settlement of tinal administration account. In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ot the estate of John V. Gulliou. deceased. Mary F. Gullion. lames Gullion ami all persons inter ested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 21st day cd August, IK'.W. James C. Stevenson tiled a petition in said cjunty court, praying that h s tinal administration accounts herein be set tled and allowed and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator, and that il you fail to, appear before said court on the Sid day of Sep tember, lfc!i. at 2 p. m.. and content said petition, the court may g ant the prayer of said petition and make such other and further orders, allow ances and decrees as to this court may seem proper; to the end. that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally sett led and detci mined . Witness my hand and seal of said cour at I'lattsmouth, this day ot August, A l. ls'.ll. c . Geokue M. Sri; r lock. t31' County Judge. Legal Notice. To Adaline Crippen. Gurdon II. Ci ippen. I5en iamin A. iibson, Mary Gibson, Fdward A. Hangs, trustee, William C. Crippen, Bradford Savings Banlc& Trust Co. Gorire Leslie and lohn Mitchell, non-resident defendants: You and each TOaarir I iiUL'. 'fT-SSritt jwa "e 1 OTfi0'gsfwrafe n - iff A -V tJi. never narmcu mc mosi uuiuuc my summer dresses, so it most from all acids. I do wish you send down to the Grocer ' get a cake to try on your , next washing-day. You will , find a perfect Laundry Soap. ' Sold every where. Made only by i it. iv. raiiuauii Company, Chicago. of you are hereby notified that on the 14th day of Aupust. lsnti. John H. l'ettihone and S. E. Nixon, partners doinn business under the hrin name and style of 1'ettibone it Ni.noii, commenced an ac tion and tiled a petition in the oltice of the clerk ol the district court in and for Cass county. Ne braska, the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain tax lien against lots :i0 and 21 in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 3, in town 1, ranjje 11, Cass county, Nebraska..tnd also against thcsoulhwest quar ter ot the northwest quarter of said section and the west half o the southwest quarter thereof: said lien being for tax certificate issued Nov. fi, lv.r.i, for 1MKJ lax on said land,J."i.i4. and for sub sequent taxes paid May 4th. 1V.U. for 1M tax f 1.1. 15, for KiH.31 paid ay 10. Isili. for the lXUi tax against said land, and for $11.57 paid May 1st 1M lor the l'.i? tax against said land with "20 per cent per annum interest on each payment till Nov. , lJ't, and lo per cent annual interest there after, and 10 per cent attorneys' fees on the judgment and for costs of suit. It is asked that your equity of redemption in said premises bo foreclosed and anv claim or lien you may have against said land be adjudged inferior to plain tins' claim thereon, and it is asked that said premises be sold to satisfy said claims with inter est, attorney's fees, and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the'isth day ot September, lhHti, or the allegations in said petition will be taken as confessed and true, and Judgment entered ac cordingly. Vow will take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. John H. 1'hTTiBONE and S. E. Nixon. Ity their Attorneys, Keesnn & Root, rfattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 18, ljic. Sheriff's Sale. l?y virtue of an order of sale Issued by George 1". I louseworth, clerk of the district court within and for Cass county.Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on theL':Uli day of August, A. I). 1&H. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city ol I'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der lor cash, the following real estate to-wit: Lot 'M in Smith's addition to the city of I'latts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together with all and the singular the hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging or tn any wise ap pertaining. Th same being levied upon and taken as the property of Hannah 1. Scott and Walter V. Scott, defendants, lo satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by J, H. 1'ettibone and S. K. Nixon, doing businens as 1'ettibone & Nixon, pl.ii ii t ills, against said defendants. I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, July 2S, A. I). IStW. IIakvey Hollow ay. Sheritf Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice by publication on petition for adminis tration of estate. In the county court ot Cast county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Christian (iauer, deceased. Christian Alex ander (auer.John Matthew (Jauer and Anna Bar bara li.iuer ami all other persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 3rd d y ot August. lMHi, C. A. (jauer. John M. Gauer ami Anna Barbara (iauer filed a petition iu said county court, alleging among other things that Christian (iauer died on the 17th day of July. Is'.Mi. leaving no last will and testament, and pos sessed ot real and personal estate valued at eight thousand nine hundred dollars ($,S0.i), and that the above tunned constitute the persons inter ested in the estate ol said deceased, and praying for administration thereof . You are hereby nu- . titled that if you fail to appear in said court on the 1st day ol September, lv.w, at 2 clock p. in., I and contest said petition, the court will appoint . Christian A. Gauer, or some other suitable per ' son. administrator, and proceed to a settlement ', of said estate. GEORGE M. SruKLOCK, County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtue of an orderof sale Issued by Geo. F. llouseworth, cleric of tho district court, within and for Cass county. .N'cbruska.and to 'me directed. I wil 1 on the 5tti day of Sept., A south door of the court bouse in tho city of 1 'lattsuiouin. in saiu county, sen at duoiic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wtt: Tin; south half (s H of lots 1, 2 and 3 In block thirteen (l:i In tho city of I'latts mouth, Cass county. Nebraska together with all and singular the hereditaments ana ap purtenances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of S. l Van.-itia ami t.. J. Vanatta. defendants: to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by C'li irles C. 1'armelo as receiver of the lti.cns- Hank or I'lattsmouth, AeurasKit, plaintiff; against said defendants. rlallsiiioui h, Nebraska. July ,il. A. l) , lti'.Ki. llARVEr HOI.LOWAY, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. liv virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth. clerk of the district court within and lor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will un the .rth day of September. A. I). lv.Hj, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the couit house in the city of I'latts mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash, the following real estate, to-wit: 1 he noith half cd lots eleven and twelve (11 and 12), m block thirty-six (.10', in the city of I'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, to gether with al I and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto oeionging or m anywise appertaining; the same being levied upon and taken as the prope ty of Kliabeth A. oodsoii and James M. Woodson, defendants, to sat.sfv a judgment of said court recovered by Charles C. 1'armcle. as receiver of the Citizens bank of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintitt against said defendants. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, July 31, A. I). lMt i. Hakvky Hollow-ay. Sheritf, Cass county. Nebraska, , Sheriffs Sale. Ity virtue of an order of sale Issuod by George F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, INobraska, and to mo direeted. I will on the 5th day of Sept., A. I).. I".;, at II o'clock iu in. of said day at the south door of tho court house in the e.t v of 11 ittsmoiith. In si id county, sell at public auction, to trie highest bidder for cash, ihe following real estate, towit: , Tho southeast quarter iSK '.i) of the south c-t (piarter (- W '4) of section thirty- four i-il). townshln thirteen (lit. range twelve (12). containing forty acres more or less to- uetlii-r with ali and singular tho heredita ments and uDDu rtenanoos thereunto bo loii'-ing or In anywise appertaining. The siiine iii-insr lovlod upon and taken as tlio ornperlv of William A. fend. .nl. to satisfy a judgment of s.ild court recovered bv A. K, Wallle, plaintiff, against said Ofiendunt. I'luiumoath, Nebraska. July 31, A. I. 18!)0 1 1 A It V K Y IIOI.I.OW A Y. Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice by public tion on petition for settle ment of guardianship accounts. In county court. Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the ouardiansh i ot Hubert A. Mitchell, insane Julia M. Miti hell, executrix of the last will and testament ot Koberl A. Mitchell, deceased, and all other luT uns interested in saul matter, are hcrebv notified that on the 2!Hh dav ol lulv. !.-! David Miller tiled a petition in said county court pravina that his final guardianship accounts be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as guardian, and that if you fail to annear helorcsaid court on the 22nd dav of Autrust! o'clock p.m. .and contest said petition, the con, t may grant the prayer of said petition and make such other ana lurther orders, allowances ami decrees as to the court may seem proer. to the end. tha' all matters oertaiuinir to said guardian ;hiD may be finally settled and deter mined. George M. Ski rlock, County Judge. Legal Notice. Alice 1.. MrK.-vuol.U. tlefcinlant. will take nntiCL- that mi the dav of April. 1M". James F, plaintitt herein. tileI his petition in the tlistrirt r..nrt .f "aa roimtv airainst the de- li-ti.lant. the object and praver l which is to ol tain a divorce rtoui the defendant upon the croimd nt ahainlnnmrnt and crucltv. and that the bunds of matrimony between plaintitt and de fendant niay be dis'solvc-d. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the Hth day ot September, 1R. - Dated July il. 1M. James F. McReynolds, Plaintiff. Matthew Gering, Attorney. For a Few Days Longer -j i.i. At the Remarkably Low Price of 14. iK-:-n- trl ;v.; I' v ltf' i i,r i s o- 11 , A - V 77"m mr-rmfmM him Tig i Mr if vtt-M t"mw ' i m mmtmrm ivMWWfA j mm Bui ,mf Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs justi n. J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLHTTSMOUTH, NEBRHSKH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FLATTSMOUTU, NEBKASKA. I'ald up Capital laO.OOtf 10.000 Surplus Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of STOCKS, bonds, irold. goverement and loci securities nouirnt ana soia. ueposns re ceived and Interest allowed on the certtt eates. Irafts drawn, avallaole In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. - DIRECTORS: II. N llnvrf, I. llawkHWorlli !S. Waneh, V. E. White, . K. IHvey tieo. I-:. lovey, Pres. s. Waueh. Cashier II. N. Ilovr; ABHt. Caahler. 1 are the most powerful, safe prompt and re liable of this kind in tho market. The ormnal and only genuine woman's salva tion. Ask your druggist If he don't keep t hem. Write direct to us and we will send it direct upon receipt of price, 9U sealed, by mail prepaid. Medical advice free. JACK SON M hlMCAL CO., Chicago. III., or our agent. I. L, Snyder. F Zkl fC Mf 1 2 FOR SALE EV ALL DRUOdATS OP C i JACK50N MCDICAL CO. CKICABQ ILL J6D SO CLARK ST IMPERIAL. t3LU&. w N.B. Don1 take any substitute with the same name but different h spelling on which your druist o $ makes Iwice as much ....- 5 btWARC Or IMITATIONS S!IKNANIOAH S, An institution for the Radical cure of Can---r mil Tn morn Witbout the tne of a cCnifo. Siittsfactioa iaarnntel. We have never Failed to Effect a rema nent cure where we have had a reasonable op portunity lor treatment. Book pivins de scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment, with terms and references free. Address ):;. K()IUM)N ft KTOlTKlt. Shenaniloiir,, Iowa. The News for 10c. mmmiPLL mi a m v 1 -J ljiji 1 1 liil 11 m.lul 1 1 1 n limi i i. ji .1 m.i mqj ' . 1 1 1 1 in u '11 . " " " it Cornplaxion Preserved DR. HCDRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Pimples, Liver-Moles, Blackheads, -Sunhurn an (I Tan. and re stores rhe skin to its orifrt nal frishner-s, vrofluciEg e nlnnp nnr! brnlthv mm l,-wlrtTi s!n v.crinr to nil fapc At all drupKit-i or mailed for 50ts. Send for circular. VIOLA 8KIN SOAP t- slmplr InonnparahW as kin purtlTtn Honp, auqna1ct for the toilrt. nd without ft n-val ft th nurwr. AMolutlT pure aol delicately medt eatrd. At ilruireiHtA. Price 2 5 Cents. The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! . Instant Killer ol Pain. Internal and External. Cures RHEUMATISM, NKUBAL- - Swelllnirs, Stiff Jolnta, COLIO and -Kr.-K IMPS Inotnntl v. Cholern Mor- -tr '-- ibus, Croup.Dlptheria, sore inroat HEADACHE, as li by magic. THE HORSE BRAND. ltnlUvi. the most Powerful and PenetrntiDBLtnlmentfor Mat or Beast In existence. Larga ci size autx, auc sue -roc JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated and ToUet. The Great Skin Cure and Fsoa Raautlflar. Ladies will find it tho most delicate aad nighty perfume! Toilet Soap oc tne mnriDi. it is sdso ursif Dure. 6km soft and velvety and restores the lout com rilexioni is a luxury for the Bath for Infante. t olnys Itch'mr, clennswi the scalp and proinotol tae growtU ot nair TicezDO. xoreaieujr BEATTYS' CELEBRATED . PIANOS AND ORGANS. For Catalouge.ladaress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J PI H UAC Ornans, 35.00 opwrrds; want I InrlUaJ Agents. Catalogue free. Ad dress liauiel K. Beaty. Washington, N. J. fIP IUC IManos, upwards: want UlMJn fl3 Affeuts. Catalogue free. Ail drass Daniel F. Beatty. Washington, N. J DCATTV'O 1'ianos 825.00 upwards. DuMI I I u tor catalogue address call. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J ffEftfk f( BEATTY'S organs S35.00 iPOUUtUUll up. For particulars, cata logue, address or call, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, K. J. DCATTVIC Organs . 35.00 upwards. DC. A I I T O Write for catalogu;.iddress or call. Daniel F. Beatty. Washington. N. J. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D.f Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended, either DAV or NIGUT. MURRAY, NEBRASKA Jlli i r. jfi-. i& H'."kflafl For a Few Days Longer 1 1 will do if uso as a wash according to dl rectlons; prevent transmission of blood diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, stricture, assure or tne nanus ana feet. Eczema. Tetter, ha It Rheumatism, In-" llamatlon of the Ulaaa er. Diseases or the , bones. Joints and muscles, Syphlletlc In sanity. Scurvy, Srrofula in many forms. 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