Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 15, 1896, Image 4

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TB Semi-WeeMly Mews-Herald...
While Carrying a Heavy Timber It Struck
the Car la Such a Manner as to Throw
Him Under the Wheel The Hone
In the Right Limb Crashed Above the
Ankle Other New.
Loadon'a Public Honwi.
The pablio houses explain a great
many of the miseries of the miserable lo
cality. There may be some teetotalers,
bat there are not many, and there are
almost & few drinkers who are always
nixlerate in their libations. The curse
of bitter beer, raw Scotch whisky and
"tuppenny" gin rests heavy" on the
place. Public opinion is no weapon you weu tonight they always do.
against it, lor puDiic opinion openiy la-
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Ice cream social at South
church tonight.
Highest cash price will be paid for a down town
and a first-class time assured all who
attend. Everybody invited.
Paul Budig, the little fellow who
lost a limb just below the knee only a
short time ago, made his first trip
today on crutches. He
few old rags at this office.
The ladies of South Park will serve
This morning while working in tho
lumber yard at the Burlington shops
Louis Olson met with an accident that
will make hlin a cripple for life. He
was carrying a heavy timber past some
cars that were being handled Dy tho
switch engine and in some way the
timber struck the car in such a manner
as to throw him down under tho
wheels. The sharp iron flange of the
car wheels passed over one limb above
the ankle and severed it almost entire
ly, crushing the bone in a frightful
Tors drinking whenever-one has the nec
essary money and does not regard actual
drunkenness as a disgrace worth men
tioning. Women drink at tho bars as uncon
cernedly as men do, and barmaids serve
them. The barroom is the gossip place,
and babes and small children are carried
to it and kept in it by careful mothers,
who gather there for the day's necessary
talk. Infants sometimes cry and at such
times are permitted a sip from the ma
ternal glass, quite as other children ai
bribed with chocolate drops. Thus blear
eyes and drink reddened faces often have
earlv besrinninra. The children on the
streets aro dirty, ragged and vociferous-
1t hamy over small things. Adults are
not genuinely happy. There is no reason
why they should be. They derive much
The unfortunate man was carried at
once to Dr. Livingston's office, where spasmodio merriment from the publia h , Omaha today
he was cared for and at 1 o'clock this nouses. uruuKenness ana ngming are
common everywnere, especially on me
streets. During one noon recess I saw
three fights develop among the two dozen
employees of a box factory. Nor are the
combatants always men or boys. -Century.
Governor Holcomb will be at Louis
ville on the evening of August 22.
For exchange, cord wood for a good
horse. Enquire at The Nkws office.
Don't fail to attend the Ice cream
supper at the Baptist church - tonight.
Get your abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Vuss. Office in Briggs build
The Cabinet, made by Otto Wurl, is
the best nicl.el cigar sold anywhere.
Try it.
Go to Robart J. Vass for reliable
abstiacts of title. Office in Briggs
D. S. Guild, the religious editor of
this paper, was attending to business
gets around remarkably well and
must have good c-ire to have gotten
well so soon.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas -
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
l' G. Fricke and Co.
D. S. Guild isn't much of a farmer.
and when he was out driving last
evening with La. (Jlivor he noted
some corn with ears fifteen feet up in
tho air. He concluded to capture one
as a trophy, and climbed tho stalk all
right, but in sliding down he cut his
left hand badly on the corn blades.
0,'A. Brown, one of Cuuahy'a most
succewful salesmen of pharmaceutical
Frank Wilson Continent of the Sucrt-nM of
the Electoral Ticket lu Indiana.
Ckawfokdsvillk, Ind., Aug. 12.
My Dear Polk: Thanks to the influ
ence of Benjamin Harrison and the
quiet work of tho representative o
McKinley, fresh from the prairies of
Nebraska, the city of Crawlordsvillo
and the county of Montgomery may
now be counted in the solid column
for the republican electoral ticket of
Indiana, and from observations taken
in this neck of the woods Indiana will
bo ours safely from 15,000 to 20,000.
Break the news gently to ex-Cilv
Treasurer Unruh.
The state organic ition f the Patri
otic sons of amenca have just con
cluded their annual convention, lie d
in this city and it was my plossuro not
only to meet the delejjntes from this
city, but also those . from Richmond,
Newcastle and Terre Haute, and
"nary" a free silver man iu tnecrowr1.
They anxiously demanded what the
state of Nebraska would do in Novt iu
preparations, will take up a permanent i ber, and upon receiving my answer
afternoon he was taken to his home ou
South Tenth street. We learu an
amputation was successfully pei formed
and that the chances for Mr. Olson's
recovery are good.
ice plant, (or
Address lock
A Pleasant Dancing: Party.
The Misses Alice and Ethel Dovoy
gave a very pleasant dancing party
last evening which was largely atten
ded. Miss Cummins and Miss Etta
Shepherd assisted in carinsr for the
comforts and pleasure of tho guests.
Dancing was the chief amusement,and
during the evening refreshments were
served and an exceedingly pleasant
time is reported. The hospitable
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dovey is
For Sale Coal and
either), in York, Neb.
box 643, York, Neb.
Mrs. V. B. Shryock and Miss Sharp
leave today for a three weeks' so
journ at Hot Springs, S. D.
D. K Barr and A. J. Graves went
to at
At What Ace la Mam Strongest?
mi , , ; Y. .11 j I . .
Ane muscies, in comiaoxi wau aix uuj out, j,0 ureenwoou this evening
organs of the body, have their stages oi tend lho ropublican meeting.
strength increases up to a certain ag Strode and Lambertson will hold
and then decreases. Tests of the strength forth at Greenwood tonight and the
of several thousands of people have been J biggest rally of the year will result.
maae Dy means oi a dynamometer The two tramps who wero jailed for
(strength measurer) and the following frigntenin& two yourjff ladie8i were at
..r" I the intercession of the young ladies,
The "lifting power" of a youth of 17 801 Iree loaay
years is zoo pounds; in ms twenuetn Tucker Sisters have just received a
specially adapted to the entertaining year this increases to 320 pounds, and Hne of the newest noVelties
of large parties and
guests were delighted.
the fortunate
for the
The Old Settlers' Picnic.
Quite a crowd went down to Union
this morning to attend the old settlers'
picnic. Yesterday was so rainy that
the management has continued the
program over so as to make Friday
and Saturday the big days. Many
from this city expect to be in attend
ance tomorrow.
combs and ornaments
Call and see them.
Miss Mary and Lydia Weckbach
went to Omaha this afternoon, where
they will visit before returning to
in the thirtieth and thirty-first years it
reaches its height, 356 pounds. At the
end of the thirty-first year the strength
begins to decline, very Blowly at first.
By the fortieth year it has decreased
eight pounds, and this diminution con-
i. .i:i.ii : ; . ; l 1 "
uuuta (no ""J ix uiiiru tfaeir home at Lincoln
the fiftieth vear is reached, when the I
figure is 830 pounds. The Oak Hill Mission band will give
After this period the strength fails 1 an ice cream social Tuesday evening
more and more rapidly until the weak-1 August 18, at the Oak Hill church.
ness of old age is reached. It is not pos- ice cream and cake, 10 cents
sible to give statistics of the decline of.
Temporary Homes Wanted.
A home is wanted for an eight-months-old
infant and for a child
three years of age for a few months.
Payment for same will be made
monthly. Full particulars will be
given by applying to County Clerk
J as. .Robertson at the court house.
strength after the fiftieth year, as it va
ries to a large extent in different indi
viduals. Strand Magazine.
The Lnmlnou Sea Crab.
John V . Hatt is the youngost mer
chant in town. He keeps a nice line
of fruits, vegetables, candles and ci
gars at the Hatt meat market.
During the last thunder storm in
residence in Den ver after the fifteenth
and will have charge nf several states
at a good salary. His many friends iu
this city will be glad to know that he
can hold down so lucrative a position
The Downfall of Mad Hollow.
The Beatrice Express contains tho
following speech supposed to have
been delivered by. his excellency, XV,
J. Bryan, at Mud Hollow. Indiana
ug. 11: 'My friends, this is a beau
tiful town, this thriving metropolis of
Mud Hollow; as the train approached
it, and I viewed from the car windows
tho imposing minarets of tho Metho
dist church, the massive roofs of tho
various barns and residences, and the
noble Gothic architecture of your
principal manufacturing establish
ment, the village blacksmith shop,
said to myself, here is a place with a
fjture. My friends, what has
kept Mud Hollow down V What has
prevented her from being a rival of
Chicago? She has every natural ad
vantage surrounded by a magnificent
fertile country, with a railway ap
proaching her, occupying a command
ing site upon Coon creeks, Mud Hol
low should command all the veins of
commerce, all the throbbing arteries
of trade. She should be the Liver
pool of this westurn country.- What
has kept her down, I ask again. My
friends and countrymen, the perni
cious and perbdious financial svstem
Basket Sapper at Cottonwood
The ladies of the Cottonwood Sun
day school will give a basket supper at
that place Friday night Aug. 21 for
the benefit of the Sunday school.
Everybody invited.
Chairman Pott Confident
Chairman Post of the republican
state central committee is more confi
dent than ever that the McKinley
electors as well as the republican state
ticket will have a substantial majority
in Nebraska next November. Chair-
On A nf fh niarinn ftiriruaitifQ twpntl
fiaW fmm th wtnm nf th Indian this cltv tbe lightning played havoc
ocean by a dredgiuc vessel in the em-lwtn the telephone lines by burning I that enriches the rich and impover
ploy of the Calcutta Society of Natural I out the connection at every instru- j ishes tho poor. (Great and prolonged
History was a mammoth sea crab which I mont. J cheering.) All the energies of Wall
continually emitted a Dngni wmio iigni "Wake ud Jacob dv is breaking" 8lreel niivo 0660 devoted for years to
similar to that seen in the spasmodic i ,.,., T .... . --i the destruction of Mud Hollow. The
0V .a Vs V a tr V a i-ii VbiU .1 .CM IV A. klJU I O I
to the man who had taken them to chief aim of the government in adher-
arouse his sluirffish liver. F. G. in to the criminal gold standard has
Fricke & Co.
flashes of phosphorescent luminosity
kindled by our common fireflies. The
oddity was captured in daytime and
placed in a large tank, nothing peculiar
except its immense size being noticeable
in the broad glare of the tropical sun.
At night, however, when all was in
pitchy darkness, the crab surprised the
naturalists by lighting up the tank so
that all the other sea creatures, great and
small, occupying the same tank could be
plainly seen. When the luminous cms-
Pass the good word along the line.
Piles can be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applying De
Witt's Whitch Hazel Salve. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
bouie like tho McKinley cigar.
others prefer the Bryan, but every-
man Post was busily engage with his tacean was prodded with a jole he emit- bod includin& the prohibitionists,
- voluminous correspondence today
when a News repot called at head
quarters. Inanswe. an inquiry he
said; "I am more con ulent than ever
that McKinley and the state ticket will
carry Nebraska by a good round maj
ority. The free silver sentiment in
Nebraska reached high water mark
some time ago and the tide is now
clearly and unmistakably turned our
way. Two weeks ago I said Nebraska
would go republican an today I am
stronger in that opinion than before.
While there are republican defections
in some counties they are more than
offset in others by republican gains
from democrats and populists. Lone
before the campaign is ended Nebraska
will not bo regarded as doubtful by
even the opposition. Every indica
tion points to republican success
and as tbe campaign progresses these
indications will become more pronouu
ced and stronger.
Y. P. 8. C. K.
The members of the entertainment
committee for the county convention
ted flashes of lights which enabled the
been to crush this progressive town
The capitalists and barons of the east
saw in this city a threatening rival of
Now York; they exercised all the
forces at their command to stop her
onward march, and, alas, they have
succeeded only too well. My friends,
who love your home and have pride in
her possibilities, the remody is in
your own hands. Vote for the Bov
experimenters to read small print, even fdmu that tQ6 xquisito" is the best Oralop who now addregse9 y0Uf in No
though otherwise they were in total 5-cnt cigar made.
darkness. St. Louis Republic. I J. V. Egenberger has again taken
charge of the Vienna bakery and will
v . I nave everything running' in shape by
q. " Vr-A "7. " " T- WJ,VW" tomorrow. Tho wagon will make its
ft-"-- ' 11U4II M1KU1 I AAA AAAX9 UUvVUlUK I n ... . .
raphy. my grandfather, who was then flr8t l"P tomorrow morning.
vember, and Mud Hollow will achieve
the greatness for which she was orig
inally destined. "
under secretary for Ireland, took me to
the chief secretary 'a room in Dublin
castle and formally introduced me to
Lord Melbourne.
After I had been with him for some
little time he said, ' 'Now, my boy, is
there anything here you would like?"
"Yes," I answered, pointing to a
very large stick of sealing wax.
'That's right, ' said Lord Melbourne,
pressing on me a bundle of pens ' 'begin
life early. All these things belong to
the public, and your business must al
ways be to get out of the public a
much as you can. " Pearson's Weekly.
i no ladies or aouth 1'ark will trive
an ice cream supper in the basement
of the Baptist church Friday night
Aug. 14. You will bo well served and
a good social time is expected.
Persons who have a coughing 6poll
every, night, on account of a tickling
sensati3n in the throat, may overcome
it at once bv a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Small in size, but great in results.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers act gent-
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lucas County j "
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partuer ol the Brni of F. I. Chenev .Nr Cn
doing business in the city of Toledo, county and
state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the
sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
ana every case oi Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
sworn to before me and subscribed in mv nrn
cme, una uin uay oi ueiemuer, if. irvn
that it would elect the McKinley elec
toral ticket they were ppeeehless for a
moment, but eventually found sti ength
to demand the Sgures upon which my
statement was mado. Corralling the
crowd I -gave them one of my convinc
ing little talks and won every man to
my way of thinking and in the exhu
beranco of their joy in the belief that
Nebraska was still at the head of the
column, showing the smallest percent
age of illiteracy in these United
States and wanted no free coinage of
silver it was proposed by my auditors
to at once make me an honorary mem
ber of the Patriotic Sons. Of course
the honor was respectfully declined,
attention being invited to the mani
fold honors showered on the Golden
Rod State in this year of our Lord,
1896. Bentley and Bryan, presidential
candidates, Thurston and Allen, con
vention chairmen. Matt Gering for
congress and hades at work in demo
cratic and populist ranks, but an
idea then occurred to me that it would
be a good thing to have the honor con
ferred upon our Billy Bryan and so it
was suggested that if they had any
honors lying around loose that they be
bestowed upon him. That he could
take anything, stand on anything; the
versatility of his genius hesitated in the
acceptance of no title that entwined in
the mass of cypress which the horny
hand of labor would press on his mas-
November 3, proximo.
.1 ranDE "(j k v i SEE.
i I DURHAM -, . 1hik?j'5
Yon will And one coupon i JllSt
Initlde each two ounce bR, TV i'J'frll Vi"3
aad (wo coupon! Inside euh jSltjiim I
roar onnce ttg of Black- I xlr''( IiIt I ?
will's Durham. Uuy a baff -Lj''"ll Jj J-jJ.'r
of thia celebrated tobacco yT-J?(l'te.. i Q 3T3Lpf1i t
and read the coupon which tdVi&3FrJi I iarij-.
Klvee a lint of valuable pro- hmpAtTZTf f'$U'xrlti
nU and bor to Ket them. fWf HW IJ " '
HANS II. GOOS, Proprietor.
Best Si Per Day House in the State
Thoroughly cleaned and refurnished. A nice tablo and pleasant
' rooms. Bar in hotel stocked with pure Liquors and
Cigars. Corner Third and Main-wts.
W. D. JONES...
Css County 9 s-i
Oldest : Liveryman,
If.ick orders
C.ill und t,'t
EST ris for Weddings, Punarals or Plea-turo Parties, otc.
attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Cish prf?rrod.
rates. Telephone 76.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds of gooda and farm stock
disposed of.
sive brow on
Fkaxk Wilson.
Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes,
I have been suffering from Pile? for
twenty-five years and thought my ease
iucurable. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve was recommended to me as a
pile cure, so I bought a box and it per
formed a permaaont cure." This is
only one of thousands of similar cases.
Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield
quickly when it is used.
For Lchh Than Actual Cottt.
One new Spalding bicycle.
T. M. Patteksox.
Notarv Piihlir
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interii:ill v ami u,-ti
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
send tor testimonials, free.
fcrSold by druggists, 75c.
Toledo, O.
All on the Outnlde.
Speaking of libraries reminds me of e
story I heard of a certain rich man who
did bnild himself a new mansion, and
wishing to set np a bookroom there he the pleasant home of
My little boy, when two years of age
was taken very ill with bloody flux.
I was advised to use Chamberlain's
ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion. Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv
dyspepsia and constipation. Small Und luckily procured part of a bottle,
pill, safe pill, best pill. F. G. Fricke 1 1 carefully read the directions and
& Co.
but slowly and surely he began to im-
Mr. and Mrs. prove, gradually recovered, and is now
Woodmen of the World.
Attention Sovereigns I I will be at
my office at A. Clark's grocery store,
east of the court house on Main street,
every Wednesday and Saturday from
to 8 p. m. to transact all necessary
anu special Dusiness mat may come
before me. O. GutiiMaxx. Clerk.
AREAT BATTLES are contin-
ually going on in the human sys
tem. Hood's Sarsaparilla drives out
disease and Restores Health.
(Special notices under this head will be
charged for at tbe rate of H cent per word
each Insertion.)
Don't Make tbe Mistake
Of thinking you can't afford
to attend the "'.)( Siato Fair.
The truth is you can't afford
to stay Hway.
It makes no difference as
to what business you follow,
your knowledge of it, your
interest in it will be greatly
increased by what you see
in Omaha, August 24 -September
And tho low rates and spe
cial train service offered by
make the matter of reaching
Omaha a very cheap and
easv affair.
HINDERCORNS Th enty mm Cnw Af
tjom. ail pain, jviakm walkli)- ay. litfl. al muvtw:
FOK SALE Thirty loads of cobs, very cheap.
Enquire of Arch Holmes.
SALE A brick house, three lots,
rn and outbuildings, lots of fruit foi
Apply at once at the News otrice.
of Y. P. S. C. E. are requested to meet slmP17 went to a real library, put down James Pine last evening was a pleas- as stout and strong
at the home of Miss Gass, 403 Marble
and Eleventh street, on Friday even
ing at 7:30 p. m.
Perkins House llarber Shop.
Will P. Cook has opened up a first
class barber shop in the Perkins
house, and would be glad to meet his
old-time friends and the public gen
erally desiring work in kis line.
What Is a Guarantee?
. It is this. If you have a Cough or
Cold, a tickling in the Throat, which
keeps you constantly coughing, or if
you are afflicted with any Chest,
Throat or Lung Trouble, Whooping
Cough, etc., and you use Ballard's
Horehound Syrup as directed, giving
it a fair trial, and ho benefit Is experi
enced we authorize our advertised
agent to refund your money on return
"of bottle. It never fails to givo satis
faction. It promptly relieves liron
chitis. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Cheap Kates to Omaha.
For the convention of" the People's
Christian union at Omaha the B. &
M. will sell tickets August 15, 17, 19
and 22, limit for return August 26, for
one fare for the round trip. I Freddie No, at
W. L- Pickett, Agent. ftatroit Free Preas.
the names of the volumes and had them
painted on boards that assimilated a
"Oh, it doesn't matter," he said.
"You see, folks will never read 'cm, an
they look just as welL "
The manwho told me this story point- ternoon at a "Kensington Tea".
ant affair. The attendance was large
and the young people report an enjoy
able time.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson entertained a
party of her lady friends yesterday af-
It is
ed to a couple of meaningless .married I reported to have been a very elegant
v.. . .., ,,- affair as the hospitiMe hostess would
xney are just, liite jur. s - be oxnected to rrive
brary, he said. And they were. New P e l gl '
York Recorder. When we consider that the mtes
a! 1 m
tines are aooui uve times as long as
the body, we can realize the intense
Johnny suffering experienced when they be
inflamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues inflammation at once and
completely removes the difficult. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
it would do nard to convince a man
suffering from bilious colic that his
agony is due to a microbe with an un-
pronouncable name. But one dose of
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure will
convince him of its power to afford in
stant relief. It kills pain. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
On next Sunday, August 16, tbe lo
cal Turnverein society will give a
picnic at Nick Ilalmes' grove, four
miles west of Plattsmouth. Carryalls
leave Hotel Riley corner. Plenty of
good music, excellent refreshments
A Mofwomp.
"Maw," said the little boy, ",
Is finch a Mugwump that I don't want
to sleep with him any more."
"A Mugwump?"
"Yes, mamma. Didn't you tell me
that a Mugwump was some one who
would not take either side? And that's
the way with Johnny. He always wauts
to sleep in the middle of the bed."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Surprise All Around.
Grandma (who has just arrived for a
visit) WelL Freddie, I suppose your
father was greatly surprised toget my
telegram saying I was coming?
Freddie Yes, but mother was the
most surprised.
Grandma At tUe glad news, I eup-
papa's language,
ever. I feel
sure it saved his life. I never can
praise the Remedy half its worth. I
am sorry every one in the world does
not know how good it is, as Ida Mrs.
Lina & Ilinton, Grahamsville, Marion
Co Florida. For sale by all druggists.
Try The Semi-Weekly News.
: in
warded by leaving same at News otlice
I us l l wo record books belonging to Svea
IU i-ouge in tins city. Hie tinder wi be re-
a solid gold watch.
fed. DoUU.
I OST In It. & M.
IU 1- iuder w ill be suitably rewarded.
WAXTED Washing to do lor private families.
Leave orders at Ned liaker's Iruit stand.
Am Ordifiiiiice.
TJX OttDINAXCE Known as Hie "Annual
il Appropriation Hill" und providing for
the levying arid colli-etlon of taxi-s for
tbe purpose of providing rovenue for tin
city or t'liitts.-iioutn, eli., for the year
beginning August unit. ln'..
Jm;o. I. That there ! and is hereby levied
upon thodoilar assessed valuation of the city
or f lalisiuoui n, ioi., iorttio purpose or pro
vidlng revenua for the city of I'lat tmnoutli
the following amounts in the several funds
as follows:
Lienertil fund l mills
Uad and lighting fund 5 ml lis
Omaha Southern railway bonds and
Interest iiiiIIh
Kurlington Missouri Klver Hall
way lond and interest 1 mill
Kearton bonds and Interest mills
Sewer bonds and Interest :ivt mills
High school bonds and interest i mill
Intersection paving bonds and In
terest IU mills
Hydrant rental U mills
Fire department fund yt milt
Llbary fund l mill
nanv aiul tiewiuru Um baic
I'nmyttea laxurlM rrowth.
Nnvcr Folia to Mtwtore Uraj
iinir Kfs ir. vmirvinii I map.
Cum aatlp ilMMura a ttalr taiUi,
nroa .re CONSUMPTIVE or
IndtpMtlon. J'fUnrul I an r IxhlUty of Hj.f kin
Ion. I'ftinrul IliH (ir ix.hlutv or .kiiV kind ue
fAIiKDB'g OINIJEH TONIC Muirwlm rreliOi
nniiu tuduuiwotcuu nave n-Kuuwa imxuui uj iu urn.
The Chicago Chronicle
Democratic Newspaper.
It Is Not Republican.
It Is Not Mugwump,
It Is Not Populist.
It maintains the 1 i mix racy of Jclli r-oii, Jack
son and 1 iiclieving it to be ll.c .iKation of
the Kcpulilic. It is then fure oipoM-d tn Sociul
isni, 1-"i-e hilverisin and Kcpuiliatiouisiii
No dllar is ton good lor an Ameru an. Sample
copies lrce. Address
1(1 1-1 UU MaKliliiglon St.. ClilaaKU, III.
I Mr k.-al. r'a I Ittemanil linn 1.
Orlflaal nmA Only lirnalar.
HOUSK-CLEAXIXG.taking down stoves or any
kind of work done. Anyone wanting that kind
ol work done will do well to call ou or address
Kildow Brothers, Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Smit h
W 4A
Chester's Compound Extract of Celery
good as any other preparation of the kind on the market, and stand
ready to refund your money if it does not benefit you as much as any other
eiery compound you ever used. Indicated in rrenerel debilitv. loss of aurje-
ute, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc.
Total 4tSU mills
"See. II. That the said several amounts so
levied are for the exclusive purpose of
meeting trie expenses of the several funds
for which they aro provideJ.
Sec III. The above taxes shall be levied
ana collected In the sirne manner as all
other state and county taxes are so levied
and collected.
Sec. IV. Thisordlnance shall be In force
and effect from and after Its passage, ap
proval and publication according to law.
Passed and approved ibis lath day of July.
A. I. ls'.W. J. A. Ot:TSi;llb. Mayor.
Attest: H. C K Eli It, City Clerk.
Legal Notice.
Ferdinand I'fliigshaupth, dt, will take
notice that on the 'th day of July. IMUti, Marie
1'flugshaupth, plaintitt herein, tiled her petition
iu the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
against said deleiidant; the object and pravcr rd
which is is to obtain a divorce from the dt-tend-
I am upon the ground of abandonment for more
than two years la-t pa., and such other relief as
j to thr court may seem just and equitable. You
are acquired to answer said petition on or before
the llkli day of September. l".r.
Marie Pfluoshacptii, Plaintiff.
Matthew Gering. Attorney.
I - V
I Z Lf
llrlflMI tall wnly brnnLr. i
Ail. almya w Hal. i. LtoiLt -k Jrl
llfwirM tnt C3klkrrrra fWi Hit AtW
ihohJ Jtkw1 In 1.I aii1 i l nirialln V
rfn, aeaiail wlih ttf rlMH.:. 'I'hI
aaalhm OMunr dnnuu uttitw
taM tf
Hum tttui 1m4tiauim At lrufia, a, anil 4r.
in lam( wrtiulara, i.wuiu4ulHl. an I
"Itxtlof tnr lulira," Hit, hjr rrlara
MalL III.Adll Itvtliuofnala A'ara. fai,rr.
Ohlkalcv4)laulval OaMadlMa Hnunt
Lacal lru(alu. l'hlli4ia., I'm.
A. t tarn oys-n t-In v
Ollice over First National lUnk.
Missour Coal, Genuine Canon City Con)
Leave orders at F. S. White',.
W. WlffTK.
House and Si(in Painter
dr. in.
A Great Nervo Tonic and System Renovator,
It Makes Weak People Strong.
Rates &l and S1.50 per Dau
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Teem Extracted Without Pain
All Dental operations performed in the
best possible manner by the latest scien
tific methods. A guarantee with all wor.
Practice U an eonnfr tU utafe conn. Special
ai.Wian given to collecUona,