Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 15, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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The Seml-Weeklu News-Herald
... BY THE . . .
One Year, in advance, ....
Six Months,
ne Week,
Single Copies, . .
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months,
$5 00
2 50
SI 00
Of any Cass County Paper.
For President.
of Ohio.
I For Vice President.
of New Jersey.
State Ticket.
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Secretary of State,
For Auditor,
For Treasurer,
For Attorney-General,
For Supt. of Pub. Instruction,
For Commissioner,
For Supreme Judges,.
For Regent State University.
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman, First District,
County Ticket.
For County Attorney,
For Senator,
For Representatives,
County Commissioner, Second District.
A PARTY that stands for honost
monev and the chance to earn it is the
kind of a party that can count upon
the support of all intelligent working-
men. Globe Democrat.
It is an easy thing to elect demo
crats in Alabama. It doesn't even re
quire votes. All it needs is to have
election officials with vivid imagina
tions and elaborate tally sheets. They
can easily guess at the number of votes
to place opposite a democratic name.
When the free coiners talk about
the necessity of restoring silver to the
position that it occupied prior to 1873,
they ignore the fact that the govern
ment has done that very thing by coin
ing fifty times as many silver dollars as
were coined in the whole previous his
tory of the country.
L. T. Genung, the demo-pop nomi
nee for congress in the Iowa district
just east of us, is bright enough to
know better. He may have lots of
fun running for congress over there
this fall, but he will lack a good many
votes of being able to draw the salary
of a national legislator.
BURK CocnitAN's statement to gold
democrats that their first and only
duty is in supporting McKinley is
very gratifying to the sound money
faction at this time. lie is opposed
to another nomination for the presi
dency and says that those who are un
willinc to vote for either of the can
didates should stay at homo on elec
tion day.
A CAREFUL canvass of Bryan's owr
voting precinct in Lincoln shows the
choice of voters as follows: McKinley
210: Brvan. 71: Bentley. 1; doubtful
republicans 9, doubtful democrats
unknown 11. This would indicate that
where Bryan is best known and where
for personal reasons he might gain on
his opponent he actually loses. Mr.
Bryan's vote in this precinct against
Field for congress was 123.
W. J. BRYAN, having heard in an
informal manner that he had been
nominated for the oresidencv. has
gone to New York to confirm the ru
mor, if it should happen to be true
He will rest in the city and dispense a
few promises of pie in order to stir up
Tammany enthusiasm until today.
when the awful truth will be explained
to him at the Madison Square beer
garden by Governor Stone of Missouri
The free silver convention at Te
cumseh, together with the democrats
and pops, got together last evening
under one tent and tried in vain to
nominate a candidate for congress.
After fourteen ballots had been taken
without results, the convention at 1:20
this morning adjourned to 10 o'clock.
Matthew Gering and Sim Upton, both
of this county, were candidates before
the cosmpolitan convention. Judge
Broady was finally nominated on the
t wenty-f ou rth bai lot.
THE treasury-deficit In July was 13,
000,000. A large shortage, of course,
was expected, as expenditures are ord
inarily heavier in that month than in
any other in the year. The gold re
serve, however is again at safe figures,
amounting to nearly 8111,000,000. It
will probably remain on the right side
of the $100,000,000 line for several
months. The purpose of the banks to
supply gold to to the treasury when
needed la well known, and this will
have a quieting effect on timid people.
, Moreover, as the campaign progresses
the weakness of the repudiators and
destructionista . will be revealed, and
this will restore confidence 'and stop
the gold hoarding.
Duiing the past week a large num
ber of visitors from the middle states
have been abroad in Nebraska looking
the state over and taking note of the
prolific yield of grain that is io evi
dence on every hand. All newspaper
reports agree that these visitors have
been delighted with all that they have
seen and have been happily disap
pointed in the condition of the com
munities visited, all of which are far
more prosperous than they had been
led to believe.
Everything is "politics" these days,
yet every citizen of Nebraska can af
ford to "take a day "off" to stand up
for the material interests of the state,
and no matter how exciting political
discussions may become, the news
papers should find time and make
space to say something for Nebraska
that will live beyond a presidential year
und be of benefit after the next presi
dent has qualified and taken his seat.
A great deal can be said in behalf
of Nebraska, and when it is borne in
mind that the state has been slandered
and is greatly misunderstood in many
eastern and middle states, it may ap
pear to our people that no one should
bo backward about saying what he
has to say. In fact, every person
should be a committee of one to make
known to the extent of his ability the
advantages of this great state, the pro
ductiveness of the soil for the season
that is passing, the possibilities for
agricultural employment, and the
average of successful larraing during
a range of years as compared with
other states in the United States.
Those of us who have put in . a full
quarter century in Nebraska are com
petent to talk, and to sound Nebraska's
praises. People who have lived in
Nebraska that length of time have
seen a number of ups and downs, but
the condition of the harvest has not
always been the cause of hard times
or individual misfortune.
The people who visit Nebraska this
year will see the state at its best, and
the good reports that they will take
back to their neighbors will set the
tide of immigration again in motion.
Hence it is the duty of every citizen of
the state to be active in helping to
swell the tide and contributing to the
new era of prosperity that will set in
if the tariff and currency questions
are disposed of on business-like con
servative lines which will give an im
petus to investment and production.
Kearney Hub.
The silver orators are saying in their
stump speeches that the republicans
denounce them for wanting to emit
dishonest money while the republican
platform "calls for this so-called dis
honest money by international agree'
This is a cowardly and dishonest
way of putting the question, even
though Mr. Bryan is one of the ora
tors who engages in it. What are the
The sound currency people are op
posed to the free and unlimited coin
age of silver at its present ratio for the
reason that they know such a whole
sale coinage would reduce the pur
chasing power of the silver dollar to
the fluctuating value of bullion that
is, the dollar coined free gratis for any
man who brought silver to the mint
would of necessity make the dollar
worth only from fifty to sixty cents;
that gold, being at a premium, would
entirely disappear from circulation, as
it did in war times. That a panic such
as the country never saw would be in
evitable. It is the consistent belief of
gold standard people that silver should
be used as money just as fur as its
parity with gold cad be maintained.
That the limit of silver coinage has
already been reached, as Is evident by
the raids on the treasury for gold by
the conservative business world since
the depreciation of silver bullion has
created serious doubt of its continued
maintenance any longer at par. The
sound money advocates aro not ene
mies of silver, as professional dema
gogues would have the public believe,
but on the contrary they favor the
white metal to such an extent that
they want it maintained at par with
gold at its present ratio, and they go
even further than that they say and
believe that if all the commercial na
tions of the- world would open their
mints to the free and unlimited coin
age of silver at its present ratio that it
might be maintained at a parity with
the yellow metal, and it is for that
reason the republican party honestly
says that it would favor free coinage
by international agreement. There is
nothing illogical or inconsistent in the
republican position. It is only cheap
demagogues like a pettifogging lawyer
in the trial of a case devoid of merit,
that 6eeks to befog a jury by digress
ing from the point at issue, and dis
tract the' minds of his hearers from
the real facts which condemn his posi
tion, by injecting a lot of sophistry
that won't bear even a casual analysis.
Younu Vanieiuhlt showed his
mettle in true Plebeian fashion and
married the girl despite his father's
protests and threat to cut him off.
His bride is a warmed-over one, who
was engaged to marry Cecil Baring,
bead of the great Baring . banking
house of London that went down in
the South American' collapse a few
years ago. Alter the failure the en
gagement was broken. She was "out
for the stuff," like all the rest of her
family, all of whom have rrarried into
the richest American families and 6he
didn't propose to be the victim of the
deflation of Argentine fiat money.
Her love for Baring deflated just as
quickly. She is eight years older than
young Vanderbilt, whose eyes will
eventually be opened. But his father
will probably be willing to buy him a
divorce. Ex. :
The populists woreoutfieured at the
recent convention, the democrats hav
ing had too strong a pull. The man
who deserted the pop crowd and nom
inated Broady was B. F. Allen of this
county, and his brother populists do
not feel first-rate over the deal, either.
The frictton which has been caused by
the democrats "hogging the game,"
will result in the loss of several votes
for Mr. Bryan, as the Tecumseh ob
ject lesson has opened the eyes of
many populists who are conscientious
in their devotion to populist principles
and have no special desire to boom
democracy. As a prominent populist
said to TnE News editor: "If Mr.
Bryan wants our votes let him come
out as a populist squarely and not try
to stoal our platform while wearing a
democratic cloak. The democratic
party would not be a factor in this cam
paign were it not for the assistance
from the people's party with which
they expect to save the life of waning
democracy, and I for one prefer to see
that organization go down rather than
build it up and kill the party I have
worked for ever since it was born.
The democratic scheme will not work
with lots of our people. I will not
vote the electoral ticket at all, but I
shall do all I can for Holcomb, the
best governor Nebraska ever had."
The editor of The Nkws finds many
populists of this opinion and the dis
satisfaction in the ranks seems to be
Buy an now knows that he has been
nominated for the presidency, but his
speech of acceptance was not that of
the bold knight of the western prai
ries, who throws down the gauntlet
and dares his antagonist to meet him
in the open field. On the other hand
it was largely defensive and consisted
of the usual platitudes and plays to
the gallery. It was neither broad nor
deep in the discussion of the platform.
but in some instances his sophistries
may rightfully have been called
adroit. The customary talk about
the omnivorous and soulless
east fattening from the down
trodden and hungry horde of western
toilers for obvious reasons. He made
the same old effort to stir up enmity
between the classes, and then not to
antagonize the wealthy and indus
trious too far. he explained and
smoothed over his views by show
ing favor to the man who ac
cumulated wealth as being entitled to
fair treatment under the law the same
as the man without a penny. The
speech was not quite so theatrical as
his western efforts, and can not be
considered as specially convincing.
It was one William J. Strong who
introduced our boy orator to the crowd
at Chicago and he said so much that
the orator was somewhat nonplussed to
find a place to chip in himself. Among
other things Mr. Strong said that
"our children are often tugging at our
coat-tails asking us for bread, that we
cannot give them because we are out
of work." Further on, Mr. Strong as
sured the people of Chicago that "any
thing stamped as a dollar by the
United States government was worth
a hundred cents and would betaken by
anybody for that sum." It would be a
bright idea for Mr. Strong to go down
to1 Washington and have himself
stamped that way. Then he could
come home and trade himself off for
bread for his hungry children. Why
not utilize himself that way since he
can't get work under Mr. Bryan's and
Mr. Wilson's tariff reform act?
State Journal.
Tiik auditor of the state of Colorado,
in his proposed action reveals the in
tolerance of silver fanaticism. Sev
eral life insurance companies have
sent out circular to their policy hold
ers, stating frankly the inevitable
losses that will come toevery holder of
life insurrnce, in case of free silver at
16 to 1 being successful. These state
ments aro absolute fact, verified in
the history of the worlds fiinance
again and again.
State Auditor Parks says these cir
culars evidence of insolvency on the
part of the companies and he proposes
to stop these companies from doing
any business in Colorado, which under
the state law it seems he has power to
da " This is ridiculous and intolerant
because the circulars are evidence of
an honest desire to protect the policy
holders, and not of insolvency at all
Mr. Parks writes himself down an ass,
that is all.
Duuino the civil war. when we had
a depreciated currency, the prices of
the necessaries of life advanced 200
per cent, while wages advanced only
149 per cent. The workinffman was a
loser, therefore, to the extent of 51
per cent; and a similar result would
ensue under the free silver policy.
The only real, genuine, all-wool-and-a-yard-wide
"boy orator of the Platte,"
our Col. Matthew Gering, was igno
miniously turned down at the Tecum
seh convention. Wo are not grieving
over J, as he would have polled more
vote .ban Mr. Broady will ever
able to muster.
McKinley and Bryan both made
speeches yesterday. The gist of Mc
Kinley 's speech was that ho believed
it better for the country to open up the
mills for American labor than the
mints for the silver of the world.
As Boukkk COCKUAN snys, there is
no half way ground in politics this
year. A man must be for the free
coinage of silver or he must be against
it. He must bo for Bryan or for Mc
Kinley. And yet there are news
papers that are neither for nor against
anybody or anything. This is the
kind of cowardice which makes such a
publication contemptible to all. This
is a poor year for mugwumps.
QWhat is Mr. Bryan going to do con
cerning the Populist nomination for
the Presidency?
It will be remembered that, when
the populist convention decided to
nominate a candidate for the Vice
Presidency before the head of the
ticket, Mr. Bryan telegraphed to his
friends in that body that he would not
accept unless Sewall was nominated.
But Sewall was turned down, and
Tom Watson put up for second place,
and then Bryan was nominated, des
pite his telegram.
Then a motion was rushed through,
the purport of which was not under
stood by the greater portion of the
delegates, giving the national com
mittee "plenary powers," equal to
those of the convention itself.
This gives the committee authority
to name some other candidate for the
Presidency, should Bryan decline; or,
it has equal authority to yank Tom
Watson off, and put Sewall on.
Which will be done?
If Bryan accepts, it is certain that
Watson will be pulled off. It is im
possible for Bryan's name to be twice
on the Australian ballots, the laws of
most of the states forbidding such a
Mr. Bryan can not long preserve the
attitude of the Nebraska sphinx. He
must decide what he is going to do.
It is most probable that he will ac
cept, that Watson will bo hauled off
and Sewall be put on, with a resulting
big kick from the"middle of the road
populists. Toledo Blade.
Prince Ito, premier of Japan, is in
tensely interested in the political cam
paign in this country and has a squad
of agents over here to find out about
it. The reason is that Ito himself was
badly bitten by the 16 to 1 dog. Some
years ago it occurred to him that in
order to keep Japan in bine with the
nations of the west it was necessary to
have some gold in her currency. He
was informed that the United States
was succeeding in tloating a large sil
ver currency, tho largest in the world
in proportion to population, on trie
basis of 16 to 1.
For some reason or other it escaped
him and his advisers that the United
States had accomplished this by
moans of a great reserve fund of gold
that was freely paid out on demand
for silver ana that tho goverment
coined its own silver on its own ac
count and was thus able to regulate
the volume thereof.
Ho therefore neglected to take a
similar precaution and endeavored to
establish free coinage of silver and
gold on the basis of 16 to 1 without
limit. Tho consequence has been that
every gold coin turned out in Japan
has been gobbled up for export or for
speculative purposes and that his at
tempt at bimetallism has resulted in
silver monometallism and that he is
no nearer his object today than he
was when he began to work for a bi
metallic circulation.
Doubtless Prince Ito's investiga
tion will result in teaching him just
wLat screw is loose with his monetary
system and he will adopt the plan now
in vogue in Europe and allofAmer
ica except Mexico, of a limited coin
age of silver supported by a reserve of
gold sufficient to keep silver in circu
lation as a subsidary coin and not a
standard of value. State Journal.
The mongrel convention which nom
inated Judge Broady at Tecumseh yes
terday was quite an affair. The free
silver republicans, forty in number,
led by the the gallant Colonel Pace of
Liu coin were there and had as much
to say as anybody. The softshell dem
ocrats and the populists, whom they
used to damn before they had to have
them to help elect Bryan, were there
in goodly numbers and the three sep
arate organizations were cooped up in
the same hall and a groat (?) conven
tion was the result of the mixing of
these elements.
While Candidate Bryan was sweat
ing great drops of grief at the condi
tion of the poor laboring mun and was
trying to impress his hearers with the
idea that the "plain common" people
were his constant care and devotion a
pickpocket emphasized an ugly ob
ject lesson on demogoguery, by trying
to pluck a $o00 diamond from the shirt
front of Mr. Creighton, one of Bryan's
backers and closest friends. The
stalwart friend of the "plain people"
should shake his millionaire guardians
when he goes out on a speaking tour,
for. these little incidents are more ex
pressive of actual conditions than ship
loads of bourbastic platitudes.
An indication of the wa in which
fre siiver is to affect business is shown
by recent dispatches sent out by the
press associations in regard to the
iron trade. It is impossible to make
sales of pig iron because of the agita
tion of free silver. Ihe use of iron is
so general in nearly all forms of in
dustrial undertaking: that the demand
for it, or lack of demand, is a sure in
dication of the condition of the public
pulse. The stoppage of the sales of
pig iron has led to the stoppage of the
production of ore in tho Rockfeller
mines at Bessemer, Mieh., throwing
7,000 men out of e nploymont. Canton
The free silver man in California ia
species of chump that would bo rec-
gnized anywhere by his long oars and
bass voice. In that state, by law all
contracts, bank deposits and debts of
very description are made payable in
gold. No one objects to the law and
all parties have agreed to and lived
nder its privileges without dissent.
The silverites in that state would not
be harmed vet he howls for other
states to try the depreciated currency
hich he does not want and would not I
have for himBelf. -
The following proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the Stato of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth iu fall,
are submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon
at the general election to be held Tues
day, November 3, A. D., 1893:
A joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two (2), four (4), and
five (5.) of article six (6) of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of the supreme
court and their term of office.
Be it resolved and enacted by tho Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section two (2) of article
aix (6) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended so as to read a fol
lows :
Section 3. Tho supreme court shall until
otherwise provi led by law, consist of five
(5) judges, a majority of whom shall be neeos
sary to form a quorum or to pronounce
adeol.sion. It shall have original jui isdi -tion
in cases relating to revenue, civil cast's in
which the state shall be a party, mandamus.
quo warranto, habeas corpus, and sn-h
appellate jurisdiction, as may be provided by
Section 2. That section four CO of article
six (6) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska, be amended so as to . read as fol
lows: Section 4. The judges of the supreme
court shall be elected by the electors of the
state at large, and their term of office ex
cept as hereinafter provided, shall be for a
period of not loss than five (5) years as the
legislat ure may prescribe.
Section 8. That section five (S) of nrtie'e
six (8) of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, be ameii'ied to read as fallows:
Section 5. At the first general election to
be held in the year lStHi. there shall be elected
two (2) judges of tho supreme court one
of whom shall be elected fur a term of
two (2) years, one for the term of four (4)
years, and at each general election there
after, there shall be elected one judge of
the supreme court for the term of five
(5) years, unlets otherwise provided ny
law; Provided, that the judges of the su
preme court whose terms have not expired
at the time of holding tho general elec
tion of ltftW, shall continue) to hold their
office for the remain ler of the term for
which they were respectively commis
sioned. Approved March A. D 1895.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen (13) of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
B it resolved by the Legislature of the Stat
of Nebraska:
Soot ion 1. That section thirteen (1H) of
article six (ft) of th t Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended so as to road as fol
lows :
Soo. 13 The judges of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their services
such compensation as may be provided by law,
payable quarterly.
The legislature shall at its first session
after the- adoption of this amendment,
three-fifths of the members elected to
each house concurring, establish their
compensation. The compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oftener
than once in four years, and in no event unless
two-thirds of tht members elected to
each house of the legislature concur
Approved March 30, A. D. 1805.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (24) of
article five (5) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of the officers of the executive
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section twentv-four (24)
of article five (o) of the Constitution of the
State of Neoraska be amended to read as fol
lows: Section 24. Thn officers of the executive
department of the stato government shall
receive fur their services a compensation
to be established by law, which shall be
neither increased nor diminished during the
term for which they shall hive been com
missioned and they &a ill not receive to their
own use auy fees, costs, interests, upon pdollc
moneys in their hands or under their control,
perquisites of ofli ;e or other compen
sation and all fees that may here
after be parable by law for services
performed by an officer provided for In
this article shall be paid in advance into the
state treasury. The legislature shall at its
first session after the adoption of this amend
ment, three-fifths of tho members elected to
eacn nouse or ino legislature con
curring, establish tho salaries of the
O ulcers named in this article. The com
pensation so established shall not bo changed
oftener than once in four years and in no
event unless two-thrds ot the members
elected to each house of the legislature concur
Approved Man'h 29. A. D. 1895.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section one (1) of article six (G) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka, relating to judicial power.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Lojiala
ture or the btate or ruebrasita:
Section I. That section on CO of article six
(6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to eaa as rollows :
Section 1. The judicial power of this state
shall be vested in a supreme court, district
courts, county courts justices of the
peace, police magistrates, aud in such other
courts inferior to th supreme couit as mar
be created by law in which two-tlfirds of
the lnembe.a elected to each house
Approved March 29, A. D. 1395
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article six
(6) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, relating to increase in num
ber of supreme and district court
Be it resolve I and enacted by the Legislature
of tho State of Nebraska :
Section 1. Tha-, section 1-ven (11) of
article six (ft) of th i Constitution of the ntate
f Nebraska i e amended to roa I as fol
Section 11. The letjis ature. whenever two
thirds of the memners elected to each house
shall concur therein, may. in or after the year
one thou-oina eiht hundred and ninety -seven
and not oftener than once in every lour years
increase the number of judges or su
prase and district courts, and the judical
districts of statu. Stub districts Jiuil
te rorine.l oi Compact territory, una
hounded br count v lines: and Such in
crease, or any change in the boundaries
ot a district, shall not vacate tho oill xs of any
Approveu auxrea oj, a., xs. .'j.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six (C) of article one (1) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
relating to trial by jury.
Be lresol ved and enacted by the Legislature
f tha State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section six (R). srticle one
fl) of the Constitution of the State of fce
Draska be amend d to read as follows:
Section fl. Ihe rinhi of tiinl b. jury shall
remain inviolate, bu the 'c'-is a'n-e pro
vide th 't in civli action fiveaUths of the jury
niav render a verdi -t. an I tha legislative may
alr'O an.horiax trial by a jury of a .o, t nuniler
than twave meu, in couns inferior to ihe, dis
trict court.
Approved March 29, A D. 1805.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of article five (5)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officers of the executive depart
ment. . : ,
for Infants
HTxtTY yearV observation
millions of persons, permit
It fa nnqnestlonaply the best remedy for Infanta and Children,
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something which U abaolntely aie and practically perfect aa n
child's) medicine.
Caatorla destroys 'Worm.
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Castorla does not contain, morphine, oplnm, or otherjaercotioproporty.
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Castorla la pwt up in one-size bottlew only. It ia not aold in bulk.
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See that yon yet C - A - S - T - O
The fac -simile
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Children Cry for
Be it resolved and enacted by tho Lochia,
tare of the Slae of Nebraska:
Section 1 That section one (1) of ar
ticle five (5) of the Constitution ot the rtate
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows :
Section 1 Tho executive detiartnieut shall
consist of a governor, lientenant-goveriior,
secretary of st.ite. auditor of pubile accounts,
treasurer, hu cintendent of public in
struction, attorney general, commissioner
or publio lands nnd buildings, and three
railroad rommis-iioners. ejn h ot whom,
except the cull rsilroal commissioner.
shidl hold
tils oiliee for a term of
f-om the first Thursibiy after
Tuesla in January, after
ami until his successor is
noalifled. Ka h ridlrond enm-
two years,
the first
his election,
electod and
mltsioner shall hold his office for a term of
three years beginning on the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday in .la iuary a'tcr
his election nnd until his suem-s
sor is ele tot. nnd qtn.ifiod- Provided,
however. That nt tho first general elec
tion held at ter tho ado.itio.i of this amend
ment there i-hna be electoa tln-e ruiiroud
commissioner, one for the period of one
year, one for the period of two years, and
one for the p- rtod of three years. Thx gov
ernor, secretary of state, auditot of pub
lic accounts, and treasurer bhall reside at
the capital during their term of, offl-e;
they shall keep the pubile recoid-0 Uoks
and papers there and .hall perform such du
ties as may be required by law.
Approved March 30. A- D. 1805.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-six (2fi) of ar
ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of exeenfivft stato r.fTleers.
, .
Be it resolved and enacted l,y the Lg-
isiature oi tn nwne oi neurasKa:
Section 1. '1 hat section twenty-six (20) of
article nve (.. or the txintitution ot the
Dtaie oi ixeorasKu ne smetiucu io rcau as
follows :
Section 2ft. No other executive state offi
cers except those named iu se tion on i (1)
of this article Khiil b- created, ex, -cot,
by an act of tho legislature whieh is
concurred in ry not bus than throe f iiirths
of tha members elected to each house
thereof I
Provided, Th it any office cro'tted by ari
act of the legislature may be almltslied ty
tha legislature, two-thirds of the mem
bers elected to each hou.-e thereof concur
ring. Approved March 30. A. D . 1893.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture ot the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section nine ('.) of article
eight (o) or the t O'istitulion or the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows: Section 9. All fnn Is belonging to the fctate
for educational purposes, tho interest and
Income whereof only are to be u.mi, shall
be deemed trust funds held by the state,
and tha stt shall mipply all losses there
of that may in any manner accrue, so that
tha same hhall remain forever inviolate
and undiminished ami shall not be In
vested or loaned except on United States
or state securities, or registered county
bonds or registered s ho 1 district bonds of
this state, nnd hu h funds with th) inter
est and income thereof aro hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purpose for whl h they
are granted and set apart, and shall not
be transferred to auy other fund for other
Provided. The board created by s-tlon
1 of this article is emjiowered to sell from
time to time any of the securities belonging
to the permanent s hool fund and invest
the prceeda arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated in this section bear
ing a higher rate of interest whenever
an opportunity for better investment is pre
sented; And provided further. That when any
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
nlarly issued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy ol a tax for Its payment, shall
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not be any
money In the proper fund to pay such
warrant, the board crested by section 1
of this artic e may direct thrf state treas
urer to pay the amount due on su h war
rant from moneys in hl hands Is-longing
to the permanent school fund of the slate,
and ho shad hold -nid .vurrant as au in
vestment of sai l rnriiient s. hxl fund.
ApiTJVe l Mar.'h "J. A. U 189j.
A joint resolution promising an
amendment to th Concf itution of tho
State of Nebraska bv nddinc a new
section to article twelve (12) of Hiud
constitution to b numbered section
two (2) relative to Ihe merging of the
government of cities of ihe metro
politan cLisa and th- government of
the conntios wherein such cities are
Be it resolved and enacted by the legis
lature of th. State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That article twelve fl:.') o' the
Const I ution of tho Stiito f Nei.r-ska n
mended tv a-.iu t:t to said arti ! a new sec
tion to I e numbered section two (2) to r-'iid
as follows:
Section 2. Tin government of any city or
the metrojio jum Class and the gov
ernment of I ho i-onnty in wh eh
it is lo-ab-d mi' Is- Merced v )e:lv
or in part wh'ii a proposition so to do has
been submitted by authority of law to the
voters of such city and lonntv and re-
ceival the ass nt of a in-J irity of Ihe
votes cast in sueh cit- and also a -inn i rit i
of ihe votoi irmc iu the county ex iiunve
of thoe cast in su h met.'opaiita'i city at such
Approved March S A. D. lt&j.
joint resolution proposing an
and Children.
of Cantoria xrith the rTPnE'?.f
n to apeak of It without fc nesting.
- R - I - A.
Pitcher's Cactoria.
amendment to sertion fix (fi) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of the
Stato of Nebraska, prescribing the
manner in which votes fclmll lo cast.
Be It nnolvcd and enacted by tho Legislat
ure of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1 Th.t section six (ft) of article
even (7) of the Confutation of the Stats
of Nebraska be amended to read as fel
lows: Section B. AH votes shill be by ballot, or
such other method as may he prescribed
by law. provided the aooreor of voting be
Approved March 29. A D. 1805.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (2) of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relative to donations
to works of internal improvement and
Be it resolved and enanted by tha Leg
islature ot the Htate of Nebraska : J,
nsciion i inat t-eciiou iwo ii c,r irrr
jourtxon (it) or tni jonstituuon oi tu.
ctiau) or jNuora-iua, te aim nucu to ra mi
Bmo. 2. No city, county, town, prsatnet,
municipality, or other suIkIi vl-uon of the
state, shall ever make donations to any
worgs oi internal improvement, or
manufactory, unless a tropoiMoi so to
do shall have Isien flr' mil. muted to ths
Onaliflcd electors and iTiifll l.v a two
thirds vote at an letloii rr authority of
law; Provided 'Hint such doiiktioaa of
county with tha donations of snch suidi-
I visions in the aggregate hhall not x, sod
I ten per cent of the assesst-d valuation of
(such county; I'rovlded. further. Thot any
(city or county may, by a thrna-fourths
) vote, lncreosn hu. h Indebtedness five r
- cent, in auoinon io sucn ten per ennt ee l
no Doiio or eviiienees or intleliteniiess sol
issued shall I si vand unless th same xht I
have endorse! thireon a enrtitleutn signed
by tho secretary and audi or of state,
showing that the same is lsue 1 parsunul tu
Approved March 20, A I).. 18CJ.
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of stato of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby ri-ttify
that tho foregoing prujiosod amendments
to the Constitution of tho State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled and engrossed'
hills, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of tho legislature of tho t-'tah
or Nebraska, as aid .ears from haid
original bills f,n file in this office, unci
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to tin
'qualified voters of the fctato of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to lo held oi
Tuesday, the Sd day of November, A
D., lS'M.
In testimony whereof, I havo hpre
unto set my hand and affixed the grca
Beal of tho State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day o
July, iu the year of our Lord, CneTfT
sand. Eight Hundred and Ninety-Si
of the Independence of the Unit
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(SeaL) 3. A. ril'EU,
Secretary of State.
I 'roll i bit ion Com en t bin .
The prohibitionists of Cass count
aro called to meet in county conven
tion at l'armulo'a hall Saturdny. Ant
15, at 1 o'clock p. m.. Weeping atei
Neb., to nominate a county ticket at.'
transact such other business as ma1
coino before the convention. 'om
are cordially invited to attend th
con von Hon.
W. O. Trch'KK, Pies.
Mary E. Kockwki.L, sjc:
We have $100,(NX) to loan at a lo
rate of interest on woll-imptovi
Thk National Exchange Co.,
Plaltsmouth, Neb.
Knglish Spavin Liniment removes
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps an
Ulemishesfrom horses. IJlood Snavin1
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Hot
Stifles, Sprains, all S woolen Thrortl
Coughs, etc. Save $"!) by use of oi
bottle. Warranted the most wonde
ful Iiiemish Cure ever known. SolJ I
P. G. Fricko &, Co., drugcists, ri.ittJ
mouth. .
Wnen Baby was sick, wt 0'are her Castorla.
When she vas a Chil l, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she bad CLiltlren, she gave theiu Cuatoria.