t Semi-Weekly News-Herald WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS THE TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTf TTYTTTTTTTT? 'IT OOIVrJLIIVS A.JL.X NEWS FOK ONLY YEAR, TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION THREE MONTHS FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. OFFICE ON LOWER MAIN STREET. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, 5- i 19 Ttie Semi-Weekly News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH, NIB. FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1896. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Six bargains in second-hand bicycles at Lehnnotls Saturday. For exchange, cord wood for a pood horse. Enquire at The News office. Ed Oliver, the butcher, was attend ing to business in the metropolis to day. The Cabinet, made by Otto Wurl, is the best nickel cigar sold anywhere. Try it. Alwaya in season. Hopkins' steamed hominy (hulled corn). Elegant lunch in milk. Go to Robert J. Vasa for reliable abstracts of title. Office in Briggs building. Jake Denson received a smashed finger this morning while at work in the shops. Byron Clark went out to Denver today on a combined business and pleasure trip. "Mr. Good win, the proprietor of the Wonder store went over to Glenwood this morning. Mayor J. A. Gutsche was a pas seneer for Omaha on the fast mail this afternoon. For Sale Coal and ice plant, (or either), in York, Neb. Address lock box 643, York, Neb. Tucker Sisters have just received a lovely line of up-to-date kid gloves in all 6hades. Call and see them. Bicycles at $9.75, $16.00, $10.50. $27.00 and up, at Lehnhoffs tomorrow Everything goes at low figures. M. D. Ruby of Louisville was look ing after business matters in the city today and went to Omaha this after noon. Mr. Minner, who was in this city for several days, departed yesterday for Billings, Montana, where he expects to reside. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds, croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by all druggists. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vallery re turned home this morning from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Minor, and family at Louisiana, Mo. The best place to buy flour is where you can get it the cheapest, and that is at S. L. Greeson's Flour and Feed store on South Sixth street. We will have a special sale Satur day of all bicycles in stock, new and second-hand. They all go at auction prices. Leiixiioff Bugs. The finest of tobacco carofully se lected is used in the manufacture of the Cabinet cigar, if you want some thing extra good for five cents call -for a Cabinet. Pass the good word along the line Piles can be quickly cured without an operation by simply apply Ihet De Witt's Whitch Hazel Salve. F. G Fricke & Co. "Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!' so said De Witt's Little Early Risers to the man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. F. G Fricke & Co. Mrs. J. B. Mayfield of Memphis Neb., mother of Mrs. Jack Denson, and Mrs. Lee Mayfield of Lincoln, Mrs. Denson's sister-in-law, are in the city for a visit with the latter. W. W. Coates will have the Hotel Dellone ready to open about August 10. It is one of the best hotels in Omaha, and ought under good man agement to prove a success. Persons who have a coughing BpoU every night, on account of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. The monthly business and social meeting of the Epworth League will be held this evening at the home of Mrs. A. P. Campbell in South Park. All young people cordially invited. Small in size, but great in results. DeWitt's Little Early Risers act gent ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. F. G. Fricke & Co. A party of pleasure seekers consist ing of Byron Clark and wife, J, M. Craig ane family, C. C. Parmele and Mrs. Agnew departed this afternoon for Dead wood and vicinity for a weeks' outing. Mrs. Joe Worral died at 7:30 this morning of typhoid fever. She leaves a husband and one sou aged thirteen. The funeral will take place Sunday at 2 p. m. from the residence, Rev. Freund of the German Evangelical church officiating.: About twenty-five of the young friends of Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stultz, called in a body last evening to give her a sur prise. Nice refreshments were served and a very enjoyable evening was spent by the young people. Chas. Parmele, receiver of the Citi zens' bank, removed today all the effects of the bank to the rear room of the Bank of Cass County building, where those desiring to transact bus iness with the receiver may find him or some one representing him. The windows of the "Casino" saloon are now ornamented with the pictures of the two presidential nominees. The proprietors showed their good judg ment by giving the leader of protec tion and prosperity the most promi nent place the Main street window. When we consider that the intes tines are about five times as long as the body, we can realize the intense suffering experienced when they be- inflamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure subdues inflammation at once and completely removes the difficulty. F. G. Fricke & Co. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas- anter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pnoumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. F. G. Fricke and Co. It would be hard to convince a man suffering from bilious colic that his agony is due to a microbe with an un- pronouncable name. But one dose of DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure will convince him of its power to afford in Btant relief. It kills pain. F. G. Fricke & Co. From the Denver no publican we note that Arch Coleman is becoming quite a "oiker". In the jewelers five- mile handicap race there this week, Arch won first prize a diamond scarf pin while Glenn Carruth came in twenty-sixth in the race. Evidently Glen can walk faster than he can ride, The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ramsden will be grieved to learn that their baby boy, aged one year, died this morning after an illness of two weeks with cholera infantum. The funeral will take place from tha house in Fourth ward tomorrow afternoon, Rev. H. B. Burgess officiating. .Mayor istaninut yesterday en deavored to induce some oi the mem bers of the council to sign an order on the city treasurer for $125 to take out the testimony in the water case that lies hero in the express office and is supposed to be needed in the case now pending in the supreme court. Some of the members to whom it was taken suggested that farst thi3 transcript was only $46, and then it was $90, and now it is $125. As far as the News could learn, aside from Nicholson none of the councilmen signed the order. Nebraska City News. Ilow'8 Till. We offer Olie Hundred Dollars Keward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall s Uatarrh cure. V. S. C11KNKV & CO.. 1'roDs.. Toledo. O We the undersigned, have known K. J Cheney for the last 15 years, ana believe hlui perfectly honorable In all business transactions and UuanctHlly able to carry out any obligations maue by their nrm. Wkst & 'i'Kl'AX, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo. O. Waldino, Kinnan & Marxist, Wholesale Druiteiats. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. I'rlce 7'ic. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. What Ik a Guarantee? It is this. If you have a Cough or Cold, a tickling in the Throat, which keeps you constantly coughing, or if you are affiicted with any Chest, Throat or Lung Trouble, Whooping Cough, eta, and you use Ballard's Horehound Syrup as directed, giving it a fair trial, and no benefit is experi enced we authorize our advertised agent to refund your money on return of bottle. It never fails to give satis faction. It promptly relieves Bron chitis. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. English Sp avin Liniment removfsal Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts mouth. KstrayeU. From my residence.' A small black cow with white spots, dehorned. Anyone taking up an animal of this description will please notify me at the county clerk's office. Jas. Robektsox. Mice Mew Hay. If you want some choice hay, drop a postal card addressed to Elam Par mele, Plattsmouth, and he will fill your order. Call For Meeting of Central Committee. The republican county central com mittee of Cass county is called to meet in the city of Weeping Water on Sat urday, August 1, 1896, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the transaction of such business as may come before it. All members of the committee are requested to be present. J. H. Hall, Chairman, D. K. Baku, Secretary. Perklnw House Harber Shop. Will P. Cook has opened up a first class barber shop in the Perkins house, and would be glad to meet his old-time friends and the public gen erally desiring work in his line. Special Excursion Kates to Hot Springs. On July 31, August 14 and 28, the B. & M. will sell tickets for one fare for the round trip, limit for return 30 days from date of sale. W. L. Pickett, Agent. telegraphic brevities An unknown man fell into the river at the foot of St. Clair street, Chicago, and was drowned. A requierr. mass was celebrated for the entombed miners at Pittson, Ira. Rev. Father Greve was the celebrant. A cablegram from Paris says the Russian loan of 1,000,000,000 francs issued by the Rothschilds has been covered twenty-five times over. The body of John Entwistle, a sec tion boss, was found on the track oi the Ann Arbor railroad near Owsoo, Mich. Foul play is suspected. Herman May and Richard Boivers, two young boys, did the highwayman act at Chieago by holding up Alonzo Raggio and taking his valuables from him. They were arrested later. Daniel Strain, a wealthy farmer of Vermillion county, Indiana, com mitted suicide by shooting himself through the head, using a revolver that his daughter killed herself with some years ago. The McCloy lamp chimney factory at Elmwood, Ind., will reopen on Aug. 15. The Pittsburg Plate Glass com pany and the American plant at Aleder will also resume operations September 1. Mrs. Lottie Moseley of Chicago dis covered a man in her house and asked what he wanted. He said he was looking for Mr. Brown and sne got an ax and held him until the police ar rived. Collector Milno of Victoria, B. C, says tnat Japanese sealers snip an their guns and ammunition by Cana dian steamers home in order to avoid seizure, owing to the law prohibiting the destruction by fire arms. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM IN BRIEF. 1. Tariff, not only to furnish ade quate revenue for the necessary ex penses of the government, but to pro tect American labor from degradation to the wage level of othor lands. 2. Reciprocal agreements for open markets and discriminating duties in favor of the American merchant marine. 3. Maintenance of the existing gold standard and opposition to the free coinage of silver except by intorna tional agreement with tho "leading commercial nations of the world. 4. Pensions and preferences for veterans of the union army. 5. A firm, vigorous jUfcd dignified foreign policy "and all our interests in the western hemisphere carefully watched and guarded." 6. The Hawaiian islands to be con trolled by tho United States; the Nicaraguan canal to be built; a naval station in the West Indies. 7. Protection of American citiceus and property in Turkey. 8. Reassertion of the Monroe doc trine. Eventual withdrawal of Europ ean powers from this hemisphere and union of all English speaking people on this continent. 9. Tho United States actively to use influence to restore peace and give in dendence of Cuba. 10. Enlargement of the navy, de fense of harbors and seacoasts. 11. Exclusion of illiterate and rm moral immigrants. 12. Roapproval of the civil service law. 13. A free ballot and and honest count. 14. Condemnation of lynching. 15. Approval of national arbitration 16. Approval of a free homestead law. 17. Admission of the remaining ter ritories, representation for Alaska abolition of carpet-bag federal officers. 18. Sympathy with legitimate ef forts to lessen intemperance. 19. nn inconclusive but sympathetic reference to the "rights and interests of women." J. Sterling- Morton has been the hero of many battles, he has been licked out of his boots "steen" times and always come up smiling making tho same talk for principle. Today he is convinced that free silver at the ratio of 16 to I would bankrupt the country, and he is not the kind of a man to accept such a doctrine even though the dose be offered afl a panacea by the democratic party to which he has been wedded since infancy. He boldly speaks out against the danger ous theory and is prominently men tioned as the sound money candidate of tho democratic party for the presi dency. If he should accept the nomi nation tho free silver question would at once receive its quietus, confidence would be restored and an era of pros perity would oe entered upon. Just as the populist convention de clared for Bryan the electric light went out in the building and left the crowd completely in the dark. This doubtless means that Bryan will be left in the darK in November. Ex. Tom Watson may not be a Conklinc, but he hits off the situation with a di rectness that is interesting, and when democrats think he will lay down to save the. democratic party they are evidently mistaken in the calibre of their man. Executive clemency has been re fused Claud H. noover, the man who murdered his brother-in-law, Samuel DuBois, at Omaha last December, and be will hang August 7. Heath of Johnny Stevens. Johnny Stevens, a resident of this cit for years, went out to the Soldiers' home at Grand Island not long 6ince to pass his declining days, but the sands of life were nearly run and on Tuesday he passed to his final reckon ing in the other world. The inter ment took place yesterday, Charley Parmele being the only friend of earlier days that was present Johnny used to work for the Parmele's and they did not forget his faithful ser vices. Ho was a member of Tom Potter's company, the great railway manager, in the war, and came hero soon after his discharge, where he bogun working for C. U. Parmele. Mr. Parmele sent him to Grand Island last April, where he could be well cared for and for a long time he has seen to it that he was made comfortable, as he was both feeble and penniless. Mr. Morton Will Speak Secretary J. Sterling Morton, who was requested by some three hundred of our citizens to deliver an address on the financial question, has concluded to grant their request and will speak at the opera house on Saturday even ing next. Mr. Morton is always an interesting speaker and particularly will bo so on this question, which he has made a life stud v. It is doubtful if the hall will accom modate all who will desire to hear him Nebraska City News. Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of this place, was taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of black berry cordial but got no relief. She then sent to ine to see if I had any thing that would help her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for Diarrhoea but kept get ting worse. I sent him this same remedy. Only four doses wero re quired to cure him. He says he owes his recovery to this wonderful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich. For sale by all druggists. For Less Than Actual Cost. One new Spalding bicycle. T. M. PATTERSON'. For Rent Four, five, seven and nine room houses; also cottages for sale on monthly payments at two thirds original cost. II. B. Windham. Last summer one of our grand child ren was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remedies had tailed, the n wo tried Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief. We regard it as tho best medicine ever put on the market for bowel com plaints Mrs. E. G. Gregory, Fred erickstown. Mo. This certainly is the best remedy ever put on the market for dj'sontery, summer complaint, colic and cholera infantum in child ren. It never fails to give prompt re lief when used in reasonable time and the plain printed directions are fol lowed. Many mothers have expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures it has affected. For sale by all drug gists. Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes, "I have been suffering from Piles for twenty-five years and thought my case incurable. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me as a pile cure, so I bought a box and it per formed a permanent cure." This is only one of thousands of similar cases. Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield quickly when it is used. To Mormon do in ami Hark. On the 7th, and 8th of August, the Burlington route will sell round trip tickets to Salt Lake City, Utah, at tho one way rate, plus $2. Tickets will bear final limit of August 31, and, on the homeward journey, will allow stop-overs at points west of Denver. Call at the B. & M. R. ticket office and get full information, or write to J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Library Ice Cream Parlor. Philadelphia, Neapolitan, Drlmon ico. Plain, English and French iie creams. Sherberts, granites and water ices made to order for parties and entertainments. Shepherd & Roukrts, Props. I Smalt h GUARANTEE Chester's Compound Extract of Celery to be as good as any other preparation of tho kind on the market, and stand ready to refund your money if it does not benefit you as much as any other Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, loss of appe tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, eta ' A Great Nerre Tonic and System Renovator. 4 ' It Makes Weak People Strong. PRICE. $1 H BOTTLE. The Copious Showers. At Aurora, Hamilton county, rain fell last night to a depth of four inchi s. At Wahoo this morning at 7 o'clock a fall of three inches had been recorded and it vas still pouring down in tor rents. Eastorn and central Nebraska was thoroughly drenched last night and from appearances today there is more to follow. The Old Settlers' Reunion. The eight annual reunion of old set tiers will bo held at Union August 13 and 14. A man who missos an old set tlers' reunion this year is neglecting an important part of his education. There will be eloquent orators and bands of music. And there will be more. There will be a chance to mingle with the men and women who have done most to make Nebraska. A man who could not put in a couple of days at an old settlers' reunion simply listening and come away with material for two months' thinking would do narrow and barren in mind. A meet ing of the committees will bo held to morrow at which it is expected to complete tho arrangements. A grand time is anticipated. A Rate War. Present prospects favor a lively rate war in passenger business during the coming month between Chicago and Salt Lake and intermediate points. The western passenger agreement has been boldly broken and efforts of two days have failed to patch up tho trou bles. Low rates are already oponiy offered by one road, a big commission, practically operating as a cut in rates, is being paid by another, and the re maining through lines are reduced to the necessity of falling in line or get ting none of the business. The trouble began over the rates for tho meeting of fire chiefs of the United States, which is to be held in Salt Lake beginning August 10. Western roads decided to make special rates for tho meeting on tho homeseekers' excursion plan, tho fare being the cost of a one way ticket plus $2. All the lines were quietiy working up business for the occasion when the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul an nounced an open rate of $30 from Chi cago to Salt Lake and retuon, that being $14.50 below the agreed rate on the homeseekers' excursion plan. About the same time the Union Pa-, cific jumped over the traces and an nounced that it would run choap side trips, give stop-overs and other privi leges which it had originally been de cided should be denied. The St. Paul gave as its reason for allowing the low rate that the Burlington was of fering a big commission on the sale of its tickets, a commission which prac tically acted as a reduction of $14.50 and that it had taken the protestod action in self-protection. The Bur lington, on the other hand, declares the St. Paul had secured an immense proportion of the business by offering thing3 which the road had decided against; that it had tried to get legis lation in its favor, and failing, had been obliged to make tho reductions. State Journal. For Sale or Trade. nice household furniture, for for a horse and buggy. Call News office for particulars. Some cash or at The "S3NI3ld3Lj JOl dTJ 3TU 1!lJjndB9JT!g s.poojl 8lBlJ. -jo om oirj Anq oidooj WANTS. (Special notices under thl9 head will be charged for at the rate of cent per word each Insertion.) WANTED. WANTED Washing to do for private families. Leave orders at Ned Baker's iruit stand. FOR RENT. FOR KENT An elegant suite of three rooms nicely furnished. Apply to Fred Stadelman at Weidmann s restaurant. FOR SALE. COK SALE. CHEAP All of the Peter KliiiRson I property, rour nouses on inira street. iou houses on Sixth street, one lot in South 1'ark. tei acres land south of town, paint shop, ladders and swinging stage. See Mrs. Elingson, A. J. Graves or ai. j uonartoe. FOR SALE A brick house, three hits, good barn and outbuildings, lots ot fruit lo: only $.(. Apply at once at the Aeivs oince. MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSE-CLEANING. taking down stoves or any kind ol work done. Anyone wanting that kind ol work done will do well to call on or address kildow Brothers, Plattsmouth, Neb. Par mele SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. ! 1 1 9 s ':iT:iiii;;-;"'ii;''!''r,'fc;'l'i::--i : hfSvH III ' BlaclcvelFs Genuine ULL DMIRIHlAGiiD yl Too will find one coupon Inside aach 2 ounce H Buy a bag, read the coupon and see now to saKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfes Hcnilcrss of The iVevm.. Have means with which to buy E Your 3 lf Goods.. Have you any to sell ? 2 rsSE: News readers cannot be reached by an advertisement in any zZ2 other newspaper. 3 HH The iVeiFS H SSj lJciltsMiiouth 5 SiiiiiiuiitmuiiiimiiiiiuiiiuitUiiu The News, 106 per THE CITY HOTEL, HANS H. GOOS, Proprietor. Best Si Per Day House in the State Thorotiphly cleaned and refurnished. A nice table and pleas-jot rooms. Bar in hotel stocked with pure Liquors and Cigars. Corner Third and Main-sts. PLKTTSMOUTH, STILL IN IT., I BEST rijrs f ir Woildmtfs, b'unorals or l 'leisure Parties, etc. Hack orders attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Cash preferred. Call and eo rates. Telephone . N. B.Yf. D. Jones auctioneer all disposed of. BEESON d. ROOT. A. t lorn cys-a-Ln w Office over First National Bank. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. I 1 '4 ft ft 4 baft and 'wo coupon Inside eacb 4 ounce bag. get your share of f'AO.OUQ In presants. NEBR71SKH. week W. D. JONES... Cass County's Oldest : Liveryman, 618 MAIN STREET. BUSINESS. kinds of goods and farm stock HARD COA Miisout jCod, Genuine Canon City CoaJ FOR CASH. Leave orders at F. S. White's. W. WHITE.