Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 29, 1896, Image 4

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Semi-leekly iNews-Herald
II I. . I - ' M " " I I
TtieSeml-Weeklu News-Herald
1WEDNESUAY, JULY 29, 1896.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
For exchange, cord wood for a pood
horse. Enquire at The News olfice.
Get your abstracts of title made by
. Robert J. Vass. Office in Briggs build
ing. Always in season. Hopkins' steamed
hominy (hulled corn). Elegant lunch
in milk.
W. T.Allen, one of the pioneer popu
lists of Saunders county is in the city
Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable
abstracts of title. Office in Briggs
Miss Mol'.ie Kent came down from
Omaha this mornin? for a brief vibit
with friends.
For Sale Coal and ice plant, (or
either), in York. Neb. Address lock
box 643, York, Neb.
Tucker Sisters have just received a
lovely line of up-to-date kid gloves in
all shades. Call and see them.
Matthew Gering and his uncle, Mr.
Kluftinger, went to Lincoln today,
where they will call on W. J Bryan.
George Mann and Commodore Dabb
caught some fine catfish up the river
Saturdav ni?ht. one weighed nine
County Superintendent Farley
leaves this evening on a business trip
out into the western part of the
Miss Lena Shrader went over to
Creston this morniuer for a visit, with
Mrs. Skinner- daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Herold.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures
colds, croup and whooping cough. It
is nleasant. safe and reliable. For
A - w
sale by all druggists.
The Misses Ella, Marilla and Anna
Maxwell, daughters of the ex-chief
justice, have been visiting at Capt
Wiles' since Saturday.
The best place to buy flour is where
you can get it the cheapest, and that
is at S. L. Greeson's Flour and Feed
store on South Sixth street.
Mrs. Keefer, who chaperoned
nartv of iollv vouncr Deople up at
- r a at a
Spring lake returned with the crowd
yesterdav. Thev report a first-class
The finest of tobacco carefully se
lected is used in the manufacture of
the Cabinet cigar. If you want some
thing extra good for five cents call for
a Cabinet.
"Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!'
so said De Witt's Little Early Risers
to the mar. who had taken them to
arouse his sluggish liver. F. G
Fricke & Co.
Pass the good word along the line
Piles can be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applviRg De
Witt's Whiten Ilazel Salve. F. G
Fricke & Co.
The ladies of St. John's church will
give a lawn social at the home of Mrs
Chas. McEntee, on Ninth and Pearl
streets, Wednesday evening, July 29,
All are invited.
Persons who have a coughiDg spol
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation in the throat, may overcome
it at once bv a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Small in size, but great in results
DeWitt's Little Early Risers act gent
ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion
dyspepsia and constipation. Smal
pill, safe pill, best pill. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
When we consider that the intes
tines are about nve times as long as
the body, we can realize the intense
suffering experienced when they be
inflamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues inflammation at once and
completely removes the difficulty. F,
G. Fricke & Co.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected cold:?.
F. G. Fricke and Co.
It would be hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious colic that his
acronv is due to a microbe with an un
pronouncable name. But one dose of
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure will
convince him of its power to afford in
stant relief. It kills pain. F. G
Fricke & Co.
The Nebraska City Cannine Co. will
not put up so many goods this year as
they did several years ago. They will
nut ud the corn from 125 acres and the
tomatoes from twelve acres. The mar
ket is so low that they do not seem in
clined to go much, heavier into the
business this season than stated above
Nebraska City News,
H. C. McMaken and family and a
few invited guests went out to his
lakes near Cedar Creek today for an
outing. They will eat a picnic dinner
in the woods and angle for black bass
In the lakes, and no doubt will eDjoy
the change from the coloric atmos
phere which holds full sway down
Mrs. Louis Dose entertained over a
hundred guests Sunday at a picnic
party, her friends having called in
honor of her forty-second birthday an
niversary. i.verytning eataoie mat
could be thought of was supplied in
abundance and the day was given over
to having a good time. The hostess
was kindly remembered by numerous
testimonials of friendship in the shape
of handsome presents suitable to the
occasion. The guests were delighted
with the genial hospitality which pre
vailed and before returning home they
expressod a hearty wish that Mrs.
Dose might enjoy many more equally
pleasant anniversaries.
Council Meeting.
The city council met in regular ses
sion last evening. All members were
present, his honor. Mayor Gulsche,
Petition for sidewalk on North Sixth
street was referred to committee on
streets, alleys and bridges.
James Hunter notified the council
in writing that he would close a street
through Billinstown Aug. 10 if the city
did not make a connection with south
Ninth street. The matter was re
ferred to the judiciary committee.
Richey & Son's bid for furnishing
lumber to the city was found to be the
lowest and the contract was awarded
in accordance therewith. Cummins
Bros, were awarded contract for sup
plying tiling.
The matter of the city purchasing
the gas and electric light works was
favorably commented on by . J.
White and others and a committoe
consisting of Messrs. White, Sattler
and Whalen was appointed to investi
gate the matter and report at the next
meeting of the council.
After the allowance of the following
bills the council adjourned:
Elias Kildow $16 Go
Lyman Kildow 1G 50
Alfred Archer 2 85
A Kurtz 37 50
P J Hansen 10 00
Platts. Water Co 937 50
C McEntee 8 10
Claus Boetel 11 55
Jacob llauk 7 35
J Fitzpatrick 10 00
C Tyler 5 10
Geo Gargus 25 50
B Gargus 2 85
J C Williams 12 00
W A O'Neill 2 70
C Con ant 3 00
John Kildow 30 00
0 Harvey 18 00
W Beason I 50
John Kildow o 60
John Ledgway 1 00
Gid Archer 5 00
Jas Hickson 2 50
W C Benfer 2 50
WmMcCauley 2 50
Elias Kildow 2 50
At Harkins 5 00
C A Miller 25 00
Dailv Journal 21 12
A Serloua Fall.
While working on a roof south of
Nebraska City John Hall fell to the
sround. a distance of twenty feet. He
was brought to his home in this city
Saturday and for a time his condition
was thought to be critical, owing to
internal injuries. He is convalescent
today and strong hopes are now enter
tained for his recovery. No bones
were broken in the fall, yet the in
iuries sustained seem to have been
much worse.
Thut "seU Out.
William Moran returned yesterday
from St Louis, where he has been for
the past week attending the national
populist convention, says the Nebraska
City News. He is confident that Wat
son will withdraw from the ticket and
that the national committee will sub
stitute the name of Sewail in his
place. That was the intention of the
delegates who understood the situa
tion. f
Lout Their llorae.
Harry Hall and wife, the flatter be
ing formerly a Miss Mitchell of this
city, drove down from Council Bluffs
Sunday for a visit with their Platts
mouth friends. One of their horses
died while they were here and yester
day they secured another of Y. D.
Jones and returned home. Henry
Tartsch accompanying them.
Frost at braska City
A light frost visited this section last
Friday morning. Those employed
about the B. & M. round house noticed
it as well as others residing on the
low lands. It did no damage as far as
could be learned. Nebraska City
I'erkiiis House ISarber Shop.
Will P. Cook has opened up a first
class barber shop in the Perkins
House, and would be glad to meet his
old-time friends and the public gen
erally desiring work in his line.
A story of Gettysburg is told by
Gen. Doubleday, and published in the
Chicago Times-Herald: "An officer
of the 6th Wisconsin regiment walked
up to Col. Dawes, who was in com
mand Col. Braeg was in Washington
on crutches. The officer was very
erect and pale. Dawes and Doubleday
both thought he was coming with a
report or to receive orders. But he
was not. He had a favor to ask.
'Colonel,' he said to Dawes, 'will you
tell the folks at home I died as a man
and a soldier should V" Then he un
buttoned his coat. His whole side was
shot away. It was his last effort. He
died standing."
Loudon's Faille Houses.
The niblic honsA explain a great
many of the miseries of the miserable lo
cality. There may bd some teetotalers,
but there are not mny, and there are
almost a few drinker who are always
moderate in their ligations. The curse
of bitter beer, raw)cotch whisky and
tuppenny" gin rs neavy on me
place. Public opinion is no weapon
against it, for publio opinion openly la-
yors drinking whenever one has the nec
essary money and does .not regard actual
drunkenness as a disgrace worth men
tioning. V
Women drink at the burs as uncon
cernedly as men do, and burmaida serve
them. The barroom is the gossip place,
and babes and small children are carried
to it and kept in it by careful mothers,
who gather there for the day 't necessary
talk. Infants sometimes cry and at such
times are permitted a sip from the ma
ternal glass, quite as other children are
bribed with chocolate drops. Thus blear
eyes and drink reddened faces often have
early beginnings. The children on the
streets are dirty, ragged and vociferous
ly happy over small things. Adults are
not genuinely happy. There is no reason
why they should bo. They derive much
spasmodic merriment from the public
houses. Drunkenness and fighting are
common everywhere, especially on the
streets. During one noon recess I saw
three fights develop among the two dozen
employees of a box factory. Nor are the
combatants always men or boys. Cen
tury. At What Age Is Man Strongest?
The muscles, in common with all the
organs of the body, have their stages of
development and decline ; our physical
strength increases up to a certain age
and then decreases. Tests of the strength
of several thousands of people have been
made by means of a dynamometer
(strength measurer) and the following
are given as the average figures for th
white race :
The "lifting power" of a youth of 17
years is 280 pounds; in his twentieth
year this increases to 320 pounds, and
in the thirtieth and thirty-first years it
reaches its height, 356 pounds. At the
end of the thirty-first year tho strength
begins to decline, very slowly at first.
By the fortieth year it has decreased
eight pounds, and this diminution con
tinues at a slightly increasing rate until
the fiftieth year is reached, when the
figure is 330 pounds.
After this period the strength fails
more and more rapidly until the weak
ness of old ago is reached. It is not pos
sible to give statistics of the decline of
strength after tho fiftieth year, as it va
ries to a large extent in different indi
viduals. Strand Magazine.
The Lnmlaoiu Bea Crab.
One of tho marine curiosities recently
fished from the bottom of tho Indian
ocean by a dredging vessel in the em
ploy of the Calcutta Society of Natural
History was a mammoth sea crab which
continually emitted a bright white light
similar to that seen in tho spasmodic
flashes of phosphorescent luminosity
kindled by our common fireflies. The
oddity was captured in daytime and
placed in a large tank, nothing peculiar
except its immense si being noticeable
in the broad glare of the tropical sun.
At night, however, when all was in
pitchy darkness, the crab surprised the
naturalists by lighting up tho tank so
that all the other si a creatures, great and
small, occupying tho same tank could bo
plainly seen. When tho luminous crus
tacean was prodded with a pole, he emit
ted flashes of lights which enabled the
experimenters to read small print, even
though otherwise they were in total
darkness. St. Louis Republic
Oat of the I'ubllc
When I was a very little boy, writes
Sir William Gregory in his autobiog
raphy, my grandfather, who was then
under secretary for Ireland, took mo to
the chief secretary'.! room in Dublin
castle and formally introduced mo tc
Lord Melbourne.
After I had been with him for some
little time he said, ' 'Now, my boy, is
there anything here you would like?"
"Yes," I answered, pointing to a
very large stick of sealing wax.
' 'That's right, " said Lord Melbourne,
pressing on me a bundle of pens, "begin
life early. All these things belong ta
the public, and your business must al
ways be to get out of the public a?
much as you can. " Pearson's Weekly.
All on the Ontalde.
Speaking of libraries reminds me of a
story I heard of a certain rich man who
did build himself a new mansion, and
wishing to set up a bookroom there he
simply went to a real library, put down
the names of the volumes and h;id them
painted on boards that assimilated a
"Oh, it doesn't matter," he said.
"You see, folks will never read 'em, an
they look just as welL "
The man who told me this story point
ed to a couple of meaningless married
"They aro just like Mr. s li
brary," he said. And they wera -New
York Recorder.
A Mugwump.
"Maw," said the littlo boy, 'Johnny
is such a Mugwump that I don't want
to sleep with him any more. "
"A Mugwump?"
"Yes, mamma. Didn't you Ull mo
that a 'Mugwump was some one who
would not take either side? And that's
the way with Johnny. He a iways wants
to sleep in the middle of the bed."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Surprise All Around.
Grandma (who has just arrived for a
visit) WelL Freddie, I suppose your
father was greatly surprised to get my
telegram saying I was coming?
Freddie; Yes, but mother was tho
moat surprised.
Grandma At t'je glad news, I sup
pose? Freddie No, at papa's language.
Detroit Free Prea&
Mr. ltryan's Intentions.
Hon. W. J. Bryan expects to receive
the formal notification of his nomina
tion for the presidency not later than
August 12th. The notification, as
well known, will occur in Madison
square garden. New York, instead of
Lincoln, Neb., and promises to be a
stupendous spectacular affair. Mr.
Bryan will go direct to Chicago from
here on his way to New York, and
thence to Pittsburg via tho Baltimore
& Ohio. He will stop off in the Smoky
City, the citadel of protection, and
make a speech. He will then proceed
to Washington, where he is expected
to address the free silver delegates
from the District of Columbia to the
Chicago convention. He will go to
Pniladelphia from Washington and
after delivering an address there, pro
ceed to New York. After the notifi
cation Mr. Bryan will go to bath. Me.,
and spend a few days with his demo
cratic running mate, Arthur Sewall.
Mr- Bryan expects to return homo bo
fore the close of the Grand Army re
union. After the campaign is fairly
opened Mr. Brvan will probably be on
I'na itumn mnct rf tha tirrlF, until the
battle is ended. Lincoln News.
How's Tin. ,
We offer Olie Hundred Dollars licwurd for
any case of Catarrh tbat cannot lc cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. S. CHEN KY & CO.. I'rops., Toledo. I).
We tho underslgued, have known K. .1.
Cheney for the last l. years, auu believe
htm perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out auy obligations made by their firm.
Wkst & Titl'AX, Wholesale Dru.s?lst9, To
ledo. O.
Vai.iin(1, K inn an & Marmn. Wholesale
DruitJiists. Toledo. O.
Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
act ins; directly upon the biood and mucous
surfaces of the system. I'rice 7."c. per bot
tle. Soid by all Drunitlsts. Testimonials
Mrs. Khodie Noah, of this place, was
taken in the night with cramping
pains and the next day diarrhoea set
in. She took half a bottle of black
berry cordial but got no relief. Sho
then sent to me to see if I had any
thing that would help her. I sent
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
tho first doso relieved her. Another
of our neighbors had beon sick for
about a week and had tried different
remedies for Diarrhoea but kept get
ting worse. I seut him this same
remedy. Only four doses wore re
quired to euro bim. He says he owes
his recovery to this wonderful remedy.
Mrs. Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich.
For sale by all druggists.
What Is a Ouarautee?
It is this. If you have a Cough or
Cold, a tickling in tho Throat, which
keeps you constantly coughing, or if
you aro afilicted with any Chest,
Throat or Lung Trouble, Whooping
Cough, etc., and you use Ballard's
Horehound Syrup as directed, giving
it a fair trial, and no benefit is experi
enced we authorize our advertised
agent to refund your money on return
of bottle. It never fails to give satis
faction. It promptly relieves Bron
chitis. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Last summer one of our grand child
ren was sick with a severe bowel
trouble. Our doctor's remedies had
tailed, then we tried Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which gave very speedy relief. We
regard it as the best medicine ever
put on the market for bowel com
plaints. Mrs. E. G. Gregory, Fred
erickstown, Mo. This certainly is the
best remedy ever put on the market
for dysentery, summer complaint,
colic and cholera infantum in child
ren. It never fails to give prompt re
lief when used in reasonable time and
the plain printed directions are fol
lowed. Many mothers have expressed
their sincere gratitude for the cures
it has affected. For sale by all drug
gists. Woodmen of the World.
Attention Sovereigns ! 1 will bo at
my office at A. Clark's grocery store,
east of the court house on Main street,
every Wednesday and Saturday from
7 to 8 p. m. to transact all necessary
and special business that may come
before me. O. Guthmanm, Clerk.
To Hormondom-and Hack.
On the 7th, and 8th of August, the
Burlington route will sell round trip
tickets to Salt Lake City, Utah, at the
one way rate, plus $2. Tickets will
bear final limit of August 31, and, on
the homeward journey, will allow
stop-overs at points west of Denver.
Call at the B. & M. R. ticket office
and get full information, or write to J.
Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Nob.
The Kecent Rainfall
Wisxeu, Neb., July 27. Since Fri
day evening 4.26 inches of rain has
fallen here. The ruin last evening
was accompanied by hail and a violent
wind. Small gran is levelled to the
ground. Corn is badly blown down,
but will b all right again in a few
days. The hail did very little damage.
PLAIN view. Neb., July 27. An
other heavy rain fell here last night.
The measurements showed tluve in
ches. Fully six inches have fall.-n in
side of seven days. Uncut grain will
no doubt lodge badly.
Blue Hill, Neb., July 27. Sixty-
ono-hundrodths of an inch of rain foil
here last night, accompanied by wind
and hail, both doing considerable
damage. Three miles south of town
for a strip about four miles long by
one wide st icks of grain, sheds and
windmills were blown down. Hail
broke window lights and ruined r-ev-eral
pieces of corn.
Wayne, N.b , July 27. A h aw rain
fell here last evening doing a little
damage to wheat and that portion of
small grain not yet cut. However, the
corn crop is now certain and the yield
will be quite large.
Life on the farm is laborious 'and
probably a trille tedious, and the
mechanic in the viliage and small city
may think that he is deprived of op
portunities to advance in his work,
says an exchange. But the advantage
which the metropolis affords are not
tho only things ho escapes Tho temp
tations, the perversions and thej hu
miliations which are common in tho
baneful environment of the city are a
voidod, and in that fact there is com
pensation for tho losses in the other
respect. Bosidos that, the health
yields to the constant worry and dis
appointment of life in the poverty
plagued city. Ex.
For Less Than Actual Cost.
One now Spalding bicycle.
T. M. Patteksox.
Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes,
"I have been suffering from Pile? for
twenty-five years and thought my case
incurable. DeYitt's Witch Ilazel
Salve was recommended to mo as a
pile cure, so I bought a box ana it pet
formed a permanent cure." This is
only one of thousands of similar cases.
Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield
quickly when it is used.
Mice New Hay.
If you want some choice hay, drop a
postal card addressed to Elam Par
mele, Plattsraouth, and he will fill
your order.
Call For Meeting of Central Committee.
Tho republican county central com
mittee of Cass county is called to meet
in the city of Weeping Water on Sat
urdaj August 1, 1806, at 1 o'clock p.
m., for the transaction of such bus'ness
as may come before it. Ail members of
tho committee are requested to be
J. II. HALL, Chairman,
D. D. Bark, Secretary.
For Rent Four, five, seven and
nine room houses; also cottages for
sale on monthly payments at two
thirds original cost.
R. B. Windham.
The Cass County Dairy.
Everything clean fresh and pure.
Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered
at your door every day. '
R. F. Deax, Prop.
THE MOST remarkable cures on
record have been accomplished by
Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled
(Special notices under this head will be
charged for at the rate of H cent per word
each Insertion.)
CUK KENT An clceant suite of three rooms
I nicely furnished. Apply to Fred Stadelman
ai vt ciuniann s restaurant
COR SALE. CHEAP All of the Peter EliiiKson
I property, rour nouses on inirci street, lour
houses ou Sixth street, one lot iu South Park, ten
acres land south of town, paint shop, laiiders and
swinging stage. Sec Mrs. Eluigson, A. J. U raves
or ii. u Kununoe
COR. SALE A brick house, three lots, good
I oarn ana outbuildings, lots ol Iruit !o: only
hiu. Apply ai once ai uie .ews omce.
HOUSK-CLEANING.taking down stoves or any
kind ot work done. Anvnne uani'nr th-.t i
: oi work done will do well to call on or address
nuuow uiowicrs, riaiisinoutn, ISeb.
Chester's Compound Extract of Celery
to be as good as any other preparation of the kind on the market, and stand
ready to refund your money if it does not benefit you as much as any other
Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, loss of appe
tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, eta
A Great Tietrs Tonic and System Renovator.
It Makes Weak People Strong.
311 .JSftt.M
ill i uv it t
I:!1! Hi ! '!
It J
To Be
iuen Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
? The Best
I SmokingTobacco Made
You will fin', one coupon in
side each 2-ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ouncc
bag. lluyuliag, readthecoupon
and sec how to get your share.
1 no icw...
Have means with which
to buy
Have you any to sell?
News readers cannot be reached
by an advertisement in any
other newspaper.
The ATeis 2
11 a 1 1 mutt tli
The News. 10c per Week
HANS H. G00S, Proprietor.
Best $1 Per Day House in the State
Thoroughly cleaned and refurnishm!. A nice table and pleasnnt
rooms. Har in hotel stocked with pure Liquors and
Cigars. Corner Third and Main-sts.
W. D. JONES...
Ciss County's
Oldest : Liveryman,
BEST rigs for Weddings, Punarala or Pleasure Parties, etc. Hack orders
attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Cash preferred. Call and get
rates. Telephone 76.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds of goods and farm stock
disposed of.
Jlttorn eys-a t-L,n w
Office over First National Bank.
Miour Coal. Genuine Canon City Coal
Leave order at F. S. White's.