Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 29, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Rub a oub aua.
8 ha
Jim Newell left this niorninr
visit with friends in Colorado.
James Ilijloy .ind wife are visiting
over at Pacific Junction today
P. II. Wilson is home from St. Louis
and went to Lincoln yesterday.
Miss Clara Quick of Lincoln is in
the city the fjuest of Miss Sharp.
County Attorney C. S. I'otk went to
Lincoln on lecral business yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Gayleand her two bright
children are in the city guest of Mrs.
Win ter teen.
VT. II. II:iywiiid, son of Jude Hay
ward is in the city on iejral business
for his father.
Mrs. C. E. Woseott left last evening
for a visit of two or three weeks with
friends in chicfigfo.
Rev. Geo. Mitchell of Franklyn,
Neb , is in the city visitinir his father
and other relatives.
G. C. Howe, of Burlington, joined
Lis wife here this morning for a visit
with friends over Sunday.
Col. Thrasher, the deputy U. S.
marshal, is homo now most of the
time, as federal court is not in session.
Miss Jamison will leave Monday for
Hebron, Thayer county, to spend the
balance of vacation with her parents.
Mr. Kluf tinrrer returned vesterdav !
from St. Louis and is again the guest '
of his sister Mrs. Paul Gering atl(1
Philip Krauso one of South Omaha's
leading merchants was in the city to
day fhaking hands with old time
Ed. Murphy has gone to Ues Moines
for a visit with relatives. Lon Stultz
is holding down his placo at the depot
as baggage man.
The outlook for a corn crop in Ne
braska was never quite ?o good as it is
right now, and only an early fro.-t can
be of serious injury.
W. E. Copeland in trying to land a
nine pound bass up at La Platte yes
terday sprained his back and is not
feeling lirsl rate today.
P. C. Hansen has secured a good
position as book-keeper for a promi
nent Omaha house and went there this
morning to begin work.
Plattsrnouth is to have a new depot.
The 11. it M. will probably build one
that wili shine along with the court
house. Murdock Columbian.
Miss Helle Eads, who has been visit-1
ing with her brother Charles, and
famiiy for the past thiee weeks, re
turned to her home this morning.
The Mr. Shinn who took &uoh a
prominent part for IJryan in tho St.
Louis con vention is not our F. Douglas
Shinn with the eloquent whiskers.
Will Stieight is becoming quite an
artist on the guitar, and dulcet
strains of music may bo hoard in that
part of town most any hour in the daj
when he is not otherwise engaged.
Lester Vivain, a life-long resident of
this city, departed this morning for
liaird, Cheyenne county, where his
father resides. Lester has been a faith
ful employe of J.I. Unruti and has hosts
of friends here who will regret to see
him leave.
Mrs. Captain Ilenuett, who went up
to La Platte with a picnic party yes
terday, was taken seriously ill about
G o'clock last evening, and her hus
band and the family physician. Dr.
Humphroy, were telegraphed for.
They went at ouco and the doctor did
not return home until after midnight
as her illness was quite serious. To
day she had recovered sufficiently to
be brought home.
Uncle Conrad Sch later came to ihis
town thirty-eight years ago and after
a time moved out onto a farm south of
Ixmisville, which ho has high
ly improved and where ho
has ever since resided. He
rented the farm a few days ago to Joe
Fitzgerald and will soon move with
his family to this city where be will
spend his declining years aiuout' the
hosts of personal friends by whonr. ho
i& highly esteemed.
D. S, Guild went to Lincoln ihis
morning on company business.
Ralph White was out today for the
first time after an illness of two week.
Charley and Raj- Patterson went up
f V-.
He is burning up fat. This fat must be in as constant
supply as the air he breathes.
It has got to come from somewhere. If it does not come
from his food, it must come from fat stored up in his body.
He steals it and you say " He's getting thin he's growing
so fast."
- Scott's Emulsion will take that boy, set his digestion
at work, re-build that body. His food may not make him
fat Scott's Emulsion will. .
B tut you get Scotf t EwtuUion xuken you want it and not a cheap substitute.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c, and $1.
to South Uend this afternoon for a fow
days' visit.
Sheriff Ilollowav took Joe Krolek to
Lincoln yesterday, whoro ho was ad
mitted to tho asylum.
Mrs. II. N. Dovey and children do
J ...
puriuu Hiuay ior a visit witii ner par
ents at Shenandoah, la.
i'eter Kcil of Cedar Croek and
August Gordor made a business trip
to Council DIulTs today.
Herman Marten sustained a sprain
ed hip and is down from Haveiock to
spend his enforced vacation.
Julius Pupperborg went wost this
morning on a commercial tour in the
interest of his "Hud" cigars.
Frank Veimilia and wife, accom
panied by their daughter, returned
this morning from Ft. Wayne. Ind.
J. C. Letts and Miss Eckland, of
Omaha, came in yesterday and were
guests of Miss Carinack over Sunday
Misses Lizzie and Mary Cassudy re
turned to Lincoln ihis morning after
a brief visit with Mrs. Henry Hempel
in this city.
Miss Ethel Hadgeley, who has been
visiting at Henry Cooper's for several
days, returned Saturday to her homo
at' Alliance.
John Ken n 10 drove over to Weep
ing Water yesterday on a little trip for
his health and to get a glimpse of tho
growing corn (?)
Nf,llio Slnilh weut out to lMXxis'
ville today to visit her grandparents
for a few days and will then depart for
her home at Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Hooper of Omaha
came down on their wheels yesterday
and owing to the rain they remained
over with friends in this city.
Ed. Peterson, with one of W. I.
Jones' line four-horse rigs, took out a
pai ty of his Swedish friends over near
Mynard for a pleasant outing Satur
day evening.
Itev. W. W. Shank, associate editor
of the Omaha Christian Advocate, oc
cupied the pulpit of the M. E. church
here last evening, and preached a
very interesting sermon.
The artist with a baud organ who
has boon worrying the atmosphere
with his tiresome tones about town to
day, will not open a bank with the
profits of his job. He had corraled
just 4 cents up to noon.
Dick Waugh spent Sunday at Crete.
He insists every man he saw there was
ior IJryan, but we fear the roseate col
or of Richard's imagination furnished
the basis of the IJryan boom which he
The b-year-old son of John Hobsheit,
who was shot with a revolver by tho
Vogunan boy, aged seventeen, a few
days ago, is getting along all right.
The bullet passed through the fleshy
part of the thigh.
Miss Mary L. Jamison, one of Platts
uiouth's most successful teachers went
to Hebron today to visit her parents.
She has icsigned her position in tho
city schools hero and will leach at
Tipton, Iowa, next year.
Milo S. Uiiggs returned home Sun
day morning from his services in St.
Louis as a delegate to the late popu
list national convention. Mr. Briggs
is not a pop for revenue and showed
an inclination to keep pretty well in
the middle of the road.
Hen Hempel's list of curios was en
riched today by a Spanish spur pre
sented him by JJilly Neville, which
was found four feet below the surface
in tho yellow clay by the men grading
in the i. & M. yards. The spur was
one of the long, pointed kiud and
looked like it might easily be a hund
red years old, as it was half eaten up
by r.jst. It was doubtless owned by
an Indian brave a century or so ago.
The Semi-Weekly News $1.
Whips! VIli! Whip!
August Gorder has some surprising
bargains in whips. He sells the com
mon whip at two for twenty-tivo cents;
a first-class rawhide center whip for
twenty-five cents; one of the best for
fiftv cents, and the very best whip
made for .seventy-live cents. Come in
and see them at old stand of Fred
(order !c Son, 1'laUsmouth, Neb.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
growing; time.
That boy !
A little lad, all fun.
A little chap, all coat.
A round cipher, not know
ing whether the stroke will
go up and make him six, or
down, and make him nine.
It's growing time with him.
All usinq Santa GLAUS Soap.
Millions dothesamb,
Sold everywhere. Made only by
Third Ticket a Necessity.
New Youk, July 24 Ex-Governor
Roswell I. Flower declared that a
thicd ticket was a necessity to hold to
gether the democrats who wished to
defeat the Bryan ticket. The declar
ation was of importance almost equal
to that of ex-Secretary Whitney, as it
immediately followed the Whitney
conferences of the day previous and
may bo supposod to reflect tho aonti-
ments ot those who took part in con
fereuco. Mr. Flower said: "1 do not
know how tho report that I was op
posed to a third ticket started. Any'
how, I want to say that I am not op
posod to such a ticket. My idea is
that we should use every moans to de
feat IJryan, and a gold standard ticket
is one of the most effective means.''
Examiiiatiru for Student ami Teachers.
There will be special examination for
teachers, at Weeping Water,Tue6day,
August 4, at high school building, be
ginning at H o'clock, a. m
All pupils desiring to take advant
age of the law providing for freo at
tendance at the nearest public high
school, may present themselves for
examination for students certificates
at this time. The state superinten
dent provides the questions. It will
bo necessary to pass a satisfactory ex
amination in the following branches.
Arthmetic, Grammar, Composition,
U. S. History, Geography, Physiology,
Composition, Reading and Penman
County Superintendent.
ItlieuiiiatlHiu Cured in lay.
'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys-
tom is remarkable and mj'sterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The j
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists,
PlaUsmouth, Neb.
Legal Notce.
Susan (Jrosclaude. Charles A. Grosclaude.
Rudolph Decker, Kansom Decker, Henrietta
Deitrich. Deitrich, her husband, tirst
name unknown. S. M. Katon and un
known heirs of E. H. Katon. et al..
defendants; will take notice that on the 2:iid
day ot July, IS'.ti, '1 heodore r. Decker, plaintiff '
herein, tiled his petition in equity in the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said de- I
lendants, the object and prayer of which are to'
declare the estate ot Kosan Decker, deceased.
ami her heirs at law, entitled to ine southeast
quarter ol section thirty (ifcll. township twelve 112), (
lange eleven (11), Cass county. Nebraska, by j
reason Ol said ivosan uecKcr ami inose claiming
under her occupying said real estate openly,
notoriously, exclusively and adversely for more
than twenty-five years last past and that the title
to the same be continued in said heirs, that
Kudolnh Decker be declared to have no right or
title to said real estate except as an heir at law ol
Kosan Decker.
1 hat a certain deeil Irom m. S. r.aton to S.
M. Katon and K. 11. Katon bedeclared a cloud
uorthe title of said real estate and that the
same be field tor naught, ami further that the
shares of plaintiff and defendants in said land be
confirmed and set aside; if no division thereof
can be had that the same may be sold ami the
proceeds thereof divided between the parties as
their respective shares may appear and tor such
other and further relief as may seem just and
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 14th day of September, lsyi.
Dated at l lattsmouth, Nebraska, the ifrd day
of July. 1SJJ.
illEUDORE r. 11KLK1.K, I lalllllll.
By Matthew Gering. Attorney.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, in
the matter ot the estate ol rred . Cross, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons inter
ested that upon the Urd day of August. A. D lSSHJ,
at iu o clock a, ni. or as soon tnereaiier as i may
be heard, at the office ot the clerk of the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, I will apply to
Hon. It. S. Kamsey. judge ol the district court
of Cass county, Nebraska, for an order confirm
ing the sale ot the following described lands, to
wn: The undivided three-tenths of the south
two-thirds of the west halt of section twenty-nine
C.SJ), in township ten (ltn, north ol range eleven
(11), in Cass county, Nebraska; said sale being
made by me as executor of the estate and last
will and testament of Fred W. Cross, deceased.
udoii the th day of April. A. D. lsirt, in pur
suance of an order of the judge of the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, entered upon the
JOt h day ot March, A. D. ls'.Xi, and directed to
me. All objections to the confirmation ot said
sale must be tiled on or before the 3rd day ot
August. A. D. IMXi.
Dated this 14tn day oi juiy. mini.
Arthur K. Cross.
Executor of Estate of Fred V. Cross, deceased.
By his attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls.
Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale.
N.itire is herebv inven that bv virtue of a chat
tel mortgage, dated on the UMh day ot June, lMa,
and duly tiled in the onice oi ine county eierk ol
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 2th day ot June,
lyr: and executed by Orilla G. Sherman to Geo.
U. Mann and F. K. White to secure the payment
ot the sum ot $'Xi2. and upon which there is now
due the sum ot $372 ami interest at the rate ol 10
pe cent tiom June 2S, iH'.ni.
Default having been made in the payment of
said sum. and no suit or other proceeding at law
having been instituted to recover said debt or
any part thereof, therefore we will sell the prop
erty therein described, viz:
l he I'lattsmouth Journal printing outfit con
sisting ot one Country Cam be II press, one eiht
medium job piess.all the type oieverylescriptioii,
imposing s'ones, ink, stands, cases, cabinets and
all printing material and other property ot what
soever character of the I'lattsmouth Journal
printing office, including good will ot said news
paper, at public auction :u the Drew building, on
Main street between Third and Fourth streets in
the city of I'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
on thtj ;id day of August. A. D.. lsui, at 1 o'clock
p. in. of said day.
Dated July 8. ls!Xl.
Geo. It. Mann and F. E. White,
By J. K. Denson. Agent.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within
and tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to nle di
rected, I will on the Sth day ot August A. D. 1!
at 11 o'clock A.M. of said day at the south door of
the court house in the city ot i'lattsmouth. in
said county, sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder tor cash, the following real estate, to-vyit:
The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section seventeen (17). town ten (10). range
fourteen (14); also, the mill lot, containing two
acres, more or less, situated in the northeast cor
ner of the southeast quarter of. the southeast
quarter of section eighteen (18). town ten (10),
range fourteen (14j, also, the interest of Milton
j! L
F.rvin in the east half of the southeast quarter of
si-rtioii i-iirhtcen (IS, town ten 1 10). ranee four
teen 1(4). (except the mill lot subject to the lile
estate ot his mother. Kosina r.rvm. an 01 anove
described real estate heiufr situated in Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appurtaming. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Milton r.rvin
defendant, to satisfy a ludirment of said court re
covered by M. Kumcly Company, plaintilt.against
said deiendant.
llattsmouth. Neb , July 7, A. I).. 1'..
Harvey Holloway.
Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
To Llovd S. Wilson, non-resident defendant
You are hereby notitied that on the 7th day of
July, lK'.Hi, Julia A. Wilson commenced her action
in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against you, the object and prayer of which are
to secure a divorce from you on the gr und of de
sertion ior more than two years before this date
and wanton and cruel refusal to support said Julia
A. Wilson: it is also asked in said suit that the
maiden name of said lulia A. Wilson be restored
to her, and lor r equitable relief. You are required
to answer said petition on or before Monday, the
17th day o! August, 1h;, or your d.jlault will be
entered and the allegations ot said petition taken
as confessed and true. JL LIA A. ilson,
liy tier attorneys, lieesou & Koot,
Sheriffs Sale.
Uy virtue of an order of sale issued by George
1-. llouseuortti, clerk ot the district court with in
and for Lass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will, on the 1st day of August, A. 1)
1 "!. at 11 o'clock a. in. ot said day at the south
door ot the court house in the city ot 1 lattsmoutti
in said county, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder tor cash, the following real estate town:
The east half of the northeast quarter ot section
twelve (l-J, township twelve (121, north ot range
thirteen ( I II. east ot the tith 1. M. in Cass county,
Nebraska, together with all the singular and
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in anywise appertaining; the same
being levied upon and taken as the propel ty of
William 11. Shafer, defendant, to satisfy a judg
ment ot said court recovered by Ad. mi ISoeck,
plAintitt against said defendant, and to satisfy
judgments in favor of the defendant Hank of Cass
County, and the deiendant Charles C. 1'armele,
as receiver of the Citizens bank.
I'lattsmouth, Neb., June H.i, A. I)., IS.!.
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Kate Spencer, I I. tint it! I
vs. Notice.
Frank Spencer, Defendant )
rrank Spencer, defendant, will take notice that
on the ;ith day of March A. D. 1MW, Kate Spen
cer, plaintiff herein, hied her petition in the dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska, against
saiil defendant, the object and prayer ot which
are for a divorce from said Frank Spencer and
for the care and custody of their children: said
divorce being asked on the grounds of defendant
grossly, wantonly aiuicruelly neglecting and re-
luxuig to support planum and her children.
You are r. ouired to answer said petition on or
belore the iTtti day of July. A. D. ls-jti.
Dated June 17, 1WO.
Kate Spencer, 1'laintiff.
By her attorneys, liyroii Clark and C. A. Kawls.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
in the matter ol the estate of John B. Holmes,
This cause came on upon hearing upon the pe
tition of Frank M. Young, as administrator of
the estate of John It. Holmes, deceased, praying
for license to sell the southeast quarter of section
i:t. in town '-, range in Furnas county. Neb.;
the south half of the southwest quarter of section
i;t, in town 'Z, range 22, said county, and the north
west quarter ot section 24, in town 2,
range of said county, or a sufficient
amount to bring the sum of $2.11. 5K for the pay
ment of debts allowed against said estate and the
costs ot administration, there not being sufficient
personal property to pay said debts and costs of
It is, therefore, ordereil that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at the ottice
ot the clerk ef the district court at Flattsmouth,
Nebraska, on the Hrd day of August, lS'.tt), at lit
o'clock a. in., to show cause why a licence should
not be granted to said administrator to sell so
much of the above described real estate ot said
deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts
ami expenses.
It is luither ordered that notice of the said ap
plication anil ot the making ot this order be
given all parties interested in said estate by pub
lishing a Copy ot tfiis order tor four successive
weeks before the day of said bearing in the '-Semi-Weekly
Dated this Hth day of June, ls'.tti.
Basil S. Uamsky. Judge.
Legal Notice.
Alice I..' Mckeynolds, defendant, will take
notice that on the day of April, lMi. James F.
Mckeynolds, plaintiff hciein, hied Ins petition in
the district court of Cass county against the de
fendant, the object and prayer ot which is to ob
tain a divorce from the defendant upon the
ground ot abandonment ami cruelty, and that
the bonds ot matrimony between plaintiff and de
fendant may le dissolved.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the ltth day of September. ls'.Hi.
Dated July . 1MW.
James F. Mc Reynolds, Plaintiff.
Matthew Gering, Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
The Sjai'k of Nebraska. )
County of Cass. ) '
In the matter of the estate of John Holschuh, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against John Holschuh, de
cease I, late of saiil county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by ttte county
court at the couit house in I'lattsmouth, on the
24th day ot December, A. D.. lM'.Mi, at It) o'clock
in the loienoon: and that six mouths from and
alter the L'4lh day ot June. A. I).. ISMtj, w the
time limited tor creditors of said deceased to
present their claims tor examination and allow
ance. Given under my hand this 2-inLday of June, A.
D. 1M. (iliiKl.t M. Si-lrloik,
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district coutt of Cass county, Nebraska.
I'latt-mouth Loan & Building
Association, I'laiutitt, ;
vs. .
Edwaid S. Barstow, Mary E.
Bar.stow and Samuel Schu- I
ster, 1 letcndants. J
Samuel Schuster, defendant, will take notice
that on the tith day "f June. 1M, the I'lattsmouth
Loan ."i Building Association, pliintitt herein,
tiled its petition in the district court ot t!ass
county, Nebraska, against the above named de
fendants, the object and prayer ot which are to
loreclose a certain mortgage executed by Edward
S. If ai stow and Mary E. Barstow to plaintiff,
upon the following 'descrilied premises, to-wit:
Commencii g at a point tS leet north ot the south
east corner id the .southwest quarter of the south
west quarter ot section l". township 12, range 14.
E. ( '. M . and in ttie east line id said tract;
thence north in said east line 1:12 feet, thence
west parallel with the south line ot said tract 42
leet. thence south parallel with thebaid east line
liCi leet. thence east 4' feet to the place of be
ginning, containing 5,.r44 square leet, to secure
the payment of a certain promisory note dated
the 15th day of December. 1V.KJ, for the sum of
$!), and due on or tiefore December the 1.1th.
l,r on default ot the payment of interest,
tines and taxes when the same became due. The
defendants above named having defaulted in the
payment ot interest, hues and taxes, the plain
tiffs eiect :o declare said note and mortgage due
and payable, and that there is now due plaintiff
upon said uote and mortgage the sum ot
with 111 per cent interest thereon from the 15th
day ot May, iv.n. and plaint tt prays that said
premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amount due the plaintiff thereon. The plaintilt
further prays that whatever equity or interests
that the said Samuel Schuster may have in said
premises, that it be adjudged interior to that of
the plaintilt and that the same be duly fore
closed. You are required to answer such petition on or
before the loth day of August, lfW.
Dated June 27, 1S!5,
I'lattsmouth Loan & Building Association,
By K- B Windham, Attorney,;
At the Remarkably Low Price of $14.
Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs justi n.
J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
'aid up Capital
Offers the very best t aollltlos for the
prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds. Bold, eoverement and loc &
securities oought and sola. Deposits re
ceiveu and Interest allowed on the eerttl
cates. Drafts drawn, avallaoid In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted, lltzhost market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds
fl. N Oovfjr. I. Ila wkMWorl It
s. Wtnirli. F. E. White. . K. tovv
K. Dovey, I'ren. v. Waich, Caahler
II. M. Uowej AMh UBKIilsr.
are tho most powerful, safe pronmt and re
liatile of this kiud in the. market. The
onxnal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your aruimlst if he aim t Keep
them. Write direct to us and we will send
it direct upon receipt of price, 91, sealed, by
mall rjreuaid. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MhlUCAL CO., Chic.ipo. 111., or our
apent. I. L, Snyder.
i N.B. Don't take any substitute ;J
? with the same name but different h
'spelling on which yourdruist o
0 makes Twice as much w
An institution for the Radical cure ct Can
rer and Tumors Without the Me of a
Knife. Satlnf action na ran !".
We' have never Failed to Effect a perma
nent cure where we have had a reasonable op
portunity for treatment. Book riving de
scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment,
with terms and references free. ArMress
Shrnitndniih. Iowa. '
The News for 10c.
- '"' ... I ...I ,11 I mmmmrymimmm
A.'. ". 11 1 ml (I ill
if --. - . i.t.n i. i.i iyii i .!i ,i ...I ...'...i- i i Y i
pj iului .L)i.T."zr .L i u . i ' , i M. T.'"."!rl j
hiY,' ''I':
" IS
5 1
' trj,;. L. , -s f .
.Complexion Preserved
Remove? Freckle. Pimples,
Liver - Moles, Blackheads,
Sunburn ami Tan. ami re-
.. . . .. . ... . . 1 . I.J
BUJr'W lilt; Ol-lll WVI lil ITljil-
nal l'rcsliries?, -piciacirj? Sa a' '
clear ncd Iio.-iUhy con fs5r.. 7 Vr'r
plexion. SiiTHTicr tonll faoi-V -
prc'iir:itior.s r.ii'l perfectly harmless. At all
drug-istii, or i.iailca for 5 0( ts. Scud for circulur.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP I- limply IncoraptrtM as a
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