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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1896)
ST Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Picked Up In Church THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF UNRUH ft NUN MLLElVd. ABSOLUDTEEV PURE A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PL ATTSMO UTI I , NER, JULY L, 1890. CITY BREVITIES. SATl'IiDAY. 1'. A. Ilililebratid is viriitinp; friend.s in .Lincoln U day. Col. Jos. Alexander Cuiinqc-f-t alia waa in townjitkty. GeoreJJi'H:,'., local oditor of the Wee piny Water liipuhlu:un, is in the city todaj- on lj-jsiin-ris. C t "alkry and Jake Kununoll had ' j-im-ss that called ihom to Om aha id Council I J lull's today. Mr.". Shna-se, after a pleasant vi.-it with relatives departed for her home at Kapid City, S. I)., this mom- Miss Aldora Clark left j enterday for Iho hoiuo of lier parent in Iowa where she will spend the balance of her va cation. Christian (jaiier, a well known far mer residing' near Cedar Creek, is re ported very low with cancer of the stomach. i I'hilip SchalTer, one of Eiylit Mile, drove precinct1. substantial young1 farmers, madeTHK New a pleasant call this morning. Granema Dodge and her sister. Mrs. Kate Hiney, both of Harrisburg, I 'a., and Mrs. George Iodge of this city, were Omaha visitors today. The chintz hugs are reported out in tho county as worse than ever known before. Whole tields of wheat have been ruined within the last two weeks. Miss Mary McClelland departed yos terday for her new home at Mt. Pleas ant, la, with only pleasant recollec tions of her connection here with our city schools. Frank Vermilia and wife received a message last night giving the news of tho de ath of their Ijttle grand son at Ft. Wayne, Ind. They departed for that place this inorniny. George Sawtell says if he was worth ?Uh,Mi he would vote for llryan, but as he is not worth that much he will vote for McKinley. We rise to re mark that George's head is level. I. Tincher and wife of Omaha, the former a Union Pacific engineer for the p:isl twenty ycais, came down this morning to spend Sunday in this city wit h their cousin, A. J. Denson and family. Grandpa Henning, father of the Ilennings toys in Eight Mile Grove precinct and one of the solid farmers of Cass county for a quarter of a century. Wo regret to note, is reorted quite ill. .Slight hopes for his recovery are entertained. The Dead wood Central narrow gauge engine which lias been in the shops here for repairs for some time was tinisheil up and sent out yesterday for its destination. It looked like an ex pensive toy, but when asleep grade is to le climbed the little engine walks up like a thing of life. Judge Ramsey, wife and son and .Mr. Crites departed last evening on a tour of pleasure and recreation to the judge's former home in Pennsylvania and Mrs. Ramsey's former home in "Wisconsin. Tin: News, in common with hosts of personal friends, hopes to seo the judge return home greatly iuprovi d in health. Wm. Fox well, the fortunate resi dent of this city who fell heir to a mil lion dollar estate in Kngland, the posses-ion of which he has fully gained, is now visiting with his daughters in Wisconsin, lie is expected here soon, when he will make a-linal visit with friends and bid adieu to Nebraska to take up a residence in his English cast'.e. Referring to the item about the little girl who was bitten by Mr. Katiatck's dog, we learn that no one saw the ac cident and it is not known whether she was teasing the dog or not, as she playing in that part of the yard alone. She is getting along nicely and will sutler no bad effects from the unfortu nate accident, which Mr. Kahatek's folks very much regret. Monday. Honur Saunders startod today for Exeter, here he will visit his grand parents until school commences in Sep tember. Prof. Palmer, of Montana, who used to tejich in the high school here, was in the city over Sunday the guest of friends. Mrs. Baxter Smith and children and nothing Scott's Emulsion makes cod-liver oil taking next thine: to a pleasure You hanlly taste it. The stom ach knows nothing- about it it does not trouble you theie. You feel it first in the strength that it brings: it shows in the rotor of the cheek, the rounding of the mglps. tha smoothing- of the wrinkles. It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily into the blood 'and losing itself there as rain-drops lose themselves in the ocean. What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious J. taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach Hake health by surprise. There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat taste is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste. Perhaps vour dm dsn t tbe standard all others try u nis ana i.o SCOTT & Chemists - her sister, Miss Carrie SchulolT, have gone to Denver for a two weejjg-'. visit with relatives. Mr. Tisher, yrvfe and children of Oinabo, rrfftfr a visit with Harry JJ irthold and other relatives, returned homo this morning. A. L. irutferand brother are going down to Arkansas, the land of tho big red apple, this evening on a pleasure and sight seeing trip. An effort is being made to get up a big delegation to go to Lincoln and at tend the Uryan reception, the date of which has not been named. Mrs. J. T. Evans returned to her home at South Rend this afternoon, after a pleasant vveeks's visit with her mother, Mrs. W. U Wells, in thiscity. M. S. Rriggs, RobL Vass, Henry Ilempel and a ho3t of populist dele gates went up to Louisville to attend tho populist county convention this morning. The News subscription list contin ues to grow rapidly. It prints all the news and Is one of the substantial in stitutions of the city which tho public can afford to patronize. Hon: R. R. Windham, accompanied by his wife, left Friday morning for Republican City to look after his farming interests in that county. They expect to return Tuesday. Wm. Spohrer, ono of Murray's suc cessful farmers, made The News a pleasant call today. He says his fall wheat is the best he ever raised, and it takes three pounds of twine to the acre to bind it. George Laine, Am. Smith, 1'eter Gruber and Chas. Graves of Uuion are interested in a lawsuit before Judge Archer today. Byron Clark ' and C. A Rawls appear for Gruber and Chas. Graves for Smith. Mrs. Hesser, who was hurt in the runaway of their team at Murray Sat urday, was for a time thought to be seriously injured, but, we are glad to note, she is much better and bids fair to le out again soon. Miss Woolson, of Mankato, Minn., who has been visiting hero tho past six months wilJj her sinter, Mrs. A. E. Kcinhackle, left for her homo this evening on No. '2.. Mrs. Reinhackle returned with her to make a short visit. S. Moscrey, the Italian fruit dealer, died yesterday morning at 4 o'clock. He had been sick several months. The funeral took place at 10 o'cIock this morning, lie leaves a wife and four children. He is said to have had $1,000 insurance on his life. Tne Misses Clara Smith and Maud Ol instead, of Omaha, who have been visiliny Misses Manota and Alice Eikenbary, expect to return to their homes this week. They have mado numerous and lasting friends since their stay and all hope to see them re turn again. Will Sireight, who has had years of exjerience in a stationery store, was installed today by W. W. Coatea, in charge of his jostoffice book and stationery store Will is a careful re liable business man whom Mr. Coales is fortunate in obtaining. The mother of George and Rosa Little and M rs. Chas. Edgerton died at the latter's home in this city of con sumption at 1 o'clock this morning. The remains will leave the house at K o'clock tomorrow morning for Paci fic City. la., where tho funeral will occur. Otto Wurl left this afternoon on a pleasure and business trip to Denver exacting to be absent ten days or two weeks. Otto has been working hard at his business, that of cigar making, and needs recreation. His brother Bernard will look after the business during his absence. Frank Morgan. Chas. Grimes and John Leyda are home from Chicago. They were almost in 6ight of the orthodox heaven when. Dryan was nominated, and they can not compre hend tho obtuse intellect of somo people who still refuse to bo saved by voting for the genial William. Misses Manota and Alice Eikenbary, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. to equal the best for you to buy An Druggists BOWNE New York lost 0 Moral: USB SANTA CLAU5 V - SOAP. V THE N. K. FAIRDANK Maud Olmsted, Clara Smith and Messrs. Lee Atwood, Charles Vallery, Dr. Elster and County Treasurer A. R. Kikenbary drove down into Liberty precinct and spentSundcy with Mr. and Mrs. William Eikenbary. They report a very enjoyable time and were highly pleasod with the good things they had to cat, especially tho spring chicken. II. N. Dovey got home yesterday from Pattison, Now Jersey, where he went as a member of the committee to officially notify Garrett Hobart of his nomination. He says Hobart's home is ah elegant affair, his private din- my room where the entire party were banquetted was as large as the dining room in the Hotel Riley. The occasion was a notable one which few people were fortunate enough to engage in. J. L. Poltt, wife and diughter were visiting relatives in this city over Sun day. Dr. Cook and wife departed last evening lor a visit with relatives at Salem, la. J. H. Hosier, of the Omaha Bee, spent Sunday with his wife out at Hoi man Bestor's. Jack Pearco arrived home from a pleasant ten days' vacation spent with friends in Chicago. The caloric atmosphere is rather de pressing on humanity, hut it is the making of the corn crop. Mts. Walter Mulf rd, of Omaha, is in the city visiting her aunt, Mis. S. P. Holloway, and family. Joe Klein and wife returned home this morning from a visit with rela tives in and near Chicago. Mrs. C. A- Rawls and son depaited this morning for a visit with Mrs. Rawls' sister at Ong, Neb. Dr. Hungate and J. E Douglas of Weeping Water were in town today on i business with the county juJge. K tieumitt Irtiii Cnrvd lu it lay. 'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The f first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.) Sold by F. G. Fricke &; Co., druggists, ' Plattsmouth, Neb. i l English Spavin Liniment removesal j Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $-50 by use of one lottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold byT F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts mouth. List of Letter. Remaining uncallled for at the jost office at Plattsmouth, July 8, ISiKl: Daily, C A Gillnrson. Mrs. Grace Ogle. Mrs. James Quinn. Alfred Welch, Chas. When calling for any of the alove letters please say "advertised." W, K. Fox, P. M. Whips! Viip: Whips! - August Gorder has some surprising bargains in whips. He sells the com mon whip at two for twenty-five cents; a first-class rawhide center whip for twenty-five cents; ono of the best for fifty cents, and the very be9t whip made for seventy-five cents. Come iu and see them at old stand of Fred Gorder & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Notice of , Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby riven that bv virtue of a chat tel ntorteat'e. dated on the -Mh day ot luue. InHj. and duly tiled in the office ot the county clerk ot Cass county, Nebraska, on ttie 2Jtn day ol June, 1M-1.' mi. 4 1... I trill.. 1 1 ... II.... ! li. Mann and V. K. White to secure the payment oi me sum oi ao. aim upon wiucn tn ere is now due the sunt ol f JTr and interest at the rate ol 111 pe: cent from June 2, ltliiH. Default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or otiier proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore we will sell the prop erty therein described, viz: 1 he I'laltsinoutli journal printing outfit con sisting ot one Country Cambell press, one eight medium job piess.all the type oteveryjdescription. imposing stones, ink, stands, cases, cabinets and all printing material and other property of what soever character of the I'laltsinoutli Journal printing office, including good will ol said news paper, at public auction iu the Itrew building, on Mam street betweeu t hird and Fourth streets in the city of l'iattsmoutli. Cass county, Nebraska, on thj :id day of August. A. !.. ltfSHl, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated July f. 1.".. bio. li. Mann anu F. F-. Whitk. Mortgagees'. By J. R. Denton, Agent. Sheriff's Sale. Uy virtue of an execution issued by George F. llouseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. 1 will on the Mill day of August A. D. 1'W a 11 o'clock A M.of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of 1'lattsniouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-w it: The fiouth west quarter of the southwest quarter of section seventeen (17). town ten (lo), range fourteen (14); also, the mill lot. containing two acres, more or less, situated in the northeast cor ner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section eighteen (Is), town ten (fin. range fourteen (U). also, the interest of Milton Ervin in the east half of the southeast quarter of section eighteen (lt, town ten ilu, range four teen 14. (except the mill Ion subject to the life estate of his mother, Kosina Ervin, all of above described real estate being situated in Cass I ft Sld Everywhere. UADB ONLV BY COMPANY, Chicago. county. Nebraska, together with tho privilege, :nif am n i t.iinres thereunto beloll?lllir or il anywise appurtaining. The same being levied upon ana Liken as me proieriy oi .uiuu r.nm defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court re covered by M. Kuniely Company, plaintiff, against said defendant. 1'lattsniouth. Neb , July 7. A. I).. 1. Hakvky HOI-I.OVVAY, Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska. Legal Notice. To Llovd S. Wilson, non-resident defendant You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of lulv. I;, lulia A. Wilson commenced her action in the district court of Cans county, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer ot which are to secure a divorce lrom you on the Rr una oi ac sertioii lor more than two years belore this date and wanton and cruel refusal to support said Julia A. Wilson; it is also asked in said suit that the maiden name oi said Julia A. Wilson be restored to her, and lor rctiuitablc relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the ITth day of August. 1S!. or your default will be entered and the allegations of said petition taken as confessed and true. Ji'LiA A. Wilson, l$y her attorneys, lieeson & Koot, Notice of Indebtedness. The J Sin Bar Mining Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Ne- orasKa. The Hig liar Mining Company hereby gives notice that the following is a list of ail the debts of said corpor Hon on the 1st day of January, A. I. lSiHi: Kills naval ili- Note and inteiest Acounts payable ...J. ail.SI . . i.r. m.M 1.7:f7..Vl This notice is given in Compliance with the pi ovisions ot chapter Hi ol the Complied statutes ot Nebraska. S. WAl'till, President. J. Ci. KlClll.Y, Secretary, J.Francis JIreLt..,, Sheriffs Sale. liy viitue of an order of sale issued bv (jeoiLe F. llousevvorlh, clerk of the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and tj me di rected. 1 will, .m the 1st day of August. A.i. lMi. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door ol the court In. use m the city ot 1 latt -month, in said county, sell at nubile auction to the high est bidder lr cash, the lollowing real estate town: 1 lie east bait ol the northeast quaiter o! section twelve 1.1-J. township twelve i.orth of rriiige thirteen III-, east ol Hie tit.i I . M m t. ass count). Nebraska, together with all the singultr an l hereditaments and appurtenances theieiinio !e longiug or in anywise appertaining; the same Ix-ing levied upon and t:iken as the piopcrty ol Wiliiam fi. .-iiafer. defendant, tn satisfy a i-idg- meut of said court recovered by Ad m lioeik. plaintiff again -t said, and to satisfy judgments in favor ot the deleiidant Hank ot Cass Co mty. and the defendant Charles C. I'arineie. as receiver of the Citizens bank. l'iattsmoutli. Neb.. Juni-i'i, A. I , 1 !'.. llAKVEV llol.l OVVAV, Sht rilf . Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Ncbiaska Kate Spencer. 1'laintitt f vs. h Notice. Frank Spencer. 1 ) 1-r.iuk spencer, defendant, will take notice that on the :tttn day ot March A. 1. IV. Hi. Kate .-spencer, plamtitt herein, tiled her x titiun in the dis trict couit il Cass county. Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and pra)er ot which are for a divorce lrom said 1-rauk Spencer and tor the caie and custody of their children; said divorce being asked on the grouuds ot delendatit grossly, wantonly and cruelly neglecting and rc t u fine, to support plaintitl and her children. You are r quired to answer said petition on or before the -7tti day of July, A. U. ls:Hi. Dated June 17, l-lHi. Katk Sr-F.Ni'FK. 1'laintitt By her attorneys, Byron Clatk and C. A. Kuwls. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, in the matter ol the estate ol John U. Holmes, deceased. '1 his cause came on upon hearing upon the pe tition of Frank M. Voung, as administrator ot the estate of Johu B. Holmes, deceased, praying tor license to sell the southeast quarter ot section 13. m town '1, range '12, in rurnas county. Neb.; the south half ol the southwest quarter of section i:t, in town 2, range '12, said county, and the north west quarter of section 11. in town 1, range '-1, of said county, or a sufficient amount to bring the sum of 2.11v"ifi fur the pay ment ot debts allowed against said estate and t he costs of administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay said debts and costs of adiniuistrat urn. It is. therefore, ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear before me at the oihce ot the clerk of ttie district court at l'iattsmoutli, Nebraska, on the ;rd day of August. lv.Hi, at lu o'clock a. in., to show cause why a licence should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much of the above described real estate ot said deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts and exjK-nses. It is further ordered that notice of the said ap plication and ot the making ot this order be f:iveii all parties interested in said estate by pub ishing a copy of this orde tor four successive weeks bet ire the day ot said hearing iu the Semi Weekly News-Herald. 1 lated this l'.ith day of June. 1V.H'.. Basil s. Kamsev. Judge. Notice to Creditors. The State of Xi iikamka, ss County of Cass. )s In the matter of the estnte of John Holschuh. de ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against John Holschuh. de ceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined ami adjusted by the county court at the court house in I'laltsinoutli, on the IMth day ot December. A. D., lH'.ni, at 111 o'clock in the forenoon; and that six months from and after the 24th day ot June. A. D.. lMti, is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examination and allow ance. Given under my hand this '.TJnd day of June, A. D. iv. C tii:oki;F. M. k. County Judge Legal Notice. In the district coutt of Cass couuty, Nebraska, l'iattsmoutli Loan & lluilding Association, riaintitt. ; vs. ; Edward S. IJ.ustow. Mary K. f liarstow and Samuel Schu- j stei. Defendants. J Samuel S busier, defendant, w ill take notice that on the fit ft day t June, ls'.xi, the l'iattsmoutli Loan .t liuilding Association, pUiutitt herein, tiled its petition in the district Court ot Cass county, Nebraska, against the above named de fendants, the object and prayer ot which are to loreclose a certain mortgage executed by Edward S. Harstow and Mary E. Itarstow to plaintitl upon the following descrilied premises, to-wit: Commeucii g at a point ,l feet north of the south east cornel of the southwest quaiter of the south west quai ter of section Is. township 11, range 14. E. r. M .and in the east line of said tract; thence north in said east line Vfl leet, thence west parallel with the south line of said tract il feet, thence south parallel with the said east line 1-C feet, thence east il feet to the place of be ginning, containing S,M square feet, to secure the payment of a certain pronnsory note dated the Ifith day of Decern tier, l-MHi. for the sum ot and due on or belore December the lMh. l!Hm. or on default ot the payment of interest, tines aif taxes when the same became due. Ttie defendants above named having defaulted in the pavmeiit ol interest, hnea and taxes, the plain tiffs elect to declare said note and mortgage due and payable, and that there la now due plaintiff upon .-.aid note and mortgage the sum ot J-Urn with 10 per cent interest thereon from the 15th day of May. Is'.IH. and plaint ft prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due the jdaintiff thereon. The plaintiff further prays that whatever equity or interests that the said Samuel Schuster may have in said premises, that it be adjudged interior to that of ttie plaintiff and that the same be duly tore closed. You are required to answer such petition on or before the loth day of August. l!ni. Dated June 27. 1. Plattsmouth Loan & BurtniNc Association, By K. B. Windham, Attorney. (& For a Few Days Longer ii.--:--5TC At the Remarkably Low Price of $14. Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in. J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLRTTSMOUTH, NEBRHSKH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OK l'LATTSMOUTH, NEBKASKA. 'Kid up Capital (."KI.IHNi P'.noo Surolus OfTersthe very best fuollitles for the prompt transaction of STOCKS, bonds, gold, covereuient and lot n BOCUririOH IIIIUCIH IWlll SUlU. ica.ia cetved and Interest allowod on the eorttl cates. Drafts drawn, avallaDle In any part of ttie U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market priee paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: II. N lovc. I. llkiwort.i V;.ui?li. K. E. Whit-. 'i. E. lov.v i-u. 1' Pitviy, lr-. s. Wauirli. ;ntiier II. I. lovey A-t- Canlilr.r. augi iitiemtiiHimgja are the most powerful, safo prompt, and re liable of this kind in the market. The orivrnal and only genuine wniniin'? salva tion. Ask your druggiat if he don't keep them. Write dtreet to us and we will send It direct upon receipt of price, ft. sealed, by mail prepaid. Medical advice free. JACK SON Ml-DU'AL CO.. Chicago. Ill . or oir agent. I. L, Snyder. tvrwAOF or .imitation 5 EIS .L-.'.Crv Vuf ,T 1 : '- (,Uf D f 2-j CtNT h FOR SALE RVALL DDUGG'STS OBO i JACKSON MEDICAL CO. CHICAGO ILL 2CO iO CLA(?K 5T IMPERIAL B'i-D'S. -N.Q. Don1 take any substitute J with the same name but different spelling on which yourdrugist o fimakes iwice as much bCWARC Or IMITATIONS i 9 TT & S HE N A N I 0 A 1 1 8ASITAKHM. An institution for th- Radical cure of Can---t antl To mom tVltbnat the ae of 1 HnifA. Satisfaction .rmran tod. We have never Failed to Effect a perma nent enre where we have had a reasonable op portunity lor treatment. Book irrving de scription of our Sanitarium and T reatmeuU with term and references frre. Address IJ'.S. UOltl.NSU.N & STDflllKIl, Shnanf1M4h. Iowa. The News for 10c. 3-. H Gomp!ax!cn Preserve DR. HEBFtA'S !! A PB ILK laEHI().- Vfeaa - s a n n. v . . - m Removed FrecklPS. Pimples Liver - Mote.s, H'.ackhicds, J .sunburn an t l r.n, nuo re- n-- Ftorcs the Fkia t. it.i orii- 1 7 v nal frtvhncst, .ro-:;:cii;K .n,rfy S i;, S-' clear nt'd healthy com-SSJb Vr r-'- plosion. Supvrior to all faci - - ' prepnr:itii.n- and perfectly hnrmlcss. At all drUM8ist-s. r mailed for 50ets. Send lor circular. VIOLA KK!N SOAP I. Blmpry a B Klein i-unlviui: S-nip. uu--ju&W-t for oa toiil. ulwwl nvnl fnr Hi-- nur-ry. Al..ilut lr f-uri- anrt d-lili'l3T mitli cut. 4. At dm-ini-i. Price 25 Cnt. The O. C. BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cur lUIEHMATISM. NEIIHAL iIA, Ijiine IWirk, Sprains llruines. .WKAM1U lnstnntly. Cholera Mor- JSttHiH, !roup,l)iptherin, Sro XhrouL. lllliAHACHK, uau Djrmacic. TUC llftBOC nnilin Estrecially Krer-nrod fn I nt rUnOL DnttltU, Kto. lt, lxnt.l Htrenrth. the most Powerful and VonetmtiriKl.inlnieutfor Mavi or Boast in elluae. .Large H eizo 5"c fjoc. eiie-.'&o. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Mediented und Toilet. Tle Great Skin Cure nnd Face Beautifier, Ladies will find It tliraw delicate Bad nignly perfumea -iojier tMop or trie market, ltm aDsoit'tai? pure. '""' tkin BOf t nnd velvety and restores tlo liwt com plexion; i n luxury for tlio Bath tor Infants. It ulays itch'nt', cleiinsen tho fa-alp and proUOttif the growtli ol li jlr Vrlce '20c For mHo by BEATTYS' CELEBRATED PIANOS AND ORGANS. Vor C't:ilou?e,;:idctress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. PI A MAC Oreans, 3..0 upwr rds; want I iTlflU 3 ApenH. Catalogue free. Ad dros.s Daniel K. Keaty, Wash-nnton, N.J. nnr tic Pianos. '1 -upwards: want Ultlril3 Airents. Cataloitue free. Ad-ilr-e-s l:mlel F. lleatty. V asliiri'ton. N. J DriTTV'Q Hlnnos W225.00 upwards. Dtrt I II O tor catalogue adurens rail. IJaniel V . itcatty, Washinatorr. N. J C0n nnfl l'EATTV"tf organs 3ri.o kPUvvftUUU up. For particulars, cuta ii:ue. aUilresMor call, Daniel t' . Heatty. W ashington, N. J. DTATTV'Q frir.ins :t.VWO upwards DCrtl I I O Write for c:tt.ilo2u3;ii'3dre or call. I:iiiiel F. Beatty. Washington. N. J. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., Physiciari and Surgeon Calls promptly attended, cither DAY or NIOIIT. MUURAY, NEBRASKA Co) - v SUV! wltldoif used as a wash according to dl reetior.s: tireveut transmission of blood diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, stricture, fissure of the nanas ana feet, Kczeniiu Tetter. Ja It Rheumatism. 1 n - fl:i matlori of the Ktadd er. lllseases or the liones. Hilnts and m uncles. Svphlletic. In sanity, Scurvy. Scrofula In ninny forms. 1 ne aliove ana a liunoreo oiner lonun n disease are traceable directly or Indirectly to Syphilitic Blooa I'olson for which the ir. Jackson's KnclUh Saety Tablets Is n suro pre veotive. and Is asafe Germ Killer, rendering r-outauion liardlv possible, hence its value. If neglected such troubles result fatally. .Malleil anywhere, sealed ft: six boxes for to. Medical advice free. JACK SUN JIKIUCAI. CO.. Chicago. III., or our a pent. I. L. Snyeer. WEAKNESS ISDftY L Ti iiiTDY iirMir rv rrrn rv r-r ?.' if r-MAN OUT OF ME ) GDFATFWGMSHDFMFnY jOlrDAY vfcj-ii t-i iulki i ivi-rit-L 1 in thirty d lys by a new perfected sc entitle method that can npt fall unless the ease Is bevona human aid. You feel improved the first, day; feel a benefit every dav: amin know yourself a kin arnonsc men fn body, rrind kind heart. Drains and losses ided. every obstacle to haDP7 married iile re moved. Nerve forco, will, energy. 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