Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 04, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
53 71 5
e Your W fe ii
Tin- Mioses May and Edna, lVtcrson
went to Murray yesterday to spend the
Fou i-th.
Miss Mia (Jirin; is enjoyingr a
week's vacation from lier duties at the
It looks very much as if Jiland of
Missouri was in a fair way to ioelet
tho prehidential plum at Chicago next
The editor of Tiik Nkws was in
Lincoln at tho stale convention and
got hoinn so late tod;i3- as to leave a
ratlit-r slim local p.iC.
CUinons lltuner will leave Friday
morn in for liis home at Guide Kock
where he expecis to tcadh school dur
ing the cominir year.
(uito a heavy rain, accompanied by
wind. Uattened out the corn and oats
near Ashland this morninjr us if a
roller had been drawn over the lieids.
The firm of Cummins & Cummins re
ceived a car of fine linishiiir lumber
today from the state of Washington.
It was tir, and was as nice as we ever
A jrreat athletic contest will ho hold
in Kiverview i'ark, Omaha, on the
Fourth and some line prizes are up.
Wo will wager that tho Wurl boys
of this city will pet the lion's shaie of
Ferry Walker and his party of over
land tourists have reached Grant, No
hraska, and are n joying good health.
They expect to be in Denver by Satur
day nd will spend their Fourth in
that city.
Tho coiner stone for the elegant
Gering mansion to be buiil on .North
Sixth street was laid with proper
ceremonies yesterday. The new resi
dence will le across the street east
from the O'llourke residence.
10,000 people are expected to be in
Weeping Water on the Fou; th of July
a laroo natty from this city it is said
will take advantage of tho specsal
train service provided on the Missouri
Pacific and will be in evidence over
Wiley Itiat-k brought in a load of
chickens at Mich tin early hour the
oiher morning that he is suspicioncd
of having "Iniught them
light f a farmer w hile
was alefp.
befot e da v
the farmer
Mis. F. If. Sleiinker returned this
moriiiiig from a visit to her former
home in I lurlinglon, la.
John Ilopscheit, wife and children
returned home today from a pleasant
visit with friends in Hurliugton, la.
Hobby Hums, the veteran harness
maker, came up from his home in
Missouri today to shake hands with
Plat t. mouth acquaintances.
Weeping Water's school census,
just compiled by P. S. llarnes, places
tho number of children of school ago
in the town at an even live hundred
an increase of thirty-eighi over la.-t
Geo. Towle, the well-known Elrn
wood precinct farmer, has sold a 200
acte tract of land in Center precinct
to William and Louis Slander. Th3
purchase price was $S,0O' a 10
The Missos Kinraa, Alice and Paul
ino Davis of Plattsmouth took dinner
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank II ub
bard, d riving on vo Syracuse in the
afternoon to visit relatives Weeping
Water Republican.
Walter Holmes was down from Ilavc
lock over night, returning home this
morning. He announced that an am
ateur dramatic troupe composed of
Lincoln and llavelock jieople, which
includes himself, will go to Weeping
Water tonight to present "Tho
D. T. Dudley received a telegram on
Tuesday morning from his son, Fred,
who lives at llavelock, that his little
boy, aged three years, was dead. It
was a great shock as Mr. Dudley's
people did not know that the child
had been sick. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley
left this morningtoattend tho funeral.
Weeping Water Republican.
The rain yesterday morning was not
general. There was little on tho west
ern and Wyoming divisions of tho
Burlington. The following rainfall
was reported from these stations:
Aahiand, 2.U; Sewaid, 1.0-3; Columbus,
.01; Salem, 1.M0; Rulo, .50; Wymore,
2.0": Burchard, .NO. The precipita
tion at ihis point was an even half
Tho '"Sundown,'' with CommoOore
Dabh at tho helm, conveyed a merry
liahing party up to Spring lake today,
Iho lit of passengers being Messrs
and Mesdames T. P. Livingston, J.
for resisting disease thin people, nerveless, delicate !
The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott's
Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oil
will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve
the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will
be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength,
comfort and good-nature.
Be turt you grt Scot ft Emulsion suktm ycu want it and not a chtaf tuhttitntt.
Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Druggists. 50c. and $1.
! M. Craig, iiyrou Clark, Carl Uawles
and Joe Klein, tho Misses Grace Wal
ker. Alberta Ilyers and Ilattio Chap
man and Messrs J. K. Pollock and
Tho work of demolishing the old
Ii & M. depot has .been completed
and most of tho men em ploy od there
on transferred to other fields. The
old brick vault, however, is still stand
ing and people who are in need ol a
last look of all that is mortal of
Plattsmouth's celebrated depot
should take it now before it is ever
lastingly too late
Chris Koehnke has the contract for
the carpenter work on the new Goring
residence, now building at Sixth and
Elm streets. When complete the Ger-
ing family will be in possession of one
the most satisfactory homes in tho
city. It will be a two-story, ton room
structure, fitted with nil modern con
veniences, and its cot entire will
border close on 1,500.
Piattsinuuth promises to bejpretty
well deserted on the glorious Fourth,
this in view of tho fact that oppor
tunity was uot seized upon to celebrate
'.at nome and draw a host of people to
he town
Weeping Water and Pacific
unction will draw largely from this
city on the day mentioned. Next year
Platismouth should give its neighbors
a chance to reciprocate.
At Half l kiihI Cunt
The tow rates to eastern and western
cities and summer resorts offered by
the Burlington route cut the cost of a
summer trip right in two they bring
an outing within reach of almosteverv
pocketbook in the stato. Hero ttiej'
Half rates ti Chicago. July 1. ! anil 0.
Half rates to Wifshinntou. 1). C, July 3-5.
Half rates. liutlalo. N.Y. Inlv 4 ami
Half rates to Hot Spunks, S. i . July .J and Z
Halt rates to Denver. July 5 and .
Ask the nearest Burlington Koulo
iifjent to tell you what tickets will cost
anil how long they are good for. Ask
him also about the
SM'-iitl Train to I luff alio,
which will leave Omah i vi i the Bur
lington Koulo at 4:4" p. m., Salurdaj',
July 4th: and als about the
Special Train to Chicago
which will letve Omaha at 4:4-i p. m.,
Sunday, June .
Tho lirst train is for teachers and
friends enroute to the Annual-Meeting
of the National Educational Associa
te n ;i BulTalo; tha second for mem
bers of the Jacksonian Club, bound
for the Democratic National Conven
tion. For sleeping car reservations, folder
giving special information, etc., eall
on uoareht Burlington Itouto agent, or
vvrilo to J. Francis, lieu l 1'ass r
Agent, Burlington Koute, Omiha,
Kngiish Spavin Liniment removcsal
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Bone,
Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc Save $.0 by use of one
Inittle. Warranted tho most wonder
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
F. G. Fricke it Co., druggists, Platts
mouth. 1'iiKtu re
Persons wishing to fatten cattlo and
hovses on blue grass and clover inquire
of II. W. Beaver, Cedar Creek, Neb.
Cattle o0 cents and horses $1 a month
for the season.
Klieuiiiatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
rcmovos at onco tho cause and tho
disease immediately disappears. The
first doso greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Whip! Whips! Whips!
August Gorder has some surprising
bargains in whips. Ho sells the com
mon whip at two for twenty-live cents;
a first-class rawhide center whip for
twenty-live cents; one of tho host for
fiftv cents, and the very best whip
made for seventy-five cents. Come in
and see them at old stand of Fred
Gorder & Son, Plat'smouth, Neb.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla
the food for all such.
How many pale folk
there are! People who
have the will, but no power
to bring out their vitality;
people who swing like
a pendulum between
strength and weakness
so that one day's work
causes six days' sickness!
People who have no life
Wtti A W I f w lyf I fl rt-. - r. -
Q tha
you have
read that Santa
Claus Soap is
one of the
greatest labor
saving inven
tions of the
time. Tell
her that it
will save her
strength, save
her time, save
her clothes.
The merits of
appeal at once to every thoughtful woman. It's the best, purest, and
g most economical soap to be procured. Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbanh Company, - Chicago.
Currle IImh the Marble.
The block of Tennossoe marble that
was presentod by the stato of Tennessee
to tho state of Nebraska, to bo used
for a statute of Abrahum Lincoln
which it is intended to erect in Lin
coin as tho capital city, arrived last
night over the Missouri Pacific. John
Currie, who originated tho scheme of
having the statuo, has tho bill of lad
ing in his possession and ho says that
ho is going to do tho sculpturing of
tho figure, despite all ob-
jeetions by whomsoever raised. On
the other hand many think that inas
much as tho marble was a gift to the
stato of Nebraska, Governor Ilolcomb
should assume control of the marble
and see to tho employment of a com
petent artist to do tho work. These
same pnrlios aver that Mr. Currie
may be a good workman in some lines
ot stone cutting, but he should not be
allowed to under take to important a
work as that necessary under tho pro-
ent circumstances. Mr. Currie savs
that he is able to do a good job and
that he is noinir to do it. loo. as he
was the moans of having the gift
made in the first pia.e. Lincoln
KxcurHiou Itxtcs
Via the Missouri Pacific railroad the
only line to St. Louis without change
of cars. Leave Plattsmouth daiiv for:
Washington, D. C, July '2 5.
BulTalo, N. Y., July 4 and 5.
Chicago national democratic conven
tion, "silver train, ' via Omaha and
Chicago & Northwestern raiho:.d,
July o.
Borne seekers excursion to all
point- one fare plus $2, July 7 and
For particulars call at depot on
Farm loans. T. U. 1'ollocK.
Notice of Indebtedness.
The I'.ig liar Minine Comnanv. a cornortion
organized under the laws ot the state ot Ne
i'he Kig Bar Mining Coniuanv hereby srives
notice that the lollowing is a list of all the debts
of said corpor tion on the 1st day ol January, A.
Hills payable
Note and interest $ 201.31)
Acounts payable l.TM.'M
.l1? fjl 1
This notice is given in compliance with the
provisions of chapter 10 of the compiled statutes
of Nebraska.
S. Walt.H. President.
J. G. Kichev. Secretary,
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court withm
and for Cass countv, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will, on the 1st day of August. A. 1).
Intnl. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at the south
door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth,
hi saiu county, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the following real estate towit:
The east half ol the northeast quarter of section
twelve (.12), township twelve (12), north of range
thirteen (1:1), east oi the tith 1'. M. in Cass county.
Nebraska, together with all the singular anil
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in anywise appertaining; the same
being levied upon and taken as the property ot
William H. Shafer, defendant, to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by Adam Boeck,
plaintitf against said defendant, and to satisfy
judgments in favor of the defendant Hank of Cass
Co inty, and the defendant Charles C. l'armele.
as receiver of the Citizens bank,
l'lattsmoutli. Neb.. June 2". A. I)., !.
Harvey Hoi.i.owav.
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district coutt of Cass county. Nebraska,
t'lattsmouth loan & Building
Association, l'laintilt, ;
vs. 1
Edward S. Harstow, Mary E. t
Barstow and Samuel Schu- I
ster. Defendants. J
Samuel Schuster, defendant, will take notice
that on the lith day of June, lrt'Jti, the 1'lattsmouth
Loan & Building Association, plaintiff herein,
tiled its petition in the district court ot Cass
county, Nebraska, against the above named di
tendants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Kdward
S. Barstow and Mary L. Barstow to plaintiff,
upon the following described premises, to-wit:
Commencing at a point i feet north of the south
east corner of the southwest quarter of the south
west quarter of section Is, township 12, range 14.
K. li 1. M., and in the east line of said tract;
thence north in said east line 1:12 leet, thence
west parallel with the south line of said tract 42
feet, thence south parallel with the said east line
ISi feet, thence east 42 feet to the place of be
ginning, containing 5,544 square feet, to secure
the payment ot a certain promisory note dated
the 16th day ot December, 1'.K. lor the sum ot
$a(KI, and due on or before December the lath,
1SKK), or on default of the payment of interest,
tines and taxes when the same became due. The
defendants above named having defaulted in the
payment of interest, hues and taxes, the plain
tilts elect to declare said note and mortgage due
and payable, and that there is now due p:amt!lt
upon said note and moitgage the sum ot faiHi
with 10 per cent interest thereon from the 15th
day of May, l.s'jti, and plaint It prays that said
premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amount due the plaintiff thereon. The plaintiff
further prays that whatever equity or interests
that the said Samuel Schuster may have in said
premises, that it be adjudged interior to that ol
the plaintitt and tfiat the same be duly fore
closed .
Vou are required to answer such petition on or
before the loth day of August, lsi)t.
Dated June 'Si, lMHi.
By K. B. Windham, Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
The State of Nebraska, . .
County of Cass. )ss
In the matter of the estate of John Holschuh, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against John Holschuh, de
Ceased, late of said" county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in t'lattsmouth, on the
24th day of December. A. D.. lMWi, at 1(1 o'clock
in the forenoon; and that six months from and
after the 24th day of June. A. D.. 1S!5, is the
time limited for creditors of said deceased to
present their claims for examination and allow
ance. Given under my hand this 22nd day of June, A.
D. Lsttt. George M. Spur lock.
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
Kobert Cyons, naintin )
The State Bank of Murdock
Nebraska. Defendant
Under and by virtue of an order of the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska. Hon. IJasil S.
Kamsev. luoVe. enterea upon April i:ith. A. M.
lH'.tti, requinnir notice of the tiling of the claims to
be Riven tor six weeks prior to July l;Uh, 1M.
Auw, therefore. 1. 1'exter m. yuacKenousli, as
receiver, do hereby notily all persons having
claims airainst said bank to tile the same wuh nit
at my ottice in hirst National Hank ot Greenwood
on or before July 1 tth. lV. ti, and that the same be
i- ."'i- i . . i ... i. .- .i. .i
properly vermeu upon ioims ny me iuinisneu
upon application.
I further irive notice that upon July 1:2th. Ix;T.
at 10 o'clocK a. ni.. 1 will proceed upon the ex
animation of said accounts and the disposing of
them as by said order ot the district court Ui
AM persons are further notified all claim;
not tiled bv the time therein, given will be disal
lowed unless otherwise ordered by the judge
jt said court.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Neb., April 2S, 1MW.
As Receiver of the State liank of Murdock, Neb
In County Court.
State or Xriikaska. i
Cass County (
To all persons interested in the estate of John
Holschuh, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that on the l'Jth day of
lune. A. 1). IMhI. at trie hour ol ID o clock a. in
at the county judge's ottice. in l'lattsmouthm
said county, the petition, asking for the appoint
ment ot l iieodore Mar kioliann, as administrator
ot said estate, will be heard and considered: at
which time and place all persons interested may
appear and show cause, it any they have, why lie
should not be appointed as such administrator.
Witness my hand and eal ot said county court
at n.itu-uiouth, this H th day of May. A. 1 . lii.
(Seal; CiKoi.t M. S'UKLik:k,
County Judge.
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
in the matter ot the estate ot U llhaai W. Conn.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an or
der ot the Hon. lia-.i! S. Kamsey. judge ot the dis
trict court ol Cass county, Nebraska, made oa
the yth ilay of May. 1M1. tor the sa'e of the lea
estate hereinafter dcsciibe-1, there will be sol 1 at
the south door ol the court in 1'iattsmoulh
Cass count, NtbiasKa, on tlie '.'Olh day oi ;une.
Is!;, at 10 o clocfc a in. o said da at jub:ic c:i-
due to the highest bidder (..I l.i:.!i. the tollmMUg
real estate. to-.Mt:
Lot nineteen (111) l.mes' tiit addition lo tlie il
lage ol (ifeeawood. and lot:, ;v.'i, ana m
the village ot (iiei iiwooil. all in Cass count). Ne
braska. :--.tid saie to lem.i.n oen one hour.
J.illN t'. 1'1-K.
A.lniilii-tiator ot the Kstate ol W. Co.'ii:,
1. J. I'oik, Attorney for Admiiiir-tr.-.toi .
May ll. i.v.Hi.
Ltgal Notice.
In the district rouit of I'ass county, Ni-braska-Katc
Spencer, l'laintilt
vs. V Notice.
I'' rank Spencer. Defendant )
1-iank pencer. iteh-ii lanl. will take notice that
on tlie . I.. tli day ot .M.oeh A. 1 . Kate . .-n
cer, plamtitt lieiein. bled her petition in the di.
ti 11 1 Coiitt id Cass c iiinfv, Nel.i.ik.i, a';.ii;i.-.t
sai.l delendaiit. the object ami prayt:l of which
are for a di on e tioiii said t i.oA spencer and
tor the care and custinly ot their ( -inldren: said
divoice being asked on the grounds ol di-h-i ila..t
grssly. wuitonly and cruelly iieiectiog aiid re-tu-ing
to support pl.iintitt and her children.
Vim are i quired to ,-;ii - wer said peti'-ion on or
Ix-torc the -'Itli day ot July. -. 1). lS-Hi.
Hated June 17, UI'.Hl.
Kaif. Si-t; i-k. l'laintilt.
Hy her attorneys. Hymn Claik and C. A Kals.
Legal Notice.
l a ' J i.-i:.,n l ...,it-. ...11
7rtllllll-l 1 . (111114 .1111 B.ll. J . rtllilltil nil.
,?"e."",!ce a? "";rHs ' 1 ,',;"ml, ul-"
" " ' u '
t .." . . ... n- I 1... a...
couii oi cins couuiy, eoi .iMwrt, 11.111131 ?uu i.--f
fjndants. impleaded with First National Hank
ot t'lattsmouth. et al . , the object ami prayer ot
) which petition is to foreclose against lots a and 4
in oiocK .hi in l ouni! an'.i iiavei
addition to the
! citv oi 1'iattsmoulh,
Cass county, Nebraska, a
of said lots made Nov. 7,
J certificate of tax sale
lNir' by the treasurer of Cass county, Nebraska.
for the delinquent taxes thereon forlsUl, amount
ing to 27.45, and additional delinquent taxes
thereon for the sum o f ;.Y7(), with 10 per cent in
terest added on each of said sums from Nov. 7,
1M1, and for costs ot suit; further, that on the
same day the defendant First National Bank of
l'lattsmoutli tiled a crossbill in said suit against
said Samuel 1. Vanatta and Kliza J. Vanatta to
loreclose a moitgage against said lots for
f I. ((H) with 5 per cent interest added
from February .", 1W1. and on which
there is due from said Samuel K Vanatta and
Kliza J. Vanatta to said First National Bank
$1,000 with l) per cent interest lroin Feb. 5. IKKt.
You are required to answer said petition and
cross-pelition on or befoie Monday, June 22,
ls!;, or your default will be taken, anil said
claims taken as confessed and judgment ren
dered accordingly.
J. H. I'eti tiio.NK an'i S. K. Nixon ano tiik
Fikst National Bank ok I'lai ismouiii.
By Attorneys Beeson & Root.
Legal Notice.
In th district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
in the matter of the estato of John H. Holmes,
This cause came on upon hearing upon the pe
tition of Frank M. Young, as administrator of
the estate of John H. Holmes, deceased, praying
for license to sell the southeast quarter of section
lit, in town 2, range 22, in Furnas county, N.-b.;
the south half of the southwest quai ter 1 1 SO Hon
LJ, in town 2. range 22, said county, and the north
west quarter of section 24, in town 2,
range 22, of said county, or a suliicient
amount to bring the sum of i.ll.H.firt fur the pay
ment of debts allowed against said estate and the
costs ot a .ministration, there not being sutlicieut
personal property to pay said debts and costs of
It is, therefore, ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at the office
of the clerk ot the district court al 1'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, on thi ;rd day of August, lMKi, at It.
o'clock a. in . to show cause why a licence should
not be granted to said administrator to sell so
much ot the above described real estate of said
deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts
and expenses.
It is further ordered that notice of the said ap
plication and ot the making of this order be
f iven all parties interested in said estate by pub
ishing a copy of this orde tor four successive
weeks bef ire the day of said hearing in the Semi
Weekly News-Herald.
Dated this l!th day of June. lMHj. S, Ka.msky, Judge.
Legal Notice.
Adahne Crippen. Gurdon H. Crippen. Benja
min A. Gibson, Mrs. Benjamin A. Gibson, his
wife, real name unknown. William C. Crippen.
David C. Miiiison. Klliott Callander, Joseph E.
Callander and Edward A. Bangs, trustee defend
ants, will take notice that on the 2(ith day of Feb
ruary, IMC. the Bradford Savings Bank and Trust
company, the plaintiff herein, tiled its petition in
the district oouit of Cass county. Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and piiiyer of
whioh are to, foreclose a Certain mortgage execut
ed by Adaline Crippen and Gurdon H. Crippen to
one Benjamin A. Gibson, and by said Benjamin
A. Gibson.sold and assigned to one George Leslie
and bv said George Leslie duly sold and assigned
plamtilt, upon the west half (w'of the southwest
quarter swU). section three (IJ), all of the west
Jiall (w !,) ol the northwest quarter inw'i) of sec
tion three (Ji except the right of way ol the Lin
coln branch of the .Missouri 1'acitic' railroad, one
hundred feet wide, as now located; also the east
halt ie', I of said northwest quarter (nw1,) of said
section three (if) lying iorth of the railroad right
ot way as now located, all in township 10 north of
range II east of the the lith Principal Medridian,
m Cass county. Nebraska, to secure the payment
of one certain promissory note with interest cou
pons attached, said note dated May 11th, lXMii, for
the sum of $2.7utl.(K), due and pavable June 1st,
IM'1. said mortgage provided that in case any of
said notes or coupons are not paid when due. the
whole sum secured thereby may be declared to be
due and payable; there is now due on said note,
coupons and mortgage the sum of 4.11.25 tor
winch sum, with interest from this date, plaintitf ,
prays lor a decree that defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 25th day of May, 18S.
Dated April 14, 1896.
C. C. Flansburg,
, Attorney for Plaintiff.
s n - l , - - i
At the Remarkably Low Price of
-r if ' -f-; .
0 i II v Xnxo v, ii ri
3 a N 11
4 M ,, .... , i fcV
p-j - - r ' i i
Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in.
J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
I'rtld up Cu,pltn
Offers tho very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds, gold, govtreinent and lo
securities nought mid sold. Ie posits re
eeived und Interest allowed on ihe eertfi-
eutes. Urafts drawn, available In nny
part of the U. S. nud all the principle
towns or Kuropn. Collections inane ana
promptly remitted Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
X Ifiiv.y.
t. Il v kit wot I
. W.mirli. K. K.
. K. Diitrjr, I"r-t.
11. N. Hovey
Wlilte, 4. K. Ii.v.'
A. ft. (nhlf.r,
are tlie most powerful, safe prompt ani rt-
liable of this kind in tho market. The
ortirnal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your druggist if he don't keep
them. Write d Ireet to us and we will send
Indirect upon receipt of prlee, 1, sealed, bv
mail urepaid. Medical miviee free. JACK
so aiMHUAL uo., Chicago, ill., or our
agent, I. L, bnydor.
mN.B. Don't take any substitute
S with the same nome but different -i
spelling on which yourdruist 5
makes iwice as much .2
An institution for tho Kadical cure of C:in
cit and Tnmnn Without the line of a
Knife. Satisfaction (iuarnt-a.
We have never Failed to Effect a perma
nent cure where wa have had a reasonable op
portunity for treatment. Hook civinjr description-
of our Sanitarium and Treatment.
vith terms and references free. Address
Shwmniloah. Iowa.
The News for IOc.Imurray.
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Complexion Preserved s-j-
DR. MEEiRA'O 6jfrV
viola mm
I Kcmovps :-.-fk.ies, I'lsnpiea,
Liver - Moies, Blackheads,
Sunburn and Tan, r.nd re-
ti.r,s l!i nil. 111 Td ornri-
nnl freshness. T-roducinir P r-i:fyH '-'"' t,V
eleur and in althy eim fc5l
plexioti. Superior to all farev--
preparations and erfeotly harmless. At all
aruirgi-'ls. or mailed for 50cts. Hendior circular.
nkin puritvircr S':!, un-jualr-.l f.r the toilet, an-t illnwt m
rival for th--iijrs-ry. Ali.olut.-tr fmro an't d licau ly minU
oitl. At druki t. Prien 2 5 Cent.
TheO. C. BJTTiNEK CO., Toledo, O.
Instant Killer of Pain.
Internal and External,
Cures It 11 KI 'MAT ISM, NKUltAL-
GIA. I June Hack, Horains, Uruixe-,
SrellinuH. Stiff JoiutH. tX)Ll(!nriiJ
."'(UtAMl'S instantly. Cholera Mor
'iut -roui,iipiuiriii, rwirp xiixoui
thomoBt Powerful and Ponetrn!inrLiui:ueutfor Man
or Doustiu exibtfuco. lurgo f 1 mzo Soc., .inc. cizo,c
Jterlltifcd fmd Toilet. The Great Sktn Cure an.
Face Beautiior.i Ladies will find it the mo-
delicate and nighty perfumed Toilet Konp nc
me miirmtt. it in absolutely pure. Jimu
sUu soft and telvetv nu.l mvinrcs tho lot com-
plexion: 1 a luxury fr ttiaBath for Infants.
it aluys itchiir. eleanvet! tho fi' ii and piOLUOlO)
we tjrowuj ol Ciir 'rlev x:. I or soiu ijy
For Catalouse.taddress
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J
PI A MAC Orirans, 33. OO upw; rds; want
1 lilllU J Aci'nts. Catalogue free. Ai
dross Daniel F. lleaty, Washington, N. J.
nnr A UC I'lanos, SaSS upw:ird: want
llltllttrl ...... 4J I !.itqln;rilil f .All Ad.
dross l;in;el V. ltoatty. Washington, N . J
I'lanos HH'jar.oo upwards.
or eatalojue address
call, Daniel !
Hoatty, Washington. M. J
$500,000 K
p. l or particulars, eata-
loue, ad.iress or fall, Daniel r. neatly.
Wasliinnton, IS. .1.
DCATTVIO ira:ins 3i.oo upward.
DLrVI I I O Write for cat.ilou-JM'ldress
call. Daniel !. Heatty. vv astiintrton. in- J.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended, either
eft:..- JiS
witldoif used as a wash aecordinjr to di
reettous; prevent transmission of blood
diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic
ulcers, strict urn. fissure of the bands and
feet, Kczema. Tetter. ia It Itheumatlsrn, In-f
Itauiatton or tho lilaud er. JUseases of the
hones, joints and miiHcles. vphiletlc In
sanity, ."curvy, Scrofula in many forms
Tim above and a hundred other forms of
disease nre traceable directly or Indirectly
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l)r. jack son's Kuulish Saety Tablets Is a
sure pre ventive. and is asnfn Uerm Killer,
rendering; contagion hardly possible, henoe
its value. If neglected such troubles result
fatally. .Mailed anywhere, sealed 1: six
boxes for 5. Medical adylce free. JACK
SON MKHICA1, CO., Chioafro, 111., or oui
agent. I. L. Snyeer.
?i VI tMAI ICH rlimijf -r
5t!? DAY
' 1 -nrT rn-i irtiPirnrrn
in tliirty d.iys by a new perfected so en ti fie
method tfiat can not fall unless the ese is
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know yourself a k Inn amonj? men lit
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every obstacle to happv married tin- re
moved. Nerve force, will, euercy. br-itn
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sflectod Much troubles riwult fit.ilir.
Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
sealed for 1. Six boxes for ti J ACKSON
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I. I Snyder.
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wU? ? J 361 Uroadwat, Nrw Yob.
Oldest bnreau for aeetirinfr patents in America.
Kverr patent taken out lr tin la limimht iu.f..-.
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Ijinrest clrrttlatfon of any ! en title paper In th
world, biilendldly Illustrated. No iutellu-rn
man should be without ft. Weetly, 93.Mli.l
"ar; !.5iBlx month. Addrcna. M uS'.M it to. I
Vuaus Hsaa, 3 til Broad -vaj, ew Xar ""ty.
1 H
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4 Gcientiflo American
h Agency fc"V,