- L THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HEBALD, 1'LATTSMOl , JULY 1,1896. MCCHM9898tfOt4SMfMieee5eS98S99 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1- '- J S Tell Your Wife THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF Si CITY BREVITIES. sati:kiay. .Ico Ford ;n old time I'lattsinouthian now residiup; at C:ts-i.tr, Wyo., is in town today. II. J. Strut-; hi and wife went oyer to ltrd Oak this moriuii .n ii visit witli lelatives and friends. The Woodman of the World issues accident iiisui anco policy, l-'or par ticulars enquire of Oswald tiutlimami. Miss Henrietta Il-tnst-n eamo home this morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mis. 1. J. Hansen, for a few days. Uyron Guiding leaves today for St. Loui from huh point ho will start out on a conimei cial tour of three months. Mis Joseph L)roea and children departed toiay for Kdjjemont to visit a few weeks with her lister. Mis. Cas per 1 teuther. The Miosis Margaret and Koso Koddy, daughter of Hon. Put Roddy, of .Nebraska City, are truests of their cousin, Mrs. C. K. Winihrow. Mis. Henry Hciold returned home last evening from an extended visit with relatives at Cedar Falls, la., Chi cago and other eastern points. The Mi troj olitan Comedy company got lost in the shullle last evening and failed to put in an ai))(iran':c ut White's opera housuaecordinpr to pro gram. Miss Wiie Marshall and Miss Lizzie Eiktiibarj returned from Nebraska City this morning where they had been in attendance at the Epworth league convention for three days. Hoyt I'oUenor, after an absence of two ears in Cuba wheie he worked as telegraph operator, is now located in Omaha. He visited relatives over nigtit in this city and returned to Om aha tins morning. Ir. Ilritt was down fiom Omaha to day looking greatly improved in health. The ra ubrious atmosphere of the metropolis seems to have been beneficial, though he w.is improving rapidly when he left here. Ciorgo and l-M Mann, who have been cam pi us; out at Spring Lake for a week returned last evening. Ed hooked a four pound carp which' lie brought in, and they caught quite a numlM-r of smaller tisli which lurnished the main diet w hile in cam p. F.dwin Uavis, J. F. Ioud, Thos. Mitchell, W.H.Shafer and HzraS iini son were sitting together upat iioeck's corner this afternooii chatting when a bystander thought it rsithor and eidei ly crowd and on addinj up their ages the sum of oS'l years w:is ttie result. Leonhanit Kluftinger, the Cennan consul at Hologna, Itaiy, came in last eveuirg to visit his sister, Mrs. Paul (lering. At the conclusion of his visit Mrs. tiering exK.cts to go to Germany with him for a visit of several months with relatives and friends of early days. Mr. ami Mrs. Yiu. II ill nice enter tained a very pleasant company of friends last evening in honor of their niece, Miss Hattie iiillar.ee, of Den ver, who departed for home today. Cards, dancing, refreshments and a pleasant social time was enjoyed by all pi esent. T. II. I'olloek, who is a member of the Spring lake outing party, caught a black bass yesterday that was so large it broke the hook and escajied. I Sort is of the opinion that it weighed about ten pounds but lie has failed to file an aflidavit to that effect at this ollieo as required by law. MONDAY. A . Carlson and wife departed today for a week's .isit with friends at Avil la, Ind. S. A. Davis spent Sunday at York with Grandma Inslow and other relatives. Mrs. J. N. Wise leaves tomorrow for an extended visit with her daughter in Denver. Miss Edna Adams "went out to Lin coln this morning to visit Irieuds for a few days. A Mr. Davis of Seward accompanied by his wife and family spent Sunday here with the family of S. A. Davis. Mrs. Xieman was no hetter today and her condition is very alarming to her many friends. Miss Maud Ronnie returned to her stenographic studies in Omaha today, j another month. Five coach loads of soldiers were brought in on the LJ. & M. for Fort Crook yesterday, which will soon be a busy place. Miss Ada Hall one of the High school teachers at Newton, la., is here visiting her sister, Mrs. O. C. Smith and family. Miss Terry gives a musical recital in Omaha this evening in which Miss F.ll.i Clar k and Miss Dora Swearingen take a prominent part. Mra T. J. Hennessey and son, and Miss Minnie Lagic of Missouri Valley, la., aro in the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Sehulzo. J. C. Kikenbarv of this city has been appointed as one of the marshals at( for resisting disease thin people, nerveless, delicate ! The food' for all such men, women, or children is Scott's Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oil will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength, comfort and good-nature. c sure you t-?f S-atft Emulsion vtken you tvant it and not a cheap suhttitutt. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c and $1. the great republican rally and parade to be held in Laneoin tomorrow uigui. Jud.-e Spu-lock is in Lincoln today attending a county judge's convention. It is expected that justice is to lie ladeled out hereafter expeditiously to all applicants. W. II. Newell and S II. Atwood drove out into the county this after noon. The boys were probably doing a little missionary work befcre the state convention meets. Judge Knnsey, we are glad to note, continues to improve, and his friends hope to see him well enough in a few days to take a restful trip back to bis old home iu Pennsylvania. George Davis, the barber, was a "hot" eoachcr for the IM ittsmouth Turners at Omaha yesterday, and when they won everything his voice could be distinctly heard at Hellevue and Council HlutTs. F. II. Wilson is in Lincoln today and Hon. ii. li. Windham, another prominent delegate to the stalo con vention, went to Lincoln this after noon. Old Cass may not vote solidly, but we can make a guess that a ma jority can be found voting right, any way. John Oleson got obstreperous up at the fire Saturday night and this morn ing Police Judge Archer borrowed $10 of him for the benefit of the school fund, which he agreed to pay rather than join Sam Holioway's colony over at the hitter's brick hotel on Pearl street. Messrs. C. C. l'armele, Sam and Tom Patterson, T. II. Pollock, V. L Pickett and their wives, who com prised the Spring Lake outing party, broke camp and returned home this morning. They had a delightful time and came home with the glow of re newed health stamped on their faces. Mr. Osborn. a prominent miner of Lad City, departed today for the group of Parmele mines in that vici nity, having made a contract to go to work at once and see what there is in the nineteen claims which Mr. Parmele and others own up there. The outlook for a valuable find is very promising. AN $sOO ItLAZK. it W. llycrn' Hani Fired 15 an lueentl- iary mikI Hunieil to tlie . round. At midnight Saturday the persisteut ringing of the lire bell awakened the entire town and the bright light shin ing up fiinii the hill on South Seventh stieet showed a lire raging which called an immense crowd out. It pi oved to be the large frame barn of R. W. Dyers' and before the water could be turned on it was a mass of ruins, burning like a box of matches. Some harness, a sleigh and a lot of tools were destroyd, la alt amounting to fully ifcsim. The loss is total as there was no insurance. No. cause for the lire cm be found other than incen ihry. It seems Gust Hiets had been out driving and re turned home about U o'clock in the evening and put his horse in the stable. Ho latched the door from the outside, and yet when the fire broke out the door was still latched, though the horse was not tied, and had a habit when ever tho door was opened to rush out into tho lawn. It looks, therefore, as though some one had been up to some mischief, although what motive could actuate tho man or men is not perceptible unless robbery of other houses was what was inten ded. Missouri 1'acificr Time Card. A new time card goes into offect on the Missouri Pacific tomorrow, which will make the following changes: Tiains north: Passenger r reiuhl , 11:24 a. m. 3.45 p. III. 1 lams Ruing soum: fasb.-m.fi ' P- TO i-rciuht '-toa.nl. Tho morning freight south connects with a freight for Lincoln so that points out in the county may bo read ily reached. 1 'as lure. Persons wishing to fatten cattle and horses on blue grass and clover inquire of II. W. Heaver. Cedar Creek, Neb. Cattle o cents and horses 1 a month Whip! Whips! Whip! August Gorder has some surprising bargains in whips. He sells the com raon whip at two for twenty-five cents; a first-class rawhide center whip for twenty-five cents; one of tho best for fiftv cents, and the very test whip made for seventy-Ove cents. Come in mid see them at old stand of Fred Gorder &; Son, PluUsmouth, Neb. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfor' Pitcher's Castoria. the food for all such. How many pale folk there arc ! People who ' have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a pendulum between strength and weakness so that one day's work causes six days' sickness ! People who have no life that you have read that Santa Claus Soap is one of the greatest labor saving inven tions of the time. Tell her that it will save her strength, save her time, save her clothes. The merits of iAHTA CLAtt appeal at once to every thoughtful J most economical soap to ue procured. &olci every w acre. u due ouiy uy I The N. K. Fairbanh Company, - Chicago. A Jty I'ionic I'arty. Miss McClelland, who will soon de part for her new home at Alt. Pleasant la., took her Sunday school class down to Iv. White's fish pond, south of Rock B.ulTs, for an outing, and a de lightful time is reported. The entire party was taken in W. D. Jones com modious carryall, which was drawn by a four-horse team driven by CoL Jones in person. Coating, fishing and pai tak ing of a picnic dinner occupied a good share of the time which was voted highly enjoyable. Thoso present were Aliss McClelland and the Misses Louise White, Matilda Vallery, Alabel Swearingen, Aliss Swearingen, Clara Green, Hose IIyer6, Grace Stouten- borough, Ella Eikenbarj", Florence White, Alabel Unruh, Jessie Oldham and Messrs Frank A. White, Henry Woidman, Alyron Els m, Herman Martin, Henry Snydor, James Newell ana Hoy Dodge. English Spavin Liniment removes al Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins. Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save by use of one tiOttle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by b. G. rricke Ai Co., druggists. Plait,- mouth. Farm loans. T. II. Pollock. It lieuiuat irtut Cur-1 in a Way. "Myftic Cure" for Rheumatism ai.d Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at omo the cause :.nd tl.o disease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly be nc tils, 7- cents. Sold by b (J. Fric'ke & Co., druixists. Plattsmoulh, Neb. Kxriirhioii JCatfH Via the Missouri I'acilie i ail real the only lii.e to iM. Iouis without change of cars. Leave I'lattsmoulh dailv for: Washington, D. C, July2-.i. Buffalo, N. V., Ju.y 4 and 5. Chicago national democratic con ven- tion, -"silver tr.iin," via Omaha and Chicago &. Northwestern railroad, July h. Home seekers excursion to all points one fare plus $2, July 7 and "2 For particulars call at depot on C. t . STOUTENHOl-OCOH, Agt. legal ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriff's Sale. Uv virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and t: nie di rected, I will, on the 1st day of August. A. I). Is'.;, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said dav at the south door of the court house in the city ot I'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the (ugli est bidder tor cash, the following real estate towit: 1 he east halt ot the northeast quarter ot section twelve (12'. township twelve (12. north of range thirteen (13. east ot the tith 1. M. in Cass county, Nebraska, together with all the singular and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in anywise appertaining: the same lieing levied upon and taken as ttie properly oi illiani H. Hiafer, defendant, to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by Ad.tin lloeck, plaintiit against said defendant, and to satisfy judgments in favor of the defendant Bank ot Cass County, aud the defendant Charles C. l'armele. as receiver of the Citizens bank. I'lattsmouth. Neb., June . A. IV, 1!. Harvey Hoi.i.oway. Sherifi, Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the district coutt of Cass county, Nebraska. I'lattsmouth Loan & Building 1 Association. I laintitt, ; vs. ', Edward S. liarstow, Mary F.. f liarstow and Samuel Schu- ster, Hefendants. J Samuel Schuster, defendant, will take notice that on the tith day ot June. lfiHi, the I'lattsmouth Loan ol ouildmg Association, plaintin Herein, tiled its netition in the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska, against the above named de fendants, the object and prayer of wtiich are to loreclose a certain mortgage executed by F.dward 3. liarstow and Mary 1'-. liarstow to planum, upon the following described premises, to-wit: Commencing at a point liK feet north of the south east corner of the southwest quarter of tlie south" west quarter of section Is, townstiip 12, range 14. F". 6 V. M., and in tlie east line of said tract; thence north in said cast line l'-ri feet, thence west parallel with tlie south line ot said tract 4: feet, thence south parallel with the i-aid east line I'Xt tcct. thence east 4'.' feet to the place of be ginning, containing 5,MI square feet, to secure the payment ot a certain promisory note dated the lGth day of December. 1MH). for tlie sum ol $."iO', and due on or before December the 1.1th, lHtm. or on delimit of the payment of iuterest tines and taxes when the same became due. The defendants above named having delaulted in the navniHiit of interest, hues and taxes, the plain titts elect to declare said note and mortgage due and payable, and tfiat there is uow due p.amtin upon said note and mortgage the sum ot $.KH) with Kl per cent iuterest ttiereon lrom the 1.1th day of May, S. and plaint ft prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff thereon. The plaintiff further prays that whatever equity or interests that the said Samuel Schuster may have in said premises, that it be adjudged interior to that of the plaintiff and that the same be duly tore closed. 1 ou are required to answer such petition on or before the Kith day ol August, lMKi. Dated June :i7. Is!". Plattsmoi:th Loan & I'-t ilding Association, By K. li. Windham, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. The State of Nebraska, County of Cass. J In the matter of the estate of John Holschuh, de ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against John Holschuh. de ceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in i'lattsmouth. ou the :4th day of December. A. D.. IH'Hi, at 10 o clock in the forenoon; and that six months from and after the ""4th d-iy ot June, A. D.. Wm, is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims tor examination and allow ance. Given under my hand this 22nd day of June, A. D. 1Y.0. CiEORliE M. bPl'KLOCK. County Judge. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Robert Lyons, tr'laintiD ) vs. t The State Bank ol Murdock. f Nebraska. Defendant. J Under and by virtue of an order of the district 1 o s s i s I i woman. It's the best, purest, and court of Cass county. Nebraska. Hon. IJasil S KamsfV. I udue. entered uuon April l:jtli. A. i lHi. rcijuir'nt; notice of the filing ( tiie claims to ne given tor u weens irior 10 jun i.mi, Now. therefore. I. Dexter M. (Juackeiihush. as receiver, ilo hereby notify all persons having claims against said bank to tile the same with me at my otnee in First National Hank ot tireenwoo-.l on or before July l lth, IsMi. anil that the same ue projerly verified upon forms by ir.e furnished upon application. 1 further uive notice that upon July l:ith. 1!K. at 10 o'clock a. in., 1 will proceed upon the ex amination ot said accounts and the disposing of them as by said order of the district court di rected. All persons are further notified that all claims not tiled by the time therein given will be disal lowed unless otherwise ordeied by the jude jf said Court. Dated at Hattsmouth. Neb.. April s. lMtti. DKXIkK M. Ot Al KI-MH. SU. As Receiver of the State Bank ot Muidock. Neb. In County Court. Statu of Xekuaska. i Citsa County f To all persons interested in the estate of John tlolschuli, deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the Uth day ot June. A. I. IMtfi. at the hour of 1 o'clock a. in., at the county judge's office, in l'latlsniouth.-iii said couiftv. the petition, asking for the appoint ment ot Theodore Stark jotiann. as adininisti atoi ot said estate, will be heard and considered: at which tune and place all persons interested may appear anil show cause, if any they hae. why he should not be appointed as such administrator. Witness my hand and seal ot said county court at t'lattsmouth. tins 1' th day of May. A. 1. lMni. (Seal; Cilioki.hM. Sri ki.ock. "County Judge. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Cass county. Nebi; In the matter of the estate ot William ska. ollll. deceased. Notice is hcieby given that pursuant to an or der of the lion, l.asil S. Kauisey. judge ot the dis trict court ot ( ass county. Nebr iska. made on Hie !'th day ot May. Is', ii, lor tiie sit of the re.ii estate hereinafter described, theie will besold.it the south door ot the c.'iirt house in l l ittsiiioutii. Cass county. Nebiaska. on the -ith day ot ;aiu', ls'.ll. at f o cloi.k a in o s.nd d.i) at public ven due to the highest buldei for cash, the tolloHlnc real estate, lo-rt it Lot nineteen (If) loins' fust addition to rbe vil lage of lireenwood, and lots : "i. .'.-7 and m the village d tiieetiw I. all m Cass .'uuty. Ne braska. Maid sale to rema'ii open one hour. J.iilN 1-. i'ul.K, Adiniiii- tr.iU-i ot the t'.sl.ite ot dliaiii U . Conn. decea ed. I . l' ik. ttoincy toi Adtuiuistr-.toi. May !'.. I1 Liyal Notice. In th-j distint court ol Cass county, Nebiaska Kate pencer, i'l.u:ititt vs. !- Notice. 1 i.tuk Speuci-r.t )ol-nl.int ) lraiik Spencer, deieii laut. will !.iLc not ill It on tlie rtn d.. oi March A. 1. !".'. Kate . pel. cer, plaintiff tieiein, I'.le.i her petition in the dis trict com t "t U-'i (,-iui.t). Nebraska, aaia-i said defendant, the obect and ciavei of wh.cf are for a di oi ce from s.tid J i.i..k ? pi:in tor tlie care and custody ot ihei' 1 1 i ! i . -1 . divorce being ask 1 on the grounds ot !;! ii ossl v. wantoiil v and ci ueii v iieii .e lo; .i 1 till i il fusing to support pi initi! and hci cio b.-'i ou are r ipjiiuu to answer said peti io.'i :i ir before the -Till day d ju:y. A. 1 . 1 Dated June 17. I.-".. Ka'ik Si i.mi k. l'la.nt'.tt. Ify tier attorneys, Iiyron Clark a:ui C. A. K'twlf. Legal Notice. Samuel I". Vanatta and Llia J. Vauatta will take notice as non-resident defendants that on ttie tith day of April. ls!l', J. it. 1'eltibone and S K. Nixon commenced an action in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said de fendants, iinnleaded with First .National bank of I'lattsmouth. et al.. the object and prayer of which petition is to foreclose against lots a ami 4 in block : in Young and Hayes' addition to the citv ot I'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska. a certificate of tax sale ol said lots made Nov. 7, 1:C by liie treasurer of Cass county, Nebraska. lor ttie delinquent taxes thereon lor mm. amount ing to $21. V, and additional delinquent taxes thereon for the sum of i75.70. with 10 per cent in terest added on each of sai 1 sums from Nuv. 7. lsttl, and lor costs of suit; lurther. that on the same day the defendant F'irst National Hank ot I'lattsmouth tiled a cros.-DUl in saw sun againsi said Samuel l'. Vanatta and F'liza J. Vanatta to foreclose a mortgage against said lots for il.DtHi with 1 per cent interest added ironi Iebiuary ... l"-'.. ami on which there is due from said Samuel I'. Vanatta and ICIiza I. Vanatta to said First National Hank il.trno with .i per cent interest from Feb. a. ?M ouare required to answer said pennon auu cross-petition on or before Monday. June . Ih'J.;, or your default will be taken, and said claims taken as confessed and judgment ren- lered accordingly. J. It. l'KTTlKONt AMI S F-. NlXoN AMI lilt rlKSr AAIIONAL liANK UK I L.M15.WH 111. I5y Attorneys lieeson iv Koot. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebiaska. in the matter of the estate of Join. I!. Holmes. deceased. This cause came on upon hearing upon the pe tition of Frank M. Young, as administrator of the estate of lohn IJ. Holmes, deceased, praying for license to sell the southeast quarter of section i:t, iu town range 22. in Furnas county. Neb.: the south half ol the southwest quarter of section 1.1, in town 2, range 2". said county, and the north west quarter ot section 24. in town range -2. of said county, or a sufficient amount to brinf the sum ot 42.11s fti for the rav- nit'iit of debts allowed against said estate and the costs ol a ministration, there not lieing sunn lent personal property to pay said debts and costs ol administration. It is, therefore, ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear before nie at the office of the clerk oi the district court at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, on tin :trd dav of August. l".t- at 1 o'clock a. m . to show cause why a licence should not Ue granted to said administrator to sell much of the above described real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts ana expenses. It is luiiher oidered that notice of the said an plication and ot the making of this order tie given all parties interested in said estate by puli- lismng a copy ot this orde' tor tour successive weeks bet-ire the day of said hearing in the Semi- Wcek.v "vews-lteralj. Dated this tilth day of June. lMHi. Basil S, Ramsey, Judge. Legal Notice. Adaline Cripm-n. Gurdon B. Crippen. Benj mill A. (.ibsou. Mrs. Benjamin A. Gibson. Ins wife, real name unknown. liliam C. Crippen David C. Munson. F.lliott Callander. Joseph K Callander and Fldward A. Bangs, trustee defend ants, will take notice that on the 2iilh day of Feb ruary. LSiHi, the Bradlord Savings isauk and trust company, tlie plaiutitt lieieiu. tiled its petition iu the district Court ol iass county, .Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of winch are to loreclose a certain mortgage execut ed by Adaline Crippen and Gurdon B. Crippen to one lit ii). mini a. Gibson, ana oy sau lSeiijamin A. Gibson, sold and assigned to one George Leslie and bv said George Leslie duly sold and assigned plaintiff, upon the west half (w 'iiot the southwest quarter (sw'4 ). section ttiree i't), all of the west halt iw1,) of ttie northwest quarter inwK,) of sec tion three except ttie right ol way ol the Lin coln branch of the Missouri 1'acihc railroad, one hundred feet wide, as now located; also the east half l.e1-, ) of said northwest quarter (nw 'i) of said section three (3) lying "north ot the railroad right of way as now located, all in township lb north of range 11 east of the the tith Principal Medridian. in Cass county. Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note with interest cou pons attached, said note dated May llth, lSMil, for the sum of $2.7tnj.i, due and payable June 1st. l.iSl. said mortgage provided that in case -ny of said notes or coupons are not paid when due, the whole sum secured thereby may be declared to be due and payable: there is now due on said note, coupons and mortgage the sum of f :t.4-ll 2.1 for which sum, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays lor a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 2.1Ui day ot May, ltfui Dated April 14. i-s. C. C. Flansblrg. Attorney for Plaintiff. UNRUfi'S COMPETITION KILLERS. A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. (O) For a Few Days Longer (6) V At the Remarkably Low Price of $14. , rr i pTl iffZJ---- ri -si, f1 CZZ " ItT --V-:-jr- --.-.. . - "' ,' !l i f Ss Ns" " 1 i I I li X" r j t i I J r x 1 1 a: (L" ". fmd I& " t" ' mt : ' i j r " k Ten dozen J. I. UNRUH Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLHTTSMOUTH, NEBRHSKH. fJESgffiBS3Sc-SE FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OK I'LATTSMOUTI', NK11KASKA. t'aid ti p I 'iMjIlal Surplus 1I,'KI'.. Offers the very best faotlitles for the uronipt transiietiou of !fl TOOK!", Ixnids, Bold, covereiiieiit and tin k HPCuritles nouaht and sold, lioposits re eeived unrt Interest allowed on the eerlti eiitcs. Iirafts ar;iun, available In nny part of ttie U. S. and all the prlnclule towns of Kurope. Uoiloetlous made and oromptly remitted. Ill2liet market price paid for county warrants, state aud county bonds.- DIRECTORS: tl. 4 liuvry, lilt kn tt ll I' . W mc'li, F. K. Wfiltf, K. !. irt: I.. Iliivrj, Irv. . Vm.kIi. i'rtwlitrr II. N. Iiuvrjr A. tt. t;i-l'l-ir. ;tre tho most powerful, suft prompt and it. linlilc of this kind In the market. The ori-'iial and ouly genuine woman's siilva tlon. Ask your druaist if he don't keep them. Write direct to us and we wilt send it direct upon receipt of price. H. sealed, by mail Drepaid. Med lent nil vice free. JACK SON MhlU'WL. CO., Chic. iso. Ill-, or our acent. I. L, Snyder. FVFWIOF OF IMITATION'S 5 31 l-FORSALE EV AIL DRUOGI5TS ORG i JACKSON MEDICAL CO. TOGO ILL. J j 260 bO CLARK sr iMUBiAL BID'S. i wN.B. Don1 take any substitute Jj with the same name but different h t spelling on which your drucist o makes twice as much . J B tWARE OF IMITATIONS SIIMNAXDOAII SAMTAHHM. An institution tor the Radical cure cf Cftii--T uiid Tuiiiorn Without the tine ot a ti.nl fo. Sut if action (ioarantead. We have never Failed to EfTect n perma nent cure where we have had a reasonable op portunity lor treatment. Hook rlvincr de scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment, with terms and references free. Address 1KS. IlOtUNSOi & STMl'DKK, BbitiiandoMh. town. The News for 10c, more of those 95 cent chairs just in. ESg-g3tgg5S8 CGno'cxion Freservsd Remove's Freckles. Pimplea Liver - .Moles. Blockheads iSin"iarn and 7an, and re- i-tor--; tie -k.n t i'.i orit-t- mil l're;.!mes!, V ' '"lucii.'s? ij-, i. cleiir ai d healthy -oni J.'Tj-.. 2. ' t piexion. t-iiiKTiorioau ici'. jrepi'.r;it:n;is mid ert'c'tlv linrmlos. At sll drus--;isis, or mailed for 50c'ts. Mend f or circulitr. VIOLA EK1N SOAP U nmAj tncmpuml.!- a S Bkin .urif-.:i.tf .so:tr. wm-'jual'-! fr Ur tiU-t. n-l i:ilMit A rival fur th-nur.'-TT. Mw.,lut l- rmr- Hint diicait iy ui-fU-cai.-d. At iliu..it. Prico 25 Cunti. Tlie Q. C. BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O. JOHMSOH'S FJiAGNETIC OEL! instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. t'lires ltHKITMATIKM, NKUKAL 61 A. Ijiino Jtnek, Sprain", 15ruiei' Mllii,.rM WtilT -TfiliiL. I'llI.K! nnii t A "-v -t-aASlIi Instantly. Cholera Mor . i !3k ,1ms, I'.roup.llliitherln, SoreTUroul. TUC UfsDCE CDS II Tl J-pectal!y prepared foi lilt ttUnOL bnAFiU. stK-h. J).iublo Strenrth themoet Powwful and Penetrntn'cLiunuontfur "ilui. or liuust lu exitejicu. Large tl tuu auc, joe -i0'.'5c JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. "Medlrotod nnd Toilet. Tlie Orent Skin Care an Face Beautiflpr. Ladies vill t,nl it the iuom rliete and ripih'p pertumorl 'l'oiiet soap on ttie market. It is aDsc-lutelV pure. Mnk tl.i skin soft and velvety aud lrn" the Ut com- f leion i a luxury l.r the Bath for Infants, t al.iys itL-h'Uif, clt.uisi-s thost-i.ip und I.roUlUtd the growUi ot li ur ' 'rice 2dc l'ur sole by BEATTYS' CKLKBKATED PIANOS AND ORGANS. Vor Catalouse.'.adaress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. PI Jl lUnC Oriians, f:t5.MI upw: rds; want I III llUj Airi'tits. Catalogue free. Ad dress Uniiel lieaty, Wnhiuloa, S.J. fT3n f1 l C i'tanos, Vi'i.'t upwards: want UIALlli Afreiits. t'atalosrue f ree. Ad dress llaulei K. liCittty. WasliinsltOii, N. J RTATTVC rtanos Wi'i.VOO upwards. DL.M I I I O tor catalogue address cait, llaniel V. Beatty, Washing ton. N. J crinn nnn heattvs organs 3..oo J)iJUUUU up. I'or particulars, cata biisue. address or call, Daniel K. Beatty, Washington, N. J. DCATTVIC Organs W35.00 upwards. DLAl I T O Write for cat iloiru soidress or call. Daniel Beatty. VV'ashiii-'tiin. N. .1. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly atteuded, either DAV or NIGHT. MURRAY, NEBRASKA VIOL a CREAM (Oj For a Few Days Longer v 8 B will do if used as a wash accordins: to di rections; prevent transmission of blood diseases, -kin diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, structure, fissure of the hands and feet, Kczema. Tetter. !-a It Kheumatlsm, In tlaniation of tlie Kladd or. Jliseases of the bones, joints and muscles. S.vphiletic In sanity, Scurvy, Scrofula in many forms 1 ne above and a uunureu ottier rorms or disease are traceable directly or Indirectly to -vvphilitic Blood l'olson for which tlic 1 r. Jackson's Enirtish Saety Tablets Is a sure pre veiitive. and Is asafn (jerm Killer, rendering contagion hardly possible, hence its value. If neglected such troubles result, fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed tl: six boxes for .". Medical advice free. JACK tOJN M KDK-AI CO., Chicaso. III. or our iijrent. 1 . L. inyeer. I), QUICKLV. nuwuuvjnLY, FOREVER CURL C I - D A Y i fj NGLISn QUICK c7 ?NCRVE. RESTORER if ri-MAN OUT CF ME ) cJav GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY in thirty d lys by anew perfected sc entitle method that can not fail unless the cuse is bevond human aid. Vou feel Improved tlie first, day; feel a benefit every dav; mum know yourself a kins? anions' men In liodir. u-iiid and heart. Drains and losses railed, every obstacle to Iiapp7 married re moved. Nerve force, will, eneriry. br.nn power, when falling are restored. If nie elected such troubles result fitnlly. Medical advice free. Mailed e'eiwhi-re. sealed for Jl. ix boxes for tX J "Iv i MF.DICAL CO., Chloa'o. III., or mini ent. I. Lv s-uyder. Scientifio American Agency top CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. tcJ trnr mrnrmatinn ana rroe HandtxMik writ to MUNX ft CO., act Kkoadwat. New Your. Olitat burpau for aeenrlnK pab-ntu In America. Kvery rmu-nt taken out by uh U lironKht tiefors tlie tuuUe by a notice given free of dutrge in Uio gtitnixfic mtxitnu I.irjret efmnlatton of nr nrlrntltle pappr In th world. Kplenilldly Illustrated. No lutellii'cn man BhonUl Iw without ic U'wkty, K3.04H. JPar: $ij8i month. Aildms, BUNN COw VUBUkhkbh, 361 Uroad-vay, hew VurV "tT, j ir r: - TTj .' "tj--;;- 1 '"' mm 'T '-j j..,ji"""""i .4... ; , .... ) ill .ii;" i.iiwiJ .... y...WM.i. mmy:i ' A "t. -r s m t-sr-