Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 27, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I 5
-1 N,
The jurors all departed for their
hoint's this iifternooii.
Uncle Jason Stroipht of South IJend
is in town today visiting his son Hen
ry Dr. (JiKik and wifo returned this
morning from a hurried visit to Chi
e;iro. Ii. II. Windham cnjiod a visit to
day from ins brother, who resides at
Glen wood.
Our old friend, C1. Ishell, has been
quite poorly this fumiui:r,und has to set
twiee to east a shadow.
lion. J. Ji. Strode was in tho city
.last evening on lc'al business and
made Tlili XK"'s;i pleasant call.
We arc plad to state that W. J. Hes
"ser vr:iA much better at la.-t accounts
and his recovery is now expected.
Miss Helen Ashtnun of Weeping
- Water was in tho city yesterday on
her way home from Tabor college.
i'eter Kveland and his two bright
daughters from HI in wood precinct ate
the quests of Allen IJeeson and family
Mrs. Nieman continues to improve,
and will soon be lully recovered from
tho effects of the surgical operation
mention of which was made yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen lieeson, who have
been married 11 years today, will en
tertain a lare company of relatives at
II i.el Dell, their cosy summer home,
this evening.
I h a t n 11:1 1 election of Hnworth
I!airue ollb-ers to have been held next
Fi it'ay has been postponed a week later
on account of so many desiring to at-.
tend the convention.
The contract for c irpenter work on
. i ' i , if ii i -,...;.,
the elegant residence of Ii. It Gerinr
was let to Chris Kohnke yesterday,
He and Mr. tiering went to Omaha
this morning to see the architect.
The H-ople who occupy the block on
south side of M iin street fiom Morgana
to l'eporber's need have no fear of
a etc'.one, as some i f them are harbor
i ig a smell in the cellar that is
stronger than a do.en cyclones and
fairly" lifts a man otT his feel as ho
passes along Hie side walk near wheie
the t-tench arises. It eeuld easily dis
lodge a roof or send a man to his bust
Mrs. Nieman is resting easy toda.y,
though not y:t out of d:iii;er.
H I Smith is on the sick list today
and takes an enfoiced rest fiom his
labors at the shops.
The government g iuge at the bridge
says .' of an inch is the amount of
w iter which fell last night.
J. H. Chambers has sjone to Des
Moines after his family, who will
make I'lattsmouth their future home.
('eorgu I'oisail loaded another car
of ice I.Tft night for MaldutT the Omaha
caterer, who lias purchased his entire
Harry To-levin, of the Western
Newspaper Union, Omaha, was in the
4'ity today looking up business for his
Hied Hollows and family departed
on Wednesday evening of last week
for Toledo, Ohio, where they will re
side in the future.
The M. P. folks, it is said, will put
on a freight to leive Omaha for the
south at 4: Jo in the morning on and
after Sunday next.
V. I. Durkee, itssislant auditor of
tho 11 A: M. at Omaha, uceomp mied
by bis wife was the truest of D. S.
Guild and family last night.
No. 0, A. F. and A. M., held an in
stallation of officers last evening
which wound up with a nice nanquet,
as is the custom of that order.
The reform club meeting was largely
attended lust evening, and, among
other sneakers, A. M. Hus.-ell, of
Weeping Water, gave an address.
TilK Nkws regrets to learn that
Asher Clark is quite ill again with a
trouble very similar to erysipelas. Ilis
face is broken out and he is confined
to the house.
Phil Harrison has the nicest lot of
gloxineas in bloom up at his house
ever seen in this western couutry.
They are as lino as orchids and quite
as dillicult to r.-iii-e.
The elements were in a turmoil
nearly all night and a vigorous effort
to deposit a shower of rain was notice
able, but the effect was not com teen-
urate with the clTor-.
Judge Kamsey held court a few
minutes this morning and then ad
journed over until tomorrow morning.
He is in such feeble condition that be
can not possibly attempt a hearing in
any of the equity cases which are set
for trial.
' The Missouri Pacific wiil have a new
time card Sunday. The noon p.tssen
gor from St. i-iouis will arrive at 12:45
instead of 12:1". and the afternoon
train will leave at 3:tT instead of 3:20.
The time was a little too fast is tho
I cause of the change. State Journal.
A tnllyho part' consisting of several
perfect health, comfort, good
Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby can have, in
the easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his
ordinary food, and helps him
growth, For the crowing
grown, new life.
Be tureyvu set Scotft Emulsitm tukrn
Scott & Bowne. New York, ah Druggist. 50c and $1.
vn Line Indies enioved a drive about
behind a four
horse tam. driven bv Ed FiUfTOiald
Tim roach whs an improvised one, for
the occasion with pyramidal seats, and
the crowd of handsome ladies made up
a very pretty picture.
MisaGussio Swearingen of Kansas is jl I'lattsmouth visitor, the
truest of Mrs. M. M. Swearinpen and
familv fora f.-w days. Miss Swearin
"en graduated from the Kansas City
hijjh scnooi mis inoin.ii.
Jailor ilolloway now has twelve
boarders tho largest number of
county prisoners in jail at one time
for ye.irs. Mr. Ilolloway is one of the
best officers the county ever had, and
the jail is kept as clean and neat as a
dwelling bouse, in stionjr contrast to
what it has been at other times.
The Wheat Crop Uoml.
The Nebraska weather and Ciop
bulletin for the week ending June 22
Tho temperature hag been above the
normal every day during tho past
week, a vet aging a daily excess of five
The rainfall has been below the
normal in the extreme eastern and
the west central portions of the state,
where tho rainfall has generally been
between a third and three-quarters of
an inch, and above the normal in other
portions where the rainfall has ex
ceeded an inch.
Hail has done some damage to crops
in small areas in the central part of
the state.
The warm weather has been es-
pcciallv favorable for the crow th of
u and this cr hrt3 made an un
u ,i .v.
usually vigorous growth over tho
greater portion of tho state. Corn
cultivation has made good progress
and the crop is generally quite free of
weeds and in the southeastern coun
ties some fields have Ijeen lain by.
Small grain has been injured by hot,
dry weather in the wostern part of the
state. Wheat is quite generally re
Krted as in less promising condition
except winter wheat in the southeast
ern section, where a good ciop is now
being harvested. The rye harvest is
being commeuced in the eastern sec
tions. continues in exceptionally
good condition.
A Swell I'art'.
Mrs. Chas. Kads gave what might
fairly le teimed a swell party lad
evening in honor of Mr. Hilda's sifter.
Miss l.elle, of lington. and her
siwter. Miss Maggie Oliver, of Lincoln.
Tho coy home of the host and hostess
was nicely arranged and the evening
was given over o progressive high
live, mu-ic vocai and instrumental
and pleasant convocation, during
which time choice refreshments were
The following is a list of the highly
entertained guests who wero present:
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Morgan, Misses
Hello Kads, Maggie Oliver, Jeanette
Ballance, Mary Martin, Delia Tartsch,
Antonia Kestder, Mattel Hayes, Anna
Ileisel, -May Patterson, Nellie Wool
son and Nettie Morgan and Messrs.
Stuart Livingston, Dave Ilawksworth,
Henry Tartsch, Will Hyers, Fred
Morgan, Henry Weidman, John Colo
man, Frank White, Robt. Hayes, Chas.
How and Frank Richev.
A Wonderful l'erformwnce.
Hillard Hrewer, the contortionist
with the MeliOolitan Comedy Co., is
the finest ever seen in our city and it
does not seem possible for a human
being to live and perform the feat he
performs every night that of un joint
ing his neck. Dr. Potter examined
him in full view of the audience last
night and pronounced it actually un
jointed. Taken all in all, the company
is away above the average and should
be greeted with a full house tonight
Mr. Lamart in his "Song Better Than
Gold" is well worth the price of ad
mission. Hutte City Journal.
U he above company will appear at
White's Oj)tra house Friday and Sat
urday, J une 2( and 27. Admission 10
and 20 cents.
We arc anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas-
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending Ooe Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia.
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglectea colas
F. G. Fricke and Co.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
health signal.
The babys mission, its
work in life, is growth. To
that little bundle of love,
half trick, half dream, every
added ounce of flesh means
added happiness and com
fort. Fat is the signal o
- nature, baby-beauty.
over the weak places to perfect
child it is growth. For the full
ytm t4 it and net a (keaf ruMitmt.
Claus must
have run out
o'Soap when
he left you.
Even the children recognize Santa
Claus Soap as one of the good things
of life and why not ? It keeps
. m
motner nappy, xry it in your
Sold everywhere. Made only
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
People's Party County Convent ion.
The people's independent party ot
Cass county is hereby called to meet
in delegate convention at Louisville,
Monday, July 13, 181)6, for the purpose
of electing fourteen delegates to the
state delegate convention to be held at
Grand Island on July 15, ISHo, to elect
fourteen delegates to the state con
vention to be hwld at Hastings for
the purpose of nominating a people's
independent party state ticket; to elect
fourteen delegates to the congressional
convention for the First congressional
district of Nebraska; to elect fourteen
delegates to the float representative
convention; to place in nomination a
county ticket consisting of
One stale senator,
Two state representatives.
One county attorney.
And for the purpose of transacting
such other business as may properly
come before the convention.
It is recommended that the pri
maries le held on Saturday, July 11.
It is also recommended that no proxies
be allowed, but that the delegations
present from each precinct or ward
cast the full vote for tne precinct or
ward they represent. 1 here being a
arge amount of business to be done
tho convention will be called
tit 10:30 in the morning; that
the preliminary "work may be gotten
through with before noon, and that the
convention may conclude its session at
a seasonable hour.
The representation is based inm
tho vote cast for Samuel Maxwell for
ttuprcme judge, allowing one delegate
or every ten votes or major I tac
tion thereof, giving a representation
as follows: Avoea, 2; Center, ; Hight
Mile Grove,Ii; Kiiuwood, 7; Green wood,
Liberty. 7; Louisville, 3; Mt. Pleas
ant, 4; Nehawka, .'; first district Hock
Bluffs, 7; second district Kock Bluffs,
Salt Creek, N; South Bend, C; Stove
Creek, o; Tiplou, t); Weeping Water
pia cinct, 4; eepmg atercity b irst
ward U, teeoud v ard 1. third ward 1;
'laltsmouth precinct, lb; I 1 allsmouth
UV First ward i, second war. I U,
third ward (, fourth ward G, fifth
waid i!. M.S. BitKiCis, Chaii m in.
liOHKUT J. VASS, Secretary.
A KImIi S.ory.
Ashland, Nib , June 2a. An im
mense school of fish has been coming
down Salt creek the past two days,
evidently seeking the waters of tho
'latto. Thev are of tho buffalo va-
icty, weighing from two to ten Munds
Great numbers have been scared by
men and boys of the town.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, ;
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Bone, j
Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save $o0 by use of one
bottle. Warranted tho most wonder
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts
raouth. Pasture.
Persons wishing to fatten cattle and
horses on blue grass and clover inquire
of II. AV. Beaver, Cedar Creek, Neb.
Cattle 60 cents and horses $1 a month
for the season.
Y1iIm! AVhlim! Whips!
August Gorder has some surprising
bargains in whips. He sells the com
mon whip at two for twenty-five cents;
a first-class rawhide center whip for
twenty-Ove cents; one of tho best for
fiftv cents, and the very best whip
made for seventy-five cents. Come in
and see them at old stand of Fred
Gorder & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb.
KhenmatlHin Cnreri In a Iy.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once tho cause and the
disease Immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Notice to Creditors.
The State of Nebraska,
( ountv of Cass.
In the matter of the estate of John Holschuh, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against John Holschuh, de
ceased, late ol said county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in I'lattsmouth, on the
24th day of December. A. D., lH!ti, at 1(1 o'clock
in the forenoon; and that six months from and
after the 24th day of June, A. I).. ls., is the
time limited for creditors of said deceased to
present their claims for examination and allow
ance. Given under my hand this 22nd day ol June, A.
D. lxsti. George M. Su'Rlock,
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Kobert Lyons. I'laintirt
vs. "
The State Bank of Murdock, t
Nebraska. Defendant. J
Under and by virtue of an order of the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, Hon. liasil S.
Kamsey. Judge, entered upon April lilth. A. D.
1h;, requiring notice of the tiling of the claims to
be given lor six weeks prior to July l;ith, 1MW.
Now. therefore. I. Dexter M. Quackenbush, as
receiver, do hereby notify all persons having
claims against said bank to tile the same with me
at my ottice in First National bank of Greenwood
on or before July lath. ls;j, and that the same be
properly verihed upon forms by me furnished
upon application.
I further give notice that upon July 13th, K.
at 10 o'clock a. m., I will proceed upon the ex
amination ot said accounts and the disposing of
them as by said order of the district court di
rected. All persons are further notified that all claims
not fifed by the time therein given will be disal
lowed unless otherwise ordered by the judge
of said court.
Dated at Plattsmouth. Neb.. April , 1S96.
Dexter M. Oi'Arm-mnii .
1 As Receiver of the State Bank of Murdock, Neb.
noma wyw
In County Court.
Statu or Nkhkaska. i
Cass County (
To all persons interested in the estate of John
llolschiih, deceased:
Notice is herehy friveu tliat on tlie 1-th da of
June. A. I. at the hour ot lo o'clock a. in.,
at the county judge's ottice. in Plattsiiiouthin
said county, the petition, asking lor the appoint
ment ol Theodore Starkjohann. as administrator
ot said estate, will be heard and considered: at
which time and place all persons interested may
appear and show cause, it any they have, whv he
should not be appointed as such administrator.
Witness my hand and seal ot said county court
at Flattsniuuth, this l:th day of May. A. U. 1W.
(Seal) t.hoki.ii M. Sri Rt.ocK,
County Jude.
Notice of Sale.
In the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate ol William W. Conn,
Notice is hereby Riven that pur.-uaut to an or
der of the Hon. llasil S. Kamsey. judye ot the dis
trict court ot Cass county, Nebraska, made on
the iHh day of May, l'.ni, tor the sale of the real
estate hereinatter described, there w ill be sold at
the south door of the court house in I'lattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 3ith day ot June.
IsWi. at 10 o'clock a. in. ot said day at public ven
due to the highest bidder lor cash, the following
real estate, ti-wit:
Lot nineteen ll'.M (ones' tust addition to the vil
lage of Greenwood, and hits :ci. and :Ui;t in
the village of Greenwood, all in Cass county. Ne
braska. ?.iid sale to remain open one hour
John F. I'olk.
Adniinistiator of the Kstate ol William W. Conn,
C. I'olk, Attorney lor Administrator
May 1H. I;;.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue ot an ordei of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the distnct court within
and tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di-rcrti-d.
1 will ou the 27th davot lime A.l. !!
at 11 o'clock A M. of said day at the soulh door of
the court houe in the city it l'iatlsniouih. in
said county, sell at pub ic am tion. to the highest
bidder for cash, the following re d estate, -o-wit:
lit :ii in ttie village ol Cass County.
Nebraska, together with the privilige a. id appiu
tenanies thereunto be olign.g or in auyni.-e ap
pertaining; the same being lev ied upon aad taken
as the property ol John K I'olk. adminlM i ator of
the estate of llliain W . Conn, deceased: Sena
James, l-.liabeth A Abbott, Sarah I. Ci.ipp. K.
S. Nortal anil William M. Conn, defendants, in
satir-lya judgment ot said court recovered by 11.
1.. Ciapp, piamtitt. against said defendants.
1-laitsmouth, Neb . May A. !.. !-..
llAKVhV Hol.l.oWAY.
Sheritt. Cass county. Nebraska.
O. S. I'olk. Attorney for l'laintitl.
"Ligal Notice.
In the distnct court ol Cass County, Nebraska.
Kate Spencer, 1'laiutitt I
vs. V Notice.
Frank Spcncer.Kehndant )
Frank Spencer. d.-K-n lant. vlil lake notice that
on the :tcth (lay ol Marih A. 1. -'M. Kale -pen-Cer,
plaintitt h.-ieiu. tiled her petition 111 I tie dis
trict Couit if Ca.s.s count v. Nebia.ik.i. against
said defendant, the object an. I iacr ol winch
are tor a divoice from said l iank tp.-i.cer and
lor the care and custody ol thci children; .-.aid
divoice beini; a.-k.-d on the gioimds ot defendant
grossly, want. -nly and cruelly neg ectiug and re
f u ing to supp.i l plaintill and her i hiidieit.
You are r tpnred to arswer said petl'ion on or
before the-.'ith day ol July. A. i ls --.
Dated June 1. ls'.Hi.
Katk Si-l-NCl-.K. l'laintilt.
liy her attorneys, Iiyron Clark and C. A. Kawls.
Legal Notice.
Samuel 1'. Yanatta and Kliza J Yanatta will
take notice as non-resident defendants that on
theth day ot April, lMi. J. H. l' and S.
E. Nixon commenced an action in the district
court ot Cass county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, impleaded with First National liank
of I'lattsmouth, et al , the object and prayer of
which petition is to foreclose against lots a and 4
in block in Young and Hayes' addition to the
citv of I'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
certificate of tax sale of said lots made Nov. 7,
1'J2, by- the treasurer cd Cass county, Nebraska,
for the delinouent taxes thereon forlsld. amount
ing to i27.4.". and additional delinquent taxes
ttiereon for the sum f 7.".70. with HI per cent in
terest added on each of said sums from Nov. 7,
1SWI. and for costs id suit: further, that on the
same day the defendant First National Bank of
I'lattsmouth tiled a cros -bill in said sun againsi
said Samuel l. Yanatta and Kliza J. Yanatta to
foreclose a mortgage against said lots ior
il.lMKI with SI per cent interest added
from February a, lv.ei. and on which
there is due from said Samuel F. anatta and
Fdiza I. Yanatta to said hirst National liank
1-l.lMHI with per cent interest from 1-eb. a. !!:.
i ou are required to answer said petition ana
cross-petition on or before Monday, June Si.
1M, or your default will be taken, and said
claims taken as confessed and judgment ren
dered accordingly.
J. II. 1 KTTIBO.NE AMI . I'.. .MXlIN AU Tilt
liy Attorneys lieesou & Koot.
Legal Notice.
In tho district court of Cass county
, Nebraska,
li. Holmes,
m the matter of the estate ot John
'1 Ids cause came on upon hearing upon the pe
tition of 1-rauk M. Young, as administrator of
the estate of John li. Holmes, deceased, praying
for license to sell the southeast quarter ol section
i:i. in town 2. range 22. in Furnas county. Neb.:
the south half of the southwest quarter of section
m town 2, range 22. said county, and the nortli
west quarter of section 24. in town 2,
range 22, of said county, or a sufficient
amount to bring the sum ot i2.ll. art for the pay
ment of debts allowed against said estate and the
costs ol a Jininistration, there not being sufficient
personal property to pay said debts and costs of
It is. therefore, ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at the ottice
ot the clerk ot the district court at l latlsmoulii
Nebraska, on the :rd day ol August. lN'.iG. at li
o'clock a. m., to show cause why a licence should
not 1h- granted to said administrator to sell so
much ot the above descriled real estate of said
deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts
and expenses.
It is turther ordered that notice of the said ap
plication and ol the making of this order be
given all parties interested in said estate by pub
lishing a copv ot this orue." ior lour successive-
weeks before the day of said hearing in the Semi
Weekly News-Herald.
Dated this V. lh day of June. 1SSHS.
Haml S, Kamsey, Judge.
Legal Notice.
Adaline Crit'tXMi. Gurdon li. Crippen. Iienia
nun A. Gibson. Mrs. lieniannn A. Gibson, Ins
wile, real name unknown. William C. Crippen
I :iei,l 1 Minison. Klhott Callander. Joseph 1
( allaiwh-r and Kdward A. liangs. trustee defend
ants, will take notice that on the day of Fel
ruary. Sl. the Itradford Savings Hank and Trust
company, the i lamtilt herein, tiled its petition in
the district mutt of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and player of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exocut
el by Adaline Crippen and Gurdon li. Crippen to
one itciijamiti A. Gibson, and by said l.enjaiuin
A. Gibson. sold and assigned to one George Leslie
and bv said George Leslie duly sold and assigtied
plaintitt, upon the west half twVjiof the soulhest
quarter is1, ). section threw (, an ot ine wesi
halt iw ',4) of the northwest quarter iuwU) of sec
tion three t'ih excent the ritrtit of wav ol the Lin
coin branch of the Missouri Pacific railroad, one
hundred feet wide, as now located: also the east
half (e'4) of said northwest quarter (nu'4) of said
section three (: lying Jiiorth of the railroad right
of way as now located, all in township 1) north of
range 11 east of the the tlth Principal Medridian.
in Cass county. Nebraska, to secure the payment
of one certain promissory note with interest cou
pons attached, said note dated May 11th, 1-SNj, for
the sum of $, due and payable June 1st.
18t'l. said mortgage provided that in case ;.ny of
said notes or coupons are not paid when due, the
whole snm secured thereby may le declared to be
due and payable; there is now due on said note.
coupons and mortgage the sum of lor
which sum. with interest from this date, plaintitt
prays for a decree that defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition cm or
before Monday, the 2."th day of May, ltfi0.
Dated April 14, 1896.
C. C. Flansburg,
Attorney for Flaintirl.
i mm
At the Remarkably Low Price of $14.
i nx N ; J ,
N v v j I - -i
n s v if
x x i
r , S- s N Xf M
i : f" I wm in i moMiiuwipj.11 f 1 -
i lr. 1. w J- rr'.rj --- - --- - -- -rj , .
Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in.
J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
t'uid u it Capital
Offers tho very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds, irold. govc-reuient and loc k
securities Diiunni anu iuu.
ceived and Interest allowed on the eerlti
catea. Uraftsi drawn. availaDla In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
II. N liovry. Il kvutli
s. WiHiirli. K. K. "VVIilt-, K. l.v
un. llnvi-r. I'r-K. H. WmucH. Canlilcr
II. N. Oo-y
Ai-rl. Cwnlilr,
are lite most powerful, safe prompt an-1 re
liable of this kind in the market. The
oriifnal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your druggist if he don't keep
them. Write direct to us and we will send
ft direct upon receipt of price. U sealed, bv
mail nrepaid. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MhlUCAL CO., Chicago. III., or our
agent, I. I., Snyder.
260 iO CLAK 5 r IMPERIAL B'lD'G. i
uN.B. Don't take any substitute
S with the same name but different -t
spellinc$ on which your druist o
n makes twice as much ...." J
An institution for the Radical cure of Can
cer and To mora Without the ne of a
Knife. Satisfaction (inarantead.
We have never Failed to Effect perma
nent cure where we have had a reasonable op
portunity for treatment. Book eivinu de
scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment,
with terms and references fre. Address
Shenandoah. Iowa-
The News for 10c.
Jill u--'fr;rrr.iirirfci
1 5
Complgsicn Preserved
Removes Freckie, Pimples,
Liver - Moles, Klackheads,
Sunburn and Tan, mid re-
utoros tlie skin t- oriin-
nal Xreshnes.". producit.-g a .m.l l,...ltl,v y,m
r.ltxion. SurK-rior to all fiict-t
prcpanitions rind jK-rfwtly harmless. At all
drupKits.or liinilci f-r 50cts. Hcnd lorcirculur.
VIOIA EK'N SOAP I-. rimpty lneompaMo M
skin piiriirm- Sn, un--qual'-t fur ilie toiu-l. Ait without a
nv-U .hi- nurstTT. ..-lutHr rtir nu4 d.-licat-ly muli-CTt.-4.
At .Iruci.i't. Price 2 5 Cents.
The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O.
Instant Killer of Pain.
Internal and External.
OIA, Ijuuo Hack, SprHins, HruiM
Hjrellinir. Still JoiiiU VOL.W nuc
"STPSr-OKAMPS Instantly. Cholera Mo.--LvVHIlk.-i,,i
t!roup,lipthTia, Wore Throat
-i SJ-'tkSb'lIKAUAClIli, as If by mafic.
TUC UHOCC 00Mn K.-peclnJly prepared foi
iik iiuiivil unnitui (st'H-b, lonl)le Htr-m;tli.
themopt Powerful and Penr-trotinif l.iuimoutfor Mm:
or liuubt iu exit-tence. iurgo $1 mzo due .One Biz)?5c
Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cursanr
Face Beautifies Ladies m nn.l it the imw
dalicts nnrl niizhlw nerfumed Toilet Sonp or.
thn market. Itis ahunlutnlv our. Makes t!.i
Akin MThf- ATkH itaIma. nl riHttltl-RR lhA lt COlTl-
plexiont j- n luxury the Bath for Infants.
It olnys ltulnni;. clfiinw tlio pealp and pruinotU
IhH iminftli nl I, . 1 f "'i ll'. i ' w . Fur kAlM Lff
For C:itaIouse,;address
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J
PI Jl MftC Organs, 3S.OO upw: rds; wiint
1 IliliVkJ A.'nts. Catalogue free. AU
uruss Kauiel 1'. lic.ity. Wash ton. N. J.
(XTtn JL1Q Pianos, '435 upwards; want
UrVilfi ilj Agents. Catalocue free. Ad
umm. i:micl K. liealty. Wasliiiietou, N. J
RfATTV'Q I'lanos 335.00 upwards
ULn I I I O Hor eatahuue aildress
call, lianiel V . Beatty, Washington. N. J
&nn nno keattvs onuhs 35.00
JpJ V UvU VF up. I'or particulars, cata
logue, au.lressor cull, Daniel I-', liealty,
Washington, N. J.
PCATTV'C Organs J5.IMI upwards.
DLrl I I O Write for cat. ilogu-j;uddress
or call, Daniel K. Beatty. Washington. .. J.
UKtToi'inn nnil lirnfiAn
Calls promptly attended, either
wilt do If used as a wash accord In to di
rectiobs; prevent transmission of blood
diseases, skin diseases, aeute and chronic
ulcers, stricture, fissure of ttie hands and
feet, Kczema. Tt-tti-r, ha It Rheumatism. 1 n -
fla'nation of the lilaiiil er. Diseases of the
hones. Joints and muscles. SyphlJetic In
sanity, Scurvy, bcrofu la in many forms.
nu aoove anu a nunorea otner iorms or
disease are traceable directly or inalrectly
t Syphilitic Hlooa l'olson for which the
lr. Jaet son's Kncllti aety i aoiets is a
sure pre venlive. and Is asafe Germ Killer,
renderinji contagion hardly possible, hence
its value. If neglected suc-h troubles result
fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed 91: six
iKixes for fcV Medical advfee froe. . JACK
SON MKDICAL CO., Chicago, 111., or our
agent, I. L. Snyeer.
51 DAY
ite if rlMAN OUT OF ME. .V )
30i? DAY J' vuni invjuuii iVLnuui
in thirty d iys by a new perfected sc entitle
method that can not fall unless the ease is
bevond human aid. You feel Improved the
first day; feel a benefit every day: soi.u
know yourself a king anion? men In boiiy.
n-tnd and heart. Drains and losses ey.lei.
every obstacle to haopv married iiie re
moved. Nerve force, will, energy, hr.itu
power, when failing are restored. If nn
srlected such troubles result
Medical advice free. Mailed everwln-re.
sealed for ft. SIt boxes for J XI.'KSON
MF.DICAL. CO., Chicago. III., or o.ira ent.
I. I, snyder.
For tnfarmatton and free Handhuok write to
Mt'NN X CO.. .161 BKOtDWiT, New YouC.
Old.-st bureau for aeeuiinir patentH In America.
V.verj paten taken out l.y u lit l.roiiKht Ix-fore
tlio public by a notice given free of charKe la too
I ji rct-rt ctrcntatlmn of any urientlflc r"er In the
world. ilenlllly Illustrated. N- lutellltren
man Khould be without It. Weel-ly. 93.OOL.
year? $1. six montha. Acldrmm, Htj.V.V CO,
Vtiuusncaa, 3t Uruad-vay, New Vov ty.
. - ji
u-m--- - - - - " "
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4 Scientific American
Aflency ot