SemiWee m, r m pi 1EKA Til K NEWS. EstablMhed Nov. 5, lh9L i Consolidated Jan- 1. 1X15. PLATTSMOUTH, NEK, JUNE 27, 18JK5. VOL. IV. NO. 83. THE IlKKALL. Established April 10. f N EwSf MarriffI Forty-One Y(rn. Allen IJeeson and his estimablo wife nero married forty-ono years ago yes terday in Ohiu. In 18G4 when Itod Oak, Iowa, was but a small village tho3' removed there, where Mr. Bee nor. built 11 pari enviable law practice, They removed to this county some six teen years ago, where Mr. Ueeson soon took front rank as one of the ablest attorneys at this bar, a position he has ever since- maintained. Last evening" a party of relatives and personal friends gathered at the cosy family home jut outside tho city and a most enjoyarle evening was spent. A splendid supper was served and in teresting incidents of the early days were related. The guests in departing txlended congratulations and best wishes for many moe equally feli citous celebrations of tho happy event which had united their lives. (ioltlrn Mire. Commodore Thomas was in town this morning with a pair of mice which are found exclusively on Cora Island and which no work on natural history has any description of. The little animals are little larger than the com mon mouse and are snowy white ex cept on haek and hoad which is a bright golden color. Tno ears are very large well rounded at top and set up very straight. Tho eyes are jet black and are larger than those of a rat. They have a bright intelligent face, are quick as lightening and would make awful cunning pets. How they ever got onto the island and where they came from is a mystery that has not yet been solved. Six of them havo been captured and they soon show re markable docility and adaptation to domestic life. l'le:tHHiif ly tSurpriited Miss Anna Ilouk was the victim of a very pleiisant surprise party last even ing, given by her friends in honor of her nineteenth birthday. She was rbsent from home when the young people gathered, and it proved a com plete surprise to her when she re turned and found that they had taken possession ot tho house and wero mak ing themselves at home. High-five and other games were in dulged in until the guests were ushered into the dining room, where refreshments wero served by Miss Dora Ilouk, assisted by Mr. Frank Goodman, who proved to bo an ex cellent waiter. Tho guests departed at a late hour, leaving many -beautiful tokens for the young lady to re member the evening of her nineteenth birthday. The Work l"ro(reHiiijj. The H. & M. immigration office building at Iloldrego was brought down hero yesterday and has boon put up near the temporary depot whore it will be used for a baggage and express office. The yards are being rapidly made ready fr the new tracks by the tearing out of the old ones, and on Monday work on the new depot build ing will Ihi commenced. Tho tracks will then lo raised four feet a train of 30 cars of dirt being required every day for weeks in order to do the work. A llriiiini) Killed. A Missouri l'acitic fireman n uned Jeff GaiTeny, was run over and in stantly killed last night at Auburn. The train had broken in two and as he stood on tho tank of tho engine getting water the roar section ran into tho train, knocking him over thd end of the tank onto the rail, when the wheels of a box car passed over him, severing his body in twain. He formerly fired on tho passengor engine that runs between this city and Lincoln. Nebraska City News. No Judge Yet. The jury was excused today till Aug ust 24 and court adjourned over till tomorrow morning. Judge Ramsey's illness and the faiiuro of Judge Sedge wick to come down according to prom ise made the adjournment necessary. It is very unfortunato for both attor neys and litigants that tho business of the court could not bo attended to, but the matter can not be helped. Wo hope Judge Kamsey will soon bo well enough to tako a restful trio to the mountains which is what ho needs. Sunday School l'irnlc. The Episcopal Sunday school and their 'friends, numbering in all fully ahundred, wentout to Vallery's Grove, three miles west of town, today and, notwithstanding the beat,anice time is rtorted. There was plenty ol nice shade, and with speaking, music, games, eta, the younger members of tho crowd cave ample evidence of thorough enjoyment. Katiliratiou at Omaha. OMAHA, Neb., Juno "3. A lepubli- can ratification meeting and reception to delegates to tho St. L'u'f nonven tioii was hold tlii- evening at tiio Cieii.'lit'n lh:ii.;e. A'xmt ooO pee pie ,v-it! pre.-ei'l. Addressee werr i.. .1. it (In. C. F. M.unlet son. Sena .Join. M. T-iursli n, John i". Cowin . i,! John M. I'.aMwin of Council DlulTs, BUT 0.E STANDARD OF VALUE. To the Editor of Tub News: The populists and free silveritos must give up tho notion that a fiat creates value. All the government does to a piece of gold or silvor is to put their stamp on it as an assurance that the weight and fineness are cor rect. It saves us from tho trouble of finding that out by other means. Gold and silver wero used aa tools of ex change long before laws wore made concerning them. Thev would now bo used as tools of exchance if all laws wero abolished concerning them; 23.22 grains of gold dust would buy as much of any commodity as a gold dollar now does. licfore there wero anv rail roads west of the Missouri river, men came from Denver with" gold dust in buckskin bags and bought what they wanted with it. I have seen Mr. ilanua weigh the dust and with chemicals test its purity. If congress can add to tho value of gold or silver with a fiat, it can add to the value of pewter with a fiat. Whon the free silverites abandon this fiat delusion they will have nothing to stand on. Can congress put a fiat on silver and make an ounce of it equal an ounce of gold in value, or an ounce of pewter an ounce of silver V It can add to tho value of pewter by fiat, as well as add to the value of silver by fiat. e cannot saiely nave but one standard of value or measure. Wo might as well have two standards to measure grain, ouo holding CO quarts and tho other 50. The one selling would use tho small measure, as they would call each measure a buhel. Pass the free silver bill and silver would bo the standard measure and gold wiil go out of use as a tool of exchange, and Mr. Carlisle tays it would take tho present mints of the United States fifteen years to coin enough silver dollars to take the place of the gold coin now in use. Why people place so much value on certain things is a fact no one can explain. No lady, rich or poor, would take a sil ver watch and chain and wear it if you should give it to her, although it measured time perfectly. If you should give her a gold watch and chain sho would wear it next to her hoart. When the wife of . Orpheus died, Orpheus went- to hell after her to bring her back. Most men would have looked around on earth to find another to take her place. Powers carvea nvo statues ol the Urook Slave and sold each statue for five thousand dollars. Mr. Todd would not give half that much for a marble woman unless he could sell her for more than she cost him, but some men would. The Corcoran art gallory at Washington has tho first statue Powers carved. I have gotten the subject. A word to thoso who froth at the mouth when thoy. talk about goldbugs: They accuse goldbugs of coining money and keeping it from the people. A man who has a million dollars to loan could get thirty thousand dollars for the uso of it one at 3 per cent. Would ho not choose to loan it rather than let it lie in a vault and earn nothing,if he could bo suro to get back his interost and principal. He had bettor let his gold lie in the vault ten years than loan it if tho populists and free silverites get into power. They would pass a law that he should tako his principal and interost in old scrap-iron, or paper promises, or greenbacks convertablo into more greenbacks. Goldbugs havo loaned millions to build railroads, and more than half the railroads have gone into receivers' hands. These railroads havo added billions of dollars to the value of farms throughout the west. I think that those men in congress who voted for the river and harbor bill are no worse than common thieves. burglars and highway robbors. J. F. 13. L.inl of Letter. Itemaiiiiiig uiicallled for at the post oilice at Plaltsmouth, June 21, 1SK: Cook. Mrs. Mary Fricslcn. August Idsclieit, Daniel Ost.orn. Dollie kueiiiel. William Alrssiai. A. 1'tak. Gussie When calling for any of tho above letters please say "advertised." W, K. Fox, P. M. Tub World-Herald still insists that the gold standard is what is hurting the country. We desire to remind it again that its editor, Mr. Bryan, and tho paper itself, were four and six vears ago declaring that the "robber tariff" was the thing that wa9 hurt ing us. The democrats legislated ou the tariff question and there was a panic. The money standard remains the same todav as it has been for a generation. If it is the gold standard that hurts whv didn't the democratic platform of 1S92 say so? The truth is, tho democrats are playing the cuttle fish by inking tho water so as to ob scure tho issue and give them an op portunity to retreat. Editor Bryan and the World-IIorald having proved false to chers. the public ia not likely to Ik; deceived by them now. Ex. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and l:e.inishes from horses, Buiod Spavins, l.'uib--, Spiints, Skvce.iey, Kioy-Uone, S'illef, Sprains, all Swooten Throats, Coughs, -lc. Save "' i-.y u .f one ImiUIo. Wa'rranled tho most wonder ful Cure ewr ki.oivn. Sold by F. G. Fricko& Co., druggists, Platls- iuouth. vp&jsnf) o Strap ens "skiiS eunroaq 9qs iranjn uijojsio joj pain oijs "ppqo ba qs naqj i roovovovvvovc RHEUMATISM Results from a Bad Liver and can be Cured by Using lr. J. II McLEAN? LIVER AND KIDNEY...BALK1 ? A Certain Remedy for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs AT DRUGGISTS. PRICE, $1.00 PER BCTTLE (ft THE Dr. J. M. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis. Mo. S The Cedar Creek Mills C. C. PARMELE, Receiver. CLAUS BREKENFELD, Mgr. f Highest cash price paid fowheat, and the best flour ever made in Nebraska given in exchange. Custom work specially cared for. Give the new management a trial and you will buy now other flour. Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour. Next to a Man I i Comes Underwear... And moa ri I InrjprWPar i c; fh mon noc thing a man ever put on. Good un derwear like ours means comfort during the hot days that are just ahead. It means economy in the long run and dollars and cents saved atthe start. We can offer you the satisfac tion of selecting from a splendid as sortment of qualities, and prices like this: 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 a gar ment, and so on up to the very finest made Cotton, LisleThread, all Wool, Merino. Gauze, light, medium and heavy weights. If your husband does not know about Underwear tell him to go to I JOE & CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 5 !j $ mm Plattsmouth The Vienna Kakerjr The finest bakery in the state. Tho choicest bread, cake, pies, etc., al wuvs fresh. Ornamentel work and spcciil orders attended to prom ply. Opposito tho court house. JAM KS liYL'h, frop. t uhu- Legal Notice. In the district coutt of Cass county. Nebraska, i'lattsniouth l.o;in & BuiMing Association, r lamtirt vs. Edward S. Barstow. Mary ltarstow and Samuel St stcr. Defendants. Samuel Schuster, urlcndant, will take notrct? that on the nth day -l June. ln!G, the I'lattsnioutli 1-oan & building Association, pi .intitt herein, tiled its petition in the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska, against the above named de fendants, the object and prayer ol which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Edward S. barstow and Mary K. Barstow to plamtitt. upon - the following described premises, to-wit: L.oinmenciug at a point en teet north ol the south cast corner ot the southwest quarter i the south west quarter ol section 1m. township range 14. K. 0 P. M , and iu the east line ot said tract; thence north in said east line l'S-- lect, thence west parallel with the south line ot said tract 41 feet, thence south parallel with the raid east line i:Ci teet. thence east 4'J feet to the place of be ginning, containing 6,544 square feet, to secure the payment ot a certain promisor? note dateit the 15th day of December. LM(). for Ihe sum of ftui, and due on or before December the lath, lyoo, or on default of the payment of interest, fines and taxes when the same became due. The defendants above named having defaulted in the payment ot interest, hues and taxes, the plain- tills eicrl to declare said note and mortgage due and payable, and that there is now due plainlitt upou said note and mortgage the sum ol f.VHl with IO per cent interest thereon trom the 15th day ol May. 1MW, and plaintiff prays that said jifi-uii-ses may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the .antDUiit due the plaintiff thereon. The plaintiff Imilirr prays that whatever equity or interests lliat the said Samuel Schuster may have in said j-ueuaises, that it be adjudged interior to that ot -.lie plaintiff and that the same be duly lore imihlmI. ... Vou are required to answer such petition on or ht-iure the loth day ol August. IMW. Dated June !.. Ii4f rsMoii i h Loan & IIciloino Association, liy K. It. Windham, Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. I'.y viitue of an order of sale issued bv (leoige fr". llouscworth. clerk of the district court within aud ior Cass county, Nebraska, and tD me di rected. I will, on the 1st day of August, A. D. lM!Ki,at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south doorol ttie court house in the city of I'lattsniouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the follow ing real estate towit: The east half ot the northeast quarter of section twelve (12;. township twelve (12), north of range thirteen (111!, east ot the tith P. M in Cass county, Nebraska, together with all the singular and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in anywise appertaining: the same being levied upon and taken as the property of William H. Miafer, defendant, to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by Ad..m lloeck, plamtitt against said defendant, and to satisfy judgments iu favor ot the defendant Bank ot Cass County, and the delendant Charles C. 1'armele. as receiver of the Citizens bank. I'lattsniouth. Neb., June 25. A. D.. 1S!. Harvey Hollow y. Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. "Roll and the world Rolls with you, Scrape, and you Scrape alone." The Deerin; Roller earing Pony THE LIGHTEST DRAFT BINDER MADE. Deerinjr Pony Binder, 5 and G-Foot Cut, "Built Like a Bicycle.' LIGHT, SIMPLE, SAFE. A Joy to Both Driver and Horses. A Saver of Time, Labor and Grain. lite itom? m lite 'Milfr ROLLER BEARINGS make Light Draft. THE ELEVATOR EXTENSION practically "open end" for lontr grain, ni d en: tlob it to handle longer straw than any other hinder, nt the snme timo protecting and shielding the heads of grain. J0INTEI PLATFORM does away with the truck nuisance and en ables you to store your tnaehinerj' in a 2x9 corner. 'These Little Rollers Save One Horse. We are headquarters for the best Buggies and Wagons. Also the best hand-made Harness made from Oak Tanned Leather. AUGUST GORDER, jyi i r-i o-Yr-ri-T, m s-k We're Not ..FishinG;.. w 7 For business with any baits that wil deceive your confidence, but with hon est values and legitimate methods, we are fast making a popular store more popular. 'rpISN'T much use to quote prices nowaday s--for Cloth ing or anything else. They neither guage values nor in dicate economy--simply mean ingless. We like to have folks trade here feeling that they can trust us, sure that they are going to get their money's worth. IjLX clothing.. We can show you in two minutes wherein our variety, our own values and our own prices are unrivaled, whether it's Men's or Boys' that you're considering. In Furnishings every item is a champion of our lowest-price-for-best quality crusade. You'll find us pre pared to do business on the up-to-date plan. You know our motto. 6. E. Wesooto & Son. Mi m m ii; Pi m m P! Pi Pi Pi p; p Pi pi Pi Pi p pi pi p p pi pi pi pi p Pi pi pi pi pi p p m p pi pi pi p pi m p p; p pi Pi Pi Pi Pi m pi pi m There is a Time and Place for Everything... There is a Time to Paint. If your house is looking a little bit shabby or weatherbuaten, and is be ginning to decrease in value, then that time is NOW. There Is a Place to Buy Paint. It is our store, because we have the Heath & Milligan Faints at J1.50 per gallon. One gallon covers from 2U0 to 275 square feet of surface, two coats. How many square feet of surface has your house? Come in and tell us and look at our color cards. F. G. FRICKE&CO. DRUGGISTS. The News, ioc per week WHEN IN PLATTSMOUTH... CALL ON C. H. PETERSEN, DEALEIt IN WINES AND LIQURS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BOTTLE GOODS. POOL) AND BILLIARD ROOM Tho Largest and Finest in the City of Plattsmouth. KRUG'S OMAHA BEER OA' UKAVdllT. HOTEL RILGY HNNEX . Zuckweiler &; Lutz, . . STAPLE AND FANCY . . Groceries and . . . Provisions, TEAS and COFFEES,' FUour and Feed. Corner of Sixth and Parl 6trt BEESON & ROOT. jtlorncvs-a ( -Lw Office over First National Ii .nl;. PLATTSMOUTII. NLItltASKA T. FRHNK WILES. ATTORNEY : AT : LAW. fractlce la all county and statu rxmn sprvw attention given to collect tuna. OrriCE IN WATtBMAN BLOCK. PL 1TTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA.