Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 20, 1896, Image 4

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Semi-Weekly News-Herald
The Semi-WeeKlu News-Herald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Farm loans. T. II. Pollock.
Mrs. Lloyd and mother were Omaha
visitors this morningr-
Eddie Gyger is here from the far off
c-ast to visit "friends."
Rev. J. Jones will preach at the col
ored church in this city tonight.
Miss Edith Patterson came home to
day from school to spend vacation.
Get your abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Vas9. Office in Brings build
ing. Dr. Cook and wife returned this
morning from a hurried visit to Chi
cago. Always in season. Hopkins' steamed
hominy (hulled corn). Elegant lunch
in milk.
Cr tn T?nKprt A. Vass for reliable
abstracts of title. Office in Briggs
Water's substantial citizens, is in the
city today.
Jack Thorp, one of the old-time
Junctiomtes, was in town this morn
ing seeing his friends.
Claus Brekenfeld, the Cedar Creek
miller, is in town today looking aiiei
the thriving business of the jievv mill
Miss Louise White came home from
Evanston this morning to tako a re
spite from her studies during vaca
Lieutenant Moran, of the Kansas
City police force, and Mr. Hethering
ton are here as witnesses in the case
of state vs. the Gillespies.
Hon. Edwin Jeary of Elm wood and
J. E. Douglas are two attornevs from
out in the county who are in attend
ance at district court today.
The City hotel is recognized as head
quarters for jnrors it being central,
low in price and first-class in accom
modations. Hans Goos, Proprietor
Joseph Davis Ryans, aged thirty, of
Lancaster county, and Miss Laura
Eunore Connor, aged twenty-four, of
Eagle, took out a permit to wed today
"Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!"
so said DeWitt's Little Early Risers
to the man who had taken them to
arouse his sluggish liver. F. G
Fricke & Co.
Pass the good word along the line.
Piles can be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applying De
Witt's Whitch Hazel Salve. t U.
Fricke & Co.
Persons who have a coughing speU
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation in the throat, may overcome
it at once by a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure. Jr. u. Fricke & Uo.
Small in size, but great in results.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers act gent
ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion,
dyspepsia and constiDation. iamall
pill, safe pill, best pill. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
TnE NEWS was in error last even
ing in saying Mrs. Fred Stadelman
bad gone to Eagle, as she had gone
to stay with her sister, Mrs. Nieman,
during the absence of Frank at Red
George A. Brown of the Burlinston
car accountant's office, Ed Butler of
the uptown ticket office and James A.
Jarrett and wile were visitors in
Plattsmouth oyer Sunday: State
Judge Ramsey was too ill to call the
docket today and the arrival of Judge
Sedgewick is awaited, as court can not
convene now until he arrives to take
charge of it. The jurors have been
fishing today and seem to enjoy life
whether court keeps or not.
It would be hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious colic that his
agony is due to a microbe with an un
pronouncable name. But one dose of
DeWitvs Colic & Cholera Cure will
convince him of its power to afford in
stant relief. Jt kills pain. b . l.
Fricke & Co.
When we consider that the intes
tines are about live times as long as
the body, we can realize the intense
suffering experienced when they be
inflamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues inflammation at once and
completely removes the difficulty. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
The M. P. will arrange to run trains
Nos. 365 and 3G3 from and to Eagle on
July 2, 3 and 4, for the accommodation
of parties desiring to attend the G. A.
R. reunion to be held at Weeping
Water from July 1 to 4, inclusive.
Train to return at an hour to bo de
termined later.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
F. G. Fricke and Co.
Go to the New York bakery for ice
cream. Order for cream taken and
delivered to any part of the city. We
use nothing but pure cream no adul
teration. We also make the brick
layer ice cream in any flavors you may
desire. Sherberts of any kind. We
solicit you patronage. C. Sahl.
Mothers will find Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy especially valuable for
croup and whooping cough. It will
give prompt relief and is safe and
pleasant. We have sold It fcr several
veara and it has never failed to give
the most perfect satisfaction, G. W.
Richards, Dubuesqne, Pa. Sold by all
Lincoln will have a grand ratifica
tion meeting next Wednesday evening
June 24. Senator Thurston and other
prominent McKinley men will be pre
sent and the capital city will fairly
roar with enthusiasm for the. next
president. Were it not so far away
Piattsmouth would send a few hundred
devotees up to swell the crowd.
Eli Hill. Lumber City. Pa., writes.
"I have been suffering from Piles for
twenty-five years and thought my case
incurable. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve was recommended to me as a
pile cure, so I bought a box and it per
formed a permanent cure." This is
onlv one of thousands of similar cases.
Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield
quickly when it is used.
Mrs. Nieman was taken dangerously
ill last night with strangulated hernia,
and it was soon evident that her life
couid only be saved by a delicate
surgical operation, which was suc
cessfully performed by Drs. Humph rey
and Hall this morning. Altnougn
Mrs. Nieman is past 70 years of age
she is recovering nicely and bids fair
to be entirely well again after a lew
days, or weeks, at most.
-Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier
residing at Monroe, Mich., was re
verely afllictod with rhoumatism, but
received prompt relief from pain by
using Chamberlain's i'ain Balm. He
says: "At times my back would ache
so badly that I could hardly rise up.
If I had not gotten relief I would not
be here to write these few lines.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done me
a great deal of good and I feel very
thankful for it For sale by all drug
gists. Geortre Dovey and family returned
last evenintr from a brief sojourn in
California. Mr. Dovey was surprisod
at the number of new buildings going
up at Los Angeles and other evidences
of prosperity there, which showed no
slump since the boom days we have
been reading of. He found the weather
intensely hot and dry, with water
scarce even in the irrigation ditches,
but at the coast eighteen miies away
the days and nights too were delight
fully cool, beiug tem pored by an ocean
Council Meeting.
The council met in regular session
last evening. All members present
except Sattlor.
The 700 pounds of ttcur collected for
Texas cyclone sufferers could not be
shippod, so it was ordered stored for
future needs in that direction. City At
torney Grimes gave an opinion in which
he held the lowering of the hydrant
rental ordinance was correct and legal.
He also gave an opinion adverse to al
lowing Newatney's property to be set
off from the city limits and the peti
tion presented by Newatney was there
fore rejected.
The hydrant rental ordinance was
passed as was also an ordinance mak
ing it a misdemeanor for boys, or acy
one else, to rob birds' nesta or kill the
common song birds.
The claim of the Plattsmouth Gas
and Electric Light company for $177. 24
was cut down to $135.36 and allowed;
The claim of Charles Grimes for
$12-5 for revising ordinances was sont
to the claims committee
The usual grist of bills were allowed
after which the council adjourned.
The Strawberry Itecl.
The new strawberry plant should
not be allowed to bear fruit tho first
season. Pick off all fruit stems as
soon as they appear. Three methods
of training the strawberry are in use
The hill system, where all runnors are
removed. The narrow row, where only
part of the Dew runners are allowed to
form plants, and tho full matted row,
where plants are allowed to fill all the
space, excepting a narrow path be
tween rows. All have advoc ites and
all have special merits, depending on
soil, climate, variety and grower.
The full matted row is most used,
being easiest to manuge. Guard
against too many plants in email
space. They consume moisture, suf
fer from drouth and produce small
berries. Each plant ehould have four
to six incnes square space in which to
j row and mature its fruits.
Shall We Celebrate?
The members of the L. M. L A
will celebrate their first anniversary ol
that instituion at their hall on next
Thursday at 8:30 p. ra., to which the
public is cordially invited. A program
consisting of declamations, recitations,
character sketches, impersonations,
vocal and instrumental music by our
best local talent will bo rendered.
after which "I scream and kick" will
be served to defray expenses of their
grief. An admission of ten cents will
oe charged at the door.
An Outing l'arty.
Extensile preparations for a throe
week's out at Spring .Lake are being
made by quite a party of Plaltsmouth
ians. Tents have been secured and an
outfit gathered up sufficient to cross
the plains. Those who got to make up
the party are Messrs and Mesdames
W. W. Coatos, C. C. Parmele, W. L.
Pickett. Sam Patterson, T. II. Pollock
and Thos. P&tterson.
Seriously Injured.
Mr. Hall the Rock Bluffs mail car
rier while driving his fiery steed this
morning was thrown from his cart and
seriously injured. Tho horso became
frightened and unmanageable, and
while running at a X:10 gait Mr. Hall
struck terra lirma. Uncle's
packets, were sent into the office here
by a substitute a little late for the ac
Fourth of July at 1'at-iiiv .Junction
The Junctionites are making great
preparations for the Fourth. They
are now grading a fine mile track just
north of town and no expense will be
spared to have a "blow out" that will
bo a real sky-scraper. Everybody in
Mills county and most of the people
in this county are expected to be in
The republican state convention
meets in Lincoln, Wednesday, July 1.
When Uer Comment In Europe Found It
Echo In America.
' 'I have known for some time that
the world is small," complained a wom
an recently, "but I did suppose one
could make a comment in Europe that
would not echo in America. On the
piazza of a little inn in the Swiss
mountains last summer I chatted with
two ladies of a party we had encounter
ed at two or three places en route till
we felt as if we had a little acquaint
ance with them. When they discovered
we were from Minneapolis, one of them
asked if we knew Mr. B. As he is a
very intimate friend of ours, wo cor
dially assented and fell to discussing
his family. Incidentally I spoke of hi
first wife and commented on the f aci
that tho present and -second Mrs. B. re
fused to allow the picture of her prede
cessor to hang in the house. 'We nevei
knew the first Mrs. B., I said, 'but w
do know and are very fond of the sec
ond wife. There must have been some
thing very peculiar about Mrs. B. No.
1 to make Mrs. B. No. 2 so persistent
in her determination to keep all men
tion and memory of her out of the way.
"My new found friend smiled a little
oddly before she said: 'There was some
thing peculiar about the first Mrs. B.,
which, I believe, cannot be attributed tc
the second. She was a rarely beautiful
woman, and her untimely death at 24
was a terrible blow to her husband. Ht
married again after awhile he was toe
young a man to spend a lifetime alone
but his young love has always been a
tender memory to him, and her picture,
painted by a famous artist, and wonder
fully lifelike, undoubtedly attracted too
much attention from every one who saw
it to pleaso the present wife, who must
bo a jealous woman. I know, ' she fin
ished suavely, 'for the picture hangs to
day in my own parlor. The original
was my sister. ' After a wild attempt to
recall just what I had said about the
first wife, I registered a vow that here
after with strangers, though I encoun
tered them . in South Africa, I would
never mention a name again. " New
York Times.
A Maine Man's Hasardona K-jcounter With
a Virginia Moccwain.
"When I was a yourg fellow," says
a now aged Maine mun, "I went into
southern Virginia for a time. I had
lived in Maine and Massachusetts and
consequently had no fear of snakes.
had f ormed a habit of picking up by the
tail such snakes as came across my path
and of giving them a quick snap to
break their necks. Soon after I went to
the south, in the road one day I saw a
small snake, a couple of feet long, per
haps, and of a yellowish color, wrig
gling across tho path. Without think
ing of harm, I jumped for him, put my
foot on his neck, and, catching him by
the tail, swung him to give him a snap.
Some people were near by, and they
yelled to me like wild men to drop that
"I stopped a moment, while the siu'Jm
wriggled, and then I snapped him in
due and ancient form. Mark the result.
In less than ten ininues I became drow
sy and insensible and remained so for
several hours in spite of tho efforts of
those who had warned me to rouse my
dormant senses. I did not know that
the snake bit me in any way and do
not now believe he did. Tho air had a
suffocating, sickening smell an odor
thrown off by the snake, I think, and
breathing that poisoned me.
"The snake, I was told, was a moc
casin, one of the most venomous of the
whole tribe of crawlers. Since that day
snapping snakes has afforded me no
fun. Lcwiston Journal.
Curing a Snake's Blindness.
One of the most poisonous snakes at
the London zoo, a king cobra, recently
became nearly blind. When it 6hed its
skin, it threw off every part except the
transparent plate which covers the eye.
After each change of skin this plate re
mained uncast, and the successive lay
ers became opaque and projected over
the eye in a horny boss. The keeper
used the snake habit of creeping through
any aperture which it can find in the
wall of its cage to rid itself of the
growth over tho eye. He drew back the
iron shutter which separates one com
partment from the other, leaving a nar
row space open. The cobra soon discov
ered this, and pushed its nose into the
crack. This was slightly widened, and
the snake squeezed through, rubbing off
one of the scales as it did so. It was
then induced to go back by the way it
had come, and after this had been re
peated once or twice it cleared the scale
from the other eye. Since then it has
cast its skin completely and its eyes are
apparently none the worse for its tem
porary blindness. Snakes naturally drag
themselves through rough grass and
holes to get rid of the old skin which
clings to them. London Public Opin
ion. Wordsworth and the Baby.
Mrs. Houstoun, I remember, when
Wordsworth. Roarers and Hall
dined ' with her father at Hampton
Court, was, womanlike, somewhat dis
appointed by the poet's annearanop
considering him the ugliest of the par-
. i .
ry ana weu nign weeping over his big
nose and what she rather uncharitahlv
called the "general coarseness" of his
appearance, riut slie was much flatter
ed and touched when Wnr.lswrvrth in.
sisted that her little fatherless baby
should be brought to him, although,
when the mite put un his lin. as chil.
dren will, tho poet said gently, in slow,
reproacniui accents: "What! Make such
a face as that at an old man and a
poet I" London Gentlewoman.
bridegroom Unfortunately I shall
be unable to go to the zoological garden
with you tomorrow. Will VOll tint rrn
alone and look at the monkeys?
uriae (tenderly) Dear Adolph, when
you are not with me, I have no interest
in monkeys. Meggendorf 'a Blatter.
Hannah Jllark Tells An Ugly Story Charg
ing 111m With a Serious Assault.
Hanna Biack, accompanied by her
father, swore out a complaint before
Justice Archer charging McNurlan, a
farmer living out toward Murraj-, with
an assault and attempt to commit a
serious crime. Tho surroundings of
Miss Black have not been of the best,
but she tells a very damaging story
which is unfit to print and which Mr.
McNurlan will have to" face in open
It seems the statements made in
The News yesterday about the shoot
ing was the latter part of what had
happened during the earlj morning.
After what had occurred at the hou&e
McNurlan came down town and when
near Fred Kroehler's Miss Plack met
fum returning as she was on her way
to look for an ollicer. She was trying
to arrest him, when ho started to run
which was the occasion for the shoot
ing mentioned in yesterday's paper.
A Sample of Narrow I'ltrlinaiisiiip
Several weeks ago a notice was or
dered in TilK News and the Journal
b3 the council. At the first meeting
thereafter the Journal put in a bill for
printing the same and it was promptly
allowed. Last evening The News put
in a bill for the same amount for print
ing the identical notice, but instead
of its allowance it was referred to the
claims committee. If the gentlemen
who desire to get after The News will
allow the claim to themselves we shall
enter no objection". They are welcome
to it, but wo want to see it paid to
some one as the money no longer be
longs to the city treasury.
A I'leaxant Social.
Ivy Lodge D. of II. fairly beat tho
record last evening in tho giving of a
most excellent entertainment. Tho
program was select, and was admir
ably rendered and tho refreshments
which followed were as nice as could
be desired. Consiaerinsj the hot
weather the ciowd was quite large
and a neat sum was taken in at the
door for admission, the refreshments
being free.
Wan Nearly Fatal.
Glen, the little two-year-old son of
Walter Thomas, while out visiting his
grand parents at Cloverdale, west of
town, Sunday, had the misfortune to
fall backward from a couch, striking
tho back of his head on the lloor with
such force that for a timo life seemed
extinct. His face became purple and
it was some timo before the little fel
low rallied from tho effect of the
l'reparing For the Convention.
The tent for the Epworth League
convention ison thoground and will be
put up this afternoon. From reports
received 2o0 or more will be in attend
ance from over the state. More places
for entertainment is earnestly desired
and all the spare bedrooms in the city
should be tendered the committeo,and
we hope tho citizens will show tnat
there is no lack of hospitality here.
Nebraska Citv News.
My gold watch, hunting case. Name
engraved on insido back cover. Re
turn to me for liberal reward.
T. P. Livingston.
Suits and Pants Made to Order.
The only way to have a suit or pair
of pants made to order sensibly is to
walk into a homo tailor shop and leave
your order. Tho work being done in
tho city you can see your garment
made. We put up clothing cheaper
than the Omaha tailors, not being un
der such heavy expenses, doinir our
own work, and also cheaper than the
Chicago cheap John factories. You
don't want only the name "custom
made," but you want the fit and work
manship, too. We can mako you a
suit that will cost but little more than
shelf goods. Come in before you buy
a ready-made 6uit and look over our
""no osruuvui oi suitings ana iancy
Dan tines to select from, and von will
find tho prices low.
To get a lit and mechanical work
manship, which are guaranteed, you
i ij-.i- ...
iIiiiulu mace vn ir oniir UMTh i
w -- " - . ....... g , u i viu aim ;
repairing, to which we srive nromnt. '
"ll'Ul'N. J. i'TAk"
Basement Bank Cass Cc.
Oirl Wanted.
Enquire of Mrs. C. A. Marshall at
residence 709 Elm street.
mat h
Chester's Compound
to be as good as any other preparation of
ready to refund j-our money if it does not
Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, loss of appe
tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc.
A Great Nerve Tonic and System. Renovator.
It Makes Weak People Strong.
He Kan a Brewery.
Henry Runkin, perhaps the wealth
iest farmer in tho vicinity of Talmage,
is in the toils of the law because h?
violated some of Uncle Sam's internal
revenue laws. Henry is a good na
tured German and enjoys a glass of
good beer, and as it was not always
haudy to go to town to tot a supply ho
proceeded to manufacture on his own
responsibility. Knowledge of this
miniaturo brewery came to Ui;cl
Sam's officers, and yesterday tht-y
placed him under arrest, Ho was
brought to this city and arraigned be
fore Commissioner Seymour, and was
bound over in tho sum of $2,fH) R-in-kin
admitted that for the p:ist twenty
five years ho had occasionally brewed
beer, but it was for his own consump
tion and ho had never sold any. The
officials think Henry more guilty than
ho admits. Nebraska City News
Changes On the .Missouri l':-ilie.
A new timo table will go into effect
on the Missouri Pacific read next Sun
day and tho only change made, is
thought, will bo in the running of
the frieght trains which will arrive
here at 10 o'clock in tho morning in
stead of at noon. This will enable the
Omaha papers to arrive hero at the
same time the Kansas City papers do
and will have a tendency to knock
them out again. Nebraska City News.
We llae Moved
To our new location in Dovey's block,
where wo will bo pleased to see all
our old as well as new customers.
Elson, the Clothier.
If it required an annual outlay nf
$100 to insure a family against any
serious consequences from an attack of
bowel complaint during the year there
are many who would feel it their dut.
to pay it; that they could not afford to
risk their lives, and those of their
family for such an amount. Any one
can get this insurance for 25 cents,
that being the price of a bottle of.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. In almost every
neighborhood some one has died from
au attack of lowel complaint before
medicine could bo procured or a physi
cian summoned. One or two does of
this remedp will cure any ordinary
case. It never fails. Can you afford
to take tho risk lor so small an amount?
For sale by all druggists.
The Cass County Dairy
Everything clean fresh and pure.
Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered
at your door every day.
It. F. Dean, Prop.
Morgan's Itieyt-le Contest.
Following is the registration of votes
on tho most popular lady in Cass
county up to date. The winner will
receive as a prize a hifjh Trade ladies
bicycle, ten votes on which may be
nao witn every dollar's worth of goods
purcnased oi prank J. Morgan
Mabel Kobert?TIJlattsinouth 11 ,780
Maud Eaton. 1'iattsmouth H.iai
Hessie Walker. Murray 5.4 Ml
Emma Wehrbein. 1'iattsmouth 1.1KI
Alice Murray, Mynard m-ki
ctnel ferry. Mynard aid
Anna Mcisinger ai
Mrs. Hattie Auckland, Wabash ..M
Lizzie Horn, Cedar Creek -u
Are Von Aware
That Elson, tho clothier, can save you
2o cents on the dollar for everything
in mens' wear?
THE BcST is what the People
buy the most of. That' 8 Why
Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest
(Special notices under this head will be
churned for at the rate of tt cent per word
each insertion.)
FOK KKNT An elegant suite of three rooms
nicely furnished. Apply to Fred Stadelman
at YVeidmanii s restaurant.
LOST A gold ball charm. The tinder will con
fer a special favor by leaving same at the News
LOST A gold band ring with cross scratched
on inside. The tinder will be rewarded by
leaving same at News ottice.
HOUSK-CLKANING, taking down stoves or any
kind ot work done. Anyone wanting that kind
ol work done will do well to call on or address
Kildow llrothers, 1'lattsniouth, Neb.
FOK SALE, CHEAP All of the Peter Elingson
nrrttwrf 1.'...... I.... Tl,;..)
l I - j - m uui jiuust;? mi i iiuu i n i i . it.ui
houses on Sixth street, one lot in South Paik, ten
acres laud south ol town, paint shop, ladders and
swinging stage. See Mis. Einigson, A. J. Uraves
or M. OTJouahoe.
FOK SALE A brick house, three lots, good
barn and outbuildings, lots of fruit fo: only
Apply at once at the News ottice.
Extract of Celery
tho kind on the market, and stand
benefit you as much as any other
: Mi ill
&1 I hVJ'fl'ifHVf IiIIRIhmiMII i .
km ........ mi.- VA-f-t,, t ur; ..
The Best
I SmokingTobacco Mado
Who Is the Most Popular
...Lady En Cass County?
F. J. Morgan invites you, one and all,
At his Mammoth Store to call,
By ono and all Morgan, The Clothier is known,
A household word, his name has grown.
Fnergctic and progressive, liberal hearted loo,
Frank J. Morgan always shows something new,
The latest, a Ladies' Uicycle he gives you free.
Call at his store this line present to see.
The most popular lady in Cass county, do not
On tho Fourth of July this wheel will get.
So rally boys, your coupons now procure,
And for your best girl the Ilicyclo socurc.
With all purchases of $1. ten votes thoy givo
And mako this oUcr, no matter where you live
Happy your sister, wife, or sweetheart make.
Send in jour tickets and the bicyclo take.
While this oirer lasts, bear well in mind.
Same old bargains at Morgan's you will find.
HANS H. GOOS, Proprietor.
Best Si Per Day House in the State
Thoroughly cleaned and refurnished. A nico tablo and pleas. iijt
rooms. liar in hotel stocked with pure Liquors and
Cigars. Corner Third and Main-ets.
House Furnishings,
tUi I-i l oinpletc i;i ii: Inn s ,ni i-
u vito ii'ir frltii'ls lo lo.i, ,t mcr -v.ii
i'fi 'eav..r i-i ( ''" yu. i u . I .. n l cc
(Successors to IT. tiry li.rvk.
f'T.ATT.SMiMTTIl. - N'r-I"
Rates Si and $1.50 per Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
To Be
Ihren Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
You will fun' one coupon in
side each 2-ouncc bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
bag. Ituyabag, read the coupon
and si c how to get your share.
HIRES Rootbeer con
tains the best herbs, berries
and roots nature makes for
rootbeer making. Take no
M lc onlj b Th. r?irV F. nirm Co., Phf!u1rl.hJ.
A 2jc. iiLmfc utioa d Jwm, buM .Ttrwtivra.
HINDERCORNS Thr only mm Cnro ,Vf
nnir QJ ttantiliua the hale
. - avuiriiua voior.
UM WIp o.mM ft hair fiwu
--,-..... T ...... Ax jrrnKt-n
rryou .roCOMSUrVSPTIVE or hT,
Induration 1-HinfullTu Jollity or 5 kind
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