Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 06, 1896, Image 4

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Semi-Weekly News-Herald...
IT CONTAINS J.JHj thlis js-jbtws for ONLY X a yisajr
"" " "-" "" " " 1 1 ' ' "
May be cheaply
and quickly beau
tified by the appli
cation of new ValI
Paper. To re-paper
your house with
one ol Gering &
Co's new patterns
is almost equal to
new furniture. It
makes a nice back
ground tor the pic
tures and brightens
up the entire room.
Gering & Co. have
the largest stock in
the city from which
to select and you
are sure to be
pleased, both in
figure and quality
of paper and price.
4 A
& CO.
FK1UAV, JUNE 5, 1K96.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Farm loans. T. II. Pollock.
Farm loans. T. II. Pollock.
Get your abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Vass. Office In Btiggs build
ing. Always in season. Hopkins' steamed
hominy (hulled corn). Elegant lunch
in milK.
Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable
abstracts of title. Office in Brings
The St. Agnes society will give a
ball at the T. J. Sokol hall Friday
evening, June 12.
Patrick Egan and wife are rejoicing
over the arrival of a fine girl which
came to their home yesterday.
The Christian church folks will give
an ice cream social on Tuesday even
ing, June 9, on the church lawn.
$1,-00 private money to loan on Case
county land, on long time and low in
terest. T. II. Pollock
A game of ball is being played this
afternoon between the Plattsmouth
and Louisville clubs at the latter place.
The King's Daughters are enjoying
a picnic at Louisville today. They
went overland in W. D. Jones' new
Henry Lehnhoff of Louisville pre
cinct was i the city today visiting his
Drotner, Fred, and Air. and .Mrs. u
Miss Margaret Wright departed
this afternoon for her home at Des
Moines, la., where she will spend her
vacation. -
ine swaiiow does not make spring,
Dut one swallow ol One Minute Cough
cure brings relief. For sale by F. G.
Fricko & Co.
Rev. Jacob Ratz, of Emery, S. D.,
has taken the charge of -the German
Presbyterian church of this city and
has removed with his family to Platts
mouth. Rev. A. U. Post was called to Wich
ita, Kan., today by the news of the
serious illness of his mother. He was
just making preparations to go to Iowa
to hold a series of meetings.
Mrs. L. C. S. Bassett will speak at
the Baptist church on Sunday mora
at 11a.m. Che is an earnest worker
in missions. There will be no preach
ing at night on account of the absence
of the pastor.
Eczema is a 'frightful atlliction, but
line an otner skin diseases it can be
permanently cured by applications of
Lie Witt's VVilch Hazel Salve. II
never fails to cure piles. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
In the spring a young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of De Witt's
Little Early Risers, for they al ways
cleanse the liver, purify the blood and
invigorate the system. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
One Minute is the standard time,
and One Minute Cough Cure is the
standard preparation for every form
of cough or cold. It is the only harm
less remedy that produces immediate
results. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Rev. Jacob Ratz has opened a school
in the Second ward school house,' to
which he invites all children to attend.
The hours are from 8 to 11:30 a. m.
every day except Saturday. The rate
is only 60 cents per month per pupil.
Mr. B. D. Baker, a brother of Mrs.
C. II. Parmele, and Mrs. Sarah Baker
spent last night in the city with the
family of C. II. Parmele. He came up
from Kansas City last night and de
parted this morning for his home in
Did you ever think how readily the
blood is poisoned by constipation V
Bad blood: means bad health and pre
mature old age. De Witt's-Little Early
Risers, the famous little piils. over
come obstinate constipation. For sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. R. De Young, Middleburg, fa.,
.rrites: "I have used One Minute
, Cough Cure for six years, both for my
self and children, and I consider it the
quickest acting and most satisfactory
Cough Cure I have ever used." For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
James Higley, who fires the furnace
in the B. & M. hammer shop, was
overcome with heat yesterday noon
and H. M. Batten was put on to take
his place. Today., Mr. Batten : had a
like experience, and that departmen t
had to shut down. i - :j c
" A wild rumor was afloat this morn
ing to the effect that : George' Dovey's
residence was burglarized last night,
but a thorough investigation on the
part of a News reporter, brought to
light the fact thai there was nothing
In it.. Someone, was evidently "shyV
of employment... - - -: - - - -
Frank Wheeler received the intelli
gence from Waco yesterday afternoon
that his mother's condition was very
critical and that she could live but a
short time. Mr. Wneeler departed on
No. 5 this morning for Waco and will
remain by her bedside until a change
in her condition takes place.
. Go to the New York bakery for ice
cream. Order for cream taken and
delivered to any part of the city. We
use nothing but pure cream no adul
teration. We also make the brick
layer ice cream in a.ny flavors you may
desire. Sherberts of -any kind. We
solicit you patronage. C. SAUL.
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen
of O&seo, Mich., after suffering excru
ciatingly from piles for twenty jears,
was cured in a short time by using De
Witt's Witch H;izel Salve, an absolute
ture for all skin diseases. More of
this preparation is ued than all others
combined. For s.ilc by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Mothers will (ind Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy especially valuable for
croup and whooping cough. It will
give prompt relict ana is sale ana
pleasant. Wo have sold it for several
years and it has never failed to give
the most perfect satisfaction, u. YV.
Richards, Duquesne, Pa. Sold by all
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great mor
tality among children caused by bowel
troubles. Perfect safety may be as
sured those who keep on hand De
W itt's Colic & Cholera cure, and ad
minister it promptly. For cramps,
bilious colic, disentery and diarrhoea,
it affords instant relief. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier
residing at Monroe, Mich., was se
verely afflicted with rheumatism, but
received prompt relief from pain by
using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Ho
says: "At times my back would ache
so badly that I could hardly rie up.
If I had not gotten relief I would not
be here to write these few lines.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done
me a great deal of good and I feol very
thankful for it." For s lie by ail dr.jg
gists. If it required an annual outlay of
$10J to insure a family against any
serious consequences from an attack of
bowel complaint during the year there
are many who would feel it their duty
to pay it; that they could not afford to
risk their lives, and those of their
family for ouch an amount. Any one
can get this insurance for 2" cents,
that being the price of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. In almost every
neighborhood some one has died from
an attack of bowel complaint before
medicine could be procured or a physi
cian summoned. One or two doses of
this remedy will cure any ordinary
case. It never fails. Can you afford
to take the risk for so small an
amount 't For sale by all druggists.
Sheriff liollowuy Gone to Auburn to Ar.
rent the Alio Thieves.
County Attorney Polk returned from
Alvo last evening where he had been
investigating the robbery which oc
curred at that place last Friday night.
He succeeded in finding several people
who had seen two men in the vicinity
of Alvo on the evening of tho robbery
who "tally" exactlj' with the descrip
tion of the men underarrest at Au
burn. They were of the ordinary
tramp type, one of them being about
eighteen years of ago and the other
about twenty-five, ot dark complexion.
Mr. Bucknell, the victim of the rob
bery, will swear that he can identify
the goods stolen. Among the plunder
were about twenty-five pairs of tan
shoos, and the Auburn fellows had
about eighteen pairs of that descrip
tion in their position when arrested.
The county attorney is confident, that
the right men are under arrest, as he
did not make it known to the fellows
who claimed to have seen the thieves
what the description of the men was
until they had made their statement-
A peculiar circumstance in the
arrest of the men at Auburn was that
the sheriff had filed away the postal
card ho had received from Sheriff
Holloway describing the goods stolen
from Edward Bro's store at Louis
ville about a month ago and finding
tho goods these men had correspon
dent with those described on the card
he made the arrest and notified
Sheriff Holloway. The employes in the
sheriff's office contemplate having
cards printed in advance in the future
to facilitate matters.
Kntertaiuetl the M. XV. anl W.
The e"er hospitable and charming
home of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Elson
opening wide its doors last evening,
the occasion being the last social
gathering for this year of the M. W.
and W. club, to which their husbands
were made welcome. June 4 was also
the anniversary of tho host's birth.
The gathering partook of the nature
of a birthday party. To say that
everyone had a delightful time would
be needless, forthat is always assured
when Mr. and Mrs. Etson entertain.
The M. V. and W. have met fort
nightly since last October, and al
though card-playing has been the
ostensible object of the gathering,
sociability and kindly feeling has been
promoted in a marked degree, while
an utter absence of gossip was
noticeable. The club will not meet
through the summer, but will organize
again next October.
Spring Hares.
Omaha, June 9 to 13, Lincoln, June
10 to 20. All the world beaters will be
there. Onejare for tho round trip,
plus 50 cents for admission. Tickets
on sale at. Burlington Route stations
within 150 miles of Lincoln and Omaha.
See tho local agont of.the B. & M. ' R.
and get full information.
lee Cream I'arlor. ...
John Schiappacasse has refitted hi
ice cream naclors for the summer and
will'sell five gallons of the best cream
for $4, or 94.115 delivered. Twenty-five
cents per quart. All the tropical and
seasonable fruits in variety at lowest
prices. Next door to Gerings drug
store. I
How Rome Famous Composers Were Paid
For Their Brilliant Creations.
Handel, had t not been for his ora
torios and his operatic speculations,
would have lived and died as poor as
the proverbial church mouse. Walsh,
his publisher, -paid him pitiful prices
for his operas. For at least 11 of those
works he received no more than 25 guin
eas each, and the largest sum ho was
ever paid was only 103, which he got
for "Alexander's Feast" It must not
bo thought from these small prices that
the composer's works did not sell. On
the contrary, they always found a ready
market and proved a great source of
profit to the publisher. From the pro
ceeds of his first opera, "Biualdo,"
Walsh netted a profit of over 1,500,
whereupon Handel jocularly remarked
to the music seller, "Well, you shall
compose the next opera, and I will pub
lish it" Handel, as everylxxly knows,
lost a fortune in trying to establish Ital
ian opera iu London, and, although he
subsequently more than recouped him
self by his oratorios, it was not the pub
lisher, but the public, who put it iu his
power to do this.
Even when we come down to tho time
of Mozart, we do not find that the claim
of the brain worker to a fair wage had
been recognized. It almost btaggcrs ono
to recall tho fact that "Don Giovanni"
brought to its composer no more than
20. For "Tho Magic Flute" he was
paid just 100 ducats, and yet tho man
ager of tho theater at which the opera
was first produced made a fortune out
of it No wonder Mozart had to bo laid
in a pauper's grave, the very site of
which is unknown to this day. Schu
bert fared even worse. Some of his mag
nificent songs sold for less than a shil
ling, and at his decease it was difficult
to raise enough money to bury him.
-Haydn's income would today be deemed
small by a player in the theater or
chestra, and his "estate" was almost a
minus quantity. Weber, who died about
70 years ago, received less than 800 in
all for his "Freischutz, " one of the
most popular operas ever written, while
from his five other operas he made only
1,G00 altogether. By "The Bohemian
Girl" Balfe gained loss than 1,500,
although the "Marble- Halls" ballad in
that very popular work put some 3,000
into the pockets of the publishers.
Chambers' Journal.
A Grateful Man.
It was along in the seventies that I
was living in a largo western town and
conducting a successful business. I am
a lover of a good horse, and owned at
tho time a fine roadster, and had fallen
into the foolish habit of speeding my
horse on every occasion regardless of
time or place.
One day I had waited on tho edge of
a bridge for the draw to close. As soon
as it did so I liurried my horse over
ahead of the regular traffic, almost run
ning him the t hree-quarters of a mile dis
tance. There was a declivity on the
farther side, and as we sjK'd down .a
small boy darted across the street, and
in a moment I had run over him.. I
could not my horse or turn him
for a block farther, and when I did I
saw that some workmen had picked the
child up and were taking hint to the
sidewalk. I snpjjoscd he was killed, and
my heart almost stopped boating. Then
I heard him cry. Oh, the music of that
sound! Ho was not hurt at all, but
merely stunned. I took him in my arms
and drove with him to his mother, who
liyed near.
"Herts" I said, putting him into her
arms, "thank heaven with me that your
child lives." And I told my story.
"Now, Billy," said his mother, wip
ing the dust from his face with her
apron, ' 'what did I tell ye? It's a wonder
ye ain't killed a dozen times every day
of yer life! Thank the nice gentleman
for bringing ye homo in his carriage,
Billy, and keep off the street, you
You can imagine the revulsion of
feeling that tock place in me. Detroit
Free Press.
Nervousnem and Physical Injuries.
A certain proportion of tho cases of
nervous disease which the physician sees
are due to physical injury. If a man be
hit on tho head with a club, the inevi
table result, if tho blow le hard enough,
will be a break of the skull, bleeding
from the torn vessels beneath and crash
ing of the substance of the brain itself.
If the blow bo lighter, the brain may
still be injured, but the injury will be
less severe. A blow upon tho back may
break the spine and seriously injuro the
spinal cord. Tho injury may be slight,
merely a pressure upon a single nerve
for a few hours, yet that may cause trou
ble for weeks. Between these two ex
tremes the nervous system may suffer to.
almost any degree from in jnry. Iu none
of these case s need there be any previous
nervous weakness or overstrain. Tho ef
fect is purely phys'ical. If, therefore, we
note in the neighborhood of Donnybrook
fair a great increase iu nervous diseases,
such increase may bo due, not to the
greater demand which the conditions of
modern life make upon the human brain,
but to the shillalah. Dr. Philip C.'
Kuapp in Century.
How She Liked Them.
The poet Wordsworth's grave in
quaint old Grasmere churchyard was
literally ablaze with spring flowers in
commemoration of his one hundred and
twenty-sixth birthday. There are still
several old inhabitants who remember
him and his devoted sister Dorothy. One
of them told me an amusing story of
the latter when they lived at RydaL
Watching a fight of wood pigeons one
day, she half .unconsciously exclaimed
out aloud, ','IIow. beautiful!".: An old
woman laden with - fagots heard her.
"Aye, but I like 'em better in a pie, "
she remarked as she passed. Lady's
- Preventing Cholera.
John Wright, a leading planter of
Ceylon, protects his employees from
cholera by giving each' a teaspoonful of
charcoal every morning. j
The Next Annual Meeting of the Phar
macies to lie Held at Plattsmouth.
A short business session of the phar
maceutical association was held at Lin
coln yesterday morning, after which
the day was devoted to sports. Among
the most important things" that came
up at the business session was to select
a location for tho next aunuai meeting
oi tne association ana wuen ixenry iv.
Gering proposed Plattsmouth as the
proper place and it was selected with
out opposition.
The next thing before the meeting
wa the election of officers. John T.
Teters, of Nebraska. City, was elected
president, while C. H. Smith, of this
l TT T
city, was elected as ono of the vice-
presidents and also local secretary to
look after the business pertaining to
the next mooting. Mr. Smith is also
one of three druggists from wbicn
number the state boardof pharmacy
shall appoint one as a member of the
board of examiners.
Plattsmouth was not alone fortunate
in being selected as the place for hold
ing the next meeting and furnishing
officers for 'the ensuing year. After
the business session in the morning
the remainder of the day was devoted
to various kinds of sports at Lincoln
park, at which she maintained her
reputation for being "in it," espec
ially as concerns the ladies. Miss
Barbara Gerirg and Mrs. O. A.
Brown were winners in both the
the barrel rolling and nail-driving con
tests, while the latter was a winner in
the ladies' running race.
O. A.
di liorent
Brown was also a winner in
Henry Gering is usually a winner in
these sports, but he was handicapped
this time by having a "game" foot,
not having entirely recovered from
the effects of coming in contact with a
rusty nail some time ago.
A very pleasant time is being en
joyed by tho visitors and Plattsmouth
will see to it that their visit to this city
next year is no less enjoyable.
Morgan's Itiryrle Contest
Following is the registration of votes
on tho most popular ladj' in Cass
countj' up to date. Tho winner will
receive as a prize a high grade ladies'
bicycle, ten votes, on which may be
had with every dollar's worth of goods
purchased of Frank J. Morgan:
Mabel Roberts, Plattsmouth 8.:tS0
Maud Eaton, l'lattsmouth 7.7nii
Hes-sie Walker. Murray 4.41(1
Kinma Wehrbein. l'lattsmouth Ml
Alice Murray, Mynard I'M
Kthel Perry. Mynard 31(1
Anna Meisiiitfer
Mrs. Hattie Sutlcland. Wabash ao
Lizzie Horn, Cedar Creek L()
How Is This?
A complete suit of Imported CiX
worsted. English black serge, black er
blue cheviot tho finest material will
Do. made for $20 by John Ptak, the
tailor, under Bank of Cass county.
Trousers for $1.50. A tailor-made suit,
ascnoap as. a "hand-me-down, " and
one that is guaranteed to fit and will
last twice as long, can bo had by leav
ing your measure with Ptak, the
tailor. Don't patronize Chicago work
men when you can get better goods
ana a better ht as cheap at home.
To Parents and Uuardlans.
Complaint has been made of the
wanton destruction of vacant property
by boys. You are earnestly requested
to uso your influence and authority to
put a stop to this evil. Detection will
be followed by severo punishment to
the guilty ones.
J. A. Gutschk, Mayor.
B. C. KKltit, City Clerk.
Ire Cream I'arlor.
Charley Shepherd and Hugh Roberts
will open an ice cream parlor in the
two front rooms over Morgan's store
Saturday morning. They will seU
Lyck's finest cream and everything
will bo tiret-class. Don't forget" to call
in and see them.
I. . O. P. Memorial Day.
Sunday, Juno 7, has boon selected as
Memorial day by the Odd Fellows, and
ali members are requested to meet at
Fitzgerald's hall at 8 o'clock Sunday
morning, when they will march to the
cemetery. By order of corarr ittee.
Ttie Vienna linker;
The finest bakery in the state. The
choicest bread, cake, pies, etc., al
ways fresh. Ornamenter work and
spvcivl orders intended to promplv.
Opposite tho court house.
J AM ICS Lyck, Prop.
Sweet I'otato Plants.
At J. E. Leesley's now ready at 20
cents per hundred orJM.80 per" thous
and. Finest variety.
For Nale.
One set bingle harness and ono side
saddieT both new.
Din W. II. Deakixo
Tiio Fountain of Z,ife... . , ;
Is flowing in Plattsmouth and you c in secure the sp irk-
A "quid obtaiued thoref i ora at lre por gallon. re "t3
vo obtained the agency of the already famous
Lloyd's Mineral Water f
m j
, and can furnish it in any quantity, pieat or smuil in its
' natural state as it flows from a depth of ! feet throupn
J solid rock. It is especially effication's in Rheumatism
and all kidney diseasea It is not a purgative but h
A laxitive so gentle that it corrects and regulates the
bowels' without griping and is thorough? effective even 25
. in the most severe cases of constipation. Bring your A
A jug along.
For Sale by SMITH lXltAUlIlS
&&&&&&2&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I
He Saw the Storm.
James Johns received a letter yes
terday from F. Oden, at St. Louis,
tno man who built and put up the big
engine at the power house in this city.
in which he tells his experience in the
recent cyclone at St. Louis. He says
ho was standing on the outside f
stone building when the storm sinrlcd
ge h
and to avoid the flying debt is stepped
e store just in time to have
the big plate-glass window drop upon
his hoad. Although he escaped wiiti
slight injuries he says ho does not
want to go tnrougn the same expedi
ence again. Ho had just left tin; dis
trict where th storm was the worst. a
short time before it occurred.
During the boom days in Kansas
Kate Field made a visit to sevoral of
the leading towns in tho stale In one
of them she was taken around by two
or three newspaper men and women;
ono of them, a fellow named Van, a
very important youth, kept his tongue
clacking away explaining and describ
ing everything that appeared on the
landscape. Pointing to a building
that stood among trees, behind a brick
wall, he said: "There is Dr. D 's
madhouse." Kate motioned to the
driver ot the vehicle to stop, saying
calmly: "ihis gentleman gels ou
nere, i oeiieve. " an s silence was
oppressive during the rest of the drive
Christian Endeavor Washington I'oiivi
Excursion tickets for it will be sold
July 4,5,0 and 7, via Pennsylvania
Short Linos from Chicigo. Bering
24S South Clark St., Chicago, will fur
nish tickets and information about the
official train, low rates and return
limit upon application. A postal card
will do.
tteafness Cannot lie Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot reach tl
diseased portion of the ear. There is only on
way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitute
nat remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamei'
conaition ot trie mucous lining ot the r.ustaclua
Tube. When this tube cets inflamed vou have
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when i
is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and un
less the inflammation can be taken out and tin
tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wi
ue destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
named condition ot the mucous sutaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be
cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. send tor circu
lars. lree.
F. J. CHKNIiV & Co.. Toledo, O
HE7;oid oy Druggists, l.C
Woodmen of the World Memorial Hay.
Attention Savoreigns! All sov
ereigns are requested to be at ou
hall bunday, June i at 1 p. m. shari
in order to leave hall at 2 p. m. for
cemetery. O. GUTIIMAN, Clerk
The Cass County Hairy.
r.verytning ciean iresn and pure
Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered
at your door every day.
R. F. Dean, Prop.
- We llitve Moved
To cur new location in Dovey's block-
where we will be pleased to see all ou
old as well as new customers.
ELSOX, the.Clothier.
3ECULBAR ii combination, pro-
iortioiiaud preparation of ingredi
ents, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
curative value, lou should TRY 17
(Special notices under this hoad will be
charged for at the rate of H cent por word
each insertion.)
Ul . . 1 r-D Hoarders by the day or week. One
I uiock ironi court house. Apply at this office
COL ND On the intersection of Sixth and Main
1 street, an electric battery-
Owner may ha
same oy proving property
and paying tor thi
I Obf A gold band ring with cross scratched
4 on inside, 1 he tinder will be rewarded by
I ......... V .i- .
iw.twiiK same hi .sews omce.
HOKSKS pastured at Cullom; best of accommo
dations. K milling water and plenty of shade
.iuuic, ix. . ueaver. v,euar vreeK, Acu.
CUK KliN I" Cottage, orchard, garden and
I acrrs pasture.
K. 11. Windham
UOUbK-CLEAXlNU, taking down stoves or anv
II kind of work dyne. Anyone wanting that kind
ot worK done will do well to call tin or
Kildow Hrothers, l'lattsmouth. Neb
LADIES 1 make big wages doing pleasant
work at home, and will i- adlv s I i.MI n .r
tii.ui.iis 10 an scnumir zct stamo .Miss M. a
Stebbins, Lawrence, Michigan.
fine had interest in the oldest establishment and
KM best located turiuture and undertaking bus:
ness in this city, if you wish to buy or have any
tiling to trade maKe it known. Adilri's "k" tl..
mice, li you mean uusmess.
CUK sALr. At your own price, a first-tl.iss
pnoiograpnmg outnt. Lntiuiie at The Now
FOR SALE A good horse, pliarton and harness
very cheap. Enquire at this office.
I 1 1 irt
I ll
iXi Vr
Ton will find one coupon
inside each two ounce bag,
and two conpoua Inside each
fbnr ounce bag of Illack
wrll'a Dnrham. liny a
of tlii celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon which
gives a list ot valuable pres
ents and bow to fret them.
Who Is the Most Popular
...Lady fin Cass County?
P. J. Morgan invites you, one and all,
At his Mammoth Store to call,
By one and all Morgan, The Clothier is known,
A household work, his name has grevn.
Energetic and progressiv, liberal hearted too,
Frank J. Morgan always shows something new.
The latest, a Ladies' Bicycle he cives you free.
Call at his store this line prosent to see.
The most popular lady in Cass county, do not
On the Fourth of July this wheel will get.
So rallj' boys, your coupons now procure,
And for your best girl the Bicycle secure.
With all purchases of k. ten votes they give.
And iake this olTer, no matter where you live,
Happy your sister, wife, or sweetheart make.
Send in your tickets and the bicycle take.
While this offer lasts, bear well in mind,
Same old bargains at Morgan's you wilt find. - -
Extracts Teeth
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Tho Largest and Finest in
the City of . Plattsmouth.
Atiheuser-Busch Beer
1 lAfflllT
There is i'un in the
foam, and health in
the cup of HIRES
Rootbeer the great
temperance drink. j
t.lo onlr tr Tde Churl. K. Hlrm Co., Phil vtMpdU, 1
iju. unwise uitoai i niaiii tttuil cvtruif, f
! nnip 'Mug iTouwra, lability, dixtmwlnir womrii
I f'fnmle Uifc. nnd iM notrrl for ti. a Kr. .:t .
l - - . w . . .
..-im mn. rvrv niornrr ana inv.iia .h -Hill hnx it.
CWam and b-ftiit fiet the half.
Immote a lax -i mint growth .
Nftver Fails to J.ntore Oray f rt itt Vrtu f 11 1 Pnln
I Alt: !
Cures ealp liv' 4 hair ftuiuig. '
Com. bup jutm. Ji&fce waiting eatjr IJc siUruiXjMa.
n.lfbr.lir'i English Diamtnrt llnul -
Orltftnitl id! Oaly -nuln.
nwu and imitation. Al 1 rutfci.r., or id. 4.
In Ktampo Bur piu-tlruiwi, l.juimoaial
' Kellef tmr
ll."!" Uttrr. nv
Mail. J w.ww mimr. i'tiprr
klrhrotM'CnaailvalCwMadli.oa Nqna..
fold br ail Local Uru(la.
I'ftUadav. l a.
d t torn eys -nt-Ia w,
ce over First r;itiot)-fil jl inkJ
h; d. trthzis.
Flattmovit:ti. Nab.
Practice-lnall the courts State and Fed ral
rrorupt attention Riven to aii buul
neaa.en tr us u fj, to Muu
Orltfinitl mam oaly iihiKa f.
MFC, lwym rWI&bb. lAOitft a.k Z
lroxtt for fih-Merl tnl'i'k li,n
hor. no. Ind with l-luc ritnn. Tak VL'