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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1896)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, I'LATTSMOUTH, XER, JUNE u, 1896 or ' ' ' - - , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF r '3 mm CITY BREVITIES. wi:dnk--iay G. K. VunJenburp, n prominent farrmr from near Kim wood, is in tho City today. Mrs. Wiioy Iiiaoic pnd Miss Ella Ruffncf Wfi.l down to Neftiiwka yes teid.iy for a vis-jt with friaiidts. Mrs. Nielson cf llaveloek is in tho city for a visit wit h her parents, Mr. tiuiJ Mrs. W. S. l'uruy. Miss MarjT Jamison departed for her homo at I'iirtield. Ia., last even ing, whore she will spend her vacation. Several of tho assessors from out in the county returned thuir licokrf to tho county cleru toil.y. Only five irore assc&ssors are yet to report. W. S. l'urdv hut a roiling chair now ami wili ho able to vet up town to see hi.s old friends occasionally, which he proa ti v enjoys. Ho is vo: y fooblo hut still enjoys t:iikinir with his friends. Mrs. Will Co.ites of Gales burg1. Hi., w ho has been viMtinfr friends in tins ' city for several weeks, departed this afternoon for a visit at Lincoln, after which she will return to her home. Levi Kiloi-e, the in n who had a team stolen fiom Lis farm on the Iowa side of the river r-oir.e time jijo, was in the city this morning to summon Dr. Humphrey to the bedside of his wife, she having taken suddenly ill. picked nine of t'iaUsmouth ball players are troiutr to Loaisvillo Friday to show the boys how to play the (,'arae. borne of tho old players who used to play real ball wilt te in the aggrava tion inehidinr Charles Miller, the farmer-councilman f:om the Second; wa n!. Mr. and M ;s. G Urt Sch tiase of llapid City. S. i), arrived in the city last evening for a visit with the families of Fred LelmliolT. sr., and August Tartseh aiter which they will viit relatives in Wisconsin. Mr. Schnase lias been iMisltnaster at Ku i.l City or about twelve years. - j m:ss " ' , ! CTuri received ntn ice from the sciiool i board at As, ;n. Col., today tnat ihoy ' hid been ek-ited to p;tions in tho) city -clii'-'is aT. that place.- These! . , . .- I laiia-s h ive a larijis ci. clo oi I Menus 1 n I Il.i -.i.r.l ...Tt-.f l c... t;.n, I 1pvo I '1 itt-tirULh. but it i- probaoie tlut tlie lucrative jiositions oiTes cd them in ( "olor atio vviil t?e a great teliip taton .i!s Clark ;ilo has an oiler from the Sr-ulti Omaha schools. Xtifviii"!! ear No. lil cuno up fio.u I'lal! smoutli the hrai of the weei.. Tiiis ear is to be used on the lapeartish line. it is composed of tti-ie coni partmenis. The li:sl i used foj; bag- gage and express. i he mu-ohu is i abut th s-tuie as an ordinarv coach I and contains tea scats, and i. ii.:.. i - i.-iin-.iii.i'Tiiiiiii nit i up ' ii ii v : :. , :.... i ; " . ; ail si round th; portion. 1 lie r- " " fiide-i atut ends are open, lull ar pro vided with curtiiins, so that tho whole may be etos'.-d in b :d weather. Alli ance '1 ii;ies Til r I1SDA Y. Henry Webber who resides in the Third ward is ijuile ill with a swelling on his kree t hat is excruciatingly painful. Ca-s county's peach crop will be no sm ill thing tin season. Several small orchards in this city are loaded down wilfOhe delicious fruit. I lev. Peter 11 Van Fleet, presiding elder of the Nebraska City district, ar rived in the city last evening and was the guest of the Wescotts at Sunny side. Charles Sheeley of the J. It. Sheeley Bridge coin pa 113', is in tho city, having gotten a shipment of lun'ber tooe used in the repair of bridges over the countv. . . "e anu "P"'7 which was purchased for the precinct was being tested cn the streets this af-. tomoon and will be used for several . . ) " 1 1 5 uays. 11 noes gooa worK. Ar.othor soaking rain fell this morn ing which was not particular' wel comed by the farmers. The ground is so wet that they cannot plow their corn and the weeds are getting a good stai t. Th-Indepondent Reform club met at their room in the Union block "last evening. Speeches were delivered by, Henry Ilempol, Robt. J. v ass, 1). Mc H.iMi ml others. The club meet3 ; agaln Saturdav evening. , , : , , ! Lvirybodv who h:es blackbetr3' or; raspberry vines in this vicinity this The tail cotton wood trees along the west side of the court bouse yard are Itf-ing trimmed up so that the wind will not twisi them up. Tho strong wind of last S-inday morning pretty badly sh ittered one of them, blowing large branches clear across the street into J. I. Unruh's yard Wes Stoiiekinsr returned Monday from Oklafioru whero be hi-.d btMn "looking over the land in the Chernkro strip th.-it will bj open to settleis verj sr on. lie thinks the land very desir able nnd says wheat harvesting is finished at-d corn laid by down there. borrowing ; t jt season will aouotiess pet a goou price jj a Soft or Calloused Lumps and for their Truit, as neat Iv all the vines , , t). , have been winter killed. Tho vines , Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, that are left are very fu.l, however. I Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, The sign of this borrowing is thinness ; the result, nerve waste. You need fat to keep the blood in health unless you want to live -with no reserve force-r-live from hand to mouth. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is more than a medicine. It is a food. The Hypophosphites make it a nerve food, too. It comes as near perfection as good things ever come in this world. Be sure ju grt Scott's Emulsion vikin fern ruant it and tut a ckea substitute. SCOtt & Bowne, New York. All Druggists; 50c. and $1. 1 It was estimated that the wheat would vield bushels to tho acre and tho prospect for corn was verytino. Burglars got in their work at Alvo Friday night, the general merchandise stone of C?G Uucknell being tho place of their labors. They took a sample of about everything, including six pairs of shoes and a largo amount of dry goods. It is thought that the thieves canio from Lincoln. Suit and l'wiitn Made to Order. The only way to nave a suit or pair of pants made to orucr sensibly is to walk into a homo tailor shop and leave 3Tour order. Tho work being done in the city you can ee your garment made. Wo put up clothing cheaper than the Omaha tailors, not being un der such heavy expenses, doing our own work, and also cheaper than the Chicago cheap John factories. You don't -vant only the name "custom made," but you want .the fit nnd work manship, too. Wo can mako you a suit that will cost but little more than shelf goods. Come in beforu you buy a ready-made, suit and look over our large assortment of suitings and fancy pantings to select from, and you will tind the prices low. , .To get a lit and work manship, which are guaranteed, your shoulu place your order with us. We also do cleaning, dyeing and re pairing, to which we give prompt at tention. J. C. I'TAK, Basement Bank Cass Co. The CiUr trefk liriilge. - The committee from Eight Mile Grove precinct, who had in charge the tiotition to tho county commissioners to pet that body to call a special elec tion for the purpose of voting bonds to erect a bridge across tho l'latto at Cedar Creek, were in the city today. Tho new ietition had the requisite number of signers and was all straight, andjhe prajer of the. petitioners will doubtie,s be fi, anted. Geor-e Sayles, . VilJ1 ;"ld "tbers are in tho city in the interest of the project. All Omul Kcpuliln-Hii . hjhl'Uid Ul.lkti a pOlflt OI HltCtldln ttlC Natioaai Convention, to be held at St. Lo'tis, i'u"sdav. June hi'h. The expense is not great if you take th'j lbu lington. On liit i:uh.. 11. and l"ih. of Jane, you can purchase a rouid trip ticket to St. Louis at the one way rate. Think isn't it worth a few dollars a few days time to see the next uresident nominated? Fuil information on application to ,.f i r. . . t . i if if ir gf ' y addressing j. Francis. Cen'l. il-iute, i'a-ss Y. Agent, llurlington Omaha, Neb. At t-iit Ion. -tTitns. The coining reunion of the veterans of Otoe, Cass, Lancaster, Sarpy and Saunders counties, lobe held at Weep ing Water July 14, promises to equal in interest that of two years ago, which was held on the same" grounds. The committees in charge of the different departments are hard at work perfect inn the details which will mako this reunion one of pleasure to all who visit it. Come pre pn red to send the four days with the boys who wore the blue from ! to 'o-j. I'atMture. Persons wishing to fatten cattle and horses on blue grass and clover inquire of II. W. Beaver, Cedar Creek, Neb. Cattle 50 cents and horses $1 a month for the season. Itlii-umatlsin l ured in a lay. -Mystic Cure" Tor Rheumatism and . -- Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys- tim is remarkable and ni3Sterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose great benefits, 75 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricko & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. llonii-M-ekern Kxeursion. ' The M. P" will sell tickets at rate of one fare plus 4-2 for round trip on June !l and to all points in Okianoma, in- dian Territory, Texas, Arizona and all southeastern points. English Spavin Liniment removes all Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke A: Co., druggists. Plaits- mouth. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria from health. If you have borrowed from health to satisfy the demands of business, if your blood is not . getting that constant supply of fat from your food it should have, you must pay back from somewhere, and the somewhere will be from the fat stored up -in the body. iRr - YOU iJfl Put Your. I Foot In Jt when you buy inferior soap instead of the genuine ANTA The favorite of every woman who ever used it. either in the laundry or for all around the house cleaning. Sold everywhere. Made onty by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. Pittsburgh KxrurHlon. jMajr 4, 25, and 'Hi la Pennsylvania Short Lint-. t For Prohibition National Convention Low rate open to all over - this double route from Chicago. Solid daily trains from Chicago Union Station to Pitts burgh Union Station. Ask Dering, 24S South Clark St., Chicago, for time rates and return limit. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ApplU-Ktioii Fur Saloon Li-eii. Notice is hereby piven that I will apply to the village board of Union. Cass County, Nebraska, lor a licence to sell spirituous, vinous ami malt liquors in block one ot said village for the en suing year, subject to the ordinances of the vil lage and the laws of the state ol Nebraska. Dated this lth day ot May, IS:. Jas. McLfcim. In County Court. state ok Nkiiuapk a. i C'ass County f To all persons interested in the estate ot John l!olM.hutii deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the IL'th day of June. A. D. Is'.Hi. at the hour o! o'clock a. in., at the county judge's otrice. in l'lattsniuuth, in said county, the petition, akin;4 lor the appoint ment of Theodore Mai k johann. as administrator ot said estate, will be heard and considered: at which time and place ail persons interested mav appear anil cause, if any they have, why he should not be appointed as such adniiiiistrat'or, itnes my hand and seal of said county court at I'latthinoulh. this 1'. th day of .May, A. 1. l-'.ni. Ibeaij UKiikuE M . iM'l kldCK, County Judge Notice of Sale. l:i the district court of Ca..s county. Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of William V. Conn, deceased. Notice is hereby gien that pursuant to an or der ol the Hun liasil h. Kaniscy. judge ol the d; tilct court ol Cass county, Nt brasKa, made on tiie Wh day ot May. l-'-, loi the sa'e ol the real estate hereinafter desci ibed. ti.cre w ill be sol 1 at the south door of the court hoiise in l'lattsmoutl:, Cass county, Nebraska, on the Jtltli day ot June. Is!;, at 10 o ciock a. m. ol said day at public en due to the highest bidder for cash, the follow mg ical estate, to-w ltr Lot nineteen i li'l loiies first mMition to 'he vil lage ot (jreenwood, and lots :.', ;t'J? and in tne village ol (jiecnwood. all m Cas county. -c-luaska. Said sale to leiiiam open one hour. loliN f. 1'liLK. Administrator of the Kstate of W iliiam W . Conn. deceased. C. i. 1'olk. Attorney f-.r Administrator. May III, lwXi. Sheriffs Sale. Hy virtue of an order of sale issued by Gooro r . Houst-worth, clerk of tin! district court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to mo ui ret-toil. 1 will on ttiL? otn nay in lune. A. U.. imii. at 11 ii cIiick a. m. ol sain day at the siut!i iloor of the eourt house in the fit v or t'l ittsmoutn, in saiu county, sn at Dublio auelion. to tne highest bniiler for rash, the following projiorty towit: One curtain promissory note in worus anu figures as follows: -liii.tiii. I'lattsmouth. cl., April l.i. On or tcrore April l-i. iw.i. anor utuo pruiuise to pay to the order of .1. W. Johnson, Samuel Waugh and John 1. Ferguson, ref- en-es. two liuniireu sixty-sn anu wmw lars. at 1'latls.nouth. INelrrasK.i. witn inrer- eHt tbereun from date at the rate of eight ucr cent per annum, payable annually, value received. Due - Charles C. rarmere. And endorsed on the nack as ioiiows: l'ay to the order of Harvey Hollowa7. sheriff of Cass county, Nebraska, without recourse. . , . SlAMl Kl. WAlMill, John l. Kkkocson. hum levied umin and taken as the property of Ji-tTerson flecker and Myrtle Barnes, defendants. to satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by James ti. Koniine. plaintitl against saiu aeiennanis. riattsmouth, Nebraska. May -'1st, A. l !!; IlAKVET HOM.OWAY. Sheriff. Casscounty, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. I5y virtue of an order of sale issued by Genrg; F. Ilouseworth. clerk of the district court within and tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the 27th day ot June A. I). at 11 o'clock A M. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of i'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Fot 3-t in the village of Greenwood. Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining: the same being levied upon and taken as the property of John F. Folk, administrator of th estate of William W. Conn, deceased: bena Jaiiies, Flizabeth A. Abbott, Sarah J. Clapp, K. S. Norval and William M. Conn, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by 11. F. Clapp, plaintitl. against said defendants. I'lattsmouth. Neb , May 2U. A. I .. lsi. Hakvev Hollowav. Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. C. S-l'olk, Attorney for I'laintitt. Sheriff's Sale. Ity virtue of an execution of sale Issued by G. F. Ilouseworth. clerk of the district court within and forCass county, Nebraska. arid to me directed, I will on the.LDtb day of June A. I. Is'.Hi, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the south door of the court house In ttie city of I'lattsmouth. in said county, mil at public auction tolehi.h est Pldder for cash, the following real estate, lo-wli: Lot six In the west blf of the southwest quarter of section 7. town ship l'-i. ran jo 14; lot "1 in tne southeast quarter of the soatheast quarter of section li townsii p li r.iiiiie 14; lot ."! in tho south west quarter of the southeast quarter of section 12, township li range M; lot fH) in the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 1. township I:, ranje 13; lot 52 in tho northeust quarter of the southeast quar ter of section 12, town 12. rati o l.i; the east half of the northeast quarter of section 12. tow nstup 12. range in Cass county. Ne tirasKH ; also lot 7. in block !; lots 1 anil Z. la block Pi: lot 4. in block 21: lots 7 nud V. in block il: lots pi. 11 ana li in b.oo- 7'i: lots 11 :iid 1-. In block 11 1 lots 1. 3, 4. 5. li. 7. M, il. In 11 and 12, In blo.-'i 1, in tho city of i'latts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges ittnl appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise apper taining, tin; Sine be ins? levied upon and t lUcn as tne proper. v of Wil iitni ii. alutfer. Al-o oils 1. 2. .i. 4. 5 and t'v, in Cl irk's sub-dt-vislonoflol ;i. in section Is. township l-i. ranc 14. ii. tho city of I'i al tsuion r I.. Cass county. Nelirnska. eoj;ctbcr Willi tiie privi leges and uppiirieiiau;cs thereunto teion: ing or 111 : ny w I- aiipertaluing. t he s-tme l ina Ic vii d upon sui t taken us tne propei ty of Tiinolhv 1'iark. Ail of Hie atxve des'-rioetl properly bt ng levied upon mid taken as die property of William f I. fhn fer and Timothy Clark, defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said court rcrovnea by The li ins of Cass County, plaintiff, against Otis II. Katiou. William I. lironnc. 'i'ltnothy Clark. Willltun ll.liafer ami Stephen A .1) i vis. uefeunaiits. Flattsiuoulh. Neb , Msy 18. A. I. isi. IIaiivxv Holluhav, Sheriff Cass County, Nebr:st.a. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue id an order of sa!e issued by George F. iiouseorlh. clerk ot the district clerk within and for Cass couulv, N'ebiaska, and t j me di rected, 1 wiil. on llie IS'th day of June. A. IV l-ini. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city ol I'lattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash, the following real ista c town: commencing sixty -si?; feet east of tiie south east corner of block one II Kichie place: thence east 4.":0i feet: north 14! feet; west 4;3?J feet; south 114 feet to beginning, being' 4.rwiji feet east and west by 144 teet north and south, in the southwest-corner of lot 17, in section 13, in township XI, north in range 1, cast of the th I. M- in Cass county. Nebraska, together with all and singular the her editaments and appurtenances thereunto belong--ins or in any wise appcitaiutiiK- The same be ing levied upon and taken as the property of William I., liroune and Tillic 1'. lirowne. de fendants, to satisf y a judgment of said court re covered bv the i'loneer Savings and i.onn com pany, plaiuiilt against said defendants. l'iattsinouth. .Nebraska, May II. A. I)., lv.t;. llARVKV HoLLOWAV. Sheriff. Cuss county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Samuel 1. Vanatta and I".lia J. Yanatta will take notice as non-resident defendants that on the Hth day of April. !!. J. H. f'eltibone and S. K. Nixon commenced an action in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, against said de fendants, impleaded with First National Hank of I'lattsmouth. et al , the object and prayer of which petition is to foreclose against lots a and 4 in block ;! in Voung and Hayes' addition to the citv of I'lattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska, a certificate ot tax sale ot said lots made Nov. 7, lx'.C by the treasurer of Cass county, Nebraska. Tor the delinquent taxes thereon forls;il, amount ing to i'Si.Vi, and additional delinquent taxes thereon tor the sum of i'-'J. with 1U per cent in terest added on each ot said ums from Nov. 7. 191, and for costs ot suit; further, thai on the same day the defendant First National Hank ot I'lattsmouth tiled a cros -bill in said --uit against said Samuel 1. Vanatta anil Flia J. Vanatta to foreclose, a mortgage against sai i lots lor fi.uiii) with l per cent interest a IdeJ from February ", l'r-l. and- on which there is due tr im said S.iiuiiel '. Vanatta and F.haJ. Vanatta to said I list N'ltionai ii.; -k I (fc-o w i 1 1 1 !i per cent interest from Feb. V I Hi.!. Sou are icq in red to a.ivw I s j.cti'.iou ;n:-i cioss-jHTitioii ui oi belore M'.'ii'.l.iy. Jioie J. ls.i, or our def.-.tot v l : 1 bj ;ake.i. -tin! s ml claims t.i.-.eii a-- coufjsred and judg'ueul len cleied urmr liii: J ii i'l.l 1 id i.K AX! S F Nl..N lS!i mi FiHsr National Hank i! I'i.a : i s .o i ; n Uy Attorneys iieson iS: !;?. ihertf's Saic Hy v mil1 of an oniiir of i-i; iss.ji-1 i y !. F. llouscworl Ii. erk of tiionistret oirt. within and lor I "as" c on nt v. Nclii . si a. a nd to tiie l lreitfii. I wil i io-t l..'h il yd .l'iin'. l. ls'.-. :it 11 o'clock l. in. of s ii'l (lay .r tin son tli (inor 'f I h- con rl !ion- in Un- ciiynf I'.utt s-:io.i I ii. in ;ii-l i on ni j . se: i al t)i! f n ail. In. n, to tho liulic-l !i:l l.r for cusri. Joiiow lug icsi ril;cii leal est. itc. to-wit: !.:.t e:i:lit S. in till. . n iUeU'i-n . I'.l! in Voi.ii.' iS. Hays' audit ion to the citv of I'iiittsmou! h. t'.i-s county, Nc!r.isk , us the sa-i.e is plm-t.-il ami rclinlcd. to et her wit h the sin gular aii-l iiiTOiiitatncnis anil aiipunen aiices I lorfuiito l onjiii or :n a u v w ise u i pcclainiii . : t ho saiiK-ix-ifi r levied upon nd t -.kt-n ;is the properly of l'Hii'.d.M. Ion: a and liar iara .lon s. o.-fendauts. t i satisfy a. juiiiio.i-iii of said court rjcov red l.y t'harlesi;. Far .t. as ricel ver of the Citi zens' ban of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, p'ain titt ana. nst said def-n i.-.nts I'bttismouth, Nebrask M iv 7. A. !.. 1'M) llAHVKV 11(11. 1.OWAV. SherilT. ('ass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the disti ict court of Cass county. Nebraska. Robert Lyons. I'laintitt ) vs. ! The State l'.ank of Murdock, f Nebraska. Defendant. J Under and by virtue of an ord.r of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Moll. f!asil Ramsey, Judge, eilteied upon Api il P'th. .. D. l.s'.Hi, rcqmr'tig notice ol the filing of the claims to be given for six weeks prior to July l:h, 1 '.. Now. therefore. I. Dexter M. Cuackenbiish. as receiver, do hereby notify all persons having claims against said bank to tile the same with me at my otrice in First National Hank ot Greenwood on or before July Fith. lslj;, and that the same be properiy erihcd upon forms by me furnished upon application. 1 further give notice that upon July 13th, lsvJ. at 10 o'clock a. m.. I will proceed upon the ex amination of said accounts and the disposing of them as by said order of the district court di rected. All persons are further notified that all claims not tiled by the time therein gnen will be disal lowed unless otherwise ordered by the judge jf said court. Dated at I'lattsmouth, Neb., April 2. 1M. DtXTEK M. (Jl ACKl NHUSH, As Receiver of the State Hauk ot Murdock. Neb. Legal Nolice. Adaline Crippon. Guidon IS. Crippeii. Benja min A. Gibson. Mrs. Benjamin A. Gibson, his wife, real name unknown, WflliamC. Crippen. David C. Munsou, l.lliott Callander, Joseph F. Callander and Fdwaid A. Hangs trustee defend ants, .will take notice that on the 2!th day of i-e!-ruary. Is'.;, the Bradford Savings Bank and Trust company, the plaintirt herein, tiled its petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage execut ed by Adaline Crippen and Guidon B. Crippen to one Benjamin A. Gibson, and by said Benjamin A. Gibson. sold and assigned to one George Leslie and bv said George Leslie duly sold and assigned plaintitl, upon the west half iw'iiof tiie south est quarter isw U). Section three (3i, all of the west half iw,j of the northwest quarter tnw li ) of sec tion three (3i. except the right of way of the Lin coln branch of the Missoun FacHiCrallrurid, one hundred feet wide, as now located: also the east half ie'jj of said northwest quarter (nw'.t) of said section three UP lying Jnorth ot the railroad right ot way as now located, ali in township 10 north ol range U ca-t of the the ith 1'riucipal Mcdridiau, in Cass county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note with interest cou pons attached, said note dated May llth, is;, for the sum of jd.7lHi.lHi, due and payable June 1st, 111, said mortgage provided that in ca-.e any oi said notes or coupons are not paid when uue, the whole sum secured thereby may bo declared to be due and payable; there is now due on sai l note, coupons and mortgage tho sum of i;l,4il.r for which sum, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sol i to satisfy the amount found due. You ;,re required to answer said petition o;i or beloie Monday, the L' day of May, ltu;i. Dated April 1. ll6. " C. C. Fl.ANsllLKIi. Attorney for f'la:uti:t. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by G.F. Ilouseworth. clerk of th' district court with in urol tor Ciss count vv N braska. a I'd to me direct'.);!. 1 wlil on -'.'ill day of 1 i. A. I'. Is,'. Hi. ut 11 o'eioek :u m. of ;u I (l.iy ;it llie souili iloor of ttie court house io tho city of I'ialtsiiniiith. in s:ii.; county, sell at public auct ion, to the highest bidder for cash, t he foilowin- real i-st'ite. lo-wit: Lots three li.', four i.i and five "). in blok six t'r. ill South Park i.ditilion to 1'iattsnioutn, Cass comity. Netir.slia. togetnt-r with all and suiiiilir the in-reditunients and uppurli'nuiiia'i thereunto beion.Mnz or in anywise apper-taiiiin.-; tne stme being-levied upon and t iki-ii ai the property of John L. Minor uuJ Kinina 1. Minor, di f-mdants, to satisfy h iudginent.of snd cour recovered ly The I'litttsniouth Loan and'.in Ajsocl-.t-lion, piainttir. if st i list said defendants. i'lat ismoii t ii, Nell.. April 2. A. 1. is.lii. llAitvrv'.O'. Sh'ritT. C.iss coutity. Norasa. Sheriffs Sals. By virtue 'd ,-m execution issued by Georjre F. Ilouseworth. jtleik of the district court, within and lor Cass cotituv, Nebraska, and to iiie di rected. I will on the '.".It h day of May. A. I). Hvti, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door ot the court house in the city of Flattsmouth, m said county, seil at public auction, to the highest old. fcr lor cash, the toiiowiug real eitaie. to-wii: 1 he north one had ,) of the northwest quarter oi section twenty-lour (lUi: the northeast quarter of section (i!le.-ii (ir... ar.d the east one halt i1-,) of the northwest quarler of sectio-i hlieeen U-1. ail in town tweive ( it), range to. I iltp; also lots six ;6). eight '.si and nine ii. in section ten (l.'it. and lots two i2, ttiree (.3 , live ij; an 1 nine (Vi in sec tion thirteen and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of ;ccti u jouiicen ill', all in town twe'.vo ili. range Ten U..i. Ca-,s county. Nebraska, together with tiie privileges and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appurtaining; the rame being .evied upon and taken as the property of Wiliiain and Maria Mock, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Silas A. llolbroolcplaiutitt, against said defendants. Vlattsmouth, Nebraska. April 24. A. D. Harvey Hollowav. Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. U mUn S bOMPETITION KILLERS. I A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. 1 For a Few Days Longer e3 I ;;: 1 At the Remarkably Low Price of $14. ,t Ii. M N Pt (l in t Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairsjust in. J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLKTTSMOUTH, NEBRHSKK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF FLATTS MOUTK, XF.BI'.ASKA. up Capital Surplus i.Vl.tMH 10, Kit' OtlVrs tiie very best facilities for the prompt transaction of ME H8 BUSINESS STOCKS, bonds, gold, goverement and loc h Hecuritles nought and sold. Deposits re eel ved and Interest allowed on the cerlli catcs. Draft drawn, aviiilaDle In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Kuropo. 'Jidiectlous made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: !. N Imvcy, I. H w kwirl t . i.V.tiiirli, K. F.. VSte, 'i. K. m-ii. K. Pnvry, I'ren. X. U'ai.cli. CahIiUt II. N. Dovfj' AU CasFScr. an; tlos most powerful, safe uroinut. and ro M.iblc of this kind in the markets The nrl.'iial and only uciiuirio womi;iii"s salva tion. Askvour druirisl If tie don't keen thorn, r'te direct to us and we will send it direct upon receipt of price. ?1. sealed, by mail nro):i id. Med ictl ml vice free. J Al'K Si'N" Ml UICAL Cr., Cliie igo. 111., or a'-ei:t. I. L, Snyder. KWARE OF IMITATIONS. Mr- 2 p- ro R sale: ev alc douggts or C 5 JACKSOM MLDiCALCO. CI'ICiuQ ILL. ? ?CO SO CLASK 5T iMPCR'ALeVD'G. wN.B. Don t take any substitute with the same name but difierent h I spelling on which ourdruggisT o makes iwiccas much bewar: or imitations t SII ENASDOAII SANITARIUM. An institution lor the Radical cure ol Can fir and Tumor Vltbout the o.e of a Knife. SatiMfaction 4inamnted. We have never Failed to Effect perma nent cure where we have had a reasonable op portunity for treatment. Book piving de scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment, with terms and references free. Address IR8. KOIUNSOX & STOI'IIKK, Shenandoah. I own. The News for iOc. , - ' " j i-A ODHipxIcn Preserved dr. F--mo-.-csFreckIe, Pi!Tiple3, I --. Liver - Moles, lilackhcad?, Sunburn nr.d Tan, and re- V nor, s tho skin t i'a origl- - .--,''-T-v ii;.l frtshitesa, producing ffi'f '"'.V- . cienr nnd ln-:.ithy com Jcii.-r. f''.-J plexion. !;n peri; -T to all tnr-f. ' - " pr.'pnr; ! ions nmt lwrt'octly liarinlcss At all drii;;;.risi-:.or Uuiiied for JOcts. isctidfor ( ircu'mr. VIOLA SK'H SOAP U Pimply lnOTmrrnMc Klon i '.ouniir 5"r.ip, un'-Tunlc'l fvz lln- toiiil. l wiihi.u' a nsj f.-r'TT- ii i.''jl' lv pino ni. 1 d.-:it util midi ,HJ'iii-n. Price 2 S Cunt. The O. C. CJTTiNEK CO., Toledo, O. h9 a w if j mm B tr - r; 2 instant Killer cf Pain. Internal and Externa!. 'urea KHi.lTM ATiS.M, NKl-'KA. CilA, Ijune Kii'.-k, KpruinxjlsrviseH S-'i-l!inirs. fjtllJ Ji'ilitf, CU1.1C :ii : ..,4 Wic ('.AMI'S instanUy. Cholera Mm- LH".SjL'',i-"s r"t-'Pd 'ipth'Tia, Sore Throat, R.UriKX'.i r,iiiviACUt, U3ii uy niiigic. TliC lir.DCC tZOIMn Especially propf!TOl fnr ilil. liUUJL. UilM I-J. kuk-L. J'lViblj StrciigiJi, themont Powerful nnd IvnetrHtiutrLiuinicutfr Mnu or licuetm eilfteii'-t. lirye il rnzu i;i'., cii.o?: JOHHSCM'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medi'-nted an-i Toilet. The Grrn 8 kin Cur an! raoa Sautifierj Lic!:cs will i-d it tho mm delicets oii i rigtify psr"un&cj Toilet Sor.p t ilie uutrc-t. It is agO)i;ttiV puro, Slakes t-.f km sot t ea.l velrot; i;n l r-frrj; i n-i com- f lextor, ; is n lajtury f"r thoBatn tir intants, t aliij 9. It-jh'ng, c'er.nt-ea tboprsilp end ITciii'W the rowtu ci jrr .'rice Z'jc. for attic by BEATTYS' PIAN05 AND ORGANS. Tor Catiilougc,!adirffes Daniel F. Bcatty, Washington, N. I l JLIflC Organs, iS.'liJ.PO upw: r-ls; want I ill flUkS Air-ntt. Cataloirun free. Ad-ire-s liituiel 1". llcaly. Wash S.J. Aljrjl WC I'iaiios, 3i5 iipwardi; w'.mt UlXUrl flk5 Agents. Catalogue free. Ad urs i;miel F. Ucatty. Washington, N. J pfTATTV'Q l'ans 3S5.M upwatdi. DLn I I I o tor catalogue addre-; call, I;miei F. LfHatty, Washington. N. J SCAA Afif UKATTY'S organs wao.oo JuUiUuU nil. For particulars, cata lotic. address or caii, Daniel F. Heatty, Wash ington, N. J. DC ATTV'Q lrzms 35.00 upwards. ULn 1 I I O Write lor cat. ilou-S iddress or call. lanici F. Heatty. IVashiiutiiu. N. J. B. F. BRENDEL, M.'D., Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended, either DAY or NIGHT. MURRAY, NEBRASKA For a Few Days Longer . ,. . . ... . 'J ' '- :' , . 1 1 ii i '' : r 4J w ill do if used as a wash accordin todi rcctiot.s; prevent t ransmissiori of blood d Iseases, skin diseases, aeute, and chronic ulcers, str ot uri?. fissure of the hands and feet, t.czema. Tetter. ta It Kheumatlsm, I n -llamatlon of the Itladd er. Ilsasus of the bones, joints and muscles. Svpbiletic In sanity, Scurvy, t-crofu la in many forms. Tno above and a bund rod other forms of disease are traceable directly or indirectly to Syphilitic Hlood l'olson for which the Dr. Jack son's Kniriih .Sacty Tablets is a sure pre ventive, arid is asafn Uorm Killer, rendering contagion liardlv possible, hence its value. If neglecteil uch troubles result f;ttally. Mailed anywhere, sealed tl: six ImiM'S for J"). Meilical advlee free. JACK SUN MhUICAl. CO., Chicago, III., or our iigeiit. I. L. Suyeer. (W QUICKLV. TliOPOUCMLV, FOREVER CURED - .3 iiLniL.n 1 un l r ' ; rrtSMAN OUT OF ME .V- ) gdfat Fwr;i i;h DFMFnV .?onAv vJivuni luvjui i ivii iili in thirty diys y anew perfected scicnlilic riK'lhod that can not fall unless the case is bevond human aid. You feel improved the first day: feel a benefit every day: mum know yourself a kin among men in body, irind and heart. Drains and lossos en. led. every obstacle to hupp? married ii.e re moved. Nerve force, will, energy, 't.hii power, when fal;ing are restored. If nn irlccted such troubles result f i tally. .MedicMil advion free. Alrtiied eveiw tn-re. sealed for il. Six boxes for t- JAi'K.-o.N MKDIOAb CO.. Cfiioazo. III., or oum;ciit, I. L. Snyder. TRADE MABtCS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPVRfOHTS. etC.I For Information and free Handbook w rit? P MUX.N ix CO.. H61 Hroadwat. Kkw Youk. OlileKt tjnmau for nm-prlng patont In America. Uvery pntcnt takpn out liy un In tirouirht before the pulillc by a notice given free of clutrge la tuo j Ijrc"t etrmlntlmi of any Kr-lpntlO" l-iprr tn tl world, hptendldiy iiiuntrateo. 1. lutflil?' niau ehuid bo wiUiout It, Wee v.... ill ii d-r monitis. AdfirMft.ft: VX'Hi.isHniS 3SI ilroI-vy, Sew Vo-V ty. .J?f-Z TT i u -i r iiii aw A Scientific American l Afiency ar BjcXflJ TRADE fclABiCS, i-t'SzSjr DESIGN PATENTS. r - 'l