Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 06, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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. -fern
d Vn KEIL JUNE (, 18K,
TlierSeml-Weeklu News-Herald
. . . BY THE ...
One Year, in advance, . .
Six Months, .
One Week,
Single Copies
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months,
$5 00
2 50
$1 00
OI any Cass County Paper.
IT is earn miss ixeien uuuW .
tributed $100,000 to aid the sufferers!
of St. Louis.
If YOU want to have a sure cinch on
seeing the snow fly again you should
dig a storm cellar.
Of all the presidential aspiiants
on the prohibition ticket Rev. TJentley
of Lincoln is in the lead. Nebraska is
very much in the push this year.
Two "moonshiners" were arrested
down near Nebraska City 'the other
dey and their plants taken to Omaha.
They were both well-to-do farmers.
Illinois is not to bo outdone by Ne
braska, ana will also send a double
headed delegation to the Chicago con
vention. The only places to see some
real fun will be at this convention.
A recent issue of the Fremont Trib
une contained nearly a pagoof endorse
ments for Koss L. Hammond, its editor,
for congressman from the Third dis
trict. They were from newspapers
from all over the state. From all ap
pearances Ross will got there with
both feet.
Tnk John J. Ingalls hosts have just
won a victory in Kansas which gives
promise that the ex-senator will be re
turned to tha United States senate.
He will be in Nebraska on the Fourth
of July, and every man who has the
price will be able to hear one of the
greatest speakers in the country.
Beatrice Express.
Some people are trying to figure out
whv the sentences of Bank Wrickor
Mosher and ex-Citv Treasurer Bolln
are so vastly different. Mosher's steal
was ten times greater than that of
Bolln. Mosher received a sentence of
five years while Bolln got nineteen.
But then it is a waste of time to try to
solve the mvsteries of these courts of
''justice. "
OCR esteemed neighbor across the
street seem9 to be very much exor
cised about Plattsmouth people sub
scribing for the Kansas City Star. We
had supposed all along that Col. Sher
man was so positive his free silver
ideas were correct, that he would not
shrink from the argument of sound
currency apostles, but it seems other
wise. A cause which will not stand
criticism must bo weak indeed.
. SINCE the primary election has been
. called, this paper has avoided any
personalities but the Chapman
Davies organ reeks nightly "with vile
calumnies against men who see tit to
oppose their time-worn and weather
stained candidates. Mr. Davies will
find when the votes are counted that
his era of personal abuse against men
who are his superiors in every parti
cular does not pay.
Here's the difference, it's a dif
ference that is a difference. Paste it
in your hat or stow it away in a cor
ner of your brain for ready reference.
For twenty-eight years under a repub
lican protective tariff the public debt
was reduced annually over $75,000,000.
Under Grover Cleveland's party tariff
the bonded debt has increased over
$80,000,000 a year for three years and
the deficiency in the revenues during
that time has been nearly $136,000,
000. Is it any wonder the people want
a change? Fremont Tribune.
Quay has wearied of the fight the
syndicate has been making against
McKinley and visited Canton last week
where he held a long interview with
the governor at his home. For some
time Quay has not been using his ut
most endeavors against McKinley, per
haps saw it would be fruitless, but he
was not one who leaves friends in the
lurch, and has used his influence and
arguments with them in an endeavor
to dissuade them from the stand they
had taken against McKinley, knowing
he would possibly be the candidate
and did not want to fight so bitterly
one he might be compelled to supporj.
after the St. Louis convention. What
the result ot the Canton interview,-was
is not known.
Sam Chapman in- his organ, the
Tribune, recognizing the fact
that the renomination of C. S.
Polk was practically assured.
takes occasion to make a dirty attack
on him and those who support him.
Among other things the ex-judge is
righteously indignant because he says
- - . C. S Polk bolted his, the ex-judge's.
T"2v nomination. If this, were true, it
- ought not to be classed by Mr. Chapman
as a crime,-since it is a welll-known
, fact that the ex-judge, while holding
office, openly bolted the nomination of
"...Will Hayes for Treasurer, W. II.
. Pool for Recorder, Wm. Deles Dernier
for county judge and last but pot least
. he' opposed Judge Harrison's election
to the supreme bench ae living wit
nesses here Etand ready to testify. A
protty outfit indeed to talk about
. other people refusing-to; vpte for Mr.
"Chapman whose ill smelling record
wis ample reason for his defeat. .
The extent of ttre St. Louis calam
ity, on both 9ides of the - river, is still
undetermined, eays the Inter-Ocean.
Tbo first wild rumon were of the im
pressionist order, but the early ac
counts which arrived at any degree of
precision were under, rather than over
tha mark. The people show a brave
front in declining outside aid, but per
haps when they come to take the fuller
measure of their loss and suffering
they will change their mind somewhat
on that point. Those who went
through the grout tire at Chicago will
recall that not a few business men de
clined to accept the generosity of their
creditors who, as .it proved later,
I ousrht to have done it. The losses
' should have been
AhflrArl Vv orp.ditor
&nd debU)r lt would havfe heea bet.
One of the perplexities of the pres
ent situation is to know what to do
about the republican convention.
Under the call the session would' be
gin June 1C. Fortunately the ball in
whicn the convention is to be held was
only slightly damaged, it could prob
ably be put in repair in a fortnight,
but there are a v great many more
urgent things to be doue. It is not as
if the only serious damage to property
was centered in that structure. Four
years ago Chicago accommodated the
democratic national con vention, and if
within two or three weeks of the meet
ing the building had been nearly
wrecked the concentration of offort on
construction would have restored it,
but in the face of such general calam
ity as that which overtook St. Louis
last week the general puolic would
have felt no disposition to urge any
thing. In this eae the national committee
should defer to the wishes and judg
ment of the local committee, which In
turn should consult those of their own
people who are most in interest and
best iible to give wise counsel. It is
not a political question. There is no
reason to suppose that a single dele
gate would change his vote if there
should be some postponement. There
should be no unnecessary delay, no
unseemly haste. The convention hall
is a very small part of the equipment
for the occasion. The guests must be
provided for. Transportation facili
ties, for transmitting intelligence by
wire, must oe restored, Ihe superb
and luxurious trappings . originally
provided need not bo restored, if des
troyed, but the conveniences must be
provided. St. Louis should bo made
to feel that the republicans of
the country will be entirely content
to have the whole matter take such
form as the strickon city may desire.
There is no fear of any umeasonable
. Naturally the democrats do not like
the enthusiasm that throughout the
country greets the name of Major
Wm. McKinley as a candidato for
president of the United States, says
the Fremont Tribune. The unanimity
with which McKinley's name has been
accepted is a torture to them, for he
is the man of all others who represents
th ida. of nrntpptinn tn a nu., in n i n.
dustries. Thev would likn. tn sn him
make some mistako nnd thov hum
tried by their newspaper correspon-
dents and otherwise to o-rmrl him into
some utterance which can be twisted
so as to militatn ninst hi RnM
either ia the convention, or boforothe
people at the polls.
Major McKinley knows his own busi
ness and ho knows it well. Many a
great man, notably. General Wintield
Scott, the hero of many a battle and
the conquerer of Mexico, have been
cajoled, by their political enemies into
utterance that led to their tnlitiel
ruin. As a public man, McKinley
. . .
knows this and if no were not na-
turally inclined to keep silence, about
matters still in an unsettled state, the
experiences of such men as Soott
would be enough to teach him a lesson
in this regard. Wise men never talk the artist of the Graphic as that gen
without thev have something tn snv tleman was sketching him. ana the
and our candidate for president c:in-
not bo blamed for a nilence which does
him credit. I
ThArn niiiho Q-t;m ,k fi!
ley will speak. Ho will endorse the
platform of the republican party if he
is nominated, a probability which is
now practically a certainty. Our dem
ocratic friends will not have lone to
wait and when McKinley speaks it will
bo in no uncertain tones.
ibis great man cannot o
flattered or threatened into a
course of action contrary tothe"stand
ne nas already taken. A majority of
the people in the United States have
undoubtedly endorsed his political
views and admire his firmness in
adhering to them and his acumen in
withstanding the temptations of the
enemy to lead them into a false posi
tion. McKinley is no fool. Every
thing goes to prove this. He is a
statesman, and not only that, but one
whose ability is assured by the wisdom
at the back of it. lie will speak when
he gets ready acd not before. The re
publican party will be satisfied with
McKinley's letter of acceptance to the
officials of the St. Louis convention.
He will be trijmphantly elected and
when ho delivers his inaugural ad
dress in front of the national capitol
there will be no one in the United
States, friend or foe, who can com
plain of his silence.
Ouu Col. Sherman has been con
ducting himselr in a modest and be
coming manner now for some time,
and we did not know tho reason for
his good behaviour until this morning,
wnen a couple. t)f prominent' farmers
drove in from Murray and informed us I
that a large place-card graced the I
front door of the Murray postoffice on Chicago Union Station, 7:30 p. m. Sun
which was printed the words. "For day, June 7. 10.50 round trip. For
President, W. J. Bryan; for vice-Presi- particulars address Dc-ring, 348 South
dent, C. W. Sherman." This lets the
.. I jflark-hors
Word comes down from the west
enc1 of the county to the effect that A.
L. Vandoren, one of the substantial
farmers in Salt Creek precinct, is a
full-fledged candidate for representa
tive. He is an old soldier, a solid re
publican and a "citizen against whom
nothing can be said. He will un
doubtedly have a strong following in
the convention.
It is now in order for Plattsmouth
to begin preparations to celebrate the
Fourth of July. With the bounteous
crops that are growing and the cer
tainty of the election of a republican
president next fall, the people will bo
in a humor to celebrate as they never
have done before. Start the ball
Hexky Wattkrsonv the brilliant
democratic editor, says Kentucky has
left the democratic column for good
and may be safely counted hereafter
for the present, at least as a republi
can state. The Kentucky editor ought
to be good authority and we can't help
saying buliy for Kentucky.
The storra record for May gives a
total of 430 people killed and So" in
jured, and out of this number killed
Nebrafrka( did noj, furnish a victim,
while the states around us have had
bad storms. This is the largest num
ber of fatalities from storms ever
known in one month.
The cyclone will not interfere in any
way with the republican national con
vention. St. Louis is somewhat disfig
ured, but still oqu'il to the fulfillment
of all her pledges in that important
matter. St. Louis Globe Democrat.
"Hkick" Pomkuoy died sit his home
in New York Saturday. He was at
one time a ptominent democratic
newspaper man, but nothing has been
hoard of him in late years.
Over 0,000 head of sheep are being
driven from Idaho to Fremont, this
state, for summer grazing and fatten
ing. The vicinity of Fremont i a
great locality for sheep.
The locating committee ot tne re
union at Lincoln had a meeting yester
dav and decided to hold the great
meeting of veterans at the fairground
Thev will at once commence work put-
tin lno grounds in shape
1 . , ....... ........... . . . . . .
One leap year he met his fate;
She saw him home and lingered late.
And people smiled who passed the Ratc-
The young man's hat was not on straight.
Washington Post.
Warden Leidiph's report for May,
ou file at the state house, shows that
there aie 307 convicts incarcerated in
the per.itentiary. Superintendent
Abbott's report places the number of
patients in the Lincoln hospital for
the insane at oGG.
'V young up-.o,. .mi,, -
I . it 1 : . .4 ;
uoston city nospuat w mi meaner.
A IOW aays t,,,,-e, C,W1CU tu
1 - 1 1. - .... 1 . I
him, but refused admittance, so sno
1 .. , 1 1
1 cum oca a nro escttpo, iuiu ;iw uuu
talked with him through the window.
In Washington there resides Miss
Elizabeth C. Adams, granddaughter
of the first president Adams. She
lived in the whito house during the
term of her uncle, John Quincy
Adams. She and her brother, I. Elali
. .
Adams, are tne only surviving gracu
children of the second president.
The late Shah, of I'orsia was an ex
cellont draughtsman. Un Ms visit to
England seven years ago he sketched
royal drawing was dashed off with a
keen yet unexaggerated power of
caricature not often" met with in an
amateur's work.
The wage scale for brick-layers at
St. Louis is 75 cents per hour. That is
better that loafing.
The Joliet eneteniiary will soon
have its convicts discard tho . old
stripped clothes and they will bo fur
nished with neat gray 6uits. Those
who ehow no disposition to leform.
however, will be compelled to wear
Improvements Are In Order.
There is no'great building boom in
Plattsmouth this spring, but there are
more improvements going on than has
been the custom during the spring for
some time. John Sittlcr is doing
some repairing on his house that will
add to its appearance. Dave Miller is
having some porches put on his house
which wiil add gie tlly to its appear
ance and comfort. Carpenters are re-
pairine the damage done to SteimUer
house by lighting lost week.
There are numerous other impicvo-
ments going on which will greatly
help out tho carpenters.
Opeu Met-tiuK of the Moure C !ul.
Tho Mozart club had an open meet
ing with Miss Marista Ciigney lat
evening and an exceedingly pleasant
time is repor ted bv those in attend
ance. Elegant refreshments were
served and social games were indulged
in until a late hour. The Mandolin
club discoursed some beautiful music
during the course of the evening.
l"lttnlnrg KxcurnloiiH June 6, 7 and X.
VTia Pennsvlvania Short Lino from
Chicago, account North American
Saengerfest. Ottiuial train will leave
'Clark St., Chicago.
...v THICK.
ory nf "a Mun Wliow IniwRliiiitiou
Caused His Ieatli.
"In my opinion," emnrked tho col
lego professor whorose fromthe ranks
during the last war to the position of
colonel, "the imagination of men dees
more injury to the cause of courage
than all the appliances of war yet dis
covered.' '
"la other words,'" catomed a "Star"
reporter, "if a man "didn't think ho
wouldn't be afraid of anything?"
"That's about it," admitted tho pro
fessor. "1 had a remarkable case hap
ped to mo during the battles around
Richmond. That is-to say, it hap
pened to another man, but 1 was part
of it. It was on a skirmish line, and
I was lying behind a log with two
other men I was only a private then
one of whom was an inveterate joker,
and the other was one of the imagina
tive kind or soldiers. In fact, he was
so imaginative that he was a: most,
scared out of his wits, and when the
builets and shells began Hying through
the woods, cutting oil s.ipiings, cl p
ping limbs all around us and U;r!dng
ihe top of tho loir bohind which wo lay,
I thought the fellow wouid burst a
blood vessel, or go'crazy, or do -smio
other fool thii:g unbecoming to a sol
dier. Tom, l Le joker, noticed the
mun's tenor and called rcy atieiitin
to it.
"Then he re: ched out and dragged
in a stick cut from the troo above us
by a builet, and, fixing a pin in it, pro
ceeded to have his fun. The man war
at the far end of our log, ten feet from
Tom, and I was jiist beyond Tom on
the other side, and, I am f ee' to con
fess, was nervous oriou.h to wonder at
Tom's manner at such a lime, liow
cver, 1 couldn't hcip watching nis
movements, and nciualiy laughed to
see him sliding the pin-pointed slick
along toward the unsuspecting victim.
Having got it at tho nghtuisiance, he
waited for a smashing voiley o: Out
lets, i.nd just as it c&.ai3 he povlded j
the soldier in the b ick with the pin.j
wen it was really tunny to tee iue
chap jump anu veil and roil ove.-, and
we both fai: iy howled. I5iu il."i
so funny when tlie ra in ciid i't move
alter his li st st'.iriled aciio;i, imi Tom
looked at me in a scaied kir.i; o
His surpri.-e lour.d exp ess. on in ;;n
oath, and he calied lo the man. 'lhi:,e
was no answer, stud he called ngr. in
with the i-ame result. Thei lie eivpt
over to him and gave him a h k-.
That brought no response citi.o T '! 'd
Tom dragged him ar u:ii! so lie ieuu
sols his face. It was an . say blue, w 1 1 n
the eyes staring wide open, ao il,e
man ws'.s as dead as Julius C;t'-.. i- with
never a mat k on him, s-iv, p :, l.ujit,
that one pin scratch in his t.. k."
"I should think your friend
could never Lav; forgiven hiiu-e f frr
that cruel joke," suggested the writer.
"I'm sure he never wouid have,"
concluded the professor, "oeeaue Tom
was a good leiiow and a h ave oi.i;er.
but ho never had much of u cl
for when ihe next voiley c.nue
nco lo,
) ; was
on his knees hesi io his d.ud oiora.i-..
tryinir to do something Mr .l.ini, ; : u
his head was just high er.oagh a ove
the log for a shell to clip t;.e who.e.
top of it oil". Washington St ir.
IVopte's I'arty County Convention.
The people's independent party of
Cass county is hereby called to meat
in delegate convention at Louisvil c,
Monday. July 13, 18ii'., for the purpose
ot electing louitecn aelegales lo ine
stato delegate Can vention to be'hcidat
Grand Island on July la, ls!), to elect
fourteen delegates to tho s-ti.te oo.i
vention to be held at Hastings foi
.1 - r . - - ..
me purpose oi nominating a pcone p.
independent party state ticket: to elect
fourteen delegates to the cougi-ession.-i
convention for tho F.rst con.-1 essumal
district of Nebraska; to elect, lou' teen
delegates to tne ilaat reps esenta i i
convention; to pi ace in rominatiou a
county ticKet consisling of
One state senator,
Two state representative:','
One county attorney.
And for the purpose of transacting
such other businet-s as may properly
come before tbo convention.
It is recommenued that the pri
maries be held on Saturduv. Juiv" 11.
It is aiso recomraendedHhat no proxies
oe anoweu, out thut ti e delegations
present from each precinct or ward
cast the full voto for the rrcc'nctor
ward they represent. There beiner a
large amount of business to bo done
tho convention will bo calied
at 10:ol) in the morning; that
the preliminary work mav bo roileti
tlirough with before noon, and that the
c invention may conclude its session at
a seasonable hour.
5 The representation is ba?ed upon
tne voto cast for Samuel Maxwell for
supreme judge, aliowinir ono deleirate
for every ten 'votes or major a ac
tion t hereof, oivinir a re present alion
as follows: Avcc i. 2: Center. ' la'ht
Mi!e Grove, 3; Klmwood. 7: (ireetiwaod.
; L,iberty. ; Louisvilic, 3; Ml. l'h;as
ant, 4; Nehawka, 3; lirr,t d:stricl. Rock
tilulls, ;second district Ifoek DailYs.
3; Salt Creek, S; South Lcd, (; Stave
v-i cc-n, -j, npiun, ivceping a;c-r
precinct, 4; coping Watercit v L'ir-i
ward 2, second rani I. thud w. rl 1:
1'laltf.mouth precincl. If,; li i s;oi,l,.
eit.v Fit M ward a, sccoi.d uarl 'a
third wari 0. fourth ward h liTi.
wa'd L M.S. IJitiotis. i:ti li-m .
Roukiit J. Vass, Secre' a y.
Go to lorn VValimg for roli.ur.-h- ab
stracts. Gonvcyanviny ' a specially
(Jhice tirst Uimr east. ! thcci an l
('ALL. 1)IC tm.Mv to.s VI.N thin.
The K-p.iba ana of Cass coii'if,
nieel in convoiition in too Citv vt J
at- iii.r.a
cHiurii.-iy. June n. i -:-. at 1 o cl
i. n: . :,.r
J jic.4.1 . c- t:) t i.e
purpivsc ot flcctaij; trtcn!y-: djl
stiitc cutivontiou at Liticoin." July 1. Ki. ticic
gatc. to the float convention for tltoe auvl C.t.
counties, for 'the se'ection of a couaty
conimitiee. for tlie iioTninutioa of tlie in;
oflkcrs: One bciiator, t .mi nieiiibci of tlie . ;i
lature, one county atioinex. and l- r ilu- t .iii a
tioii of ucli busiaew as may i-r.-.i, i ;y t ,,.. j 0
lore the convention.
1 ne piananca a.II d' 1; ;!J u:i rf;-i;.ra
iHMi, and rupresjutaiio.i i. oa.- j ; uil
Hon. J. li. Strode, one delegate .or e.
votes aud major f racoon tl.ereo:. and
gate at large from caci. w : .-mi
wiil be found time ;.nd plan fr iiu.ti:;
ies and number of Jeli-gati.- - c .cii v
Ciiict is euatied tu:
one dele
'.'.t. he'o:
;.!,d ie
A I t .....:.. i , . I'li!
...VI cl. 1 1 IL.II Jl.
Center, M;nley.:j p m r. .
-j. I- p. n:
l-aftiit Ahle ihov-f. Hull school h
r-lniviirfia. .Murdock. . n in
P in.
jrcenwooJ. votiiijr pU:ie. a p iii..
l.iDt-rty. I ti.on, ; n, .-. i n;
L.ouisM.Ie, 6 p in
.;hulwa, sclioo: iioii;., T v m
.tit. ficasant. tiw ii-
Kock J.iurts. 1st i...t.. .. i..4," ip'V.',
Koc. L.uits, 2a dit rl.nol ::,.i 'c
.xmtti i.end, school ii ,i.-c. : p ii '
bt,!-e Creek, i.kmvoo.!. J, nj
i ipton, I-.aK'.e. 5 ', in
ctpin W atcr ; re. Casc;su'c -. :ro
lt Creek x
n; r,
P in :
p in . . . . 0
Hattsmoutji pre.. Ta iar i.o p' in.'. . s
r'.;.ttsnioufh city.l: t whi,!.,,. dr t,...K u,p m -.."
H Id .J. :.(.::.u, 4 toop m
,' ' v. I. Li;. i o.:.-j. , :ud p i:i.. ;
, " '1 wd. p ) .te u a;;,; ,s i!n:u'. .10
" ;.lh i,;,LiL',l!u0u;n. li
C.i,y' ,st narJ- -i A il it;-', .-, t-i V in li
'.. s'i v-ara, counci. ca:;.nc. 5 to tf p in... 5
-KJ v.ard, lumber o.'hce. 8 p 111 ' b
W. U. .tt.L, Chairman.
ATC-Hl-ON ;l.H',i: SKillTS
An Atchison new woman cut herself
hiitt shaving rec-ntiy.
We havo remarked that, when a man
cannot hnd work, his wikrcrfn..
Lois of pc-cp!o o rfr.-'iiJ of a eyclvaie
who arc not afraid o; the devil.
How we ,ong for t i.v; rich rtiuib'o m
a circus wagoa. ami !i;c t:e .c! f ele
phants :
If the women bad ta bo paid far their
work, every chu:-c h social wouiu resait
in a 1 ss of at leat a kunured do lars.
A widower may think he cm hire a
hou.-ekeopo:-, and t.ot rc:u ry ir; bat
he can't. Another wiuower :s :.bout to
try it.
Women ought to amount to mo -e
than men; thii.ic of tho (hlc m mi u-u
in haviug liheir hair cut. ana geliiuj;
An Atchison ma n is pu p ?-'.';, ovr
wo hina him I", i, ..- n ,..-i,us
will n;si.-a, upon ms got:.g 'o i'..i: o:u
siio o i ii Au lis .
A hoy n a hied IIai T; i .- :i v. :. s eaiied
"L-Sob" ov taa tiiu-3 iio is .-i.v years oiii.
Uut a girl n. na-u L);isy is-c:j.e!
Daisy tin ill s-hu uii ..
v e v. !-a we wore a aov
good we cau.d1. i iu.j ;
A boy is n-.c.-y i:.Mu-' he
he can't keep i: ; a rn a
t;.ilisi he hrs niue.i lo tli':
is o is:);i'! e':i h e.
An A lehUj.n y i 1 who
turned i'ro!;i ii.u ca-i
c.:ia-.o near iio.'Voii vv i.
she ijv'rr i'x pi'c; .-, f g':t: s-'
money to u; v iliivo r hi
once, a'd !ui-:.'i! i.a.j i ii:
dry iitoas la. ; S ice!
wan lull oi t l.r ia.
. am i ..;
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a a
Hi-: NV.TH1NAI, I'M'tlM:
,ti,l-t. I.itil'
ifii i- roui
Fo- Gin is i s.n K-id ea. vo . " C m ven t.i on
iow rate tiiKcis to a-h i a - ton wdi he
sold to all applicants, Jniv 1, a, ii, and
, via 1 etna-y tva'.ta sdiort line lrom
Chicago, too dir.'ct routs through
Pittsburgh, hii-.torie- Johnst.;wn. over
the Allg heai-'-, a-euiid famous flo se
Sliorj Curve, mong toe Juaiala.
This is the oiii-hil .-oula ft- tu Chic. go.
Ask D, ring, iSS.jata C.."t t,t., Chi
cago, ab-aU low r'ales, rolu-n I. and
the fasl through trains.-
CI'!ip K:ll'M to tho Convention.
For the abovo occasions the H. A: M.
will fell round trip tickets will ba cn
sale Juno 13, 14, and lo, linr.l limit to
return Juno ll. to Chicago ticKO'.s wili
bo sold July 4, o, and C, final limit to
return July 14 at one fair for tho round
trip. W. I.. ViCKfTT, AL'cat.
.'.(M or m
luarler eccl ioa of
to li-an on a cod
land in Ca-s county.
J. M. Lkyda. '
For )ul
bioek 7o.
Plattsmouth, owa. d by the late George
Frank. Analy to-lvatie Frank, P. J
Hansen or Ii. eso.i lloat
t'i;itts:nouth. A) : il 2
It is often diflicult to convince poo
pie their blood is impure, until dread
ful carbuncles, abscesses, boils, scrof
ula or salt rheum, are painful proof ot
the fact. It is wisdom now, or when
ever there is any indication of
blood, to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
prevent such eruptions and suffering.
"I had a dreadful carbuncle abscess,
red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at
tended me over seven weeks. When tho
abscess 5,roke,the pains were terrible, and
I thought I should not live through it. I
heard and read so much about Hood's
Sarsaparilla, that I decided to take it, and
my husband, who was suffering with
boils, took it also. It soon purified our
P." 'AH.
built me up and restored my health 60
that, although the doctoi eaid I would
not be oblo to work hard, I have since
done t he work for 20 people. Hood's tear
saparilla cured my huwband of the boils,
and we resrard it a wonderful medicine."
Mns. Axxa FEliitoO, J-atlaer, Kanbas.
Is the One True Elood I'urifier. All dni(r?ists. ?L
Hrt D!ltr ciireiivcrni3.easytouiKe,
aivwwt o riuo easy w operate, aioccou.
mMM nA nil Af
fcr Infants and Children.
KIUTY year' ohnorvation of Cftwtoria with tho pntrnnnt ot
milliona of pernonn, permit ns to wpeak of lt without KnoinR.
It is unquestionably th bent remedy for Infant mid Children
the world hft ever known. It In harmlen. Children like it. lt
Rivea them health. It will wave their liven. In it Mother huve
Mmething which i absolntely wafo and practically yerfect an a
child's medicine.
Cowtoria Aeivtroyn Wormn.
Caatoria allaya yeveriwhneofi.
Caatoria prevents vomiting So-nr Cnrd.
Caxtoria enrw Piarrhrea and Wind Colle.
Castoria relievca Teething Tronhlos.
Caatoria cnre Constipation nnd IFlatnleney.
Castoria neoirttliaec thf effects of earbonlo acid gftt or polaononw air.
Caatoria docs p ot contain morphine, oplnm,or other narcotic ftropttriy.
Castoria amsimilatew tho food, rcgnlnten thm wtoinach and howelw,
giving healthy nnd natnral bleep.
C aetoris ta pt up i n op a-sizo ho ttl en rnl y. It in n ot wold in hulk.
T3on't nllo-w asy en to sell pon anything else on the plea or promino
that it is u jnst aw good " and " will answer every pnrposB."
See that yon p-et C - A - S - T -
The facsimile
sinatnre of
Children Cry for
)i unusual interest to every reader
of this paper
the announcement
marie elsewhere in this issue by the St.
L'iais Giohc-Democrat, utniuestiotiably
t greatest 4" American newsoaDcrs.
'i'ii.j mail satiscriplioa price of the
Daily and Sunday (ilobe-Detnocrat is
i educed at. one blow, from twelve to
i s; v linl !-i;j m f . !.,,.!.,. r it uMiia,.
daily paper during the comming great
- I uatioaal campaign. Ihe Weekly
! t i ioba-Damoci-at remains at one dollar
i year, but is issued in Somi-Weekly
-e-rt ion.-; of 'igl.t pages each, making
aractiealiy a large so mi-week 1
ly paper
This id vac is jut the thing for the far-ma-,
merchant or professional
who hiis not tho time to read a daily
paper but wishes to Keep promptly and
thoroughly posted. It is made ain
with especial reference to the wants' of
every Fueuioer oi trie laiiuiy, not only
giving all tlie news, but aiso a great
variety of interesting and instructive
reading matter of all kinds. Write
for froo sample conies to G Luiio I'niNT
1N; Co.. Sr. Lol is, Mo.
CliriHtlitn S-ien-e.
Services hold at Christian Science
reading room and dispensary, No KMN5
Maiu street, near High school, as fol
lous: Sunday school at 11 a. m., Sun-
dny evening service, 7:'M; bible le.-son.
Friday evening at S o'clock. All are
cordially invited to attend, to listen
or take part as they may feel inclined.
Uooim? also open daily from lh a. m. to
! p. m. to those seeking health or
ttuthT "Science and Health" and
other works of llev. M. I J. IMdy, on
sale. '
Home Seekers' Kkcnr-iloii.
Missouri Pucitic will sell lume
seekors ticket at rate of one fare, plus
82 for round trip, with stop-over
priviliges to points in Iowa, Minnesota,
Wisconsin, North and South Dakota,
Aikansas, Indiana Territory, Okla
hoiu.i, Texas and Arizona. Dales of
sale March lh, April 7 and 21, and
May For further particulars call at
Missouri Pacific dep t.
C. v. S'1((.'ti;ni;h:oloh, Agent.
We have 51S0,(u0 to
loan at a low
well-1 m proved
rate of interest en
The National Exciianok Co.,
Piattsmouth, Neb,
Have purchased
latest novelties in
i heir stock is
rade so that the
the rich may be suited.
R i,iccs
It wili repay you to call and in
spect the Goods and values. We
can't be surpassed.
O - R - I - A.
in on every
Pitcher's Caotoria.
I'.CHtty's rj;.lis inn! l'i:tiioM.
Hon. Daniel F. Jleatty. of Washing
ton, Xcw Jersey, the griMt Organ and
Piano manufacturer, is 1 uilding and
shipping more organs and pianos thai;
ever. In 1N7U M I'.eatty left homo a
penniless plow boy, ;unl by hi in
domitable will ho has worked his way
up so as to sell so far. nearly l(0,o)0 of
lleatty's Organs and Pianos since 187(.
Nothing seems to dishearten hitn;
obt-taeles laid in his way, that would
havo wrecked an ordinary man forever,
lie turns to an advci tiPiiicnt and
comes out of il brighter than ever,
llis instruments, as i well known, nro
vei-y popular and arc to be found in all
parts of tho wo;-Id. We arc infornpal
; that during the next ten years he in
j t-aids to sell 2oo,MM) more of his make;
j that means a business of 20, III Ml. 000, if
wo a v rage them at ln).(M) eacli. Ilia
already tne largest business of tho
kind in existence. Write or c ill upon
Daniel F. ileatty, Washington, New
Jersey, for catalogue.
L ine I'urtturneye Very 4 lie:t.
Tho undersigned will take horses or
cattle for the season at almost half
usual rales on his ranch uo tho Joupo
river. 15ist of trrnss and running
water. Stock will lie accepted at Mur
ray any time hi fore May 1st and re
turned there at close of season.
Gkokuk Kison.
I lomeHeekerH' KxcnrHioii.
On March 10, April 7 and 1 and
May .- the i$. it M. will nell tickets to
all points in Arizona, Arkansas, In
dian territory, Louisiana, Alissouri,
Oklahoma and Texas at one faro for
tho round trip, plus $2. For further
information call at H. A: M. depot.
W. L. Pjckktt, Agent.
Lr. JMurtthHll, trtnat Ienllt.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. M;irshall, crown r.nd bridge woi k
Dr. Marshall, teeth without p'ates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fii lings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plalcs.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plutes.
Dr. Marshall, ail work warranted.
All the latest appliances tor tirst
lass dental work.
largely all
complete in every
poorest as well as zZ