Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 25, 1896, Image 1

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    tfcU Farmer
THE NF.'P. KstablsliPd Nov. 5, 1!1,
VOL. IV. NO. 01.
THE UKUALD, Established April 10, i",t f
Consolidated Jan. 1, 1805.
K-il-nt for SrtiTiil Y-:ir of the Sec
ond Hani Attempted Self Murder ISy a
Slnt From !i Uevolver Hliich everel
the iiiflpipe Ilexpoiideney From
I. ohm of F.mploy merit tlicCauxe.
( has. Toipel, aged forty-six yours,
who has licci it resident of this town
for ten years, was thrown out of em
ploy men t at the H. & -M. shops sjnie
thie; months ago, and not being ahle
to ci'curi! work he btooded over it
until his mind for the last two or
three week showed si-rns ol giving
aw a. At 1 o'clock toiay he tool his
revolver, a M -cali bre and tired a bul
1H ihumgli his wind-pipe which
lodged somewhere in his neck. He is
stiiT ali ve and is conscious, and may
recover, as the location of the bullet is
'not known, the chances are against
him. He has. a wife and seven small
children. Ho owned the property
where he lived, next to J. C. Coleman's
in tli.' Second ward.
THE I:K(EIVEK kemovew
.finite Kainscy Iceilen the Weeping
Water i;;nk Keceierliip fane.
The application to remove Keceiver
John Doncl in, of the defunct Weeping
Water bank was decided by Judge
Kunsey this afternoon. The court
held that receivers must conduct af
fairs of tru.-t in such a manner that
suspicion will not attach thereto. He
had known Donelan since he was a
small bey and regarded him as a young
man of integrity and .good business
qualifications and regretted to make
the order for his removal, but he had
allowed suspicion to attach to some of
his actions, and he felt sure the best
int:rests of all parties required his re
moval. The time of the court could
not be taken up continually in the in
vestigation of charges in theso mat
ters. Mr( lure'H .Masainr for May.
With some beautiful reproductions
of paintings by Jean Francois Millet,
in McCIuro's magazine for May, Mr.
Will II. Low provides an excellent
study of that painter, whom he visited
several times in his own studio atBar
bi.on, and of whoso manner of life and
conversation he gives some very pleas
ant personal recollections. In the
same number Dr. W, W. Keen consid
ers thtj Kontgen discovery in photo
graphy with referenco to its use in med
icine and surgery. Dr. Keen is ono of
our highest authorities in surgery; ho
ha himself been experimenting dili
gently with the Roentgen X rays, and
his paper is of especial value. It is il
lustrated from photographs taken by
the new process.
A Lincoln paper tells the story of
Lincoln's nomination and election to
congiess, a story verj' curious and
characteristic in its incidents; do
scribes, from new material, Lincoln's
li fe in Washington, social and politi
cal, during his term in congress; and
tells of an important campaigning tour
whi.-h he made through New England
in IMS. A lately discovered rciort of
a speech delivered in the course of his
tour is given, and there are a numlier
of important letters of Lincoln's that
have never been published before. The
illustrations are numerous and inter
esting. Lov2rs of straight out, no mistake
romance, proceeding by the grace of
the author, with all the realty of real
ism, mu-t not miss "I'hrosO,"Anthony
Hope's new novel. Along with the
short stories, of which there are sev
eral good ones, it makes this number
of McCIuro's pre-eminent in fiction.
The S. S. McClure Co.. Ul l.i) Last
Twenty-fifth, street, New YorK City.
Senator TcfTt of Avoca is in the city
today on business and incidentally
talks a little politics. He is not a can
didate for the senate again, but wouid
not object to taking the Cass delega
tion for lieutenant governor, and so
far he seems to have no opposition in
this county.
Senator Henry Cabot Lodgo h:is
written a stirring article for the May
Forum entitled '"Our Duty to Cuba,"
painting in dark colors the picture of
Spanish tyranny in Cuba, and advo
eating the recognition of Cuban IhjIH
gerency. In the same number of the
Forum. Professor John Bassett Moore,
professor of international law and di
plomacy, Columbia Univcrsitj-, New
York , contends that the Cuban insur
gents aio not entitled to belligerent
An editor who has experienced a
dragging sensation about the heels
has this to say: "When a man goes
to church and the shingle nail that
holds his pants fast to his suspenders,
d rot s out and goes rattling down on
the bird wood seat liko a cow bell,
and Kts his suspenders slip up around
his neck, he might as well get up and
go home for the sermon won't do him
.uy good.'' Ex.
Ftr Sale.
A gord pair of 5-year-old mares
weight about J,r(MI; also a good pair of
young muies. Enquire ol Hock Bluffs, Neb.
jiurns are absolutely painless when
oWitts Witch Hazel salvo is prompt-
ly applied. This statement is true, considerable iolitieal matter dis
A perfect remedy for skin diseases, played and you will not tind the lle
happed hands and lips, nnd never publican straddling around to make a
fails to euro Piles. F. G. Fricke &' little campaign money out of the
jo. J enemy." Fremont Tribune.
Tli. Ilnfiwiiinitii fit f'AMM County In Mann
Colonel Peter E. HufTner, the invin
cible son or grandson of Thomas Jef
ferson who so recently led the demo
crats of this city to victory, was in the
saddle yesterday in the interests of
democratic harmony and sound money,
and, as usual, was a winner.
A call had been duly issued for the
faithful of Cass county to father in
mass convention, who were in line
with Cleveland on the money ques
tion, in oider that 11 delegates might
be sent to the sound money demo
cratic state convention, which meets
in Omaha April iM.
It was nearly 3 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon when less than fifty adminis
tration democrats scattered themselves
on the i ear seats at White's opora
house, leaving a sea of empty cha'rs
in front of them, while a still larger
number of free silver democrats sat
just behind them. There was trouble
in the air you could feel it and from
the whisoered consultations and
anxious faces, you could see it as well,
and why not, i'or the national conven
tion might turn on the complexion of
one vote, and the faithful of old Cass
were determined to do their who.o
duty, even if a few silverites had to be
slugged and thrown out of tiie window.
u Col. KutTner pushed the button and
started the menagerie by stepping up
on the stage, and, as member of the
Euclid Martin stale central committee,
called the convention to order and
read the call for a convention, also the
declaration of principles, which ef
fectually shut, off the free silver men
from taking any part in the proceed
ings, unless they cared to do so as out
and out followers of the Cleveland
hard money theory.
Mr. HutTner then placed Major D. S.
Guild in nomination as chairman. The
motion was duiy seconded," but Colonel
KutTner noting that the silver wing
bad a candidate also, and seeing that
the Bryan brand of democracy was in
the majority, he negloctea to take a
vole out just declared Mr. Guild the
chairman of the convention. This was
slightly informal and was a gross in
fraction of Koberts rules of order and
Jefferson's manuel, but if Iloberts or
Jefferson had been there and seen
what was in front of them they would
have done just as Colonel liutTner did.
Tho republicans applauded ltutTner's
coupo with loud laughter, while tho
silverites roared with disappointment.
Major Guild amidst great applause
from the gold bugs and republicans
stepped up onto the stage and at once
took the reins in hand with a deter
mination to run the machine or bust a
cog. The next thing was the selec
tion of a secretary and June Black was
named by the gold bugs while tho
back seats nominated Bart Kirkham
of the Journal. A vote was taken and
Major Guild lost his bearings so far
that he listened to the overwhelming
vote for the silverite and declared him
to be elected, admidst deafening ap
plause from tho white wings. The
new secretary was loaded with
a silver resolution which it
was iutended should bo adopted.
There were loud calls for resolutions,
and as the secretary started to read
his silver doctrine tho chairman
reached over and grabbed them out of
his hand with the remark that "You
can't road anything Lere, except by
order of tho chair" and as ho pocketed
tho document the audience yelled at
the ridiculous proceedings, while Guy
Livingston and two or three other sil
verites got up to remonstrate against
such an outrage. Someone raised a
point of order but Guild overruled,
saying, "Let them talk, that's what
we are here for." Col. KutTner then
moved that a committee composed of
three be named to select delegates
to the state convention. The motion
was put, and although the noes clear
ly outnumbered tho ayes Czar Guild
was onto his job and promptly declared
tho motion carried. The following
delegates so the Lincoln convention of
April were selected: S. Waugh,
W. D. Jones, A. W. White. George D.
Amick, J. A. Pollard, Walter Pailinjr,
U. S. Guild, P. E. UulTner, J. N. Black,
Peter Vallery and John ghaw.
Major Guild recognizing the fact
that the work to bo done had been ac
complished, announced that a motion
to adjourn would bo in order. Such a
motion was made and a vote taken
which overwhelmingly defeated an ad
journment, but the chair blandly de
clared the motion carried and an
nounced the democratic mass conven
tion adjourned. The republicans
crowded around the chairman at once
and warmly congratulated him on his
out doing Czar Heed and in tho
masterly manner in which ho handled
the convention.
Tho convention by this time was get
ting pretty noisy; the back seats were
disgusted and "catcalls" and yells of
Czar Heed were heard in loud tones
while general laughter prevailed in
tho front part of the audience.
The Itesolut ioim.
Tho resolutions which the chairman
pocketed for safe keeping until after
tno convention adjourned, read as fol
Wiiekeas. The democrats of Cass county, in
mass convention assembled, believing in true
Jettersonian democracy and the principles of
"sound money. ' meeting under the call issued by
Colonel 1'eter K.Kufliier lor the purpose of select
ing delegates to the rump convention of bolting
democrats, to be held at Lincoln Wednesday,
April and The bolters' brigade, taking advan
tage of the absence of many true democrats, at
tending the regular democratic convent ion. now in
session at Lincoln, therefore
Kesolved. That we, the democrats of Cass
county, extend greeting to the Lincoln conven
tion of true Jettersoniau democrats, and give our
unswerving allegiance to the free'ami unlimited
coinage ol silver at the ratio ol Hi to 1, without
waiting for the co-operation of Kuclid Martin, J.
U. Carlisle, tirover Cleveland, Wall street, or any
individual ol American birth and foreign priiir
Applies Here In Can.
Editor Shackelfoid of the Oakland
Ilepublican, makes a keen thrust of his
glittering rapier atnceitain class of
bushwhacking newspapers, happily
growing less, which play fast and
loose with principle with tho hope of
bleeding both sides of a cause. He
says: "This is a republican paper
and it is getting along atout tho time
of year our readers may expect to see
I kf!
O Is the remedy you need, of equal service in mild or chronic
cases. It relieves promptly and works a permanent cure.
THE Dr. J. H. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo.
i n n n d to
I 11U HUllULIl Mil
Is because they can buy suits that suit them.
Another reason is because we have the courage
to accept a small profit and give lowest prices
ever known. Low prkes are quick travelers.
They're not heard today and forgotten tomorrow.
They set neighbors talking to neighbors, and our
store grows in popularity Men who want
At i.ow cost, should see our line of New Cloth
ing for Spring and Summer Wear. Ours are the
worthiest garments to be found an3'where at any
where near the price. We mean just what we
say and know just what we are talking about.
The stock consists of New (iarments, made of
Honest American
All-Wool Fabrics,
and made well. . We will part with it for the
FEWEST J)OLLAHS that you ever paid for
Spring and Summer Clothing.
Waterman Blk., Plattsmouth.
FOR 189G...
Leads the procession
and best line of
He buys his buggies and carriages in car load lots, for cash, and
has no competition in prices or values in this count'. lie is also the
only man who selU the genuine old-fa-hioned "Oak Tanned" leather
harness, hand-made and warranted by a man who is here to staj'.
Gorder sells the "Sechler" Jicyc!e. You should remember that
be carries the largest assortment of
(Successor to FItED
225 Designs All for lOc.
The lartreflt collection of up-to-date deslfrna
ever puoiisnea id
the world
15 stables
to build, should
editions ) or "Artistic ana Colonial Uomei."
Diseases are manifested
by Backache, Rheumatism,
Loss of Appetite, Foul &
Tongue and Weakness' O
Dr. J. 13. fMEfilJ'S f
nit? fniAa rm
with the largest
the best goods.
cliurcu designs 20 Interiors
any Brcmiecntrai Dook. la
24 design lOcts., or both books for lScts. gji
Art nn rnlnff trt Hiifld- nr .TP. Intjrorilair
send for these 1896 limited
Rooms 333. a4. 335,
Wainwright Bldg.
Novelties Carpets, Shirtwaists.
Some of the new novelties aro tho Mattings, Kuss, Oilcloths, Lino- We will have hundreds of thesu on
Victoria Lace Lawns, Jaconet Duch- leumns. Window Shades, Hosiery, our counters by March 15. Wait and
esso, Dimities, Argandrcs, Silk Striped Underwear, Ribbons, Laces, Corsets, Seo our lino Before Purchasing.
Challics, Printed Swis. Also the most Embroideries, Ties, etc. Agents for
complete line of Prints, "Dark. Percales, Gags Down Corset Waists, also solo I :npn Par'r
Liffht Percales, Sateens, Ginghamf, Agents fo:- IJutterick's Patterns. - UGfJ C.
etc. etc. March Number Now Heady. Bleached Damask, Napkins to
Match, Handkerchief Linen, Pillow
rk . Case Linen, Embroidery Damask,
curtain department bnoe-Uep t.. cashes, etc., and a Complete Lino of
Hundreds of Beautiful Lace Cur- We have the Finest Line of La- StaPlQ Linens,
tains and Tapestry. The first batch dies', Misses and Childrens' Shoes in
of Draperies have just rolled in on- us Town. Wc sell "Buuds'," Babies and BlittOnS
fresh. Bright, clean, boautifving Childrens Shoes, the Largost Shoo
things; Art Denims, Dotted Swiss, Plant in the World. Are the correct thing for Dress
Silkalines, Cretonnes. Trimming. All sizes, from a "pin's
head" to a '"dinner iplate." More or
Umbrellas lessof course
Ql-ippto Beautiful beaded Gimps in all col-
' From 41c up. Parasolo in Black, ors to match the new Spring Goods.
And Pillow Cases. "Life is too and a Handsome Line of Colored
Short"' to make theso Goods. Wo have Goods in Plain. The New "Dres-den"' ry. ityl L- 'o Daffprnc
Jicm in Stock all ready for Use, just effects, also tho new Umbrella made DUUerit'K 55 rdliemb
as Cheap as you can Buy tho Goods by for Nebraska Winds, won't turn inside Can bo had at our store. March
tho Yard or make them. out. number now ready.
In conclusion we invite you to call and see
most caretully selected
Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
For Your Trotcction
we positively state that this
inedy does not contain
mercury or any other in
jurious lru.
NhkhI Catarrh
is a local disease and is the
result of colds sudden cli
matic changes.
Ely's Cream Balm
Opens and cleanses the nasal passages, al
lys pain and inflammation. heals the sores,
protects the membrane from colds, restores the
senses of taste and smell. The Balm is quickly
absorbed and gives relief at one. Price 5(c at
Druggists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. WJ Warren St., N. Y.
HINDERCORNS The only row Cnro Cbt
Corns. Stopt all pain. Mak4 waikin? eauy. 15c. at Drupeirtft.
Clcannet and beautifies the hsls
Promotes ltuuriant (trowth.
Never Fail to Restore Gray
iiair 10 its xoutuxui i;oior.
Cure, scalp dincaaet Si hair f aiucg.
TTronareCONSUMPTIVE or hare
Inciicrestion, Painful ills r lh bllity of any kind use
PARKER'S GINGER TONIO. lnny who were uopo
kxmuttd discouraged inive it-gained hcuitk by its iu
Chlchelcr" F.nellxh IMamond Bran:.
Orlff-lnnl And Onlv Grnulne.
safc, aJwavti rvlinltle. ladics k
I'rutririRt fr Chit heater m Aikph
nutnti Hrand in MtA an1 i4t metallic'
hoxeti, rwalcd with blue riMwo. Take
tiwutand imititions. At I)ru(fBii. or affnA 4o.
in stami-a for partiruUr. tstiraoDials and
"Keller for iaaies" wi wrr, oj rrmra
old by ail Local Druggista. I'htladav,
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue "f an execution issued by George
Houseworth. clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass countv. Nebraska, aud to me di
rected. 1 w ill on the i-H.ith day of May, A. U. is;;,
at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south door of
the court house in the city of I'lattsniuuth. in
said county, seil at public auction, to the highest
bidder lor cash, the follow ing real estate, to-.vit:
The north one-ha!i ' ?Hf t he northwest cmarter uf
section twenty-four C-li: the northeast quarter of
section tllteeii il.H. and tiie east one-hail i'i) of
the northwest quarter of section titteeen (I . a.l
in town twelve ( VI). range ten (Hi): also lots six
til, eight O) and nine UH. in section ten I lt)i. and
lots tvio U three five (."ij and nine (!'. in sec
tion thirteen (l:ii. and the southeast quarter of
the north at quarter of section fourteen ill', ail
in town twelve (jr'i. range ten (10). Cass county,
Nebraska, toge'her with tiie privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appurtaining; the same being levied upon and
taken as the property 01 ii:;:iiii auu .iaiu defendants, to sati.-ly a judgment of said
inieut 01 saiu
rook, p'aintitt,
court recovered by ii!as A,
against said defendants.
l'lattsniouth. Nebraska. April 24 A. I). lfW.
Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
An Affidavit.
This is to certify that on May 11th
I walked to Molick'a drugf store on a
pair of crutches ami bought a bottle
of Chamberlain's I'ain Ba:m for in
tin minatory rheumatism which had
crippled me up. After usin; three
bottles I am completely cured. I can
cheerfully recommend it. Charles II
Wetzol, Sunbury, Pa.
Svenrri and subscribed to before me
on August 10, 18'J4. Walter Shipman, j
J. P. For sale at 50 cents per bottle J
by all druggists.
MM " f9f
..SPRING 1896
Stock ever brought to
This Spring
Reminds one that it is time to think of...
33ase J3ll? E2te.
We would like to remind you that we are
loaded on these goods and our prices are
right, too. We have iron wagons in seven
sizes. If there were any more sizes make
we'd have them. We show a large assort
ment of
and considering the great number we have
sold lately, our prices and goods must be
about right. We have them at $5, $4, $3,
$2.50, $2.25 down to 50c.
Lehnhoff Bros.,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
The News" three
the finest, largest and
months for 25 cents.