o THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HEHALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NER, APIHL 22, 1896. v. f 2 jZiltiL:-- ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report . '4 THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF H p k ON KILLERS. Neighbor's A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. ABSQILiyrEE.V PURE Your y 1 urns 60MPETITI 7 9 II' ? CITY BREVITIES. SATl'KDAY. Smn I -on;; of South Rend is in town tol:iy on Im-iness. . IL V. livers came home iliis morn ing from "in extended vi.-it of several week V in Illinois. Louisville h:is seeurcl the Ilex fori Soryhum f.u-torv whieh is quite :iti in- i-titntion nnd is ;i jjood tiling to have in tli: community. K. Y. Wood ru IT, the touinr C'ediir C're-k ped:i rojrue, and (.leotpe II. S.iyh-s :ire in town today from that village :ind made Till: Nl-:"S a ple:is atit all. Mrs. Phil Win te mherer returned home from Autoa, Jlls., this morning where s-ho had heeri virititi": h.r father Colonel (Jreusel who is rapidly failing from his cancerous ailment. Klder Voutv"s suhjects tomorrow at the Christian church will lie: Morn in -ii rents' Duty 'J oward Child ren.'' Kvenin' "What i Think of K. .1. Inersoli s I.a-t Sundtiy Sermon. 1 Tho Funnels I Gutter and Cheese a-so i;ition property advertised to sell today was r.ot sola for want of ludders. The (Icur" Maytitld properly at Louisville was t-oid to Sarah Cut forth for .;.;. The d.unrie suit of Mrs. Ci itlio of I .ouisvilio, w herein she sm d the vil i:ie marshal for 1,H damages for cnlii: inT her premises, rt-sulted, after trial to jury in Judge Spurh ck's eou't, in a verdict of lo lor her. Captain David Neal, the martial hero of Merceitown, came all the way in and borrowed a Nr.AVs of a friend to see what it said about him. A fU-r leading- it he concluded to al low us a few more days lease of life. Uncle liiht Mettcor camo over from Weeping Water today where he loaded a dwelling house 0:1 to the cars for shii'iiu nt t 101 m wood. It Iooks as though I'.lmwood was determined to leeoiiie the second town in the county the wav it encroaches on its neighbors. :oniay. Unele Hen McNurlan of Greenwood is in the city today. Mayor Fred Corder came in from Weeping Water esterday alternoon for a visit with his friend-. Rider Ma pes went out to Weeping Water today where he will work at his tiaile near there for a time. .)u lue II all will hold court nt Ne h ask.t City this week for Judge lii'.c.sey, hcginniiig t his afternoon. Frank, I va, a.ul Carrie Anthony of Gleuweod came over Saturday to visit their tnisiti Miss Jennie Anthony. The Turners held their Saturday evening's hall at. their hall r.ccord'ng to p ogram and a nice time was had though the e-owd was not as l;ir,'C :is common. Mrs. Joe Klein is the happy posses sor of a birthday present from herh'is b.uni. ; niee new phaeton and horse which she can enjoy liuring the miiii nier immenselv. Hilly Woodard was in town today 1 "looking as good rialuied as 01 yore. He will move hack to this city in a few days, having secured employment as cook, at C ltiley. Dr. Hurgess returned to his home at Cedar Kapids this morning after a visit of several days 111 the city with his porcnts. Mrs. Hut cress will not return for several days Uneie Timothy Clark tried to move over to W eeping Water, but he man ages to spend most of his time hero, just the s,:ime, and we susp -et ho will ere iong change his residence back t Platlsinouth. While the wo. kmen on Nick Ililmes' barn were changing the bcatTold last Saturday the roite became entangled around Sam Chambers' feet in such a manner as to throw him vioh ntly into the basement, fr actering his shou.der. The wedding of Mr. Yinceii 1 Pilny arid Miss Mary K. Hadvaba occurred at Ho- home of the bride's parents in west Piattsmouth at ":.'; o clock this afternoon, liev. F. II. Freund officiat ing. They wilt make Piattsmouth their permanent homo. H.1I Hilton and family arc rejoicing over tho arrival of Mrs. Hilton from Lincoln, she having fully recovered Iron; her recent mental malady. Tho many friends of the family are glad to see her at her home again. She 10 turned Saturday evening. Piattsmouth merchants enjoyed a pretty lively trade Saturday, the stores being filled with farmers who were laying in a supply preparatory to engaging in a long siege of work puttinp- the ground in shape and plant Thn sni! u-4 never i n better ing corn condition than it is now, and wheat and oats arc looking fine. fall li. F. Dean, of the Cass county dairy bad a little excitement with his team . n... f i., ; -f,..! ,t v,;ii ,..-,i.. ai Lilt- UIOU Ol LOJIllllU Mill fBU'Ml.lV while returning homo. lie had under-' taken the task of diivinr an unruly i horse for sonid one, and while he was not not noticing Iho animal gave a. side lunge against the other horse and j wheeled the w;i;'on around in such a manner as to break a wheel. ' toast and keep it dry. There'll But moisten the bread with water, and see the result, in a short time it is covered with mold. It is just so with con? motion. Its therms will not errow in the lungs iinL- everything' is suitable to them. Weak ness, poor blood, loss of appetite, coughs and colds often prepare the ground germs ot consumption. tern must be kept in a well-nourished condition. Do not lose flesh. Take With hvnnnlmt't'flQ yv a preventive. It furnishes ' Vary for the body to conquer in the easiest possible rm. me on is in a state quiciciy taicen up ana rap idly transformed into the organs iind tissues. When you ask for Scott'a Emulsion and youi dniftirist given you salmon-colored package with the picture of a man and ilsh on it you can trust that man with your prescriptions I 50 cents and $1.00 SCOTT & A permit to wed was granted to Wil her J. Haves and Miss Viola Heck by County Judge Spurlock today. Mr. Haves is the son of County Commis sioner J. C. Hayes and id a promi nent farmer residing near Klmwood. They are two of Cass county's est youri" people. Tin: NKWS tiiu not learn the date of the wedding but ex tends its best wishes in advance. l.NIU;NKI 1 KXK(iI!AMS, Moonshiners lynched an informer near Chattanooga, Tenn. A McKinlev mass meeting was held at Koch ester, N. Y. I'latt was de nounced. Shaeferand Daly defeated Ives and ("armor 111 a billiard game of fAH) lints at Koston. The American schooner Ceorge V. Wlii I ford, sic-zed by Iho Spaniards, has lHen released. Francis 1. Willaid, who is about to sail for Europe, was tendered a recep tion at New York. Mrs. Annie Dyer, the London baby farmer, had her preliminary trial nt I -ondnn and was bound over. The filibuster Hermuda has fin.-illj-secured Hritisii paperd of release. To day she will sail for Puerto Cortcz. Major-Ceneral Sir Frederick Car ringlon, at present commanding the infantry- brigade at Gibraltor, has been appointed to the supreme com mand against the Matabeles. Leon Daudot, the son of Alpbonse Daudet. the novelist and playwright, has challenged an artist named Stein lon to fight a duel in consequence of a circular recontly published in the Kcho dc Paris. The Central News says tho war of fice has telegraphed all military of ficers who are away from South Africa on loaves of absence to hold themselves in readiness to immediately return to their regimerts. The factory of the Dauntless Hicycle company, a four-story brick structure located on Superior street in the heart of the factory district, Cleveland, was gutted by lire. The loss on the build ing is estimated at $2r),000; on stock and machinery about 15i,(HHi. An Important Position. William F. Canada, formerly of Ne braska City, has been appointed in spector of rates and class: lications with the joint-rate tral'ie 1 itireau of the Cen tral Pacific association in Chicago. The position is important and the sele ction a compliment to Mr-. Canada's ability. He has been under Lot Krown of the -Hy in Chicago a number of yf ars' having charge of the hoard of t rade business. He is a son of W. T. Canada, superintendent of the special service of the Union Pacific. Nebras ka Citv News. Hie Sokol l-Mir anil Kail. The Sokol hall was the scene of gaj festivilics Saturday night, one of the largest balls of the year being held there. The fair was also a great suc cess and the numerous prizes were satisfactorily distributed. Jim Pol- 1 lock drew a ham and Dr. W. II. Hear ing a bottle of wine that created some merriment. The best of music pre vailed and a first -class lime; is reported by all present. Seed potatoes at A. The verv best. H. Weckbaeh's. Call For !1:iss ( mi vent ion. The democrats of Cass county who have shown their fealty to tho party of Jefferson by the support of its men and measures and who have refused to fail down and worship at the silver mammon, are hereby called to meet in the city of Piattsmouth at - p. m. on April in White's opera house, for tho purpose of electing eleven dele gates to tho democratic state conven tion which meets in Lincoln on April '2'-K ls'". P. K. KrKFNKii. Stale. Central Committeeman. Notice to l'Hlnter. Soiled hids will ho roeeived until noon May 0, IH'.H't, at the ollico of the county clerk, for cleaning, painting and tightening up county bridges, ac cording to the specifications on file in the eountv clerk's olfice. Tho right to reject any or all hids is reserved. ly order of the county commissioners. J A MKS R( (HKIiTSO.V, County Clerk. Home Ma kers' KxrurHioii. Missouri Pacific will sell home- seekers ticket at rate of one fare, plus 12 for round trip, with stoj-over priviliges to jointsin Iowa,Minnesota, Wisconsin, Xorth and South Dakota, Arkansas, Indiana Territory, Okla ' lioma, Texas nnd Arizona. Dates of ! sale March 10, April 7 and 21, and May . For further particulars call at j Missouri Pacinc depot, ! (- v- STi rr.Nr.!:oi oiT, Agent. i " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. bread be no danger of its moldincr. for the development of the To destroy germ-life the sys Srott'; Fmul;inn 5CULL2 EllIUIIUII, the reinforcements neces BOWNE, Chemists, New York mm Says it saves time saves money . . . . . i sary. leii your wile about it. Made The N. K. Fairbank LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. Adaline Cripiien. Gurdon I!. Crirncn. lien ja- miu A. Gilstn, Mrs. lloiij iiniii A. Iiiliii. Ins wile, real name unknown, Wtiliani C. Criiinen. 1 a id C Munsnn. Mlliott Callander. loseih Callaiuler and Kdward A. Ilaiifjs, trustee defeint- ants. will take notice that on the lth day ol l-cl- ruarv. 1V.. the urailtord lavui(rs Hank and 1 rust company, the plaiutirt herein, tiled its petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage execut ed bv Adaline Crippen and Gurdon li. C rippen to one I'lenjamin A. Gibson, and by said Beuiamin A. Gilon.sold and assigned to one George Leslie and by said George Leslie duly sold and assigned plaintiff, upon the west half (w 'jlol the southwest quarter (sw '4 1. section three (Ui, all of I tie west halt (w'.l ot the northwest quarter nw '4 ) ot sec tion three i'-i). except the right of way ot the Lin coln branch of the Missouri 1'acitic railroad, one hundred feet w ide, as now located; also the east half te' j ) of said northwest quarter l.invU I of said section three (:)) lying Jnorth of the railroad right of way as now located, all in township in north of range 11 east of the thetith 1'rincipal Medridiun, in Cass county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note with interest cou pons attached, said note dated May 11th. IK-;, for the sum ol S.iim.iHi, due and payable June 1st. lyl. said mortgage provided that in case ::tiv of said notes or coupons are not paid when due, the whole sum secured thereby may lie declared to be due and payable; there is now due on said note. coupons and mortgage the sum of S;!.-:il.:J." for which sum, with interest Irom this Uate. planum prays lor a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are red ui red to answer said petition on or before Monday. theL'Mh day ol May. IK'.Hi. Dated April 14. IMHi. C. C. t'l. ANSI-.l KO, Attorney for l'lainlitl. Notice of Probate o! Will Tiik State ok Ni-.ukaska County of C;iss. In tin- matter of the lat will and ti-.-l .iiiu-iit of Mary I'.. anCloave. dircraxt'd. ISoliic is tierchv civt-ii tliat on the llllilavot Mav. A. 1). 1n'., at the otlice ol the county jinli'.e in I'laltsnioiitli. Cas louiity. Nt'er:ika. at the our ot I utn o'l lin k in the alt rim, .11. the tollou- ini; matter will he heaid ami co!iMk'i ed : J lie petition ol Alhert anLie.ie tciailnuttM juoliate the last will and tetaiiient ot M.iry .. anCleae, decease. I, late ol (iktiiu.mi I lwrini't ill sai.1 count v. aiul tor letters leMameiitary to .M- e l anCUae. liatci! this liith day ol April. A. I).. l'.n;. I!y order ol the court. lilnNl.K M. Sll kliK K. l.'ounty Jmlne. Sheriff's Sale. Ily vlrtuoof au oriler of sale issued liy tl. Ilonsewort li. elerli f t lie (I ist net eimri within jmd for ':iss eixinl y, Neliraska. :ind to ine directed. I will on tlie li.l li o a v of May, A. I., ls'it't. at II o'clock :u 111.. of s:iid (lay it the sou tn dtMir of I lie court house in lliw citv of I'int tsmoii I li in s:til 011 illy, sell at public unci 1011, t he following reitl estate t-wit: hot Nil. out- 1I1. in liloek No. one li. in tiles' udd it Kin to t he -i! v of i'lat Isnmut h. iSelira.sk:i, together with the privileges and apnurt.eiia nces ttieieu nto lieloii-'ioir or in anywise appertaining; the same heinr ! levied upon and taken 11s rhe property of! Kli.i I pjuhii. Aiyra K. Iloeliome, Nicholas pel Iiii.'iii. .-iitillinau. wife if ISieolas' pellm:in. first and real name unknown. De fendants, to satisfy a judgment of said ourt recovered lv Mrs. Klla IS. I piolni. pi a ml I IT against said defendants. rial tsnioulli, iNcorasKa. April n. . i. is-.i llAHVKV 11(11. 1.IOVAV. SherifT. Cass County. Nei.raska. Notice to Creditors. State op Nehkaska, I 1 Cass County. 1 n lh. matter ot lln it.itt of Cl.nis SnecL- de-t ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against Claus Speck, de ceased, late cd said count y and slate, will be re ceived, examined and adjusted by the county court at tlie court house in l'lattsmouth on the with day ol September. A. D.. Js;i. at 10 o clock in the torenoon. And that six months lrom and utter tlie iiTith dav of Marcfi. A. I)., l-'.tti. is the time limited lor creditors of said deceased to pre sent their claims lor examination and allowance. Given under my hand this l!:id dav of March, A. D., lMi. (jhOKc.t M. Set kl.oc K, County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtue of an order of salct Issued by (i. F . Housewort.il. clerk of the dist rict court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed, i will on tho li.th day of May A. I. lsiMi, at 11 o'clock a- in. of said day at the south door of the court house in tlie city of l'lattsmouth. in said county, sell at untitle auction, to tlie Highest binder tor cash, the following real estate to-wlt : Forty-two feet otl ol tlie north end ol lots No. 1 and li, in block No. lit, in tlie city ot l'lattsmouth. Cass county, Neliraska; together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or ill anywise apportioning: the same being levied upon and taken as the property id Samuel V. Vauatta. K. J. Vanatta, K. J. Vanatta, as guardian of W. I. Lathrop. and . f. Lattirop, r.. 1. Hartley. John Waterman, as surviving partner of II. A. W ater man & Son, John Black, and lilack, deletid- fendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court re covered by tlie First National bank of l'latts mouth. Nebraska, plaintitt against said defend ants. Flattsniouth, Neliraska. April C. A. I). IS!'.. II AKVtV ! lol.l-OWAY. Sheriff. Cass cout.iy. Nebiaska. Master's Sale. In the circuit court of the Cnited Slates, lor the district ol Nebraska. Francis C. Faulkner, as assignee of The Con necticut Kiver Savings bank, complainant, vs. James IC. (irove. et al, defendants in chancery. FOKF.CLOSUKI-: OF MORTGAGK. l'ublic notice is hereby given that in pursuance and by virtue of a decree entered in the above cause on tlie 14 th day of June, l.tiKi. 1. K. S. Dundy. jr.. master in chancery ot the circuit court ol the L'nited States for the district of Nebraska, w ill.on ihe Sth day ol Mav, liti. at the hour of I o clock in the afternoon of said day at the south door of the Cass county cou.t house building 111 the citv ol l'lattsmouth. Cass county, state and district of Nebraska, sell at auction lor cash the following described property, to-wit: Tlie east half ol the southeast quarter (e1 scVj I ot section number two (J). and the west half of the northwest quarter (w't nvv') of section num ber twelve (121. in town ten (liil north ol range nine ill) east of the Mil principal meridian in Cass county, Nebraska. K. S. li Nov, Ir Master in Chancery. S. L. GmsTiiAkor, Solicitor for Complainant. Legal Notice. ;e. W. Clark and i. K. ltarr. At I orm vs. In tlie district court ol Cass county. Neb. Kliza A. Wood, plaintiff. vs. John Fredrick Appulin, Susan Ap pulin. C. Aultman iv: Co.. Tiie Lombard Investment Co.. Milton t. I.. hitney, Chas. S. Fairchild. Harry F".. jMiiiey. Sanlord . Ladd and Prank ilagerinaii. re- ceivers ol The Lombard Invest- j nient company, defendants. J C. Aultman & "Co.. the Lombard Investment Co., Milton IS. Whitney. Chas. S, Fairchild, Harry K. Mooney. Sanlord 15. Laild and I-rank llager nian. non-resident delendants. will take notice that on the iilst dav ol March. 1MK1, Mia A. 00.I, the plaintitt herein, died her petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska: the object and prayer of which is to foriK lose a cer tain mortgage executed and delivered by John Fredrick Appulin and Susan Appulin to the plain titt upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The Muth halt (s '4 1 ol the northwest quarter (n. w. '4!. section thirty .iSOI. township eleven I III, range nine ('.). east ol the (5th principal meridian. Cass county, Nebraska. Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of two promissory notes, dated April J4. istq; one lor due January 1. IsHi. and one lor f.tno. due January t. l.s;i. with interest thereon at the rate ot M per cent per annum from date: that there is now due and un paid upon said mortgage and notes the sum ol ' Wife Likes 1 makes overwork unneces- 7 Your grocer sells it. g only by 3 t3 Company, Chicago. STil. im which sum. with interest from this date, plamtirt pravs for a decree that defendants John Fredrick Appiihti and Susan Appulin he required to pay the said amount or that said premises he sold to satisfy the amount found to be due: that C. Aultman vS: Co., claim to have a mortae lien upon the land as heretofore described, and I hat they be required to brine i to this court then niortf;aKe. if any such they have: that an acomtit injl may be had and that the lien of said C. Auit man Co.. be declared subsequent to that ot this plaintiff: that the Lombard lioestmcnt Co.. or theii receivers, to-wit: Milton IJ. Whitney. Clias.S. Faircluld. Harry K. Mooney. Sanford 11. l.add and Frank Haircrman. claim to liave a inortcaue lien upon the hind as above described, and that they be required to brinir in to this court their niortKaVe. that an accounting may be had. and that the hen of said Lombard Investment Co.. lie declared to be subsequent to that ol this plaintirt. Vou an.l each of you are required to answer said petition on the 1Mb day ol May, ls'.Hi. Fi.iza Wiioo. Hy Geo. W. Clark and I. K. F.arr, her attorneys. In County Court. Statk of Nkiui aska. i Cass Con nt V f ' In the matter of the estate ol David W. Mil'er, deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that the claims and de mands ot all persons against David V. Miller, de ceased, late of said county and state, will be re ceived, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in I'latlsinouth. on the Vith day of September, A. 1). I-!:, at o'clock in the afternoon. And that six months from and alter tlie -Mil day of March. A. 1 . ls'."i, is the tune limited for creditors ol said deceased to prt sent their claims lor examination and allowance. (iiven under my hand this'J.id day of March A. I. Is: 0. (il-A)K(il-: M IT'KI.( Ck. County judge. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Cass in the matter of the estate county. Nebraska, if I red V. (. l oss. deceased. Notice is hereby given that 111 pursuance of an old. r of i. S. Kaiusev, judge ot tiie diMm t court ol Cass county, Nebra-ka. made on the 15'tii day (I March A. I . JS:ii. for the sale of tlie re d estate hereinalter described, there will be s..id at the soul h li out door of t he coin 1 hou-,e in Cas count v. Neliraska. on the It day of April. A. 1 1. 1. at I :iio p. in., at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described leal estate. to-wir The undivided thice-tcut Its i:-IIO south two-tiiirds f-.) ol tlie west hall ( section twenty-nine i'.'l. township ten 1 10 , ol range eleven (111. in Cass county, Nchiask said sale will remain i-peu one hour. Dated this 1st day ot April. A. I . i An 1 III k l i. Ck iss. I .xecutor ol tiie e- late of Fred W .Cross, decea-v livroii Clai k and C. A. Kaw Is. At ln liev s foi : t a t e . Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, in the mattei ol the estate ol William . Agnew. decease.). I I11.- 1 ause coming on ( u he. '.ring upon the pe tition ot Stephen A. Dav Is, administrator of the estate ol Vm. I Agnew, dc. ea ed. praying lor hi eiise to : ell the 1101 1 h , est quarter 01 tiie south west quart. -r ol section one. township timteeii. north 1 ange eighl . and the southwest quarlei of section 'Icxcn. township eie.h'.een. lau-'e eiiii. east ot the t th principal niei i ll 11. m .1 mniii n-nl ainouut ol the same to oinig the sn t 1 i ot r-l.i.i lot the jmv men! ot debts allowed again- t said estate anil the co.-ts ol adiiuiiistra ion. there not being sufficient peisoiiai propeitv to pay the debts and expense:-: it 1-1 tiii ictoie ordered that aii persons interested in said estate appear lielore me at II. e ottice ol the c erk ol the dislnct coitit at l'lalis moiil h. ( ass count y, Nebraska. 011 the I!.l day of May, ls'.Hi, at l.iSI o'clock p. m.. t. show c.iuse why a license should not be granted to said ad ministrator to sell so much ol the above des crdied real estate ol said deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. Dated this 17th dav ol March, lvtti. li. S. Kamsicv. Judge of the 1 hstricl Court. Notice to Creditors. To all creditors of Hiram G. Spencer: Vou are beiebv notified that tlie sherill". as c.- ollielo assignee, herein lias sold all of the assicnecl properly, and lias made a ret urn and proof 1 hat he lias obeyed all orders Of (list riimtion. and paid the money astitreeted lv a final order ot distribution entered herein, and ttiat if you fail to appear and object thereto at ;i o'clock a. 111., April 'Jild, Is-,;, an order will lie enterel discharging the said assignee, and tho sureties upon his ollieial bond from all liability on account of said t rust. Dated ihisl'.th day of April. lsiK. Gkouok M. Si-i Hi.tit'K. County .Tud.'c. Sheriff's Sale. By virt ue of a u order of sale issued by G. F. I lousewort h. clerk of tho district court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to inedlreeted, I wil I oiet he d day of May, A l. l-'.ii, at 11 o'clock a. 111. of said day at the south door of tin-court house in the city of I'lattsuiou I n. in said county, sell at nil idle auction, to tlie highest bidder for cash, the following defieribed real estate, to-wit: Lots nine i ten (It)', eleven (Hi and t wel ve il'JI. tl k. t went v-t wo, in the city of Fiat ts motith, Cass County, Nebraska, to.-etlier with the privileges and aupu rteuanees thereto be miiii: or in anywise! appertain ing; same beinz levied upon an d taken as the properly of Kieh.irci Hiisielii. .I11I111 ltilstein, . I ames M, Cm i j, chas. C I'armele. Cudahy Fucking company. Jolm Morrell & Co., defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said rou rt. recovered by Ira l'uuiaiii, plain till aga.nst. said defi-n J ant s. l'lattsmouth, Nebrask i. March 'Jii, A. I.. IS'.Ki. llARVKY llOl.l.OWAV, S? her I IT, Cass couuty, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass count v. Nebraska. in the matter of the application of John ! . 1'olk. administrator ot the estate or William v . conn, deceased, lor license to sell real estate to pay debts. I'liiiu reading the petition tiled herein ami it appearing bv the petition that there is not su!h- cient personal property ol said e.-tate in the hands of the administrator to pay the debts of said estate of William W. Conn, deceased, and it appearing Irom the t eti'ion that it is necessary to sell the real estate described in the petition tiled herein lor the payment ot said debts against said o-tate and tile extienses of aciministrat ion. therefore it is ordered that all persons interested in said estate may appear before meat chambeis at my office in the court house, in l'lattsmouth. in the county of Cass and state of Nebraska, on the !Uh day of May. Is'.Ki, at li o'clock p. m., to show cause why a license should not be granted as prayed, to sell lots ifJti-iCi-iHi:!. in the village ol Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska, and lot 1! ill I onus' 1st addition to the village of Green wood. Cass eountv. Nebraska, to pay debts against the estate of William W. Conn, deceased. and ..he expenses of administration. And it is further ordered that a copy of this no tice be published lor four successive weeks, prior to the tune fixed tor said lieai lie:. 111 Jut jk.mi Wkkki.v Ni:vvs-1Ii:i;ai.i. a legal newspaper pub lished iti said Cass eountv. Nebraska. Dated this Cird day ol March, is-xi. IJasil S. Kamskv. Judge i listi ict Court, Second Judicial District. Legal Notice. In county couit of Cass county, Nebraska. lo lolm Lauer. 1 r.,,.1 t., tl... i,n known heirs ol Conrad Lauer, deceased, and to all other persons interested, notice is hereby given that on the 11th ilav i,t Marr-h t.: v- !;.,. Tonal as guardian ot the person and' estate of coui.iu i .auer, unsane.) nied in said court a final report of his acts and doings as such guardian and a petition praying that said final report maybe sullied and allowed and that he may be dis charged from his trust as such guardian and that ne may oe aiiowca cxira compensation lor ex traordinarv services rendered in siiil 1,-,-ot...., oil are further notified that if you fail to aiy pear before said court on the 11th day ol April, IsVKi, at ! o'clock a. nt.. and contest said petition" and lina! report, the court may settle and allow said tinal report and grant the prayer ol said petition and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to said court mav proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said guardianship mav lie finally settled and de- iiermineci. Dated :his 11th day of March, A. D. IV.;. Geokge M.-Splklock, County Judge. Si i For the Next Thirty Days i J tl i t !' ft ' ' K I FOR THE SUM OF , . .- if-! - 1 t-j the I S- At '-.-3?yv': ' ..iv-'jv o -x Ten dozen more of these 95 cent chairs just in. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLrATTSMOUTH, NEBRHSKH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF rLATTSJIOUTII, NKliltASKA. 'ld up Capital Surplus fll,(l((T . Kl.tKMi : (tTerstho very best facilities for Ihe proiiipt transaction of " mm BUSiNESS STOCKS, bonds, Kold. irovercment and lot i. securities nouiht and Siild. Deposits re eeived ancl interest allowed on the eeriti eatea. Iirafts druwii, avaiiaDie In any part of tho U. and all the principle towns of Europe. 'Joiieotions maae and promptly remitted. Iliirhest market price paid for county warrints, state and count), bonds. DIRECTORS: II. V IMIVCT. I. IHWlC orl !i Viugli, F. K. White. V.. lov v (101.K, liiivrv, I'rt-H. s. IVhccIi. ( it"liif r il. N.'oovpy l .'I r. nre the most powerful, safe promot an 1 ro liable of this kino, in the market. The origriat and only genuine wtmianV safra tlon. Asiv your droz -ist. ir i.e don't keep them. Write d Ireet, t o us ani yve will send it direct upon receipt of price. -1. sealed. Iy mail prep-iid. Medical advice free. JAC'K tON M h 1 1 1 ( 'A L CO.. Chicivo- HI . or our agent, I. L, Snyder. 'OF K. IIVirATltNS L'i s i- IJ - d,!:v- IK t- FOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGIST S OB O i JACKSON MEDICAL CO. tti!50 ILL 260 ba CLARK 5T .IMPERIAL B'tDci. (-N.B. Dont take tony substitute with the same ntTroe but different spelling on which your druggist makes twice 03 'much BtWARE oriMITATlONS f?Tf I'NAMIOA II KANITAIiir:.I, An ie.sititiition lor the Tladic;;! rure of 'nn-e-r ami Tnniors Without the tiso of rni'e. Satisfaction (.namntcml. We have never Failed to Eriect a r?rna nent cure where we have had a reasonable op portunity for treatment. Book pivinar de scription ol our Sanitarium and Treatineut, wt'.h terms and references free. Address 1KS. UOIilN'SO.N Ac HTOI'IIKK, Slxffinrifloali. low. The News for 10c. 1 l l II I, J I I II.. l ' :3i Cr.rn-a':t?n PrrprV'-"! r'J - viuLa Ofdif yi Tiemo-ce Prrk!e , Firn;.Ies, i '. Liver-J;o3, K!cckh.ads, ' ;x I "x' 5-ur;;rn :md Tna, nod re- .- tun -: tilf skill to lis orie:i- . ;::; "iid 1'reshnerts, v1-1'"' n '" 'y 'S ' .r. n: i'.l;.t iiealtliy cc.TM ' i; : '!- -' -i.li'xion. .-ii ptTior to fill fnce'i "-" ' ' , p'p!ir it ions and jerfectly lo'rrnh-'-s Atil -inigrfist j, or iitailoa for 5 Oct. S. tid l'tir clreilar. ViOLA K'N GCAP t Biu.ir ", ' r '!niil. S .ip, uu.-iual(..t f..r tin UMl.t. ai.u -illi.:it A ftvC ft.r 'It.' rnr-.Ty. A'.-.tlul. t- T"1'"" il. li.'tt lr moi- cMi..l. ai rttuei.s. frice Zr cems. TheG. C. CJTTMCK CO., Toledo, 0. v .v zz. i. i- - Instant Killer cl ?air. En3rna! anl ETxterr-s?!, Cures lOiri'MATI's:,'., MKUUAl. 0!1A, lmo liaek, h'praias. 15r'jjs-. f-'TclHi'es, Soii Joints, .'CI1I : a:i -Vr .j t "a'tiJ'l s in-'TtiiiTiy. t,.wm B.H t ""v, X-fJ'-'!i!is,(r''rp,I;i:itheria, SoreTUrout, IIW IIWIIVI. L,I1.1IIV btoei;, J IOUINI. rtll I'- theToost Powerful nnd PpretrntirL.miiDi'ntiw M or lieatt in fcxirteliCB. Laiye 1 e!zo ail, volt, isiio Aiv- JOKNSCfi'S ORIENTAL SOAP. TWadiented an1 Toi?.et. The Great SkiiCursr.n race Beautifier., Ladies mil d it tho raont de!ictte nnd niRhfy porfomad Toilet n.ap on tl.e market. It is absolLitelV pure. ?Ji,k'" h.- ikiu soft and velvety and rtor-- ii. l-t norr!-- plexlor ; is a luxury for the taath for Infan.s. It alaj s ithintr, cleuiis tho BfTilp un l pryliiOlt iiie griwtii ol Iimp Vrioo 2jc. 1 or bulc ti BEATTYS' CELEBKATED PIANOS AND .ORGANS. For C'atalouse. addr Danfiel F- Beatty, Washington, N. J. Ol IinC Organs. 3.1.oo upwrr is; want I l.riIlU i-Vpeiits. Ctitaloue free. Ad dress Uaulel 2 Beuty, Waslnjigton. N.J. r,rri Pianos, upwards; wa ant VJIV'JJri liJ A. cents. c italo no I reo .a ( tir Ihiuiei P- lieatty. V:ihin?toii. N. J Ad- rjr- j-txIQ Vianos JSiS.l.oo opwaids. J5t.r I I T w Hor eaf.ajcimp s mldress -n.ll, Iianiel F. lta.-itty. Wiflhlnstou. J ertP" tfAfl BKATTVS orifins f:s5.00 ijIJUUiVUv ? l or partirf-ulars. eata lo.Mie. addres-s ,r cali. D.miel K. ISeitty, Wasliinirton. N- J- DrATTV'Q Organs :.". O-J upwards. fjlrl I I O Write fCT catu!oso;ai.idress or:all, laniel K- Beatt.y. Wasliinuiu. ". J. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., .Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly! attended, eitber DAY o NIGHT. MURRAY, NEBRASKA For the Next Thirty Days p n Hill 1 I i t "- " I L . . I l l Ill I II F--vriU-v''s -" r. TiTt: iTTiluiTrjitl in will (loir useci as a hmi iimnuinj w rvrcvent. transmission of diseases, skin diseases, acute; and chronic ulcers, strict ure. lissure of the hands and feet, r.c.etna. Tetter, sa It Hhfiiiiiatism. I n -llamatiou of the Hindi er. Iliseases of t he bones, joints and mus cles. t-vidiiietic In sanity. "Scurvy. Serofu la In many forms. Tne above and a liund red other forms of disease are traceable di rectly or in lireetly to vplt)itte Hiooa I'oi son for which the lr. Jackson's English Sa ety TaDlets is a sure preventive, and is a safe Germ Killer, rendering contusion hardly possible, hence its v:lue. If neglected such troubles result fatally. -Mailed anywhere, sealed i: six boxes for. Medical advice free. JACK SON MKIMCAI. CO., Cliicaszo. III., or our agent. I. L. fMiyeer. 'i-DflY itcMir r r r -r rv r r r m war uriiiiiri.?i re ik AS MAN OUT CF ME,y) , GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 30T DAY in thirty d iys hy anew perfected seientifio method that can riot fail unless tho ease is bevoncl human aid. Vou feet Improved the first day; feel u benefit every day: soon know yourself a kitu anions men In 'o1y, irind and heart. Drains and losses ended, every obstacle to happy married life re moved. Nerve force, will, enemy, brain power, when faliini are restored. If nn L'ioeted such troubles result fatally. 1edical ndvice free. Mai.ed everwhere. sexli for L Six boxes for 5. JACKSON MKUJCAIj CO.. t hioa-'o. III., or ouraent. I. Ij. rtarder. Sdentilio American Agency for mi jf-.fcfc COPYRICHTS, etcJ J' For Information and free Handbook writ to i MUSS c CO., 661 lino ai wat. Sew York. i Ol.fi'Kt Imreau for peeiirlnir patent In America. ' Everv patent taken out ty uh in brouKht before the public by a notioe given free ol cuttrge in Uu fif slmtitic gmtian ri I jtrtrest ctrrnlnMrm of any sHntlflc pTeT fn tlia xvorlO. f.pl.-naldlv iilustrate.i. S" lutlllefnfi Mmaa rtVndil be v. itl.out It- Weekly, fr-LOOi a Jf3yfir; S1JVJ six months. A'lillMs, BUSS A Vvausubits, 3 H I Bruadway, ew Vwrk City, MEM i nn in i jTTymiitffiTiTTrTwi codi-blood QUICKLV. ,w THCPOUCMLY, rT FOREVER CURED. tV DAY t-;-.Vji TRADE MARKS. fwl.S!CN PATENT!. I 1