Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 11, 1896, Image 4

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smi-Weekly News-Herald
Is Life Worth Living?
If you have tried one of Goring
& Go's French Briar Pipes and
a Package of their Smoking
Tobacco you can testify that it
is in every sense of the word.
It Is Solid
After having eaten a hearty
meal to smoke one of these
Pipes. The best brands of Ci
gars. Tobaccos and Smokers'
articles always in stock.
FKIUAV, AIK1L lO, 1816.
The choicest sweet pea seed in bulk
at Bennett fc I utt s.
J. N. Drake, of Omaha, was in the
city on legal business today.
Tty a can of Hopkins' Steamed Hom
iny. (Hulled Corn), it is aencious
Don't fail to attend the supper and
social at the Baptist church tonight
Get vour abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Vass. Office In Briggs build
For rent Nice cottajre on north
Fourth street. Enquire cf D. liab-
Anheuser-Busch ;Bock beer now on
tiD at the Casino and Kiley Annex
Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable
abstracts of title. Ofllce in Briggs
Geo. Edson is in town today nfter an
illness of several days that has con lined
him to bis bed.
Anheuser-Busch Bock beer on tap
at the Casino and Riley Annex saloons
Try a glass of it.
Dr. Daniel Goldinrr and his cous-in
were in the citv todav the guests of
the formers parents.
Try Imperial best 10 cent cigar in
. . . . . ii. i r
me marKei uuo nun mauuiauiurer.
For sale by all dealers.
Trv our Cabinet 5 cent cierar. it is
the best. Otto Wurl manufacturer
For sale by all dealers
Bennett & Tutt have a large supply
of fresh northern grown seeds, both
in bulk and in packages.
Go to Tom Walling for reliable ab
stracts. Conveyancing a specialty
Office first door east of the court house
It's all the same, a slight cold, con
treated lungs or severe couch. Ono
Minute Cough Cure banishes them. F,
G. Fricke & Co.
Use the "Dustless Floor Oil" for
store rooms, public buildings and all
kinds of offices, kitchens, halls, etc
For sale by Smith & I'armele.
Wanted Evervbody to know tha
Elson, the clotnier,before removing to
Dovey s block. May 1, will save you
money on your spring purchases
A little ill. then a little pill. The
ill is gone the pill has won. DeWiH'i
Little Early Risers the little pills that
cure great ills, r . U. Fricke & Co,
Having again returned to I'latts
mouth 1 will be glad to do all kinds of
hair work. Orders left with Miss
Adams at Dovey's store will receive
prompt attention.
The celebrated -Anheuser-Busch
liock beer now on lap at tne Casino
and Riley Annex saloons. Call and
try a glass of the only genuine Bock
beer in the world.
It is not a miracle, it wont cure
everything, but it will cure piles
That's what DeWitts Witch Hazel
salve will do, because it has done
in hundreds of cases. F. G. Fricke &
Busy people have no. time, and sen
Bible people have no inclination to
use a slow remedy. One Minute
Cough cure acts promptly and gives
permanent results. F. G. Fricke &
. Miles Drake, Uerman Pankonin and
E. C. Twiss, city "dads" of Louisville
are down to see the board of com mis
sioners about the bridge across the
creek which meanders through that
A drink of Anheuser-Busch Bock
beer is guaranteed to cure "that tired
feeling. Several drinks will make
you forget all your troubles. Now on
tap at the Casino and Riley -Annex
I. C Munger, tne republican nonii
nee for county attorney up in Lancas
ter county, was in town today. Ho
one of the delegates to Tecumseh and
will vote for the winners H. N. Dovey
anau u iinasay.
Judge Ramsey arrived home last
night from Hay Springs, ready to
open court Monday morning. He left
Dr. Waterman alive, but very low.
His brother, John Ramsey, remained
to assist in caring for him.
The rain of last night, which was
very slight here, was quite heavy over
in Iowa, doing much damage. It is
also reported to have been quite heavy
farther west in this state. Heavy April
rains are unusual in Nebraska.
Herman Smith came up from Kan
sas City last evening and will remain
for a day or so in order to look after his
interests here and rest up from his
routine of office work. He reports the
family well and satisfied with their
new home.
Take a dose of DeWitt's Little
Early Risers just for the good they
will do you. These little pills are
good for indigestion, good for head- j
ache, good for liver complaint, good
for constipation. Tney are gooa. r.
G . Fricke & Co.
The union meetine of the Christian
Endeavor and Epworth League will be
held at the Presbyterian church next
Sunday evening at i:30 o'clock. The
meeting will be conducted Dy me
eague. Subject: "Will Our Lx-
cuses Stand V" Acta 0:19-28.
You can buy a whin of August Gor-
der now cheaper than you can steal it
off your own porch. He didn't get a
car-load, but he received a larger
stock than is carried by any other
three dealers in the county. His
price will frighten you they are so
cneap, nut uon i menuon u.
It will bo an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to attacks of bilious
colio to learn that pronip relief may
be had bv taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Choiera and Diarrhira Remedy. In
many instances the attack may bo
preveuted hy taking tnis remeuy as
soon a3 tne lirsi sympions oi mo
disease appear. -5 and 50 cent bot
tles for sale by all Druggists.
Mm. K. I. t'uiimiiiiH "at Home" to Her
Lady Friend Venterday Afternoon.
The sombre days of Lent have
ended, and the era of social festivities
was ushered in yesterday by an ela
borate reception given by Mrs. E. D
Cummins at the beautiful family rcsi
dence on West Pearl street in this city.
The affair was one of the most elegant
social functions of the year, and was
attended by all the most prominent
ladies of the city one hundred and
sixty neatly printed invitations hav
ing been sent out.
The decorations were beautiful and
artistically arranged. The prevailing
color in the front p irlor was bright
red, and that dazzling gem of
ro.-e family, the meteor,
tho prevailing flower. Pink
the dominant color in
back parlor which reveled in
palms, ferns, and asparagus plumosa
artistically placed so as to bo
in no sense conspicuous. The
library which opened off from
tho parlor came in for its full
share of floral leauties and from be
hiud a screen in this room the Man
dolin club discoursed its sweetest airs.
The curtains were drawn in the
dininsr room down stairs where a
dainty luncheon was served and
really enchanting effect produced in
yellow decorations by the artificial
li"ht. Perle and Mareschalneil roses
were the chief floral adornments.
Evory niche and corner was relieved
by potted plants or palms with most
pleasing efl'ect.
Mrs. Cummins was assisted in re
ceiving by Mrs. Fred Lehnhoff, jr.
Mesdames G. F. Housowortb, C. E
Wescott, Henry Horold and C. F.
Stouten borough assisted in entertain
ing. The Misses Lulu Burgess and
Dora Swearingeg presided at the
punch bowl and tho Misses Mabel
Swearingen, Grace Stoutenborough,
Lilian Kauble and Mrs. J. M. Craig
assisted in the dining room. The lit
tie Miss Elizabeth Craig answered the
door with so much grace as to deserve
special mention.
Tbo guests heartily enjoyed Mrs.
Cummins Hospitality ana many re
marks complimentary to the hostess
were heard by tho reporter.
The -Anniversary of Lee's Surrender Was
Fittingly Celebrated.
While's opera house was crowded
last night by those who desired to
commemorate the great day when
Lee laid down his arms to General
Grant at Appomattox an event al
most as momentous as tho July morn
ing in 1770, when the Magna charta
of American liberty was signed in
Philadelphia. April 0 is not yet a na
tional holiday, but the time is coming
when the gray dawn of its morning
will bo hailed by the booming of can
non, mingled with every evidence of
tumultuous joy, as is shown now on In
dependence day. The surrender is
chiefly celebrated at the present time
Dy the surviving victors of that great
ebt army the world ever know great
in numbers, great in strength and
great in the zeal and patriotism which
burned like a consuming Hie iu every
The exercises last evening were very
interesting. Tho address of Mrs.
Rosaline Condon of Pawnee City being
specially worthy of mention. The
closing part of her eloquent address
was in the form of a tributo to Mc
Kinley, and with all detorenco to Sen
ator Thurston, he would have to bo in
splendid form to equal it.
Ex-Judge Chapman made a few re
marks, but tho address of the evenino
by John Davies, failed to materialize
Johnny having flunked the engage
ment. Music and recitions filled up
the interim so nicely, however, that
we heard no regrets for his absence
Irom tho hall.
Fine Pasturage Very Cheap.
The undersigned will take horses or
cattle for the season at almost half
usual rates on his ranch . ud the Loupe
river. Best of grass and running
water. Stock will be accepted at Mur
ray any time before May 1st and re
turned there at close of season.
Geokoe Edson.
Special Sale i aturday.
John Schiappacasso today received
half a car-load of banannas, and on
Saturday ho will sell then at ten
cents per dozen. This is lower than
Omaha. Come in and encourage en-
terprise and low pricos
New York Man Who Slakes a rroni on
Very Cheap Victuals.
There are diners and diners in this
city of contrasts. Some nieii here hnd it
a difficult thing to ee. a satisfactory din
ner for $25 ; others get along nicely on
a substantial meal that costs a dime or
less. And there is at least one strange
little restaurant here where a full repast
can be purchased for 1 cent. It is with
out doubt the cheapest eating house 111
the world. This cheapest dining room
of all is huddled down in a corner al
most touching the famous Mariners'
temple of Oliver street, a block away
from Chatham square, where streams of
people from all the four corners of town
pass and repass. It is little more than a
wooden hut, some 18 feet long and per
haps 7 broad, with a little addition tack
ed on to it, which serves as a kitchen.
Small as it is, however, it feeds an
average of 1.000 people in a day, 20 be
ing able to squeeze in before the counter
at one time ; on some days as many as
1,400 have eaten there. Tramps, out
casts, vagrants and men who have fallen
so low that they will never get up in
the world again, come daily, sometimes
three times a day, with the last copper
they have in their pockets, to drink cof
fee, munch the bread and eat the pea
soup that constitute the bill of fare cf
this most lowly of eating houses. It is a
strange congregation truly that one sees
within its narrow four walls a congre
gation of faces stamped with vice and
debauchery, of patched and rusty gar
ments and unwashed cuticle. Women
occasionally come to this penny dining
room, but as the proprietor doesn't care
for their custom, they do not annoy him
You ask. What can a copper buy?
Well, incredible as it may seem in these
days of lavish expenditure, three cop
pers expended at this tiny restaurant
will bny a bowl of coffee, a bowl of pea
soup and four slices of bread. A bowl of
coffee and a slice of bread, the slice cut
generously, costs but a cent. For a cent,
too, a large bowl of soup is served, with
another slice of bread. A cent more will
buy two additional pieces of bread. The
bowl of boup is a full quart, the bowl
of coffee a pint.
"If a man wants to eat more than
this at one time," the little proprietor
says, "he must be a glutton." At all
events, no vagrant should starve with
one of these 3 cent dinners snngly
stowed away beneath his soiled linen.
The pea soup is rich, the coffee is cheap,
but as good as one finds in many pre
tentious dining rooms here, and the
bread is so palatable that the proprietor
eats it himself. This 1 cent eating house
has been running for over five years, and
during thai time has fed hundreds of
thousands. Some months the meals
served have reached the 30,000 notch.
New York Letter in Pittsburg Dis
The New Invention That Saves Women
From Hours at the Dressmakers'.
A clever New York dressmaker has
done away with the ordeal of "trying
on," and the gowns that come from her
establishment are no longer a weariness
of the flesh or spirit to the woman who
orders them, for they fit without being
"fitted." and there is no "system" of
measure and tape about the matter what
soever. It is merely an ingenious device
patented by this same clever woman of
the needle whereby any client's figure
can be copied from a perfect fitting waist
lining or waist and expanded into an
exact mold of every curve, every angle,
every peculiarity, of the original flesh
and blood form.
This woman discovered that drnss
makers' systems and trying on were the
trials of womankind. She forthwith
reasoned that the lay figure had not been
useful except for skirt draping, because
of the manifest inaccuracy of it as ap
plied to any and every figure. Some wo
men with a 24 inch waist had a 34 inch
bust measure and a length of side seams
out of all proportion. Other little wo
men were short waisted and broad back
ea. fctm otners were nigner in one
shoulder than the other and had nnac
countable hills and hollows in their
anatomy. It was manifestly impossible
that a conventional machine lay figure
should be able to assume all the shapes
of all the women. No, each woman
must have a mold of her own, and an
exact mold, over which bodices could be
as perfectly fitted as on the flesh and
blood woman.
lhe Invention consists of an artistic
and perfectly fitted waist lining of can
vas, strong, but flexible, and shaped to
every line of the bodice. Into this lining
is inserted a cunning device which ex
pands it into the exact shape it was
while upon the woman, just as rigid,
just as solid, as if there was the real
anatomy inside of it, a true reproduction
of the figure. Jenness Miller Monthly,
A Washington paper says that a young
lady of the Capital City met a gentle
man from a far western state at a party
in Washington. "You are not from the
far west, sir?" she said doubtfully.
"Yes. I have lived there all my life. "
"Oh, I'm so glad to meet youl"
"Thank you."
"But excuse me you see, I've read
all the western stories, and it seems to
me that you've forgotten something. "
"Nothing that I can call to mind."
"Why, you don't say 'thar' and 'look
hyar, stranger, ' and use all sorts of bad
grammar, and wear a pistol so that it
bulges out your coat. "
"I have never done those things."
"Oh, dear! Then my idol is shatter
ed!" Fair Offer.
In the middle of the third act the
young woman with the big headdress
turned around in her seat and spoke to
the youth immediately behind her.
"Sir," she said, "if you will change
your brand of chewing gum, I'll take
off this hat. I'm getting tired of that
wintergreen fragrance. " Chicago Tribune.
The Injury Not Serious The Defendant
Arrested And Taken Hefore Judge
Archer, Where He Is Placed I'uder
1S500 Itonds to Appear May 11 And
Answer to the Charge of Shooting
With Attempt to Kill.
Rock Bluffs is usually able to furnish
its fuil share of scandals and sensa
tions, and the latest occurred yester
day afternoon and may prove to bo
quite a serious affair before the par
ties are through with it.
It seems there has been bad blood
between Fred Patterson and his neigh
bors in reference to title of land which
was once owned by Col. Patterson,
Fred's father, which tho river gath
ered in its capacious maw and which
of late years has been returned and
has grown up in willows and makes
fair grazing land, A dispute with
reference to some of this land existed
between Leo and Charley Byers on
one hand and Fred Patterson on the
other. Finally, the Byers boys
started to put a fenco across and en
close some of the land claimed by Pat
terson. They were warned not to do
so, but kept on with their work. Yes
terday afternoon Patterson went down
to where tho men were at work dig
ging post-holes and ordered them to
stop. Upon their refusal to go so, Pat
terson rushed toward Leo with a
pitch-fork, but the latter caught the
tines with his hands and prevented
the injury which teemed imminent.
A moment later, without warning,
Patterson(who is left-handed)is said to
have thrust his left hand in his
left pocket and quickly drawing a self
acting revolver he pointed it toward
the fellow's head, who was down bo
low him, and firing, the bullet struck
Byers in tho back on the heavy part
of tho shoulder blade as he stood with
his side toward his assilant and
glanced downard, coming out a few
inches below where it cntored making
only a flosh wound, but it was only a
scratch that the ball did not go the
man's body and result fatally. Pat
terson seemed to bo in a rage and
turning quickly on Henry Byers, he
Gred at him, the bullet cut through
his trousers on tho hip but only
grazed the flesh. Ho then drew tho
gun on a man named John Smith, but
did not shoot The Byers crowd, without
further ceremony, left the field and
came to town where a warrant was
sworn out for Patterson's arrest,
sheriff Holloway went down last night
and brought him in about 9 o'clock.
Judge Archer was called and held a
short session of court, accepting Jona
than Hatt as security for Patterson's
appearance this morning at 9 o'clock.
At the time specified tho county attor
ney, the defendant and his counsel,
Beeson & Root, appeared and after se
curing bond in the sum of $-500, signed
by Jonathan Hatt,a showing was made
by tho defendant for a continuance for
thirty days, which was granted.
Hefore Itemovat
to Dovey block, Ma3' 1, we will givo
some astonishing bargains. New style
Fedora hats, $1; new style stiff hats,
$1.50; fancy Percale shirts, 60 cents;
French Balbriggr.n underwear, 4."
cents;men's black Worsted suits, $C.oO;
men's Cassimer pants, $1.75.
Elson, the Clothier.
It's just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as anything else. It's
easier to cure a severe cougb or cold
with it. Let jour next purchase for a
cough bo a One Minuto Cough Cure.
Better medicine; better rosult; better
try it. F. G. Fricke & Co.
During tho winter of 1S!K, F. M..
Martin, of Long Reach, West Va.,
contracted a severe cold which left
him with a cough. In speaking of
how he cured it ho says: "I used
several kinds of cough syrup but
found no rolief until I bought a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Rcmedv.
which relieved me almost instantly,
and in a short timo brought about a
complete cure." When troubled
witli a cough or cold uso this reme
dy and you will not find it necessary
to try soveral kinds boforo vou get
relief. It has been in tho" market
for over twenty years and constantly
grown in favor and popularity. For
sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottlo by
all druggists.
DROTECTION from the grip,l
pneumonia, diphtheria, fever and
epidemics is given by Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. It makes PURE BLOOD.
X The Fountain or Jife...
A Is flowing in Plattsinouth and you c;n secure the sp.u k-
ng liquid obtained therefiora at 15c per gallon. We
ave obtained the agency
Lloyd's JMinoi-nl Water
and can furnish it in any quantity, great or small in its
natural state as it flows from a depth of 500 feet througn
solid rock. It is especially efficalions in Rheumatism
unu an Kiuney diseases. It is not a purgative but a
laxitive so gentle that it corrects and regulates tho
bowels without frinino- nnii ia t i nm rr 1 otTnoti c-ar ,
in the most severe cases of constipation. Bring your A
jug along. v J
There is a Time and Place
for Everything...
There Is a Time to Paint.
If your house is looking a little bit
shabby or weatherbeaton. and is be
ginning to decrease in value, then
that time is NOW.
There Is a Place to Buy Paint.
It is our store, because we hae the
Heath & Milligan Paints at l..r0 per
gallon. One gallon covers from -I0
to Zt" square feet of surface, two
How many square feet of surface has
your house? Come in and tell us and look
at our color cards.
Should lie Sent to the "I'eii."
"Chuck" Woostei- is evidently lay
ing a good foundation for a life of law
lessness and crime. Not content with
having one serious charge hanging
over his head, he has added to his
criminal record the charge of high
way robbery. Last Wednesday even
ing he and another dissolute character
about town, one George Griflin by
name, attempted to hold up and rob a
man by tho name of Henry Bearman,
who had been stopping at the Peora
house. They were frustrated in
their scheme, but got far enough
along in tho attempt to ba in conflict
with the law.
Wooster was arrested and will have
his preliminary before the county
judge Saturday afternoon when he
will no doubt be hold to tho district
court. His bondsmen for the other of
fense have surrendered him to the
oflitsrs, and he will now have to give
bonds for two offienses before being
libe rated.
Griffin succeeded in eluding the
officers and escaped into Iowa. Otos
Chief. '
Wo might teli you more about One
Minuto Cough Cure, but you proba
bly know that it cures a cough. Ever
ono does who had used it. It is a per
fect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse
ness. It is an especial favorite for
children, being pleasant to take and
quick in curing. F. G. Frike & Co.
The Vienna llakery
Tho finest bakery in the state. Tho
choicest bread, cake, pies, etc, al
ways fresh. Ornamentel work and
special orders attended to promply.
Opposite the court house.
James Lyck, Prop.
Date of Next Southern Kxcurxion.
Tuesday, April 21, via Pennsylvania
Short Lines from Chicago. Address
II. R. Dering, A. G. P. Agt 24S
South Clark st., Chicago, for further
(Special notices under this head will be
charged for at the rate of !4 cent per word
each insertion.)
COK SALE A choice milk cow, very gentle.
1 ami giving alx
and giving about three gallons of milk per
day. Call at Eli Sampson's, coi ner of 15th and
Oak streets, Llattsniouth. Neb
FOK SALE A choice strain of fine Light Brah
ma chickens and eggs for setting. Leave or
ders with Asher Clark or address Win. (Jilmour,
box 518.
FOK KENT A tine pasture with plenty of shade
and running water for horses only, at Cuilom.
Address, 11. V. Heaver. Cedar Creek, Neb.
H( USE-CLEANING, taking down stoves or any
kind of work done. Anyone wanting that kind
ot work done will do well to call on or address
Kildow Brothers. I'lattsiiioiith. Neb.
LADIES I make big wages doing pleasant
work at home, and will gladly send full par
ticulars to all sending 'Jet stamp. Miss M. A.
Stebbins, Lawrence, Michigan.
WANTED An honest, active gentleman or
lady to travel tor reliable established house.
Salary 7N), payable weekly anil expenses.
Situation permanent, lieferences. Enclose i-clf-addressed
stamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Illtj Omaha Building, Chicago.
The Very Finest...
Is None too Good...
THAT'S what Asher Clark has in kinds
of Queensware of the latest importa
tion. Beautiful Dinner Setts, elegant
Tea Setts, rare pieces of decorated ware
ami all very cheap. Call and see.
First Door East of Court House,
of the already famous
Black well's Durham tobacco Company.
m Retail
If you hav any difficulty In procuring your
soap, cut out this notice and send it with
your order to your wholesalo dealer.
Viho Is the Most Popular
...Lady Sn Cass County?
In order to satisfy the Public Mind on
this question
Frank J. Morgan..
...Plattsmouth's Leading Clothier,
will offer a way to the solution. For every
dollar received, either for goods pur
chased or on open account, we will give
a card entitling the holder to ten votes on
this question. The vote will be published
every day and week in the papers so you
may know at any time how each contest
stands, the voting
sharp on July 4, 1896. The lady receiv- $
ing the highest number of votes will be
declared the most popular lady in Cass
County and will receive a handsome
High Grade... a
...Ladies' Bicycle. a
....With this object in view we have taken 5
extra pains in selecting our Spring Stock J
of Clothing and Furnishing Goods and
you will find that we can suit the most i
fastidious in color, pattern or price. A
....All voting to be done at Bank of Cass I
County, bicycle on exhibition at our store. A
IJlfllf Oldest : Liveryman,
EST rig fjp We Ming'., Fn i ir.ils
attended to promptly. Tortn- ro
rates. Telephone 70.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer ail
disposed of.
'J'ljQ Is located in that section cf l.lfornia travcr-;(t y tliir
Soldiers' (iEoroiasoutiikn & Florida railway,
J . wliitli is the only direct through route to the capital nf the rnhmv. coiipici lim t
WUIOllj 'I ilton uith the-Titton At Xorili Ka-tern Kailroad tor Mian ll'ilucial,! i ;'v
this route, parties from Chicago, liniianiiopolis. Detroit. i ami C u!
YfJf Ciunati can secure sleepers with only one change (in depot at Nashville) to '1 l-
ton. and from .St, Louis direct without (.lianye. J he section in which this i ol-
(Zr oiiy l j.ated has lieen well naiiicl
Tin- Jr't Fruit ItHt of tin- South,
for in it are located the largest peach orchards in the world, while I'ears, Apple-;, firap.-s and Mr! ,ns
do ecpially well. The soil is easily cultivated and prod uces line rop-s ot C 0111. ( .us, Jar ley. Cot t Vn
Sucar Cane. Sweet and Irish I'otatoes. I'eas. and a general variety of vcgctalilcs. J he i iiinatc is
mild and healthful. Lands conveniently located to shipping point-, can he procuied for from t , tn)
to f Ht.UO per acre, on liberal terms,
l-or iflitf :iut,.ft n-.tiii.hl..t r..-it l?iti,l lit time t.tlilis fir . write t.i
for lllustasteil naninti et. rnav.
;. A. AIc-IiiiII,
General 1'asseiige Agent.
Macon, (Ja.
Rates S and $1.50 per DaujRates' QneDollar Per Dan.
Centrally Located and Com- j
fortably Furnished.
Dear Sir:
You are entitled to receive
FR E E from your wholesale dealer,
BlackwelVs Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of soap Free with each pound.
whether 16 oz., o oz., 4 oz., or I
a oz., packages. f
We have notified every whole
sale dealer in the United States
that we will supply them with soap
to give you FREE. Order a good
supply of GliNUINE DURHAM at
once, and insist on getting your
soap. One bar of Soap r E with
each pound you buy. Soap iu
offered for a limited time, so order
to-day. Yours very truly, t
to close at 12 o'clocls'C
Ciss County9
CIO no aim o-rnr-p-.
UIO 1VI-AI LV o I ncc I ,
or I'Nvnur.j I '.-i-tios, etc. triultjonlers
isori:iM. (Jusli pr.-f.vred. Call iind t t
kinds of goods and farm stock
w rite to
U. I.. ;lHMnor.
Commissioner st-f in no-rat ioi.
Macon, ;a
HANS GOOS, Proprietor.
Ilrst-class liar in connection The i r
commodate " , ' 1 "-..A"' r c
' !