7 MIW SLY THE NEWS. Establshed Nov.5.1n9L 'consolidated Jan. 1 1895. THE li Kit ALU. Established ApriUO. UiL f OnSOliaatea Jan. l, iwo. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., APRIL 11, 1896. YOL. IV. NO. 61. News Hera TEED I V; II Ml A TIIK democrats swept the ItOAKDS TUESDAY. Th Valinnt Sons of Cleveland and Itryan itt Tosetlier and Klected Kvery Conn iinn Ami the Kntire City Ticket i:xrfit It. C Kerr For City Clerk Ke iulilicnii School Hoard in I'urt. Tuesday the wind blew a chilli blast from the northwest, and wo vio late noeonfideneo when wo say it was a chilly day for the republicans of 1'laltsrnouth. The democrats were thoroughly or ganized and foemcd well -supplied with the "sinews of war." Those of that faith not satisfied with tho personnel of the ticket may have quietly voted thft other way, but they made no open fiht On tho other hand, every re publican that had a grievance was out with a Knife fighting: harder to defoat the republican object of his wrath than even tho democrats were. The result was disorganization and defeat it could not be otherwiso where on party lines tho democrats had at least ono hundred majority. The total voto cast on tho city ticket was about 1,015, and tho ma jorities ranged as follows, the total vote by wards being also given: The Vote Ily WarlH. FIRST WARD. For Mayor Gutsche Ki I Newell For Treasur r GeraiK M I Unruh. For Clerk Kerr W I Green Police Judge Archer 10:5 Miller hi 61 53 Councilman Mauzy 99 1 McKay 63 SECOND WARD. For Mayor Cutsihe 170 Newell .. For Treasurer Goring 1"4 Unruh For Clerk Kerr U19 Green 107 110 121 Police luilire Archer 17S Miller 106 Councilman Heisel 1V I Ilinshaw 13S THIRD WARD. Gutsche 131 1 Newell i: i or niavur For Treasurer Gcring .113 Unruh" 132 For Clerk Kerr 101 Green " Police I mine .K! Archer 121 Miller 116 ' Councilman Cuinniiiis IV) 1 Steimkcr 122 FOURTH WARD For Mavor Gutsche 1:50 I Newell 77 For Treasurer Gering 119 I Unruh SS l or Clerk Kerr lu." I Green..' 101 Police Judge Archei 134 I Miller Councilman 69 Saitler 115 Johnson ft! FIFTH WARD V-'i k r I :i -i r Gutsche 71 Newell 51 For Treasurer- Gering 6 Unruh 5't For Clerk Kerr 70 Green 48 Police Judge Archer 70 Miller Councilman Slater K2 Lloyd Vote for Srhool Hoard First Ward- .01 Davis itr Windham !7 Travis K I Wilkinson 53 Second Ward Davis 131 I Travis 151 Wilkinson 116 1 Windham 135 Third Ward Davis 11 I Travis 139 Wilkinson Windham 160 Fourth Word Davis 110 I Travis IiiM Wilkinson VI Windham W Fifth Ward- D;vis 67 Travis U ilkiuson 47 Windham The different majorities are as lows: For Mayor G utsche Newoli ...70 ...Ml fol- -.n 4 IS 143 Majority For Treasurer- Gering Unruh Majority For Clerk 540 r?2i is , g:m) Kerr. Green 413 Majority For Police Judge Archer Miller u (JOG 42 Majority For School board Davis Travis. Windham 1S1 UK) Sol 550 Wilkinson S0o Loyal Myotic Legion of America. A. C Albright of Hastings organ ized a council in Kearney Saturday, March 2S, with 1100 members. J nis is the largest fraternal lodge in the city. and the only order of any kind to start with so large a charter member ship. The order is a home institution tLe principal place of business being in Hastings, and has all tho desirable -feaiures of other similar fraternal in snrance societies. Women are per mitted to join uod nold office on an equality with the men, the same as in church oi jrauizttions. It is , com paratively a new order, but if it grows all over the state as it has in Kearney it will roon equal in menbersbip any of the older orders. The officers elected were: Dr. M. A. Hoover, W. C; Mrs. E. N. PoiterQeid, V. W. C; Miss Amanda Wolfe, W. P.; C. C. Davis, C. P.; II. P. Carson, C. E.; W. L. Hand, Rev. H. W. Trueblood and Robert Haines, Fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, respectively. The membership includes lawyors, doctors, merchants, ministers and city and county officials. Omaha Bee. MEMORIES. As a perfume doth romaln In the folds whero it hath lain, Ko the thought of you remaining. Deeply folded In my brain, Will not loave mc all things leave me You remain. Other thoughts may come and go, Other moment I may know, That nhall waft me in their going As a hreath blown to and fro. Fragrant memories fragrant memories Come and go. Only thoughts of you remain In my heart where they have lain, Perfume thoughts of you remaining, A hid sweetness in my brain. Others leave me all things leave me You remain. - Arthur Symons. SOME PECULIAR ACCIDENTS. An OcnlWt Tell How the Sight of Several 1'ernoun Wan Ietroyed. A prominent oculist of this city gives the following list of queer accidents that have come under his observation recently: ' A little boy, 10 years old, was stand ing in front of a bird fancier's shop when an aged parrot seemed to take a sudden animosity to -the child and dart ed at him, pecking out one eye before ho could get out of tho way. Some linemen left a lot of short wire lying on Euterpe street after repairing the telephone connections in that dis trict. An old negro woman who was on her way to market early the next morn ing stepped on one end of a bit of this wire, when the other end flew up. strik ing her in the eye and blinding her. A milker employed at one of the dairy farms near the city was milking a cow that had got her tail matted and tangled with cockleburs. In the course of the milking the cow switched her tail into the man's face, the mass of burs striking him in one eye and com pletely destroying the sight of it. A lad shooting at sparrows with an airgun nit nis little brotner in tne eye and blinded him for life. Tommy Peats, the handsome, bright eyed 7-year-old son of a widow, fell down stairs backward. When his moth er got to him and picked him up, the boy was asleep, the shock having affect ed him in this singular manner, and m an hour after, when he opened hie eyes, they were badly and irrevocably crossed, A poor lad who is affected with epi lepsy during a recent attack fell against flm cre:im r-nils 111 hlrt filthpr S Offiee. i. - . . , - . , . -i -i Cuming ann mistering ins eyes so oaaiy that the sight is gone. As the Louisville and Nashville pas senger train was coming into tne ciry some ruthless person threw a stone at the day coach, shattering one of the windows. The particles of glass flew into the face of a man sitting by tho window, as many as 40 of them embed ding themselves in his eyes alone. Most marvelous to relate, every bit of glass has been abstracted and the man's eye sight remains unimpaired. New Or leans Letter in Philadelphia Times. What Shall We Call It? The boys call it a "bike" and are happy; the dictionary makers call it a "bicycle" and rest content, though heaven knows the philological sin onght to lie heavily on their literary con sciences, and we who ride and are hap py and independent call it a "wheel," in spite of the finicky protest of sundry would be pedants who fill space in the daily and weekly papers. Pray, why not "wheel?" Do you know r.f a better name? Surely not "bicycle," for "bi cycle, " besides being an awkward word, does not describe the instrument of de light we know, as doubtless the origina tor of tho word fully dreamed it did. "Bicycle" has an affected, strained sound that ill accords with the best ele ments of the language we love, the lan guage whose strength lies in its hhort, crisp" words, pulsating with life and meaning. It is not unusual to designate a spe cific thing by a generic term, and we do no violence to tho laugnage when we say wo ride a wheel. The term came in to general use when men did literally ride upon a wheel, in the days of the old "ordinaries." before the advent of safeties." It was awheel they rode, the second member of the machine trail ing behind in almost unnoticed insig nificance. It was then that a thousand tonirues at onco named tho wheel. This democratic term of spontaneous birth has had a tenacious life and will still live, for it is always the people who make language, not pedants nor dic tionary compilers. Womankind. Ralnbown That Can Change Sex. In many parts of the world it is the general belief that the rainbow has the power to change sex. This queer belief obtains in such widely separated dis tricts as South Africa and Norway and China and Australia. The Zulus have a long folklore story of the young man who was changed into a wrinkled old woman by touching the many hued arch. The Scandinavian jteasants have a sim ilar story, and in Greece they say that anybody who runs against the end of the rainbow will have his or her sex in stantly changed. In France and India to pass under the rainbow has a similar effect. St. Louis Republic Old Story to Him. "My boy," said the passenger with the fur lined coat and the smooth shaven. square face, "it was the success of the season. There wasn't standing room. " The conductor smiled a'sour smile. "Zif I didn't have tho same experience everyday," said he to the motormau. Cincinuati Enquirer. LJtorary Item. "They say very few authors sleep more than seven hours a day." "But think how much slumber they furnish other people I" Chicago Rec ord. : Use your gifts faithfully, and they shall be enlarged. Practice what you know, and you shall attain to higher knowledge. Arnold. There is a time in every man's educa tion when he arrives at 'the conviction that envy is iguorauce. Emerson. Walking Was Good. Geo. Reed, of Weeping Water, started over here yesterday moring in a hurry to do some abstract work in the register of deeds office. He boarded tho Missouri Pacific train, full of en ergy and-woaring a roseate smilo that would bo cheap at three for a dollar. When he got to Nehawka he thought Union had been reached, so he got off to change cars and his train went on. lie quickly discovered his error, but the cars were pulling toward St. Louis. He donned another smile that looked woe begone and would have been ex pensive at three for a penny, and with out ceremony he started out afoot for Union, where he arrived in time to catch a freight north, which landed him here in time to find tho county otlices all closed for tho day. George don't swear, but he realized before he got to Union how much relief he would get if he knew how to swear scientitically. Nicely Entertained. Mrs. M. A. Dickson entertained her Sunday school class at her pleasant home on , east Vine street Tuesday evening. She was assisted by the Misses Alice Petersen and Harriet McMaken. Music, suitable games and refreshments made tho evening spec ially pleasant for the crowd of jolly young folks who enjoyed Mrs. Dick son's hospitality. Among those pres ent were the Misses Mario Leonard, Bertha Young, Bertha Carmack,Kdna and May Petersen, Muggio AVarren, Annie Eikenbary, Gertrude Beeson, Myrtle Meredith, Margaret Kennie, Margaret Wells, Tinsey and Addie Smith, Pheme Droege, Mintio Mauzy, and Masters Joe Morcdith, Charles Kennedy, . Bert Sherman, Ross Bar stow, Dean Burton, Earl Clark, Connie Thrasher, Jonn Gorder, Ray Chris wi9ser, George and Emil Stamra, John Car mack, Reggie Latham, James Mauzy, Henry Kauble, Fritz Fricke, Willie Brantner, Ernest Wurl Guy McMaken. Was It a Fairy Tale ? A box-car tourist was interviewing , Officer John Murray last night and told him a harrowing tale about how a tramp had been murdered down toward the bridge. Murray's heart was melted with the story, but when ho thought of his long walk to Ore apolis recently looking for a corpse, he suddenly remembered ho had not lost any dead men and he quickly told the tourist ho thought the quality of his whisky had affected his imagina tion, and he had bettor rest over night at the Murray hotel and visions of dead men wouldn't trouble him. If there was any truth in tho fellow's story the victim of the assassin is still at rest down along the river bank toward the bridge. Fx-Judge Chapman Again Keversed. Manker vs. Sine. Error from Cass couuty. Reversed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. The district court mav on motion and satisfactory proof tnat a judgment had been fully paid or satisfied by the act of the parlies thereto, order it dis charged and cancelled of record. 2. Tho plain till, against whom an action of replevin judgment had been rendered for the return of the property in dispute, or for tho value thereof in case it could not bo returned, paid the amount of costs as sessed against him, also the damage awarded for the wrongful detention of the property, and thereupon made a sufficient tender of said proierty to the defendant. Held, a discharge of the alternative judgment and that satisfaction thereof should on this mo tion be entered of record. A Koatt on Kerr. The Journal criticised B. C. Kerr lor not doing his duty with refarence to the election notices and wo at the time took exceptions to its charges but since the election, we have con eluded thero was something in tho complaint after all. It was City Clerk Kerr's duty to notify the general pub lic that there would be an election on Tuesday. Ho only notified tho demo crats, and for the favor they elected him to office. Ho failed to notify the republicans henco they knew, noth ng of an election, took no part in it and of course the democrats had it all their own way. Itetwen Chicago and Cincinnati. Entirely new and very elegant Pull man sleeping cars are running on the Pennsylvania Short Lines, leaving Chicago Union Station daily at 8:15 m., arriving Chicago 7:30 a. m Deiing, 248 South Clark St, Chicago, for details. Is the Ov Back, 9 .5- Yrr-N V Dr. J. H. SVJcLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALf.l w nas proven, in 6 to he the Pecrl A For i A THE DR. J. H. Has proven, in thousands of Jreerless Kemedy tor 1 sale everywhere. To Muzzle the Trens on Legal News. We are informed via a contemporary that the attornovs are hxine: up a little scheme to prevent the news papers from publishing the contents of petitions filed in "district court. This I - is a great scheme indeed. The publi city given by- the press has proven considerable of a deterrment to attor neys with shaky . cases. With the newspapers muzzlr: they could feed in all sorts of pu?$ns, charging citi zens of various (primes and misde meanors in civil,suits. Under the publicity plan thcyrhad to have some basis of truth for t$o charges made in petitions; and a different order of things would - be welcomed by tho least careful of tlje petitioners. Be sides it would open up a wide vista to tho few blackmailer of the profession left in the city. Lincoln News. Letter From illr. Wilklunon. To the Editor of The Nbws: Plattsmouth, Neb., April 9. Dear Sir: I see the editor of the Journal Jkiens to think that the reason I did not get more votes than I did on Tuesday was because 1 was not well enough known to the voters. Now, Sir, don't you think that is a mistake ? Don't you think that the real reason was because I was drafted on to the ticket f I never looked rpon myself as a candi date, and 1 am glad that a majority of the voters did not. I am very well satistied at the way elec tion went, so far as regards my own case. Yours truly, T. T. Wilkinson. Wo believe Mr. Wilkinson is in the main correct, but tho tight which the democrats made for councilmen and the two chief otllcers on the city ticket, overlooking all else, had, in our opin ion, most to do with tho result. Ed. Death of John Col In. John Colvin of Arapaboo departed this life while a resident of that town, Tuesday night and his remains were brought here this morning for inter ment. Tho decoui! d was one of the early settlers of this county and re sided out near Eight Mile Grove for many years. lie was a brother of George Colvin, Mrs. Urew, Mrs. Sam uel Richardson, Mrs. John Cummins and Mis. Kennedv. Ouite a number and from this city attended tho funeral, al though the notice was very short. 1'oIlard-Koxe Ernest Pollard, one of Cass county's best young men of many accomplish ments, was married in Lincoln on the evening of April S to Miss Maud Rose, a very estimable and cultured young lady of the capital city. The groom is tho eldest son of Hon. Isaac Pollard, and has hosts of warm, personal friends all over thn connty who will bo glad to learn of his good fortune and whose best wishes aro hoartily ex tended. - ' r -. 1 New It. & M. Time Card. A new time card goes into effect on the Burlington next Sunday in which the changes are noted as follows: The present fast mail, at 2:12 p. m. , will not arrive until 2:22. The 4:50 p. m. train west, goes back to its old. time of 05. Tho early morning train changes from 7:27 to 7:32. There is no chanee in time of trains going cast. Burns are absolutely painless when Do Witts Witch Hazel salve is prompt ly applied. This statement is true.' A perfect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lips, and never fails to cure Piles. F. C. Fricko & Co. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in tho post- offieo at Plattsmouth, April 10, 1800: Kmerson, Miss Hat tic F'rev. Miss od, K (iavaux. l.eon I -an. J J Mutz, F.d Pollard. Isaac 'i hierolf, Mrs. Lizzie J Kockwell, Mrs W V Kohms. Albert Stitphin. Joshua Persons calling for any of the above otters or packages will please say ad vertised. W. K. Fox. P. M. No Court L'util Monday. Judge Kimstiy writes District Clerk Hnusewnrth to adjourn court over to next Monday. Ho states that Dr. Waterman is still living, but is no bet ter. .Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Sheriff's Sale, liy virtue of an order of sale Issued lv O V. Ilouseworth, clerK of the district court wiiliiii and for Cass county, Nebraska. utid to mo uirociuu. l will on the louiuay or May, A. I., 1-i'Hi. itt 11 o'clock iu in., of said day at the south door of the court tumso in tho eltv of l'iattsmouth in said county, bell at public auction, the following real estate to-wit: Lot No. one l. In block No. one (1), in Miles addition to the citv of i'latlsuiouth Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereuuto boioninx or in anywise appertaining; tho same beinx levied upon and takeu as the property of Ell.a Upjohn, Myra K. Ilozehotue, Nicholas Spelitiiuu, sipeilman. wife of Nicolas Spelliisaii. first and real name unknown, de fendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Mrs, Ella li. L'pjohn, pinmnrr azaiustsaia oerendants. 1'iaitsiuouth, Nebraska, April 9, A. I), ls'.h; Harvey IIoi.i.owav. Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska. BRIGHT'S DISEASE o most dangerous of all Kidney Diseases. Pains in the Irregularities in the Urine, J I Swelling of the Limbs or Ab I I domen are the first symotoms V I cases and for many years, this dreaded disease Price, $1.00 per bottle. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, Mo. DOV NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY. NEW DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. Novelties Some of the new novelties aro tho Victoria Laco Lawns, Jaconet Duch esse, Dimities, Argandres, Silk Striped Challies, Printed Swis. Also tho most complete line of Prints, Dark Percales, Light Percales, Sateens, Ginghams, etc. etc. Curtain department Hundreds of Beautiful Lace Cur tains and Tapestry. The first batcn of Drnparies havo just rolled in on us fresh. Bright, clean, beautifying things; Art Denims, Dotted Swiss, Silkalines, Cretonnes. Sheets, And Pillow Cases. "Life is too Short" to mako these Goods. We have bhem in Stock nil ready for Use, just as Cheap as you can Buy the Goods by the Yard or mako them. In conclusion we invite you to call and see most caretully selected Stock ever brought to B. G. DOVEY & Plattsmouth, Nebraska. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. CATARRH Is a LOCAL DISEASE, and is the result of colds, Dolrjt riinr.CQLDw sudden climatic changes. It can be cured bv a nleas- toAt Hfin f Hiv.rrvct. sniy? ... . ant remedy which a; plied directly into the nostrils, llcing quickly absorbed it gives reliei at once. o 'iXgrW Elys Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the. most thorough cure for ivisai tatarrh. cold in tiuid and Hay revcr ot all remedies. .It opens and cleanses the nasal pass ages, allys pain and inthimmation, heals the sort's, protects the membrane lrom colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. 1'rice 5iic at I iruggists or by mail. fc.LV li KU 1 1 1 r.Ki). Warren M.. N. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CleiEniiei and beairttfiea tho half. Piwiiotei a luxuriant mwth. Ne er Fails to Best ore Gray KAir to its Youthful Color. Cure ncalp dintftfK & hair failing. jSfc. and gl.m at Pn i ryi HINDERCORNS. The only sure Cure lor Corn, telopi all pain. Kmurra com iort to toe iccU Makes walking euy. 1U ftt Druggist. 4 Ti Irhclrr. Knirlih lllumonil Rraatf. 3f-iiMtinnuAi nil a Original and Only Genuine Sure, altraya rt-IiaWe. iaoics at lrtttrrift for Chichester m Rnatimk morui Brand iu Ued and fioUl nrubc Ihoxea. Malcd with blue rtbltna. 1 ake mo other- itfuam danamnta mhmtitw ttona arid imitatitma. At Drag?i?, or wnd -t-fn fttampfl for particulars, ttttantooiai aal Relief for lLadle," in intrr, hr rrtar w at Mil sarw imiiuiuuiais. ivfsrne if i IrhMter Chemical CoMudlMit Sti un. . old bj all Loul Iiruggutu. 1'fclladau, fa. BREAKFAST SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. T. H. POLLOCK. imi and Irnma, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Property looked after for non-residents, taxes paid and rents col lected, farm loans made at lowest rates; no delay. Insurance Written ... In eleven leading companies. Office Over First National Bank. BEESON & ROOT. -A ttorn cys-n t-Ln w Office over First National Bank. plattsmouth, nebuaska. 1 llipj 1 EY& SO ..SPRING 1896 ALL KINDS OF WASH FABRICS, Carpets, Mattings, Rutjs, Oilcloths, Lino leumns. Window Shades, Hosiery, Underwear, Ribbons, Laces, Corsets, Embroideries, Ties, etc.- Agents' for Gags Down Corset Waists, also solo Agents for Butterick's Patterns. March Number Now Ready. Shoe Dep't. We have tho Finest Lino of La dies', Misses and Childrons' Shoes in Town. We sell "Budds" Babies and Childrens Shoes, the Largest Shoo Plant in tho World. Umbrellas From 49c up. Parasole in Black, and a Handsome Line of Colored Goods in Plain. The New "Dres-den" effects, also tho new Umbrella made for Nebraska Winds, won't turn inside out. ONE HUNDRED ...LIKE THIS ONE... i Aft Is what we are going to sell this season at the low price of ftft We expect to sell a hundred of these first clas machines and guarantee everyone of them. They are first-class in every way; large tubing, barrel hubs, Morgan & Wright quick-repair tires, rubber or rat-trap pedals, any style handle-bar, fine saddle, up to date and only S4T.50. ftft Get your order in early. We have others at $75, $90 and $100, and a full line of tires, parts and repairs. All kinds of repairing at right prices. Send for Catalogues. Lehnhoff Bros., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. "The News" three Shirt Waists. We will have hundreds of the&o on our counters by March 15. Wait and See our lino Before Purchasing. Linen Dep't. Bleached Damask, Napkins to Match, Handkerchief Linen, Pillow Caso Linen, Embroidery Damask, Cashes, etc., and a Complete Line of Staple Linens. Buttons Are the correct thing for Dress Trimming. All sizo9, from a "pin's head" to a ''dinner opiate." More or less of course. Beautiful boaded Gimps in all col ors to match tho new Spring Goods. Butterick's Patterns Can be had at our store. March number now ready. . the finest, largest and Plattsmouth. LE SON, 47.50 months for 25 cents