Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 18, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
I). C West tbe Nehavrka banker was
in town today.
Cel. .Tos. Alc.xar.tler Connor the Om
e.i pitaiist was u tteii'li i!r to busi
ness in this city today.
Mil? -s Standish was up from Murray
today. He thir;ks the crop outlook
very ?uud for the lirtje of year.
ltc v. Jean, cf Neliawka. came up
t-day with bU daughter; who was on
her way home at Ail ant c. Ia.
S. L. Carlyle, the Xehawka editor,
is in the city on buines-a todiy and
mad? these headqua! tei s a pieman,
E. S. Greii-cl i:ied through yes
terday on Xo. -2 hound - for Aurora
JHs., to vis.t his father wno is still
very low.
Albert Chnreliill one of the sub
ttanlia; j-oung farmers in ltock LJiuils
jiret irn t m de 'l lit: XKWs- a pleasant
' c.ill today.
;corge Cot-eland came down from
Havelock this morning-and was kept
busy -baking hands with his many
frieadsin this city.
The planing; mill foroe at tho s-iiops
set tn to have gotten ahead with their
work aid until further notice they will
have a holiday on Saturday-.
J. A. Connor anJ Miss Lee, of
Omah;., left yesterday for their home,
after a lew days' visit in this city with
Mrs. 1J. Klsoifaud other friends.
The "haid time" social given by
the re;. dins room boys last evening
pi ovt-d quite successful, although the
crowd was not a-? large as anticipated.
I). S. Cu'ilu, returned home from a
busii ef s trip to Rapid City, South
Dakota, yesterday, and - reports 'zero
we..t!iei with ten inches of snow up
Crardu.a Kirkpatt ick's cocdition re
man s about the same. The sinking
cr smothering spelis leave her very
wok, but at other times she rests easy.
X hawka Register.
The W. G. Ki-ofer stock of harness
was t-o'id in part at auction today. The
rrnwd from the country was not what
it should have been, owing to the m
c lemency ot the weather.
Snow at Grand Island is reported
twentv inches 'deep todny and still
snowiT.g. Xcbraska is getting a doe
of N,o:.-ti;:e that will fix the ground
e-'eaut shape for spring seeding. .
Mrs. Alia F.owen, a typo of days
iron.' bv on the IKraid here, who now
resides with her- huiband at Alliance,
made-THE Xkws a pleasant call this
morning. She expects lout-turn home
. th:s evening.
Henry Hoeck got a severe fall while
wo. kinsr with h's elevr.tor yesterday
that loiuld have killed tome men, but
Ui. Ilcnrv came up smiling as if he
weie in the hahit of taking ten-f ol
drojsfor exercise.
Mrs. Alice Chafa and son C.issius, of
Dexte , la., who have been visiting for
several davs with the family of C. L.
Mar.-h;il!,departed last evening for
South Omaha where they will visit a
daughter of Mrs. Chafa. after which
thov wilt return to their home.
Walter Edo will move his family to
l'iattsmouth next week where he has a jnb in the coach department of
li3 ii. M. shops. Wo are sorry to
io-e Mr. LMe and family from our
midst, as he is a good citizen, but all
unite in wishing them success in their
rew location. El m wood's loss will
Ikj I'lattsmouth's gain. - El m wood
O. M. Strcight, the South Bend f ar
mor is in town today. Ho said he had
.-d his o-nnseberrv seed during the
warm weather to have something ior
the geeso to feed on when the grass
ot short. He was in search of some
e -- -plant that he had heatd would
mTke a "tettm" hen lay in - spits of
hc a-eif. We sent him to l'osey Mcs-s.-r-mith
who make a spjcialty of all
tue new farm '"fixins."
W;m. Detos Dernier represents the
Eim Ao )d bur at court this week.
Cap Wilkonson cf Cedar Croek,
Hugh Murphey's foreman, is in town
Len May he's lost one of their chil
dren today and thie others are dan
gerously ill.
Mrs. S. G. Xiins defatted this morn
ing f r a three weeks' visit with-relatives
at lied Oak.
Atto -neys Timblin, Haldeman, Doug
las and llussell are altending coutt
from Weeping Water.
Attorney SSoane ot Nebraska City
and Geisttiardt of Lincoln are attend
ing district court today. Biiliut:s b::s Have
lock colony fo;- a while and iwill work
for tbe company up there.
A hearing of claims in the II. G.
Spencer assignment case is being held
before Judge S; u:lock today.
George IV as, civil engineer on ibe
B. !t spent t portion of last week
visiting the vVescott's at '-Sunnyside."
Mis. Fi-an-i Iliiger and children
Ai A.
ior resign
i- The foe
. Emulsium
s will tone
' disca.c-
ii &uch men,
Ti.c hvDonhosnhites combined with the oil
the svstem. trive
the r.ppet te and help digestion. The sign of new life will
be a fattening and r-ddening,
comlort ana gooa-nature.
re ture ycu 7 S-rti't EmuU:cn wken
Scott & Bowne, New York. Ail Druggists. 50c. and $1.
came in from tha west Saturday even
ing for a visit with the former's par
ents. The Misses Annie, Fannie and Dora
Adams were down from Havelock
over Sunday visiting Plattsmouth
J. Ii. Waterman ana wife came down
from Lincoin Saturday evening' and
spent Sunday in this city with John
Waterman and family.
John Spangler and wife came in
this morning and bought a complete
outfit of furniture from Unruh to go
to housekeeping with.
James Long's little babe, aged seven
months, is seriously ill with spinal
fever with but slight chances of its re
covery. It is their first and only child
and its loss will be keenly felt.
Jack Britton is circulating a paper
for the purpose of organizing a post of
sons of veterans. The old one dis
banded on account of most of the ac
tive members going to Havelock.
The real March weather of yeste
day has given way in the Missouri val
ley today to balmy spring and the en
terprising farmer is taking advantage
of it by cutting fctalks and sowing
X. II. Meeker of Greenwood, Gust
Wiedeman of Murdock, John Evans of
South LJend and ex-Cashier Neitzel of
Muidock are in town today looking
a'ter the receivership matter of the
Murdock bank.
Mrs. Henry Cooper is seriously
threatened with the permanent loss of
the s'u bt of one of her eyes. This is a
most unfortunate affliction, and we
trust the opinion of her physician may
prove groundless.
The Christian Endeavor convention
at Weeping Water Friday and Satur
day was "largely attended by delegates
from all parts of the county and a very
interesting program was enjoyed by
the enthusiastic audience.
Cris Baker of Randolph, la., and
Mis Florence Sehade of Glenwood,
la., were prominent Iowa people
married at the latter place last Wed
nesday. S. C. Anthony and family of
this city were in attendance.
Mrs Ami Todd gave a delightful
i luncheon Thursday afternoon at which
the following ladies were present:
Me-dames Byron Clark, W. D. Jones,
R. M. Craig. C. M. Butler, II. D.
Travis, W. X'. McLennan and Dave
Tun Xews regrets to learn that Dr.
Waterman, formerly of Louisville, is
now lying very low at his home near
Hay Springs with practically no
hopes for his recovery. Catarrh of
the bowels, resulting from chronic
diarrhoea, seems to be the ailment.
It's very sad to see George Mann's
democratic-republican organ have to
come in out of the Manderson column
and play second fiddle to the McKin
ley hosts. Better take your cue from
The Xeus, George and you won't
have to eat so much crow as you did
lust fall.
Sherwood, America's greatest pian
ist, will e here with his company
on April 13. One of the members is
our old fellow townsman, Mr. Derrick,
who has achieved much fame as a
singer. They will appear at White's
opera house, which we have no doubt
will be crowded.
The county commissioners came in
today to meet with the assessors who
will be here from every precioct in
the county tomorrow in order to ar
range for a fair and equal assessment
of property through the county, the
annual meeting of assessors being a
very important one.
At a meeting of the depositors of the
Citizens bank hell Saturday, a propo
sition from stockholders to pay 50 cents
on ih dollar was refused. It was
ajrreed that Attorney Dwyer should
ask for an order from the court to have
every claim ol the bank's sued and put
in judgment without dcl.iy.
The city central committee met in
the ollice of S. II. Atwoo 1 & Co., Sat
urday erenit g, all members Messrs.
I'. S. li-irstow, .. L. Iioot, J. N. Sum
mers, A. Carlson and Val Bur kel be
injr present. S. II. Atwpod presided
and J. L Root acted as clerk of the
meeting. The primraries vere called
and the apportionment made as will be
seen in another column of this paper.
Mr. and Mrs. Dempster were the
victims of a pleasant surprise Satur
day evening, when a few of their
friends gathered in the parlors of the
lli.ey hotel, with well-tilled lunch bas
kets, ilh a view to a pleasantly spent
evening, lnat tne object was realized
can be attested to by the following who
were present: Messrs. and Mesdames
liennett, Rurton, Butler, Elson,
Travis, Co ites and Mrs and Miss Mc
Lennan and Clayton Harbor.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
ILu-d, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins,
Curbs, Sp.ints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone,
Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save S-30 by use of one
j bottle. Warranted thfi most wonder
: ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
F. G. FricUe iV Co., druggist?, Piatts-
; mouth.
a food for al! such.
How many pale folk
there are ! People who
have the will, but no power
to bring out their vitality;
people who swing like
n nftifl nln m hptwppn
i i - - - -
strength and weakness
so that one day's work
causes six days' " sickness !
People who have nolife
-thin neoule. nerveless, delicate !
women, or children is Scott's
the blood new life, improve
which brings with it strength.
you umk.1 il ar.d not a ckeaf tubttitutt. ,
FOR 189C...
Leads the procession
:inil best line of
He buys his buggie3 and carriages in car load lots, fer cash, and
has no competition in prices or values in this county. He is also the
only man who sells the genuine old-fashioned "Oak Tanned" leather
harness, hand-made and warranted
Gorder Bells the "Sechler" Bicycle. You should remember that
hfc carries the largest assortment of
(Successor to FRED
Is a
and is the result of colds.
sudden climatic changes.
It can be cured bv a niras-
mr run ttVtH S
ant remedy which arched
directly into the nostrils.
liemg quickly absorbed it
gives relief at once.
Elys Cream Balm
is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for
Nasal Catarrh, cold in bead and Hay f ever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the uaal pass
ages, allys pain and intlammation.fieals the sores,
protects the membrane from colds, restores the
senses of taste and smell. Price 5oc at Uruggists
or by mail.
liKUlMJCKS. viarrcn ri., -n. i.
B.ldro-9, we willuUnCLir
IneverfaUt'lBenil nsyour
BrtdroM, we will UUntUmailtrialbotilprnrC
Ihe OR.TAFT BROS. M. Co Rochester, N.Y.f Ii L W
ClMTue and beatitititi the h'f.
lrcimutci ft laxurinnt growth.
Never Pails to Bestore Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Curo vcalp diarfl4p hmir fqliing.
Sic,mnd tl "' at Pn-i-.-r'-l
The only mire Cure tur Corns. a. I paiu. KnTOtr com
lurt to lilt lecV. bhlXe waUuIlg vuty. l&JM. at lrugguU.
k C1llehettr Knctloh IHomon.1 llraiil
Original and Only Genuine A
afc, alwavs rtiiiie. uons i'k .vV
Draffist for Chirhrstrrr Enttin
memi Brand in Wed n1 0Ui nfaliic
rioxe. wikied with blue nhbou. cF
turn and imitation. At Dru(Kira. or n4 tff.
tn nani for rtku!mrm, tuumooial- anl
"Keller ror iamem" it.dt mnm
CklebewterCkcamlcal CMa1lon iQa.
Uckl Uruggum. i'hllada. la
An institution for the Radical cure of Cm- I '
fer and Tamors Without the use or n
Knife. Satisfaction .u.imntecd.
ll 1 - T:l 1 r ii , .
! c nave never riicii -j x.i:t-i. i-x-t'i .1
ncnt cure where we have had n rearor.r.o'e op
portunity for treatment. Hock Erivir.t dt-
r.i . n rt '1 11 i t'i "! n 11 -'it I r- " t ' !.:
J-ith terms references f re -. AH'ircsj
. I .... V. 3vk
1 .
thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may
bring you weaitn. write jun w tuuLit
BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington.
L). C, for their $1,800 prize offer.
Smelting Iron By Klectrioity.
Important developments are im
minent in the iron smelting industry.
The days of smelting iron w ith char
coal are passed, espscially in districts
where the cost of fuel is so high. An
Oregon iron manufacturer says' that
while iron is manufactured in Germany
at $S per ton, it costs hero $10 per ton
for fuel to smelt the metal. In Ala
bama, where coal and iron mines are
close together and negro labor is cheap
the iron is smelted for So per ton, and
the freight on it to Portland, Ore.,
Pir iron used to bring $30' to per
ton in Oregon, and finally it was re
duced to S'Si. This left but little pro
fit. When the fuel cost $10 to the ton
of iron it rendered competition with
Alabama iron impossible. The Ore
gon iron master regards smelting by
electt isity as the only hope for the
iron industry in his statc.
Ly utilizing water power to gen
orate the electricity it will be possible
to smelt iron as cheaply there as else
where. Electric smelting works have
already been started in Portland,
where a piece of iron was recently ex
hibited which had been m me by elec
triciiy from black sand in twenty min
utes. New York Procduce Exchange
J. V. Pierce, Kcpublic. !'., say;-:
"I have used One Minute Cough Cure
in my family and for myself, with re
sults so entirely satisfactory that I
can hardly find woids to express mj
self as to itd merit. I will never fail
to recommend it to others, on every
occasion that presents itself. F. G.
Fricko & Co.
Money to Loan -
On long time aud on short notice; at
low rate of interest, on good Cass
firm land. Enquire at First National
bank, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
with the largest
by a man who is here to stay.
the best goods.
The Independent
NGifti YORK.
A RliRictxs, iterary and Family
Undenominational, unbiased and im
partial. A p.iper for clercymen,
scholars teachers, business
men and families. It dis
cusses every topic of
.the day religious,
theological, po
litical, so
cial, etc.
Its contributed articles are by the
most eminent writers of the English
It employs specialists and distin
guished writers as editors of its
Twenty-one Departments.
A paper particularly fitted for law
yers, doctors, clergymen, those en
gaged in business, young people of
both sexes men and women who read
and think for themselves. A paper
especially valuable for those interest
ed in Fine Arts, Science, Music.
A naner giving valuable information
uoon Finance, Life Insurance, Com
merce. A paper for Sunday School Workers,
those who nave a Farm, (Jarden or
House Plants.
A paoer for the family, old and
The Independent announces to its
subscribers, and to any who m;y be
come so. that it is prepared to fur
nish any papers and magazines pub
lished io this country, England,IVanco
and Germany, at a very large reduc
tion from publishers' rates. This op
portunity is open only to subscribers
of the Independent. Upon receiving
list of papers or magazines from indi
viduals or reading rooms, an estimate
will bo given by return mail.
Its yearly subscription is S3, or at that
rate for any part of year.
Clubs of live, 12 each.
"Trial Trip," one Month, 25c.
Specimen Copies Tree.
P. O. Box 27f7. Fulton Street. New York.
are the most powerful, safe urornut unci re
liable of this klmi Jn the market. The
oriiiDal and only ceoufne woman's salva
tion. Ask your druzuist if he don't keen
t hem. Write direct to us and we will send.
It direct upon receipt of price. ?U sealed, by
mull urepaid. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MKDH'AL CO., CbiCiiso, III., or our
aent. I. L, Snyder.
3 fOJ
uN.B. DorVt take any 'substitute
2 w ith the same name but different w
,spellin on which your druggist 5
fi makes iwice as much - J
Legal Notice.
In county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
To lohn Lauer, Lauer. and to the un
known heirs of Conrad Lauer. deceased, and to all
other persons interested, notice is herebv given
that on the 11th day of March, IHiti, William
Tonat. as guardian of the person and estate of
Conrad I auer. (insane.) filed in said court a final
report of his acts and doings as such guardian and
a petition praying that said haal report may be
settled and allowed and that he may be dis
charged from his trust as such guardian and that
he may bv allowed extra compensation for ex
traordinary services rendered in said matters.
You are further notified that if you fail to ap
pear bofore said court on the 11th day of April.
I-'.;, r.t 0 o'clock a. iu., and coolest said petition
and fina1 report, the court mav settle and allow
said final report and grant the prayer of said
petition and make such other and further orders,
allowances and decrees as to said court may seem,
proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to
said guardianship niav be finally settled and de
termined. Dated his lllh day of March. A. D. lsi.G.
George M. Sm r lock.
, ' County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the county court of Cass counfv. Nebraska.
Nellie M. O'Rotirke, John (i. D'Rourke. Joseph
T. CLKourke, Anna L. t i'Rourke, sole heirs at
law of Anna M. O'Rourke. deceased, and Ndlie
M. O'Rourke. as guardian of the minor
heirs of Anna M. O'Rourke. deceased, and all
other persons interested are herebv notified that
on the lllh day of February. Nellie M.
O'Rourke. as administratrix of the estate of Anna
M, O'Rourke. deceased, tiled in said court a final
report ot her acts and doings as such adminis
tratrix, and a petition praying that said final re
port be examined, settled and allowed, and that
she-Juay be discharged from her trust as such
You are further notified that if you fail to ap
pear before said court on the second day of April.
A. D. ItVii, at o'clock, a. m., aud contest said
petition and final report the court may set'le and
allow said final report and grant the prayer of
said petition, and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees as to said court
may seem proper, to the end that all matters
pertaining to said estate may be finally settled
and determined.
Dated this ith dav of March, A. D. lSi'6.
Grorue M. Spvrlock,
County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtune of a venditioni exponas issued by
Geo. F. Hooseworth. clerk of the district court in
and for Cass county. Nebraska. and to me directed.
1 will on the 21st day oi March, A. D. 1M, at two
o'clock p. m'. of saicl day at the south door of the
court house in the' city of Plattsmouth, iu said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder for castt, the. following- described prop
erty, to-wit:
The west twenty feet off of lot twelve in block
twenty-uine in the city of Plattsmouth. said
county, together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apper
taining. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Milton L). l'olk, defendant, to
satisfy a judgment of the county court of Cass
county, Nebraska, recovered bv Jesse L. Koot
against Milton D. Polk on the 6th day of Novem
ber, and transcripted to the orifice ol-the
c erk of tiie district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, on the lth day of November. ly'j! Said
sale being to satisfy said judgment in the sum of
$ l'J'J.3.) with 7 per cent interest per annum from
November 8thlw, and costs in the sum of
$!.K with all accrueing costs.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, t-ebruary 18th, !.
Sht'Tirl Ca-s County, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In Ihe district court of Cass county, Nebraka.
In the matter of the estate of Win. 1
Sowards. deceased.
This case came on for hearing this Uth day of
February. lm. at Chambers, betore Hon. Hasil
S. Ramsey, sole judge of the Second judicial dis
trict, in ana irr L.ass county, .veorassa, upon me
petition of Eliza Sowards, as guardian ot Victor
fc.. Sowards. a minor, praying tor license to sell
an undivded one-third interest in the west half of
the northwest quarter of section 19 iu township 12
north of ranee 10 east in Cass county. Nebraska.
subject to the life interest therein of Lliza
Sowards, and also to sell the fee of the east half of
the said northwest quarter of said section, for the
purpose cf realizing funds wherewith to rear.
maintain and educate the said ictor L:. Sowards,
And it appearing to said judge that it will be
beneficial to said ward that s;.id real estate or a
part thereof should be sold, it is, therefore, or
dered, that all persons interested appear before
me at Chambers in the city of Plattsmouth at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., on the Pith day of March,
l'M, to show cause why a license should not be
granted to said guardian to sell all or a part of
said real estate for the support, maintenance and
education of said ward. Victor K. Sowards. It is
further ordered that a copy of this order shall be
published for three successive weeks in the News
ticrald. Basil S. Ramsey,
Judge of the District Court.
Dated February Utli. l!Ni.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, (
Cass County. f ' s
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Iu the matter of the assigned estate of Hiram G,
Now on this 10th day of February. A. D.. VS16,
in pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by
the statutes, I do hereby fix the ltith day of March
A. D. lMKi. in which time all claims against
the assigned estate of Hiram G. Spencer shall
be filed, and within which the assignee or as
signor or any creditor may n!e any objection,
dcluiise. set-ott or counter claim to any claim
which the assignor might or could have opposed
to the same had action been brought upon the
same before assignment. Any claim, objection,
set-oit or counter claim not hied on or before the
luh dav of March, A. D. 1M), shall be forever
barred from being considered in the settlement
of said estate or participating in any dividend
therein. GtOKGE M. Sl-LRLOCK,
Cwunty Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of tiie estate of Mary Habslieit.
In tiie county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that John llabshcit. ad
ministrator of the estate of the said Mary Hab
siieit, deceased, has made application for final set
tlement, and that sa:d cause is set for hearing at
my otln.-e at Plattsmouth. on the IHnh day of
March, A. I). I:t5. at 10 o'clock,a. ni. on said day,
at winch time and place all persons interested
may be present and examine said accounts.
County Judge.
Plattsmouth, March 4. lJi.
otice to Son-Ilesidents.
Collin & Stone and I. K. ltarr, Attorneys
In the district court of the second judicial district
of Nebraska, in and for Cass county.
Ira A. Tinkham. plaintiff, vs. Jasper N. Tink
hain, Mrs. Tinkham, his wite, whose first name
to the plaintitf is unknown, Benjamin L. Tink
ham and Mrs. Tinkham, his wife, whose first
name to the plaintitt is unknown, Caroline Bone
and Bone, her husband, whose nrst name is
unknown to the plair.tirt, Sarah A. Tinkham,
widow of Benjamin Tinkham, deceased, A. N.
Bowers, administrator ot the estate of Benjamin
Tinkham, deceased, defendants.
F.ach and all ol the above named defendants
will take notice that on the 27th day of February.
A. D. 1!;, Ira A. Tinkham, piaintitt herein, filed
his petition in the district court of Cass county.
Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and
pra er of w Inch is to have the S E of section IS,
in township No. 11, north of range No. 9. east of
theith principal meridian in Cass county. Ne
braska, declared to be the property of the plain
tilt, Ira A. 1 inkham, and that a certain deed ex
ecuted ou the 14ih day of March, A. D. IsTti. to
one Benjamin Tinkham, deceased, be declared
cancelled and held ior naught; that the defend
ants and each ot them be declared to have no in
terest whatever in and to said premises; that the
deeds dated May ad, IsiH. given by Sarah A.
1 inkham for the N K hi of said S E to Caro
line A. Bone; for the S W J4 of said S E 1.x to
Benjamin L. Tinkham. and for the N W V of the
S E 4. sec. 18. town H. range ! east Cth P. M.
to Jasper N. Tinkham. be declared void,
cancelled, forever set aside and held for naught
and decreed that at the time the said Sarah A.
Tinkham executed said deed she had no interest
whatever in said premises that could be conveyed
or otherwise; that it be decreed that the plaiutitl
has continuously, oin-nly. notoriously and exclu
sively tinder claim ot title occupied, fanned and
controlled said premises since the year to
the present date, and that such possession, occu
pancy and control is and was wholly adverse to'
that ot each and every one ol the defendants in
this case, and that the plaintiff is the owner of
said premises bv adverse possession as w 11 as by
original purchase, -tnd that each of said defend
ants be forever barr.d from now or he eatter
claiming any right in any manner to any portion
of said premises, and that the piaintitt recover of
said defendants his costs therein expended.
ou are required to answer said petition on or
before the i:jtli day of April. A U. IHM.
Dated March 4, lg'.tii.
Ira A. Tinkham, Plaintiff.
By Coffin and Stone and D. K. Barr, his at
torneys. Notiee of IndebtediieH.
The nattsmonth Gas & Electric Light com
pany, a corporation organized under the laws of
the state ot iSeOrasKa.
The Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light com
fiauy hereby give notice that the following is the
ist of and amount of all thexisting debts of said
cqrporatiou on the first day ot rebmary. A. D
1H tt. namely:
First mortgage 6 per cent bonds of the
Plattsmoutti Gas & Electric Light
company, interest payable semi-au-
ually, lune 1 aud December 1 $;;0.0o0 00
Accrued interest on same 00
Loan payable Kt
Bills payable fd5 16
Taxes 17:1 sit
J. i. Richey, President.
S. 15. HovEV. Treasurer,
C. D. Jones, Secretary,
Majority of Board of Directors.
Order to Show Cause.
In the district court of Caas county, Ne
y r ri ic ul
la the mutter of the estate of Fred V. Cross,
This cause came on for bearing upon the
petition of Arthur E. Cross, executor of the
estate of Fred W. Cross, deceased, praying
for a license to sell tne undivided three
tenths CJ-lOi of the south two-thirds () of
the west half of section twenty-nine CJ9.
township ten tl, north of range eleven (11).
in Cuss county. Nebraska, or u suflieent
amount of the sune to bring tne sum of
5'j5 71 and cost of administration, for tne
payment of ebts allowed against said es
tate and tbe costs of administration, there
not being sufficient personal property to pay
tbo said debts and expenses of udministra-
"iJ'lj i hercf ore ordered that all persons in
terested in eaid ejtHte appear before me at
thf office or the clerk of tbe district court
of Cass countv. Nebnska, fn Plattsmouth.
on the 'JOth div of M-iruu. A. I. KV. at 1:30
o'clock p. in., to show cause why a license
should not be -Jtraiited to s:iid executor to
sell sd much of the above described real
estate of said dece iseu as shall be neces
sary to pay said debts anl expenses.
1) ued this fctb day of February, A. O lSIXi.
- H. S. RAMSEY. of the District Court.
. Byron Clark aud O. A. It iwls, attorneys
for estate.
In County Court.
C iss Jonnty f
To all persons iutcrcstcd in the estate of Caus
peck. deceased.
Notice is herebv given that on the 14t!i day of
March. A. D. l'SHi, at the hour of 10 o.clock a.
Di., at the v-ouufy judce's oliice. in Plattsmouth.
in said countv, the petition, asking ior the ap
pointment of William Weber as administrator of
said estate, wiil 4e heard and considered; at
mhichtime aud place-ail persons interested may
stnpear and show cause, if any they have, why he
should not he appointed as such administrator.
latcd this lMh dav oi Febniarv. A. D.
County Judge. '
111 B
makes wash-day as easy as any other day. Lessens
the labor, makes the clothes white, and does no dam
age. Thousands of women say so surely they are
not all mistaken. Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company, - 'Chicago.
Your Own Prices...
Furniture and Stoves,
FROM a small beginning in 1SS3 this house has grown un
til it now c;irrie3 the largest stock in Cass county. Good
good?, fair treatment and low prices did the work and the same
methods are pursued today.
Everything in the shape of Furniture and all kinds -of
Stoves can be obtained here at prices which no Omaha house
can duplicate? These are some facts that you shonld remember.
Here are some prices, but you must see the goods to fully ap
preciate the bargains offered :
Parlor Suites.
$10 for.
7" for
5," for.
4o for .
Lounges and Couches.
S3-5 for
20 for "
1-5 for
11 for
8 50 for..
, $2-5
. 15
, 8.5.0
. 5.(0
Bed Room Suites.
$100 for .
7-5 for. .
50 for. .
FIFTY different Ftyles of dining room chairs reduced in
price from 25 to 35 per cent.
ONE HUNDRED styles of Rocking Chairs reduced in
price from 35 to 50 per cent.
Such bargains in Furniture were never before offered in this
city. Do not fail to take advantage of this sale.
0pp. Court House. PLATTSMOUTH.
OoEplaxion Preservsd r??
DR. HEChA'3 '
viou cream
EmrvcsF.-eckI'5, Pimples,
Liver - .veer., i;cKr.eaar.,
5unbt;rn arid T:, cml re
stores the f-kln to its origi-
clear Hiii -healthy com cur
rlnTinn SnTwjririr to nil rnn-i' -
1 1 . r . . i i 1 . . . . 11
preparations ami ierf;ctlv harmless.
draireists. or mailed i
forSOcts. ttend lor circular.
VIOLA CK!N SOAP Ii dimply IncnmpmSlt as
Bkin jmrifvin Soap, unfuftl'-i for tU toilet. without ft
rival for th- dutm-tj. AhsoiuH lT rnr ni cilicatelr mcttt
oJited. Ai druiii.t. Price 2 5 Ceni.
The Q. C. DSTTNER CO., Toledo, O.
Instant Killer of Pain.
Internal and External.
OIA. I-ume Back, Sprain, liruise5,
i. Hi Cif9 V.ii.itj 'ill T 1 ' no. I
435 1 'CKAMiS Instantly. Cholera Mor
bas' Croup.Diptherla, Sore T trout.
the most Powerful and Pcnetratir eLlnlmentior Mii:x
or .Least ia existence. Large $1 mzo &ic, 50C. eizo '25c.
Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cure and
Face Beautifies Ladies m find it the mcft
delicate and nighTy perfumed Toilet Boo p on
Uie market. It ia absolutely pure. M-i t J-
alrin w1 ATlA HAlw..RtiJ rMtnrM thA lOt COftt
I plexion; is a luxury fur the Bath for Infants.
it alays lteiuntr, cieiinee inoecuip huj
the growth ol hair vice SSc Tor sale by
For Catalouge. adur
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N.J.
DI Jl UAC Orsrans. 93S.OO upw: rds; want
IM.lAffn. f ft... A.I.
dress l'aniul F.
Bety. Washinston, N.J.
CyZ3C KMC I'ianos, upwards: want
UlxUfillkJ Azeuts. Cntalopue f ree. Ad
dress Daniel F. Beatty. Washington, N, J
nr UTTVIO I'ianos S235.oo up
S235.0O upwards.
DLn I I I O ror catalogue i address f
call. Daniel V. Beatty, Washington. N. J
ffPArt AfJA BEATTV'S orzan3 35.00
J3kJUl,Uvvf up. For particulars, cata
logue, address or call.
Daniel F. Be:itty,
uabDington, jn. J.
DCATTV'Q Organs upwards.
DLn I I I O Write for "at;iloffue;:iddres9
or call, Dauiel F. Beatty, Washington. . J-
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended, either
A '
Just as yours will be if
you continue using poor
$35 for.
25 for.
22 for.
Dining Tables.
for. . .
for. . .
for. .
for. .
.... 14.00
. ... 2.50
Steel Ranges and Stoves.
S5 for 8
-5 for
50 for
4'J for
3v for.
25 for
.....lUro n.AvAn tpiitiamiutlinh nf ri 1
diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic
ulcers, stricture, ussure ot tne nanus ana
feet, F.czema. Tetter. &alt Kheurnatlstu, ln-flii-iiation
of the Bladder. Diseases of the
bones, joints and muscles, yphiletic Iri-
nauiljr, . u , J . . v . ... . u .... .
The above and a hundred other forms or
disease are traceable directly or Indirectly
. . . . - . i ... .. . . ... l. l W . V.
to ?ypn.iiuo tfiooa roison ior nii-u iuc
llw l.nbnn'a Cnnllih lisifxtn Tatllpll lq IL
sure preventive, and is a safn Germ Killer,
rendering contaaiou hardly possible, hence
its value, it negiecieu surn inuuios resui.
fatally. Maile'l any where, sealed tl: six
boxes for o. - iiedieal advice free. JACK
OJ MEDIC AT. CO., Chicago, III., or our
agent, I. 1 Snyeer.
tStr DAY
In thirty dys by a new perfected scientific
method that can not fall unless the ease is
bevond human aid. You feel improved the
first day; feel a benefit every day; soon
know yourself a kin; among ln'en in body,
rrind and heart. Drains and losses ended,
every obstacle to happy married life re
moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain
power, when failing are restored. If nn
clected such troubles result fatally.
Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
sealed for 1. Six boxes for j.. JACKSON
MF.DICALi CO., Chicago. 111., or ourau-ent.
I. L. Snyder.
nBDUUll A.. I
For Information and trvi Handbdvr write to
BUNK CO., H61 haoADWAX, Raw Yoair.
Oldest bureau for aeourinff patento In America.
Every patent taken out by us ia brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge ia Utm
tartrest ctrralation f any alentlflc papr tn th
world. Splendidly illustrated, ho liitPllurent
man ehonlii be without it. We-k1v, &3.00 a
year; $1.91 six months. Addmss. MUNN CO,,
VXM.rsHriHH, 36k Broadway, ew YurKClty. .
m w ml. iv
? HT" rV7 nnirviv
7 ' ,
f - - J
4 ScientiSa American
p Aflency fory