Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 18, 1896, Image 1

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Til F. NEWp. Kstablshed Nov. 5. 1!L
Tilt: HERALD, Established April 10, iGl. (
Consolidated Jan. 1, 18S5,
VOL. IV. NO. 54.
Semi Weei
fim:i roi; hife heatinn.
I'lattstmoiith Citizen Who IJeat 1IU
Wife for Amusement.
Saturday evening as Engineer Joe
Lloyd was wending his way heme his
attention was suddenly called by the
i hiintive cries of a. woman for help
He hit-ten d to the- house ol Lhns
Ilou.-U and found that worthy in the
"high toned"' occupation of beating
his wife. Joa stopped the fnicas and
went for an orrive which resulted in
the feilow being landed in jail where
he remained until this morning' when
he was taken before the police judge
and fined i'2 and eo.-ts. The ought
to have been ") with a notice that if
he committed the cowardly act again
he should he diooped in the middle
.f the. Mi'srouri river. A man that
is!ui'ty of wife netting iu't fit to
live, anyway.
Currency I'rlmer ntl Ked Book.'
xuo iicivi iaj " - r i - .
. , . sta I vui iai ujcia arts LTUlll IT lO nave a
sound currency has departed from its I . v. .
fr,1ih in o- nam nhleta - F""B ""om scbuiu-iuis
usual ii avvivt I'"""- r- i i tt 1 1 , .
' . -- . . i year. ueo. Hall havm? sowed his in
of a statistical or tecnnicai naiure.anu - - -
, : . -,44. i.imo. n January, Martia Ilamel in February.
has just issued A Currency Primer, 7 ' . . . , " '
he f:nrrr TT. Yeamnn. It is, as the -
. . . t,i.. io. much will be sown in April,
t tie indicates, a thoroughly popular
discussion of the currency question di- t-u. hincn and A. roreman loade.d
11.. .,4U .. V,t- I their WOrdlv TlOSSessions nil a-nrrnna
reeled especially ,u nuis uiuso --o -
who have not studied the subject, and ana nave movea wesi 10 grow up with
so thoroughly expressed that no one I tne country.
will fail to understand its arguments. I Washington Waugh has been on the
The author's general position is thus I sick list for several davs. His ailment
et forth on the title page: The is something like the erippe
. . . .i
whole raauer oi money, a measure oi QeQm Hess hag moved on his farm
value, a means of exchange, a circu- after an absence of a year or two in
i : j : : ? I
lining meuium, is one ui iieccaany, California. Mr. Hessis digging and
convenience, adaption to the end. It cementing a good-sized reservoir on
is a question oi tho ntness ana enec- lnQ rrt-nund near his house for
I.t!r 1 rout a l'inr.
Tott.e Editor or The Nkws:
I'lr.LLi.viLi.K, K n . March !2 2so-lii-::ir
the !tt!e- of Lot-rail SeLlater,
jving his acquaintance with Captain
lie:, y Kulil, I .-.hcul l like to add my
tc-timo, al-o. I lirst met Captain j
Kuhl in March, "04, in I'lattsmoulh,
where I enlisted in his company, be
ing coaipany C, First Nebraska,
' ;;aek horie"1 batallion. Tho same
day we went to Omaha on a steam boat
and stayed there until some time in
June or July, then we went west to
Ft. Kearney and remained out in that
country until July, V".
1 want to s::3" this for Captain Kuhl I den't think we had a man in
the company but loved him. lie was
the be.-t ollieer to his men that I ever
mit. While he was strict, he was just
at all times and under all conditions.
He was in truth a gentleman and a
line scholar, and when we had Captain
Kuhl in front of us we feared nothing.
Ho seemed to inspire his men with
conhdeuee :;ud discipline. 1 often
ihiiiK of one- cold r winter day we had
orders to go i n a scouting trip into
'.lie Indian country. The captain fear
insr our feet would freeze bought each
of ns apuir t.f overshoes. There was
nothing too good for his men. We
ivere consolidated with the old First
Nebraska after they came up from the
south and Captain Kuhl resigned. 1
never met him afterwards.
Ezra Williams.
ti veness of the material substance of
which the instrument is made. Mani
festly, that fitness, the convenience and
effectiveness of the thing, must be de
termined by the judgment of those
who use the instrument, those who do
the business, the laber and exchange
of tho world. Law should attempt to
follow that judgment and not attempt
to form it, force it, or control it.'
Copies fan be obtained by sending 5
cents to tho Reform Club Ofilee, 52
William stseet. New York City.
One of the very best books printed
for seekers after financial truths, in-
the bowels of the earth. At this time
valuable for public sneakers and the wel1 haa reached a depth of 'JOO
students is the Sound Currency Rod feet- There is plenty of water, but us
Book which can be obtained from the ine uow " no1 sumLieDl lo.lorae 10
A Nic? Itirthduy I'arty.
Ida, the bright little daughter of
Mr. and Mis. I. i'eurhnan, whose
sweet voice has been heard t church
and social entertainments quite often,
was nintr years old today, and the
event was duly ee'ebrated hy invitiug
a numb?r of her little friends in to
si'end the afternoon. Music ou the
piano by Bertha Carraack and Charley
lVterson, jr., and singing of unusual
merit by Majrgie Warren, who pos
sesses a rare voice, and Mae Peter
son, who is unusually precocious,
with some nice songs by others, made
up a most delightful afternoon, which
uas rounded orl" by a splendid 0 o'clock
dinner, that was thoroughly enjoyed,
as everything the little folks could
have desired was amply provided
Mrs. Co'.ding and tho Misses Clara
Liowlsby and Edna Warren, assisted
Mrs. Pearlman is earing for her viva
cious guests. Among those present were
Pauline and Alice t'avis, Oracle
Crissman, Ilolloway, Edith Gray
Edna and Mae Peterson, Mary Kuntz
man. Bertha Carrnack and Charles
Peterson, Jr.
try I'aiiiful AVouml.
A C & m. cmpioye jrot a spiKe run
into his foot to the bone last August
and with the best of care and atten
tii n, the wound refused to heal and
tho injury was very painful. The man
came here finally for expert medical
treatment. Dr. T. I. Livingston, the
company surereon. was called and he
concluded there must be some foreign
substance imbedded in the wound
With the proper instruments he made
a search lor it, and finally brought to
the surface a piece of rubber that had
been pushed throught from the man'
overshoe and laid imbedded close to
the bone. This h id caused the poor
fellow months of suffering, but the
doctor says his foot will be well
now in a few weeks, so that he can go
to work. The rubber had been there"
over six months.
the purpose of irrigating a fruit and
vegetable garden.
Ym. Stewart has purchased a large
and improved weil-boring machine
for $So0. It works by hydraulic pro
cess and makes a well in a very short
Epace of timo. Billy expects to make
an artesian well on his mother's farm
just south of town.
Oueer Formation.
The people who are driljinar the ar
tesian well at Elmwood park are strik
ing some rich finds as they bore into
ame address as the currency primer
noted above, on receipt of price-
Paper, $1 ; cloth, $1.25. Half Morocco
$1.75. The book contains 508 pages
ind has received many flattering
testimonials from the leading news
Cuxtonmry Mf-thoria.
The Press in speaking of the ar
gument to set aside tne order lor a
receiver of the Murdock bank of cx-
Judge Chapman before Judge Ramsey
yesterday afternoon says: "TJe save
tho attorneys and parties to the
scheme a genteel loastiug in a man
ner evidently relished by hi9 hearers
and he was greeted with nods of ap
proval from all sides.1' Now this is a
pure fabrication, lor but few persons
in the court room were personally ac
quainted with Attorney Polk of Lin
col n) or the other gentlemen charged
with "looting the bank," and tho News
man saw no "nods of approval" of this
venting of a spite of a personal nature
111 a court argument, and such gush
as the above is purely fiction. Ne
braska Citj News.
District Court Convenes.
Judge Ramsey convened district
court here this morning and the pre
liminary work of calling the docket
was entered upon.
the surface, though a gustier is ex
pected to be struck within the next 4l0
feet. After the workmen got down 5UO
feet they commenced to find evidences
of a formation not closely associated
with this age. First of all, they struck
a log of some kind of unknown wood.
In some respects it resembled nsh,
though it was almost the color of tho
California redwood. Going down some
distance below the point where this
log was struck, the drill penetrated a
log that was as hard as ebony, and in
color was as white as poplar. At SnO
feet the drill went thioujrh a bed of
pure white crystal. Th's bed was
twenty feet in thickness, und as soon
as the drill passed through P, a cave
was strucK, and there was a drop of
ten feet. Again the crystal formation
was encountered, and for a distance of
twenty feet tho workmen drilled
through rock that was almost as trans
parent as glass. Beneath the forma
tion there is a brown sandstone, in
which the men are drilling at this
time. This sandstone is much hardc
than the sandstone that is found in the
Black Hills, and is of unusual rich
color. Bee.
Sam Chapman, with his protege,
Johnnie Davies, under his arm, went
tieveral cases were set for tiial, and I to Omaha this, morning. They will
two cases, that of Carpless Co. vs. probably mix a little medicine for
Klein and RobL Shepherd vs. Weep- I Manderson as soon as they get outside
ing Water Line Co., were continued. I of Cass county.
Tlwi iixlrra l j fni- anil mn alii f 1J t.f
I !lTrT. 1 Til nir a canAn H m a in n tnrAnfrh
listening attentively to any attorney . J .
, , . . , , Georgia was more of an ovation than
that may have business before the 0 ,
x. - ,sn the first when he had to fight for what
court. It is very evident there will .
s .v: ne eot.
Do no more attorneys uuuimug mmr 1 -
practice because they have a pun 1 Miss Estelle Reed, the state super-
with the court, as we now have & intendent of education of Wyoming,
judge who is not corrupt and wh ose Ug brli iiant political prospects now
aim will bo to do equal and exact jt i3 saja politicians in that state
think seriously of nominating a
woman candidate for governor this
year. - In that case Miss Reed's name
will come first. Her chances for elec-
The Democratic Slate.
Democrats aie getting together, it
would seem, in the city, and so far as
we can find out the nominess for ward I tion, if she is nominated, promises to
councilmcn will be about as follows: ha fair. She conducted the affairs of
First ward Mike Mauzy. her important department with skill.
Second ward W llliam Neville. tact and business ability and has won
.A Merilftl Compliment.
Judge B. S. Ramsyy will adjourn
court for this term tomorrow at noon.
He will convene court for Cass county
at Plattsmouth Monday morning. The
decisions at the present term weie
fuir and just to all in every way satis
factory to all. It is nice to have a
judue that is thus and every member
of the bar is treated fairly and with
equal justice. The judge is all that
the News said he would be and his
newly made friends during this term
of the court are hirhly tdeased with
the dignity with which he tills tho oi-
tie to which he was eleeiou. .Neoras-
ka City News.
.McKlnley Club .Meeting.
Nearly 150 men have signed
the iit to join a genuine Mc
Kir.iev club. Some of them a few
weeks tigo were for Manderson, but
they are hurrying to get under the
big tent. The club will meet for or
ganization Wednesday evening of this
week at 7:39, the location being at
Waterman's bail. The McKinley
spirit is resolute here, and no com
promise with the opposition will lo
thought of.
Fourth ward John Sattler.
Fifth ward William Slater.
In the First ward W. D. Messer-
smith has some ardent democratic
friends, but it looks as though the die
was cast for Mike Mauzy. The friends
of H. R. Gering and Frank Green say
they will be named for treasurer and
clerk, while J. A. Gutsche cfd have
the mayoralty nomination if he asks it.
After the Harness Thieves,
Marshal Dunn received further in
formation as to the whereabouts of the
men who. stole Jake Luft's harness,
last evening and A. Burtwell started
on the 8:25 train to see if he could lo
cate the frisky peculators. They were
seen yesterday morning with the har
ness on their backs, carrying them in
gunny sacks and making tteir way
south near McPaul on the K. C rail
road, a few miles below Pacific June-
favor with people of all parties. If
Wyoming women, particularly repub
licans, want a woman governor, they
will have one, for they have full suf
frage and vote for all officers. Miss
Reed is said to be a staunch republi
can. Ex.
At Nebraska City's republican con
vention held yesterday Mayor Bart
ling, the best executive our neighbor
ever had, was turned down and C W.
Stahlhut was named. The vote was
very close, standing 33 to 3G.
Tommy Ryan is the proudest Irish
man in Nebraska City, having im
ported a genuine sprig of Shamrock
from the old country. The man who
treads on the tail of Tommy's coat to
day will have to step high.
The republican primary election
lion. .Mr. Burtwell is well acquainted eeera3 not to have been satisfactory, as
witn tne country over tnere and is two defeated councilmanic candidates
quite certain he can overhaul them. ha fiIe(1 5n rontoSt and de-
The Effect of Prohibition ?) I niand a recount of the vote.
Quito a novel sight was witnessed I
yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the "i am heartily in favor of the good
appearance of a number of rainbows roads movement," said the tramp with
interlaced and curved in aifferent di- tho black eye. "It is a burning shame
reclions and set off with a huge lun that a people as well-fixed as the A mer-
dog to the north and gouth of the sun. icans cannot have better roads for the
The weather prophets were all called use and comfort of gents whose feoole
upon to interpret tho signs, but as health necessitates constant travel. I
each viewed the novel and beautiful believe that the only remedy lies in
sight he was compelled to acknowledge government ownership. Within the
his inability to furnish a satisfactory last five years most of the roads have
explanation. Nebraska City Pi ess. permitted their rolling stock to run
Matrimonial. down at the heels, the wheels of their
John M. Ruby, aged twenty-seven, passenger cars to become parallelo-
of Eiht Mile Grove, who owns 100 grams, and their axel and wheel frames
acres of land in the county, was mar- t become so rounded that ever and
ried Sunday to Miss Louvetta Weds- anon the careless tourist rolls off and
worth, aged seventeen, at the home of affords the country coroner a glimpse
her mother, Mrs. Green, in the Miles of the beatitude of his office in great
Morgan residence north of town, his cities. This thing of having the roads
honor Judge SpurlocK officiating in in the hands of a receiver is not a good
his usual happy manner. I thing for the country, and the. move
ment for good roads will find a power
ful backing in the Tourists' Union."
Lincoln News.
Another car load of rodwood has
just been shipped from California to
Nuremburg, Germany: The cedar
forests of EurojH? that formerly sup
plied wood for pencils have been prac
tically exhausted, and experts sent in
search for a substitute reported that
the California redwood appeared to le
the best available material.
The Cocopah volcanoes, seventy-five
miles southwest of Yuma, Ariz., were
in violent eruption a week or so since.
The larger ones were emitting great
volumes of smoke and some fiames,and
the smaller ones were throwing out
quantities of water, stones and mud.
The roar of the eruptions could be
heard twenty miles or more.
To a man up a' tree the indications
for a piesidential nomination seem
alarmiugly close to William McKin
lej 's back yard. Manderson has been
sat upon by the peoplejn his own state
who do not favor a "stiaw" figure to
be used in defeating the will of the
peoplw and furthering the schemes of
tho bum politicians, of which Mr.
Haiuer is chief. Tom Reed will be
second in the race while Allison, Sher
man, Cullum, et al., will follow at a
respectable distance behind. Danbu: v
The Beatrice Express which has
been standing up for Manderson crawls
from under the w: eck of his boom at
tho Beati ice primaries recently in the
following fashion : "The vote on Mc
Linley in Friday's 'primaries indicates
that republicans in Beatric e are close
ly in touch with republicans in all
parts of the state. Nebraska is un-1
questionably for McKinley. This h:;s
been felt and known a ionr time, but
there are many republicans who feel
that in 'case McKiney is side-tracked
from any cause, that, the delegation
snould Kland up for Nebraska by vot
ing solid for Manderson.
Ox THE strength of experiments
with the Roentgeu ray a scientist has
come forward with pamphlet to
claim that the sun is not an inconceiv
ably hot body, but a habitable globe.
with an local climate, says an ex
change. It tends to the earth vast cur
rents of electricity which, in passing
through our atmosphere.are converted
into light and heat. According to
this theory the eartht:3 a magnet, so
larized in space, and between all
heavenly bodies exist! an inter-action
of electro-magnetic currents. These
currents from the sun are fully re
turned to it, because the reaction of
the other heavenly bodies equals the
sum toiA af the sun's electrical dis
charges. In regard to the creation of
the earth, the author has no explana
tion to offer, but he says tho sun is not
going to cool off, man will not disap
pear, nor will the earth ever become a
frozen ball on account of the sun's loss
of heat.
Cedar Creek I), of II. Kntcrtaiument.
An entertainment and grand ball
will be given at Cedar Creek on March
27 and 28 by the D. of H. lodge of that
place. At the entertainment on the
27th a beautiful silk quilt will be
raffled off at 2-5 cents a number.
Twenty-five yards of good rag carpet
will also be sold at auction. The pro
ceeds are to go into a relief fund to be
expended for the benefit of sick mem
bers as occasion requires. Members
of neighboring lodges and their
friends are cordially invited to be
present and spend a pleasant evening
with us. G. R. SAYLES, Recorder.
A Prize to Writers.
The Nebraska club desires, to an
nounce cash prizes for articles show
the resources of Nebraska and the ad
vantages it offers to homeseekers as
follows: For the best article, $15; for
the second best, $10; for the third, $5,
Two conditions only are imposed:
First The articles not contain more
than 1,000 words.
Second The articles shall be ac
companied by at least $1 fora subscrip
tion to one share of the stock of the
cl ub.
The articles shall become the prop
erty of the club. They will be sub
mitted to the publication committee
who will award the prizes, and they
must be filed with the secretary on or
before March 1, next
For a copy of "Stand Up for Ne
braska," an address of the president
and executive committee, write sec
retary Nebraska club, Leo building,
Omaha, Nebraska.
. , A Good Thing.
J. W Campbell of Gtenwood has an
arrangement for sharpening the discs
ou disc, cultivators and harrows that
is very simple yet quite ingenious.
Every farmer ought to have one. 'Ap
ply to agents or at J. W. Hendees
hardware store in Plattsmouth. Mr.
Pollard down near Nehawka used
one cf these sharpened disc cultiva
tors last spring on some raw prairie
which was thoroughly pulverized
without use of plow and was put in
corn, raising a splendid crop. Get a
sharpener and it will quickly pay for
IMF UOBifflgi
$1,000 for the One who Guesses Best.
A year ago The Chicago Record offered SSO.OOO
In cash prizes to authors for the best "stories of
mystery." The stories were so called because it was
required that a mystery 6hould run through the
entire story and be disclosed only in the last chapter.
the purpose being to give cash prizes to those
readers of The Chicago Record who should be able
to solve the mystery, or come nearest to a correct
solution of it, in advance of the publication of the
last chapter in the paper.
The award of authors' prizes has just hffn made. Stories from all parts of the English,
peaking: world to the Dumber or Sin wrrt entered In the competition. Twelve cash prizes
were offered for the twelve hest stories. The first prize was S10,O00, and was won by liMTV
SUUwcll Edward, of Macon, tia. Ills story Is entitled
"Sons and Fathers."
an interval of a week or more between the publication
of the last installment containing the explanation
of the mystery and the immediately preceding chapter,
during which period the guesses will be received.
and Its publication will begin in The chicaoo Record
on March 23, and continue in about 80 daily install
ments until completed. "Sons and Fathers" is beyond
all question the great story of the year. There will If
To still farther promote popular lutrrcst in this remarkable story, THE CHICAGO RECORD
offers $10,000 In 889 cash prizes for the 889 guesses which shall come the nearest to being true
and complete solutions of the mystery in the story. The 10,000 are divided as follows :
To the reader from whom The Rrrorrt receives the most complete and
correct solution in all its details of the entire mystery of the story,
as 11 snail oe uiscioseu in tne last cnapter wnen puousnea 31,000
For the second best solution...
For the third best solution
For the fourth best solution
For the next 5 nearest best solutions, SlOO each.....
jo ' 44 50
44 4 ao 44 " " as ....
' 300
44 4 5SO " 1,000
44 44 IO ' 3,O0O
5 44 3,500
' In all 6S9 prizes, amounting to - 810,000
Full parttcnlHTS rb to the details of the conditions govern
ing the awarding of these prizes will le published in The
Chicago Kecohd. The principal rules are us follows :
1. But one solution can be entered hy a reader. It Is im
material whether the reader subscribes for the paper direct to
the office of publication, or whether it is tiouetit from the lix-al
newsdealer. The contest is open under the seeilied condi
tions, to all who read the paper.
2. The explanation of the mystery may be made In the
reader's own words, in the English luhcuaee, and without any
attempt at " fine writing." simplj' giving as many of the facts
that go to make a " com plete and ibsoluiely correct solution of
the entire mystery " as the readei may be able to discover.
8. The 1 10.000 will be awarded, under the conditions an
il ounced. according to the best j udguien t of t he j udges appoi n ted
10 Cents
and get
The Record
I O Days.
by The Chicago Record, and they will have complete con
trol and final decision, beyond any appeal, in all matters relat
ing to this unique contest.
And last, but not least.
Only Women and Girls may Guess.
ThkChicaoo Record is pre-eminently a family newspa
per, and its daily installment of a high-grade serial story is a
feature intended to specially commend it to the home circle.
To emphasize and advertise the fact that Thk Chicaoo
Record is a newspaper peculiarly suitable for woman's read
ing th. further condition is made that tbetlO.OuO in prizes shall
tie paid crnlp for rrilanations or purmtrt tent in hy women and
girlt. All may read, but only WOMEN and GIRJJ5 may guess.
To make It easy for all who are not now taking the paper to become
acquainted with THE CHICAGO I1ECORD and its great $10,000 prize
story without committing themselves to a full term subscription In
advance, the publisher makes a special offer to mall THE RECORD to
any address, post-paid, for 10 days, beginning with the first chapter of
the story, FOR 10 CENTS. In coin or postage stamps.
The story begins March 23, and it is desirable that subscriptions shonld be
received hs far in advance of that date as possible, but all subscriptions on this
special offer received up to April 1 will be tilled, but none after April 1.
The Chicago Record is Chicago's leading morning daily.
In fact, with a single exception, it has the largest morning cir
culation in America 160.000 a day. It is a member of The
Associated Press and ' prints all the news from all the world."
It is independent in politics and gives all political news with
Judicial impartiality, free from the taint of partisanship. It is
Chicago's family newspaper. Prof. J. T. Hatheld, of the North
western University, writing to the Evatuton (IU.) Index, says;
I have come to the rinii conclusion, after a long test, and
after a wide comparison with the journals of many States and
countries, that Thk Chicago Record comes as near being the
ideal daily Journal as we are for some time likely to find on
the mortal shores."
VICTOR F. LAWSON, Publisher The CHICAGO RECORD, 181 Madison St., Chicago, III.
Tfco heads art better than one but three or four are better still. I4t all the family join in the search for the explanation of
the mystery lu " Sons aud Fathers," hut remember " only women and girl may guess "and win the 88V prizes.
The journalists' class paper, published la New York, called
Sewspa per do m , says :
" There is no paper published in America that so nearly
approaches the true Journalistic Ideal aa TllE CHIC A so
Forward your subscription a early at poislble, so that
your name may be entered on the subscription list at once
and the paper be sent you without delay and in time for the
opening chapters of the Record 'a GREAT 110,000 PRIZ
STORY. Address
I..-. nJ 11
..SPRING 1896..
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Novelties Carpets, . Shirt Waists.
Some of the new novelties are the Mattings, R112S, Oilcloths, Lino- v We will have hundreds of these on
Victoria Iace Lawns, Jaconet Duch- leurnns. Window Shades, Hosiery, our counters by March 15. Wait and
esse, Dimities, Argand res, Silk Striped Underwear, Ribbons, Laces, Corsets, See our line Before Purchasing.
Challies, Printed Swis. Also the most Embroideries, Ties, etc. Agents for
complete line of Prints, Dark Percales, Gags Down Corset Waists, also sole Ljpjepj Deo't"
Light Percales, Sateens, Ginghams, Agents for Butterick's Patterns. . V ' '
etc. etc. March Number Now Ready. Bleached Damask, Napkins to
Match, Handkerchief Linen, Pillow
Case LineD, Embroidery Damask,
Curtain department Shoe Dep't. Cashe-vetc, and a -Complete Line of
Hundreds of Beautiful Lace Cur- We have the Finest Line, of . La- Staple Linens. . -
tains and Tapestry. The first batcn dies'. Misses and Childrons' Shoes in
of Draperies have just rolLed in on us Town. We sell "BuddsV Babies and BtlttOnS
fresh. Bright, clean beautifying Children, Shoes the Largest Shoe &
thtngs; Art Denims, Dotted Swiss, Plant In the World. ; Trimming. All sizes, from ampin's
SilkaUnes, Cretonnes. r head" to a "dinner , plate." More or
. Ilmhrila less of course.
, UlllUieilda Beautiful beaded Gimps in all col-
DrieeiS, From40cup. Parasole in Black,- ors to match the new Spring Goods.
And Pillow Cases. "Life is too and a Handsome Line of Colored
Short" to make these Goods. We have Goods in Plain. The New "Dres-den" Buerick'S Patterns
ihera in Stock all ready for Use, just effects, also the new Umbrella made
as Cheap as you can Buy the Goods by for Nebraska Winds, won't turn inside Can be had at our store. March
tho Yard or make them- , out. number now ready.
In conclusion we invite you to call and see the finest, largest and
most caretully selected Stock ever brought to Plattsmouth.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
f - '