Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 14, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all ia Leavening Power.
Prof. Noble of Lincoln, is ia the city
oo busines today.
Simon Lvrich is retting up, havics:
besn ono of a number recently laid ulT
at llaveloe
J.J.. Kraolin-r drpaiUd this morn
ing on a business ti ip out to "jTrenton,
in UitchcoLk county.
An interesting communication from
Gov. Todd is at hand and will be
printed later this week.
Theodore lleim, one of Louisville's
substantial citi."tis,and Frank liiehe3T,
the lumberman, were in town today.
John Harrison ,-s. George L. Shry
der was tho title of a suit for money
judgment tiled in district court yester
J. K. Sanders took a vacation from
the shops this morning for a few days
vmt out ;n the state at York, Sutton
and Nelson.
F Kii.abeth Mel v in, of Constan-
I t'l, Mich;pan, arrived this morning
r r ...... ; W iritd Virtt lirntlinn
V. T. Mt-lvui, and family. '
.Apulicalion to sell re;il estate was
filed in the dL-trict comt today in the
V. J. Agtevv estate, Byron Clark and
C A. Km la being the attorneys.
The county Y. I. S. C. K. will meet
in ti)ini; Water next Friday and
Saturday. If the weather is favorable
quite a crowd is likely to attend from
thij city. "
Uncle Nick Holmes was in today.
He was as cheerful v.s ever, his loss of
a few thousand dollars not affecting
him in the least, though he ""deeply
regrets the burning up of his faithful
farm horses.
W. II. Ivdo has soid liis residence
property in Fl in wood to Oliver IJoth
we!l for 0 and will biing his fa
mily 10 t'laltsmoulh where he has
been emplov cd for several weeks in
the 15. .S: M'. shops.
Dana. Hewitt, recently a Havelock
inachini.-t, has aci cpted a position in
the shops of the CoUn F.eit railway
in Pine Fluff, Ark., and expects to
send fo:- Mrs. Hewitt and the children
in about two months State Journal.
Lem Cooper v. ho is working for a
railway company at l'.iletino, Texas
wrote his father, Homy Cooper, here,
Sunday and enclosed a Texas Mosquito
which arrived in good condition today.
Though 11 attened out a little, it had a
bill Hue a pi amber.
Col. Thr isher says that at the re
quest of pat l ios, ho held back
the claims he ha'd against them, and
did not send thorn in to Supt. Calvert,
of.ti.e 15. M. . and he wants to see
t.'k e parties -it once, or lie will be
fo-ced t" send the claims in without
Juige llimsey has appointed the
following attorneys to draft a new set
of rules of practice fo: the Second
judicial district, tho same to be sub
milted a -id approved by the court:
Messrs. H. l. Travis Jessa L. Hoot,
It. 15. Windham, Byioti Clark and A.
N. Sullivan of Cass county, to net wiih
a like committee from Otoe.
Henry Snyder is determined to be
able to mane a watch, or tell what ails
it" by ftelinc its puiso. He is attend
ing a horolo it-al school in Ooiaha
his second term, ai;d when he finishes
he will be very thorough in his knowl
edge of the interior of all grades of
watches, and ought to ouild up a fine
reputation on repair work.
Frank A'.schuler, of the firm of Klein
& Co., tho clothiers, arrived home
this nio: rang from Chicago, where ho
bought a tii.e stock of the latest things
in gents' furnishing goods and cloth
ing. It will axrivo shortly and the
neoplo of Cass county need no longer
Co to Omaha, as they can get better
pricifs and as good an assortment at
Piesirient Perkins, of the "Q," in
his private e.-ir, and uenerai .Manager
(ieo. 15. Harris in his car, came in
from Chicago last evemusr, and re-
rnair.ed over night ia this city, where
thev were; joined bv the LSuriingtou of
licilds for a tour over the northwes.
om 1. nes of tho coicDanv. They de
parted this nioi nine at 8 o'clock, with
Conductor Berrv in charge of the train
and A'slen the engine. The
train, leaving hei e, consisted of four
L. Keopp'e, tho well-known baker,
was veslerdav in receipt of a letter
from the o.d country containing
moiii'V. and the lunnv cart ol it was
that the writer said he hal just read
"Sfrs't the whole of Nebraska wa
strie'ien with drouth, tho people suf
fering, and hence he sent his mite to
aid Louis and h:s family. Louis is, of
course, very thankful for the money,
but as he is not a sufferer, nor has this
part of thufetate been droutti stricken,
Jve was busy last night writing an ex
planatory letter, and will return the
money to his Kind friends with many
thanks, ur.c. inform them that as yet
"there is an over production of crops in
this section. Nebraska City News.
t ar t. I- u. iJeunKua a uusines-s
visitrr ai the liietrouolis today.
A. Bawls is attending to legal
buiitivss iu Council Bluffs loJay.
S tivi .V;-;-.;
for resisting disease thin; people, nerveless, delicate .
, The food for aii such men,
IEmulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oi
-vrHl tone up the system, give
the -appetite ana neip digestion, i ne sign oi new me wu.
be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength
comfort and gcjod-nature.
Be titrt joh get Sictt's Emulsion tvhen you rrant it and net a chtaf tuiftiiuU.
Scott" & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
James Hartshorn and J. O. McLain,
of Louisville, are in tho city today.
The county attorney is attending to
leeal business at Weeping Water to
daj. F. II. Wilson is attending to busi
ness for the state auditor in Omaha
Rev. Peter Van Fleet, presiding
elder of the M. E. church, was in the
city today.
Mrs. Henry Lehnhoft came in from
Louisville tnis morning for a visit
with relatives.
.1 M. Iioberts was in from Litch
field yesterday looking after his prop
erty interests here.
T. E. Williams, the G'endale far
mer, was shaking hands with his host
cf. friends in this city today.
Ed Norton will be over from Weep
ing Water this evening, the guest of
Miss Clara Street and other friends.
Hon. R. B. Windham is attending
to business and looking after hia prop
erty interests in Omaha today.
O. A. Brown is maicing Plattsmouth
his headquarters this week, while he
looks after trade in his line in con
tiguous territory.
A. Dahlin, a brother of Mrs. Peter
Flsingson, removed with his family to
Vail, Iowa, todav, where he will try
farming for a year.
Uncle Timothy Clark is over from
Weeping Water. He can hardly stay
away from his host of Plattsmouth
friends long at a time.
Charley Iliatt is moving into the Sol
Osborn residence on west Hickory
street today, Osborn having moved
out by the fair grounds.
The jury in Justice Archer's court
last evening brought in a verdict for
the plaintiff, finding the right of prop
erty in favor of Dr. BrendeL
S. C. Anthony and family Jeturned
homo today from Glen wood where
they have been in attendance at the
funeral of Mrs Anthony's sister.
As a result of the recent cold snap
the river is running so full of ice today
that the ferry had to abandon its cus
tomary trips across the murky torrents
of the old Missouri.
Uncle Joe Gilmore is in town for a
few days from his home in Dundy
county looking halo and hearty, and
about ten years younger than he was
when he went away.
Henry F. Schletter.aged forty-seven
years took out a permit today to wed
Miss Amelia Miller, aged twenty-nine
years of age, tho latter lady having
been in this country from Germany
only three weeks.
II. C. McMakea is enlarging a lake
un at Cedar Creek from which ho ex
pects to eetan annual supply of 20,000
tons of ice. It requires lots of work to
get it in shape but Henry has the
push and energy to do it.
Nine men learned to swing an
ax and ride a belligerent goat through
the forest last night, under the aus
pices of the neighbors of the Modern
Woodmen of America. They also
icted on twenty-two applications.
On trial to jury in Justice Archer's
court as we go to pres3. was the case of
B. F. Brendel vs. W. F. mil. Action
in replevin for 100 bushels of corn, be
ing tried by Matthew Geringfor plain
tiff, and Jake and Allen Beeson for
Ed. Phipps seemed in great glee yes
terday, wearing his Sunday clothes
witn a stand-up collar, and a smile
that could be seen for four blocks
away. In a burst of confidences he
explained to one of his friends that it
was a little rosebud of a girl, and in
the language of the politician, she nad
come to stay.
March 20 and 21, the two days pre
ceding the teachers' inslitue here, will
be devoted to examination of teachers
for certificates. The inst;tute,if we may
jude from the preparation beinsr
made by Superintendent Farley,' will
be the best and most entertaining of
any that has ever been held in the
town. Weeping Water Republican.
W. B. Roberts tho horticulturist,
after spending the winter in southern
Georgia, a-rived home this morning
looKing as fat as August Gorder. Ho
left the peach trees in bloom down
there and sorinr work well under
way. Be is very favorably impressed
with that country as a place ol resi
dence and still thinks of some day tak-.
ing up his abode there.
One Minute Couh Qure touches tbe
right spjt. It also touftlies it t'.t the
right time it j-ou tako it when you
h ivc a cough or cold. Seo the point?
Tiien don't cou-jh. F. G. Fricke
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
lllemiohes from horses. Blood Spavins,
Curbs, Sp'.iots, Sweeney, King-Bone,
Siitlee, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted th most wonder
f , ry h Cure v er known. Sold bv
F. G. FricUo & C., druggist?, Ptatls-
the food for all such.
How many pale folk
there arc ! People who
, have the will, but no power
to brin out their vitality;
people who swing like
a pendulum between
so tnat one days work
causes six days sickness
People who have no life
women, or children is Scott's
the blood new life, improve
FOB 1896...
Leads the procession with the largest
and best line of
He buys his buggies and carriages iu car load lot?, for cash, and
has no competition in prices or values in this county. He is also the
only man who sells the genuine old
harness, hand-made and warranted
Gorder sells the "Sechler" Bicycle. You should remember that
he carries the largest assortment of
(Successor to FRED
Is a
and is the result of colds,
sudden climatic changes.
It can be cured bv a deas-
ant remedy which a plied
directly into the nostrils,
lieinir quick'y absorbed it
gives relief at once.
Elys Cream Balm
is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for
Naal Catarrh, cold in head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasai pass
ages, allys paiu and intiammation.heals the sores,
protects the membrane from colds, restores the
senses of taste and smell. 1'rice 5ic at Druggist
or by mail. -
tLl UKUlHt.K5. rB warren rt., i
ho I niiiH piiDcnneverf'iii":eeDdu8yo"r
addrB, we will UUntUmBiltrialbottlernrC
Rochester, N.Y.rUfcfc
Cleanse, and betutuiu. the halz.
Promote, a luxuriant growth.
Never Fails to Bestore Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cure scalp dimtr & hair tailing.
gie.and !.'' at Pnijpnt'
The onJr sure Cure tor Coma tui ail pain, irnrrr com
Son to toe leeW AUkcft WJusg e4y. lcU. at Uxuiu.
Chlc1iter Knelt)! IMamond Itnni
Original and Only feenuine.
Drocgtit for Cktrhrtcr mo'
ihoxefl. wted with blue nbtton. 1
um and imitation. At Draircix'a, or ?nd 4e.
in stmf for particulars, tttimooial-i an4
Keller top !,' m wwrr, ui mum
Mali. i,WO TrKtimoBiaU. A'iw faprr
IffheatcpCkcaalcalCwMadfaoa im.
Lacal Urugfiau. Aallmla.f l a
An institution lor the Radical cure of Cun
crr and Tumors 'Without the nso of a
Knife. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
V have never Failed to Effect a
1 rer-T.
mole op-
nent cure where we have had a reasonable op
portunity for treatment. Hook
s-rintion of our Sanitarium and Trrsi-rcnt,
w.'h tcrrra and reference? frri-. AdHresa
thing to patent ? Protect your ideas; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEK
BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. C, for their $1,800 prize offer.
Not to be Trifled With. -
From Cincinnati Gazette.
Will people never learn that - a
cold" is an accident to be dreaded,
and . that when it occurs treatment
should be promptly applied? There is
no knowing where the troub'.e will
end; and while complete recovery is
the rule, the exceptions are terribly
frequent, and thousands after thou
sands of fatal illnesses occur everv
year ushered in by a little injudicious
exposure and seemingly triiliug
symptons. Beyond this, there are to
day countless invalids who can trace
their complaints to colds, which at
the time of occurrence gave no con
cern, and were therefore neglected.
When troubled with a cold use Cham
berlain's Cough llemedy. It is prompt
and effectual. 25 and o'J cent bottle s
for sale bv all druggist's.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Money to Loan
On long time and on short notice at
law rate of interest, on good Cass
f irm land. Enquire at First National
bank, Plattsmouth, Ne.
Simon S. llartman, of Tunnel ton,
West Va., has been subject to attacks
of colic about once u yettr, and would
have to call a doctor and then suffer
for alout twelve hours as much as
some do when they die. lie was taken
recently just tbe same as ao other
t'mes, and concluded to try Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. He says: I took one dose
of it and it gave me relief in live
minutes. That is more than anything-
else had ever - done for me."
For sale bv all dr'igcifts-
Tnm of Males for Sle. .
Good weight. Enquire of "Fi-nnk
Richardson, Eight Mile Grovo.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
w lii
- fashioned. "Oak Tanned" leather
by a man who is here to stay..
the best goods.
The Independent
Neifli YORK.
A Rligious, Iterary and Family
Undenominational, unbiased and im
partial. A puper for clergymen,
scholars teachers, business
men and families. It dis
cusses everj' topic of
the day religious,
theological, po
litical, so
cial, etc.
Its contributed articles are by the
Tuost eminent writers of tho English
It employs specialists and distin
guished writers sis editors of its
Twenty-one, Departments.
A paper particularly fitted for law
yers, doctors, clergymen, those en
gaged in " busiiies?, young people of.
both sexes men and women who read
and think for themselves. A paper
especially valuable for those interest
ed in Fine Arts, Science, Music. .
A paper giving valuable information
upon Finance, Life Insurance, Com
merce. A paper for Sunday School Workers,
those who nave a Farm, Garden or
House Plants.
A paper for tho family, old and
The Independent announces to its
subscribers, and to any who may. be
come so. that it is prepared to fur
nish any papers and magazines pub
lished in this country, England, France
and Germany, at a verj' large reduc
tion from publishers' rates. This op
portunity is open only to subscribers
of the Independent. Upon receiving
list of papers or magazines from indi
viduals or reading rooms, an estimate
will be given by return mail.
Its yearly enbtM-rlption is 3, or at that
rate for any part of a year.
Club of five, 92 each.
Trial Trip," one Month, 25c.
Specimen Copies Free.
I O. Eox 277. l:K) Fulton Street. New York.
nre the most powerful, safe prompt and re
liable of this kind in the market. The
orisinal and only genuine woman's salva
tiOD. Ask your druzsist if he don't keep
them. Write direct to us and we will send
it direct upon receipt of price, 91, sealed. Iw
mail prepaid. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MKDR'Ali CO., Chicago. 111., or our
apent, I. L buyder.
uN.B. Don't take any substitute Jj
with the same name but different
t spelling on which your druist o
fi makes twice as much - $
Legal Notice.
In county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
To John Latter, Lauer, and to the un
known heirs ot Conrad Lauer. deceased, and to all
other persons interested, notice is hereby given
that on the 11th day of March, lssni. William
Tonat. as guardian of the person and estate of
Conrad Lauer, (insane.) filed iu said court a final
report of his acts and doingsas such guardian and
a petition praying that said final report maj." be
settled and allowed and that he may be dis
charged from his trust as such guardian and that
he mav be allowed extra compensation for ex
traordinary services rendered in said matters.
Volt are further notified that if you fail to ap
pear before said court on the lltii day of April.
1;S. at 0 o'clock a. m., and contest said petition
and hna report, the court may settle and allow
said final report and grant the prayer of said
petition and make such other and furtner orders,
allowances and decrees as to said court may seem
proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to
said guardianship mav be finally settled and de
termined. Dated his 11th day of March. A. D. 1M.
George M. Spurlock.
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the county court of Cass countv. Nebraska.
Nellie M. 0"Rourke, John ti. O'Kourke, Joseph
T. O'Kourke, Anna L. O'Rourke, sole heirs at
law of Anna M. O'Kourke. deceased, and Nellie
M. U Kourke. as guardian of the minor
heirs of Anua M. O'Kourke, deceased, and all
other persons interested are hereby notified that
on the 11th day of Februarv, 1S96. Nellie M.
O'Kourke. as administratrix of the estate of Anna
M, O'Kourke. deceased, filed in saiii court a final
report of her acts and doings as such adminis
tratrix, and a petition praying that said final re
port be examined, settled and allowed, and that
she may be discharged from her trust as such
Vou are further notified that if you fail to ap
pear before said court ou the second day of April.
A. D. leiKi, at 9 o'clock a. in., and contest said
petition and final report the court may sefle and
allow said final report and grant the prayer cf
said petition, and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees as to said court
may seem proper, to the'end that ail matters
pertaining to said estate may be finally settled
and determined.
Dated this mh day of March, A. D. tiftJ.
County Judge.
Shcnffs Sale.
By virtune of a venditioni exponas issued by
Geo. F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court in
and for Cass county, Nebraska.and to me directed,
1 will on the 21st day ot March, A. D. lMni, at two
o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the
court house in the city of Plattsmouth, iu said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described prop
erty, to-wit: .
The west twentv feet off of lot twelve in block
twenty-nine in the city of - 1'lattsmouth, said
c-unty, together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereto belonging, or m anywise apper
taininz. The same beinir levied upon and taken
as tlie property of Milton 1). Folk, defendant, to
sansiy a judgment ot me county court oi ass
county, Nebraska, recovered by lesso L. Koot
against Milton L). I'oik on the 8th dav of Novem
ber, ltsit, and transcrfpted to the office oi the
c erK oi tne district court ot Cass county, ie
braska, on the l:lth dny of November. Said
sale being to satisfy said judgment in the sum of
sisrj.., with 7 per cent interest per ar.uimi lroin
November Hrh, li-M9, and costs in the sum of
with all accrueing costs.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, February lgth. lSlti.
Sheiift Ca-s County, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraka.
In the matter of the estate of W'm. 1
Sowards. deceased.
This case came on for hearing this l"ith day of
February. IS!, at Chambers, before Hon. 15asil
S. Ramsev. sole judge of the Second ludicial dis
tnct, in and tor Lass county, iseDrasKa, upon tne
etition of Eliza Sowards, as guardian of Victor
sowards, a minor, praying tor license to sell
an uudivded one-third interest in the west half of
the northwest quarter of section 19 in township 1;
north of range 10 east in Cass county, Nebraska
subject to the life interest therein of
Sowards, and also to sell the fee of the east half of
the said northwest quarter of said section, for the
purpose cf realizing funds wherewith to rear,
maintain and educate the said Victor F. Sowards.
And it appearing to said judge that it will be
beneficial to said ward that said real estate or a
part thereof should be sold, it is, therefore, or
dered, that all persons interested appear before
meat Chambers in the city of Plattsmouth at the
hour ot IU o clock a. m., on the liitu day ot March,
1!(". to show cause why a license should not be
granted to said guaidian to sell all or a part of
said real estate for the support, maintenance and
education tf said ward, Victor E. Sowards. It is
further ordered that a copv of this order shall be
rublished for three successive weeks in the News
lerald. IUsilS. Kamsey,
Judge of tiie District Court.
Dated February 1'th, 1V(.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I s
Cas4 County. ftS
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the assigned estate of iiiram G,
Now on this 10th day of February. A. I)., 1SW,
in pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by
the statutes, 1 do hereby tix the ltlth day of March
A. D. in;'i. in which time a!l claims against
the assigned estate of Hiram G. Spencer, shall
be filed, and within which the assignee or as
signor or any creditor may hie aijy objection,
detense. set-otf or counter claim to any claim
which the assignor might or could have opposed
to the same had action been brought upon the
same before assignment. Any claim, objection,
set-oft or counter claim not tiled on or before the
Kith dav of March. A. D. 1", shall be forever
barred from being considered in the settlement
ol said estate or participating in any dividend
therein.- GfcOKciE M. Sfi klock.
County Judge.
Probate Notice.
Iu the matter of the estate of Mary Habsheit.
Iu the county I'ourt of Cass count v. Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that John Habsheit. ad
ministrator of the estate of the said Mary Hab
sheit, decea.ed.has made application for titial set
tlement, and that said cause is set for hearing at
my ofhee at I'lattsmouth. on the :ith dav of
March. A. D. liti. at 10o"ciock a. in. on said dav.
at w hich time and place all persons interested
may be present and examine said accounts.
County Judge.
Plattsmouth, March 4. I!;. 51-3
Notice to Noii-IIeMtUnts.
Cortin & Stone and I- K. Itarr, Attorneys.
In the district court ot the second judicial district
ol Nebraska, in and for Cass county. .
Ira A. Tinkham. plaintirt, vs. Jasper N. Tiuk
ham, Mrs. 'I inkham, his wife, whose first name
to the plaintirt is unknown, Benjamin E. Tink
ham and Mrs. Tinkham, his wile, whose first
name to the plaintirt is unknown, Caroline Hone
and Bone, her husband, w hose first name is
unknown to the plaintirt, Sarah A. Tinkham,
widow of Benjamin Tinkham, deceased, A. N.
Bowers, administrator of the estate of Benjamin
Tinkham, deceased, defendants.
Each and all of the above named defendants
will take notice that on the 1:7th day of February.
A. 1.1. Ira A. Tinkham, plaintut herein, filed
his petition in the district court of Cass county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and
prayer of which is to have the S E of section IS,
in township No. 11. north of range No. SJ. east of
the tith principal meridian in Cass county, Ne
braska, declared 4o be the property of the plain
tirt. Ira A. Tinkham. and that a certain deed ex
ecuted on the Hth day of March, A. D. lHiti, to
one Benjamin Tinkham. deceased, be declared
cancelled and held for naught: that the defend
ants and each of them be declared to have no in
terest whatever in and to said premises: that the
deeds dated May Hd, lx'.'l. given by Sarah A.
Tinkham for the N E of said S E 'i to Caro
line A. Bone; for the S W of said S E 4 to
Benjamin L. Tinkham. and for the N Y l4 of the
SE U.sec. 1$. town II, range 9 east 6th P. M.
to Jasper N. Tinkham, be declared void,
cancelled, forever set aside and held for naught
and decreed that at the time the said Sarah A.
Tinkham executed said deed she had no interest
whatever in said premises that could be conveyed
or otherwise; that it be decreed that the plaiu'titi
has continuously, openly, notoriously and exclu
sively under claim of title occupied, farmed and
controlled said premises since the year ls7G to
the present date, and that such possession, occu
pancy and control is and was wholly adverse to
that ot each and every one of the defendants in
this case, and that the plaintiff is the owner of
said premises by adverse possession as w-11 as by
original purchase, and that each of said defend
ants be forever barr. d from now or hereafter
claiming any right in any manner to any portion
of said premises, and that the plaintirl recover ot
said detend.t1its his costs therein expended.
ou are required to answer said petition on or
befcre the i:fth day of April, A. D. 18:io.
Dated March 4. 18i.
Ira A. Tinkham, Piamtitf.
By Coffin and Stone and D. K. Barr. his at
torneys. Notice of Indebtedness.
The Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light com
pany, a corporation organized under the laws of
the state of Nebraska.
The Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light com-
fiany hereby give notice that the following is the
ist of and amount of all th existing debts ol said
corporation on the first day of 1-ebruary. A. D.
1m t, namely:
First mortgage 6 per cent bonds of the
Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light
company, interest payable semi-an-
uaily, June 1 and December 1 $ no
Accrued interest on same 00
Loan payable lss ftt
Bills payable M" 16
Taxes H i s
r $31,177 Sis
J. G. Kicm-.Y, President.
S. B. HoviY, Treasurer,
C. D. Ionks, ecretary.
Majority of Board of Directors.
Order to Show Cause.
In tbe district court of Cuss county, Ne
In the matter of the estate of Fred W. Cross,
This eause came on for hearin? upon the
petition of Arthur E, Cross, executor of the
estate of Fred V. Cross, deceased, prnyina
lor a license to sell tne undivided three
tenths tf-Hli of tbe south two-thirds (fj) of
tbe west half of section tiveoty-nine (29),
township ten don-north of ranze eleven (in.
ia Cus county. Nebraska, or a sufficient
amount of tbe S3rne to briuz tne sum of
5Ci.Tl ana cost of administration, for the
payment of uelits allowed asiainst siiid e
tate nd t lie '-osi s ot administration, there
not being sufficient personal property to pay
the said debts atid expenses ot adininisira-
t'lt"i therefore ordered that all person In
terested in said est.ite appear before me at
theoflicoof the clerk of the district court
of Cass county, Nebr:isWa, in t'lattstnontb.
on the 'J'th day of March, A. 1). IVjo. at l::j
o'clock p. ui. to show cause why a license
should uot be granted to said executor to
sell so much of the above described real
estate of said deee ised as shall be neces
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
lJ.ttcd this Cfcii day of February, A. P. Is9t.
Judire of the District Court.
Byron ClarK and C. A. R i wis, attorneys
for estate.
In County Court.
State of Nebraska, i
C'isa County I
To all persons interested in the estate of Clans
Speck, decea-ved.
vNotice is hereby given that on the 11th day of
March, A. D. l-jiKJ, at the hour of 10 o.clock a.
ni., at the .ouuty iudge's office, in Plattsmouth,
in said countv. the petition, asking for the ap
pointment of Willir.ui We'jt-r as administrator of
said estate, will be heard and considered; at
which time and place ail persons interested may
appear and show cause, if any they have, why he
should not be appointed as such administrator.
Dated this lith day of February, A. 1). 16.
County Judge.
SArM turn
makes wash-day as easy as any other day. Lessens
the labor, makes the clothes white, and does no dam
age. Thousands of women say so surely they are
not all mistaken. Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago.
Your Own Prices...
Furniture and Stoves;
FROM : small beginning in 1883 this house has grown un
til it now curries the largest stock in Cass county. Good
goods, fair treatment and low prices did the work and the same
methods are pursued today.
Everything in the shape of Furniture and all kinds of.
Stoves can be obtained here at prices which no Omaha house
2an duplicate. These are some
Here are some prices, but you must see the goods to fully ap
preciate the bargains offered :
Parlor Suites.
$100 for $75
75 for
55 for 40
45 for : 35
Lounges and Couches.
$35 for
20 for
15 for
11 for
8 50 for.
. $2-5
. 15
8. .50
Bed Room Suites.
$100 for .
75 for. .
50 for. .
FIFTY different styles of dining room chairs reduced in
price from 25 to 35 per cent.
ONE HUNDRED styles of Rocking Chairs reduced in
price from 35 to 50 per cent.
Such bargains in Furniture were never before offered in this
city. Do not fail to take advantage of this sale.
Opp. Court House. PLATTSMOUTH.
Gcisplsxion Preserved
TV-move Freckles, PimplM,
LJver- ISmI?. r.ackbtads,
Sur.bjrn Bra Tan, and re
stores tUe fckitt to its origi
stons tUe fckitt to its origi- t Vjisirtj
nal freshness, pi-Mudc ivfei.'f ii J,jV
clear ami houlthy com -ta.
plexion. superior to all foot'5- -
preparations and pprfi-otly harmless. At au
drtiiffists, or mailed for 50cts. Semi for circular.
VICLA SKIN SOAP ! fimply tDoomprabla u
skin purifvlo Sosp, oneqoalwl for the toilet. nt without
nvsl lur ili- nurs.fv. Ahwioti-lr rr U1 delicately mat
cured. Atdrasgi-tV Price 2 5 Cent.
The Q. C. BJTTNER CO., Toledo, O.
Instant Killer ot Pain.
Internal end External.
S-rellinf, Stir! JoiiitA, COLIO and
TUC tinOCC D0n Especially prepared roi
llll. IIUIIOL. UlillL, gtoek, ivmnip titreLu'iu
the roost Powerful and PeuetratiiRl.tiii&entror M".t
or Eeostin existence. Lare 1 6iii8 soc., 50c eizo Joc
Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cure (tne"
pra BimutifiM, Ladies will find it tho mosi
delicate and nighty perfumed Toilet Soap or,
the market. It is absolutely pure. Makes iu
akin soft end velvety and restores ine ii-v cum
i A a n liimrv fur Din Bath for infants.
ft ulayB itchnu?, cleanses the scalp and proraotd
the growta ot biir rice2To. For mln by
For, adar
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J
ni MAC Oruans. 35.0O upw: rds; want
I l HUj AKnts. Catalogue free. AU-
drcss llanioi F. Boaty. Wash nton. N.J.
nnn h 11 r PI u nni. H'J'JS uowards; want
UlXUfirO Atrents. Catalotcue free. Ad-
oras-s DaDiei P. Beatty. WashingtOQ, iN . J
11 a DOS S32S.OO upwards:
or catalogue t address
call, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. N. J
BEATTY'S orsans 35.00
: particulars, cata
Dauicl P. Be.uty
ioL'iie. address or call,
Washington, N. J.
nrTTUIO Orzans 35.00 upwards
DLrVl I I O Write for cat;ilozue;:iodres!i
or ca'.l, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. Is. J
Physician and Surgeon
Calls proniptly attended, either
4 C '-t r7 UKAMi'S instantly. i-uuH-r "
v liv 'bus I'rotrp.Diptlierla, Sore Throat
Yi" V-. hBEA1ACH. M if by magic
Broken j
Back !
. i
Just as yours will be if;
you continue using poor
facts thafyou shonld remember. ,
$35 for
25 for
. 22 for
Dining Tables.
$28 for
20 for
6 for ,
4 for
. 14.00
. 3.00
. 2.50
Steel Ranges and Stoves.
$S5 for $65
05 for : oo
50 for 38
40 for . 32
30 for 22
25 for 13
11 ni 1 in
will do if used as a - wash according to di
rections: prevent transmission of blood
diseases, skin diseases, acute and rhronlo
ulcers, stricture, tissure of tne lianas ana
feet. Eczema, Tetter, halt Rheumatism, In
lla'iiation of the Bladder. Diseases of the
bones. Joints and muscles, i-ypulieiio in
sanity. Scurvy, Scrofula tn many forms.
Tne above and a hundred other forms of
disease are traceable directly or indirectly
to syphilitic Blood Fo'.son for which the
ur. Jackson's r.nziisn aaieiy 1 aumis is a
sure preventive, and is a safe Germ Killer,
rendering contaeion naraiy possioie, nence
its value. If neglected such troubles result
fatally. Mailed anywhere, seaiea wi: six
hnvis f nr S Medical advice free. JACK
SON MEDICAIi CO., Chicago. III., or our
agent, I. L. Snyeer.
in thirty d xya by a new perfected scientific
method that ean not fall unless tbe case is
bevond" human aid. Vou feel Improved the
first day; feel a benefit every day: soon
know vourself a kins? among men in body,
rrlnd and heart. Drains and losses ended,
every obstacle to haopy married life re
moved. Nerve force, will, enerjry brain
power, when falling are restored. If nn-
looted such troubles result fatally.
Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
sealed for fU Six boxes for .". JACKSON
MEDICAL. CO.. Chicago. 111., or our agent,
I. L. Snyder.
Scientific American
' Aflency top
For Information and free Handbook wrlta to
Oldent bureau for aeon ring patents tn America.
Every patent taken out by u la brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge In we
Larirert efrcnlaMon of any dentine paper In the
world. Kplenuldlv Illustrated. No lutelllgpnt
r i ri
IT -:. k 3 i