Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 07, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Semi-leekly News-Herald
101 ' : -assay
im . ,
i 11 1 i
II If your servant X
r girl leaves you in-
V II sort an ad In The S
C II News' Want Col-
umn and you'll got S
II a better one
The board of commissioners finished
their work and went home today.
Misa Ollie Andrus of Weeping
Water is the guest of her friend Miss
Clara Street.
Go to Waterman hall tonight. Only
10 cents admission and a program that
is "out of sight."
Col John Seacrest the genial busi
ness manager of the State Journal was
in the city today. j
One thousand dollars private money
to loan on improved Cass countv land.
Come quick. T. H. Pollock.
An English tea was enjoyed at Mr.
and Mrs. George Dovey's last evening
by invited guests 01 that nationality
The question at Waterman's hall
this evening for debate will be, "Shall
Men Have a Voice in the Govern
August Kohlrush, aged twentjT-five,
and Miss Matilda Nanstiel from out
near Alvo took out a wedding permit
Don't forget to go to Waterman's
hall this evening and attend the open
meeting of the Woman's club. Ad
mission 10 cents at the door.
Use the "Dustless Floor Oil" for
store rooms, public buildings and all
kinds of offices, kitchens, halls, etc
For sale by Smith & Parmele.
Do not forget the "senate" tonight,
and hear what the ladies nave to say
and how they will run the government
in 1910. At Waterman hall tonight.
A high liver with a torpid liver will
not be a long liver. Correct the liver
with De Witt's Little Early Risers,
little pills that cure dyspepsia and
constipation, k . (J. Fricke & Co.
For Rent Four room cottage and
three acres or ground; also a nine
room house and twenty-four acres of
ground. R. 13. Windham,
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," said a genius.
The druggist handed him a bottle Jof
Ue Witt's Little Early Risers, the
famous little pills. F. G. ' Fricko &
A Japanese mask social will be
given by Ivy lodge D. of H. No. 13, I
O. O. F. at their hall on Monday,
March 9. Lveryone cordially in vited.
Admission, 10 cents. By order of the
E. B. Sampson, after a hard siege of
nearly lour weeks with the grippe,
which has left him quite feeble, was
able to come down town a short time
today. We hope his recovery may be
rapid and permanent.
Commissioner Younsr went home
this morning accompanied by a very
bad cold, which he caught from wad
ing snow without having his overshoes
x on. He says Sam Waugh will pay the
doctor bill or there will be trouble.
John Schiappecasse, who is a Platts
mouth property owner and has come
to stay, has the finest line of confec
tionery, nuts, raisins, etc., to be found
in the city. He bought " In large
quantities for cash and got nothing
put cnoice goods. Ulve mm a call.
Peter Kiel, residing near Cedar
. Creek, says the high water in the
Platte is what fills up the wells and
causes many old dry branches to break
forth again. He has observed the.
' phenomena for years and from what
he says we are inclined to think his
solution is correct.
The Loyal Mystic Legion of Ameri
ca holds its meetings on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each month
at 7:30 p. m. Ladies or gentlemen are
admitted into full membership in this
order on equal standing. For further
information concerning the order ap-
ply to W. H. Rhodes, solicitor.
J. W. Pierce, Republic. Ia., says:
"I have used One Minute Cough Cure
in my family and for myself, with re
sults so entirely satisfactory that I
can hardly find words to express my
self as to its merit. I will never fail
to recommend it to others, on every
occasion that presents itself. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Professor L. A. Sherman will give
his lecture on "The Spiritual Law in
the Natural-World," at the Presbyter
ian church in this Sunday evening,
next, which deserves something more
than a passing notice. Professor Sher
man is one of the most scholarly men
in the State -university and he never
speaks except to interest and entertain
, his audience. . -
The WeeDine Water Republican,
speaking of J. W. Cannon, says: "F.
F. Rexford tells of a transaction he
had with Cannon last, fall, when the
latter swindled him out of a lot of
syrup. Rexford let Cannan have two
barrels of sorghum to sell out in the
couotry. This Cannon sold, but he
filled aach barrel half full of water and
returned it as that much - unsold so
erhum. He brought the barrels back
when Mr. Rexford was away from
home, and reported to the little boy.'' j
Johnny Fitzpatrick rounded up a
grist of able bodied tramps last even
ing and in a spirit 01 lun, inougn
wearing a serious countenance, ne ioiq
the fellows an order to recruit lor an
army to fight Spain had just been
issued, and H tne leiiows wouia noi.
volunteer they would be torcea into
. " -i
service, ine gang warned 10 volun
teer, but each man claimed a physi-
cial disability, and John had to listen
to such a tale of woe as he never heard
Young l'eople's Literary.
The second meeting of the Young
People's society was hold at the home
of George Hawkins last evening. It
; was well attended by its members and
a very enjoyable evening was spent.
The seciety was organized last month
and Neal Moon "was chosen as their
president and Maud McKay as vice
president, while Lottie Culkius holds
the position of secretary.
The subject for debate last night
was "Resolved, that water was more
destructive than fire," the negative
side being the losers. The next meet
ing will be held at the home of the
Misses Daisy and Grace. Perry. The
societv will debate on "Which will do
the greater damage to the United
States, whisky or a civil war?" Joe
Carrigan takes the affirmative and
Louis Walker the affirmative.
Injunction Suit Filed.
The C. B. & Q. today filed a petition
in the district clerk's cftlce, in which
they seek to enjoin the county treaa
urer, A. R. Eikenoary, Cass county
and school district No. 2 from collect
ing district and precinct personal
taxes on the west half of the B. & M
bridge across the Missouri river
amounting to about $o50. The com
pany claims the bridge is part of the
regular right of way and is taxed by
the elate board of equalization.
Sew Cigar Factory.
Otto Wurl yesterday purchased the
cigar factorv of L. V. Egenberger and
will at once buy new stock and run
first class house that will be a oredi
to the town.
"Well," remarked Little Johnny
Davies, staff editor of "our organ.
(mo and Chapman), as he combed the
remnants of a breakfast on eggs out of
his whiskers with his fingers, there
is going to be a lively campaign this
tall, but it the boys don't tnink 1 can
work the farmers to the queen's taste
let them watch my smoke. I think
will take up some religious subject, as
I have loads of idle time, and give a
lecture on the immortality of the soul or
some kindred topic to catch the church
people, too. A combination of these
elements would bo positively irro
sistible," and he walked off with
self-satisfied smile that would have
made Lucifer envious.
It wiil also be admitted that when
Mr. Thurston takes his pen in haud
and squares himself at the table for
the purpose of transferring h
thoughts on Nebraska politics to paper
it is the part of wisdom for person
whoso scalps sit loosely on their domes
to take a new grip on the same until
the signature is affixed and the danger
is over. Lincoln News.
II. N. Dovey, a loyal admirer of Mc
Kinley, ought to be selected as a dele
gate to the national convention at St.
Louis and if Cass county for once will
present a solid front Mr. Dovey will be
the lucky man. Let republicans just
for once try and get together on this
A. II. Weckbach,the leading grocer,
has justreceived a fresh invoice of
Neufchatel,Roquefort,Imported Swis3.
domestic Swiss, Brick, Limberger, and
New York full creaa.- cheese. No
other firm in the city carries any such
a line. Remember the place in the
Waterman block.
Apple liaising.
Just across the river from this city
is the county of Mills, in Iowa. In
topography and quality of soil it is
very like this county, yet their chief
occupation oer there for years is btit
just beginning to interest out people
herp. Their chief Industry is fruit
raising, and a great success has been
made of it from a financial standpoint.
To show how extensively apple or
chards have been planted over there,
we append below the name of owner,
(their postoffice address being Glen
wood, except the five, as indicated),
and the number of acres already set
out in trees, most of which are in full
E. Starbuck,
No. Acres
No. Acres
no Carter.
.. 10
Dr. DeWitt
L. E. Williams..
I. K. Wickham..
II. Evernham....
Jno. Y.Stone....
J E Scott
Geo Davies
G li Vanllorn...
Dr Hester. 2
M II Hyers
H Howe...
Wm Lamb.... ...
Chas Buttington.
. .106
... 17
ii 1 li"insheimer. . .. i?0
Frank Kidgeway 5
J E Ebaugh ... , 4
. ..7501
3 uillilland
atlDrs Uonelan...
.JOIA C Sabin
sj(jeo Meiklewait
40 E L Lufkin ....
40 E KS Woodrow
20 J V Hinchiuan.
iH Mot
F M Bufhneton..
K a ciieney
. 5
. 75
W S Lewis
W F Laraway...
H Harlan.... . .
1 ) Record
J V Keco'd.
br Powell..
ID Wright
Mack Hale..
5E Bradford..
on N heeler .
J S Clarkson, (N. V
S McPherion.RedOak 6uljno Waterman
V.) 35
... 20
Will Trevner. Council
Chas Recock
Blufls : 10
P M Boniberger
J C Bixby. (Council
Robt Morris .
W J Davenport, Coun-
cil Blurt:
Don't invite disappointment by ex
perimenting. " Depend upon One
Minute Cough Cure and you have im
mediate relief." It cure3 croup. The
only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. . F. G. FrlcKe &
Co. -
Auditor Moore Is Right.
The contest now being waged In the
equity court of Douglas county, before
Judge Keysor, wherein Eugene Moore,
state auditor, demands that the inter
ests ofVpolicy-holders in the alleged
Insolvent Omaha Fire Insurance com
pany be protected by the stockholders.
is of vital interest to Insurers in the
state of Nebraska.
The company was organized and au
horized to transact business under
the general insurance laws of Nebraska
n 1889, and annually thereafter, under
date of December 31, made sworn
statement of the condition of the com
pany's finances andjinsurance in force.
to the stato auditor, as required by
law, and procured a certificate to trans
act business for the twelve months
next ensuiner. The statement tiled to
the close of business December 31, 1895,
disclosed under oath of A. T. Rector,
president, and S. D. ""Josseyln, secre
tary, that the available assets aggre
gate $183,365.80, and that the liabili
ties were:
Losses unpaid 4,500.00
Unearned premiums WJ.WCIHJ
All other unnaid claims 4,244.55
Canital stock lttJ.UAUU
Surplus - t,61S.3T)
Total $1S3.35.36
In the early part of February, 1896,
Auditor ' Moore directed one of his
special examiners to enquire into the
solvency of the company and verify
the figures of the "annual statement,
brintrinir the examination down to
January 31, 1S91. This examination
was proceeded with until the morning
of February 22, and on the morning of
February 24 E. S. Stone, a director
since tbe organization of the company
and one of its promoters, files a peti
tion alleging- the insolvency of the
company and asking for the appoint
ment of a receiver, the petitioner
claiming that the assets are prac
tically worthless and that a pressing
obligation of $65,000 exists. Return
premiums, $35,000.00, and other claims
(fire losses, etc.) $30,000.00. Following
the petition of Director Stone, Earl
W. Garmett. director and treasurer
ol the company, is appointed receiver.
and this latter gentleman by devious
methods attempts to obtain the can
cellation of existing policies without
payment of return premium, so as to
relievo his co-partner stockholders of
this liability. Auditor Moore, on re
ceiving knowledge of this scheme and
a partial report of the condition of the
company, appears as an intervenor and
asks the court to take such steps as
will compel the receiver and stock
holders to protect their outstanding
policies either by the payment of un
earned premiums to the holders or
the reinsurance of the risks in some
sol veu t company, and that the unliqi
dated loss claims be paid in full. The
receiver, to the application of State
Auditor Moore, through W. W. Mors
man, attorney, replies that the auditor
is without authority to interfere and
that his attempt to have the iiquida
tion of the company proceed is an im
pertinence The case will be heard be
fore Judge Keysor on Saturday after
noon, and the victims who were
cajoled by perjured financial state
ments (as Director Stone alleges, if
his affidavit is true), into investing
their hard earned money for insur
ance in a Home company, patronizing
Nebraska institutions, will find that
Auditor Moore's demand on the offi
cars of the company to stand up for
Nebraska finds a responsive echo in
the voice of every Omaha Fire Insur
ance company policy holder.
Polarizing Photochronograph
. Pittsburg, Pa., February 18.
Among the recent inventions in the
art of photography is that of the
polarizing photochronograph made by
Prof. Albert Crehore, of Dartmouth
College, and Dr. George O. Squire,
First Lieutenant of the United States
army, now stationed -at Fortress Mon
The wonderful effect of the photo
chronograph will probably be demon
strated to the general public upon the
completion of this instrument in the
spriner. John A. lirashear, an astro
nomical manufacturer of this city, has
been given a contract for one of these
wonderful machines. It is to be set
up at Fortress Monroe, and will be
used the coming summer in testing
the velocity of the modern rifle pro
jectile, as it swiftly speeds from the
mouth of the great guns made by the
United States Ordnance Department
Mr. lirashear says it is expected that
the machine will be completed by tbe
middle of April, as the government
officials desire to have it about tho 1st
6f May.
This instrument not only measures
tbe velocity of the swiftest cannon ball
in its flight, but measures it inside or
outside of the gun and at any part of
its course desired, to a degree of oc
curacy hitherto undreamed of.
At Murray.
Tne Mission Band of the United
Presbyterian church of Murray will
give an entertainment Tuesday even
ing, March -10. This entertainment
will be new in the line of amusements
in Murray, consisting of a drill and
burlesque, and Mrs. Carnes and others
are industriously drilling the children
in their performances, and we think
we are safe in promising an enjoyable
evening to all that will attend. Ad
mission 10 cents. Committee.
IJ. INI. OuakenbuoU of Greenwood, Upon
the Application of Robert fyons, One
of the Stockholders, Was Appointed
Receiver by Judge Kamsey at Ills
Chambers In This City Last Night.
The State bank of Murdock, capital
ized at $25,000, Gust Weidman being
president and H. R. Neitzel cashier,
was thrown into the hands of a re
ceiver - last evening, aimougn me
bank was not formally closed until to
daj . The application was presented
to Judge Ramsey at chambers last
evening by Attorney O. 13. Polk of the
law firm of Mockett & Polk, Lincoln,
who represented the plaintiff, Robert
D. M. Quackenbush of Greenwood
was appointed receiver, he giving a
bond in the sum of $15,000, signed by
N. H. Meeker, C E. Shaw and J. C.
"The bad management of the cashier
is charged as tho cause of the com
plications. It is very positively as
serted that payment in full to deposi
tors and all claimants will be made.
Pleasantly Surprised.
Miss Susie, daughter of T. J.
Thomas, was the victim of a very
pleasant surprise last evening at the
home of her you ns friends The party,
met at tho home of Miss Ella Ruffner
and marched in a body to tho home
of M iss Thomas. The evening was de
lightfully spent with games, social
converse and the discussion of a fine
lunch. Among those present were:
Misses Ella Ruffner, Cora Walker,
Lillie Mathews, Delia Wells, May Val
lery, Olga Hajek, Lou Smith,, Susie
Keefer, Kit Agnew, liert Bennett,
Galena Thomai and Masters Bert
Shryock, Frank Davis, George Thom
as, Sperry Ruffner, Louie Thomas,
Myron Elson, Chas. Patterson, Chas.
Shepard, Don Atwood,Caspor Thyiron-
son, Albert Fricke, Roy Dodge, Em
mons Richey and Percy Agnew.
First Class Hooting.
Messrs. Kroehler & Archer are put
ting on the best and cheapest roof
ever tried in this city. It has been
thoroughly tested for over three years
here and prove? to be the right thing.
Address, Kroehlek & Akchek,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
One Minute Cough Cure touches the
right spot. It also touches' it at the
right time if you take it when you
have a cough or cold. See the point?
Then don't cough. F. G. Fricke &
An "Kxperience" Social.
The ladies of the Christain church
will hold an "experience" social .at
Mrs. Schildknecht's on Tuesday even
ing, March 9, to which the public is
cordially invited.
Soothing, healing, cleaning, De
Witt's Witch nazel Salve is the
enemy to sores, wounds and piles,
which it never fails to cure. Stops
itching and burning. Cures chapped
lips and cold-sores in two or three
hours. F. G. Fricke & Co.
It not only is so, it must bo so. One
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and
that's what makes it go. F. G. Fricke
PECULIAR in combination, pro
portion and preparation of ingredi
ents,IIood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
curative value. You should TRY ITo
Gering's Extract of SofSBpoiilla
IS just what you need.
It never fails and if it does
not give you the best of satisfac
tion, remember we will return
your money as freely as we take it
The Fountain of 2iTe,..
19 flowing' in Plattsmouth and you can secure the simrk
" .. nff liquid obtained therefrom at 15c per gallon. We
ave obtained the agency of the alroady famous
L,loyd9s Mineral Water
and can furnish it in any quantity, great or small in ita
natural state as it flows from a depth of 500 feet througn
solid rock. It is especially efflcations in Rheumatism
and all kidney diseases. It is not a purgative but a
laxitive so gentle that it corrects' and regulates the
bowels without griping and is thorougly effective even
in the most severe cases of constipation. Bring your
' jug along. -
For- Sale by SMITH & 1I?A1I3L13
for 10 CENTS.
It makes a grand parade with elephants, cages of animals,
chariots, bands. Gives a full performance in a ring, with ring .
master, clown, acrobats, bareback riders, trained dogs and ele
phants, winding up with the pantomime of Humpty Dutapty,
including all the characters and scenery.
3 T&faiS?. Send reSsft's-fc- v
This CirCUS : I OUU 14 ct UumX any Coupons,
TO r
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N.C,
and the Circus will be
inside each 2 ounce
Buy a bag of this Celebrated
Special Sa7e
r L,adiGS9'
Fine Shoes.
EE 675 Pairs
These goods are just from the wholesale house and not zzz
one pair is old or shelf-worn. It may seem rather strange
how we can sell them at one-half price, but that makes no
difference to you as long as you get a first-class Hand rS
Turned Shoe at HALF PRICE, and we get the cash. This
is no humbug. In our business career of twenty years we zzZ
have never deceived the public and it wont be practiced at 5
this sale. rrs
One-third of these Shoes are small sizes and are of a
better grade, but will rS
I iDesmnjers, 4
(Special notices under this bead will be
charged for at the rate of V4 cent per word
each Insertion. 1
ANTED An honest, active gentleman or
trovol fur reliable established house.
Salary 70. payable ir weekly and expenses.
Situation permanent. References. Knc lose !-elf-addressed
stamped envelope. The Dominion
Company. 316 Omaha building. Chicago.
W-XNTED A good salesman to canvass city
and county trade for a manufacturing house.
. etymon o mi ; t limed to caiivassinir srrocerv
and merchandise stores preferred. Satisfactory
references required. Address. "A, care of
Evening News.
FUK SALE. J uiuc iiinc iiumw .,.... v.. ......
i nnA rhrQ fitrppl vfrv rhfan tor
cash or on short time. Louis O'Neill. Enquire
at XYm. llerold s store.
be sent yon postpaid. You will find 1 coupon
bag, and 2 coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of i,
Smoking Tobacco, and read the
$4 Shoes
Go for the
Drop in and inspect the Display.
Repairing Neatly Done. 3
Is located in that section of Georgia traversed by t lie
Soldiers' Georgia southen & Florida railway,
which is the only direct through route to the capital of the colony, connecting at
Tifton with the Titton & North Eastern Railroad for Swan ( Fitrgerald.) liy
...... . .... t ,
4.rfl'M cinnati can secure sleepers
G inu Hum .-'i. i.'uio hjuikiii .iiiii;. nun in wmiii mis col
ony is located has been well named
The (ireat Krult lielt of the South.
for in it are located the largest peach orchards in the world, while Pears. Apples. iriip-s and Melons
do equally well. The soil is easily cultivated and produces line crops of Corn. Oats, liarley. Cotton,
Sugar Cane. Sweet and Irish 1'otatoes, I'eas, and a general variety ol vegetables. The climate is
mild and heajthtul, Lands conveniently located to shipping points can be procured for from
to $10.00 per acre, on liberal terms.
For illustasted pamphlet, may, land lit. time-tables, etc., write to
. A. Mr Ooiialit, V. I.. l-ftiir.
General l'assenge Agent, Commissioner of Immigration.
Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga
fl New Deal In Meat
City Meat Market,
414 MAIN ST.,
J. ii 'Xtt, prop.
Sirlnin anil PnrtnrKfnc
.... 10c
.... 2.r.c
. . . "c
... 24c
... He
... 10c
,...12'l c
...lili c
... " 1c
5 c
... 25 C
5 c
... 10C
Round and Shoulder Steak, a lbs
Fork chops, 3 lbs
Sliced Ham, 2 lbs..
Kib Koast, long cuts
Kib Koast, short futs
Turkeys heads-ou. entrails in, per lb..
Turkeys, fully dressed, per lb
Ducks and Geese, per lb
Chickens, fully dressed
Itoihng Beef, per lb ,
Mince Meat, 4 lbs
Dill Pickles, per dozen
Sour Pickles, per dozen
Sweet Pickles. per dozen ,
Call and see us before pur
chasing elsewhere, and save money.
J. HATT, Proprietor.
Loan fcyiicy
On improved. Cas county launs at T
per cent interest ptraiylit. payable an
nually. No coinniitsion an.l you c;m pay
any amount at any time. You pay your w
interest at the bank you Uoai wmi. u w
these advantages can only be obtained ol
J'lnttmnoiitli, .Ve'i.
F. R. GUTli V.ANN, Prop.
Rates $1 ancrsi.50 per Dau
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Sum of $2. 3
...v. . viun.irtiiij rtlltl V- III -
with only one change (in depot at Nashville) to 1 if-
Zuckweiler & Lutz
. . STAI'f.E AND FANCY . .
Groceries and
. . Provisions,
Flour and Feed.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Straata.
Home Serkt-rtT Excursion.
.Missouri I'aciGo will sell bomn.
seekers ticket at rate of one fare
C, plusi
$2 for round trip, with 8tor
priviligc to points in Iowa.MinnesC
Wisconsin, rorth and South Dakota,
Arkansas, Indiana Territory, Okla
homa, Texas and Arizona. Dates of
sale March 10, April 7 and 21, and
May 5. For further particulars call at
Missouri Pacific depot.