J. : Neb Far.xicr '. :. v B 5 THE NEW?. Establshed Nov.MSOl. Iconsolldated Jan. 1 105. THE HERALD, Established April 10, 1.S6L nSOaate1 " !.' AXTSMOUTH, NEB., FEBRUARY. 29, 1896. VOL. IV. NO. 49. Semi Weekly NewsHera t f V-c . I. FINDING JHORE GOLD. UrieJ. Farniem at IMeatmnt Dale Are Fiudinff ioIl In (iravel and Sand. Experiments arc being raado on the Travel and black samlat Pleasant Dale every week with excellent results.says the Lincoln News. A farmer south of here arrane a sluice and washed out Hbou lifteen loads of dirt and sand. The waste whs run into Middle creek. Tho sluice was made by men unaccus tomed to such work, and it is hard to tell just how much jroid there was in the lifteen loads of sand. However, about $22 worth of gold was obtained ns a result of the experiment and about one-half a Dushel of block 6and was secured, which has not been tested yet. It is thought that quK$.a larjre amount of gold was washed over.' Wednesday ten farmers from Pleasant Dale and several from JUlford hauled twenty-five loads of dirt and sand to Milforu and arranged a sluico to W2& out the gold. The city war was The wivsJ5""w'as rur into the bout a quarter of a milo above me mill. . Two or tnree loaus oi curt were washed and everything went along very smoothly until the pro prietor of the mill saw that the dirt that was bein? washed down was work ing havoc with his mill wheel. The mill man ordered them to stop wash ing and told them that he could not run his mill if they kept on running tbeir dirt down into the river. The gold men did not like to stop, as sev eral of the men had hauled their sand several miles so they could use the city water to make the test, but the irate miller, who is a man who will measure more than six feet in his stockings, told them in such energetic tones to stop that they stopped. Sat urday the work was Gnished and the waste was run off into another place. Engineer Bartlett said that there was at least $50 worth of pure gold in the black sand that was obtained when the work was finished "Saturday. He says that they did flot save more than one half of the gold in the dirt. All of the black sand- lias not been retorted and therefore it cannot be learned posit ively just how much gold there is in . Ihe people are jubilant A Well Spiked Cannon. Joseph Wallace Cannon, a young man who gave his name as Joe and said his home was in Cass county and claimed to boa relative of "Treasurer Eikenbary, says the .Nebraska City News, today became a guest of this county and will most likely remain for some time, and all on account of a very foolish move he made. . He was sitting at the desk at the Grand Pacific writ ing something and when he went oat Charley Kidd found a note which.ead something like this: "Jacob Sichl Please give bearer a pair of Bants and charge same to me. Car Morton.' nariey Kept tne note anj crave it to Officer Farley, and tfren Jack down and notified Jfr. Sichl what to expect.. rhe.omce'had not been out of the store lop, enough to walk a block be iofe-Slr. Cannon came into the store anwanted a pair c jiants, presenting an order ior 4h8 rew Farley was sent for. and as soon as ho arrived the young man was placed under arrest and requested to .elevate his hands, which ho promptly complied with, and Mr. Sichl proceeded to see what he had. He found a new revolver. Cannon was taken to the court house when he told the officers that ho had never been in trouble before except when he appropriated a bicj-cle, but the crime was condoned. He also ad mitted that tho order was a forgery. No doubt the young man will serve a longtime in the penitential'. xnis is tne same ooy mat stole a bicycle from Fred Gorder and the latter refused, on account of tho boy's mother, to prosecute. He seems de termined to enter upon a life of crime and the sooner he learns a useful trade at the penitentiary the better it will be for him. He is not related to Treasurer Eikenbary as claimed, but was distantly related to tho latter's wife. r ... i Cured Diabetes. 1395. the social over the result. InHtitute Instructors. It will be gratifying to the teachers of this county to learn that educators of rare ability have been secured to instruct them in the county institute, to he held March 23-27, inclusive. The combination as arranged is: Chas. C. Van Liew, Illinois; R Heber - Holbrooke HhiladerpTiVa; Chancellor McEoan, of the Nebraska state univer sity, and Wm. Ilawley Smith, of Il linois. - Prof. Van Liew is one of the leading "Child Study" men of Illinois, and secretary of tho society for child study in that state, besides other work. He will givo a lecture each day on this subject. Parents, as well as teachers, will bo interested in these lectures. Prof. Ilolbrook has, for several years, been considered ono of tho strongest institute workers to bo found, having worked in institutes in raott of the states. He is now con nected with the State Normal school of Pennsylvania, formerly with the Ohio State Normal. Wm. Ilawley Smith has a national reputation as a lecturer, so needs no introduction. It might be said that ho was the center of attraction (if there was one) at our state teachers' association this winter. He delivers a lecture the evening of the first day, and will be with us through the ses sions of Tuesday and, perhaps, Mon day as well. ..Chancellor McLean lectures Tues day evening. Everyone will want to hear him. It will be his first address at a county institute. There will be a reception on Wed nesday for teachers and their friends. The publio addresses for Thursday'. and Friday evenings will probably be delivered by Profs. Van Liew and Ilolbrook, respectively. Ex-Senator Manderson for Friday evening Is a possibility. Uncle Ned Baker, wearing a new landing collar of snowy whiteness,and carrying a budget done up in Another Wolf Hunt. Another wolf hunt took place last Saturday just west of South Bend, in which one hundred men took part. .The territory taken in was one milo wide and two miles long, and three wolves were in the ring when rounded up Two were" shot down and tho other badly crippled, but it managed to get away, as there were no hounds on the ground. There is to be another hunt on the samo territory next Sat urday, though it will be extended to about three miles square. The two wolves which W9re killed were put up and sold at auction and the money will iyA t p. -- A. - The captains are Ed Thayer and J. W. Keasoner, on 'west line; Geo. Kel ler and G. N. Mulertz, on north line; F. A. Creamer and Henry Klieser, east line; Arch Roger and H. F. Reed, south line. No revolvers or rifles will be aliowedand the march from the linos begins at 11 o'clock. It is great sport to see the wolves when they find themselves penned up. They run from one side to the other, until they are killed or find aT way to escape. an old fashioned red handkerchiet which might have containeda change of 'sox" or a night shirt, went plodding 'Ise He cast TliE News -office today toward i, ,i0wit We noticed the unusual smiie-ne wore and the merry twinkle of his black eves, and demanded an ex planation. "Well," says Ned, gwine to Omaha to see my gal." admitted ho was thinking of getting mnrriod to a woman who, to him. seemed nicer than all the world.be side, and the old man's face was as hmrhtns tho snnshine which peeps .outfrom behind an April cloud, while tbfi urlv wind which blow, was to him like a balmy zephyr kissing into life the vernal hillsides, so absorbed was he in solving the problem of life from his peculiar standpoint- The old man crippled until life seemed to others not worth living, was as contented as a Gould or Vanderbllt could possibly have been. Surely it takes all kinds of people to roako a world, and the hlnlct ivnoa f1nn't Con tain all the "r " - -J i' philosophers. Tobacco water is an excellent was for potted p'ants. More Trouble About Keoelvert. The much talked of Commercial bank of Weeping Water receivership is having an airing before Judge Ram sey at chambers today on a motion to remove John E. Donelan. We have no chips iq the game, but Donelan's rep utation for integrity and business ability is of the best, and if Sara Chap man robbed the depositors to give the receiver an enormous salary it was only a sample of tho rottenness and unfitness of the court and should not be charged up against the receiver. An Expensive Scrap. .The case of the state vs. Eli Jones, who was charged with assaulting John Carnes, was tried to a jury in Judge Archer's court yesterday. The county attorney, C. S. Polk, appeared for the state and Matthew Gering appeared for the defendant. The case was vig orousiy contested, but it resulted in a verdict of guilty. Judge Archer then fined the man $5, which, with a cost bill of $33, will keep him in jail sev eral days. IJirttrict Convention. The convention' for the nomination of congressman and for the selection of two delegates to the National re publican convention has been called to meet at Tecumseh, April 13 at 7 p. m. The basis of representation was fixed at ono delegate for each 100 votes cast for Congressman Strode in 1894, which will make a total of 182 delegates in the convention, apportioned as follows: Cass, 0; Johnson, 14; Lancaster, 70; Nemaha, 15; Otoe, 21; Pawnee, 14; Richardson. 22 The official call will be issued in a few days.- March 14th, The Dr. J. . McLean Medicine Co , St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen : I desire to express my heartfelt thanks to you for my marvelous restoration to health. I was sick for many years with a. bad case of diabetes which made me very thin and j weaK. I also sutterea much loss ot sleep, having i to get up so many times at night to pass urine, and also great annoyance from thirst that water would not satisfy. A few months ago I began, to follow your instructions in regard to diet and to use Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. It is a grand medicine. I used three bottles, and, thanks be to God, am a well man again. You are at liberty to publish this if you desire, as I would be glad to be the means o calling the attention of victims of diabetes to a remedy that will give them a blessed relief. LOUIS PHILLIPS, Columbus, K'eb. n. rif AS j ml SHI THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF UNRUfTS COMPETITION KILLERS. A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. INFORMATION ANO OPINION. In his talk at the' recent banquet of the New York Press club Dr. Depew said that the modern newspaper was a thinking machine for the business man and that tho good reporter was a ca thode ray. An fnglish periodical prints an in terview with Cecil Rhodes' old nursa She remarks plaintively that when he wanted cake ho got it. lo an outsider it looks as though J. A. Gutsche would bo be slated b3 the democratic clans for mayor, with Frank Green for clerk and IJenry 11 Gering for treasurer. Charles Cum mins aDpears to have droDDed out. - 1 T which leaves Henry a clear field. congressman stroue nas ottered a bill to pension John M. Thayer at the rate of $100 per month. The old man was a gallant soldier, and now in the evening of life, when the shadows darker grow and " his steps become short aud uncertain, he finds himself penniless comptlled to live upon the bounty of large-hearted friends. The cause of Cuban independence had strong advocacy and support in a speech of fervid and impassioned elo quence delivered by Senator Vest of Missouri, says an Associated press dis patch, lie spoke of Spain as a toothless old wolf, silting at the door of the cave of desotism and grinning at the procession of free nublics: de nounced the declaration of Captain- General Weyler. and asked whether tho senato should sit silent aqd dunr,h. subjugation to the Spanish queen. "If we do," he exclaimqd, "God will curse us. The time will come when there will be a retribution upon us as a peo ple because wo have not cherished the legacy of self-government bequeathed by our fathers to us." Two tramps broke open tho resi dence of Henry Pell, a farmer resid- ng east of Union, yesterday and stole about $20 worth of clothing and a shot gun. They were captured by some farmers near Union and the two cul prits wore lodged in the Union bastile to await the coming of the sheriff, when they will bo brought here for hearing. A criminal nas a poor show to get away' in old Cass these times. Don't invite disappointment by ex perimenting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you have im mediate relief. It cures croup. The only harmless remedy that produces mmediate results. F. G. Fricke & Co. Given a Reception. John Wichman and his happy bride, who were married yesterday by Rev. Freund, were given a reception by his friends at the Turn Halle last evening. The Tuxedo club delivered some of its choicest music and all those who de sired were permitted to dance. Re freshments were plentiful and a nice time was had. Soothing, healing, cleaning," De- Witt's Witch nazel Salve is the enemy to sores, wounds ana pnes. which it never fails to cure. Stops itching and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hours. F. G. Fricke & Co. It KIT IJ Lit' AN STATE CONVENTION. ti. i i . . . . . xiic icpuLim.au electors oi ine siate oi Ne braska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention in the city of Omaha. etinesday. April 15, lS!(i. at ". p. m.. lor tne purpose ot choosing four (4) delegates and four (4) alternates to the republican national convention to be held in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, on I tiesday, June lti, 1S98, at 12 o'clock noon, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. 1 he several counties are entitled to representa tion as follows, the apportionment being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Joseph S. Bartley for state treasurer- m 1MH, giving each county one delegate at large and one for each 10() votes and the major fraction thereof: Counties. Adams A .1 t . . . naiiner j, Kearney , liiaine ; z,N.eitn Boone ll.'Keya Paha. Box Butte : Kimball.... Del. (Counties. ... lu'jetlerson , . . loilohnson. , .. 3,Ke De 1 14 11 3 3 0 Knox n Lancaster 71 Lincoln 11 Logan , Boyd Brown.. Buffalo . Burt.... tsutier 14 l.oup 2 Cass SU Madison 11 Cedar 9'Mcl'hersoii I Chase llMerrick 10 Cherry tJlN'ance S Cheyenne 6; Nemaha 15 Clav '. IS N'nrknlU in collax S Otoe ill Cuming li Pawnee 15 Custer ItilPerkins a Dakota BJPhelps 10 iwwcs v nerce l-'!Platte . 4!Polk . ;Ked Willow. . 19j Richardson . .HlijSarpy . 4Saunderson . ,. 18,Scotts Blurt. . iltSeward , . SSheridan lNSherman 30 3 5 Dawson Duel Dixon Dodge Douglas . . Dundy Filmore... r ranklin.. Frontier... Furnas. . .. Ciage Garlield ... (iosper.... Grant Greeley ... Hall.. Hamilton . iarlan Haves litchcock. Holt , MonliT lTHTrecom mended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present be authorized to cast the entire vote of the dele gation of the county which they represent. E. J. HAINEK, Chairman. T. E. SEDGWICK. Secretary. Sioux. Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston ... Valley Washington. Wayne Webster Wheeler. 4 lh 14 It 14 6 9 11 2i 7 3 6 5 l a 17 I li li N ext -. '(MMBj vi T h i r ty p-pSffiffittK Days FOR THE SUM '.,f!l I Ik For the Next Thirty Days OF SI4 l.cMI m 1 "a Iangerously Injurt-tl. The county attorney has uot yet filed a complaint against Eli Jones for his ast-ault on the two Carnes girls, for the reason that the oue most in mrnd is still dangerously ill and the result of hor injuries are not . yet known. She may not recover. l.ont. Timothy Clark lost part of a hair mat t ff?s from a wasron between this city and Weeping Water on Feb. 21 and would bo very grateful if the Rnrfr would leave the same at The News office or the Republican office in Weeping Water. Attr.rnfv Wm. Deles Dernier 19 in town today from Elmwood. Wedded at Eugrle, EAGLE, Nob., Feb. 27 A very pretty wedding took place at the residenco of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ray, which united in marriage their youngest daughter, Miss Hattie. to Dr. Frank Davis of Plymouth, Neb. The young peopie took the afternoon train -for their fu ture home at Plymouth. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh -That Contain Mercury, As mcrcurv will surelv destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entermz it tnrougn tne mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions Iron, reputable physicians, as the dam age they will do is ten told to tl age they will do is ten told to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall s Catarrh Cure. manutactured by f . J. Cheney at Co., loledo, C, contains no mercurv. and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the Dlood and mucous surlaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. 1 estimomals tree. tdESold by Druggists, price 75 cents per bottle. Well Ho ring. Jacob Tucker, who has had fifteen years experience in digging wells, has secured an augur and drilling machine operated by hor9e-power, and he can now put in a good well on short notice. Address, Jacob Tucker, Plattsmouth. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. doing of the lluffalo. Tho report of the secretary of the Smithsonian institution, just issued, contains some interesting statements as to tho rapid disappearance of the buffalo from tho Yellowstone nark. When this park was organized it was supposed that a permanent refugo for these animals had been secured. On the other hand, the secretary reports that the conditions in the pa-k are such that the extermination of the government herd may be accomplish ed in a very short space of time. The superintendent has no means at his command for Drotectiner them, which is of itself sufficient inducement for the ravages of poachers. Two years ago there were 200 buffaloes -in the ' park. The present estimate is fifty, and these are so constantly pursued that it is safe to say they will all be killed within a year. . All of the other animals in the park are properly pro tected and are increasing. In view of the fate which seems destined to over take the buffalo the report recom mends that these animals, or a ma- jority-of them, shall -be transferred as soon as practicable to the National Zoological park at Washington, which affords room and security. "Their natural increase in the future can be distributed by exchange with the zoological gardens of the various parks of tho United States, so that no large city need be without its representa tives of the great herds so often re ferred to in our early history, and now a memory." Chicago Tribune. - Our people are growing more and . m I ? . . . X more in toe naoit oi looning. waur drueffists for the latest and best of everything in the drug liue. They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds, croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you wi more than pleased with the result.- Kor Sale. A good second hand two-chair bar ber outfit, tor sale cheap. Enquire of Kuhney Bros., Plattsmouth, Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ,: :.; Udil . rn n ' inp in' -i i .1 i ,.i i .i m : I 1 - ! ! 'i ii ' - v, l i i , i tj 1 'p? IS ISotlce of IndebtedneitH. The Plattsmouth fias & Electric Iieht com panv. a corporation organized under the laws ol the state ol Nebraska. 1 he Plattsmouth lias & h-lectric dent com pany hereby give notice that the lollowing is the list ot and amount ot all the existing debts ol said corporation on the hrst day ot rebruary. A. 1J namely: First mortgage 6 per cent bonds of the l lattismouth Uas oc fc.Iectric Light company, interest nsivable semi-an- uallv. luue land Uecemh!r 1 :W.Il0 00 Accrued interest on same WJI) O0 Loan payable liW 93 tiills payable SIS 16 laxes 173 8H Total $31,177 93 J. ;. Richev, President, S. B. Hovev, Treasurer, C. D. Jones, Secretary, Majority of Board of Directors, " Ten 'dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in. J. I UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLHTTSMOUTH,- NEBRHSKK. NE.W : flDVERTISEMFsNTS. CAT A RRH .Is a LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds. sudden climatic changes. It can be cured bv a pleas ant remedy which applied directly into the nostrils. lieing auickiy absoruea it gives relief at once. Elys Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Naal Catarrh; cold in head ana nay revet oi an remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal pass ages, allys pain and intlmnmation.heals the sores, protects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Trice at Druggists or by mail. ,It,IJC v v tLl UROlllCM. inutii oi.,... . NEW GROCERY FIRM THOiVIAS & SON, Props. 13 mm PARKER'S HAIR BALSAKf nrtnwi and beautifiei the htit. lToniotca unturmn pruwxn. Never Fails to Bestora Ory Hair to its Youthful Color. Cure Acalp Uinci'c hair tiU06. .y,anq...'"'in jmg.- The only mm Cure luc Cum.. u.p ail paiu. Emm. fort W Zi ilea. Make walking way. liua, at Urugguu. j r.nl.mit-ra r.clih Ilinior..i flrBB'. - EKIIYROYAL FILLS rt;N saFC. always roiiaoie. imd 41 CSjJ lruln for Ckickttterl Kuiiluk lut- .'i z..i. rfoflnivmij irwbsttlu. llon, and iimlalionl. Al l)runint. or KM - in Munipa ior particular!. uiiumoDiiu auu "Kellef for I-adit-," in Utter, by rvtain r Mall. Itt.WIW H'UliniWIliniii. ' ' " r fy.i Cfclc heater Chenalcml C'a.,Madlon Si 14.4 Sold bj ail Local DruH'"- 1-fcUftan, k la. Us. d 4 COMPLETE BILL OF FARE CAN BE SECURED IN OUR STORE. THEY have fitted up their room and put ,n a fresh clean stock of Groceries, which they will sell at a reasonable rate. Every arUcle necessary to make a good meal cav be found in our establishment, in cluding the best of meats. Try the new house and you will be pleased with your purchase. THOMAS & SON, FITZGERALD BLOCK. The Most Tender Steaks. Juicy Roasts. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended, either - DAY or NIGHT. MURK A NEBRASKA BREAKFAST SUPPER. EPFS' GRATEFU-L COMFORTING COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. THE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Ratss $1 and $1.50 per Dau Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. LATTSKOUTU, NEURAL" 5 .1 - 1 r i V aU'lllppn . & - :' 'V