Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 08, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
f THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTII, NEB., FEBU(jAUY 8, 1896. 8 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1:1 V '3 a- 7 A WW CITY BREVITIES. v hi s i: -i. v i iii'M :i- is in mi th ::i'i to T .1. M. 1 ! : 'i-!s i - i i f i n t lich iicid ' t"J iy .; !'.i-i Mr-. I i.i-i-mi ie-i- is visit iu; hor ii-t!i'i:r..!', Mrs. J. is. ii?;hcrt.aO::, t.J:iy. ( '. If. l'.nmulc li:is ken sVk h.M'u' in this city .-iin-o last Tiiiir.-d :y. K I. Win(h;!iii sur; tlio other itc-it:- stion at i t v this I Yc-mont dijiart;il fo t!,:.t Tlc.i ttn:ev iiri-i- t.l ki i'- t:d C u-.ty At- IV!!; :in: .i i ( - oil v.'onii ion a, v s,.;iin -oiue j I' t xes hoiongin to the I fo-i ii :rd .v ire slo-'!:. Tee 111'.- Ciui'ier av.s' awarded I i,i ! i :i t mi;' f the eo'irl docket at 15 ccijti mt e;i-e. Troa-u:y statements 4 .n.-li ei mini notices '2 cents per Sf, n 1 1 e. 1 11 xi h.i! lt; ' 4-oks ti .- at the hi eh 5C ,..o. Ihv I'.iv-V wortil of books v. r iar-t term l,:.o0 ban lied ill four 1 ! - l.iy 1- K 1 1 nr. the ::eii! of the S le oi i.o i !' -. Vii;i b:is In i-o!iie of Iliik's cold wivV It breiijht ; li'ht first this in' i-i,; nr a d that is .11. Hi-m i Mc- M::k.-n h;.- Lol rilloi' ft if a biejich of pr"a;!-e s:tt. t.'ol. Thra.-her is home aain and j lias i -e pi nod hi oliice, vhich is the h -:u".';'i iT'ers for ihore having bills to c li'.rct or hou.-cs to r'-r.t. if you vv::nt a ho-.we ." 'i'lira-!ie:- -ai.d he will iix J O I 111'. A' u-t lord . r, l lie invincible im plem'i:t dealer, i- i)icadinr out and will e.rry a iir.o cycler. I lo foi i : of hi'h yrade bi two this morning from the er faetorv are beai.t : e . S.uiiue! liiehardson is ;ul a puhl.e i-i!o of his farm implements and stoe!c f.i;- i'i''i. to take placf at his Kieh! Mile t.'rove farm, preparatory to the removal with his family to this city in the spring. Maei; vs. Matti.-on was the title of a I suit tried b -o e Justice II a 1 1 yester day at I."iii .viile. Mr.tihew tleritig appeiretl for tie4. lain'.ilT a;:d J. L. Iloel repres'iitd t he i at crests of the defendant. The court to..k the m itti r under a, I viscnient. Co !11 Stevi ti'-on was dov. i from l i reeo v i !") yeleiilav closing up sonic matleis pi the Am. iiol:on estate i will-. Atto. ne. D. K. Ha. r, who has J built ui -nite a law practice from j :iirs-ng his neighlo s in th Wfiti-rn part of t he coun'y. The line weaihtr of today ai.d tie outlook f-.r the fu"uio pretty efl'cet- uallv settles lit n tiestion of an ice hai 1 i v.-'.-t for i Lis winter. The ic in '.this - city have their less than half f ill and we m:.y xpocl to p v oil. prices next -ummei fr the fi ie'ul luxury: W. A. S wea l I i "en, cue of the best depu' v c iii.t;. el rl-- who ever tilled that o:ii.-j in this enmity, stepped down a"d en! 1 1 Mr-. S. has as y out we shoe PI ) ti nd i i: - suit Lie . he laiiit lemao city. Mrs. A. B. ;"o.: very Jib- s ; 'i ' i y ' r: u. I .-. o u 'i ' ' !i ' i, ;,,,l--:i, -ly pink i e i 'A 1 1 i 1 All e ' - ' I, i i:P: o i e ! . ' d-.II.e- K ! !'. IHmw. A. ;ari. and F. S. White. V. 'A'. Co te-. at the 1 i- t vl I U e over- lie- M ; F.:efc. i a. .: iir-t of l-'ebniary. t:o d-jlinite jtians, ad to hear of his . ei- -v meat, so that a resident "f 1 his : iite. t ii innl at ca -' erii v af-evr o n i! -r heme wtis ' - i with ilo'.ver.s . . . va ; I i :'g ei ilor. -vas served at ...j. vveic Mo.-- (,,.,,.,. ! t. it. -b Miller P :(.-..; i- no fo- La ' Mon av! u vj.-'. I - ti -c I tb C'J M- i en! tlir -v.- r i- u i 3 ii Si lie C- I l.u ii of everv o.-iian and el" '.be ! 'i.y dcp'.-:::14 uwit the '. cf the blood. Tito v :( world s the stane -r - blood r-cri'iet ia hi I -i v c -i y fe si a C i, And therefore it is the only true rtr.d reliable medicine fer nervous people. It the blood pure and healthy, and thus cures nervousness, mnkes the nerves firm aid strong, gives s-.vett elcep, mental vigor, a good appetite, perfect digestion. It docs nil this, and cares Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Kheum end all oi her Mo-1 i-:ccsc3, because it - -i ?s: -r 3 , -' m Vjfc.- V.- r.e-nU prove every word we bnve said. Tltousaiids of voluotuiy i u r.i HiiaU fi.iy y...b!ish t lie fact f-IOOd'S Sz:-za. Be Sure to Get Hood'; VV J r. r "I fun tPt better, fkr? -: :.-r p--d cm better ia every woy f-irto t.-.Uirg Hooii'a Sar- rtrariila." " C. C U.vvia, Box 6-15, Salina. Kan. Hood's Pi!ls e-ure all liver 111. constipa tion, biliousness, sick beadachc. Indigestion. 25a I1 ,'yL-V A F J next In; will bo m u i ied to Miss Iva Meredith ;it the home cf the bride's p:i'ents. The fortunate 3'ounsr lady is vvt !l-k and yreutly admired in liiii eity, whero she formed many pIc ts:int nciiiain ta rices. The3' will be :it home t their at the Hotel Kiiev tifter March 1st. TIIUKSDAY. W. S. l'ur.dy seemed tligbtly bolter this morn i ii "f. j Dr. J. A. Ilaaomeier wad in the city I ffiitn Louioville today, j .Ju..lro Archer was tryingr a replevin isiiitiu his court today. J jhn Ciaas i3 con lined to his house this week with la grippe. Lyman James of Gi cel. wcoii had b i si a ess iu this city tod.iy. A. O. Smith is in from Denver today looking nf:er liis I'.attsmouth in terests. John Hei.ry Cooiv and n uy Dur ton of Muiray took i.ul a permit to wed today. Mrs. Win. Cowiten departs! this evening for a visit with relatives at Djs Moines, 1 1. Mi. Tom Fry, who was dangerously ill fof some time, is reported in a fair way for recovery. T. C Shepherii w as an Omaha visitor todav. He expects to leave for New York City next Tuesday J. VY. Cox. one of Aveca's tolid farm ers, cair.e in today on business with some of ti e county ollicials. Dr. M. M. IJutler, Phil Barnes ai a John 11. Davis of Weeping Water are in the city on business today. .Mrs. W. A. Swearinyen departed to day for Kim wood to visit with her mother for a while and recuperate her health. James Donnelly has accepte! a posi tion on the road traveling for the Su perior Cigar company, a wholesale hoae of Chicago. It is rumored that August Gorder was discovered in a dark alley last evening leaitiing to riue a bicycle, with a poor show of success. J. L. I 'oil;, pos'-il e'erk, has been piMnioicil to a (lav run on me l. .v. M and the east end ef his route is changt d from Pacific Junction to m iha. Miss 15 rt a Myers entertained aeom jiuiycf neighbors anil f. iends at her home last evening. II gh live and a pleas nit social time was the result. '1 Ml-; Xi:vs is in receipt of a p. em f'-lJIil l!l- 1 'f i4 1'iattsinouth young j 1 tdy en-iLled -Tho Exile j be printed when we e in which will t around to (.1 .us B.-o: enfeid has a new boy up j at bis linus ,' thai put in an appearance . .-i i - a!vesLtiu: iiiCMiiiiii;. uiaus wii? imc -e crs . joyed that he cou.ila t come clown town j to i"!l the now.-pap-T b 'ys of his good i f rlu ne. j Jesse Livingston She; iff Hol low -.y a description of his stolen har ness last week and the l-.-.t ter sent it to Kansas City. Today bo learned the h n ness had been fou d and would lie shipped at once. This is very fortun ate for Mr. Li v illusion. A t-'louheiie. pole is standing at the fi'ir, of Wintersteen bill which is in a very sh .ky couditioa and i.s liable with a sierhl w.ii.l lii fall over on a team or oa p ise s-tV and do M'l i'in- d m Ige. I' t'-iuh I i be ! 1 X . . 1 UJ) at one . C. H. l'..rme e i- still confined to hi- l i nr. oiinl of serious t.-ouble i: ' bi.- hi!) wh'eh iia- i f i n ailing mo -e ir l.'-s I .i- a bin,- time. lie will h.i l-e iv'iio to get. nut much u -i til ih. - in tiie spi-Mif. ' II. C. Noielv the g.'ni 1 a'lJ sUicl-ss.-i;u;ar tar-diord i ful i.ent.l' the llevere ubber com--. vs t h is e vi-n ':: g ! P n V wi-h In a ic; u 1 1 tei s in Chicago 1'i i. tbeci'v 1 si evening greeting m in y : equ 'intam-es ia a royal I whole -o ieii man ier as nly Noack i-an. Whil at church :',unday evening some i'i.e en tered John lloone's cellar and s'.ole ii lot of hi- Du'atoes. The lo-s of the pot .too- is bad enough, but .L In; ititim .tes that he has row sworn j oil Loin going to church, which is wo! so t nan the lo.-s of the ''tubers. j V:.s'a Voung, who is a genuine artist 1 wi h the piano and orawing knife, has opened out a lirat-c'.a-s wagon shop on I the Senator Thomas fa-ni live miles I north west of town, wheie ho builds I new vehicles or repairs old ones from i tie." bvst mates ial which monev will buy. Notice. The prohibitionists of Cass county. Nebraska, are called to meet in mass convention at Weeping Water, in the G. A. 11. ball, Saturday, February S, at 1 o'ciocw p. in., for the purpose of e.eeii: g doteg..tes to attend the state convention t 'e held at Lincoln, Neb., ,.n P. b-uary 11. W. O. Tl'CKKK, Chairman Central Committee. Utieu unit ism ( urt'd In Iay. "Mystie Cure" for liheumatisin and Xeutiiliria radically cures in one to three days, its action upon the sys tern is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at op.eei the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benelits, 75 cents Soid bv P. G. Pricke &. Co., druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. A h'gh liver with a torpid liver will not be a lonsr liver. Correct the liver with Do Witt's Little Early Risers little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipation. F. G. Fricke & Co. McClare's Mapuzine For .January. The lirst edition of the January Jlc Clure's is 3(H), 000 copies an increase of 170,(100 in three months. It is easy to undci these great strides in cir culation when one has read, in this number, the icmarkabte story of Lin coln as the manager of Denton OlTutt's s iw-mill aid country store at Xew Sa lem, the victorious westli r against the champion of Clary's Grove, the student, between whiles, of Kirk nam's Giamraar, a candidate for the legisla ture, and a captain of raw recruits in tho lilack Hawk war; and when one has inspected the twenty-live pictures which help to vivify this most engag ing chapter of Lincoln history. We have been advised heretofore that tho history of Lincoln's early years was lost. This can bo said no more; for Miss Tarbell has recovered it for Mc Clui e's down to its smallest de'ail. To further justify the 300,000, there is the beautiful article on Eugene Field's intimacy with. the children, re producing the best of his child poems, with portraits from his own collection, of real children to whom the poems re late. Then there is the lirst of Mr. Will IJ. Low's papers on tho gre it paintings of the century, in preparation for which Mr. Low made a special trip to Europe, gathering tho best that the galleries there would afford. This paper treats of tho French painters of the beginning of the cen tury David and his followers and is illustrated with reproductions of six teen celebrated paintings by David, l'rud'hon, Gerard, and others. Ever since 18S4 it has been a matter of constant speculation, and, at times, of hot dispute, exactly what relation Mr. Blaine bore to his candidacy for the presidency in that year. A paper by Mr. Murat Halstead in this number must, one should think, set the matter forever at rest. By conversations and letters of Blaine never before pub lished, he gives his whole inner history, first of the nomination, and then of the succeeding canvass. One of the new letters a particularly interesting letter written by Blaine just after las i defeat H reproduced iu facsimile;;-. nd there are some new letters by General Sherman and several interesting por traits of Blaine. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, continuing her charming au tobiographical chapters,describes with the fullest sympathy, and yet with un failing vivacity, ihe life of "the Au- dover of New England theology; the dover that kept herself apart from the world and all that was therein" an Anucver which, she truly says, "will soon becomo an interesting wraith." Other noteworthy features a-e a popular at tide be the eminent astronomer, Sir Hubert Ball, giving! the latest information regarding "The ' Sun's Light," and excellent short j stories by Anthony Hope and Herbert' I). Ward. S. S. MC'Cl.l'KK, LTD. j .".ti Lafayette Place, New York. ' At l.-viston The Lew iston church had a gi od n3 liig last night Tho Lord w; s present, with power. There were' eight souls seeking for the Lord. We , would be glad if some of our good peo- , p'e of Plattsmouth would d;op into see us. I am stoning with a good, re licious family, that of Elisha Car O . May God bless you as you print this, and also those who read it. Yours truly, C M. Gkavks. ' the who! You look at cod-liver oil. It is so much oil or fat. But the chemists come along and tell us that in that oil are united, in almost invisible form, most valuable medicinal agents, that the fat of cod-liver oil is only one of its merits, and that no process of medical skill or chemical science can unite these peculiar properties with oil as they exist in nature. This is why tJiere can be no substitute for cod-liver oil. AVhen you get Scott's Emulsion ?: &:thZn&?!l. cles, digested, and ready to be taken up into the system. The hypophosphites which are combined with it are valuable tonics, increasing the appetite, strengthening the nerves, and restoring vitality in the weakened system. - - When you ask "for Scott's Emulsion and your druggist gives you a salmon-colored packaze with the picture of a man and fish on it you can trust that man with your prescriptions I SCOTT & 50 cents and $1.00 THE St. Louis Globe-Democrat I The Great i National and Representative jj Republican Newspaper... Reduced Subscription Rates by Mail, Postage Prepaid. Daily and Sunday, - - - (nc Your. bix .Monitis, uud Saturday Edition, 10 pao;es, .... Ono Year, $1.50 Sundav Edition. 2S to 40 nasres. .... One Year, 2.00 WEEKLY. Issued in Serai-Weekly Sections, K pages each Tuesday and l-Viday, 1( pasres every week, One Year, $1.00; Six months, o0. THE GI.OHE-UEMOCItAT is American newstia oers, and at these reduced rates it is also the cheapest. TH E GL.OI5 L'l-Dl'.M OCK AT pavs other paper in the United St ites. It Treat national camnaiern. and the low THE GLOliE-DKMOCltAT is cents for tlie Daily and o cents for the subscribers, Daily and Sunday, ." cents local dealer does not handle it, insist yeur subscription with remittance direct to the publishers. tSTI'artieular attention is called to Til K WKKKLY GL.OBE-DEMO CHAT, issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eioht pares everv Tuesday and Fri day, making- it praetically a larire Semi-Weekly paper for only one dollar a yea-. This issue just fills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, and vet aesires to It trees to every state- almost to every postollice in the Union. All America is its legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will find it invaluable as a newspaper and home journal. Sample copieu of the Globe-Democrat will be sent free on application to The Independent NGial YORK. A Religious, itrary aiti Fj;tiil y Newspaper. Undenominational, unbiased and im partial. "A piper for clergymen, scholar?, teacher.",,,. business men and families. It dis cusses every topic of the day religious, theological, po litical, so cial, etc. Its contributed articles are by the most eminent writers of the English language. It employs specialists and distin guished writers as editors of its Twenty-ono Departments. A paper particularly fitted for law yers, doctors, clergymen, those en gaged in business, young people of both sexes men and women who read and think for themselves. A paper especially valuable for those interest ed in Fine Arts, Science, Music. A paper giving valuable information upon Finance, Life Insurance, Com merce. A paper for Sunday School Workers, those who have a Farm, Garden or House I'lants. A paper for the family, old and voung. IMPORTANT. The Independent announces to its subscribers, and to any who may be come so. that it is prepared to fur nish any papers and magazines pub lished in this country, England, Fi ance and Germany, at a very large reduc tion from publishers' rates. This op portunity is open only to subscribers of the Independent. Upon receiving list of papers or magazines from indi viduals or reading rooms, an estimate will bo given bv return mail. Its ja arly uls ripl ion is !:. or at tliat rule for any part of a ymr. ( lulis of live, '; facli. "Trial Trip," one Month, 25c. Specimen t'opicH Free. THE INDEPENDENT, P.O. Hex 27. till Fulton Street. New York. f?s hti.-t. r- f:tiuh Diumumt itinn. S EHHYROYAL PILLS nL.Ai Irtisji.-t for CM-htr a Enu'h -Pit- -iTlCV m.mJ K in and t.':td PIPtHllicW irtott-4. rald with blue ri'iUm. TuLc r n Mt kuF. HrfiiMr t roil n'lW iru hufisanti imitation. Ai Irutfci-i. or on'i 4c. in t-mi8 for fiMrtiruInr. t. -timonial au-l KIlef for l.adlrm" m Irttrr, bv return M-tl 1II.H4IU T.timonmU. A'flmf I'avtr rhlcheatert hemlculCo.,Mii-fH-on hmuhi CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etel For Information and free Handbook write to MUXN it CO., Uf.1 Uroadwat. new York. Ol.lest Imrpnti for peeurlnn patents In America. Every patent taken out ty us is brought before tho public by a notice given free ot charge In the JFricttiific JVwmc m Ijsrest ctT-cnlatlnn of anT Brlpntlflr? paper In tho world. "Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weeklv, ..l.OOa year; $1,511 six months. Address, M UN N CO,, Vc; bos u tits, SOt Bruadway, .tw York City. e oi vie v a iiiiei ciiij' iiiiii ji i.i BOWNE, Chemists, New York. universally conceded to be the br-st of for and prims moro news than any will be indispensable during- the coming price piaces it within the reach of all sold bv news-dealers everywhere at 2 Sunday issues. Delivered to legular a week. 00 cents a month. If your noon his procuring it for you, or seno Keep promptly ana tnorougniy po&teu 1 tcr-v- t-i Globe Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo. I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Notice to Contractors Notice is hereby given that sealed bills will be received at the county commissioners othce i the city of Flattsmouth. Cass county. Neb., unt noon on Thursdav. March 5. isidl. for the erection and completion of all pile bridges to be built in is' t!, recording to the following specincations. to 1. All bridges to rest on three piling at each bent of length required by commissioners to be driven to a solid foundation; piling to be of white or burr oak. round, w ith not less than fourteen 111! inches butt, and ten fli'l inches top. ail Dilincr to be smooth proportionate, free from uMnrlltnl-p and ohiirtionabfe knots. i. All caps to be I sj by twelve f 1-J oak. and fastened to piling with dritt pins twenty-two iiu-ti trinff. holt for drift pins to be bred fill depth with augurs-sixteenth 11-10J smaller than pin. 3. All sway braces to be three f:? bysixfti oak. b.ted to end of cap and each intersection wiin rminc wiin iie-eiuuiu t-m woiv. :in ivnlu-iii at tnd 1 All inUts to be of soft nine, three f:! bv twelve flJ, sized at each end. outside joist to be boiled to cap at each end with he eight 5S bolts: spans ot sixteen nJ anu eighteen i mj leei. to have nine I iJ joists to the span each, .-pans twenty 30 1 feet to have ten jlil joists to the span, and twentv-t.oi L-"-l mxl twenty-lour I J4 to tiavee.even Lll joists to uic -pan. wen lappea on cap, all joists to be well bridged on center wi h two "Ji by four 4 white pine, well nailed with sixteen I lrt penny wire naif.-. 5. All Mooring to be two 21 by ten III or twelve (12 j white or burr oak and to be spiked to joist with forty 4 l penny steel -pikes at each intersection of the joists. 6. ' Kailiiiir posts tour bv four I44 to be bolted to outside joists with one-half inch bolt-, hub rails to be two by six "-xi and rail to be two bv four 12x41 canned with two hvsixl'jxtil and all to be white piuoS-4-S and well painted. I. line planK two uy twelve oy sixteen f'Jx 12x1 til to be spiked to end of ioi-ts at each end of bridge so as to cover end ot joists an I to make close connection with tloor. s. Width ol roadway to be sixteen Hi feet, liach bid must be accompanied bv a cci titled check for SUM. Board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. January li, lsntj Jamks Kobicrtsox. County Clerk. Referess' Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of the district court ot Ca-s county, entered upon the 4th day of January. A. O. lS'.tti, iu an action therein pending wtieieiu "susan lirosclaud and lirosclaud were plaintiffs and Myrtle Uarnes, Henrietta 1 leitrick, Theodore K. Decker, Kausoin Decker. Kudolph Decker. Sylvester V. Decker, et al.. are deteiiaaut-, which order continued the re port .it tin? reterees theretofore appointed in said cause and directed them to sell as upon execution Ihe lands described in their said report, the un dersigned reterees w ill, upon the l day ot Feb ruary. A. D. I-;;, at r.:l o clock p. in., in front of the south door ot ttie court house in Cass county, Nebraska, sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to wit: 1 he northeast quart r and the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine ('-): the northwest quarter ot section twenty-seven (2i; lots two, lour and live 2. 1 and it) iu section twenty-one UDallm township twelve, range eleven, in Cass county, Nebraska: lots two (2i block one (1 we.-t. and lots eight and nine is and in block one ill east ot the public square in the town id Kock lSUitts. Cass county, .Nebraska. L'pou the tallowing terms: One-third cash: one third in two years. oiie-thiid in three years, de terred payments to be secured by lirst mortgage, bearing interest at eight percent per annum, pay able annually: eight per cent oft for cash on de lerred payments, "said sale will rcniaiu open tm one hour. January IT, Is'.n;. J. W. Julixsox. mmiki. Wacom. John D. I i kouson, Referees. byron Claik and C. A. Raw Is, at onieys for plaiutitt. Notice of Probate of Will. MM-; STAT K Oh' NKURASKA. ( . In County Court Cass Co. j 3- In the matter of the last will and testament of Thomas li. (iordon, deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the tith day of February. A. L). ls'.i, at the office of the county judge in I'lattsiiioutli. Cass county. Nebraska, at the liour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow ing matter will be heard and considered: l'he petition of r-r.mcis S. 1'nce to admit to probate an attested copy of the last will and testa ment of Thomas H. Gordon, deceased, late ot (lcnuood. Milis county, Iowa, and lor letters tes tamentary to Henrv Kvernham. Jr. Dated this i:ith day of January A. D. ls'.iik liy order of the court. OKORGI-: M. isI'L'RLOCK. County Judge. Sheriff's Sals. I5y v rt or of a n order of sale Issued by G. F. Ilouseworth, cierk of the district court Witmu and for l!ass county, Nebraska. and to me directed. I will ontlie, tli day or AlarcD.A. I), ls'.iti. at 11 o clock a. m. of said day at ttie oniii uoor of ttie court house in t lit city or I'lattsuioutn. in suiu county, soil at uuniie auction, to ttie liighest bldaer for cash, the following ocseribed re.-il estate, to-wit: Lots one (li uud two i2i, in blo.-k sixty ', in the city of Weeping Witer. Cass county. Nebraska, together witn tne privileges ana aopu rienanecs thereto be onuin or in any wise appcrlaiion; same Deitii levied upon nd taken as the properly or f- red Beiiows, lorence J. Bellows, Hnliaui 11. Wright, liiio iron atore Co.. Sackett Ac Gales. Wil liam Tia fie. slier ill ; Joseph r . .Mills. T lioin is N. Howard. Fii9t National ItaiiK of Weeping Water. Nebraska, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Hyron Ci.-ii-k. pl.toitiii, against said oeieniiams I'lattsmoulu, Nebraska, Jan. -'.i. A. i. i.s;it. Hauvkv Hoi.i.owa v, PlieritI Cass County. Nebraska. Legal Notice. To Susan Grosclaude. Charles F. Grosciaude. Rudolph Decker, Mrs. Kudolph Docker, Hen- lette 1 le.ricli. r. .N. lietncn. Kansoin liecker, 1 heodore Decker. Mis. Theodore F. Decker. Samuel K. Johnson as surviving member of the Iirm ot Joimson v s.pratnu. iiliaiu I.. 1 noinp- son, r.nos Aorman. iNancy Gorman, e olin Wise. Serena Wise. Henrv A. Wise. I-lora 15. Wise, Jane Daltoii and Isaac Coe; ;you and each ot ou are hereby notified that on the 10th day of January. lMiti. W illiam Voting hied his petition against otl miplcaUed Willi syive.-ler 1 . liecKer, ei al.. in the district court oi cass county, Ne braska, the object and prayer of which petition, is to tpiiet in said William Voung the title to eight teres ol land m tlie northeast corner ot the south west quarter of section rj, in town 11, range l.f, Cass county, Nebraska, a'.so the title to the southeast quarter ot tlie northwest oiiHi ter ol said section: also the we-t half of the northeast quar ter ot said section: also tlie title; to 1 acres ol land vimi west id a hedgerow on the east lia.t ot ttie northeast quarter of section VI aloresaid: also the titie to 14.40 acres on land iu the northwest corner ot the southeast quarter ot section 12 afore said; and to bar each and every ot said defendants and all .persons claiming through them Ironi hav ing or asserting any interest in sani land, an J lor equitable re iet. V ou are required to answer said petition on t belore Monday, ihe iind day of March. Is.i,j, W II I.I.VM 1 Ol Mi. Uy his attorneys. Keeson .S: Koot. Nd:ics to Crtditors. To all creditor- of Hiram (.. Spencer. j on .ire hereby uotilie 1 to appear al mv otuce in I'lattsiiioutli. Ca? coun'y. -Nebraska, on the all day of 1-ebruary, ls'.Mi, at 'I o'clock p. in.. Ihen and there to choo-e an a igaee ot the property, assets and ttect- ot Hiram i. Spencer. Witness my hand and seal lhis-4t!i day ot Jan uary, 1S!HJ. d-.OKl.h M. M'L Kl.UCK. eouniy juoge. Notice ot Sale. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Anna M. O'Koui ke. deceased, on application ol INellie M. 1) Kourke as guardian, for license to sell real estate. Notice is hereby civen that in pursuance of an order ot Samuel M. cnapman. junge oi me uis trict court ol Cass county. Nebraska, made on the 1th day of January. A. 1. IstW. tor the sale of the real estate nereiiiaiLcr uescnocu. iieic win besoldattti south door of the court house at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, on the SUh day of Feb ruary. A. D. 1MH. at 1 o'clock p. public ven due to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots five and six i" and til, in block three (3), lots one. two. three and four l l. A and 4i, in block four i4: lot three (:i; in block six (ti): lot ten (101. in block tiiteen all in the city of Platts mouth. Cass county, Nebraska. And lots nine and ten (! and lib, in block twenty-six CM) in Duke's addition to I'lattsiuotith. And lots ten. and 12). in block (lin Stadelnian's addition to i'lattsmouth: also lot one hundred and three ill in the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and lot one hundred and four (lllli in the northwest quarter of the south east quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, all iu section nineteen l!i. township twelve (l-. north of range fourteen lilt, in Ca.-s county, Nebraska, subject to all He ns. Said sale w ill remain open one hour. Dated January SI, l!i. Nellie M. O Kockke, Guardian. Hvron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys for Estate. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF NEBRASKA Cass Count v. 3 In the matter of the estate of John Rlack. de ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against John l'.lack, de ceased, late of said county and state, will be re ceived, examined and adiusted by the county court at the court house in I'lattsmouth. on the !it;th .lav of Aueust A. D.. Is1.), at o'clock in the forenoon. And that seven months from and after the i"th dnv of January A. D.. ls'.n;, is the time limited for creditors of 'said deceased to present their clam for examination an'J allowance. Given urfermv hand this tilth dav of January A. 1., lsinif GEORGE M. SHL Kl-OCK. bounty juagc. rtr."i? li;:;!!1!' ' yntiiiiij llln.MUIIf-1 c b v r w v fSM VQnTll:i WW sM.Mf JfJLAZ LCI. Claus must have ran oat o'Soap when he left you. 99 Even the children recognize Santa ay ; Claus Soap as one of the good things . -.1 of life and why not ? It their home clean and makes mother happy. Try it in your Sold everywhere. Made The N. K. Fairbank Company, CHICAGO. i ii), nit" " I in Be Merry and Happy But remember that good Clothing is a never to be forgotten necessity. Do not wear the garments of the by-gone past. By buying of us you can afford to be dressed comfortably and neatly on a small income. Our $5 and $7 Ulsters are a black eye to our competitors they will make you our friends. Call in and examine them. F. J. MORGAN, J I" I"I ...LEADING : lvc tiicit NAME !..; l-UK K are Buimpeu oil soles FOR SKLE BY Gomplsxion Preserved DR. H EBRA'S VIOLA CREAM 'f --i Remoros Freckles, Pimples, Liver - Knits, B'.acktieads, j Sunburn ami Tan, and re- jilnr. Ilia clrin t.-. ilQ ri nnl freshness, prrducinK a clear ana nenuny com-M Tdexion. Superior to all faofcl preparations anil perfectly harmless. At all Urticgists, or mailed lor SOiits. Beud for circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP is 5im1.iT iimprM. kin ptiritrin? SAr.p, vaequalM for the toilet. tul wiiliout St Xlval for thi nurry. ,Uolut. W pnre find dclictelj mcdi- estml. Atdragiis. Price 25 Cents. The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killer ot Pain. J Internal and External. Cures KHiniATLSM, NEUBAIa- GIA, Lame Back, 8praiD,Bruise, iaStC iHTrellines, Stiff JolnU, COLIC and ?KA"'S tortantly. Cholera Mor - e-iCiw" "us, uronp.uiptnena, sore Itiroat. f5UEAIACHE,aaif by magic. THF HflRxF RRANfl Specially prepared for i, l btocK, Lxiuoio h; renut 1 themort Powerful and PpnetrntimrLiuimentfor Man or Beast in existence. Large & euze &u&, 5uc eizo 2Dc JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. ' Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Cure and ! Pace Baautifler. Ladies iJ find It the moat i deliento and nighty perfumed Toilet Boap on 1 the market. Itia absolutely pure. Makes tLr ekin eof t and velvety and restore the lost com flexion 1 in a luxury for the Bath for Infants, t alaya ltchine, cleanups tho scalp and VtQBlQMt tna growth oX toat. trice 25c roreaiaby 11 ft-w $3 0mfmm can ft w, nmtif irptmwtminwTimw . !.. rr i f ' . i 1 ic-r i ,.,... keeps m their home, ft sill i III i1 a iM hi,..' 1UU . s ii : t II .MiA mm only byVU;; i I MM! "' T i"T Wi r nlit, r " i I ill m E mm CLOTHIER... 1,000,000 People Wear W. L BOUGLAS SIUI AS FIT FOR Oyli A KING, Sg.OO, $.00, $3.50, $2-50, $2'2SMea $2 -00, $2-50, $2- $1 Any Style, All Sizes, Every ll 'Mth. ANY FOOT. Wear W. T. nonelm shoes and tave from a 1 .00 to .00 a pair. Thfl advance In leatlier has ?V makes. Imt the Quality ana prices of W. F,. Koutrlaa . M. AO. JOSEPH FETZER . - BEATTYS' CELEBRATED PIANOS AND. ORGANS for Caialouge, jdar Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. DIM IIAC Orsans, 3.VO upwr rds; want I Inn Up Agents. CataloRue free. Ad- a resa ianiei r . uunvj, su ui". ORGANS a dress Uanlel F. B I'ianos, s35 upwards: want ents. Catalogue iree iau- eatty. W'ashiugtou. N . J DCATTVIC I'ianos S325.00 upwards. D CM I I T Oror eatatoiuB 1 address r call. LlaDiel F. Beatty, Washington. N. J rnA Aftft BF.ATTY'S oraana 35.00 5DUUUUU up. For particulars, cata logue, address or call, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. . S n . .,,-. ., -!. ! 111, All W f btA I I Y O Write for cataIo8ue;addre88 ) urcaii. nauiei r. uuauj, n muiuwu. ... B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended, eltful DAY or NIonT. I MURRAY, NEBRAj r J