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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1896)
T THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMQUTH NEB., FEBRUARY 8, 18S0. 2 T Tlie Seml-.Weekiu News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ... BY THE . . . NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... Six Months One Week, Single Copies, SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months, If) 00 2 50 10 n oo 50 T.E LARGEST GIRGULflTlON Of any Cass County Paper. GERMANY and Franco take turn about having cabinet crises. Now it is France that is on the grid-iron, Ger many having recovered from her late political eruption. Now that the Keeley motor is an nounced to be ready, the democrats Bhould arrange with Mr. Keeley to try to get some motion into their presidential campaign. A STEAMSHH lino has been estab lished between Mobile ar.d Gutate malo. The disposition to cultivate closer trade relations with this coun try is a sign of the times in Spanish America. Cleveland had better have "pulled down his vest" before that speech of the Missouri senator's was delivered. It wa a more scathing criticism of his excellency than any republican has deigned to offer, and withal, contained some palpable truths. THE Cubans fighting to throw eff a yoke almost as galling as slavery itself were finally recognized as belli gerents in the United States senate yesterday. It was lardy justice and the further statement of absolute neu trality was scarcely necessary. SINCE GenT. Harrison has written his letter declining to bo a candi date for the presidency, all the old politicians are saying, "I told you so; knew he would not be a candidate all !so wi9e in their own conceit as self Btyled politicians. New York's great Adirondack state park is to be increased by the addition of 75,000 acres, for which $000,000, or $8 an acre, will be pa'd. The Empire state adds more to its real wealth by this purchase than could bedone by any other means, and the benefit derived will be perpetual. Ex. THE travelling men of Nebraska have awakened to the importance of home patronage. Now that they are organized for a campaign in behalf of Nebraska they will talk the doctrine of home Industry in every city and hamlet in the state. The travelling man is a commercial missionary. lie is capable of making many converts to his way of thinking. Bee. The production of aluminum in this country has increased from 83 pounds in 1883 to 850,000 pounds in 1895, and the estimate for 1896 is 3,060,000 pounds the processes for making it having been greatly improved. The price at the reduction works ranges from 50c to ; 55c a pound. Applied electricity ex- metal is now turned out. Ex. If the republican newspaper boys of this state could name the next nomi nee for president on the republican ticket there is no doubt as to who the gentleman would be. At the editorial association a poll was taken, and the result was that McKinley received 54 votes, Allison 5, Reed 1 and several scattering. The democrats voted 2 for Whitney, 3 for Carlisle,and the re mainder scattering. Nebraska . City New9. Secketaky Morton submits figures to show that he has saved from tho money appropriated to support tho agricultural bureau in three years the handsome sum of $1,430,000. This is a pretty good record for him, but the saddest feature of all is that there is still a big deficit in the treasury. If the administration had devised some means for getting the money into tho treasury, as well as it has for saving it in Secretary Morton's department, things would be different. Ex. The free silverites are making mer ry over the fight that is being waged against Secretary Morton, whose sledgehammer blows against the sil ver fallacies have been keenly felt, and whose logic refuses to down in op position to Colorado and Nevada soph istry. The fight on the secretary's garden seed proposition is found to have a silver lining. The fellows who can't meet him on the discussion of fi nancial problems are trying to get even with pugnacious sec etary by at tacking hia management cf the agri cultural deparment. Senator Cameron, the father of the retiring senator, was for nearly forty of his 78 years the supreme boss in Pennsylvania politics. For thirty years of that period he was United States senator and an aggressive and influential factor in national affairs. The nomination of Abraham Lincoln for president in 18G0 was due in part to-his course, in abandoning Mr. Seward at a critical juncture in the contest. His resignation as senator was followed by the immediate elec tion of his son, who UDOn his retire . znent in 1897, will have occupied the place for twenty years. ZZlXZ cil of Nebraska City, reflecting very severely on the integrity of ex-Judge Chapman. This is done through -no spirit of malevolence, but on account of the fact that our people aro indi rectly iuteresled. It, seems that while Mr. Chapman was oa the bench hold ing under advisement the case of A. B. Smith vs. the Water company of this city, ho secured the position of attorney for the company, taking it away from the attorney regularly em ployed, who was about to sue the city for hydrant rental, their claim amounting to several thousand dollars. From what has boon done at Nebraska City it is very evident a similar plan is to be adopted here. That is. a suit will be instituted in this county, then an effort will bo made to have it trans ferred to the United States court, where the city would be put to great expense and inconvenience- in making its defense. The custom of the Federal court to ailow big attorney fees is of itself quite an inducement for the plain tiff's attorney to work for the transfer of the ca'fce. As to pre judice here against the water company on the part of Judge K-imsey or the pub'io, it does not exist. On the contrary, many with whom we have conversed share withthe editor of this paper in the opinion that the claims of the water company are in accordance with tho iutent and spirit of their contract with the city and ought to bo paid. Tho city coun cil has not taKen this view of tho mat ter, hence the cause of the suit which, it is said, will soon be brought. It will be seen from the above statement of facts that the tax-payers already over burdened here do not care to have anv federal court expenses added to tho bills which they must pay. The Nebraska editors at their au meeting at Lincoln resolved and resolved on several things, among which was to say that having stood up for Nebraska and its manufacturing in stitutions for a long time, in a way as enthusiastically as it knew how and as gratuitously as it was enthusiastic, the press now requests tho Manufacturers and Consumers association of Nebraska to use its utmost endeavors to get the manufacturers of the state to stand up awhile for the press of Nebraska &nd u vmHwy-tHnxHiit.- offices. This suggestion of reciprocity is a timely one and it has only to be mentioned to meet with approval and excite a sense of fair play. Many of the manufacturing institutions of tbe state send out of Nebraskatogettheir printing done and few of them adver tise their wares in the columns of the newspapers which have done so much for them in working upand sustaining a sentiment in favor of encouraging home enterprises. Do tho manufac turers of the state see the point.? Fremont Tribune. The opening of the bids for the one hundred million dollar bond issue yes terdfiy by the secretary of the treasury shows a condition of affairs in this country which ought to make proud the heart of every true American. It was said that the bonds could not be lloated in this country. England stuck up her nose after the Venezuelan af fair, and swelling with an over-grown idea of her own itnportanee, coolly said she would nottako any of tbc new American bond issue, as though that would prevent tne loan. The result is that the offers from Americans, scattered all over tho country, gmnnntJf) tr tWnnrtfmAna aoT f five hundred million 'dollars.""" 1" he bids ranging as high as fifty cents above par. It is thu- made plain that the country is full of idle money, thai it is rich of itself, and that tho idea of having to borrow of England or Ger many is now proven to be without the slightest foundation. INFORMATION AM) OPINIONS The very interesting: article on the third page of last evening's News in refrence to the IJlaines and the old Blaine homestead was written by Miss E. J. Dennett a sister of Captain Ben nett of this city, for the inter Ocean. The drawing was the work of another sister Mrs. Crocker, both ladies being residents of Chicago. Tho many admiring friends or 1. D. Estabrook, tho eloquent advocate, will be sorry 10 learn that he is soon to leave us. Ho announces his intention of banding in his resignation as regent of tho university on the 14th of this month. He will then remove to Chi cago and continue his law practice. As he will be out of the state on Feb ruary 21, when the young men's repub lican club of Lincoln gives a banquet, it is not thought possible that he can be induced to return to deliver a speech on that occasion. He will at tend the Marquette banquet at Chi cago, February 12. St. Valentine will soon bo here to woo the elfish cupid from his lovelorn abode. General Kelley, of the commonweal army, is in Omaha, trying to make so-' cialists of. tho laboring men there. The general should be arrested and sentenced to a few weeks at the rock pile, as an evidence of appreciation and esteem. Ex. Prof. George E. MacLean will be in augurated as chancellor of the univer sity at Lincoln on February 14th, at the Lansing theatre, and the charter day exercises will bo held the follow ing day at the universitv. Don't invito disappointment by ex perimenting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you have im mediate relief. It cures croup. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. F. G. Fricke & Co. I PRESERVE THE HAIR. Bovat Useful Suggestions to Those TVlic Value What; I Invaluable. Avoid tight fitting hats and collars, also close fitting caps, nuless these be of some porous material. The two formex prevent a due supply of blood to the parts ; hence the hair papilla? are put, as it were, on short commons all the time the hats and collars aresvoiu. The saps engender caloric, -which sets up irritation and ultimately that most stubborn form of dawTrnff namely, pityriasis (i. e., branny" scales). Note that all the hoadgear which is not porous? should he ventilated at lop and sides to allow a free current of air. Never sit or .stand with the top of the head near a gas light or 'j amp light. The heat thrown out is apt to paralyze the scalp tissues and dries cjithe hair itself. Don't wash the head oftener than once a fortnight, vheniirst rub in the yolk of an eg and thoroughly rinso out with warm water, into which has been thrown a pinch of borax.Dry carefully and apply a little pnre olive oil. Beware, of the common- practice of dipping tho comb in water when ar ranging the hair. It promotes decompo sition and rancidity of the natural oil, and so leads to "rotting." If the hair be naturally dry, appV a little olive oil occasionally. If natural ly oilv, occasionally wash aw ay the ex cess of sebaceous secretion by means of a lather or tepid water and soap bark (Qnitlaya paponaria). isalt water is most injurious to the hair, for which reason when sea bath ing wear an oil cap. Always treat the scalp as if you loved it. Take to heart Dr. Godfrey's dictum that "every tench affecting so dedicate a texture as the scalp should be soft and soothing, every application bland and mild." Don't use stiff bristled or wire brushes, and in all cases brush gently. Also, always brnsh out the hair before attempting to comb it, and use the comb as little as possible. Have the ends of the hair clipped once a month, if only to prevent them from splitting. But don't close crop. Phila delphia Times. SHE O'JTTALKED DUMAS. How a Clever Irish Girl Clot Ahead of the Academician. Dumas fils had curt manners. Ilowas ehy. Like most shy people, he vanquish ed this defect by going into tho other extreme. He softened as he grew old and took a relative polish ut the meet ings of the academy. The tongue was always shrewd ; it could be cruel. The code of social amenities was at the tim t . scaled bonk to him. ' Irncnl- fToef "iil.iTF "Tip t. trppii " liim" and an Irish girl, brought up in Paris, who sat op- posite to him at dinner. She was singu larly plain. But her ugliness was most amusing, and she was a witty, good tempered being. The nose was short, fnnny, retrousse, the mouth wide and laughing and the tongue lisping, but, as the French say, bien pendue for rep artee. Dumas, after staring some time at her, put his forefinger to the tip of his semiaquiline nose and pushed it tip. He kept it eo for some time, still staring. The pantomime was grossly impertinent. I thought and fo did every one else that the poor girl would burst into tears. She laughed, not a bit hysterically, and, feeling elie was an object of general at tention and of sympathy, made a funny remark on the grimace that M. Dnmas was pleased to give himself. He began to rally her. She flnng back retorts. I never heard such a mimic war of words before or since. It ended iu a splendid victory, through good humor and wit, on the young lady's side. She epoke French to perfection. 'M. Alphcnso" was then on the stage. Mr. Ernest Pin ard, who listened with rapture, cried, "Mademoiselle enfonce votre Alphon 6ine 1" Alphousine was the comic actress in that play. . Dumas retired from the combat net tled, but he did not long bear malice. He afterward said what a pity it was that let- jem.:;T TrYsBdaiw "KfSit" duna i? xuonde. She had tho vis cbmic-a in a greater degree than any actress or actor he had ever seen, and proved that where l'ame est bion faito there cannot be ugliness. Paris Letter iu London Truth. Schiaparelli. Schiaparelli, the astronomer who first discovered Jthe so called "canals" of Mars, did so with a much smaller tele scope than those in use in many other observatories at that time. And yet be is a very nearsighted man. Garrett P. Serviss of Brooklyn, iu speaking of his first interview with the eminent Italian, said that Schiaparelli would hold a vis itor's card within five or six inches of his eyes in order to decipher it. The sin gular part of this story is not that a man with such au infirmity should be able to outdo other astronomers, for keenness of vision depends rather upon the retina than the convexity of the lenses of the eye, and the eyepiece of a telescope can be f ccussed so as to Buit the latter. But it does seem a little odd that the gifted scientist in question should habitually refrain from wearing eyeglasses. Possibly he has a theory as to the effect of their nse upon his visual powers. ' The Way to Eat Candy. I think much of the outcry against candy is the result cf wrong methods of use. It can often be safely taken at meal time with good results. Scientists say that the food, value of sugar is very great. A pound of sugar contains much more energy and power to support ani mal life than a pound of meat. If candy is taken under such conditions that it will not derange the digestive apparatus, it is perfectly wise and rational to be a candy eater. Annals of Eygieue. Sold. "Is D'Anber a good painter?" "Yes; good as gold." "Do his paintings sell?" "Yes those who buy them. " De troit Free Press. A Kew Tent. A cycling philosopher remarks as fol lows: "You can tell the nationality of a bicycle rider by the direction of his eyes. An Englishman looks at his feet. A German looks at the sky. A Spaniard looks straighf ahead. A .Frenchman al ways looks behind him. This last rule is without exception. " Gaulois. The attachments of mere mirth are but the shadows of that true friendship of which the sincere affections of the heart are the sqh.-tance. Burton. Salt is like g&od humor almost ev erything la bettc for a pinch of it. BAREFOOT BABIES. I know a Hjxt, a sunny nook. Where linri ftxit babies come to play. Where nature's lx st unfolded book Eeveals its teachings oil the day. i There vb.oro tin- tij,'er lily lifts Its liaiit-hty f-.iee to prttt tho sniilo Of fcky blue heaven's snowy drifts . Coma nr.i-j;Ut of worldly care nor guile, " There, b -ile u ri:j;lii;K stream The t 1 al its l.iu'h and prance And toss tin ir yel'nw locks tht-t ;leam Like tassrUd corn in breeze's dance. Dear barefoot 1 tallies, reap the sweet Of vonth and life and danee your best. Twill come dreamlike from years' re- In Ju r time to lull you rest. II. s. Keller in Detroit Frii' Tress. ' THEY WERE BEARS. ITow a Hunter nagged a Ton of Them In Thirty Secouds. "I believe I got as big a bag of bears in as short a time as any man ever did," said Doc Stadley, the ex-sheriff aud beat hunter of AIcndx:ino. "A bag of bears?" exclaimed the ycimg man who had just been telling about a bag of snipe ho had once killed. "What were they little fellows? What is it you call them kittens? No, cubs; that's it." "No, sir. They were not kittens or cubs. They were beais," declined Dc. "I think 1 piled up about a ton of bear meat in about o0 seconds. I was out hunting in the southern put of Trinity county about 17 or 1H years ago. We had killed about 40 deer ami 3 panthers and a bear or two in a couple of weeks, and were pretty near ready to break camp when I thought I would go out and kill another deer to take heme fresh. It was late in the afternoon, and I was creeping along in the brush, when suddenly I came out into a little open tag. I stopped to see if there was any sign of deer, and while I stood looking about a big black, bear climbed up on the trunk cf a big lir tree that had been uprooted. He wasn't U0 yards away, and I plugged him iu the car. Ho rolled off the leg and down the hill toward me, but before I had time to see if he was dead another Lear climbed up on that same log to see what the row was about. I shot it in the head, and it rolled down the same way the fit her had gone. Up climbed a big 2-year-old to take its place, and after I had shot it two big yearlings, cue after the other, climbed up on the log to bo shot. "Every one roiled down the hill to ward mo and was kicking and thrash ing around not ten steps away. By that time I camo to the conclusion that I was in a bear country, and I didn't lose any timo eliniliino : s:oliii. When I trot -well braced iro among tho limbs,, I satJ "and "pumped lead into that pile of bears, Every time one kicked I gave him a bullet, till they all stopped kicking. I had five bears in one pile, and I think they must have weighed over a ton al together. " San Francisco P' ' Learning; a Foreign Language. Some interesting statistics might be collected on tho effect upon linguistic power and accent of the possession cf a musical ear. It would seem that a per son with a good ear for music would be more rapid in tho acquirement of a for eign tonguo, and having acquired it would possess a more perfect pronuncia tion of the sounds than would a person not having the same ready musical gift. Similarly such a person would be quick to attain the dialect of the coun try in which he might bo living and to adapt his speech to the brogue or pro vincialism with which he found his ear3 surrounded. The greater rapidity with which Ger mans, Poles and Russians learn th English language is surely not to be ao counted for merely by stating that their own more nearly resembles our language than does that of tho French or Italian. A Greek, for instance, learns English in about half the time it takes au Italian to acquire French, and a Russian will speak French, English and German in the same period that a Frenchman will acquire a mero smattering of the two Tho Southern Aurora. On Feb. 1, in latitude CO degrees, longitude 172 degrees 31 minutes, we ran into open water again, having this lime spent only six days in the ice pack. On the 17th the annua appeared, stron ger than I ever saw it in the north. It rose from the southwest, stretching iu a broad stream up toward the zenith aud down again toward the eastern hor izon. Tho phenomenon this time had quite a different appearance from what we saw on Oct. 20. It now presented long shining curtains rising and falling in wonderful shapes and shades, some times seemingly close down to our mast heads. It evidently exerted considerable influence upon tbe magnetic needle of our compass. C. E. Borchgrevink in Century. One Drawback. There's no such thing in this life as complete satisfaction. If a man has no money, he is miserable, and if he has lots of it, it is next lo impossible to in vest it remuneratively. Thero is no busi ness which is sure lo pay, not even tht business of stealing, but that's because there are so many persons in it, and there be many more in it if the penitentiary did not prevent it from be ing open to everybody, and so be utter ly ruined. Boston Transcript. A countenance habitnally under the influence of amiable feelings acquires a beantv of the highest order from the fre quency with which such feelings stamp their character upon it. Mrs. S.C. Hale. An indelible ink very commonly used in the middle ages was made with a basis of the trichloride cf gold applied to a cloth dampened with a solution of chloride of tin. The war with the bey cf Tripoli be gan June 10, 101, aud ended June 4, lbOo. The number of men engagwl in the naval force against Tripoli v. 8,330. Cheap Kate to Omaha. On account of the G. A. II encamp ment and Woman's Ilelief Corps, to be held in Omaha February 12-1.1, the B. & M. will make a rate of one fnre for tbe round trip. Tickets will bo on sale Fb. 11th and Ith; limit to retui n Feb. 17. W. L. PicKF.TT, Agent. Go to Torn Walling for reliable ab stracts. Conveyancing a specialty O'Tico first door east of the courthouse Children Cry foF Pitcher's Castoria. school, notes. Miss Elizabeth Osbo-n of Glen wood and Miss Minnie? White were visitors 'at the High school We i : esd ay nfn l noon. ; Charles Kennedy, who is b:'iolv ! thirteen, has mal an enviable record, ' being the youngest scholar in the hiirh school room. I " ... . ! ia recitation oi a gecg; apny cia-s in the central building .yeste:day an unusually bright student answered the question, ''What aro the principal ci,ies ' Nebraska?" in this way, "Lin- coin is tiie capital, t'ialtsmoutu tne principal city, Omaha, Lincoln and Nebraska City are suburban towns." The High school room will only ac commodate sixty pupils, yet ninety are in attendance and the nuni is not crowded. This is done by having tho senior aud sophomore classes attend during the fore noon only, while the others only attend during tho after noon. The'r study hours are tnus passed at homo. Miss Anna Sullivan, a member of the class of "5)5, was a visitor at the high school M. nday afternoon. The matter of Alumnis visiting tho school is something thai, should bo done a irreat deal more than it is. It is safe to s.iy there are persons who have grauated from our sdhool r.nd from that day have never exorcised sulli cient interest or appreciation to even visit the school. In the short space of tive hours nineteen classes recite in the High school. Tho seniors have chemistry, physics, American literature and Teachers.' lleview. The juniors tike C:esar, geometry, English literature, general history and botany. The sophmores having rhetoric, Latin (first year) English history and geom etry, while the freshman study algcbr.;, zoology, grammar and book keeping. Tho high school graduating class consisting of a baker's dozen (IU) of l'lattsmouth's brightest Loys and girls has -selected a motto "Forward, Up ward" containing a letter for each member of tho class. Nine girls and four boy J go to in;iu up tho member ship which is as follows: Marie Swoboda, Myrtle Schlcgel, Jessie Old ham, Luelia Mathews. Ellen Eikcn bary, Louise Marten, Cora Walker, J!XeiV Drew, Charles" Petterson, liny Wiles and Clemmons Bruno. The average age is eighteen, five-thirteenths being the youngest that ever graduated here. In the fteshuian class there are foriy-one pupils, all of whom have four recitations a day. In the sopnomo: e there are twenty-five students, with a daily recitation of four classes, while the junior class also has twenty -live students and five recitations u flay. Tho senior class has thirteen members who have four recitations. Besides these there are three or four "special'' or "extra course" students who take studies with different classes through out the day, all whom attend from two to five classes. v In the matter of tho declamatoty school contest Superintendent Mc Clelland this morning named a com mittee consisting of Miss Louise Smith, Miss'Olga Hajek and ltalph White to ascertain tho number of students who are willing to take part in a home contest to-be held in March for the selection of a representative to represent the Plattsraouth schools in the district contest at Pawnee City on April 1, from whero three delegates one from each class will be chosen to represent the district in the state con tt !.f A'jliJi.'g?.?'! " 1.'-t" the rules governing tho selection of contestants a contestant can not a sec ond time enter a cl.:ss in which he or she has won a first ptize, but having once secured a second prize in a dis trict or state contest are entitled to enter this contest to try again foi' first piaje. Under this rule, MisscMauJe Mauzy having won a second prizo in the state contest in the dramatic class, she is entitled to enter the contest without taking part in either a home or district eoiit-.-st. John It not only is so, it must bo so. One Minute Cough Cure acts quickiy, and that's wht makes it go. F. O. Fricke & Co. Iho little daughter of M Feed Webber, Holland, Mas.-., h d a. very bad cold and cough which he had hoi been able to cu.e with any thing. I gave him a 2- cent bottle of Chnmbt r laiu's Cough Remedy, s lys W. 1. Ilolden, merchant and postm ster at West Brimlield, and the next time I saw him he said it o ked like a charm. This remedy is intended t s pecially for acute thro it and lung diseases such as colds, croup and whooping cough, and it is famous for its cures. There is no danger in giv ing it to children, for it contains nothing injurious. For saie by ai druggists. Not ire to l'ainters. Bids will be received up until noon Tuesday, tho 11th day of February, 1MH", for painting and ealsomining at court house, according to tho speci fications on file at the county clerk's ofllee, the county lo furnish the ma terial. Comir issio lers reserve tho right lo reject any and ail bids. James Roi!i;ut.-:on, County Clerk. Motiey to Loan On long time aud on short notice ut low rate of interest, on cood Cass farm land. Enquiro at First National bank, Plattsmouth, NeK When Baby was sick, wo gare her Castoria. When she v&s a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria for Infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know .. t i r Bateman'S Props, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called S.vth'uiK Syriij'-, an,: M most remedies for children are com jxi'-ed ol upmm or morpiicief Jyn Yon Know that opium and tuoi j.l-.ine al e sttiie f inp narcotic poi.-.ons? j)0 ynl, Know that in most countries drnyyitsare not permitted tohcll narcotu without labeling them poisons ? Do Von T now that you should not Unless you or your physician i;now of what ii T) von Know that Castoria is a purely vcfjctablv; preparation, and .1 list of its ingredients is published v-illi every 1)otLle? . jj0 you Know that Castoiia is the prescription of the fatuous Dr. Samuel ritcher. That it has been in ue for nearly thirty years, ami that more Castoria is now sold than of all dlher remedies for children combined y0 you Know that the Tatent Office Department of the l uited Stales, mid of other countries, have issued exclusive riyht to Dt. l'itcher and his assigns to u-e th-w..rd 44 Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison oUctisc ' Uo von Know that ore of the reasons for urantiii; this .eovernmeiit pu tecti, ,ti was because Castoria had been proven to be ;1soI titcly li'jirmleN! f no Von It now fiat 33 average doies ot Castoria are furnished for 33 vt'iitt, or one cent a dese? j lo Von Know that wirn posses.-! oft his perfect preparation, your children may be kepi well, and that you may have unbroken rot ? Well. tlM'Str tiling! ate worth knowing. They are facts. rlie facsimile Mgnalurc of Children Cry for Of unusu:-.! iiiifn'.-t tt every n -.ii'.er of this p:t e:' is the iiiiriouiroir-'t made elsewhere in this issue by tho St. I.oui.-i 0;i!i;-l)einccrnt, unquestion: bly the rreat est -f American mnvsimnei . The mail subscription price of tho Daily anil Sumlay (Jlpbe-Peniocriit is reduced at. otio blow, from twulv to six dollars a year, placiny it within the roach of all wim desire to tor"! ;iny ?.".?t.. .t . a ' . .,, national campaign. The Weekly Globe-Democrat remains at or.o dollar a year, but is issued in Semi-Weekly Hections of eight pages each, making practically a large gv-rai-weekly paper This issue is just the thing for the far mer, merchant or professional who bus not the time to rend a daily paper but wishes to uep promptly and thoroughly posted. It, is mado : up with esDecial reference to the wants of every member of the family, not on'y giving ail the news, but, also a ;re:it variety of interesting smd instructive reading matteY of all kinds. Write for free sample copies to (I i.or.e PltiNT ixg Co., St. Loris, Mo. Over One Hundred M'tniltry Vht-tttrrn. Of Poultry IIousrt,Ineubators.lrood ers and Brooder Appliances in Poultry Keeper Illustrator Quarterly No 1. Pi ico 25 cents, postpaid, or 75 cents for the four numbers of ISO'i. Th.-tt lead ing noultry magazine, the Poultry Keeper, one year 50 cents, : both tho Poultry Keeper and Illustrator a year tonew subscribers for only eighty cents. Sample Poultry Keeper free. Adure-s, Poultry Keeper Co., Parksburg, Ches ter Co., Pa. V0l1nLye $100,000 to loan .atvv Ug rate - ot interest - 011 - weil-irnpi ovcu farms. Thk National r.x iianoi: '., Pialtstnoulh, Neh. GOOD THING - A t" jl? (F or ooecco A Great Big" Piece forT IO Cents'- a j ,,- uljiiii'w"ii.-iiiiwii m ipmiM i r-i "i r ri permit any medicine to be feiveii ycmrelul.l is composed Ih on everv wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. ni all P.catty's Oi'K;iiik sunt I'l urns. Ilea. D.iniel P. I lenity, o! Washing ton, New Jersey, lie- great Organ and 1 Vino manufacturer, is 1 uilding ninl shipping more organs and piano than ever. In l.'ii Mi-. lie ally lefl homo a penniless plow boy, and ly his in di.Diiiablc will he has worked his way up so as to sell mi far, nearly lO'.l,' (! of Ueatty's Organs and Pianos since 1S7'. Votfiincr sceiiis to disiie;i rli n ht'n; , , obstacles, laid in tits way, that whim! have wrujKed an ordinal y man foi-evei , he turnl to an advertisement and comes 01 of it, brighter than ever. His instf ments, as is well known, are very poiiolar mid are to be foun-i in ail parts of tl o wo-ld. "o are informed that (inifl g the next, ten years h" in tends tost' ll 2"0, (l!l more of his make; that ineii s a business of n.ouu.Mtn, if ww avrif o them at 1 (U0 each. It i a!roadytie largest, business of Ijj kind in jdtistenee. Write or c ill ui: Daniel Fy llently, Washington, Ni-v Jersey, tfc catalogue. 1 I'ukt- OIT tin- Horns. The upttorsig tied is now ready with j a yood iOi table Hi'ito and tool, toj-e-i move tliW veapons of horned cattle ai ten contj.ier head. If t hose who wis). o have iji 'h work dorm ( will address mo at I Jtek Muffs. Neb., they will he jtrompi iy uiswenil. S. L. Kriti.oMi. it irstiall, i riiluul Oenllsl. i'-shall. line gold work. lr. Dr. Ml Dr. rshall, gold and porcelain crowns.; Dr. Mr-hall, crown and bridge wc Dr. rshall, teeth wil hout plate. Dr. $rhall, all kinds of liilings m J -f. jha shall, all kinds of plate, lir. Aiai -shall, perfect titling- p!a' -Dr. Marshall, nil wor k w iri-ant--!. AU the bitest appliances for I ' ' ;':!! (!!. ti'.l work. PUSH IT ALONG