Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 08, 1896, Image 1

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TIIF NEWS. EstaMslL-d Nov. M--!I. I (Jonsollriated Jan. 1, IMKi.
TMF. 1IKWALU, K-taWiM.iMl April 10, H,l. (
A OL. IV. NO. 42.
Semi- w eettbt
To tin; E.iitor of Tiik Nkws:
Si'i:inofiij, Ills-, J""-' "S To fcet
lieiuatli tlij branches of a true planted
tho hand of the imaio. tat Lincoln,
or to w.iiidoi- from room to room in the
indle-t old-fa-hioaed two story frame
dwelling1 that in years gone by was tho
homo of the great American, is a privi-
leo of 'i eat interest to any citizen of
any slate in tho uuion, or of any na-
tiori of tho eartn. J ouay, witn l tic j
tue mometfep marking September .
weather, I wandered to that Mecca of j
all strangers who visit Sprinjriicld j
th-j o d homestead of Lincoln, the
house in which ha lived for years bo-
foro he was nominated ar.d elected to :
the p; esideney, the one in which ho
received tne ncwi o his lirst iiomioa-
tion, and in which, later, he received
the report of his election. The one J
which ne left to servo ttio natiou j ol d fields for one-twelfth of the
as its chief magistrate, and fi om j gold produced. This certainly shows
which his body was conveyed to itsthat the gold fields are genuine, or
la-it renting placo at b-jautiful Oak ! slK.i, :iH eminent mining engineer as
Kidge, in Ap: il, ietii. j Uirllett would not give his time and
The houe, built mostly of native ' attention to them. In a talk with
lumber, has well withstood the la pse ' Untlett concerning tho fields he said:
of tim j, and with the exception of a j "Situated in the midst of Seward
la. 'get- kitchen added by a custodian, ' county ai.o what are known as tho Mil
is exactly as the Liccoln family left it j lord go'.d lields. They are at once the
when they dep rto 1 for Washington. ; moi,i interesting and unique, as" well
Tho rooms contiin many pieces Oi j iis too most, valuable of similar do
fui -uitaro used by the family, and the posits found in any of these western
walls a o adoitied with photographs J j,tat,ea; interesting from tho fact of
and paintings of Lincoln and his j their being situated in a rolling
family. In front of the house on prairie country, where we should look
Lighth street stands an elm tree now fun a formation having all the rocks
giown to great size, which Lincoln j that belong to the mo:e recent or planted in his early days in j later periods. But here we find an al
Springiield. It is said that this tree ! most eutii e absence of ihe rocks that
is at present the only one living out of . ar0 peculiar to the later or water
several that were planted at the same builJed rocks of thisstate. Tho rocks,
time. Among other i elics kept in the j .jither small or large, are all belong-re.-idence
is a walnut rail some, tviclvo ; jnir u the dilH rent species of granite,
feet long, being one of a groat many 1 anti therefore may be justly counted as
that Lincoln, in the early thirties, is J )e!onging to some remote or ancient
said to have split. Springfield now is j formation, aud this fully answers tho
not the Spring lied of ''. and "l, objection of one of Nebraska's emi
liine d iving wrought its changes j ncnt gold men, who has stated that it
us welt as e'sewhe.e, and tho
rtsiiR Ms t f Lincoln's time are
fast pa.-aing beyond. The younger
generation, while reverencing the
memory of LiuectiiU and being more or
less proud of the 'fact that they have
chosenj this historical spot as their
abiding place, are mere devoted to
- I
their business than they are to patriot- !
l-m. Hie relics on exniumon ai me
hom'.stead are principally the Troper
ty of Springfield peofue, who have
loaned them to the state to do arranged
" for ttie convenience of the many cail
't rs. Mr. I'otTeubei ger, the present
custodian, is an apK)iutce of Governor
A 1 1 " e 1 .K ft in. i:ih.:i- of the (.'.. A. 1L aud
a modest, pleasant gentleman, who
takes a pride in his charge and en
deavors to make visitors feel that they
have a l ight to gieau all tho infor
mation attainable of all things under
his chai ge.
At some other time I will endeavor
to conclude thi.s article and to interest
"youi- leaders with what i saw in
I)al-i for County I airs,
Lincoln, Feb. o. At a meeting of
the representatives of the fair associa
tion if Cass, Nemaha, Johnson and
Otoe counties, held at tho Windsor
hotel today, F. li. Lrowne, secretary
of tlvi Otoe (!i unty Fair and Driving
l'aik association. was chosen jire.-ident
and secretary cif the meeting. It was
iniivi il as follows: That a circuit i f
tairs for the yea:- lS!;ti for s lid counties
be ttiibhsr.ed as follow?: LI m wood,
Cu-s touuty, September 1"), 1, 17 and
IS: Auburn, Nemaha county, Septem
l erli-, 1I, -1 and -t Sy i acuse, Ot )e
coui: y, September 1:9, St), October 1
," and 2; I 'iattsmouth, Cass county, Octo
ber '5, 7, S and J; Tccumseh, Johnson
V', October .", M. 13 and JO.
It was moved by Thomas Crummci
pnd seconded b- V. (J. Keefer that
the fort going i:.tcs for the circuit be
the dates fo h .ding the fairs a
the rcspoclive places and on taking a
vote the same was unanimously c ir-
li was uiovtd ami seconded that the
entries fc-r a.l t:'ttir;r and pacing
races for eac'i ass. ciation be closed
ten days pi ior tti holdiuir the respect
ive meeting, and that the rules of each
Association be governed by the rules
of tho American" Trotting association
and that any record made after Sep
tember o shall be no bar ami that it
requires four to enter and three to
start. On motion tho meeting ad
journed. W on t he l'ri-.
When Colouel Ilongland visited this
city a few days ago he delivered a
lecture to the students in two of the
high school rooms, and then offered a
prizo to the scholar in each room who
would write the best essay on the facts
iriven in this lecture, and as a result
Arthur C"hrismaii and May llartman
were the winners cf the prizeman il
ium i rated chart. The Colonel has
trotten up for those who contribute
to hi- worthy cause.
List of Lfltc-rst
Remaining uncalled for in the jhisI
o.hco at Plattsmouth, Fob. 7, 1S!:
M. I-ulu Kerry. K
llo.c. Ma Clave, Mrs Jatncs
M.iloski. Wil Miller, t.louo
S'livatje, J Un 1 aihuaii. j L
Persons calling for any of tho above
titters or packages will please say ad
vertised. W. K. Fox, P. M.
'I he girls have organized a club
oo-.trBdistinclion to the bys club.
oll III Srwani County.
The grold excitement is still increas
iugin Pleasant Dale, this state, and
assays and tests are bjincr made from
jy to day with favorable results.
! There is hardly a farmer that section
! i0 iiiS not taken some dirt and sand,
,ftnd, after washing it, tested it, or has
i ua( it tested with acids. A meeting
Gf the owners of laud in that section
j und around Milford was held last week
i;,t Milfoi d, and it was there decided to
form a company to develop tne goia
rjUd. Another meeting will beheld
tomorrow, and it is reported thfct a
permanent organiz tlion will be
Prof. Herbert liartlcttv who has
often been referred
in counectioa
with the gold fields, his returned
from a brief trip to Venezuela, and it
id repo -led that he will work with the
;aii(i owners there and develop tho
was impossible to tind gold here from
tho fact that all of these rocks are too
young. If there are piiv more ancient
rocks than granite, they will have to
be sought for within the molten heart
of the arth. This formation is intcr-
pei iod."ftn this answers the query of
,naiiy 4 to now it came here, leeand
i - i - . . ....
water .fere the motive power, ana it is
as like J to be found' in one place s
"i'ha tthere is go' hero in largo
quadlit:H there is now no doubtand
many wlio were recently doubters are
now carrying about in their pockets
deposit by , various processes, and the
results leu pounds of sand have
given as high as 00 cents in fine gold.
Amalgamation, cyanide and other
methods -tav all been successfully
ti;sted, ind most excellent results have
been otuiiied."
CliaiMiiau On the Clriil Iron.
The foiio'wing resolutions were pre
sented and read before tne Nebraska
City couii-jXl Monday evening:
Wheret IThe suit of the city of Ne
braska Ci $ against tho Water & Light
company has beeu removed, upon the
applicalio T pf the water company, to
the United $tates circuit court upon
the grouuo tf local prejudices among
our people -Jgainst the said water com
pany; upoit. said application for re
moval lion .jSarnuel M. Chapman, ex-
judge of tftj district court for this
judicial Uis.ric:, mauo an uiiiuaviti.ii
w liich oebo -i--ik;i:owing language
"That the feeling and sentiments of
tho people of Ot o county ate very
sttong against the Water & Light
company or any of its assigns and
counsel; that the m ;yor and certain
couueiitnen of said city of Nebraska
City purposely and ih pursuance of
a weli-organ ized conspiracy manufac
tured public opinion against tho
plaintiff and attempted to control af
fiant as judge in tho trial of said case."
Therefore, lie it resolved by the
mayor ai d council of Nebraska City:
I. That we denounce the statements
contained in the affidavit of ex-Judsre
Chapman, sis above set fo: th, as un
true and malicious, as having no pos
sible foundation in fact, and as a
slander upon the fair name of the city,
its ofiiciais and people.
II. That we call upon Judge Chap
man to name the man or men, mayor
or councilman, who "purposely and
in pursuance of a well-oriranizotl con
spiracy manufactured public opinion
against the plaint ill (W.Uer & Light
company) and attempted to control af
fiant (Judge Chanman) as judge in the
trial of said cause''' or stnnd cnarye-d
with a wilful and cruel slander.
III. That if Judge Chapman has -n
his posses-ion any evidence going to
establish the existence of a "well-organized
conspiiaey'" or of any con
spiracy whatever to manufacture pub
lie opinion against the Water Sc Light
company, it is his duty to produce it,
and especially to expose those who
"attempted to control said affiant
as judge in the trial of said cause."
IV. That in making such affidavit
Judge Chapman has shown the exist
ence of prejudice against the city, and
partiality for the water company, and
his unfitness for tho position of judge."
These resolutions were signed by
Nicholson, Bauer, Brower, Nelson,
m . .r i , T, .1 1
in i reteu, risner auu r ass, anu passeu
' unanimously.
Monday, February 17, 1S!)0, commenc
ing at 10 o'clock a. m On the above
date the undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction, one-half mile west and
three miles nolh of Union, on the old
farm known as tho W. W. Wolfe
farm, the following property: Three
mules, 5 years old; 2 mules, 4 years
old; 1 mule 3 years old, 1 mule 2 years
old, 1 horse 6 years old, 1 horse 3 years
old, 1 mare 7 years old, 0 Poland
China sowa1 thoroughbied boar, 2
nice male pigs, 1-5 nice shoats, 2 milch
cows, 2 sets double harness, 2 wagons,
1 sulky, 1 stalk- cutter, 1 two-section
steel harrow, 1 Buckeye mower, 1 hay
rake, 1 Norweigen combined lister, 1
St. Joseph lister, 1 IXL drill, 1 brush
drill, 2 New Departure cultivators, 1
saddle, some household goods and
other articles not enumerated.
Terms All sums of $10 and under,
cash. Sums over $10, twelve months'
time on good notes with 8 per
cent interest from date of time
purchase; 10 per cent discount for
cash. Milton Wolfe, Owner.
Hoot. Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
Tho undersigned will sell at his
farm at Eight Mile Grove on Wednes
day, February 20, 1800, tho following
articles: Two heavy mules, one driv
ing team, one sulky hay rake, one
corn shellcr, two listers,ono corn drill,
ono bob sled, never used; one stalk
cutter,two cultivators. New Departure,
two stian sleigh bells, one Stirling
plow, twelve supers filled with sections,
o"0 sections, ono saddle, two work
mares, one heavy disk hanow, good
as new, one corn planter with check
row, one press drill, ono set of light
bobs for spriug wagon, two harrows,
two lumber wagons, two horse hay
forks, four stands bees in patent hives,
two patent chaff hives, two barrels of
vinegar and one shot gun.
Sale begins at 1 p. m. sharp. Tei ms
of sale: Twelvemonths' time wil be
given on all sums of 10 and over. In
terest at U per cent from dale of sale.
All sums under $10 cash. Two per eeut
otT fir cash on ail sums of Slo and
over. Purchaser must give note
with approved aMiritv.
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
W. D. Jones, "Auctioneer; W. TV
Richardson, Clerk.
LewistoD Church.
Our meeting Thursday evening was
a powerful one the presence of the
Lord was felt among the people. The
congregation was not large on account
of the storm. Willie Graed, IleDna
were down from Plattsmouth; come
again and bring others.
The troubleover the church ouiid
ing among the peop'.eis a great hind
rance, but God with our help can take
away those obstacles. We can not af
ford to lose our souls because of a diffi
culty over a church building. I do jot
know the parties, but God knows, and
he knows that I love both sides a'.ike.
Oh ! that they might get right with
God, and these troubles would van
quish 1 Praise God that ho has the
power to clear these troubles of ours
away, if we only ask him. '
We expect that the Lord will do a
wonderful work ia .these parts some
have already beeu saved. I am sorry
some people are so careless about their
bestiulerest that is, their eternal in
terest. Oh I think of peopleinvitiag
Oii.r Hi-ightmrr-Tirii ikliuricuildren to:
dances aud card pai ties ! May God
help them to see aright.
Brother Orris Carrol, a new con
vert, wi 1 make his first attempt to
talk for Christ lit Keck Bluffs Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock.
C. M. Graves.
You will need a watch this spring.
Attend Coleman's Auction, coa.
mencing Feb. 8, and get one at your
own price. We are oie agents ior me
Hamilton." Get the bist at the price
of the cheap ones.
Akcii L. Coleman. Phittsmouth.
Novel. Hut L'seful.
Wonders will never cease. Then is
now patented an oil especially for
floors, which obviates the neeesity of
scrubbing or sprinkling when sweep
ing. There will positively no dust
arise which makes it particularly
adaptable for kitchen fioors. where it
is inconvenient to spri'iklo when
sweeping-, and saves ten years of a
woman's life, two or three hours of
time and laonr each week and an un
known quantity of patience. And ex
cellent thin for store rooms, school
rooms and put lie halls. For sale by
Smith & 1'iirmele.
Kaisinp money to pay bit Is. JF.W
Col, km AN, Jeweler, commencing' Sat
urday, the 8th.
Notice to Painter.
Ilids will be received up until noon
Tuesday, tho 11th day of February,
1MH, for painting and caisoimning at
court house, according to the speci
Gcations on file at tho county clerk's
oflice, the county to furnish the ma
terial. Commissioners 'reserve tho
right to reject any aud all bids.
James Robertson.
County Clerk.
Go to Tom Walling for reliable ab
stracts. Conveyancing a specialty
Ollice Cist door east of the courthouse
To defendants below named:
In the district court of Cass couuty, Ne
Amelia B. Weston. nlainMIT: vs. Jarnes A
r isher, Louisa A. Fisher. Jacob (jruber,
Maggie timber, Christopher C. Sherfey
.Mary V. bherfey, J. t. Jameson, first name
unknown. Catharine K. J a meson. I)u vil C
Phillips, Majruie Phillips. Peter Ono. liar
bara Ono. Christ Loren-un. Anna s. Loren
son. Asa AlcCuilousj h. ilrs.- AsaMeCuliou'-h
Francis-M- Youuir. Sara.h E. Wun:, T. 11
Carroll. Ida Carroll. William Westlake. Ann
Westiake. William Coalman. Isabella
man, Aldun A. iixrueo. Elizabeth C. IJ.irden
Albert. A. Juliuson. Mary K- Johnson. tleorife
lietMiiier.llannli Heebner.Lee Jvirku:i trick
Ucrd II. Hiiiinan. Air lies Itillnuin. Flla li
Ale Kay, John McKay. I.eviO. Pollard nsex
ecutor of thy last will and testament of Ad
iison P. Westoir. deceased. Cynthia A. Orvis
William O. Weston. I ranci9 Bixby. Arthur
Weston and Friuk Weston, sole ana only
children of Joseph Weston, deceased; and
Mrs. Joseph Weston, Ida Frost, nee Ida Hall
and Jennie Hall, sol" children of Jane Hall,
decensed. Fietcaer Weston, Abby Sprasue,
Miran Hemingway, Lydia Ann iveisey.
i'larv Uuck. Kti.ina Ku.'L'les. l'a-o VNeston
Wallace Weston. Aimina D.ivis, Marion
Hall. Josenh Haul win. Edzertou It lidwin
Mary Sheldon, Abby Haiiey, Thomas Hald-
win. Albert J. Hixby, Alma Bailey, Addle
Orvis Snauldini. William F- Barton and
llattie May Barton, children of Ferris Bar
ton, deceased. Andraw Anderson and Peter
Anderson, and Anna Auuerson, his wife, do
fend ants.
'1 be above named defendants w.ll take
notice that the Defendant. Levi C. Pollard,
as exector of the last will and testament of
Addison-P. Weston, deceased, did, on the
Hilli (lay of December. 1S:'.". tiie his cross pe
tition in t he district court of Cass county. Ne
braska, in tho above entitled eause, a-zainst
the said plaintiff and defendant, exceul-
iiiK this cross rcomplail mt, the object and
pr.iyer of which crosf-bill are that the
rights of tho estate of laid deceased and of
the plaintitr, Ame.ia B. Weston, in and to
encti 3f tiie contracts alleged and set forth
in said petition and cross petition be fully
determined, and i.h.Ti i" upon the Unal hear
in it be determined that the said widow,
Amelia B. W eston, has a dower Interest in
and to the lands hereinafter describe 1. that
the amount of such uuwer Interest be de
termined in inoimy value anil such order
and decree entered as may bo just and
equitable in retrard to such dower interest.
That lhi9 cross defendant be fully in
structed as to what interest in said con
tractsbeloni; to said estate, and he be auth
orized and empowered upon th pnymcut to
him of the several purchase prices in said
contPiictscf sale respectively azreed upon,
to make, execute, acknowledge and deliver
as executor of the last will and testament of
said deceased. Addison P. Weston, deeds to
said purchasers and defendants herein, of
the reil estate in the said contracts set
forth as follows:
Tk James A. Fisher, the n'-i of tbe nc'4 of
of section 2. township 1 1. ra nue !'; to J aeoo
Gruber, these1 section Itj. township 1U. ramie
l;i; to Ahrn it Urufe, the s'i s '4 section
and the ne'i of the nwl4 section ::;. town
ship to. ran. e 11: to Christopher C. sherfey.
t he e'i sect ion o5. township In. raufjo 11: in
S. A. and .1. F. Jameson, the nw1. also the
n'i of the sw1 o' section lis. township In.
ruiie 11; to Peter Opu. the nw'.j ofthew4j
of section bi.townsiiip Id, ranee l;i; to Andrew
Auderson and Pet r Anderson, the se'4 of
section :. townsh.p II, r uiiTe 12: to Peter
Anderson, the ii' of sw'.i section .'.. town
ship II. r.mze VZ: to Christ Lorenson. tho
sw1., section t township 11. ranue TJ: to Asa,
McCulloiih. the w'j ot tiie se1. also the
sw'4 of the ne1.,. biso the south Z" acres of
the se1 1 of the u '4. also the enst K a--res ot
the nw1, of the uc'.alau the soo-th acres
OtT nfliin rw.f-'jis.-.l thl 'i 'l ' fir OeU."
MMrtt mtJX acres in lot 3 in
ttio ne1. of the ne' and lot 6 containing Kl
and 20-l Kl acres In the se'4 of the no1,, r 11 in
section :f-J. township 11. ranife 13; to Francis
ouiiu'. the sw'4, also the'wVi of the n'-i of
the nwHt of section 11. township 11. ranie 13:
to Eila B. McKav; the undivideu Jj of the
se' of section Zi. township Id, ramie 11; to
Wliliam Westiake. the se'i of the neU. also
the e', of the sw of section 1 township Id,
runjre 12: to Wlulatn Coalman, the se'ii of
the uw't, also the n w'4 of tbe sw' section 2,
township li', r a litre II; to Gerd II. Ilillmaru
assignee of Aldeh A. barde . theav't of tho
aw1 of se tion 2, and the se'i of section H.all
in township Hi, rai-sn 11: to Albert A John
soni tbe n'i of the eVt of section 22, towo
shlD Hi. r.-mie II: to tJeorze Heebner, thes'i
p(t!.eB!i"a tku to w o&b i . l 'xauite 1 1.
10 iv 1 1 k puiri- k. me w, or Hie ni- i 01
section its township IL ranne 11. all of the
aforesaid lauds be in Cass county, Ne
braska. To T. 11. Carrol, the nwli of section
.'ii. township 11. ranne 2: in York county. Ne
braska. To David C. Phillips lots 7 and s in
block 17 in University Place in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
With such conditions nnd provisions as
will fully vest all rizht. title and interest of
the said Addison P. Westou, deceased, his
heirs and devices in conformity with tne
conditions aud provisions of said contracts
in said purchasers, and for such further
order and decree as may be deemed advlse
able for the sale conduct and administra
tion of the assets of said estate therein.
You are further notified that noon the
4th day of February, ls;w.Hon. Basil S. Ram
sey. jude of the district court" In Cass
county, Nebraska, issued an order fixlnjr tba
t!rn for the hearing of said cross-petition
upon the luth day of Mar h. A..D. lsi'6. at 2
o'clock d. in., in the court room In the court
house at Plattsmouth, Nebraska-
Levi C. Pollard, as executor of the last
will an't testament of Addison P. Weston,
By his ittorneys. Byron Clark & C A.
Raw Is.
Order to Show Cause.
In tbe district court o
In the mr.tter of tiie c
state of Fred V. Cross.
deeiM sd.
This cause came on for boarln upon tbe
pet ition of Arthur E. Cross, executor of the
estate of Fred V. Cross, deceased, praymi
for a license to sell tae undivided tbrea
Icntlis (o-iu of the south two-thirds i?3i of
tbe west half of sect. on twenty -nine iL'..
township ten (Hi), north oT rane eleven (Hi,
in Cuss county. Nebraska, or asuRieieut
amount of the sime to brinii tne sum of ti,
.V".;4, h rid cost ot ntliu u'sir.ition, for the
payment of c:ebis allowed azainst said es
tate and the costs of admin is' ration, tnere
not being su trident personal property to pay
the said debts auu expenses of administra
tion. It is therefore ordered tbat all persons in
terested in said estate appear before me at
tho office of Ihe clerk of tho district court
of Cass county, Nebraska, in Plattsmouth,
on the tii d:iy or atarcn, a. w. at i:;w
o'clock p. ni.. to show cause why a license
should tint tie granted to satd executor to
sell so much of the above described real
estate of said dece sed as shall be neces
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
O.iteu tins titti uay or reoruury, a. i. isyo.
Jiidue of the District Court.
Byron Clark aud .'. A. K i wis. attorneys
for estate.
Chattle Mortgage Sale.
Notice, is hereby given that by virtue of
a chattel niortzaiie. dated on the llth day
of June. A. H. IHC,, and duly ti.ed in the
oftice cf the county clerk of Cass county.
Nebraska, on the llth day of June. A. 1.
1 9".. ana executed by George Traver and
Marziii-ett. W. '1 raver to First National
Bank of 1'alrtinld. Iowa, to secure the pay
ment of tbe sum tr,uX). ami upon whieh
there Is now due .". ;(). default havin? been
in.ido in the payment of said sum, and the
iuterest thereon when the same became
due. and no suit or otiier proceedings at
law having been instituted to recover said
debt or any part tuereof. the undersisned
rnoi t r. t;e will sell the property therein
described, viz.. about l.S.Jl) bushels of in
dijn corn crown on the east half of the
northeast quarter of section thirteen
in township eleven (111, range nine Oi. m
Cass county. Nebraska, and now located in
crnis in the barn standing on said Quar
ter section, near the residence of said
Oeoriie Traver. beinit ail the corn con
tained in the south twelve feet cf the east
crib, and all the corn contained in the
south half of ttie west crib in said barn,
at public auction at the farm of said
Goorne Traver about six miles southeast
of Oreenwooa. Nebraska, In Cass couutv,
Nebrasa. on the 'Jiith day of February, A.
1. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Bated February. 4 lOi.
By its attorneys. Byron Clark and C. A.
Mendota Coal .
lard Coal . . .
-G 00
Harper's Magazine
IN 1890.
I ....
Briseis.:i ncv.-.novel bv W ilhani Black, written
with all the author's well-known charm ol man
ner, will bcKin in December number. ls'.Ci, and
continue until Mav. A new novel by tieorije
Maurier. entitled The Martian, will also hcum
during ttie veai .- It is not too much to say that
no noeI has eeV been awaited with such great
expectation a ?the S-uccessor to Trilby. 1 he
Personal kccoliiections ol loan of Arc will con
tinue and will relate the story ot the tai.ure and
liiartvdom oi Ihe Maid ot ( li leans. Other nil
portant lictKiif ot the year will be a novelettee bv
Mark Twain under the title. Tom Jjawvor. detec
tive: a liuniorous three-part tale called Two
Mormons lr.m Muddlety, by I.anndou Kluyn
Mitchell; and short stories by Octave 1 hanet
Richard Harding Davis. Mary K. W ilkin
Julian Kalph, Brander Matthews, Owen W istcr
and other well-known writers.
1 rot. W oodrow Wilson will contribute six pa
pers on tieorce Washington and his times, w mi
illustrations by Howard 1'yle. Poultney liigelow
history of The (jernian Struggle Ior Liberty, il
lust rated by R. talon Woodville, will be con
tinned through, the winter. Two papers on M.
Clair's defeat and Mad Anthony W ayne s vie ory
by J heodore Koosevelt. with graphic illustra
tions will be printed duiitic the year.
A notewoi thy icatuie ol the .Magazine during
IsVKi will be a series ol articles by Caspar W
wniiney, describing li is trip ot j.o.'U nines on
snow-shoes and with dog-sledge trains into the
unexplored Barren Orouiuts oi British North
America m pursuit ot wood-bison and musk-oxen.
-Mr. W liitney s seiies will have the added mteiest
of being illustrated troni photog aphs taken by
I he volumes of the Magazine begin with the
numbers for June and December ol each year.
hen no time is mentioned, subscriptions will
begin with tiie number curient at the lime oi re
ceipt oi older.
Kemittances should be made bv postoihee
money order or dralt. to avoid chance ol loss.
.Newspapers are not to copy tins advertisement
without the express order of Harper Bios.
Harper's Periodicals.
Harper's Magazine - one year - i4 00
Harper's Weekly - - " - 4 00
Harper's Bazar - - - " - 4 00
Harper's Round Table " - 2 00
Postage Free to all subscribers in the United
Mates, Canada and Mexico.
P. O. Box 959. N. Y. City.
Harper's Bazar
IN 1890.
The twenty-ninth year ot Harper's Uaar. be
iniiins; in lanuarv. iv.ti, tinds it niaiiitaininu its
descrxed reputation both as a Fashion Journal
and a weekly periodical lor home readinir.
F.ei y week the Bazar presents beautiful '.oil-
ettes ior various occasions, iiaiido, Baude and
Ciiapuis illustrate and engrave tiie newest de
signs trom the hnest models in 1 aris and Ucrlin.
New York Fashions epitomizes current styles in
New York. A ioi UIjliIuI v natter-sheet supple
ment Willi diagrams and directions enables women
) cut and make then own conns, and is ol great
alue to the proiessioual modiste as well as to
the amateur d essmaker. Children's Clothini; re
ceives constant attention. 1-ashious lor Men are
described in luii detail by a inan-about-tow ti. Our
1'aris Letter, by Katnaiiiie 1 e Forest, is a
sprit-htiy weekly lecital ot fashion, gossip, and
social doings m 1'ans, jjivcu by clever womatj
au euteriaimne- way ....... ----
iU -nc-er!.its forls'.Xi are the work of Ameri
can women. Mrs. Gerald, by Maria Louise Fool,
is a striking story of New England life;. Mary E.
ilkins. in Jerome, a Boor Man, discusses the
always interesting problems of the relations be
tween labor and capital, bhort stories will be
written by the best authors.
Special Departments. Music, The Outdoor
Woman, Personals, What We Are Doing, Women
and Men, report and discuss themes of immediate
Answers to Correspondents." Questions receive
the personal attention oi the editor, and are an
swered at the earliest practical date after their
receipt. ' -
The volumes of the Bazar begin with the first
number for January of each year. When no time
is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the
uumlier current at the receipt of order.
' Remittances should be made bv nostoffice
money rfcr errimlt,- to-nv-ot J- skanec loss.""s
Newspapers are not to copy this advert irement
without theexpress order of llarper& Bros.
Harper's Periodicals. -
Harper's Magazine - one year - 14 00
Harper's Weekly - - - 4 00
Harper's Bazar - - - ' - 4 00
Harper's Round Table " - 2 00
Postage Free to all subscribers in the United
states, Canada and Mexico.
. P. O. BOX 959, N. Y. City.
Harper's Weekly
IN 1896.
Harner.s Weekly is a journal for the whole
country. It deals with the events of the world that
are important to Americans.
In carrying out this policy, in lSStii, Julian
Ralf visited China and Japan, and journeyed
through the west; Richard Harding Davis took a
trip through the Caribean Sea; the evolutions of
the new navy were described and illustrated by
Kuius F. Zogbaum; Frederic Remington pre
sented studies of army and t'oiiltucv
Itievlnw tttTiHerl th,. mw-ixiw.! r fi j-anal.
tn- I'lU'k.i; XuiiUtoil wiM he riven to evi-rv
notable happening. I he chief events in art.
literature, and music and the drama will be artis
tically presented. W. D. Howells. in the new
departure. Life and Letters., will discuss in his
interesting way books and the social Questions
of the tune. K. S. Martin's sprightly uossip of
the Busy World will be coniinued. the pro
gress ot the transportation commission around
the world will be lollowed, and Caspar Whitney
will conduct the department of Amateur Sport.
In lMHi will occur a presidential election. In
its editorials and through its political cartoons
the Weekly will continue to be an independent
advocate of good government and sound money.
In tiction the Weekly will be especially strong.
It will publish the only novel of the year by V.
L). Howells, and a stirring serial of a Scotch
ieud, by S. R-. Crocket. The short stories se
lected are of unusual excellence and interest. In
every respect Harper's Weekly will maintain
its leading place iu the illustrated journalism of
the world. . "
The volumes of the Weekly begin with the
first number tor January of each year. When no
time is mentioned, subscripi.ous will begin with
the number current at the time of receipt of
Kemittanccr should be made by postoffice
money order or draft, to avoid chance ol loss.
Newspapers are not to copy the advertisement
w ithout the express order of Harper & Bros.
Harper's Periodicals.
Harper's Magazine - one year - $4 0O
Harper's Weekly - - " - 4 OO
Harper's Bazar - 4 00
Harper's Round Table " - 2 O0
Postage; Free to all subscribers in the United
States, Canada and Mexico.
P. O. Box 059, n. Y. City.
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting
ol the stockholders of the Burlington & Missouri
Kiver Railroad company in Nebraska will be held
at the olhce ol the company, in I lattsmouth,
bra.-ka. on Thursday, February 7. li'."t. at 5
o'clock p. m. The meeting will be held for the
election of nine (W; directors, to serve during the
ensu'ng vear. and for the transaction ol such
other business as may legally come betore it.
W. j. Laud, Secretary.
Omaha. Neb.. Jan. 21. !!.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Xebkaska, i
t'ass County I
In the matter of the estate of Nathan
ICeasoner. deceased.
Notice is hereby given tbat theclalnis and
demands of all persons against Nathan
Ueasoner, deceased, late of said county and
state, will be received, examined and ad
justed by the county court at the court
house in Plattsmouth. on tbe sth day ot
July. A. It. ls'.W. at lu o'clock In the fore
noon. And that six months from and after
the Mb day of January. A. 1., !, is the
time limited for creditors of said deceased
to present their claims tor examination and
Given uni "iy this 4th day of Jan
uary, A. J. 1.!H.
y a. s. kamsey, County Judge.
Children Cry for
r-itcner s uastoria.
wmm mm
Has proved, in thousands of cases and for many years, to be the ZZS
SZ: peerless remedy for this dreaded disease. It relieves promptly and 3
STT works a permanent cure. 25
For sale everywhere. Price, tt.OO per bottle. ZZS
Did You JSver
Photo Taken on Silk?
It's Lovely. Only $2
Will pay for a dozen cabinet photographs and
one photo on your silk
er at the Misses Hitchcocks stedio in the
Neville block, opposite
offer only holds good
had better hurry up.
I ' f t-ly. T? -
EST rirrs for Weliioors, Faa jraia
attended to promptly. Terras re
rates. Telephone 6.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all
disposed of. "
Will You Come...
And Examine the Largest
and Finest Selected
Ever Brought to Cass County, Pur
chased for Spot Cash
At-Fiices Thaf Wiir Make" You Laugh.
Elson's, $4.90
son's. S9.80
Men's Overcoats, - $ 2.00
Men's Long Ulster O'coat 4.00
Overcoat?, Fur collars anil
2iiffa, worth $10.50, - 12.50
Children's Overcoats - 1.00
WORTH 75c,
EJson's, 50c
Everything here is Open and Above
Board. We Invite Your Care
ful Inspection.'
LLSON, The Cash Clothier,
Directly Opposite Court House,
"The News"
Bright 's Disease 2
Is the most dangerous of all kidney
diseases. Pains in the back, irreg-
ulanties in the urine, swelling of
ITtlie limbs or abdomen are the first 3
.ftT symptoms. 3
Dr. J. H. MCLEAN'S 3
handkerchief or muff-
the postoffice. This
until Feb. 5, so you
Css County's.
brjieauro Parties, etc.
Call and
vaonable. Cash preferred
kinds of goods and farm stock
WORTH $18.00
Bison's, $12.50
Solid Zink Trunks, - $2.25
Heavy Working Shoes, - 1.00
Extra Heavy Overalls, - 75
Extra Heavy Woolen Over
Shirts, - .75
WORTH $2.00
EJson's, $1.35
for Job Work