Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 01, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Semi-lTeekly News-Herald...
... -v.
LJAWiJ7,' 'MWT g
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A I'leaiutiit Club Meeting;.
A number of tho M. W. and W.
bid "dull care defiance" yesterday af
ternoon and wended their way to the
homa of Mrs. J. .Pemerberr. where a
mostenjoyable entertainment awaited
them. High-five was the order of the
afternoon, vet none became too ab
sorbed as to le oblivious to the dish
of choich confectionery placed upon
each table.
At the usual hour a delightful lunch
was served consisting of wafers,
salad, p'ckes, cake and coffee to which
all did ample justice, at the samo time
deciding that Mrs. 1. was a most
royal entertainer.
The guests were: Mesdarnes Rut
peas, Vallery, Waren, Pettee, Neville,
Eaton, F. E. White, T. P. Livingston,
Henry Herold, Dempster, Drummond
and Miss Alice Eaton. Tho members
present being1 Mesdames Todd, Miller
Wise, Guild, McLennan, Houscworth,
B. Clark, A. Clark, Elson, Wagner,
Leonard, Cooper, b S. White, Alf
White, Burton, Hoot, I3ennett,Sulli van,
Butler and Travis.
A Feant on KoaDt Home.
A letter was received yesterday by
Fran K Rauen from John Dovle. who
will be remembered by mauy I'latts
mouth people, he having been em
ployed in Pearlman s furniture store
for some time, in which he tells of the
burning of tho stables at Ft. Yates,
N. D., at which place he has serv in
the capacity of cavalryman for tho
past three years. He says that fifty-
three horses wore burned, among
which was the one he was accustomed
to riding, only eight of tho whole
number being saved. He says it was
the most pitiable sight he was ever
- called upon to witness, being unable
to render any assistance ,to the poor
animals and was obliged to see them
roast alive. But to the Indians around
the fort the situation did not look so
grave, it furnishing a feast that they
are not fortunate enough to encounter
very often. Large numbers of them
were on the ground the morning after
the Are selecting the animals with the
most meat on and hauling them to
their homes.
The loss of the horses and the build
ing will reach the enormous sum of $20,
000. Rain Fell In Nebraska.
Weather reports at the railroad
headquarters yesterday showed that
there had been some rain in the state,
even tnougn It aid not come in as
abundant quantities as was desired.
There was a light rain at Lincoln,
Ericson, Crete, Loupe City, Hastings
and Kearney on the northern division
of the Burlington; at Table Rock, Bur
chard, Wymore, Wilber, Endicott,
Superior and Edgar on the southern
division; at Holdrege, Red Cloud, Re
publican, "Norton, Oberlin. Orleans,
Wilson ville, Herndon, McDonald,
Benkleman, Eckley and Akron on the
western division. At Corona, Den
ver, Imperial . and Burns Junction
there was snow. Both snow and rain
were iy?rj,trpmltin Wyfrml"er-ai-
January Mortgage Kerortl.
ine following is the" mortgage
record for January: Farm mortgages
filed, $3-5,071.92; farm mortgages re
lease, $41,626.02; town and city prop
erty filed, $13,939.42; town and city
property released, $13,317.50.
This is a pretty good showing for
the beginning of the new year, the re
leaseof mortgages considerably exceed
ing the filing's and that of town and
city property being about equal.
Coal Atthes for AluW-liiug.
Mr. George W. Carver, of the Iowa
Agricultural college, in "Rural Life,"
Bays: "I was surprised to find that
every dumping place of coal ashes and
cinders along the road was well set
with strong plants of the wild rose, on
which not a trace of mildew or rust
could be found." It was not only
proven beneficial to the rose, but also
to the strawberry. Prof. Goff, ten
years ago, planted out a bed of Sharp
less strawberries and mulched them
heavily with ' coal ashes. The object
was to see if this material would not
act beneficially in keeping down the
weeds. It not only did that to a
marked degree, but the yield was
more abundant than from another bed
of the same variety that bad received
excellent culture.
Regular Meeting of P. K. O
Co The regular meeting of the I. E. O.
-rciety will be held with Miss Dora
.Jboid Saturday, Feb. L A good at
tendaL, tfieirJe matters of im
Prt J and eiwnsidered- Tho Pro
8nMe& 0p;follow9: "Scotland",
aPA3 wj,'irgh and the Island
of Ss 5" A . E. E. Hilton. De-
Bcriptfwe5?h Lomand, "Fourth
Bridge and "2 oral Castle," by Miss
Waterman. .lL.
Cheap Kate to Ouiitha. "
v On account of the G. A. lCencamp-
ment and Woman's Relief CorpsTto-Jje
held in Omaha February 12-13, the
a. & M. will make a rate of one fare
for the round trip. Tickets will bo on
sale Feb. 11th and 12th; limit to return
Feb. 17. W. L. Pickett, Agent.
One Minute Cough Cure touches the
right spot. It also touches It at the
righttimeii yiu take it when you
nave a cough of cold. Seethe point?
Then don't cough. F. G. Fricke &
Co. - t
Ntr of l-'irst M:i(;ii Untie.
Grand opera in New York this
season has been something for music
lovers to rave over, and with reason.
Nordica, Melba. Calve. Schalchi,Jean,
and EJouard do Keszue, Maurel,
Plancon these bo names which in
years to come will bring to the mem
ory of thousands the magnificent per
formances with "ideal casts"' that
probably will never he surpassed. One
is always interested in the personality
of noted persons; :md the personality
of each of these "stars" is as distinc
tive as their sup-jrb voices. Tho num
erous portialls which embellish a
bright and chatty paper "On 'Grand
Opera in Xew York'1' in Demoresl's
Magazine for February, shows these
grand artists at their best, and form a
collection weli worthy of preservation.
A profusely illustrated article on
"Maxland, or tho IhIo of Man," gives
much interesting matter about Hall
Caine and his home; and in "Tea with
Du Mauriei in the Temple'' one is in
troduced to the distinguished artist at
his best. A pathetic story, "A
Romany of the Snows,'' by Gilbert
Parker, is a gem; Frank liempster
Sherman and Hattio Whitney con
tribute dainty valentine poems; "The
Education of Our Girls" is discussed
by able and well-known writers; every
department for which this publication
is uoted is replete with up-to-date mat
ter; and the Fashion Department is
specially attractive.
Everyone who will take the trouble
to cut out this notice and forward it.
with ten cents, to the address below,
will receive a sample copy of Deiuor
eot's Magazine, containing a Pattern
Order which entitles the holder to
any pattern illustrated in any number
of tho Magazine published during the
last twelve monthi, at tho uniform
price or lour cents each; aad jro-
lacay--roc thirty- parfcornsxire ititrs
trated in one number, thus affording
an almost unlimited variety to select
from. In addition to this, the ori
ginal painting of De Longpre'i
'Chrysanthemums," valued at $1,000,
is to be given to the person who, pre
vious to April 1, obtains for Demor
est's Magazine the greatest number of
subscribers. This is an unpreced
ented offer, full particulars of which
will be given on application to the
publishers. Demorest's is published
for $2 a year, by the Demorest Pub
lishing Company, 110 Fiftn Avenue.
New York.
i'iHli Dying at Mouth lteml.
Ashland, Neb., Jan. 2'J. Reports
come from the state fisheries at South
Bend, a few miles from here, to the ef
feet, that the fish are dying. Over 10,
000 have died already, and if they keep
on there wont be a fish left soon. Mr,
O'Brien, who has been superintendent
of the fisheries for tho past twelvo
years, left over a week ago, and since
that time the fish commenced to die.
so the report eoes. His brother is
acting superintendent for the winter,
and has charge.
Of unusual interest to every reader
of this paper is the announcement
mauojijiiuir.. JL.
v. ,3 i ... i. : i. T - r . i I
TAaliXnbbe-Democrat, unquestionably
the greatest of American newspapers.
1 he mail subscription price of the
uauy anu sunuay ixiooe-Ucmucrat is
reduced at one blow, from twelve to
six dollars a year, placing it within
tho reach of all who desire to read any
daily paer during the comming great
national campaign. The Weekly
Globe-Democrat remains at one dollar
a year, but is issued in Semi-Weekly
sections of eight pages each, making
practically a large. scmi-weeKiy paper
This issue is just the thing for the far
mer, merchant or professional :i:an
who has not the time to read a daily
paper but wishes to Keep promptly.and
thoroughly posted. It is made cup
with especial reference to tho wants of
every member of the family, not only
giving all the news, but also a great
variety of - interesting and instructive
reading matter of all kind's. Write
for free sample copies toGLone Pkint
ixu Co., St. Loi'is, Mo.
Not a few who read what Mr. Robert
Howls, of Hollands, Va., has to say be
low, will remember their own. experi
ence under like circumstances: '"Last
winter I had la grippe which left me
in a low state of health. I tried num
erous remedies, nono ef which did me
any good, until I was induced to try a
bottle of Chamberlain's Coug-h Remedy
Tho first bottle of it so far relieved me
that I was enabled to attend to rav
work, and the second bottle effected a
cure." ror sale at 2o and 50 cents per
bottle by all Druggists.
Quick in effect heals and leaves no
scar, burning, scaly skin eruptions
quickly cured by DeWitt's Whitch
Hazel Salve. Applied to burns.scalds,
old sores, it is magical in effect. Al
ways cures piles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Iteware of Ointments I'or Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable ph vsicians. as the dam
age they will do is ten (old to the good you can
pJiW-y derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O,,
contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. In buying Hail's Catarrh Cure be
sure you get the genuine, it is taken internally,
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
I estimonials free.
Jbold by Druggists, price "S cents per bottle.
Dretiri Cutting and Fitting School.
Taught by an expert in that line of
work. Call at Seventh and Vine sts.
Miss. Barbara Hoffman
S. F. Girardet of Weeping ater
had business here today. J
Cashier John E. Donelan of Weep
ing Water is in town today .
Try a can of Hopkins' Steapied Iloml
inv (hulled corn). It is delicious. Ful-
qt 10c.
Walker LJates of Nehanka lias sold
his farm of 1 acres to J. S. T.-Plough
for t,K). ?
George LehnhotT went down to Ne
braska City yesterday on "business'
expecting to return today.
Editor Greenfield of the Union
ieuger was attending to some busi
ness in the city last evening
There will be a meeting of the hook
and ladder comp.iny at Judge Archer's
office tomorrow evening at 7:30,
The Ladies of St. John's church will
give a dance at Watermann's hall
February 11. D.inco Tickets, 50 cts
.vir. anu Jirs. Wesley tirassman are
rejoicing today over the arrival at
their home of a fine nine-pound boy
Goto lom Walling for reliable ab
stracts. Conveyancing a specialty.
Office first door east of t he court house
Y ho could have the tctneritv to
stand up and sav that next year's corn
crop is not assured now after this rain
It not only is so, it must bo so. One
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and
that's wh:U makes It go. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Cliff Wescott departed this after
noon for Lincoln, where he will again
take up his studies in ho state univer
Wanted Good, clean laundried rags,
either cotton or woolen, will bring 4
cents per pound at the gas wor ks in
this eitj'.
L3YorJ.on th-"wvj-Jiuja::'-rdri
storage building is progressing rapidly
and will be ready for the ice packers
in a few days if there is any ice
Mathews has some Texas products
that are interesting. Ho also has
some great bargains in Texas lands.
Callat his office in tho Dovey block.
( A high liver with a torpid liver will
not bo a long liver. Correct the liver
with De Witt's Little Early Risers,
little pills that cure dyspepsia and
constipation. P. G. Fricke & Co.
"Bon Ton" is the name of the finest
coffee in the city. A Mocha and Java
brand that sells for 30c per lb. Call at
our store tomorrow and get a sample
package free at Bennett & Tctt's.
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," said a genius.
The druggist handwd him a bottle of
De Witt's Little Early Risers, the
famaus little oiils. F. G. Fricke &
The regular business and social
meeting of the Epworlh League will
be held Friday evening, Jan. 31, with
Miss Jennie Anthony on North Ninth
street. A full attendance of league
members is especially desired.
County Judge G. M. Spurlock was
called to his home at York today bv a
tlegramrratteT5.ribe receptionto be
given tho Mother's Jewel's Home by
the town of York. Mr. Spurlock's
parents have charge of tho home.
Soothing, healing, cleaning, De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the
enemy to sores, wounds and piles.
which it never fails to cure. Stops
itching andburning. Cures chapped
Lips and cold-sores in two or three
hours. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Colonel Hogeland. tho newsboys'
friend, is in tho city and addressed the
children at the central building. The
colonel was here to consult with Mavor
Newell in relation to the curfew ordi
nance, but was unable to see him. His
ideas are worthy of promulgation
o. . i ierce, itepupiic. sayt
T H' r-: t- , i .
I have used One Minute Cough Cure
: f : i - i r ...
in iuj, litmiiy anu ioc myseu, with re-
ults so entirely satisfactory that
ihvu uuruiy unu worus vo express my
.... 1 H . tt .1
self as to its morit. I will never fail
to recommend it to others, on every
occasion that presents itself. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
r or a pain in tho chest a piece of
flannel dampened with Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and bound on over the seat
of the pain, and another on the back
between the shoulders, will afford
prompt relief. This is especially val
uable in cases where the pain is caused
by a cold and there is a tendency
toward pneumonia. For sale by all
I ho distinguished artist, Herr
Joseph Gahm, will give a piano recital
under the auspices of the Womans'
club in this city February 13, in which
he will be assisted by the Dovey sis
ters who will sing several solos and
ducts. It will bo held at tho Presby
tenan church the finest auditorium
in the countj' and every lover of
music should be in attendance
Many merchant are well aware that
their customers are their best friends
and take pleasure in supplying them
wuu tne nest goods obtainable. As an
instance we mention Perry & Cameron,
prominent druggists of Flushin
r : l . : mi i . . T t ,
i'utuigdu. xuey say; - a nave no
hesitation in recommending Chamber
lain's Cough R3medy to our customers,
as it is the best cough medicine wo
have ever sold, and always gives satis
faction." For sale at 25 and 50 cents
per bottle by all druggists.
From the State Journal.
Joseph Donat will arrive from Platls
mouth next week to make his home in
Havctock with his son, Henry.
John Herrmann of the machine shop
is on tho sick list and will visit his
family in Plattsmouth until he recov
ers. C
O. C. Smith", storekeeper at the B.
iSi M. shops, wits scalped and burned at
the stake Wednesday night and there
by became a full-Hedged Mohawk brave
of the local Red Man's tribe. j
Foreman Pat McCallan of the B. & i
M. boiler shops is again on the sick j
list and has gone to his home in Piatts- j
mouth to recuperate. Alex Clifton, !
the assistant foreman, is in charge of:
the shop. ' J
Machinist Dio Smith will leave to-j
morrow for Heaver City to visit over j
Sunday with his wife's parents. Mrs.
Smith, who has been visiting there
for a week', will return with him on
Chief Clerk llinkle of the master
mechanic's office at tho shops yester
day completed the making of the
, .11.. .. . i i i , .
lumiiiuy pay roil anu CHOCKS lor tho i
3V-5 men employed throughout the in
stitution. The pay roll repr esents an
amount of wealth equal to $1-1,000.
Mrs. M. Travei- and three sons we e
ill the City for Several hours yesterday,
' . . ,
me ue.-is ui inu s uaugnier
Mrs. Fred Dudley and Mrs. II. .1 .
Seiberts. They were enroute from
their late homo in Plattsmouth ti
their future place of abode at McCook.
Cus Hyers has lately been Hooded
with such a number of requests from
young ladies who desire to go out
buggy riding that he took a lay-off
rrom his duties iu the -machine shop
y esioi-a tj : t mi-Tote-thonext
week in filling orders. When seated
behind his fast roadster Gus' popular
ity is almost limitless.
He nry Donat, of the O. & 31. paint
shot, is in receipt of tho unwelcome in
telligence which tolls of the recent
frightful killing of his cousin, Egnac
Severyn, near Schuyler. The young
man lived on a farm and was out feed
ing cattle when a fractious steer
knocked him down and gored and
stamped him until he received injur
ies which caused his doath a few days
From the Register.
Messrs. G. II . Rood and W. J. Wick-
strom, who have had charge of Vtin-
Court & Lemist stono quari ies at this
place for so many years, the foi-mnr
holding the responsible . position of
foreman and the latter that of time
keeper, will sever their connection
with the. company Feb. 1, tho time for
which they were employed expiring
on this date. They have leased the
stone quarry at Weeping Water.which
they will re-open in the early spring
ind go into business ' for themselves.
We are sorry to lose these energetic
business men from our midst, but wish
nuour auuuuuui. success in 1 heir now
field of labor.
The Nehawk.i Gun ciub will hold its
initial shoot Saturday and all who can
handle a gun aro invited to partici
pate. Live birds and niue rocks, and
cash prizes given. Remember" the
K. M. Pollard returned home lrom
Omaha Monday, having closed out tho
apple, cidar and vinegar business for
tho season. The products of the Ne
hawka Fruit Farm have a reputation
in Omaha that makes the handling of
them a. comparatively tsv matt ,.-
lleatty's Organs and 1'ianus.
Hon. Daniel F. Ueattv. Of VVjialilnir.
ton, New Jersey, the great Organ and
Piano man afacturer, is luilding and
shipping more organs and pianos than
ever. In 1S70 Mr. Beatty left home' a
penniless plow boy, and by his in
domitable will he has worked his way
up so as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of
Beatty's Organs and Pianos since 1870.
Nothing seems to dishearten him;
obstacles laid in his way, that would
have wrecked an ordinary man forever,
he turns to an advertisement and
comes out of it brighter than ever.
Ilia instruments, as is well known, aro
very popular and are to bo found in all
parts of the world. We are informed
that during the next ten years he in
tends to sell 200,000 more of his make:
that means a business of f'O.OOO.f i0d. if :
wo averajre them at lf 0.00 each. It is
already the largest business of the !
Kind in existence. Write or call upon !
Daniel F. Beattv, Washing-ton. New 1
Jersey, for catalogue.
Tlic Fountain of
Is flowing in Plattsmouth and you can secure thesp-irk- .
ng liquid obtained therefrom at l"c per gallon. We
nve obtained the agency of the already famous
Lloyd's Mineral Water
and can furnish it in any quantity, great or small in its
natural state as it flows from a depth of 500 feet througu
solid rock. It is especially effications in Rheumatism
and all kidney diseases. It is not a purgative but a
laxitivu so gentle that it corrects and regulates the
bowels without griping and is thorougly effective even
in ine most severe cases ol
jug along.
For Sale hy SMITH c IXltMJSLIS
A - A
The well-known Specialist
if Xew ork. is aou at
and will be for the coming week
where he will glad to see anyone sultering
of the Fiver. Kidneys. Skin. Rheuinat ism and
Neuralgia. Heart. Nerve and Stomach 'I roubles.
I M alalia. Chills and Fever. Catarrh, Hiom hitis,
Asthma and I.ung Allection. I riseases ol Women
and Children, Nervous Frustration, etc.
Kill 1 M ATISM, Til KOAT
All cordially invited and welcome whether they
take tieatnieiit or not. Treatment modeiate in
cost and fuliv LMiaraiitet'd to be sal il:n:l t r v. I i .
! l''"'k"tt has had twenty-eight years ol experience
j as a Specialist in all Chronic Diseases iircuhu
I with universal success. .Many case.; are incurable.
! The 1 oitor takes no cae to treat except he leels
confident he can cute m materially be.ielil the pa
Calls made at your tesideiice in town without
chaise w here treatment is niven. Notice ol calU
thioiiijh the postotlice or at hotel.
( rrticc hours s to 12 a. m., ;f toUp m. All med
icine purely vegetable.
Lomi Clancy
. On iniproed Cass county farms at 7
per cent interest straight, payable an
nually. No commission and vou can pay
any amount at any time. Vou pay your
interest at the bank you deal with,, All
these advantages caii only be obtained of
Oi'or irii-st 7itt ojjji 1 Sim li,
I'lat t suioiit 7i, A"o.
The Oiuaha I'lan.
J. B. Lawrenson, a traveling man
from Detroit, reported to the police
about 12 o'clock last night that he had
lost his wife, and requested that she
be looked up. Half an hour later
Lawrenson hurried into the station
and reported that his wife had just re
turned, in a badly drugged condition,
and that sho had been robbed of an ex
pensive gold watch and diamond ring.
Mrs. Lawrenson stated to an officer in
a rather hazy manner that sho had
met Billy Nestlehouse shortly after
leaving the Midland hotel, where she
was registered, aud that ho had in
veigled her into a, winerocm. While
tber( she alleged, he had pf led her
with liquid refreshments, and though
the whole affair appeared like a dream,
she feit assured that ho had bereft her
of her jewel i-3T. The police are look
ing for Nestlehouse. Uee.
Coal orders left at Herman Spies"
cigar factory for Henry Hcmpel will
receive prompt attention.
Annual Meetinij.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of The Livingston Loan and
Building association will be held at
Judge M. Archer's olliee at 7:'.W on
February 3, lS!)(i, for the purpose of
electing four directors and such other
business ns shall come before tho
meeting. By order Board directors.
IlF.XKV II. GKRINti, See y.
Sprt-ial Mervire Sunday K veiling.
There is to bo a special service con
sisting principally of "music at tho
Presbyterian church next Sunday
evening. All are cordially invited.
Program will appear in Saturday
Card of Thanks.
To the many kind friends wUo ren
dered us their aid and sympathy dur
ing tho fatal illness and fuceral of our
beloved babe wo wish to especially ex
tend our heartfelt thanks.
Mr. and Mrs W. A. Wiiitk.
GREAT BATTLES are contin
ually going 011 in the humau sys
tem. Hood's Sarsaparilla drives out
disease aud Restores Health.
constipation. Uring your
From an immense stock crowding, three
floors we have determined to give the people
Cass of County some rare values for their
money. The goods were bought for cash
and no house in Omaha can duplicate our
figures. For the next two weeks we quote
the following:
P :Hor .suits wculd be a bar-gain
at tod. special sale price
$4" Kui is.
ilk t:ipestry.
Turkish couches
nO h:llli' ikil.-
?4 no
$1 L?o High bad;
"fj o0 Oak Rocker- lo match
Center Tallies for $1, $1
.5.."i0, $4, . !. j0 and We
largest line of Cctricr T;
brought to ibis city and the
enavo cut uo
Cobbler to it rockers Ihe nicest chair
made for every day use.
J. 1. UNRUH,
,1 ;
1 located in tli.ii section of Ceoiia traveled by the
licji is the only din
t throii'
fion with the Titton & North
is route, parties fiom l. hu.iiro. Indiantiopoli. Detroit. Oletel.iu i and ( in
fnnaii ran si-(ine s.eepeis wilu only one cnaiiye 'iu lpit at N.-h villi-1 to 'I i f-
n, and from St, Louis direct without change, 'l'lie set t ion in whi'li tln-l,,i
d ly is l k ate 1 has been well nan u d
j The ir-nt Fruit ISelt of the sutli,
for in it are located tijr largest peach orchards in the ivn Id. w h de I Y:ns. A piies, o.ip ; and M.-lnn-lo
etpjally well. TliiF'iil is easily ciiltiv a led and produces line crops ol On n, ),ii, I ;.u ley. ( oi t. .-j
Suirar Cane, Sweet ailcTrish I'olatoe-. I'ea. and a u-i variety l vecelal.les. I In- 'imate t j'
mild and healttiful, C mds Conveniently located to r-li ' 'I i ti points " c ;ui h.- pi n ut.-I .i li .in S i O
to SUMHi per acre, on era! terms.
l-'or lllnstasted , phli t, Inav . laud !i' . t mik- I aM-s. etc ., write to
A. Aleltoiiald. ) W. ,le-4Mii-r,
(ieneral 1'asseiiBe .-.pent. . .101111-.-.,,,, ei .,1 in in - i,t
McoN.(... M i c.N, i;'a.
Having Just Iec-ic. a Large
Aliliiuirt (if New Slock v e al l
I'repared lo do all kiroi-- of
Printing on Short N'otiee
Society Frintina
We are prcparcil l
latest and most
lo i tl t lie
style ami at rcasona
Commercial Printing
Such as Note 1 leads, Lcttcl
Heads, Envelopes, Statements,
Hill Heads, cte. We ;ne ;iso
prepared to do a!!
Poster work in good
r . ri short notice.
o a!! kiml- of
tyl" and
NO. 303
. P. TIME CAIil).
TKA1NS ooixt; XOUTH,
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.."l.ll.i p. Ui
. ::ir i. iii
J.i'l p. 1,1
No. 17. loi-ii! freight
No. :t rri ve f rmn soul h
No. 2..
. . . 1 1... n. in.
.. .10.4 i p.m
... t.L'."a.iii.
...4;ii p. in,
Nn. M.
N.. .
H. & M. 1 I .1 1; t'AKD'
No 7
. 2. 1,'
. 4."ii p.m.
p. M.
Ji4J p.m.
. 7.7 :4.n.
. H.IK) a.m.
4.1M p. m.
No. 11...
No. VJ...
fuu1ay only. ..
N o. :t.
No. 5. ...
No. --".i. ..
No. 2....
No. 4
No. 12...
No. lit...
tit. UZ...
. .'; I p. rn
. 1".2 a. m
. K'S'i p. m
. Il.ii ;ulil
.U.Zi p. in
. 8:25 p. ui
. (Sunday only). . .
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push scat-
ch : i r r . .
1 o
havo the
ldes cvt-r
(ine-l::i!f en
- h route to tin- i .niil.i! of tin- . ..l...n- ,
Katerti Kailioad lor w .s 1 1-It, l.t'. "-.
Is a
.11.. 1 i the I e-11't ..f o'.l- .
sudden eli ,,,;,! : ( 1 1 . 1 1 . - .
!l i an he i ij 1 1 : 1 l. a p'.-a--ant
rem. dv v. h: I. .1 plied
directl-. ii;-- :i..n
hedii! .': K'y ,1!. oil.ed r
n. :.. I ill e.
Elys Cream Balm
ton 1
i- a- klli.'.-.i. I ,, lie l,e ,),,t tlll.I.
N.i al ( in. oil,. . ..Id 111 l,e.,d and II
M ine lies. It 11;. en- and I ie.ill-e- 1!,
aes. .-dlv- p.iin .m l inll.i iiiin.ii i, .n.l :
pi . .1 ei ! - ! he III, III I n.l lie (1..111 inil-.
seli-e- ,. l.i-te and -in-. )',,. ,- ."1 ',
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L.LV ;l(H Ili.i.s. .',,. Vva.reri St
N V.
r-n-"! hAIO riAl CAM
J7l-n- rij iH-miiit'icii tin- h!p.
l'rolii.ili'fl K dr.. Mil.
f. - 1 j iiair 10 its youtlilul Color.
V 4 m n 1 nr. n '-aip ilmm-- k i,mr thniL.
The only urt Cure t.,rl..o.. M uil psiu. t.nwttrn mm.
tort to t-e ltvt. lt H-Junj mny. iit. at Iirunu.
fill, he-t.f-. i jrli.h IMiunmirf lirnn f.
lrif;iHl nnil iilv 1
src, aina.- r ii.ii.ii.. i
n nuV
H ..-i i't - 'i" ... -if r m f.
ttuti nn-t ima-itf.f. At I'r-gi-.' or i"ti1 JP
o& r ?
F 1
l1 e
HANS GDOS, Proprietor.
Rates, One Dollar Per Day.
- V.
ir ai (.ouin.1 ii. 'I !,,.
-f ;u
luliio.hiliur.- f.,r tiiins irnt.s.
Mis--our Coal. Genuine Canr.r,
City CoaJ
Iavc orders at F. S. VVtitc'i
hikIi C1III-
V l ever of ill:
ie nasal p.i---ais
the -ores,
1 1-lore flo
at I r,u;:.., t .