Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 01, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Pjriy iBjtin$
-v v Vc V V M WdVySA
vi:dn iD.v
'iii..n:i- in town fi t in
; i :y en l-u.-jini
II. F.L. v r.u.l .,. Ali,.
! I.ii.coln i -:'".r t; ) i v.
V,i:i:i!il D'hcrtv of South
" .Xl'tl'l . V
VKnti t- d y.
1 1:- i :i! iii r VU Cil'l
Hljll K v. If !(.!:, v.-
tirrijjii'. both ho riiit.
Mis. W. J I)urK". M
M ' s. I. S. (loild toti;iy.
T. J. Tin r::t'h w o:-e with
Trip. Tli! ( (;(); w.-is ;:!,. -d to the
1 t i -at 1 o'i- oi 'v this iri i t, ir-' to mg
y-. ra ! n touny
i ia. Tliov
W. A.
If sis of
enj y a two days' visit at the editorial
as-o: iatioii meeting.
in:niy aUTiiian of Lincoln was in
h :.kitijr liands with his tnanv friends
i i the ( ity today. Ho is the tame
g:ui;ii Homy of o'd.
.tmJi cc faiin.le hava somethir"-
new in the way of nn oil for floors
rail. -d . dust'oss oil finish. It is cer
tainly a must u-oful article and makes
a II. .or look bright and clean for
Ii !IU, ru.:t nt :; 1.
hi; v:is no i i-.-: 1
this aft
Ml-. A L. AAi'i:
frnitf "'. U'.cil !;lu
A ho: i' -ho h.o.j In--.;,-:
i f 1 oi U: Kod homo
!s till- moi-f! injr
at lI;o In Ci-iiil; of
coi, 'I i ti n l-
i ecu iiiilii'
M:it!iJa M.-.tti. -:'orof t'har'cs
:', ."I Ii! I. is- iiim.o i.j I.;i!'o:te,
il ; . f t ho .-toin u'li.
in a;y . Mis. Ma-ti was known
;. p :'. hero v.-',.n will b j so -i v
!i ts he. j i farm-
Tex., ,f ml! .i:,
. n .1 ,
' m i
t" '. rn of l or ; i i ; i -
I i v . i v ' i. ii roh 1 1 ! . w h
llio .:. l-'roli-ior ii;r.1y. l;:is Mod oil' his
.-took a: .1 f-irmiti i-nu'Viii .-ills, rented
liis fa:-m fi,i- o:H:-:hiri ioli vo ed in
t'-P.vii. ai.d v. i,l ivo- to town a-d l:ilc
th wo l. ..a-v. ' iinh: i i'e is his
imm t -1 ii t.
A. ii. Siiiith, fd:to:- t.f the- Ihtnbury,
(N h. j .".'evv-, w.-.- in the city today and
inai'.o this oilieo a ph'usant call. Mr.
Smith i s- d to uoi k ho'u in the e;,n
ninjr fai tc a-y in the capacity cf tin
smit!i. I!j is down this way to attend
the state o itto ial association ineetin
at l.i iicoi i: t oTiiori it w.
'i he f i: in-1 a ! o; M ; and Mrs. W. A.
ijit s t ;ti ! dauiiter '.ccurrttl this
an I'm oh i t.ii! tin- .unity rosi'ionee
il; ';!! 'u:!,,"'i' hand e tli
oi s ii' p .. i u .itiir liiciai-. i he t-iiiptoyes I
of t It-- I J. o. M. j-aint .-ho;-, in which
t m ;-. into,
to a'.icnu 11.
l'ctteo went
int service
, i
IO -
Imv o! i
i t
J I..-
th::. v..
a i, i !
a i vi-i'l
can lo;
ft--.- !
.i ; u..
d: V-' j
II t !
I . ii u i i ! cod oi i:a
ie;irj in tiicir ; r-o-.;i.l town
a re a : t i-1 :e on nic n
: i . . i . 1 1 to
.uidini: tin
Miss Clara Wheeler returned from a
Milt e-Wfcko' Visit With hor irrnnit.
inothcr at Waco, in York county, last
evening. Her irrandmother has been
quite ill and hi has !:een assisting to
care to:' lie:-
The latest addition to the State
Ion: na.'a noiiulaiitv is -;,ir.,)..
ljicyc'.u Journal, which will be distri
b.itcd with tho Su.iday Journal free of
cliai-ire. It contains all t!i( liii-vcli.
news of the flay and will no doubt
prove a proht .hie venture for tho
Journal people.
The people of. tho chu. ch at Iiock
Ii in'ds have recently purchased a
Mason A: Hamlin orijan, and last niht
jjavo an entertainment arid ovster
supper to raise, funds to pay for it.
Cnas. kocfer and J as.
down and were pressed
on tho pi-orjm.
W. S. I'ur ly i e.nains in bed at his
home in very poor health. He has been
wor?o longer this time than ever be
fore and the chances for recovery are
not so bright as his many friends
would wish. Hid wonderful vitality
seems t have been of exeellent ser
vice heretofore but he is certainly
weaker than lormerly.
.vuusl (older s harness depart
ment does not appear to feel the ef-
e . e . t i ...
i eels oi me nani limes, they bavins'
.some eioht oi-de' s ahead at the p esent
titno f -r heavy work harness. Frank
Wheeler has charge of that depart
ment a.nd is a thorough workmen. An
increased force wiil he necessary to
spring work.
W . II. IVol of Mnrdi fk, was in the
city Tuesday, to see Mrs. I'ooos moth-
Mrs. Warr. int. who is Ivimr ill .it
the homo .f hoi- d mentor. Mrs. S.
U . Orion. Mr. IVol paid thisonicoa
ph asanl. c !1 ami toid of a recent visit
he a n.l M s. Tool hail made to solltl-
e.a-io n Kansas, U.-o' an aunt of Mr.
in -2H
y ii'ie
SlrClare'H MasHzine For .January.
The lirst edition of the January Mc
Clure's is o()0,000 copies an increase of
17a,(!00in three months. It is easy to
il nil c rs t :i n1 ...:,! r I
. , , ""uesinc,r-IA Religious, Iterary al Fi.itll v
cu.atloii when r, luu ,....! in i,;: J 11 J
- l VtlUj ill Wliir? !
number, the remarkable story of.Lin-i " Newspaper.
coin as tho manager of Denton Ollutt's !
s tw-mill and country store itt New S-i- I
lem, the victorious wesller againstthe !
champion of Clary's Grove, the!
student, between whiies, of Kirkham's !
Gtaunmar, a candidate for the IrrUi-.. !
. . . . . ,
The Independent LEGAL advertisements
Notice to Contractors
Undenominational, unbiased and iru-
turo, and a captain of raw recruits in
the Black Ilawk war; and when one
has inspected the twenty-tive pictures
which help to vivify this most engag
ing chapter of Lincoln historv. We
have been advised heretofore that tho'
partial. A piper for clerirymen,
scholars, teacher.'. ,v business-
men and families. It dis-i.
cusses every topic of
the day religious,
litical, st
cial, etc.
rwimlshakc and obicctimiabfe knots.
2. AH"Cpa to W by twelve oak, and
fastened In itpinc: wath drift pins twentv-ttto
Its contributed articles are b- the
history of Lincoln's early years 'tnnt niters of tho Ki.ulish
1 I PIT.. l .... , . . t 1
. . I " '' o- i,;iu i,oi -i't'il
pill th' .r ; v,.:l, TT--., , ,
, ; tiiey h i vo a vol
i-eeoji int ,tin ,l,..vii there
at. s:o i
W , Ll"'Oi
r.ol iolV
1 1 -ioe 1. 1. i ;ii ii
W Ii
bn-i -i
V ! Ii . ie
i -1
g Water
1 1 : l O . I 1 1 1 W -
t -i:tl- io-y lo
. Ill iiliV
w i , e i
hi .l
V. l'-n
; : I ' "
.-t:'A ri. who resiiies on ti.e
o-- o-. tho i er.tiuisi.' d an oiy lit
.:, .-. ni. :.' ' for eetting too fail
. .or j.-.U was lahu t.efoi-o
to o -' i:is il!-tvi:ii':.'',
.:oiv ee i-i :i lo
. til : '::,
i sh -ft h
' inat he
d It.
P'tO! o
I Life. i I ilS-J' cd t he
w a- lit-' d cf .t adinu' a
an: 'lid r.ot ii.ter.d totlrink
it-, I h to on he had ir.a n-
I :
I lepohiiea!!.
Xe'.-i'ii (lillispie. who is it.careeratefl
in the county b istile aw.dt trial in
the di-ti iet court f r ha; ness stea iag,
ha.- evidently k-i-ccr. then: before," as
ho i- in oooti spirits at all times and
-f.-ii's rather to enjoy the hospitalities
o! t i, - llotoi le Ilolioway. This mo: n
.ng wht a toe. jailor va-e. vingbieak-
t to the prisoners Gil.i-pic inititreu
lost. This can be said no more; for
Miss Tarbell has recovered it for Mc-
Cluro's down to its smallest deail.
To further justify the 300,000, thei o
is the beautiful article on Kucene
Field's intimacy with the children, re
producing the best of his child poems.
with portraits from his own collection.
of real children to whom the poems re-
aie. then there is the lirst of Mr.
Will II. Low's papers ou the great
paintings of the century, in preparation
for which Mr. Low made a special
trip to Europe, tmthering the best
that the galleries there would afford.
This paper treats of tho French
painters of the beginning of the cen
turyDavid and his followers and is
illustrated with reproductions of six
teen celebrated paintings by David,
l'r.ud'hon, Gerard, and others.
Ever since 18S4 it has been a matter
of constant speculation, and, at times,
of hot dispute, exactly wh it relation
Mr. lilaine bore to his candidacy for
the presidency in that year. A paper
by Mr. Mural Halstead in this number
must, should think, set the matter
forever at rest. liy conversations and
ietteis of lilaino never hjfore pub
lished, he gives his whole inner history,
first of tho nomination, and then of
the succeeding canvass. One of the
new letters a particularly interesting
letter written h Hlaine jiiot after his
defeat is reproduced in faeimile;and
there are some new letters b- General
Sherman and several inteiesling pot
nans oi l.iaine. lai.abeth Stunt
I'helps, continuing her charming au
tobiographical chapters, describes with
the fullest sympathy, and jet with un
failing vivacity, the life of "the An
dover of New England theology; tho
Andoverof a peculiar people, the An
dover that kept herself apart, from
the world and all that was therein"
an Anuover which, she truly says,
"wili soon linronio an iutei estiiiL-
wraith." Other noteworthv features
a popular at ticie be tho eminent
astronomer. Sir Ilobert Hall. L-ivin "
the latest inform ilion regarding '"The
Suns Light," and excellent, short
stories by Anthonv Hone and Herbert
I). Waul. S. S. McCl.l'K'K, Lti.
MO Lafayette Flace, New York.
.Notice is herein- civen that ,al..a ...oi i.
r...,;.....l .1... " "'"" "HI IIC
i '" r. fin -""" tt'iiimisHoncrs' oliice in
n't '" , tIIIMI lllll . l.a'i'! riinnti- X.-K .......
and completion ot all pile bridges to be built in
; ls i, according to the following specifications, to
1. All bridres to r,st tin ttir,'o Tiilin a i.
bent of length require:! by commissioners to be
uioeu 10 a soua iitunuuiiun: piling to he ot white
or burr oak, round, with not less than fourteen
114) inches butt, and ten tnj inches top. all
pouitf 10 ue smooin proportionate, tree irom
inches lonc'-iote for drift niiis to be horeil Inl!
depth with aucrurs-sixteenth jl-ltil smaller than
pin. ; .
i. All sv.av braces to be three 1:11 livsirtfil
oak, bolted to emfiof cap and each intersection
with piling:, with f ve-cighth 5r bolts, with
washers at each eii'l?
4. All joists to Ife of soft pine, three :i by
twelve IsJ. sized ;ti'each end. outside joist to he
bolted to can at feach end with tin- t-i''htls,l
bulls: suans ot sixiien f Hi I and ,-i'Oai,.,.i is I l.-. t
to have nine H joints to the span each, spans
twenty JO k-et to. have ten 1 10 1 j'.isls to the
snail, and tuint v-t vo I I ami t u.-nt v--fnnr 111
ti.oee.even hi loijis to tne span, well lappetlon
it(, an joists to oe wen iirMeu on center wa h
two 2J by fl)Ur I 4 C white nine, well nailed with
sixteen li j peine. ire nails.
All tloering Jo be two 2 bv ten M
welve l-.'J white 4r burr oak and tobespiked
It employs specialists and distin
guished writers as editors of it:
Twenty-one Departments.
A paper particularly fitted for law
" , , NUiuse en- jois.s with forty I4tj penny steel spikes at e:J
r i frn . I i .. 1 . . . . . . . . . t . I .... . . . . . . .
1 in uusiiics-i, young people OI I ""t-'sviinui oi i joists.
K.k t " -, . j- Hailing ttt.sts lour by f"iir I 4l I to be bolt
.-cvcs-iueu nun women wno reau to outside i.. -as with ou.-haii i i... h i,..i.
and think for themselves. A" nr.ot !,ub ail5 to b' six l"-'x,il a,ul r-,;1
. ,, . ' ' I iwo oy iour zx4 J cappetl with two bysix hjxtjl
t-'FO'inj vuuiaute lor IIIOSO interest-I lu w""e pi-c'--c ana wen paintei
ffl in I.-ir- u..;.,. I , .'"'V P,;1"K two hy twelve by sixteen
-j-'viivv. .iusnj. l-xi.'xib) tube spiked to end ot joists at each
v paper crivinir valuabio inform.itinn V,u, ul v,,uc s" JS c"ver V""1 " J'sts
i maKe close connection with floor.
upon r i nance, La fe Insurance, Commerce.
Width ol roadwav to be sixteen I It; I f.-.-t
Kach bid must he :n i-mim.nni,'.! I.v ,-...t.i,...
fliecktor SMI). lioar.l reserves th.- ri.rl.t t.. r...
. I t.... .. .... 1 ..II 1 ' I
; paper lor Sunday School Workers, ' jTiill.iry 17". i,
James Kobi:hison. County Clerk
i .0
: ti) ,-CC'it
o 1 and w:
g, i .at i - lc- :-.I.-.,:
i;y !'r.t-at ): tot ii. 1.
an -i s' .1 1 l ti him i.oiio .- .1. ti .
r 1 vt
i as to the .state of Uie weather, and
'la.ioeti that 'vi-uii,:d hog's day" w:is
j near .1! hand and it'-d that if he got
it ,f j.;il and s .v his shiidow on that
ntiotl-er !-f-''y ;l;iy ! wo iid ictii u an t stay -six
a lair a.v l' j vveoks n.s b - va- mhii -w!:al of :i
;.:!Oi V. io !, 1 ..r (.u.,, lio-r" bimse.f.
m i:..:i
lilieumal ism C'urc-l ia i I;iy.
Neuralgiit Vsiirrc'aii't" IAUcumati-m ji, tl
three days, its action upon the sj s
tsm is remarkable ami mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and tl o
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. To cents.
Sold by h G. Fricke oc Co., drug-lists,
I'lattsmouth, Neb.
Ti e chief orator at the national wo
man's suffrage meeting in Washing
ton yesterday was George W. Catt of
those who nave a Farm, Garden 01
House 11 ants.
A paper for the family, old and
J no independent announces to its
subscribers, and to any who mav be
come so. that it is prepared to fur
nish any papers and magazines pub
lished in this country, England, Franco
and Germany, at a very largo reduc
tl.... t .. ....T.l; 1 . . m. .
nun Hum iHiuusncrs rates, mis op
portunity is open only to subscribers
of the Independent. Upon receiving
list of papers or magazines from indi
Muutt s or reading rooms, an estimate
will he given by return mail.
It .yearly subscription Is .. or at that
rate for any ;rt of a year,
t lul.s of livf, S-'J each.
"Trial Trip," one Month, 25c.
Spceimeii Copies Free.
!'.. r.ox27. l:;o Fulton Street. New York.'
CM.-hot, H-- f.iili-i l:iu:nunl llranf.
rlic tpnl and Only Genulnp. A
safe, alwav rtliiible. i.aoc .k
?tjlCO.tnuiJ Urnri'l in l-d an.t '.'.-I llietllic'Lfv
Vlmim. -.ak-.l will, hiur ri'.bon. 1 iiLe
tutus ami imtritri.4. At Itrucf'M. or H)-nii
In -tamtii tar t.artti-ulard. t.'timoniaIs ut. 1
"Kelli-f for I.a.llfA." in Utter, t.r rt-tlirn
l'hl.l...l L..n.l..Ul O.. VI ...II. ..
Ml bj all Locl Itruguu. I'hUatla., I'a.
Sheriffs Sale.
l'.y virtue of an order of sale Issued lty W.
II. I'tiarin, clerk of tho district court with
in :md for Cass county, Nelr;isK:i. and to
ine uirueteu. I wdl on the lst clay of
January A. 1). Iso,,, at ten o'eloek a. in. of
sui.i u.-ty, m tne south door of the court
nuiise in iiic c.ty ot riattstnouth. In said
county auu stale, sell at public sitiet ion to
l"- tiisuem oiuuer lor cash, the followiu '
real estate, to-wit : 1 no east one-third t i
lot mi in Her three in block number
seeiuy t .01 in me eity or Weeping W ater,
Cuss county. Nebraska, together with the
privileges ar.a appurtenanbes thereunto
bt-loiijin or in any wise appertaining, 'i'he
same bein- levied upon and taken, as the
property of I av i t 1. Dudley, Ottelia K.
uuuley. his wife. lSenjarnin A. fiibson.
Harry U. Ii;iee, Carrie Kace, ids wife, Francis
N. U iwun, Charles V, May. Frank Hubhard.
partners uo,n business as Hay Ac Hubbard,
and Kohcrt V ilkinson.defenuants: tt sat isfy
a jud-inent of said court recovered by
traneisC. 1 auUner. as assignee of the Con
neetlcut Kiver Savin. s Hank. ..w ICrr.
shirecorporation. piaintitt', nzaiiist said de-
i'laltsinoutli, Nebraska, Ietetub27. A. !..
J. C. Fl KEN UA It V,
Sheriff, Cass Count v, Nebraska.
& ScientiSo American
nnM-tvtAveATS. 1
I .Ia';aS'' trade marks, I
Sheriff's Sale.
bv virtue of an ird, r of si, t. i.w w
II. Hearin.elei k of tin- dist rlei i-ourt wu i,i,,
auu ior cass count v. A etirasli :,. ml t,. .....
directed. I will on iilst d:iy of January.A. 1.
IS'.'!., at ill OeioeK a. in. of in il :, v : t t Ii,.
south door of the court house in tho'city of
I'la t isuiotilli, in said county, sell at public
aueii to tne ni-nest bidtler for cash, t he
following real estute. to-wit:
The west twenty (M feet of lot twitlm I -
in block twenty-nine i-'ib in city of Piatts
inoulh. Nebr;.ska, together with the privi and appurtenances t hereunto beion-in-orln
anywise appei talniuz. 1 be same
bein,' levied upon and taken as Iht. nmn.
erty of .Miitou 1), Foik, John F, Pol and
O. I.eeson, lirst. name unknown, with d...
fenuants, t, satisfy a iiidiiuieiit. of i:n,l
court teeovtred by Michael O'I Kiuohoe,
plaintllt: avrainst said defendants,
i'l illstnoutli, Nebraska, lec. J7. A. I), lsli.l.
Sheriir Cass County, Neitraska.
Notice to Creditors.
i-tati: IK N mot ASK A,
& VIA Iii rrTfW
so does
This great cleaner com e9 to woman's aid
en wasu-uay anu every day. Aianes ner
work a matter of love instead of dnidcr- Ff
Try it. Sold everj'where. a
Made only by ij
The N. K. Fairbank
Company, g
if Stej.lien Wiles, de-
For Information and fro Handbook writfl to
Mt'XN & CO., X61 Broadway. New Yohk.
Oldest liureau for seeurlnK In America.
Kverv r-nu-nt taken out ny u is tirounht In-fore
tlie I'Uljlic by a notice given free of charge lu the
tamest clrenlfitton of any la-ipntlflp parr In the
vorld. Splendidly illustrated. No iutellic-ent
man t-honld be w ithout It, Weekly, (i.'l.Of a
J p.'ir; f:l.5i) six months. Address. Ml'NN ti. CO.,
VLiiusuLits, 3tl Uroadwuy, Xcw Vorlt City.
l.lN'l til.N,
i 1 1 l; '.
.-.t.-. h
.. 1!.
A !
-:k f
. f t:...-tli-:
M r.
i : t
-i i .
: ti l.i:
Us;!., r-s 1:
lie t
1 Li-
- :.t
Tuo on niions Will lit- lli-ll-
in. -'). I.f ro u !! .:in
i- i!!i ;o .-t'liiinl'.lvji: lois rin tu-aH y
iltJ t;i cil! I .vo s'.d.o f-onven! ions.
His; :'o.- ll;- L-l'-i-ti'in of iii:.oj-.-iti--s
-f i::.l;t) ". .1 i-eiiVi ntion :il Si. 1 tuis.
i -, -t I't!' 'h n- tiiin .;..rr:i of sl-ilt-
;;',!v. i" t:i td i v. A rrii is thy
m.'slfiV r:ih y in nli in.-1 l.y the-n.i-ii)
Ik r - t! t 'io i-.t.n in i I to : f the dolcnte
.-. .i. t- . ! i. t:i. 111'.- !! i t;'-l i l '. I'.'il-oa 111
s :utl In - i-aiiit.: l-vi) iiVi-i tions is
i:." t-tt :!.' ivi-'th t)f the t-;iniiin
t ass Co ii n tv. 1 '
In the matter ot the cstat
Notice is hercliy Kivcn that the claims and demand-..I
all pi-i'Miiis a.'ainst -Steplu-n W iles, de
ceased, lale ot said com, iv and state. ill be re-
torenooii"'"'Alill"J..?f1U..diudHcii by the coentv
i tie Ul st i.f Oeccniher. A. 1'.. Is'-'"'. is inc ith.i
limited f"r creditors ot said deceased to present
their ciaims tor examination and allowance.
fi-.ven under my hand tins liuh day ol Decem
ber, a. 1 .. lsn:,,
Ii. S. ltAMsfcv, County Judge.
Be Merry and Happy
But remember that good Clothing
is a never to be forgotten necessity. Do
not wear the garments of the by-gone
past. By buying of us you can afford to
be dressed comfortably and neatly on a
small income.
Our $5 and $7 Ulsters are a black
eye to our competitors--they will make
you our friends.
O 1 tO
I -.
t I '
Du H:
and P?.ins
A 1 1 . C ll V4 tlU tl
i'.!.. ' I S !:1 il : .
. .';.v,.-:,t;.t t.)
'lis' .
w . ' - -
I'ii.ov ui'':ni:i:it mis for
tilt- ticc-ss ,:-.l- en: ly
t.ct lielo' tiles lo '.-st.
A I. iiir euinintiirti would bo
olul sis v,-ii ;t- e.ien! vo to eiin-
it's. Allot her re is ''ivtii TortAo
::n . enlMdis is tn :ip t-ent imjiossi-i-iiii
v .f adj'isiin ii st-ite icintblieun
. i ... - .. .. t f ...... i. .
1 ' I ' t - U I . I I i e . ,.3 i ji -.: , ; . uia i iaicu,
i tii- ivodl'i have t ) hi doiie were the
-t:,u- niii- eis nonii nnl'. o .t tne same
,:o:ieiitioii. Too lntlo;' pnrt tf July
"! the 1st of August nre dates nnraeil
v iiii-inbers of l he Nebraska com rait-
t for the hist convention.
baby bones
arc soft, so soft they scarce can be called
bones in the earlier years ; gradually they
harden, and furnish the frame which sup
ports the growing body. The hardening
comes from what chemists term 44 the min
eral substances."
When these are absent we have 44 Kickets a iacK oi
linnp-tissue. wh ich shows itself in delayed teething, profuse
head-sweats, and later, if not arrested, malformations and
Such a baby needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver
oil for its fat-starved body.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites
of lime and soda will give its little body the needed fat in
an easy form.
Be sure you get ScotCt Emulsion tuhtn you want it and nt a cAea tnittttutt.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $u
Notice of Probate of Will.
1 UK St ATI-". UK N- r.K.sK.A.
In Ctmnty Court Cass Co. ' " '
In the matter of the last will .md testament ol
Thomas 14. Utadon, deceased.
Notice is hereby civ en that on the tith day ol
Kebruary. A.I), ls'.tt,. at the office ot the county
judge in I'latt-nioutli. Cass county. Nebraska, at
the hour ol i o'clock in the altcrnoon. the follow
ing matter will be heard and considered:
1 he petition of Francis S. Price to admit to
probate an attested copy of the last wiil and testa
ment of Thomas It. imrduii. deceased, late of
lilciivvooti. Mills countv, Iowa, and tor letters tes
tamentary to Henry I'.v el liliam. jr.
IJ.iic I this lllth day ol January A. 1 . IsStj.
I!v order ol the court.
.K.ol,K. M. si L KI.UCK.
County Judge.
Piobate Notice.
In the matter of the cstale of Philip Morn,
In the county court of Cass county. Net).
Not-'-e is hereby sfiven that Jaeob Tritseh.
ndii.inlstr.itor of the estate of the SiiiU
I'ltiiiu Horn, deceased. lias mane nuunea-
t i on lor Until set tienient.anU ih.tts 11J cause
is set for bearing 11. y olliew lit 1'iatts-
miHilli Oil the 3 til U:iV Of January, A. U
Is'.i:;. ill -Jo eio -k u. in. on suit! wnicti
time ar-d puic-.' ail persons lut rrsieil may
.:e pruseut aii'J examine sal Uci-niinH.
u. si, iv,AiSEi . v. un iivjr .juvio.
l".:iitsitioiilli- Januury 4. lti.
-s. 1 t.
A. (."'.:!;ti!J
13 well known es e:t.-rai n.erc-hr.nt ar.d
postmaster ol 3. Ild, 111. He writes:
"Allow me to expr-- - Tr.y r-nirtzt :-at:2-
. . . ,
,.t r ' v. i' 1 s' : i-os.Mi-ura
f-.ptinii v. itli Iloe-i s i.-ci
One Alihi I diuitl for llolines.
iM'lANAi'iiUS, -I n. '2S. Altoiney
i.i l.'clv" iins tec-ivod :i letter from
.lii:-- (I llatvey. ist. l.:tUiS, sttyinji
tl,;t il. II. IIo in. s was in thtii eity
t), ii liei- - a. id nnd lifts tuopHos the
. I rv..:i.. 1 c? .in..'iir iir.K, Miowii-or iio.mcs where- i oum...
:ib",.s f;o -i the 1st t the 11th fifOeto- Sain: clay Kdition, l(i pac-s.
I...r, d ii in; ulfc'u timti Ilowaid Pit .el Sundny Kdition, US to 4 pai,
Louis Globe-Democrat
j The Great '
National and Representative
il Republican Newspaper.,.
Reduced Subscription Rates by Nail, Postage Prepaid.
One Your. o.0; Six Months, $3.00
Motce to Creditors
f V.s4 Cotiiit V i '
Iii the n utter of tho estate of Ntth:m
Keasoner. ueiuasctl.
Nutlet' .s h reii" given I liiit t ne .-iiilins ant
(1euian..s of ml persons .-iitinsi. aihii:ui
ireiisoner. deee. seii. iale tr sain i-otuivy ann
itale. W.ll l.e receive l, uinmutJ .tnu
ustetl bv tne County coarr. :it me court
house In laltsniuuiii. oil me sin uaj t.i
I ! iv. . I) ls hL iit iu o v.ock in tne tore
noon. Ann mat six niuiiiiii. n-on, ou .tn..,
the Mil ti ay of January. A. !., lKi. is the
ime lim teU for erouitorsoi saiu ueceaseu
in iiri-Kt.nL their ei.ilms lor e.:iiiun.inuu anu
u 1 1 ,1 Uf
liiven unde'Diy lian-J ni.s c.ay i jau
uary. A. U. ls'.iii.
11. f. UAMsky, eoiiniy juue.
am 1 I I E
n..i l"K2t'K are
st.r.IMja ou soles
l .JI1L3 Id 11112 HFtn-Jfe jm
VWIMiirfS Tt,
fchenf's Sale.
iio- v Irt ne of an order of sale Issued bv W
ii nourimr. t-l.-rU of the district court with
in aud for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me
uirected.I will on the illst day of January A.
i ivui nt in n'i. nt k a. m.. tit smti aar av mw
south door of the eourt house in the city of
Flattsmouth In said eouniv, sen 11 puouo
auction the following uesenueu real tsmvo,
' 1..- nnrth ia ll'.l ot lor nuinoer one 111 in
block number eight 1 in t'lenuniuK and Race's
a.l.iition to WeeDinir Water. Cass county. Ne-
htaska. together with the privileges ana appur
tenances thereunto DeloiiRing or in at
... ittcr i he s:ime lias oeen iumcu uumi rfuu
n Vonr. SI -50 taken as the property oi enas. u. na-s ot
1,000,000 People Wear
it Tifmri? AC
00, $.00, $3-50, $2-50, $22SHea
$J .00, $2-50, $2-00, $ I gg
Any Style, AU Sizes, Every WidtJu
. Wear W. t Tone1as (Tiops and
fcve front 1 ,vu to :i.o a
pair. The advance In leather has
incn-ueti uio i'L i' ui uuti
niakti, tint tne quality ana
prices ot w. 1 uouKiai
noes Ttmum ,: tuuict
tV. I. UOl'O LA8,
BnocKTon, Mac.
J If"!
esr9 I was r :-.c
erisin'r from o:' -- '
pura ijlocd. r.vcty ivo;:-1
I tried family nu di. i'.e-i c-f vp.
and G.'5crir tioi'". uii to
tlie desired roi." J i
mucli ilo--'a
. Ii r ! l! UTI-
1 L.-d d-.ii:
1:3 Tinmrs
r- 1 rtrc.-tteP
;-. 1
is s jpi'ti' d to have boon murdered in
the let:-, tii-'i-t tit Irvi: iz'-or. , n.-ar thib
t-Hv. Mi-. 1.1Iihk Ii s itlso lotiiid a
it:.--5 '-vil'i s:l -v :i st im tifTet" iu tho
l:;-.-lo,i lei e-.iii nt ;tt tl'.eliti:e when
iJt '. liivs wi- known to lie in Ciiietiiro,
and Ii.'- ; iim is in;;do that tins person
was tii' r.-y-tt-rtt us Hatch. 11 nil that
U. tth UilUd the hov. While this
tl e
litis eo:iv
One Year, S'J.OO
I-ticd in Settsi-Wceklv Se-di mis, S pages eaeh
Tuesday and F.-iday, K paes eery week,
Cue Year, 1 Six months, oil,-.
M Flower. Julia A. i-lowcr, his wile. 1-ranees N.
tiiltson. H. II Tnnni thrst anil real "anie un-
knttvvn), Frederick acener. ineuuute it.i.uij.
John Doe loccupaut real name unknown 1. Mary
1 Ine 1 occupant rem ii.imc
mill A. Gibson were dclendants to satisfy a ludjr
mcnt of said court recovered by George yicott.
trustee under tne last will and testament of Anna
C Webber, deccas d. revised 111 the name of td
w ird bangs as trustee under the last will anil
testament ot Anna C. Webber, deceased, plain-
tuts, against sani ueienuituts.
I' attsniouth, rvcu., uii, -,, 1 -
yheiilT. Cuss county, Nebraska,
Till-'.!l'..!)KMO(:n.T is tmivers illv eoneeded to ho tho best of
nu., .i-j -..nil :tt these, ri-diieed rates it is iilso tho cheapest
Tnr.CToliP.-DKMOCKAT iKivs for and prints more news tnuii U-J
othoi- paper in tho llmlcd Stitos. U will be indisionsiihle during tho coming
tYi.i.ii ti. ...imiiiiirrn -mil t t. nw iirio.r n it. w in n i t rracu .-
old hv news-dealers every wnen; u -
Delivered to regular
.,1 i subscribers, Dailv and bunday, 1 fonts a week. tti cents it montii. n Vitl for tiass county, Nebraska, and to mc at ltM.;l, tieaior does'not handle it, insist uyion his procuring it for you, or send jrected , wU, oa the aist day of January
Goniplsxion Preserved r?.
ViULA uP.EAfil
Remover- Freckles, Pimples.
Liver- f.tclss, Biackhcads, ,
Sunburn tintl Isn, nud re-Ktrtrt-H
the skin to its origi
nal ireshness, producirg 8A1.
t-iei'r nu..t I,,:,,ili.v - ... ii
nn-. gloi;e-di-:moi'kt is
- ... h 1 ri'ii iiir 1 i 1 1:11 v 711 11 i 1 ri 1 111 Lilt: tin uuiiv i?,i u:.
evi.l.lHf -i t- in -t, inau '" I .. .. ...A.... t- A I. l:.t..l .. h
... .!. SUUMTlWrS, liailV JlllU 0nnu.1v. I- fins. k -- i . vni 13 .1. i.,-'""'
whii-a IK'l-.ttes s.
Sheriffs Sa!
By virtue of an execution Issued by W.
U. Hearing, clerk of the aistrict eourt within
ML K " I
finally lo C;v a fair t,r'il1
In a short time my cr-c' 'lie in. rro rcj
headaches c-ased, rii.I ti'.e uuu
DesporxiDnt Feeling Civo Way
fo a nore cher-rful rpirit. Head"' Far-a-taril!a
is the bt-it known pr ; ?.r?ii.jt; to
jDurify the blood, toi-e up th" systeiv f-nt-produce
an enormous apr '. i' e.M U. A
Gouve"5, So nth Holland, lilinou.
rhih.tit --lphia. it n ! iinit.-a to nave an rf.ur nhserintion with letnittanee direct to the publishers. I
I - . .- 1 r .. .11 ..1 -.. ri-.iTi.. nrei.ti.-i v or onP-ni-'Mii. IUtll dtKiroi
important hearing, inasinncii as it 111- rarucuiar itucmiriii is caut-u n 1 111, ivr.cnui vijhi 1 ... llslnoutM. n
.... ..1.:, .r iho CUT. issued 111 Seuii-W eekly sections, oignt pages every ltiesoay anorti ......tiou, to the In,;
u.L..n. - s" day. making it praetieallv a lat-Lre Semi-Weeklv paper for only one dollar a roiiowin real
-, . ... iU a- birli 11' k 1' ifir.rpil. u ' ' . . - . , ..... . , , ;t. timntn I . .t number on
a Ii lyitCiii loo'c.ock a. 111. of said day at the
l IIO L . 1 1 1 I L IltfUSt? 1 li LIID . I.J -
said county, pell at public
hest bidder for cash, the
estate, to-wit:
e 1 li. block number three (3) .lot
- . - , 1 ,,.i,..r tw. i-'t mo k rniniiit-r tnree o . it- mm
...1 .. ,in;i,, -mil i-rt tit iirmn nt. v ttntl 1nnrnn"hlc llOStt o. I . .... ... .1 ;n-,,.j ,.f v.-..r.iTi V.i..r fa-;c
N).jli.i::r. heailf.g, tualling, T. .-t.i. -,l,.,.,t in,.i-,i-e itat.vttifn in lhi ITtiinn All America hniinti-. Nebraska, torrether with the privileges
Witts Witch Hazel Salve is the u u hitiroate ileld. No matter where you live, you will iind it invaluable a. ";p
... .1- -. 1 . ! 1 . I.. ............. .... 1 1 . . . , ...lll'll'll I . - ' . 1 .... I t l 1 ... I . 1 .
.-. , t. ... .- ti. s.t-o - hi 111:111.-. niiti 111 t-H. ; i--. 11 er uuu iiuu.i: "un...,, iniuiT:, k-n as tne uiti,e,, u, ..ui.'-i'v . -- .vllu,.l
. , , : . c,J I tendant. to satisfy a luuKiueui w shiu uiuii its
vv -ine. in never .at s, w " i covered bv 1" ranees .M . G
itching and burning. Cures chapped Sample copies of tho Globe-Democrat will bo sent free on application to
. t D!115 harraoruousiv 1
HOOQ SI Hil Ilood'.SaMapariUa.
.-itul eo'id-sores in two or three
r.ft iiarraotuousiy wii 1 ,
hours. l j. Fricke tSi Co.
Globe Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo.
covered by t rances M. Gibson, plaiutiil. against
said defendant.
I'lattsmouth. Neb.. Dec. 27, 19...
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska
T.leTion. Siirc-rior to all face-
preparations nnd perfectly bnrmloss At all
drut'Srist.s.ormuiled for50cts. Send for circular.
VIOLA SX!N SOAP U inmply Ineompsntbl. a A
fkln r."t'if'in ISohp, unequaliMl for the toilet, and wilhmtt &
nvnl for th-nur-itTy. .Ahnlut-Iv pure .nd d-'liciO medi
CTt"l. At druKita. Price 25 Cent.
The Q. C. DITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
to bX
Instant Killer of Pain.
Internal and Externaf.
GIA, Ijuoo Bat-k, Sprains, Uruisen,
SwelliDtra. Stiff Joints, COLIC and
'cf-fiRAAlPS instantly. Cholera Slor-
V .!:, cronp.Diptheria, Sore Throat,
HEADACHE, as it by magic
TUC IMBSC OniUlin E-pecIally prepared for
ill HtuuL unniiut Htock. Uoutile Jsrrensn,
themort Powerful and Penetrating Liniment ftr Wan j
or Ueast la exu-tence. rge tl u oJtt e
Medicated nnd Toilet. The Great Skin Cure nnrl
Tace Beautifier., Ladies mil find it tho most
delicnte and nighty perfumed Toilet Soap on
the market It id absolutely pure.
skin eof t and velvety and restores the ltt com
plexiont ia a luxury for the Bath for- Infants.
Ft alnys ltchine, cleaiines the ei-alp and proOiOUf
the growth ol iTice o. for sale by
For Catalouge, adar
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
PI line Orsans. S3S.OO upwards; want
1 inilll.l Airi-nH. :Cittalt)2ue iree. n
liress Daniel t. Beaty. Washington, N
(truss Daniel F. U
ents. Ca
eatty. w.
f want
N . J
. ' i '.
t I . J
address r
RFATTY'S I or ratalol I
call. Daniel F. Beatty, Wael Ifgton. Si. J
CtCff rtftA BEATTY orians B35.00 .
SDlUUiUUUup. Fov. particulars, cata
logue, iddress or callDanlel K. Heatty,
Washington, N. J.
DTATTVIC Orirana S3S.OO upwards. r
DuAl IT O Write for catalo(rue;address i
or call. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. '
' B. F. BRENDEL, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Calls prorcptly attenr ed, either
.'; f
: -.. f
' I
r : '.