Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 01, 1896, Image 1

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THE NK"P. Estatiishcd Nov. ii. KH. l('on.Hfit..,i t. i iw.i-
TilK liKBALIl, Kiu Wished April M. 1U. ( Kmsolicated Jan. 1, ls'J...
VOL. IV. NO. 40.
"3 3 ,S1 FT" tk T' n vi n
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-i A
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iKn;;r: n fidjiaan dim ovi:i:s
Tin- loot I'rintn nt a Ititie-i oot In fin t
hikI Those of An Atlnit Arouml Ills
Well The 1'olicp I'nalde to Throw
V Any l.ii;lit I'jton t lie Mystery A Tint
ant itirlliday barprihe 1'urly.
Yesterday ruorniriL' win-a tHe family
- u tieprpo Weidmarin anwu :nul went
out in "the jii d they clisui vod lh-foot-printd
of two ban-foot i conic in
tile fiosl juid snow, tliosu of a two or
tnrce-year-oid eiiiNl anil tliv other of a
i.-jcdiuiii hcu fiu!. Tin footprints
vvt'i'is lioUcuil up and dov. n the side
walk to the well an.l tlie mys
terious p-iir had cirdi.-il aroutii iho
weil two or tlireo times. Mr. Wfcid
mana is aeeusloiiied to leaving tho
house for his phtt-e of business before
u.,yiiht, ai.d t-oi.scquetitfy ho did not
M-e the trucks iu the,, morn in r, but ho went homo to dinner at noon
his wif-j informed hun ofc the strange
t-i i cumstuut-e and out to investi
gate he found the tracks were
Ull d .-eernihle, tho la ryer person hav-
lt g .stepped oil the sidewalk into the
u.uJ anu madi; a pc-feet print of the
Mr. Wciuiuanu is very-much at
to know what the olraag'o proceedings
u.tant, but is rathe r-f tLe opinion
thai the traces were made for a blind
ai. J that tho purpei ; ators ii id no lie
si'ii for good in mind.
Aftci the ftmily Had thought the
matter over they'L.-d yrown uneasy
ai d were afraid tonse the water in the
well, and au this morniny Mr. VVeid
m nn e iLjac-J two weil-dijers and
had the we; I thoroughly cleaned, but
states that I hoy were unable to cap
ture a-iy stray tr..o..s in ihe bottom of
ltj:j well.
'1 he p. -lice were (.otified and the
chief went up to the hou.-e to satisfy
himself in the matter, but as yet they
have been unable to throw any liyht
upon tln& mastery. Geoi-p-o thinks if
they came to beat him out of anything
tiiey stopped ;.t the wronir place, as he
didn't havo any thing1 around there
worth taking.
The police w ill keep a lookout ami
try, if possible, to aseertaiu what Hw
alraoge occurence raeaus.
Taken By Surprise.
Adam KalTenbergrcr, ono of the
prosperous farmers residing west of
town, attccded church Sunday with
Ins wife,unmindfui of tho fact that tho
day was his lorty -seventh birthday an
niversary. After church they went
homo as usual only to find their house
had been t iken possession of by friends.
Mrs. K. was a party to the plot and
had p-epared fur a sumptuous dinner
which was nerved in duo time, and
those present say it was a feast lonr
to be remembered. Mrs. Frye of
Cedar Creek added much to tho
pleasure of the fathering, with pome
nice musical selections.
l .present were the following
gentlemen with their wives: John
KalTenberger, John I-ohnes, Leonaid
Horn, Adam Ilild, Albert Tappo, Chris
Stoehr and John ilauer.
No wedding1 pait- ever enjoyed a
nicer dinner or h id a pleasanter time.
The gue.-ts ttrried until after mid
night, when they departed with best
wishes for Mr. K. tlenberger and his
genial wife
Sheriff's Sale.
Keet Sugar Inlutry Ulseusseil at Length
AVIll Hold Another .Meeting After
the Keturu of the Ii-leate to the
Fremont Convention The Otieeitinn of
a (Government Untitling for This City.
After SuixTiiiteiMli-nt ltiKnei'.s ealji.
Considerable talk was indulged in
yesterday by interested persons regard
ing a rumor that Superintendent Uig
nell would have to face charges of hav
ing done private work with railroad
employes. Tho charges aro made
against Mr. iiigne.l by T. A. II. Her
key. one of the recent decapitated em
ployes, lie a;l-gos that tho superin
dent had a detail of men at work re
pairing IJuriington iJeaeh, a private
investment, and paid them by allowing
them lime in the monthly pay-checks
is-ued by the liurlingtoii. Another
charge i3 that h i brought the lako
steamer from He itrice to Lincoln with
out paying any freight on it. It is
c a: me 1 that these c'n nges have been
sent to Viee-l'resident Harris in Chi
cago and that Mr. Hurkey stands re idy
to furnish substantial proof.
Friends of Mr. H;rnell place no cred
ence in the charges, as they were in
vestigated ont-o and proven without
foundation. Slate Journal.
Tho county judge's office was crowded
with members of tho board of trade
and business men last evening. The
beet sugar question was discussed and
it was agreed that a special meeting
of the board should be had as soon as
the delegates return from the Fre
mont convention, in order to heal
th eir roport. The postottico building
matter came up, and C. Sherman
gave a very intelligent reason for our
not getting the coveted building at
once. His theory, that we must in
crease tho reveuuesof the office until
we can first get a free delivery system.
is doubtless correct. Mr. Cochran, of
South Omaha, made a pleasant
little talk on sugar neets and
industries generally. On motion
of Dr. Humphrey a vote of thanks was
unaminously tendered Hon. .1. I J.
Strode, our congressman, for his ef
forts in behalf of tho postofliee. Henry
Ltoeck and several others made live
An Iowa man wanted to locate a
college here but his proposition was
not quite definite enough and tho
secretary was instructed to write f it
more definite terms.
By virtue or an order of sale issued liy G.
F. llouscworth. clerk of the district court
within and for Cass county. Nebruska.and to
iMouirocioiia win on tne tii day or M urea. A.
j"!-o. at ii o clock a. in. or said day at the
south door of the court house in the cily of
iniisuiuuiu, in Hani cuuniy. sen at uuhlic
ut;iiuu, to ine m z Lies i oiiiuer ror cash, tho
following described real estate, to-wit:
Lots one (1 nnd two :.'. in hlok sixty i.
In the city of Weeping Water. C;iss county.
?ebraskii, together wltii the privileges and
appurtenances thereto be!onzinr or in any
wise atUert:iillillC- smnn lioin r lotrio.l ........
nd taken as the properly ef Fred Beikiivs,
r lorenee J. Illows. Wiiliui.i ll u .t.ri.t
:liao Iron store Co.. Sackett Ac Gates. ViU
1 Tlirho. sherilT; Joseph K. ftUlls. Tlioni is
. Howard. First. Nsatinnul Ituni ,.f u
Water. NehrasU-M. ilpf in,i i n t t.i a..t.ufr .?
judgment of said court recovered lv Uyroa
arK. pi.'iiruiir, against said derendants.
t laltsmouth. Nebraska. Jan. -"A A. l. lsifci
Hakvev Hoi.i.owav.
SlierilT Cass County. .Nebraska.
Harper's Magazine
I IN 189G.
Hriseis. a ncwiovcl by William lliack. w i itten
with ail the auuior s well-known rliann nt man
tier, will bt i;in n December number. IslCi, am!
Notice to Creditors.
Cass C)untv. ss
In the matter oi the estate of J.Win Black, de
ceased. Notice is hereby Riven that the claims and (!.
mands nt all pcrsuns against John i'.lack. de
ceased, late ol said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in I'lattsmouth. on the
lt;th day t,i August A. D., lslti. nt S o'clock iu the
loreimon. And that seven months from and after
the h day of January A. IV. IMC. is the time
limited fur cieditors of said deceased to present
their claims tor examination and allowance.
(iven under mv liaiid this L'.-th day oi l.inuarv
A. i .. IMii. (.hoK(,KM.s'L'l.(n K.
County Judsc.
IN THK (Olltrs.
succeed Jbis
A Itirthtlay surprise.
A prty of Odd Fo.lovvs aid their
ivos i iiHde up a surprise on Ds. doe
lat evening, today being her
thday anniversary, and with well
d riasketsthev called in a body at
o? pi table home last evening. A.
ecUb ich and I. lV.trlniun urcsen-
J-.-.- . . . : . . 1 -: ..I. . i ..
Liiim.e'AftWs a nice lueivn .n'"
which was thankfully received.
11 replying to tin eloquent speech by
one of thedorors, Mr. Week bach, M i s.
Vray felt to tho- occasion and
delegated M..jor F.d H.irstow to re
spond in her behalf. Mr. liarstow
was in good form and ttepping for
ward, his right in m resting by his
s'nie and his left h.T.d insert, d in the
breuft of his coat like a minister, lie
liegan in a most impressive manner.
His. speech was too long to bo pi int. .!,
buy it is icported that ho brought viie
crowd to tears ;:nJ laughter Mien-au.-"jy
i.9 ho played up u ttudr foel-ng", as
s.'it exj ei t would play upon a piano.
Alter the presentation of loo chair,
fdpper atmouueed uuu a most
.leiightfol repast was sOi vi d. After
supper danci. g as iuuuigod in until
a late hour. The' invited guests pre
sent s far as we couid lci.'1-n were:
Messii. and Meal.un. A. LI. Week
bach, F.d' Hat-stow, J. Keppel, I. I'earl
K!i!,, Weiburg. Henry Zackweiler,
John I ai.. aud mother and M
Fortx s.
1 liiiOl.timiied the Clerk.
Will K'ji-l., ti e clerk at the l'et
,V4;iKs, bik.'l5--sayit;g an.vthintr about an
cxperier.ce he had last Saturday. He
was the possessor oi -10 in nice, cieau
aVh, when a smooth stranger aked
to have a tH Liil changed. Will
charged it and the stranger sud
denly changed his mind and hamled
the bill back to Will and went out.
Yhen Will to look at tho
bill an hour afterward he was paia
lyze'd to find that it was al bi. I in
stead of -rl", and his friend had
left town. It was tlio old "iSim
flam" racket, and it worked like
' -ji charm. The young man now
has S'J invested in the racket which ho
has added to his experience account.
lie will havo the dollar bill framed
and hung up in his room as a constant
reminder of the stranger who "took
him in."
Death of W. D- Merriam.
The many friends and -almost life
loiig i;ciuaiutances of YY D. Meiriam
in this eitv. will regret to learn of his
" r - w
death, which occurred at h.s home in
higouri oy, la., a few days ago. Mr.
Merriaru tias been interested in this
county for over thirty-five years. He
has had much litigation growing out
of his father's tax title cases. Mr.
Merriam "tias been a havy depositor
d stockholder at times in I'latts-
; "VChon tl.o "'i t i wn1
1UUUU1 W . . " - v.
ii -.irk closed we believe it owed him
iToiaething like sUOj-UO.
V1 lie leave? bis wif,-N -drs. WUh Moi-.
!L-iam, aver o fortablo fortune.
Ntt I 1 OIllllllKHilMI
J.ew M.iy, IL S, Ohcrfelder and J. S.
Kirkpati ick, -o: siituting tiie State
Fish commission, held a meeting at
the Millard hotel in Lim o'ti last evon-
.u niiu-ii w. j. u ii ;en wase'ret
d -t.oi-iutendent of the state hatch-
ones ui juth, to
brother. He has r.
noting superiiit juili-!i t.'i ftir.ten years
before- cc.mirg to Nebiaska he was
cni ployed at the Michigan and Canad
ian h ite-hei ies.ard is considered a lirst-e-'ass
lish man.
Tho commissioners say tliey are
planning to slock the streams and
ponds in the spring as they were never
Sl befot o.
Mae Wan a tiay I Soy.
Among the cartoons of trie week
that are suggestive is one representing
t poor devil holding up a sign post on
which is wr itten, "Kieli gold discover
ies hero, keep oil." and underneath,
'L t Armenia hustle 'round and find
some golc. mines and Uritish protec
tion will come soon enough."' And.
another, with a fellow nnd his best
girl in a "Motocycle,"' having a jolly
ride on a moonlight night, and ire hiis
. . . 1
oln arms mound tns dearie, none oo-
. . i .i.i.... n-1.. . . i
Hig required lo (irive i no noise. x u.o.
may look pretty in a picture, but we
like a horse, -ind could always lind
some piace for the lines when a young
ster. Heat rice Times.
Holy's Kelativfs.
The Chicago Tribune of Monday
gives nearly a column account of the
death atrd life worn of Mrs. Lydia Jane
Cad well, who was not only wealthy but
was a woman of literary attainments
and a patron of iho arts. Our old
friend, C hauneey IK'ty, of liethlehem,
is mentioned as one of her brothers. It
seems that there was quite a family,
her other brothers being Oiles, of
Chicago; Harry, of London, England;
O. M., of Houston, Texas, and Charles
Poty, of Clintonviil , Wis., beside
three sisters..
Supposed to Have Drow nfd.
'It has been currently rumored for
the past three or four days that Iiarvy
Mason,a well-known colored boy about
town ai.d a son of Tom Mason of Ne
hawka, attempted to cross the rivet
above the water works on last Friday
ale neon the ice and falling into an air
liolu was drowned, says tiie Nebraska
Jake Meisineer instituted attach
ment proceedings in police court some
time ago against IMiilip Thierolf to
satisfy a claim for rent due on a farm
anil in a consequence a team of mules
and some other pr operty was turned i
over tor safe keeping until the matter i
could he settled. It was discovered
by the defendants that aeoordiuir to i
law the property was exemnt and i n ! ...o'''5i' 'A WT,l',hl .K:'c'? ' le meeting
- n't MlA.IIL'lllflS ui iiie .x- llw.,..r.
Notice ot Sale.
In the district court of Cass coimtv. Nehiaka
in the matter of the estate of Anna M. i Koui ke
deceased, on application oi Nellie M. O'Kourke
as guardian, lor license to sell leal estate.
Nor ice is lierehv given that in pursuance of an
oi ler ol .Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the tl;s
tnct court of Cass county. Nebiaska. malleoli the
4;h dav ol laimarv. A. D. l .. for H... ..
the real estate lnreinatter ilescribed. there will
be sold at the south door oi the court house at
Flattsinoiith. Nebraska, on the L1th day of Feb
ruary. A. I ). ls'.Hj. at 1 o'clock p. public ven
due lo the highest bidd. r for cash the loll. jn inir
desi ribed rea! estate, to-v it:
Lots live and six i." ami Hi, in blm k three ol).
.'ii'.. i.. o, iiiiee au.i lour ll, .i and 1) in'
block lour ill: lot three (IP: in block six (ii)- lot ten j
iloi, in block fifteen (l.'ii, all in the city oi Plaits-I
mouth. Cass county. Nebraska And' lots
.i i. i ten .111.1 jo . ill UMIIK IWCI11V-S1X (Jtil 111
I hike s addition to I'lattsniouth. And lots ten and 1J). in block ilini
Madeiiiian s addition to I'lattsmouth: also lot one
hundred and three MtCii in the northeast quarter
ot the southwest quarter, and lot one hundred and
loin (IMP in the northwest quarter ot the south
east quarter, and the southeast quarter ol the
southwest quaricr. all in section nineteen il'.ii.
township twelve ML'', north oi ranj;e lourteen
illi. in Ca-s county. Nebraska, subject to ail
lie lis.
Saul sale will remain open one hour.
Dated January it. I!.
Nri.i.iK M. f I'Kin i.k t :.. .r.r; ...
ovron i.laiK anil 0. A. Kawl
continue until fay. A new novel by ( ieore Du
Maurier. entitled Tiie Martian, will also Im-jj in
uuring tne year; it is not too much to say that
nu novel has ever been awaited with such gieat
expectation a-tthe successor to Trilby. J lie
l ersonal Kecijections oi Joan ol Arc will con
tinue and will Jtiate the story ol the taiiure and
niartydoni oljthe .Maid ot Orleans. Other im
portant ticti.i of the year will be a novelettee by
.Mark Twain, -under tiie title, Tom Sawvcr, detec
tive; a liuiuorous three-part tale called Two
Mormons hum Muddlety, by I.ati;don Flwvn
.u.tciieu; auu short stones by Octave 1 hanet.
ixieiiai.i iiarami'1 i lavis M.-irv i- vv. kn.w
Julian Kalpli. lirander Matthews, Owen Wistc'r)
aim oiner weu-Kiiown writers.
l'rof. Woodrc Wilson will contribute six n
person Cicorne va ashinytoii and lus tunes, with
illustrations by Howard 1'yle. Foultney Uiselow s
history of 1 lie liernian Struggle lor Liberty, il-
usii.tte.i o ix. laion vvoooviue, will be con-
u uueu imoiigii tiie winter, two papers on St.
Clair s defeat and Mad Anthony Wayne's vie ory,
by J heodore Roosevelt, with grajiliic illustra
tions will be printed during the year.
- noteworthy ieature ot the Magazine during
IV, will be a series of articles by Caspar W.
Whitney, describimr his trio ol i? mil.-s ....
snow-shoes and with dog-sledge trains into die
unexpiored liarren Grounds of Uritish North
Ainei ica in pursuit ot wood-bison and musk-oxen.
Mr. W hitney s series will have the added interest
ol being illustrated from ph.. tog aiihs taken by
'I he volumes of the Magazine begin with the
numbers lor June and December ol eacli year.
When no tune is mentioned, subscriptions will
s 1 . "on me iiiinioer current at the tune ot re
ceint ol older.
Kemittances sli.Ttild be made by postotiice
........ , oi uian. 10 avoia cnance ol loss.
Newspapers aie not to copy this advertisement
without the express order of Harper & iiros.
Harper's Periodicals.
Harper's Magazine - one year - 4 00
MarPer's Weekly - - " - 4 00
Harper's Bazar - - - ' - 4 00
Harper's Round Table " - 2 00
1'ostage Free to all subscribers m the I'nitcd
States. Canada and Mexico.
P0. Box 959. N. Y. City.
Harper's Bazar
I IN 1890.
Aifords a quick relief from the accidents
and ailments common to human or animal
In constant use for half a century
Price, 25c, 50e. and $I.OO per bottle. Sold everywhere.
. . HI,
Did You Ever
Photo Taken on Silk?
hereby g
. holders i
Consequence replevin hi'Lion h:i.s been ! K,ver Kailn ad company in Nebraska will be" held
, . ! i ne oime oi tiie company, in 1 attsinouth e-
commenced to recover the prop-rtv. I hra-ka. on Thursday, Febriry "7 is-'o ai -.
Constable John Deuson has the tutter . "SL1!!;... meeting v .if be held '(, ,i,e
i election ot nine H directois. to serve during the
ltl hand. I ensu ng year, and tor the transaction ., such
other business as may legally come before it.
D. K. J;i;r Us aetlt. h;i5 -0!ll- , ... . W'. J. Lam, ecrctary.
, ... . . . 1 Dmaha, Neb., Jan. it. ls'.'ti.
menced suit 111 JusIicl! Archer- - - -
COlll-t for the sum of -,- f,,. ,.., -- ciemtois of II iram li. Spencer.
I or inc. i-Ulll 01 ... 1 01 luutog- 011 are hereby notitied to appear at my office
f'lJLVP 'VV-',r"- rX' in I'lattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, on the : ,ih day ot i-ebruary. lsiKi. at 1 o'clock p 111.. fhen
Colonel Fred Kr-oehler hud m,re ; ' ti'VS oU''-
business On the string1 than anybody ; Witness my hand and seal this L'lth day of Jan-
11: . uarv. psm. ur.uivu r. .i . -i c i 1.1.1 1.
1 iravei uii" ,
X he nventy-niiuii year of Harper's Ilazar, be
ginning 111 J. inuai y. i-'.ni, finds it niaintamiiig its
tt.-sei vt-.i lepui.iuon ijniii as a i ashion Journal
.01.1 a neekiy peuo.ncai lor Home reading.
Kvery week the Bazar presents beautiful .oil
eites loi various occasions. Sandoz, Uaude and
1 hapuis illustrate and engrave the newest de
signs irom tiie imest models in Paris and iSi riiii.
New oik l asinons ejiitouiizes current stvles in
New ork. A tortniaiitlv natter-sheet s'liniile-
Attoinevs ior f '""-'"t with diagrams and directions enables women
: ... im ,nUj inaKe-iiieir own gowns, and is ol great
lvalue to the professional modiste as well as to
the amateur d.essuiaker. I hildren's Clothing re
f ceives constant attention, l asinons ior Men are
tiesLiiued 111 lull detail by a inan-about-tow n. Our
Pans Letter, by Katharine He rorest. is a
spnglitly weekly recital of fashion, gossip, and
social doings in Pans, given by a clever woman in
.111 entertaining way.
liotli the serials lor are the wor k"of Ameri
can women. Mrs. tierald. by Maria Louise Pool,
is a sinking story ot New- Lngland hie. Mary K.
W iikins. in Jerome, a Poor Man, discusses the
always interesting problems ot the relations be
tween labor and capital, short tionp will, iw
au.'Ieu,""report and discuss themes ol immediate
interest. .
Answers to Correspondents. Questions receive
the personal attention ot the editor, and are an
swered at the earliest practical date aftei their
County Judge
Legal Notice.
To Susan (irosclaude. Charles 1". tJrosclaudf.
Rudolph Decker, Mrs. Rudolph Decker, llen-
...TL. w" V It .. I. I.' ....... I1...-L..1-
latt niffht. It seems th at
innn by the ntime of .Julius lteese, rep- i
rose 11 Li ns1 a St. Louis toliac.-o,
who used to make this town and Jo
business with the I'lattsmouth Ci;;ar
company, of which Kroehler wa a
uicmbei-, managed to ret a - bill of
Fred while on one of his visits hero
ana me inner ciuims n.t. -- vViliialll VounsJ tlled his ,H.tition
formed by misrepresentations, and against you impleaded with Sylvester P. Decker,
when the colonel saw him in
n..rt.. I l..rirn .X. I'eiricn. ivausoin oi-imi
'1 heodore P. Decker. Mrs. 1 heodore K Decker.
Samuel K. Johnson as surviving member of the
linn of Johnson it Spratlin. W illiam L. Ihomp
son. Noiinan. Nancy Norman, Colin s.
Wise. Serena Wise: Henry A. Wise, Mora ii.
M i... I:.i... I lalioii and Isaac Coe: -V011 and each
ol you aie hereby notified that on me fun nay 01 1 Postage l iee t i all suuscriuers in the c lined
Slates, Canada and -Mexico
The volumes of the liazar begin with the first
number for January of each year. When no time
is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the
number current at the receipt of order.
kemittances should be made by postottice
money order or draft, to avoid chance ol loss.
Newspapers are not to copy this advertirenient
without thee.xpiess order of Harper & Bros.
Harper's Periodicals.
Harper's Magazine - one year - $4 00
Harper's Weekly - - " - 4 00
Harper's Bazar - - - " - 4 00
llaruer's Round Table " - 2 00
. - J . . . . . .. . ... 1 v..
. 1 1. 1 a 111 iiw tiismci couit 01 Ld-s t-oiiinj,
ll'l t 1-.. .1... ..1.1..... ..,,.1 .-tr-jv-.-r of wl.i. ll Hi'titlOll IS
. lll.tlV.l. till. Ml... ......... t -
P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City.
the coin, but
eoud not see
IN 1896.
.itr vestetdnv he lonsied to recover . to quiet in said William oung the title :to eigiit
' s 1 acres ot land ill trie norineasi cornei 01 uie souiii-
the travelling man west quarter ot section 1Z, in town 11. range 1:1,
,, . i ... I Cass comity. Nebraska, also the title to the
ll mat way anu t-n ; i....ts. ouartcrot the northwest quarter oi said
Kroehler went up to JacU Don.on's , section; also the s
last niT
in lsid. lulian
Klf visited Cliinn and lauan. aud lourueved
litlieni 11 om nax- tl,r.,.,h tl, kirhard HardiiiB- Davis took a
serting any interest m sard land, ana lor .7ri,uh tile Caribeau Sea: the evolutions oi
Harper's Weekly
niirht and grot OUt attachment 1 .iaj yig West of a hedgerow on the east had of i, Weekl
. 1f ir-i ! the northeast quarter oi section 12 aforesaid: also d".u w
S to gol po.-scssiotl Of hi- liT'p or ili(.tltU.t,n.,o acres on land in the northwest ! 'J' ,rt tn t to A
MUlVVLl :,-.-,.., ... Aft.-rt.-.t
his clothes, hut lie was a little bit too comer o T.?"" 1" carrying out this, policy
kly is a journal for the whole
ith the events ol the world thai
Citv News. It is said tnat some boys
hero witnessed the drowning from the
blurt' wer-t of the water works plant.
Tlio Htfrl)t'in Kt-vitul.
A vvoiiJerfui revival has been poing;
on' out at Oucrbein in tho U. H.
chuicli near Murray. liev. T. LJ.
Cannon of York and Rev. V. M. L5us
wcll of this city had charge of the
meetings which were of unusual inter
est, resulting in seventy-three acces
sions to tho church. 'Ihe whole
country for "miles around felt tho ef
fect of the Rood work performed by
these worthy oentlcmen.
.Mysteriously Disuppt-arM.
Fremont S. Tempel, a barber who
has been in tho employ of M. S. B:-irgs
for several days, was taKing pretty
heavy doses of morphine yesterday,
and last right he disappeared without
any reason bein known, as ho was
a prod workman and was petting
r.lono; ull right. There is u possibili'y
that he has commiteed suicide.
smooth for the colonel and managed
to evade him. However, the man
claims that Kroeh lei's house owed
him a bill for good-t and1 that, ho mere
ly appl led the o on t he account. At
any rate he left town this mo. ning n:.d
tiie colonel still holds the sack for
the .
:rinT& Co.. have brou-rht suit in
police court for 2 against Mrs. Pe.-ry
Walker for shelving plain tiffs claim
f have put in the house now occupied
by defendants. TIt! c ic will 00 tried
to a iuiv tomorrow and eipht witnes
ses have been subpoenaed.
A tireat liiKtitution.
The splendid palm gardens of Vv. J.
Hesser near this city ar e f;-st earning
a reputation for extensive varieties
and qualities of plants crown that the
owne" can well be proud of. Yester
day he sent a fine lot of his costliest
palms to Florida, the tropical home of
many of these beautiful plants, and
ono day last week ho sent a shipment
by express to the city of Mexico. Jle
often ships to California and Washing
ton and has received orders from as
far east as New York.
A Live 1 inn.
Messrs. Sage and Shumaker have
opened out at the corner of Sixth and
for rl streets one of the nicest livery
stables in the county. They not only
have the best horses which money
wili buy. but their carriages, buggies
and even harncss are new and of the
la est pattern. If you want an extra
nice turnout at the tame price as a
cheap one don't fail to call on the new
ti.-m. F.n mers teams fed an I cared
1 nig or
equitable relict. . , the new uavv were described and illustrated by
oU are require ! to answer van, peuinni ui , . ..- , ,. Kr.-H..rlr-,crton i.r.-
belre Monday, the -Jnd day ol March. !:. ..llt..,i 1',r,.. r,f an'iv and frontier lite: I'oultnev
HILLI.HI HUM.. Hi,ml -,tt...,.l..,l 11,.. kipl,:ilt:il
Ii ids attorneys, Beesou & Koot. . , ,lk ......., .,nii i)e ortven to everv
notable happening. Ihe cruet evetvLs mart
literature, and music and the drama win be artis
tically presented. W. D. Howells, iu the new
It's Lovely. Only $2
Will pay for a dozen cabinet photographs and
one photo on your silk handkerchief or muff
ler at the Misses Hitchcocks stedio in the
Neville block, opposite the postoffice. This
offer only holds good until Feb. 5, so you
had better hurry up.
-00t T'tl'.r( tit
r. i . -
iyjL tf O'J'aillgS,
W. D. JONES...
Cnss County's
Oldest : Liveryman,
618 MAIN .QTDrr-i-
r ui3rals or Pleasure Parties, etc. ILickorders
Cash preferred. Call and get
O attended to promptly. Terms reasonable.
rates. Telephone b.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds of goods and farm stock
disposed of.
Will You Come...
And Examine the Largest
and Finest Selected
Sheriffs Sale.
. . x i r
ilv v rtno :ir n on er or sa e issueu uy . l i i i ...;n .i:
' - " ..... . I II'I(11 111 C. L.lllS LCLICIS, V III Ul?l.U33 111 1113
11. Jiearlmr. cierK or the aistrict court, in,crestini; way books and the social questions
in bw. - : ' - , i ni tut Linie. c. niartui s muiuhuv i;usmij ui
Ever Brought to Cass County, Pur
chased for Spot Cash
At Prices That Will Make You Laugh.
nioUireeu-i. 1 will on tucllstuay or Jan.. t,e World will be cominucd. The pro-
A. !.. IS Hv at 10 o Clock a. in., of iid U.ty ,r,es f tlc tr;1Uiportation commission around
at the soutu door f the t'oart nouse .ii wodd wi b(? followcll, and Caspar Whitney
thu City of l iattstnoutu In s.iiu wiil col,juct the dvpartmcnt ol Amateur Sport,
county, sell at public auction.tUe following initio wjn OCeur a presidential election. In
reai osi.iic . . ts editorials and throuirii its political cartoons
Con.uienein at a point torty-iwo ious oc , w . iU conti.lue to be an independent
of tho southwest, corner of. section twenty- Al.. ..c.,ti. 1)f eoo.i oroyernment and sound money.
three, town ten. raiue thirteen, in t-ass i h.-iion the Weekly will be esoeciallv stromr.
comity. .NeurasKii, running tlienco nort i . t jU Dhsh thu OIlly I1()xoi 0( the year by W.
one iiundrtd anu fifty feet. tlieDce ;ust two Uowells. and a stirrimr serial ol a cotch
i. -.ti f M..r. t.nt.iit4 son I li ono ti ti iiitreu a nu i. , t , ..... . n
. ..... . -. - . , i k LU1. uy rv. -iocKet. i uc ' ' . . v -. . v. o 3t
tiliy-eijiht -reeUtheiice west two hundred-feet , d ..J ( uuasua excellence and interest. In
... ......... n.t:i.t rritt ufln.A Itldn ll.VllO I l.r t.i..
iu siui.Mv " l- -...v. -f -i every respect iiarpers utcfc-iy win inaiuiaui
upon and taken as the property pt llie ,ts leadmi; place in the illustrated journalism oi
Parmers Butter aud Cheese Ass iciation, de- ... . idh
fai.ii-.i.t. rim siime to bo sold subjeet to I
tne conditions or a lease, to sausiy a juuj- i he volumes ot the weekly Dc-gin wun xne
nient of sn.d court recovered by AuiazUh I tirst number lor January ot eacli year. When no
I l'ikh. n :i nt r. a-'ainsi saiu uticuunun. time is mentioned, suoscrimions w in uckiii viiui
1'iul tsn.outh. .e.irastia, ueeeuiucr o.s "- the number current at trie time oi receipi 01
11 ls.V J. U. tlKESBAUV. I order.
henlt, Cass county, i-eurasK. Kemitlancer slioutd oe maue oy posiouive
iiiniii'v order or dralt. to avoid chance ot loss.
.Newspapers arc not lo copy tne aaveniseineui
eg ..r ... ?ale I w itnout tne express oruei oi riaipei a. uios
i-,!., I i,v virtue of an order of the district narpcrs rci iuuiwois.
court ol Cass county, entered upon the 4th day narpcrS Magazine - one year - $4 0O
oi January. A. I J. is-.-o, m u " V' -i. ' . ' i." Harper's Weekly - - OO
pinilill!? IVIKICU " " Hrnr. R7r - - - " - 4 00
Table " - 2 O0
all subscribers in the United
Canada and Mexico.
P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City.
son's, $4.90
ElSOiTS, S9.80
WORTH $1S.00,
Elson's, $12.50
l.rosclaud were plamtitts and Myrtie liarnes. Harper's Bazar -
Henrietta IHiitrick, 1 heodore F. Decker Ransom Harper's Round Tz
Decker. Rudolph Decker Sylvester P. Decker, et p , . Frce to all
al.. are defendants, which order continued the re- 1 ostafce4 rrte o a.
nor; oi llie icietces iiictt-iw.... ..
cause and directed thein to sell as upon execution
the lands described in their said report, the uu-der-iirned
reterees iU. upon the 21 day ft reb n;. at l:M o clock p, m.. in front ol
the south door ot the court house in Cass county.
Ncbru.-iTi. sell at public vendue, to the highest
bidder, the following uescriueu imi esiaie, i-
t. '. t
The northeast quart r and the northwest quarter
i.f ..... tti. ft ltt..ltV.TI1lli. i the northwest quarter
ol set tii. 11 twenty-seven !; lots two, four and
hve (
The prohibitionists ofC;iss county,
Nebraska, are called to tucet in niass
convention at Weepiuy; Water, in the
G. A. K. hall, Saturday, February 8,
at 1 oViOcK p. m., for tho purpose of
electing1 delegates to attend the state
convention to be held at Lincoln,
Neb., on February 11.
W. O. Tt'CKEK,
Chairman Central Committee.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Sheriff's Sale.
It v virttltt itf 11 tl ordnr of sale issued by W
ii ii.. .nt,.. fltTit t.f the oistrict court witn-
in'and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to
me directed, 1 will on tho .list uuy oi -..
..n a i kh; Nt in o'clock a.m. of said day
J. 4 and 5) in section twenty-one C-i all in I a th"e gf.uth door of the court house in the
. i. ..i. .. r t...... ..ii.fti. iii Cass county. I .... . n sid countv. sell
' 1 ' . ' l ..... 1 - . - I I M V' t t . . ' '". -... -- . ml l..t two I-' i 1.1... k one ill west, ami lots I ... .... 1.1,,. .. ni ion. t t he hiirhest oiuuer ior
eijjht and'niiic is and block one 1 li east ol the I cu11 the foilowinz real estate to-wlt:
pulilic square in tne town ot tvoiK iiiius. i Lot number "'ne -.l ten ;iui cic.c.. i i
county. .NeorasK.i. - I i.lock number se vent y -tour ii in V. l-.
L the lollowint? terms: line-inira casn; one- n Wet-Dins: ater. l ass county. oo. .o,
thud in two years, one-tmra m tnree years, ue- i t03fctiier wit Ii t lie privue-.-es auu ....-..
lene i payments to be secured by first mortgage, I aiices t hereunto be.ongin 1 or m any wise P
ue.irnig inieiest ai eignt percent per aniiii
ibie aiinualiv: eight per cent oil tor
lerrcd payments. S-aid sale will rem
one hour.
January 1.. lsWi
-t mortgage. a,,ct.s t hereunto be.ongin-' or m any wise ap
aniiuni. pay- ueriainiiig. Ihe same beini; levied upon
cash on de- ,IlU ULeli us the property of H:rry 1.
lainopeii tor i4,.ej, Antoinette It. Heed. Henjamin lnoinij
' . hi. ..a... .. H ....,. ttt. n v. tlt.rftn-
J. W. Johnson.
"Sam t KL Ai
JlitlX I ). b l Klil.SDN,
Isyron Clark and C. A. Rawis. at orneys for
.:A it i Sn.ftiH and comoany. usien
uaii'ts. to satisfy judgment of sine court by
.tlarv i- lvrauit iiw.""".
fondants. . . n tM.
I'ihi ismoiith. Reu.iic--iiu. . -'...
i latlsmoiiiu. e j c tiKENBAUV.
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska,
Notice to Water Takers.
All bills for water from Jan. 1, 1S'.),
to July 1, 1906, and water bills for
quarter ending Jan. 1, ISuG, are now
due and payable at our oiHce over
First National bank. 1'atrons aro re
spectfully requested to cpli and settle. IMendota Coal...
Plattsmocth W ter Co. liar Coal..
.91 25
. . . 9 00
Men's Overcoats, ' - $2.00 Solid Zinl? Trunks, - 2.25
Men's. Long Ulster O'coat 4.00 Heavy 'Working Shoes, - 1.00
Overcottts, Far collars and Extra Heavy Overalls, - 75
siiffs, north ll 6.50, - 12.50 Extra Heavy Woolen Over
Children's Overcoats - 1.10 Shirts, ' mt
WORTH 75c,
Llson's, 50c
WORTH $2.00,
ELlson's, $1.35
Everything here is Open and Above
Board. We Invite Your Care
ful Inspection.
ILLS0N. The Cash Clothier,
Directly Opposite Courtotlse,
"The News" for Job Work
V. '
1 (
. "
-. jr.?)
M r
I i i Wffi