Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 22, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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i I t '
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
J. Tli-)n::.S is vntlfin
il to lii.s bf.d
i lie
urge lUsnn :i wife of Nchawku
an- inthe cily Uidny.
.M if'ii' (lortltr ( f Vu'i: n.'.z W'u'.e:- is
in ijif -ity today on busiitf.-.s.
.fi.i'ii Lynch is r.ovvn fio u II.ivo
!o k ini -iiiir :i iii:tsV::i linger.
o. Sayles, the t,'r: i; iuar
c;i,;nl, is in the citv on bn.ino toiliy.
Ci.r-hior N II. Mcek.-r, of tho Fust
Xationai i k of (Jr. .-n.Min'l, im in thf
city to i.i.v en liu-un
Mrc Ji.-l Mt-..-.jr.-iii!t li ( I Ilavulo'.'k.
U in t!! city il--- iK'st of ti-T .-inter,
Mr-. Vi;li-u!t ..M aii ley.
( , i;.
a i::i':il''j.'- nl
f fiinne-s ;iro in
t. '.-.i, to.iay si'iJinr to tin? vokirao of
t.iii ii'. --' by their purcliaM.--.
S. S. K:i"i.-5i --t K.'ic uoi.-d hi.s bu-Tt-ne.-.s
l.socU '.n ' that town to li e S. S.
I '.-'-j I on; ;m .r;' tlm in it um of
T ll. :
Tiic ca.; of Slcuiimol s. Ilotu? Fiie
i li-u i it net; com party, herein"" tlie
1 . 1 ; i i i . 1 1 : : rva - for il.tidii on u policy,
will be tip for trial Monday before
.lud'i- purlo' k.
T. I'raiik Wi os Las jut iccc-ived
the iipj-oii.tiiient uri iigent for tho state
of Nebra.-ka for the Farm Department
of tle 1'licnix Inuiarico company of
Urookiyn, X. V.
s Since tho advent of the handsome
b itc'uelor county jit ire the matrinion
'ial ina ket Las been seriously de
1 pressed. t'ulj oi.e license has been
issued in two weeks.
Co'.. Joseph A. Connor is in
the city toil ay p; etmiinj to ap
peal the canning win any "V:ise which
was tried nt the Uist term i f 2curt and
decided l y Ch ipman against, him.
Mis-s D-iiren, of Tin), Ohio, who has
bjen vi-iliuir relatives here' Mr. and
Mrs. Fied L-ehiihoil', leaves this cven
inir lor Iouisville, wiiere hhe will re
main for', a few days befo: e returning
John Fit pair ck has an enviable
re pni iii'i in as a visrll int otlieor and if
be fhould e-j.iie up luissi;. foi a few
hours tnis eveniiicr" it may lie umler-r-too.i
that ho is do"ny h s full duty
jurt the .-aine.
' Oilice;- John Mu.r1v.3- is receiving'
"ininiero'js congratulations over his
.'oou foriunti in falling' heir lo an v.s
"t ite near Vhevel'ind value.-.l r.l fii,' () .
lie t ike- hid l;or.o..s mo iestly and will
remain on t!ie force until his term
has clo.-e 3, wner. he m iy conclude to
move 10 Cleveland.
J'119 la t two week's seem to have
tit -n specia'tiy nru k'ui by every one
getting rick. The grippe his had a
"real i nn, nlY -'-lusg old and young
alike. There nave beei no fatal it i--.
hut .-iln'e the town was organized fi"
many p'op!y h ie neer been sick :.t
one time as n ave been ill liui'.n,' this
pei N a .
- di.dge Ka:nsi v lias bi.en laid
un wi;n
th'; fii -jf for a Tew d 1 s.
Aticr, cy Wiighll Omaha was in
th ; city today on legal bis no-s.
Dave Llol w..s in tovn toi'av f:om
hi-, faini in lo ck IJUuTs pr. cif.c'.
.ttorn".v A. I Ti rnb'.i:;. of Weep-
VaV ", is in ihecitv lnl.iv.
A. 1
t ) : :,y .
A. I-.
pnr- r
Mavlifld o' to-' F!uiw(od
Minnm liiin-i If in thi- ily
. W.i." ick
;..r .hid:;
I- , n the c
. ii Tig : c,
in M J";
f ( 'h id rori .co n't. re
Ihi tow to.- eight
. t. :. .
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for i -a
en ol
a-ar. !
ih li
pi i-c
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1 l.ll-lln'r
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alt- 1 11 " 11
d .
.1 ?!i
Sirs. S. 1
Sim jiiojls
fpringfltld, Ohio
Walked with Crutches
Rheumatism Eczerra Swelled
Neck Hood's Cured.
Tor tw o years I have been sick, having
been confined to the house for a year. I
have hid eczema for nine yenrs, having
ekUled physicians, but received no bene lit.
La-'t winter I caught cold and became
Afflicted Witli rheumatism,
which put me on crutchi.--". July "
commenced to u- 1 food's 'i.irr'.a. and
before I had hni,!ie l c::e lJlt!e I laid the
cratches aide-. A ftet -aki;! x two bottlos
ti e eczema had 1-If me mid I v. a3 Bi'ost
entirely free from tkee.'JW cf a swelled
neck. I know that it wns Horai'j .-'nria:-Thla
that cured inetml I think i'. cannot
t-' v: -.r . V 'v-:
' c recommended tro highly. AttlieugU
y,. years old, I fn-l youn aCnhi." Mks.
14' P. aiMilo.vs, fcasi opri' gtield, Ohio.
l- i
Is the On!y
frue Bleed PtirSfic?
ominently in the public eye today.
i ? flJll--. cure iiauauai couvip.
I 1 -s tiou. l-nc tec.
New York banks rained -a surplus
of over $0,000,000 last week it is
thought on account of the bond issue
Charles Reynolds enme down from
Omaha this morning to see alive town
and shake hands with old friends for a
The case of Skoumd s. Home Fire
lii.-uianco company of Omaha a on
trial today before a jury in county
Ceorge Linyd came in today to
transact business with Plaltsmouth
merchants and look after some court
I. (jiliam, the great cartoonist,
whose woi k.on "Judge"' has made him
farm us well as rich, died at his
home in Amsterdam, NT. Y. , yesterday.
The Home Insurance rompiny of
Om-tba is the one which suit has been
brought against by Mr. Skoutnel, and
not the Home of New York, the latter
being a prompt paying gilt edge com
pany. The Turner dance at their hall Sat
urday evening was well attended and
an enjoyable time reported. The
Turner orcheslr i furnished the inusie
which w is tirst-clas. The next ball
given by them will be the masquerade
on February 15
Some boys skated up- to La I'latte
last evening and c ime near going into
the river on their return home in the
daikness. They finally took off thir
skates and walked home. If the ska
ters would couiino themselves to the
elegant field of ice laid out by
.Shepherd it llobeits in front of the
depot there would be no danger.
Mrs Ceo. Dovcy accompanied her
two daughters, Ethel and Alice, to
Omaha today, where the latter will
again commence a courso in voice cul
ture under the tutelage of Miss Terry,
who, by the way, is making a great
success of her work in Omaha. Miss
Terry is certainly possessed of rare
qualifications, and her many admiring
friends wi.l be glad to learn of her
splendid success as a teacher.
Arrr-tcil I'.nl 4iot Auny.
Night I'olicenian John Murray per
petrated a joko on K. Hansen, the
sii;;e maker, a few days ago, but Han
sen got even and more too Saturday
night. Hansen blacked up his face in
g-ood shape ;; nd then sent one of his
fiiends to liad Murray, who was
quickly informed t hat a drunken man
was lying on tho ground near tho old
earning factory. Murray went over
at once with the friend and sure
enough there was their man, appar
ently helpless. Murray lighted a
match and looked at his face. "A
nigger, by gosh,"" was his exclama
tion. "U'c will throw him into the
cooler and show niin how the war
broke out."' As the fe. low appeared to
be too far none to walk Murray and his
partner picked him up and carried him
L'H to jail. '.Viiiv you wait-here while
I go up stairs and get tho key,"" said
Murray, and up he went, but he had
no sooner got out of sight than Han-.-en
sprang to his feet and he and
his friend got out of then
as fast as their limbs would
cirry them. When the ollicer got
b u:k, his astonishment can be belter
i.nigii'.ed than described. After rubb
ing his eyes to see if ho was really
awake ho liniily concluded he had
been the vicr'un of a wicked joke, ard
: wing vengeance on the joker, he
s.owly found hi w ;y berk on to Main
tie.'!, wh'-re he w ,s congratulated on
hi- lecent good fortune, but the crowd
did i o' i:iiow at (he t i m thai he was
nol in soee. uly good I. nunc for c .'ii
gt ;' u : lii n -..
Han-en now e rrics a o:!e..!o k with
a Imt.-uc kii.fe In hi- ?: t wlc-neve;
he goe-on to 1 lo i'. i t .::cr sin. down
in ord r to c, rea iv f ; em 'ig -re es
lli nari' r Ouit iiK-iits For CiiHrrh
Cofitiiiii Mitoii-.v,
A irck-;i y !'! Ottn'v t!,c cue oi
-ii!. ii an-i cir.-p-cic: v ii ranuc tnc wlmic tcm
. ii.-n iail. ri'.'.i4 11 tiirouli t!ic iiiikou sialatc.
.-uch arr.cii-f : lw: "i i;en liu used except on ire-
i :pl iiui - f r. mi n ; u! .il 'io 4i v-ic;an-. as the dam
.u;e ihry t!' i- leu tei j t.i the pom! ion can
;iii--iii,v dero ir.-ai t.ieiu. Hail s Catarrh Cure.
il!;!llli!acMll ii i-v t". J. I'lil-IH'- .V Co., I oleda,
i ' i : t .i : 1 1 - !iu-i i:i . .anl is takt-n interr.aliy, act-!:-.:
: . rcet : nc 't'ie i'lmvl a'l ! mucous surfaces
i il t ssw iii. In iiil; i I. ill Cat iirh Cute be
- .m u'ei he Keitioiie. It is ta ki it uiterna! I ,
.:!: iiia.ic la I'ok-ilo, tl;i". !)' F.J. Cheney iV Co.
' c-i ::i:o:rai.- lu-e.
-,,!.! i, I iu:i;tsts. ir;cc 7r, ceuts per liottle.
Of inieri t to every reader
of this pape- is tho announcement
made else w hero in tliis issue by the St.
Louis (Iobj-Democrat, unquestionably
t he greatest ,f American nowsDapers.
tin; mail subscription price of the
Daily and Sunday Giobe-Democrat is
reduced at one blow, from twelve to
six dollars a year, placing it within
the. t each of all who. desiro"lo read any
daily during the comming great
national campaign. The Weekly
G.obe-D.'inoerat remains at one dollar
a ye ir, but is issued in S Mni-Wcekly
sectioas of eight pages each, making
practically a largo semi-weekly paper
Tii is issue is ju-t the thing for the farina:-,
merchant or professional
who has not the time to read a daily
paner but wu lies to Keep promptly and
thoroughly po-ted. It is made cup
with" cspecal to the wants.of
eve : y member of the family, not only
giving an the news, bat a. so a great
variety of interesting and instructive
reading matter of all kinds. Write
for free .-ample copies to Gloho 1'KIXT
in! Co., St. Lor is. Mo. Minute Cough Cura is rightly
named, it affords instant relief from
suffering when nttlieted with a feevere
cough or cold. It acts on the throat,
bronchial tabes, and lungs and never
fiils to give immediate relief. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
McC'i lire's Magazine For .Ian nary.
The lirst edition of the January Mc
Clure's is 300,000 copies an increase of
170,(jii0in three months. It is easy to
understand these great strides in cir
cu ation when one has read, in this
number, the remarkable story of Lin
coln ns the manager of Denton OlTutt's
s tw-mill and country store at New Sa
lem, the victorious westlcr ag'ainst the
champion of - Clary's Grove, the
student, between whiies, of Kirkham's
dammar, a candidate for the legisla
ture, and a captain of raw recruits in
the Black Hawk war; and when one
has inspected the twenty-five pictures
which help to vivify this most engag
ing1 chapter of Lincoln history. We
have been advised heretofore that the I
history of Lincoln's early years was
lost. This can be ea.d no more; for
Miss Tarhcll has recovered it for Mc-
Clure's down to its smallest de'aiL
To further justify the 300,000, there
is the beautiful article on Eugene
Field's intimacy with the children, re
producing tho best of his child poems,
with portraits from his own collection,
of real children to whom the poems re
late. Then there is tho lirst of Mr.
Will II. Low's papers on the great
paintings of the century,! n preparation
for which Mr. Low made a special
trip to Europe, gathering the best
that the galleries there would afford.
This paper treats tf tho French
painters of the beginning of the cen
tury David and his followers and is
illustrated with reproductions of six
teen celebrated paintings by David,
Prud'hon, Gerard, and others.
Ever since 1SSI it hns been a matter
of constant speculation, and, at times,
of hot dispute, exactly what relation
Mr. Blaine boie to his candidacy for
the presidency in that year. A paper
by Mr. Murat Ilalstead in this number
must, one should think, set the matter
forever at rest. By conversations and
letteis of Blaine never before pub
lished, he gives his whole inner history,
first of. the nomination, ard. then of
tho succeeding canvass. One of the
new letters a particularly interesting
letter written by Blaine just after his
defeat is reproduced in facsimile;and
there are some new letters by General
Sherman and several inteiesting por
traits of Blaine. Elizabeth Stuart
Phelps, continuing her charming au
tobiographical chapters,deseribes with
tho fullest sympathy, and yet with un
failing vivacity, the life of "the An-
dover of New England theology; the
Andoverof a iiccuiiar people, the An-
dover that kept hersoii apart irom
the world and all that was therein"
in Anuover which, she truly savs.
will soon liecome an interesting
wraith." Other noteworthy features
a"o a popular atticlebothe eminent
astronomer, Sir Robert Ball, giving
the latest information regarding '1 ho
Sun's Light," and excellent short
stories by Anthony Hope and Herbert
D. Waid. S. S. McCLrKK, 1lD.
SO Lafayette Place, New York.
For a piin in the chest a piece of
tlannel dampened with i.h imlici'.ni ..'.-
Pain Balm and hound on over the seat
of the pai n, and another on the hick
between the shtfulders, will afford
prompt relief. This is especially val
uable in cases where the pain is caused
by a cold and there is a tendency
toward pneumonia. For sale hy all
Go to Tom Walling for reliable ab
s'racts. Conveyancing a specialty.
OITice lirst door east of the court house
oxygen starvation
You can starve the body in mere ways than one;
you can jive it food and not feed it. It needs oxygen.
The oxygen you get from the air is carried to all parts
of the body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One
drop of blood contains millions of these. When these
are deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it
shows itself in general weakness, lack of appetite, and
loss of weight. What you want is something which
will make more red corpuscles.
of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, is something
more than an oil. Its peculiar action depends on a
number of substances active principles which will
increase the red corpuscles of the blood. '
5oc..nd$..oo x SCOTT & B0WNE, Chemists, New York.
Louis Globe-Democrat
li The Great
National and Representative
Republican Newspaper...
Reduced Subscription Rates by Mail, Postage Prepaid.
Daily and Sunday, - - - One You:-. SCOO; Six Months, $3.00
Satin day Edition, 111 pases, - One Year, $1.50
Sund;iy Edition. 2S to 4 pa";os, - -. - - One Ye sir, $2.0
V 1 1' 1 I V Is-U,'d in Sfftsii-Weoklv Sections, 8 p.'ir'S each
1 Tuesday and Friday, Di paes every week,
(ino Yqar, $1 t; Six iiionlhs, -Vic.
THE OEOIiE-DEMOCllAT is univorsally eoneoded to he the liett of
American newspapers, and at those redueed rates it is also tho i lie.if.est.
TUE (JLt)HE-DEMOCUAT pays for and nrigi9 move news than anv
otli"r paper in tho United States. It will bo indispensable dutinp the coming
jjieat national campaign, and the low price places it within the reach of all
THE GLOUE DEMOCRAT is sold .y news-doalers everywhere at 2
cents for the Daily and 5 cents for the Sunday irsuss. Delivered to le-rulai-subscribe:
s. Daily and Sunday, 1.1 cents a week. ! cents a month. If'your
local dealer does not handle it. insist upon his procuring it for yon, or send
yeur subscription with remittance direct to the publishers.
Particular -attention is called to THE WEEKEY GEOHE-DEMO-CliAT,
issued in Semi-Wceklj sections, eight pages every Tuesday nnd Fri
day, tnakinjr ii practica,U- large Semi-Weekly paper -for only one dollar a
yea-. This issue jujtf?lls the bill for the busy maa, who has not the time to
read a daily papt ana yet desires to keep promptly nd thoroughly posted.
It goes to ever(rstate almost to every postotlice l n t he Union. . All America
is its legitimate held. No matter where j'ou live, you will find it invaluable r.
i iiewspapenrand home journal.
of tho CJloba-Derriocrat
Globe Printing'Co., St. l-oyis, Mo. I
The Independent
X Religious, iterary and Family
Undenominational, nnbi'jsed and, im
partial. A paper for clergymen,
,. scholars, teachers, business
".:.'- men and families. It dis
, cqsses every topic of religious,
theological, no-
" litical, so
" cial, etc.
lis contributed " articles are by the
most eminent writets of the English
language. t
It employs speeiali&Js and distin
guished writers as elUtors of its
Twenty-one Departments.,
A paper particularly fitted, for law
vers, doctors, clergvmen, those en
gaged in business, young peop'e of
both sexes men and women who read
and think for themselves. A paper
especially valuable for those interest
ed in Fine Arts, Science, Music.
A paper giving valuable information
upon Finance, Life Insurance, Com
A paper for Sunday School Workers,
those who have a Farm, Garden or
House Plants.
A paper for the family, old and
The Independent announces to its
subscribers, and to any who may be
come so, that it is prepared to fur
nish any papers and magazines jiub-
lished in this country, England, Fi ance
and Germany, at a very largo reduc
tion from publishers' rates. This op
portunity is open only to subscribers
of the Independent Upon receiving
list of papers or magazines from indi
viduals or reading rooms, an estimate
will be given by return mail.
Its yearly toihscript ion is S:l, or at that
rate for any part of n year.
(lul)H of live, ? each.
"Trial Trip," one Month, 25c.
Specimen Copies I'ree.
P.O. Pax 'JT-T. l:;o Fulton Street. New Yolk.
P-WTVV 4rlilnul ami inly tencine. a
lrutist for rkirhexter
.mond Hran'i in Ked amj
mil .'.. nintllii:V
ril.l..n. Tl.e Xtf
nupmi ..W.jfifM v
1loxt. v. aldi wiih tlu
rmn (!- Rf fiiMf (iinuPrffllll
'furtij .mi imituttunv- At I'rutfetiii. or s.'n.l 4.
in ani( fur jiaxticularji. ttiniuiaU an 1
V Keller Tor 1-M1U." n trttrr. ny irfUt n
L r ma .11 1 l milk r ... . .....n ml. .'. ia I ' I
CTilcliHtrrC'limicult .,Mi4iUn
lull bj ul Louai Lriit;iw. I'hliudfci.. ra,
For Information and froe Handbook wrlt U
Nl'XX & CO., Sfil Uroadwat. Mw York.
Oldest bureau for seourlni? patents In America.
Kverv patent taken out by us Is brought before
tho imblio by a notice given free of charge la tho
gfitwtittc Mfism
lnrest etrrmlaf ton of hut wlentlfle parr In tho
world. ISnlendiiiiv illustrated. So Intelligent
man thould be w ithout it, Weeklr, :l.04 a
5 -arj $1.50 six month. Adiiress. MUN'V it CO,,
VVuusuEus, 3B1 Broadway, Sew York City.
will bojseiit free on application to
I I - M
frf Scientifl0 American
fl Hfl II fl wiih nil if
II S fl II II II. 1 II IV ft II If
Notice to Contractors.
Notice hereby Riven that sealed bids will he
received at the county commissioners' ottice in
the cilytif Flattsmoiith. Cass county. Neb., until
noon on Thursday, March 5. lMHi. for the erection
and completion of all pile bridge's to be built in
ls.r, according to the following specifications, to-
, 1. AH bridges to rest on three piling at each
bent of length required by commissioners tu be
driVTO toa solid foundation: piling to be of white
or InuV-ijak, round, with not less than fourteen
I I4J ;iiirics butt, and ten (inj inches top. all
piling tiTe smooth proportionate, free from
vindshakexid objectionable knots.
1. All capa to belsjby tueive oak. and
fastened to piling with drift pins twenty-two PJL'J
inches long, fole for drift pins to be bored full
depth with aurs-stxtcenth J 1-10 1 smaller than
a. All sway graces to lie three f:tj bysix6
oak. bnited to iid of cap and each intersection
with piling, vjith five-eighth Lsl bolts, with
washers at eaciiend.
4. Ail jo'stsipRo be of soft pine, three by
twelve at each enil. outsi-Je joist to lie
bolted to capiat each end with five eight VR
bolls: spans otjeixteeu I 1 J and eighteen I IS J feet.
to have nine I'JQ joir-ts to the sp in each, spans
twenty -Jo f.-et to have ten lu joists to the
sjian. and twaity-two '-- and twenty-four .J4 to
havecleveii Fl joists to the span, well lapped on
cap. all joistjto be well bridged on center wi h
two 1 2 1 by f.or 4 white pine, well nailed with
sixteen iti Jpenny w ire naiis.
.". All Muoring to be two 2 by ten fn or
twelve r.'fwhite or burr oak and to be spiked to
joists with forty 4 l penny steel spikes at each
intersection of the joists.
6. posts four by four 4l to be bolted
to outside joists with one-hall inch bolts. two by six I'.'xH and rail to be
two by four lIJ capped with two by six J
and alf to be w hite pin.- S-l-S and well painted.
7. t Hie plank two Dy twene lv sixteen
I'JxlJxliil to be spiked to end of joists at each
einf of bridge so as to cover end of joists and to
make close connection with floor.
X. Width of roadway to be sixteen I 16 feet.
F.ach bid must be accompanied bv a certified
cliecK lor sum. Hoard reserves the rigtit to re
ject any and all bids.
January 1. l!Hi
Jamks Kobi.u isox. County Clerk.
Sheriffs Sale.
15y virtue of an order of sale Issued by Y
II. Ileuriug, clerk of tho d istt-lct court with
in and for Cass county, Mebrasna. and to
me directed, I will on the :flst day of
January A. I. Is'.iti, at ten o'clock u. in. of
said uuv, at the south door of the court
bouse in tin- cily of f'lattsinoulh. in said
couuty aud stale, sell at puuUo auction to
the limliest bidder for cash, the following
real esfate. to-wit: 1 be east one-third S J
lot number three ') ill block number
seventy i7oi in the city of Weeping Water,
C' county, Nebraska, together with the
privileges ai.d uppurtenaubes thereunto
belong ing or in any wise appertaining. The
same being levied upon and taken as the
nroperty of lavld T. lludiey. Ottella K.
Duuley, his wife, llenjaruiti A. liibson.
Harry O. JCace, Carrie Kaoe, bis wife. Frauds
N. Liibson, Charles V, Hay. Frank lluboard.
partners doing business as Uay & llubbaril,
and Kobert V il klnsoii.defeiitants: to sat isfy
a judgment of said court recovered by
fr rancid C Faulkner, as assignee of the Con
necticut Kivcr ravlius liank. a New Hamp
shire corporation, piaititiM', against said de
fendants. PialtsmouUi, Nebraska, DeeeiubT, A. I)..
Sheriff, Cass Couuty, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
lly virtue of an order of sale issued by W.
11. lieariug.clerk of the district court within
and for Cans county, Nebraska, and to me
directed. 1 will on Ulst day of January.A, U.
ls'.iti, at M o'clock a. ni. of uid da y at the
south door of the court house in tho city of
I'lat ismontli, iu said county, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder for cash, t lie
followlnj: real estate, to-wit:
Tho west twenty il'i feet of lot twelve (l!2i
In block twenty-nine rl'.h in city of Plaits
mouth. Nebraska, together with the privi and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or lu anywise appertaining. I be same
bein levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of .Milton 1), Folk, John F. I'ol., and S.
t. Leeson, nrst name unknown, were de
fciiuants, to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by .Michael O'lonolioe,
pi.i iut i ii' ; against said defendants.
I'l.tttsniouth, Nebraska, Dee. -'V, A. I). ls!'."i.
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Notice to Creditors.
Cass County. f ' "
In the matter ot the eslate of Stephen Wiles, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and tlvf
mands of all persons .against Stephen Wiles, de
ceased, late ol saiJ county and state, will lie re
ceived, examined and adjudged by the cennty
court at "tin; court house in I'lattsmouth i-n the
'Jlst day of June. A. I .. l'.ti. at HI o'clock n the
forenoon. And that six mouths from and after
.he Ulst of December. A. I).. lsVa. is the time
limited for creditors of said deceased to present
their claims for examination and allo.vwmce.
Jiveil under my hand this l'.'th da of Decem
ber. A. I ., I '.'.".
15. S. Kamshv. County Jndije-.
Notice of Probate of WilL
in County Court Cass Co. C s
In the matter of the last will and testament of
Thomas li. lionion, deceased.
Notice is hereby civcu that oil the lith ilav of
February. A.I). at the office of the nui'iitv
jmliie in Flattsmouth. Cass couuty. Nebraska, at
Hie hour ol o clock in the afternoon, the follow
ing matter will be heard and considered;
1 tie petition ol 1-raiicis ."5. Price to admit to
probate an attested copy of the last will and testa
ment of Thomas li. Gordon, deceased, late of
(ilenwiiod, Mills county, Iowa, and for letters tes
tamentary to llcnry Kvcreham, Jr.
. liated this lath day ol January A. I). lslMV
By order ot the court.
(ilioKt.E M. SFVKI.OCK..
County Judge.
P.obate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Philip Horn,
In the county court of Cass county. Neb.
Nonce is Hereby iriven tUat Jacob Trltacb.
administrator of tho estate of the said
I'liilip Horn, deceased, has made applica
tion for final set tiumeot,aiid thatsaid cause
is set for Hearing At u,y oflicu at ii:tts
moiitii on the H'Ui clay of .lanuiry. A, 11.
Is'.hi. at 1 o'clock p. in. n siii-1 day. at wnieli
lime ;u.( pucu .til pjrsons interested may
e prest-ub mi l exumiiie said uecoutit.
b. Hamsky. t'ounty Judge.
I'laltsmoutli. .l.tiMiury 4. tSDti.
Notice to Creditors .
STATK Of Nl.llK.AS.vA. )
C ,ss Coni.ty I s
In the n utlt-r of the estate tif Nathan
Kedoner. tieceitscd.
Notice sli rcuv ci vo.i that t MOclaliiis and
(lciiiaii s ot a. i pcisotis :i-vinst Nalhan
Keasoncr. deiroast-a. iatu of s.iid i-ountv and
slate, w.:l i.e received, uxmineil ami ud
usteu l.y Hie county court su. vlie court
house in ''iatisinouih. mi tho .Stu day of
luiy, A. 1. I.Miii. at li) o'clock lu the lore
noon. Aud that six mouths from : nd utter
tlieMli Uuymf January. A. IK. !Hi, is the
time iim ted for creditors of said deceased
to present their claims for e.:im ination and
Given unite - my hand tills 4th Gay of Jan
uary, A. U. lMlti.
U.S. li.AMSEV, County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
I?y virtue of an order of sale Issued by V.
II. Hearing, clerk of the district court with
in and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to tne
direr-tea. I w il I on t he .'list da v of J:moarv A.
l. lS'.Ki, at Id o'clock a. in., "of sid day at the V
soutn aoor 01 tne court nouse in me city or
i'lat tsmout ii in said eountv, sell at public
auction the followia described real estate,
The north half (l'i) ot lot number one (1) in
block number eight ( 1, in h'lemmiiig and Race's
addition to W'ccpincr Water. Cass county, Ne
braska, together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise ap
pertaining. 1 lie same lias been levied upon and
taken as the property of Chas, H. Hrcaks, Gilbert
M. Howei. Julia A. Flower, his wife, r ranees N. Timni (lirst and real name un
known). Frederick aggener. Theodore U .Ivory.
John i )oe (occupant real name iiiiknown.i. Mary
Poe (occupant util name unknown!, and benja
min A. Gibson were defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by George Olcott.
trustee under tne lat w ill and testament of Anna
C. Webber, deceas d. revised in the name of Ed
ward A. liaugs as trustee under the last will and
testament ot Anna C. Webber, deceased, plain
ills. againt said defendants,
t'hitt .mouth. Neb.. Dec. l'i. ISW.
SherifT. Cass couuty, Nebraska,
Sheriffs Sa!s.
Hy virtue of an execution Issued by W.
ll.Pearing. clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed. I will on the 31st day of January
A. I). l'Hi,at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the
south door of the court house in the c-ity of
Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the
followinz real estate, to-wit:
Lot number one ill. block number three 13). lot
number two 1 2). block number three (Hi, revised
addition to the village of ecping Wter. Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. The same being levied upon
and taken as the property of Eugene I.. Reed. de
fendant, to satisfy a judgment of naid court re
covered by Frances M. Gibson, plaintiff, against
said defendant.
I'lattsniouth. Neb.. Dec. 27, lsvtr,.
SherifT Cass County. Nebraska.
Ef tyjMi. NV ery. Try it
. l
Be Merry a id Happy
But remember that good Clothing
is a ncjver to be forgotten necessity. Do
not wear the garments of the by-gone
past. By buying of us you can afford to
be dressed comfortably and neatly on a
small income.
' Our $5 and $7 Ulsters are a black
eye to our competitors they will make
you our friends.
Call in and examine them.
... 1
... . !L E AD I N G :
i kjhI i-illl:G are
Vi A etmata on soles
Co jnplexion Preserved " -r5-A
DR. H EERA'S fcg- g'.fer-Ji
"ReraovofFreTklss, Pimples. F V'?'
Lirj- -, n!ackhcads, .
nrrbu-n end Ton, aud re-1 V .
rtort the nkia ty its origi- d ..-ffrZ??
ncl tiesJiocss, produciri? ettzy-S Ai JrS-'V
cle- and hftilfhv mm fcvrfe'
-i;lexion. Superior to all far-tvi .'-
tireiara Jons nml trlVytlr fuM-mlff--?.
At all
lrut'gi.sts, or niaiicd for 50o"ts. Saudlor circular.
VIOLA CKITi SOAP li tlmj ioraprabt as
nfctn vurilnn- Sntip, u.n)nalni for Hie toiler. uU wllhmit a
tn-1 for tin- uurTy. ASHolut.-lr pure M.d delicati lj medi-
e-u. jit,lr'-Price 25 Cent,. , .
The G. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
r Instant Killer of ,'ain. v
Internal and Extern af.
- ?S wiling. Stiff Joints. CO.UZCand I
?JlHtADAlHE. as if bVmane.
1 mT j. f 1 tt tr CTholjn i . 11--
themost Powtrfnl and PeiietratirfffLiniiniitfor Had
Johnson's qdifmtai oao
Medicated ana Toilet. The Oreot Skin Cure and
Face Beautifier, Ladies wul find it the moat
delicats and nighty perfumed Toilet Hoap on
the market. It is absolutely pur. Makes t!x
ekiii soft and velvety and resfc re th lost com-
flxion in a luxury for the Bath fur Infants,
t aluys itchintr, cleanses the scalp and crdiaota
the growth ol liau Vrioe . For sale by -
1 vwa .
t z. 1 1 1 1 kj met hp rctc-.fc 1 1 -v
1 ih pr3
so does
mm am
Thi9 great cleaner comes to woman 'a aid $J
on wash-day and every day. MatcB ner is
work a matter of love instead ot aruag-
Made only by
The N. K. Falrbank g
CJ ' V -r VV V' -
.11 'V
H E ...
1,000,000 People Wear
55.OQ. $4-00. $3-50, $2-50, $2.2SMror
Any Style, All Sizes, Every If 'idtJu.
. Wear W. 1 IoinrIa hoeg nd
uni Irani U I .OO to kli.OO a
nair. '1 lie aiivance In leather haa
Uiurawi j.. t. v. .....
make, hot th quality and
prices or w. uougiu
Brockton, MaxSi
tit -
For Catalouge, adar
! Daniel -F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
PIA Nfli ?rKns, V35.00 upwards; want
I ITinUkJ Agents. tCataloRue free. Ad
dress llaniel F. Heaty, Washington. N. J.
flRHAN . pianos, 35 upwards: want
VlMT'JtAgents. Catalogue free.-Ad.
xauiei r . iseatty. Washington. N. J
RFATTY'Q .P1an8 28 OO upwards.
-L-Tl I I O for catalozue Lad dress f
call. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. N. J
kUkJUUflUU up. For particulars, cata-
iozue, address or call, Daniel F
iv nsningion, . j.
I 1 1
I Dt"ATTT0 Organs" 835. OO unwarda
I CStA I .S V 1, . . . , " .. " P 7. r '
! or caa Danlel K Bea"y. Washington, n. j.
I " !
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended, either C'r
mui;v, -". - vir:.; .