y r : Mews MAUD H HlElVD WEEmf - f i. i I IV. - i .1. If ?."HK Nrl.'Aln wr t ill.; HKttALP. Established April 10. l-,4. 1BBER W11B PLENTY Of NERVE. i;i:hUf into a merchandise STOin: AT KAIiLE. '-.., v Suimlten Himself Wtth New Clothes I'rom Ii'i'l to Fool and 1'artakr of Good : After Wliich He Steal a Horse I n 'Another J'art of Hi IJicape Not en. Town and Mkit Tr.Afiia Neb., Jan. 2u (Syt-ci.il to TlHS News.) Ivirly Sundny morning a burglar broke iiito the proneral mer chandise stores of -the S. S. EngiUh company. Entrance w.ns effected by r.rfvakinsr the j.'!as in tlio re.ir doer of th" ware room r.ml removing the bolts a ikI burs. From tha ware rcom the panel of the inner door wa- bunded in, thus paining entrance to the main Plies room, iue ourgiar men lnvesieu inelf with a pair of new shoes, a i f s.'i inn Is. a VI overcoat, hat I -, tupenders, neck ties, etc., burn his oid clothes iti the stove. After joyiny a lunch of canned fruit, ceso and crackers and ahsti ;utinr r-e gold watches, he left as ho came , carefully locking all doors. From the t-ture he went to one of ie e evators and saddled a fast trot lug mare ivelonying to Fred New and do c ut of town without leaving any race as to the direction taken. Tele- i -rams wtre sent in nil fA in a description of th im: . A . 'clothes worn, lilt he h divections, piv- the horse mid the has not yet been apprehended. V (l A Krikj- IlrideKrooni. D i vid Neal, who followed his wife s rt ir -lins to the cemetery two weeks ii.o, :ns to have been to overcemo with itrtneijs and prief that he sought to assuage it at once by going 4 courting. lie blacked his boots, 1 i tithed up his coat and at once laid tiege'to iho'eart of a supposed widow ! tir.u,c ' Mary F.Duell, who is a sister to the i-atc Mrs. -George McPherson, who resided in Mei certo'wn. Mary biu-hiiigly records her nge as fifty, while 1 i vid. confesses to having ex o'crlenced t-ixty one chilly winters. 'L'o make a umjr story short David Xcat's wotifer. was rewarded after the lapse of a few days by the : complete fruriender of Mary's heart. '. DAvid is not comely in appearance, but " h6 Isyery winning in his ways and the ? .trasV- wicow could not withstand . his importunities. Today was the time f for the fateful event to transpire, and , TT.'tsiiiC: ninjr the happy groom, with a r step as tiglit and elastic" us a echoed girls, came trip)i"g into the county judge's to get the necessary legal per f -auit. Mrs. llasso was in charge of the license record and Davyl was soon fitted eat with the proper document, although Mrs. Ilasse very cruely naked him how long his wife !udeen . dead, but he answered three weeks ar.d heaved a &igb as though that was a long time. The denouement, however, this afternoon wat, quite different from what the happy groom hr.d pictured out jor it scemsjmring the morning l ho biidc to-be, concluded that her tirsl l:u-,baud was t-tiil alive, and, -as she had' never gotten a di voice mavbe the ceremony hid b'tter b postponed, two husbands at a tim ing a luxury i:ot guaranteod .by : I:e- the cunstitulion. She broke the iwful news to her D.ivid as tend o: ly as p"s Sib'.e and the old gentleman ho e up under the sorrow lino a spartan hero a id sent a s.vift fo'J ted messenger to I'n.. .mm'e indues ollice with the licence atid request for the return of the money pa id for it. Mrs. Basse, who had not been favorably impress ed with David's show of respect fo th usual conventionalities coldly re fused to cash up. The record had bee 11 made and she said she had no right to pay out the money. Tiie two severe strains loss of his, . .love and lns of cas-h on Major Neal's part were very severe and seemed almost tix much for him to stand but he fully recovered his undaunted spirits this afternoon and was wear ing a smile that would make the most c illoiifed female heart thitter line a caged canary. Anot Iter I'oal Tind. Tom Moore :md a man named Woods have been prospecting for co.-il ou the St era blu!T, several reds to the north of the old opening near II ek lilulTs, and they report a Uutteiing outlook. They have a vein of canuel shale which burns quite well tind a tnin vein of the tinesl grade of soft eovil is' found between the layers of cannel. It grows thicker as the drift .is fol lowed into the bank and great hopes are entertained that the vein may grow thick enough to be of commer cial value, as the quality is of a high order. In the other explorations here tofore made no soft coal has ever been discovered. The Citizens liank Keerlvershlp. D.O. Dwyer gets after the manage mentof the Citizens'bank incidentally, and Mr. Chapman directly with a hot poker today by filing a petition in dis trict court making some charges that District Judge Ramsey had to take notice of and iisuo an order to stop the i the allowances made by Chapman. A full report will be given tomorrow. Farm loans. T. Pollock. f Consolidated Jan. l.Wfib f Their Talk Will Not Go. The attempt of 'some people to smooth over the disgusting crime of Alonzo Moore by talkiDg about his marrying his victim, will not find any willing ears about the couit house. The little girl is but a child, and in appearance is not a day over twelve years of age. To marry her to this burly brute in order to save him from a merited term in the penitentiary is revolting to every lover of fairness and common decency. The girl says she is anxious to go home end live creditably with her parents, thus showing the untruthfulness of Moore's sympathizers, who claimed she had been mistreated by her father. The efforts of some people to thwart justice will not bc allowed to have any weight with tffe prosecution or with the court officer? and Mr. Moore may rest as sured (hat his opportunity for a so journ in the stato penitentiary remain rjuiie iluttcring. A HiKh-I'rieetl Hot;. A. Iv Chaffee of liurr. Neb., yes terday purchased at Woodford Broth ers' sale of lino stock at Shenandoah, la., a fine brood sow, for which he paid This is the highest price that a brood sow has ever so d at auc tion fdr in this country. Mr. Chaffee passed through the city this morning enroute homo with his purchase. This will bo quite an addition to his herd of tine stock that he has on his stock farm near Burr. Nebraska City News. ' They 1'lead Not Guilty. - The two harness thieves were ar raigned before Justice Atcher this moruing and plead not guilty. Next Wednesday at 10 o'clock their pre liminary hearing will be had. A. J. Craves appeal s for the defendants and County Attorney C. S. Polk for the state. I'niled State Court Notes In the cuse of Kbcnezer McDonald, the man wanted for perjury in a real estate deal down in Oklahoma, extra dition papers weie granted and the United States mai shal started gutf waid with the prisoner in the aftei- IIUOU There is alto another journey mapijcd out for today, n ften, under the chaperonago of Deputy United States Marshal Thrasher, L. M. Bio: e, the embezzling railway cletk, and Frank BaVret and Mike Tierney. thecounter feiters, will start for, Sioux Fall, where Blore and Tierney will enter upon thit fourteen months' contract with the government, and Barrett for two r t In Judjre S:ii7ii"biou: thero is an interesting trial in progress. "Hr is of Lester Calkins of South Omaha agajnst the Swift Packing company. It seems that Calkins was employed by this company to assist in cutting and packing ice last winter, down in Ash land lie was thus engaged one af ternoon, when a ton or so of crystal fell from one of the t unways by reason of the negligence of the Swifts, so the plaintiff avers, and catching Mr. Cal kin in the back and loins, all but ex tinguished the vital spat k. As it was he sustained injuries that have kept fiim out if a job ever since, and are liable to for some to come. In conse-- oui nee ef these damages, ho asks and 4rt.ys for the modest little sum of 1, (1 and the costs. Omaha Bee. Hioyrles Iu War. A jealous lover, a eaie-free sweet byart and a gay young man, together with a lively rig and a bicycle, m.de up the actors and properties in a lit tle drama one night last week that camo dangerously near turning into a blood curdling tragedy, with guns and bullets and blood and all that sort of thii g. The gay young man under took to act as escort to the care-free sweetheart o i the occasion of a dance u:sl of town and after much careful preparation the eouplo got together aud away and behind two dashing steeds were speeding toward the dance when silently and swiftly there ap proached them the jealous lover, as tride a pneumatic tired bicycle. Even iis a bedd- highwaymen he siezed the bits of the horses and ?ommanded the c. f. s. to climb out. As Bill Nye would say, "she dumb, and the couuie waliieu back to town. ve con- irraluiaie all parties concerned that no shootino eeeurred. (Jienwood Opinion. 1 !i" M. AY. and Y. Social. lhe M. W. and V. held their usual bi-monthly social Thursday afternoou at the heme of Mrs. Wagner. Pro rrreseivo high-five, interspersed with social converse, occupied the hours fiom two to live, after wnich the most appetizing lunch of oyster patties,pick les,cake and coffee was set ved, adding greatly to the enjoyment of all pres ent. . 1 he following ladres were present: Mtsdames A. White, J. N. Wise, Root. Rennett. Cooper. Miller. Klson. "Add, Ileiapel, Ilouseworth, Hilton, E. C Dovey, fehryoek, I'epperberg, Pettee, and A. Clark. The next meet ing will be held at Mrs. II. N. Dovey's residence Jan. 3d. Take Off the Horn. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable.chuto and tools, to re move the weapons of howied cattle ten cents per head. If those who wi to havo such work done will addrc me at Rock Bluffs, Neb., they will t promptly answered. S. L. FlTR.0.0. 1 T'r V INFORMATION . ANI OlWI A dark m in ine city . near the I about It are tall great river, buildings. . Shadows are rest of tall chimneys. r cell-wars, hv Anv a well as by nigh In the broken win- dows of the littr nut are stuffed nlH newspapers ana r3 to keeD f ha uamp, smoKy air. Wde on a JilUe pine table a candlsft. """" i 1 - . r ev t -84 r k n e s s is in the place. y " S. In one corner of be roojfj js bed. On the bed is a littK cL' uor to and fro in a deleriumof ana no in a deleriumf)f )? Above the bed bends the nVtlAjt wan and wane and tries to soot,o anguish of her child. The candi b rns Tower and lower. The swish f river can be heard outside al Bow hours are tolled out sonoiusl- from the tower of an old chunV r.e r by. At last the tossing head of he hiid grows still. The mother beXls at. ously down and the wee wea arus clasp her neck tightiy for a moniit,'. shudder runs through the liltlebody and then the arms relax and fullife less and the mother falls across io dead body of her baby. She does not moan or cry out. She simply lies there almost as lifeless as the babe. After a long time a sound is heard outside. An unsteady foot step. There is a slow fumbling at tho door, and a sound of drunken cursing. Then the door is shaken violently, but there is no answer from within. The man then falls heavily against the door it. crashes in and he sprawls out upon the floor. Slowly he staggers to his feet. He lifts the flickering candle above his head and sees the kneeling woman by the side of the bed. He drops the candle to the lloor and with a muttered curse staggers toward the bed. "Praying again, are ye, you whimpering idiot? I'li teach you a prayer d n you, get up and let me have that bed;" and with that he siezes the kneeling woman and drags her cruelly to the floor. The dead baby falls like a marble image and the man drops heavily on the bed. Theie is perfect silence in the little room for a while except for the heavy breathing cf the drunken man. At last the c'.ock in the tower tolls four Vig .WfT times. The woman slowly at iscs , come wisor bv exper Thopeo from the floor and gropes about in the J have COmmitte.d this identical dark for her baby. She takes him up j errori and whetner ,-iey art, frUfTering tenderly and presses him to her bosom for havinjr done so wo leave the reader and then steals out into the tlamp, to jud,Te Uncoln tall aat-K nigni. i ne moon comes out rrom behind the clouds and shines on her haggard face. Soon a he ivy splash is heard in the black river. A few eircles shine like silver rings as the moon comos uaa.tho elouds close and the river rolis on black" aira solemn to the great ocean that lies be yond. As the day irom night is born Aud shortly burns, So man, from night steps out And to night returns. The dawn is yet half night. The full orbed day, A few short hours then v-hades Make evening gray. We learn to live, an J h' '1 is time to die. The dawn and night t.)o c!op Together lie. flic young composer sits down totho piano. His hands wander idly over thei eys. A few mcaninjlt34 chords a lew inns anu men suenee. cmce. mora ho begins. Uis eyes become dreamv and have a f tr away look in them. He seems to listen for somo far off sound and then he beyfins to weave a melody of dreams. lie drops the mask from his soul tind speaks out what is in his heart. There is no more concealment, no more hypocrisy, but he says what ha is. The music speaks where the tongue is ever silent. As he touches the keys it seems as though some angel had stooped down to the earth and was whispering into his car a littleof the melody of heaven. And perhaps it is so. There is snow on the ground today. Soft white snow. And what hope there is in it for the future. What good crops are yet to come out of the moisture that drops lo the earth with the.snow. How we would all like to see it pile up in great banks and lie in heaps uttil along late in the spring. Indeed are have had too much sunshine the last few years. The sun has smiled cruelly at us all the time. He has ap peared like a cruel face that always smiles and never has a tear of pity. We h'i ve longed for the elouds and the rain. Let us hope that the clouds will como and give us a store of plenty for the coming year. 1 know a place where violets blow. Where ferns and glasses green and growr Where the big white lilies lightly rest 1 heir waxy bowls on the river's breast. I know a place where the soft waves beat Like sound of a kiss at the violet's feet, W here the sun by day. the moon bytiight Weave changeful webs of tangled light. I know a place where thrushes nest Where the breezes rock their young to rest. W here the nightcngale comes at night to sing In the twisted loop of the g apevine swing. I know a place where a f align tree Lie close where the ferns aud violets be. Aud over it stretches a roof of leaves at the glossy green of the oak tree weaves. WIlliam Reed Drxnorv. lowest rates. 1 1 riMmimjsE idea three tnenet a the-Uiouso resta!"'- in kUO OIL-U II --J w - I Washfvir, nkantVipr d:J whose bUU I 1' . names wVewhea. Oats an Barley. They began, to hunt around d found another whose namo-vMs lty McClure's Macazi'i,for ibruary V' straits will contain eight irapoV"" of T .i n r-rl n .:n ' 1 -sTiM-ia! ouu win CSeil r- -v never before published. iri'.Hhis period Lincoln suffered noCiul wreck as a country merchxmado his fiist acquaintance, in ,t;" mvi.tic wav. with si. L.oearo.""'1 fi'aclcstnriA- mnsterv. -ing ittsix' weekvunj became deputy county sur veyor; v elected to the general as sembly, anti-vbegaa his ailuaintance with Douglas; ad "fell in jve with a sweet and beautiful youDg: girl, Ann llutledge, and suffered ihc Half-crazing attliction of her death on. the eve of their marriage. In illustration of the paper there will be, including the ht portraits of Lincoln, twenty bt pictures many of them, also. n..,n Stvifja Ytr HnKopi T nnij S,tovenson. IvanaCjaren and Anthony Hope will appeai-Vn McClure's Magazine for Februai Anthony Hope's will be the last oK.is Zendix stories, and will tell how tbVjr:nces3 Qsia, by the aid of a young stoent jn ttie university of apparently umbie origin, finally learned for hersfwhat love is. Senator Gear of 1... had introduced a bill granting a pen,n to Clarissa E, Hobbs of Louisvilie, Ny,., at the rate of $25 per month, for serces as nurse in the Twelfth Iowa iuf.:ntv AMONG TH K KXCIIANGr.. iurgiars are numerc'js at jineoiu, while at South OmaM a man whose family was starving was fatally shot while stealing a chicken on which to feed them. At Linco'n no one ever gets shot, for it is lot known just where to begin. Nebraska City News. J. Sterling Morton ' asserts that if the people are so foilish as to elect incompetent and dishonorable men to i office, thev should sufer for it. and be The British h ive lilted out a Hying squadron in it week and sent it some where, but nobody Knows just where that is. They wanted to scam some body, and to make nil Europe wonder ( nve done thft, without any trouble. haven't frightened anybody in America except Pulitzer and Rosewater, and j they wore not hard to scare. Journal. Legal Notice. To Susan Grosclaiu'e, Charles F. Giosclaude. Rudolph Decker, M:s. Kudolph Decker, Hen riette De'.rich, N. Detrich, Jansm Decker. Theodore F. Decker. Mrs. Theodore K Decker. Samuel K. Johnson as surviving member of the lirm of Johnson & Spratlin. William L. Thomp son. Knos Norman. Nancy Norman, Colin S. W ise, Seu:na W ise. Henry A. W iscy Flora 15. Wise, Jane Dalton and Isaac Coe; "you and each of you are hereby notified that on the 10th day ol January. ly.Hi. W illiam Young tiled his petition against you impleaded with Sylvester J. Decker, -t al.. in the distiict court ol Cass county, Ne braska, the object and prayer of which petition is. to quiet in said William oung the title to eight, acres ot land in the northeast corner of the south west quarter of section VI, in town 11, range l.t, Cass county. Nebraska, also the title to the southeast Quarter ot the northwest quarter of saui section: also the west half ot the northeast quar ter of said section: also the title to 'J4 acres of land lying west ot a hedgerow on the east Halt of the northeast quarter ot section VI aforesaid; also tlie title to 11.40 acres on land in the uorthwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 1 afore said; and to bar each and every of said defendants and all personstlafming through them trom hav ing or asserting any interest m saiu lanu. auu mi equitable reliet. - Vou are required to answer saia pennon "ii oi before Monday, the '.'nd day of Marcn. 1.3, v ILLl AM l Ol .Mi. By his attorneys, Heeson & Hoot. Sheriffs Sale. ' 11 v virion of an order ol sale issued by W. II. Dearlnir. elem of the district court with in md for Cass county, Nebraska, ana to rue directed, l will on the lilst day or Jan- A. i)., lSvKi. sit 10 o'clock u. in., of said da.T at the sftutn door of the court rouse :u thu r-Iiv of Plrit.tstnniit h in said county, sell at public auction. tbe following rrvil estate to-wit: UUIIllllClll.lUi. UU I1U1IIH W 1 . J - ...v vwj of the southwest corner of section tweftty- j i..............i. . ... .. . . . 1 1 . ?- w t Bti.li f nrl a nmt. tiiree. town ten. ran vie thirteen. In Uass county. Nebraska, running thence north one hundred anu fifty feet, thenee east two hundred feet, thence south one hundred and flf ty-eizht feeutheuee west two hundred-feet lo Mtartins point. The same belnjt levied nnon and taken as tlie Drouertv of The Farmers Uutter and Clieeae Association, de fendants, tne same to be sold subject to ttie conditions of a lease, to satisfy a. judg ment of said court recovered uyvvuiazian M. Uohp. nlalntltr. a-rainst gaid fletendant i'lattsmouth, Nebraska, December i;0, A. li. lK'T. J. U. 11.1 KEN BART, Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska. Referees' Sale.- I'nder and hv virtue of an order of the district court ol Cass county, entered upon .the 4th day of lanuarv. A. D. 1SW. in an action therein lien J ui ir wherein Susan (irosclaud and Charies fc" itrosclaud were plamtitts and Myrtle Barnes Henrietta Deitrick. Theodore F. Decker. Kansoni Decker. kudolDtk Decker. Svlvester Y. Decker, et al.. are detendants, which order contirmed the re- Iort ot ttie referees theretofore appointed in said cause and directed them to sell as upon execution lhe lands described in their said report, the un dersigned referees w ill, upon tne :i day in -t-l)-ruarv. A. D. lsiti. at L:i o'clock p. in., in front of the south door oi the court house in Cass county Nebraska, sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, the lollovving described real estate, to- wit: The northeast quaiter and the northwest marter of section twenty-nine t'JHi; the northwest quarter ol section twenty-seven (Ji i: lots two. lour and hve (-. 4 and 5 1 in section twenty-one till all in township twelve, ranae cleAen. in Cass countv Nebraska: lots two ("ij block one (ll west, and lots eight aud nine ts and J block one ilieastot the public square in the town of Kock Rlutts, Cass county, AebrasKa. L'pon the following terms: One-third cash; one third in two Years, one-third in three years, de ferred payments to be secured by first mortgage, bearing interest at eight percent per annum, pay able annually; eight per cent ort for cash on de ferred payments. Saod sale will remain open lor one nour. January IT, lssw. J. W. Johnson. . . - Samuel W'Ai'iiH, John li. Fi rcesox, " " j Referees Byron Clark and C. A. Raw Is. aforneys fri plaintiff. 22, lsoa. Ha&'s Magazine 1896. with all the author-sWll-kaown charm o! man ner, will begin in Dicember num ei ix.i. ;iuit continue until May. new n..el b (,e..i)Je Uu Maurier. entitled Thf i-Martiaii. will also ih.ii during the vt-ar. It if Clot too much to a that no novel has ever bee.I awaited with such great expectation as the . accessor to i nlby. me I'ersonal Kecollection-lol Joan of Arc will con tinue and will relate tie s.lory oi the lailure and martvdom ot the MJd ol Orleans. Ulher nii nortant hction oi th tear will be a noveleltee D Mark. Twain, under te title, lorn Sawyer, detec tive: a humorous three-part tale called two Mormons from MiuXdlety. by Landon fclwyn Mitchell; and shoe stories by Octave 1 tianel, Richard Harding Jlavis. Mary fc. ilkms, Julian Ralph. Uraijder Matthews, Owen N ister. anil other vell-kuuwn writev -. .. . l'r..f VVoo.liowiWilson will contribute six pa- person George Washington and his times, with illustrations by Howard I'yle. i'oultney liigelow victory ot t he Ijeriii.in Miiingie 101 .i.'y"J. " lii'ratcd by R Ca'ii Woodyille. will be con- tiuu.t througii I've winter." iwo pHiJeis Clair's -teteat and Mad Anthony Wayne s vic.ory. by lheoJure R..elt. with RraphiC lllustra tionii will 1m; prvTitv'd duriupr the yeai . -v iioteonny teatuve.vi i;ie .Mayanie !"'. will L-: a series, ol articles by Caspar . Whitney, dtcriijii;g ms trip 'of 2.0M miles on snow-shoes and wltii dog-sledge trains into the une.xpioreti iarren i.iouuas oi lir'tisn ixonn America in pursuit of wood-bison and W usk-o.xen. Mr. letnev s seru-s will liave the auuen. interest of beinjj illustrated l. nu photogiaphs t.iyt.n by hanselt. The volumes of the Mauazine beeiu with the numbers tor June and December ot each year. When no time is mentioned, suuscr.yiuous win begin with the number current at the time of re ceipt ol order. Remittances should be made by posv. thce money order or dralt. to avoid chance ot loss. . Newspapers are not to copy mis aaci:iseinein without the e.xpiess order ot Harper .V bros. Harper's Periodicals. Harper's Magazine : one year - 4 00 Harper's Weekly - - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar - - - " - 4 00 Harper's Round Table " - 2 00 l'ostage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. O. Box 959. N. Y. City. Harper's Bazar .IN 189C. The twenty-ninth year oi Harper s liazar, be Ciimmg m January, 1L. tmds it maintaining its deserved reputation both as a 1-aslaon Journal and a weekly periodical lor home reading. Lverv week the baar presents beautiful :oil .... i.'.r t-iri.nK orrniiuis. Saudoz. Haude and i'i,-,t,,,w iiinutrviti- and eimrave ttie newest de- .;,, irm tli.. tin. -a models in I'aris and herhn. New oik ira.-hious epitomizes current styles in New York. A fortnightly patter-sheet supple ment with diagrams and directions enables women ... .-,, -.ii.l 1,1:11. tln-ir own uowns. and is ot great value to the piotessional modiste as well as to the amateur d essmakcr. Children's Clothing re ,..,w . ..iwin.t vot.Miiioti. 1-ashions tor Men are described in lull detail by a iiian-about-town. ;Dur I'aris Letter, by Katharine le roresi. is prightlv weekly lecital ol tashion. gossip, and social doings 111 I'aris, given by a clever woman in an entertaining way. , . 11, .tli tlw. .....i.l.i f,.r is'; on- the work of Amen can women. Mrs. lierald. by Maria Louise I'ool. i a stnkinir -.toi vnl New Ktiukmd lite. Mary K. W ilkms, in Jerome, a I'oor Man, discusses the aiuuv intfiiNi iiiir nroblfins ol the relations be tween labor and capital. Short stories will be uritti'ti hv tlw li,t authors. Special Departments. Music, The Outdoor Woman, Personals. What We Are Doing. Women and Men. report and discuss themes ot immediate interest. Answers to Correspondents. Questions receive lhe personal attention ol the editor, and are an sweied at the earliest practical date alter their receipt. The volumes of the liazar begin with the hr t iniiiiliiT tor laniiarv ot each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the mmiliiT riirri-tit :it th riTi'lllt of order. Remittances should be made by postottice nionev order or dratt. to avoid chance ol loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertirement without the express order of Harper & tiros. Harper's Periodicals. ana7ln - one vear - f 4 00 iiarper & cv. tt qq Harper's Bazar - - - Harper's Round Table " ,-2 00 i'ostage Free to all subscribers in the L'nited States, Cauada and Mexico. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City. Harper's Weekly IN 1896. Harper. s Weekly is a journal for the whole country. It deals with the events ol the. world that are important to Americans. in carrying out tnis policy, m isn.t, juuan Kalf visited. China and Japan, and journeyed through the west: Richard Harding Davis took a trip through the Caribean Sea: the evolutions of the new navy were described and illustrated by Kutus 1-'. Zogbaum; Frederic Remington pre sented studies of army aud frontier.life; I'oultuey Uigelow attended tlie opening ot tlie Kiel canal. In Jy.j like attention will be given to every notable happening. lhe chief events in art. iterature. and music and th drama will be artis tically presented. W. D. Howells. in the new depaiture. Life and Letters, will discuss in iiis interesting vvav books and the social questions of the time. . S. Martin's sprightly gossip ol the Busy World will be continued, lhe pro gress of the transportation commission around tlie world will ue toiiowed, and Caspar Whitney will conduct the department of Amateur Sport. In 1MH will occur a presidential election, tn its editorials and through its political cartoons tlie Weekly will continue to be an independent advocate of good government and sound money. in nction tne vveeKiv wui.ue especially strong. It will publish the only novel of the year by W. D. Howells. and a stirring serial of a Scotch feud, by i- K. Crocket. The short stories se lected are of unusual excellence and interest. In everv resoort Harpers vveeKiv win maintain its leading place in the illustrated journalism ot tiie world. , The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first numb :r for January ot each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the number current at the time of receipt ot order. Kennttancer should ue made ny postomce mouev order or dratt. to avoid chance of loss.- iNewspapers are not to copy tne advertisement without the express ordei ot liarper uros. Harper's Periodicals. Harper's Magazine- - one year - $4 0O Harper's Weekly -' - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar - - - - 4 00 Harper's Round Table " - '2 OQ Postage. Free to all subscribers in the'United Stages, Canada and Mexico. . -Address HARPER 4 BROTHERS, . P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City Sheriffs Sale. " ; ;; . Hy virtue of an Order of sain Issued by W 11. Dearins, clerk of the district court with in and for Cass county, Nebraska, atid to me directed, 1 will on the Uist dav of Jan uary. A. 1. ltiiii,at 10 o'clock a. m. of said dav . .1. ,1 . 1 . . , . s ai tut; suuui umir or uie cuuri House in ioh city of I'lattsmouth, in said county.- sell at public a net ion, to the highest bidder fop casti, ine following real estate to-wlt: -Lot number nine I'.'l ten 1 101 eleven til Dloekjiu tuber seventy-four f T4 j in tie city of Weeping Water, Cass county. Nebraska, tozetuer witn tne privtle-zes and appurten an cos thereunto beionginitor in anywise up pertaining, lhe same being levied upon and taken as tlie uroDertv of Hnrrv li. Keed, Antoinette It. Ueed. Men jamin Tnotnn- son. anu U il. Steele and coinDany. Helen dants. to satisfy a judgment of saie court by Marr r. ivranl, piaiulin; against said ne fendants. I'latlsmoutb, Neb., Dec. 27th. A. P. lXO.'i. J. C LIKEN BAliV. Sheriff, Cass County, Nebr JOHN WATERMAN,; " DEALER IN . ' - . LUMJ3ER AND COAL Mendota Coal.. Hard Coal...... .f4'2 : 9 co it 14 ,-.kV,S;arf' r-1 KB 1 It country testify to its marvelous success T . r! For sale everywhere. Price, MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. ! THE DB. J. H Did You iver GET YOUR Photo Taken on Silk? It's Lovely. Only $2 Will pay for a dozen cabinet photographs and one photo on your silk handkerchief or muff ler at the Misses HitchcocKS sxeaio in me Neville block. ODDOsite offer only holds good had better hurry up. .aM.M.&, STILL IN BUSINESS. EST rirs for Weddings, Funerals or Pleasure Parties, etc. rUcliorders attended to promptly. Term retsonable. Cash preferred. Call and ?et B rates. Telephone 7. N. b. W. D.LJones auctioneer all disposed of. Will You Come... And Examine the Largest -and .Finest Selected Ever Brought to Cass County, Pur chased for Spot Cash At Prices That Will MENS BUSINESS SUITS . , - 1 i , FORMERLY .$K, AT. " . - Elson's, $4,90 MEN'S DQlTBLE BREASTED - ; MELTON SUITS, CHEAP AT $14. Elson's, $9.80 Men's Overcoats, - $ 2.00 Men's Long"Uister O'coat 4.00 s .. ... f Overcoats, Fur tibllars and - . cuSfiTs, worth $10:50, - - 12.50 Children's Overcoats - L90 - r " ' ' - ' MEN'S" SHIRTS ' ' AND . ' DRAWERS, MEN'S WORKI'G - GLOVES - -VOR.TH 75c, AT Etlson's, 1 50c v- -. Everything here is Open and Above - -Board.; We Invite Your Care ' ful Inspection. EtLSON, The Gash Clothier, , Directly Opposite Court House, PLjiTTSMOUTH, ; L i NEBRKSKH. The News" VOL. IV. NO. 37. Female Troubles. i Many of the disorders peculiar to women are caused by diseased condi tions of the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Restore these organs to a healthy state by using DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM, And the female oraanswill perform t koir rpmilar f unctions, and the suf- 4i ko ctrnrrthfnpri and cured. S I V.I WV. w . v - 1 , I. . f iL Ad Ladies rrom an pans oi me in curing them tmnnar hattla 1 the postottice. i nis until Feb. 5,' sojoji W. D. JONES... Css County Oldest : Liveryman, 618 MAIN STREET, kinds of goods and farm stock Make You Laugh. MEN'S CLAY - SUITS, WORTH $18.00, AT Elson's, $12.50 Solid Zink Trunks, - . $2-25 Heavy Working Shoes, - - - 1.00 Extra Heavy Overalls, - 75 JExtra Heavy Woolen Over- Shirts, - v -75 MEN'S HEAVY LINED COATS, WORTH $2.00, Llson's, $1.35 for Job T 9 - . 1 h III 1 y '; 4 4 - - --.if Vuejuddress ' nsrton, s. J. r n r' ill 0