Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 13, 1894, Image 1

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s.r,0 A VLAK.
jj Before Buying
have just
Keep constantly on hand the freshest stock
of Groceries in the city.
AUoQjeonawaro. Glassware, Tinware, Fancy Chinaware, Lamps,
Canned and D: ied Fruits. Vegetable and Merts.
Also co'it) agents for
Washburn's 5 Crosby's Minneapolis Flour
Goods delivered to any part of the city.
$ Real Estate
Loan on Farm or
City Property at
7 Per Cent.
n,.Trs moittii
Old "Stonewall
St. Louis, Anheuser-Busch, Premium Pale
and Budweiser Beer, always
on Tap.
Fresh and
Elsewhere come in and see
our line of Furniture. We
received a large as- 4
sortment of everything in f
this line. We know that we
are the lowest in price. J
J. I. tlnruh. I
Agency will ?
Salt Meats
The i. A. H'h Commemorate's
Surrender at Appomattox
Court House.
Pointed Stories and Plain Arithmetical
Facts the Substance of Comman
der Howe's Speech.
The White opera houso w is tilled to
satiety last Monuay night, the oocass
ion being' a camp-fire under tno au
spices of tho G. A. 11. and V. R. C. at
which the earnest and patriotic
veteran Church Howe presided fi his
usual impressive and interesting man
ner. The house was callod to order by
It. XV. Hyers. and the ladies of the W.
II. C. surrounded the or gan and sang
"Marching through Georgia. ': Attor
ney John A. D ivies, in a few well
chosen remarks explained the nature
of the oecassion, and said that the
gentlemin from Nemaha should be
welcomed in every possible manner for
the cause he advocated was a worthy
one indeed. In cone i.sion Mr. Da vies
said: "This oecassion is not only a
demonstration in memory of tho down
fall of that war, but to thoso loyal, in
trepid, and honost men, who served it
in its darkest days. "There camp-fires
are a grand thing and no one is more
deserving of such manitistations of our
esteem than the old soldiers."' "To
the old soldier these camp-fires are
like an oasis 111 tho desert." We ex
tend to you a grand welcome. In con
clusion Mr. Davies paid a grand tribute
to the G. A. It. and introduced TTon.
Church Howe.
Mr. Howe addressed the different
organization interested in the occas
ion, and proceeded in substance as
We ure nere at this camp-tire to do
honor the heroic patrot who went forth
to light for this glorious fiag.
We also this night commemorate tho
downfall of Lee. Yet the war is over
cannot help i;ut remember how we felt in
the time of that cruel war. Yes, the
war is a finish but not a conquer. I want
to talk with y(U.tonu?ht iiiAd .se.o, if.i .
have done your duty since the war. I
may allude to matters Mint you may
think partisan, but i am here to ac
complish 00a end and that is to plead
for tho rights of tho old soldier. The
old soldier closed the rebellion I say,
but there is still war against him es
pecially during this administration.
This is an open talk with the old sold
ier, and to him who does not wish to
listen to this kind of speechmaki ng, 1
will say as did tho pteaeher "I will
dismiss him before I commence."
The party in power, promised us to
help the old soldiers and do many
great things when they became in
power, but why have they not done it?
This has been a dark administration,
full of contention, humilation and
Especially is this true in the case of
the old soldiers. We are not getting
our rights. The administration is in
a terrible condition, and la: gely run by
men who in no way have any sympathy
for the old soldier, who preserved this
country, and who should by all means
b. honored and fairly treated. The
condition of this country at the present
time is better explained by some ill
ustrations in some papers I have here.
"Here is one which represents a jack
ass hitched to the shaves of the govern
ment with Uncle Sam in the same yoke
running- down hill at a terrific speed.
Then there is written at the bottom.
"We are running' away with the gov
ernment fo.- God's sake stop us."
And another picture shows a rebel
on top of Uncle Sam. Ho has him
down that is the truth, and still another
picture represents a fast moving- train,
the train of this administration with
Grover seated in tho cab of the pon
derous engine, with hands on the
throttle. The train is going through
an immense snow drift, and proment
politicians are in front of the engine
waving engineer Grover to stOD lest he
should run the train of administration
over an awful precipice a short distance
a head. But Grover is color blind,
and does not he3d their warning's, a
short time and the train is wrecked.
These three comic illustrations ex
plain the condition of the country
much better than I could in words.
But why are not all you soldiers G.
A. R's. Why dont you come ojt and
show yourselves? All of you You
should not hesitate to claim your
rights. They belong- to you why not
have them? CimiMilos it is a grand
thing to baloug to the G. A. R. ami
wear the button. Do vou Know that it
is an emblem of Iovalty? This is true.
When the old army vt?rin visits
Europe he is honored by all, rog ir.iles
of his financial worlb.
If you went l the fair you saw it the
Same way there. He was protected y
all. Tlx" best wn hi at the fair.
When New York dedicated the beauti
ful Gettesbtirg monument, the service;-were-the
most appropriate nml impress
ive. General Greene made an excellent
addrnsx. and said among other thiug!
that he knew whereof ho spoke, that
he had served with some of tho very
old soldier to whom ho was speaking,
and that ho was thankful that he w; s
a G. A. II., etc. Governor Flower
with tears in his eyes, said ho wished
he could say that but you seo ever
one cannot. It is an honor to bo a G.
A. 'R. Kings and millionaires would
likt'Lo pososs that liilw and wear th
button, but they can't do it. and even
the president of tno United States
can't do it. Applause. You should by
all means consolidate, for the, great
army of veterans is rapidly diminish
ing. When you die you want the old
soldier to bury you.
' When wo come to count our ballot.
now, lot us stand up nnd have them
counted just tho same as we were
counted from Y1 to '(".
The ladies of the W. ft. C. deserve
the highest praise, we could not do
with out them, they have dono more for
the old soldier than lie has done tor
himself. They seek the home of 1 he
afl'icted soldier and give him aid.
Thoy can make lt)0 go farther than
we on n that many thousand. The W.
It. ('. is not composed wholly of the
wires and daughters of thoG. A. II.
but of very loya' women, the mothers
from 'til to 'ii-r worked and wept, for
th.e who wera fighting for thoii
country, and thousands of them were
dissa pointed in ever snelng their loved
onvs again. Tno brave boys from the
north were foremost in the hearts of
these dear patriotic women. Let the
loyal christian women of today show
this same felling, show the old com
rades that you have not forgotten
them. It is onlj- a short time until the
old soldiers will swell the army on the
other short;. Encourage the Sons of
Veterans, and the daughters, keep
alive this patrotic feeling. Tell the
children about tiiis blood-shed. Tell
them what it was for, and teach them
ic: ho Sk. TV-!: Va V.ixA it
the blood of thousands of the most
loyal men of our country. When I was
in Chicago I saw an irishman sitting
in front of the great building ovet
which waved the Irish flag. As I ap
proached fat waved his hat and yelled
'Hurrah for old Ireland.' A man
sitting near, who was evidently an
Englishman, retorted. "Hurrah foi
h I." 'Well" said fat "I am glad to
see every man yell for his own
"When the soldier enlisted in the
army to fight tho great rebellion the
promise of a pension was a definate
item in the contract, they were all to
have a pension who could show an
honorable discharge. Now why did
they not cot it? There is lots of talk
about pensions, f eople can b found
on the streets talking about the matter
who are only tinhorn politicians, nnd
claim that the pension business is
ruining the country, you must con
sider how the pension roll is haudlad,
and then think whether or not it is a
detriment to the country. In the first
place it is not a direct tax as any one
knows. We havo 60,000,000 people
here, and 150,000,000 dollars to pay out
for pensions this leaves even though
it was a tax only about $2 a piece for
each person to pay to go toward sup
porting the Union soldier and we
ought to havo it. We should stand up
and demand our rights regardless, that
the p esent adminstration says they
will run things to suit themselves. And
the merchants of this place must con
sider what tho pension business doe9
for them. It helps the country gener-
I all v over '2k millions of dollars comes
m to the states of Kansas and Nebraska
alone each year. This money is no
sooner received than it is expendad.
Had it not been for the soldiers pensions
during the lats financial stringency,
tho panic would have been one of
dreadful intensity indeed. And yet,
thev are trying to reduce, and cut of
the peusiou list, and when we come to
find who is pension eomraisioner the
supreme court of the pension depart
ment, we are not suprised. It is Hoke
Smith of Atlanta Georgia. A former
rebei officer. We should no loneer
' siug "Marching through Georgia,"'
! but let us sing "Georgia is marching
through us." Hoke Smith is in for a
four years term and no more thank
God. Laughter.
During that time he wilt do the
pens 'oners as much harm as he possi
bly can. He is a rebel in every sense
of the wo d, and edits a democratic
piper at Atlanta. You've beard of
that place havo you not? Recently he
came out in one editorial and railed on
Gau Bn CattW in n crul manner.
"Tli-'re was a tr.unp who went to the
bause of an all.L"-'i ncvoVnt old
1 idy and asked fr sum. -thing t
She gave him a touirh pieienif iir.'nd
with tli.- remark. "It i not for my
nak'. or for your snke, but for his .tke
that I give you this.' Tli.- tramp
looked at tho dry bread, and tlien said:
"Madame, not for your sake nor for
my ake or for his sake, but for Christ's
i.kf. put some butter on ii. Thi is
the way with the old soldier, we wiwii
a little butter on our bread and not the
Iry bronil alone, forwe" think wo des
erve it. App"uiise
"When I think of Lincoln, Grant,
Logan. Sherman, and others who are
Jead and gout) and thou think' how
this adminstration in treating the old
ao.dier 1 wish they could i.-ome back
airain. But this stato of all'ai i s will
only last till next November. The
Confederate states should have nothing
to 'do with the pension business, they
do not contribute anything toward it,
they draw out more than they pay in.
When Hoke Smith took charge of
the pension ollice there were llL',000
application for pensions on the rol'.
The first act was to ignore these appli
cition and suspend 12,M pensioners
who no doubt wi re worthy and needed
it. The whole administration has ig
nored the pensioners. When tho whole
country was piying tribute to the
sacred dead, Cleveland went fishing.
Soldiers do not steep n your arms
wake up and fight for your ritrhts just
a you did from Nil to "'").
We regret, but for lacu of space, w
could publish this speech in full, as
the principal .letnils we have in our
"Here Mr. Howe paid much prnie
to the V . It. C. the daugthor of
veterans and sons of veterans. Mr.
Howe earnestly implored all old sol
diers to do their best, now as in a few
years the old soldiers would be a thing
of the past. He said that the death
of old solliers last y-ir would appro
ximate 17,o()0.
Mo'l.-rn I..K-.H lri.vt-r - m ir-
We wiil read from section eleven of
the book of laws; where it says: " n
the first Tuesday in April, of cn-li
year, there shall be a city election for
the purpose of elec-tintr rulers over us."
tir others aim sistei-v-, we hnv "just
held such an election, and have select
ed our rulers: now brothers and sisters
let us kneel in prayer for Ih.-ir bone
lit and edification.
O, mighty ruler, . honorable mayor
of our fair city, hear our humble p-Mi-tions,
aiid answer them we pray Ihee.
We are thy humble supporters, and
have voted (or you early and late, and
therefore, O blessed rule." of this neck
of the woods: we come to thee with the
assurance that you will stay with u
through thick and thin.
(), Mr. Newell, O honoi-rtbio mayor
and most worthy judge, thou judget
our every action, and knoweth the
wants and privations oT us poor devil,
we come now beseaching thee to ap
point us as chief of police. O. most
worthy, we feel positive that we can
bag- more bums than any other, :md
it is certainly your duty to see that
srood men aro appointed. O, most
igh, give us what we ask. and we will
be thy slaves; and judge, if the posi
tion of chief has been promised, give
us street commissioner, or commis
sioner in most any capacity. We ask
these these things of thee, believing,
to the botton of our souls thnt our sup
plications will be answered, We know
that several others are trying to sup
plant us, but, O, mighty ruler, we
know also that thou can"st t-!! a good
man when thou see't him.
With this we leave it with thee,
firmly believing that a chief of io'ice
will be appointed. Amen.
Let u-t sing the first two si;m.-ts of
No. 201.
Iaih; sweet Hon r of I'r.iy r. 1
(), ii.i'ihty man, rule thou In peace.
' And make us sill eh ef of police:
And when you cross to t'other bourm-.
Wivl clo.e your eye- and weep nnd nn rtt.
Pence be unto tlieu. O klnz,
Ariso and make us anything
That brings in soup nnd ham :iini f fj.
For 1 his your humble servant le; s.
Arise and sing without further read
ing. Brother foisal will you v lease st.-.rt
the hymn?
Wsrrr Works Miisl Wuier.
The city council will hold an :;i
iourned meeliug on Thursday evening,
to confer with Mr. (.'has. K. Eddy, of
Boston, and Mr. H. M. 1. inner, of
Rochester, New Hampshire. Both
gentlemen are connected in nn oificial
capacity with our water w.-:-ks com
pany. Mr. Palmer came in Tuesday
evening, and will remain three or four
days. He is a very pleasant gentle
man, and will make it his duty to see
that the water works give full satis
faction in the future.
Fo your early and late seed pota
toes, cull on Bennett A: TuU's.
I't'ii-.M III' Niit.l.
We are thankful to dincovcr that
accoidii.y t the atiouiicutnect of card
o it-esteemed friend (). A. Mrown, lift
delerii.iiie.l to break tho monotony of
eHihaey. and wed one of I 'lattsniouth'
fair ami most cultured daughters, Minn
Anna Coleinau. May tho bubllme
happiness which ilin racicriei the
..vent make t heir lifejouoof pireiiinl
sunshine i- Till-: -mm cure
O.i r s 1 1 i y.
In the i-ue of next week we will
start t lie story "At Lore Command, "
which wai so rudely broken into by
our recent (ire. At it lui boon so long
since tho lir and fearing that fouia of
our reioiers miht have lot the thread
of the store and as only a small part of
it i. Jul been run, we have concluded to
commence all over again and start It
from the first chapter. It is a good
and instructive story and wo do not
want our readers to nuts any part of it.
f 'l A WAV.
Ce.lric, the infant won of Mr. aud
Mrs. .1. W. Hendeo, age six mouths,
died iast Saturday afternoon and wat
buried Monday. Ttie Httio Innocent
one bad been sick only a short time
with pneumonia and sutTering a re
lapse it was taken from the tender
care of its parents. Itov. Baird con
ducted tho funeral ceremonies. Mr.
and Mrs. Ilondee are nearly heart
brok'.-n over their bereavement, and
have tho sympathies of a hot of lov
ing friends.
l;(irinn K K'hiny.
.Juny of our represenati ve youue,
men take great plousiiro in riding
their elegant safety .. But there was
a kick when the assessor appeared and
taxed these expensive machines. Well
they are certainty very enviable
property, and many people would be
thankful to pay taxes on one or iuor,
If they onlv could own one.
Will tf Kelt-iiM.-.l.
I'M. Kouisoii and Oswcll Schubart,
who have been confined in tho county
jail for about seventy-five days, for
stealing liquor from a I !. - M. car,
will be released tomorrow. They have
behaved well during their confinement.
and Jailor .lack Densen has given
them out d.oor liberties fr sometime.
llui 'nil it ion. v
Tiik Hki:m"s prospect for u
prema in the newspaper field in Caw
county are more Mattering than evor
before. While we do not wish to toot
our own horn, we feel no delicacy in
asserting that we have the best equip
ped newspaper plant in this part of
I he country. Moreover, we have the
edge over our contemporaries in circu
lation, and every intelligent person
well Knows that circulation in what
counts. After all our strenuous effort
to raise TliK IIkkalp once more, and
considering the amount we have in
vested in new type, fixtures and ap
paratus, wo don't hesitaW to ask for
your patronage.
.1 .1 UK'i.
Last Saturday night two rural
gentleman who t-ore the cogneman of
Franlc Carl and H. Salmon came to
town and proceeded to load up.
Finally they became to jaggy, and at a
consequence boisterous, and both wore
promptly jugged, and released Mon
day mo -ning after coughing up S.30
If ir r Inlay Miiiiit-r.
Several gentleman from this city in
cluding .loe Kline, B. C Kerr, Ben
llempel, visited the home of Mike
Meisinger last Sunday , to do honor to
a bounteous dinner in observation of
Mr. Meisengers' o'.th birthday. A
host of friends were present, and all
e.nioved a mo3t excellent time.
At the oridos parents, April Glh.
Mr. Adam Byerly, and Miss Mary J.
Marshall, all of Cass county.
(n Tuesday April, 10th. At the
home of Judge Archer, Win. f) lugh
tery and Mi.-s .Jennie Cilfeather all of
Mr. L. Bauer, the proprietor of the
Imperial fo .-trait Stunio aiplomatic
of the World's Columbian Kxposition,
will locate here the 1 "th in the Itoek
wo'.d block, over Bennet -ft Tuft's gro
cery. He is a gentleman, and will do
all kinds of portraiture and framing to
order at very reasonable prices. Don't
fail to see him in the Hock wood Mix-k.
If you want a watch, clocK or jewel
ry tho best good- at lowest prices
ston at. my store. Having much the
the largest stock in that line, ana buy
ing at tho lowest .rices, I am enabled
to offer low price-. O. H. Snyder,
f lattsmoutb. Neb.
Bennett -V Tutt have just received a
largo consignment of tine raackeral,
white fish, Columbian river salt
salmon and herring. Thev go cheap
for etih.