Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 13, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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r. A. BLANCHARD. Editor.
One Year-ln advance, $1 50
If not paid in advance, Si 00
Six month'. ... - 75
Three months, '
Telephone .Nuinl'rr 3f.
We are sorry to say that we can
not be furnished with n letter from
"Mill Ouoiti," thin week. He says
he's "got ter plant hi punkitis."
It in fun for us It llmvn allovir
the state to berate ami belittle
Kosewater, hut "he gets there just
the name." When he goes afler :i
tiling he most alwas ets it in
spite of all odds.
We iiltenlel. In-fore ti:e Uv'ishi
ture adjourned, to have them ap
propriate money for organizing n
canning factory to preserve the
current of the Missouri river. It
clipped our memory.
The many triniphs gained hy the
repuhlieaiiH in the spt ; fleet iotif
show that the party Mill preserves
:tH courage and resolution, and is
quick to improve every opportunity
of promoting i tn fortunes.
"How can we iret a whack at the
loaves and fishes?" was the leading
question before the democrats who
assembled in this city Thursday
evening. The latest advices from
Washington indicate that the key to
the larder is in possession of Mes
srs. lloyd and Morton. Hee.
The maximum rate bill has pass
ed both houses and is about to be
come a law; impeachment proceed
ings have been commenced and if
being vigorously pushed; Hitch
cock's bill, praying that the shIooii
men may lawfully publish their
application notices in his pamph
let, has been killed and the legisla
ture has adjourned with the felt
confident fceliiignf a duty well done.
It strikes uw as rather queer that
Hon. W. J Hryan, a man equal in
popularity and statesmanship to
either Kern or McKeighan, would
come here to help convict an iuo
cent man of, what turned out to be,
a farce shooting affair. Mr. Travis
was well able to condut the case
and there was surely no object
in Mr. Hryan getting into it unless,
m we suspect, there is a strong po
litical pull somewhere around the
little village of Kagle.
This is the modest manner which
the Madison Independent oi South
Dakota describes the coming con
dition of Chicago and nearly every
body seen to be of about the same
opinion: Carter Harrison was elec
ted mayor of Chicago by a very
large majority. It won't make very
much difference now whether the
World's fair is opened or closed on
Sunday. The city and all its sub
urbs will be one broad expance f
hell for the next two years anyway.
St. Louis has elected the entire re
publican ticket, except one officer;
t'tat of city treasurer, and enough
democratic fraud has been disco.
ered since, to insure his election.
This was almost more than could
le expected. The ide,i of the Icac
ingcity of the south coming out
for the republican ticket in the face
of such odds a was displayed by
some unpriucipalcd democrats, of
that city, is more than we can un
derstand. Other surprises are sure
to follow.
The Missouri I'acitic railroad de
serves credit for the celerity with
which they removed the dead cat
tle from the I'latt river.spoken of in
last week's II KK'.L1. It seems that
the employees threw them m the
river without the authority or know
ledge of the railroad officials and
as soon as it came to their notice
they removed them at once and the
era of good feeling is again estab
lished between the railroad and the
citizens of lMattsmniith.
In the proposed investigation of
K'oach, the occidental senator from
North Dakota, it is tirged by some
members of that eminently respec
table body that they ought not to
go into the business of washing
their dirty linen in public. That is
something that they will have to
settle for themselves. If they car.
stand the presence of an embezzling
bank cashier in their "millinmiirs
club" we suppose they have a
right to indulge their taste for
curiosities. Nobody can purify
the senate, but the senate itself.
State Journal.
Daniel Webster in speaking of
protection to small industries,
March 1.), 1SH7 at New York, says:
"I am in favor of protecting Ameri
can industry and labor, not only ns
employed in large manufacture!',
but also, and more especially, ns
employed in the various mechanic
arts carried on by pe reons of imall
capital, and living by the earnings
of their own personal industry.
Every city in the Union, and nnc
more than this, would feel the con
sequences of departing frjm the
ancient and continued policy of
the government respecting this
last branch of protection. If duties
were to be abolished on hats, boots
shoes ami other articles of leather
and on the articles fabricated i f
I r tss, tin and iron, and on ready
made cloths, cirriages, ftirirtiue
ami many other similar articles,
thousands of persons would be
immediately thrown out of em
ployment in the city (i ltd in other
parts of the Union. Protection in
this respect, of our labot against
the cheaper, ill-paid, half-fed and
pauper labor of Kurope, is, in my
opinion, a duty which the country
owes to its own citizens."
In a small way VYcbrtcr had won
some reputation as "The expounder
of the constitution," but never even
dreamed that protection was uncon
stitutional. It is too bad that he
was not under the tutorship of Wat
terson and our democratic plat
form carpenters.
Hon. John A. Davies, our bright,
energetic and whole-souled repre
sentative, gave us a pleasant call j
last Monday evening. He is as
eloquent in conversation as he is
on the rostrum and he lelt us feel
ing several degrees better toward
ourself and the world in general.
The following is a clipping from
the Sunday Lincoln Call: "No man
ever came to the Nebraska legisla
ture and in a single term made'
such an excellent record as K'eprr
sentative Davies of Cass comity.
Clean, bright and able, he has com
manded the confidence of bis fel
low members and their respectful
attention at all times. As an elo
quent and forcible speaker he has
earmdall the applause that came
so readily whenever he spoke upon
a measure and he has gone home
with a record of strict integrity
that none can question. The state
ought to have more use for men
like John A. Davies.
It is announced thut the authori
ities of North Corolina have suc
ceeded in "stamping out" that terri
ble secret society known among
men and angels as' Ciideon's Hand."
They now say that this organiza
tion was formed for the purpose of
defeating drover Cleveland for
president. There was a Gideon's
band in Nebraska, but it wasn't or
ganized to beat Grover exactly. Its
providence was to secure the officer
lor the members of the band
through the farmers' alliance ma
chinery, but it was so unsuccess
ful the we might as well consider it
stamped our in Nebraska also.
State Journal.
Since the inter-island trad
ing fleet of Hawaii has developed
from a few scl o mers and one small
steamer to twenty-two steamers, b-.
side a number of sailing vessels.
This increase is due solely to the
increase of trade caused by tue
treaty. During the period mem
ioned there have been built in the
United States and sold to Hawaii,
nineteen steamers and twenty
sailing vessels for the iuter-ishmd
trade, costing Ifl.UM,."!. During the
same period there have been built
in the United States, and are now
regularly engaged in the Hawaiian
foreign trade, under the American
flag, three steamers and twenty
three sailing . vessels, costing
f J,lNi,(.K). In addition to th is there
are about twelve other American
vessels built before the treaty,
representing an invested cap
ital in round numbers of flat).
000, besides a number of
tra isient charters made each vear
during the sugar season. Ameri
can ship builders have therefore
built thirty-nine vessels for the
inter-island and twenty-six for
Hawaiian foreign trade, a total of
sixty-live, which would not have
been built but for the treaty, and
tor which they have received the
sum of fcUyLaOU. A minimum
profit on these transactions would
be 10 per cent, amounting to WIS.
(CV). North American Review.
There must be an immense anion)
of money made by lite insurance
companies if it be a fact that, iis a
correspondent of ,,e Mutual
1'nderwriter says, a general agent
of the New York Life, Mr. William
L. Meeker, has suit out a circular
otferiti.r brokerage of 70 per cent
for surplus business. If the remain
ing:j.O per cent is suflicicnt to pay
ailaries. ranging; from .fiO.lKlO. 2."i.(M)
and If 12.001) down, to an army of
employes, with u. rik im,.mlini,
the insurance besides, the public
eye will be wid.-r open in the
future even than it was in tu past.
New York Recorder.
Sheri lan-My dear, do throw out
that rosewater, some other will
smell as sweet.
"Why so hubby."
S. (Looking absent mindedly out
of the window) O' its too suggestive.
Brigham Young, jr. says that
politics is as important to the Mor
mons as religion, which is equiva
lent, of course, to telling them that
they ought to go on voting the
democrat ticket. Globe-Democrat.
It is a significant fact that, as a
rule, every Mormon votes the dem
ocratic ticket, and yet every man
with any amount of thinking ma
terial whatever, knows that Polyg
amous Mormonism has always
been a penitentiary offence and
was only allowed and tolerated
on account of their overpowering
strength and masterful, high hand
e I manner in which they ruled the
weaker but lawabiding, honest citi
zens. Who can forgive or forget
the wanton murderers of the
"Mountain Meadow Massacre,''
w hich put savage Indians to shame,
or the countless thousands that
have been murdered in the moun
tain fastnesses by the to-called
Avenging Angels, or in more for
cible language, "the hired butch
ers" of the chief revelator, Hrigham
Young. At the time that Lee, the
leader of the Mountain meadow
massacre, was hung by the United
States authorities, Hrigham Young
would have taken the same route to
the throne of his omnipotent judge
and maker, whose name he lu d de
famed and pointed during his vil
lainous career, had he not already
been dead. Although by the late
"revelations" (':) to one of their
leading lights, polygamy has been
discontinued, the same sentiments
and feelings and the same hatred
for the Gentiles is siill cherished in
the hearts of Mormons and the
Mormon church. The names of the
most villainous and reprehensible
leaders are perpetuated in their
temple at Salt Lake City by marble
statutes, and are worshiped and
held up as examples to the younger
generation as models of manhood
and priestly grace. Can one sit
quietly by and praise their valor
ami the of their god
less temples when you stop and
think of past depredations, or the
sufferings of the many wives and
the hellish designs practiced by
Mormon elders upon young and in
nocent girls who were transported
to that vortex of Mormon misery:
If so, you should read and study
the sermons preached on Mormon
ism by that most estimable woman,
Ann Kliza Young, one of Hrigham
Young's wives. Sometime in the
near future, perhaps di.ring Cleve
land's administration, Utah will be
admitted as a state, but it is the
great desire of liberty-loving peo
ple in that country to keep it as it
is, a territory. As the Mormons are
greatly in the majority, should it
be admitted as a state, all the offi
ces would fall into their hands and
people who love liberty and prog
ress do not want to be govered by
that class, who have held the terri
tory back for fifty years. As soon
m Utah is admitted it will go down
in political history as a democratic
state. We do not desire such votes
in the republican party.
Arbor Day Proclamation.
Governor Crounse has given out
his Arbor day proclamation. It
State ok Nkiikaska, Kxkcitivk Ik-
I'AKTMKNT, LINCOLN, X Kit. Tilt L'.M (lily
of April Is Arbor lny. I trust the spirit
which inspired the institution of the day
and luid it set opart us one of the lentil
hollidays of the state will lie kepi alive hy
u ItecoiuiiiK observance of it upon its re
curranee this year.
To that end I would ask that the day I e
Kiven generally to the planting of trees,
shrubs and vines, to the adornment of
homes und highway and the beaut ifyiut:
of parks aud public grounds. Kspecially
would I recommend the observation of
the day by the public schools of .Nebraska
by such exercises and ceremonies as
shall be in liarmoney with the occasion.
in testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand anil caused to be affixed the
greut seal of the state. Done at Lincoln
this 2 th day of March, of the state the
Twenty seventh and of the Independence
of the tinted States the one hundred and
seventeenth year.
LoKKN.O C'KolNsK, Cnvei nor.
Attest -John C. Al.l.KN, State Secretary.
Secretary Hoke Smith has re
ceived the following telegram from
Agent Dennett, at Muskogee, I. T.:
I am reliably advised that both
factions of the Choctaws are being
strongly reinforced. The presence
of military alone will prevent a
conflict. Troops should be sent to
Antlers as quickly as possibly. I
will go there when advised that
troops have started." A telegram
just received from Atoka says: "A
hundred men are going to the loca
tion of the troubles if the gov
ernment does not interfere " A a
j requests have already been made
I to the war department to send
troops no further action can be
taken. The request of Agent Hen
net was telegraphed to General
Miles, who replied that Cap
tain Guthrie left Fort Reno for
Antlers on Saturday, with a com
pany of infantry, and expected to
reach his destination today. The
officers at the war department
; are inclined to think that the
trouble is not as serious as the
dispatches of Agent Dennett
Th Melancholy Office Setker.
Jim Jonea. wan a candidate (or office so
he was;
He'd been wnrkin' clean from daylight on
the democratic cause;
He'd beard about the salary an office
holder draw
So he went in for an oftice in the niornin' 1
He brushed his old black braver an' he
polished up his boots;
He got him twenty packages of Georgia
made cheroots.
An' they missed him from the village an'
p'lliticle diputes-
Kor he went in for an office in the tnornin';
Hut the office wasn't coinin' an' they told
him for to wait ;
The road was kinder crooked when he
thought it kinder straight;
Hut Junes-he kept a swingin' on the dem
ocratic gate,
"For," said he ' 1 11 ketch the otlice in the
niornin' !"
Soon the congressman had smoked up
every one u' his cheroots,
An' the mud hail worn the polish front
the L-ggius of his boots.
An' the otlice jes' got mixed up in po
litical disputes.
An' Jone--he kinder, weakened in the
niornin' !
Su he boarded of u freight train that was
runuiti' by the mil,
l-'or he didn't have a dollar, an' was feel
in' like a fool;
An' then he went to ph. win' with a mort
gage on his inuU
An' be cussed out every otlice in the
niornin' !
Atlanta Constitution,
On their return journey, they
heard that a bear had been seen in
the country to the southwest of the
Spillamacheeu Valley, and at
Snooks's request thej walked into
the wood where he was supposed to
be, "keeping touch" with each other;
for, as S. remarked, he couldn't be
expected to tackle a bear for the
first time all by himself. Tom sai l
he was quiet ready to support him,
and all three kept on, giving
low whistles to assure each
other in the thick brush that help
was at hand.
"You don't think he would go
for me at sight Y' Snooks had
nervously asked.
"No; he'll go for us first, and keep
you for dessert," Scott had en
couragingly repliei.
The little man became confident
as time went on and nothing ap
peared. They had come to a great
piece of fallen timber. The side
branches stretched upward and all
about at right angles to the huge
trunk. Snooks mounted one to get
on to the main stem as it lay
prostrate. lie was going to swing
himself down on the other side,
when, lo! in front of him arose a
vast brown pillar, as it seemed to
him, with two big arms, atid, with
a faint cry, Snooks dropped back
among the branches on the side of
the tree remote from the bear for
bear it was, and a huge one and
crouched, breathless, his heart
thumping in his throat and his
limbs perfectly nerveless. The bear
had had only a brief vision of the
intruder, anil apparently concluded
Snooks must be a bad dream, for he
grunted' lowered himself, and took
no further notice as far ns Snooks
could learn, for he heard nothing,
saw nothing, and felt only an in-
Ltense desire to shout, but could not.
Hut the bear thought it might be
worth while to sie what had become
of his bad dream, which had left a
suspicious odor behind it. So he
slowly raised himself again, and
got up upon the fallen tree trunk.
This made him visible to Tom, who
rised his rifle and fired. With a
noise something between a hiss and
a grunt and a groan, the bear
jumped down almost on the top of
poor Snooks, but did not touch him.
and went for" Tom "Ht tight."
Tom tried to shin up a
small tree, leaving his rifle below;
for he had no time, as he thought,
to sling it round him. Hut the bear
was loo quick for him, anil clawed
his legging, TVs foot escaping
claws and teeth. At this instant the
hero of the day, in the shape of
Scott, came up, fired, and the bear
fell, tearing down Tom. Another
moment and he had given him a
nasty munch in the side, but
again his jacket saved Tom; Scott
tired once tnort, and followed the
hot up by driving a long knife
into the grizzly's heart. It was
most gal'antly and cleverly done,
ami the thanks of both the young
men were very earnestly expressed.
Hut it was a narrow shave, and, as
Snooks observed, "might have been
much worse had not he Snooks
insisted on their keeping together."
The news of a most diabolical and
revolting crime at Alexander, Mo.
has reached here. George and John
Kvanswent to the house of Jerry
Shelton, and at the p . i tit of the
pistol forced him to leave home.
Hot!) men then assaulted his 17,
years old wife. Shelton gave the
alarm and the entire community
was soon on the hunt. The woman
in in such a plight she cannot give
an account of the horrible affair.
Her reason is dethroned and she
t ilks wildly and hysterical). This
has added lo the already inflamed
condition of the community and
made it certain that the Kvans
brothers, if captured alive, will be
given a swift and sure death.
The Operator.
I stepped upon the platform at
Baisenmoyen-Cert station, where
my friend Lenfileur t watted with
his carriage.
While on the train I suddenly
recolected something that required
immediate attention at Paris. Upon
my arrival at Baisenmoyen-Cert I
went to the telegraph office to send
back a message.
This station differed from others
of its class because of the total
lack of writing materials.
After a prolonged exploration I
finally succeeded in capturing a
rusty pen, dipping it in some col
orless, slimy fluid. With heroic ef
forts I succeeded in daubing down
the few words of my telegram. A
decidely . unprepossessing women
grudgingly v look the dispatch,
counted it and named the rate,
which I immediately paid.
With the relieved conscience of
having fulfilled a duty, I was
about to walk out when my atten
tion was attracted by a young lady
at one of the tables manipulating a
Morse key. With a slight hauteur
she turned her back toward me.
Was she young: Probably. She
certainly was red haired. Was she
pretty? Why not? Her simple
black dress advantageously dis
played a round, agreeable form,
her abundant hair was arranged so
as to reveal a few ringlets and a
splendid white neck, and suddenly
a mad, inexplicable desire to plant
a kiss upon those golden ringlets
siezed me. In the expectation that
the young lady would turn around
I stopped and asked the elderly
women a few questions anent tele
graph affairs. Her answers were
not at all friendly.
The other women, however, did
not stir.
Whoever supposes that I did not
go to the telegraph office the next
morning does not know me.
The pretty, red haired one was
alone this time.
Now she was compelled to ehow
her face, and saprisi! I could not
I purchased some tflegraph
stamps, wrote several messages,
asked a number of nonsencial ques
tions and played the part of a
chump with amazing fidelity.
She responded calmy, prudently,
in the manner of a clever, self pos
sessed and polite little women.
And I came daily, sometimes
twice a day, for I knew when she
would be alone.
To give my calls a reasonable ap
pearance I wrote innumerable let
ters to my friends and telegraphed
to an army of bear acquaintances
a lot of impossible stuff. So it was
rumored in Paris that Iliad become
Kvery day I said to myself, "To
day, my boy, you must take a dec
laration." Hut her cold manner
suppressed upon my lips the words
"Mademoiselle, I love you."
I invariably confined myself to
"He kind enough to give me a 3
sou stamp."
The situation gradually became
As the day for my return ap
proached I resolved to bum my
ships behind me and to venture all
to win everything.
I walked into the office and wrote
the following message:
"Coqtielin, 17 Hotilevard Ilauss
man, Paris:
"I am madly in lovewitb the lit
tle red haired telegraph operator
at Haiseninoyen Cert."
I tremblingly handed her the
I expected at least that her beau
tiful complexion would etfulge.
Hut no!
Not a muscle relaxed! In the cal
mest manner in the world she said:
"Fifty-nine centimes, please."
Thoroughly nonplussed by this
serenity, I fumbled about in my
pockets for the coin.
Hut I could not find a sou From
my pocketbook I took a thousand
franc note and gave it to her.
She took the bank note ami scru
tini.ed it carefully.
The examination terminated fa
vorable, for her face was very
suddenly wreathed in smiles, and
she burst into charming ripple of
infectious laughter, display ing her
inarvelously handsome teeth.
And then the pretty young ma
demoiselle asked in Parisian cad
ence, "Do you want the change':" -From
the French of Alphonse Al
lats in New York Journal.
The steamship Hovic that arrived
at N. Y. recently had on board the
following animals consigned to i
V. Sheldon Co., destined for
Chicago. Kleven elephants, seven
teen lions, live tigers, five leopards,
two bears, three dogs, four pigs,
three goats, four sheep, one hyena,
three horses, four ponies, two ze
bras, sixteen cases of monkeys,
twenty-nine cases of parrots, and
five cases of storks. It also had
eighty-one cases of shells ami two
bales of curios.
riy jf:
Sweetheart's Folqj
that's my wife's you know wean U
a cheerful, life-is-worth-living expres. m
sion, ever since 1 presented her a box ot i f
O l- .t !i j r r . .
one ij aiwap icLommenamg a-x'i
soaps to her friends says she i
through with experiments has knit
wnat sne needed to make labor e ,
and ensure perfectly clean clotlj
She knows what she's talking about-;
don't forget it.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Dasky Diamond TarSoap iKiSriftS
nil Ti L THTJ.-!tT-.- .1 'ri
i his Firm do their own Killing and 1
use nothing but Cass County
Cattle and Swine.
Alw-ivs on hand.
(Ol'NTKY rk'OPl'CE srai AS
i:u;ht ami soi.p.
. . AM) . .
For sale by
Call on . . .
1't.AVTSMol'Tlf. NKlt.
Fiivt Work linur-
Work Ilt'livcrd.
Corner (Wit ninl I 'earl.
Your Watch
A perfect insurance against theft or acciikut .
is the now famous V
the only bow (riny) which cannot be pulled
or wrenched from the case. Can only lie J&
had on cases containing this trade maik.
Keystone Watch Case Company,
of Philadelphia.
the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch
Case factory in the world 1500 employees:
2000 Watch Cases daily.
One of its products is the celebrated
Jo5. Boss
Filled Watch Cases
which are just as good as solid cases, and
cost about one half lessi
Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge
for Non -pull-out bow. Ask for pamphlet, or
urn iu me Biinuiaciurers.