Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    THK WK l-Kl.Y UEIUI.D: 1'l.ATTSMQti TII.XKHU.VSKA. AIMill. l:S. issw.
It II Not How to Itttrrt, it thr nrt Way
to Avoiil Iteinj;
I had occasion a short time ago to
do sonn work under the direction of
Sujieriutendciit Byrnes ami rtreived
from him some instructions in the
business of becoming a detective.
'To accomplish the ends which we
heck in the case in which you are en
gaged." said the world famed rogue
ca teller, '-it is very imiiortaiit that
no one should suspect what you are
after, and it is of paramount impor
tance that no one shall suspect that
you are m communication with me.
Now let m give you one of the first
lessons that a detective learns. It is
not how to detect, but how to avoid
being detected himself. It very often
hapions that tteoplo who are play
ing a game for a big pot of money,
and who fear the police will spoil
their game, employ detectives to
shadow every one with whom the)
are dealing for fear that they may
lie dealing with some ono who will
expose their schemes. The first thing
a detective learns to do, therefore, is
to find out whether he is being shad
owed by any one else. To do this in
simple and easy, and yet most people
not familiar with how to do it would
say, 'Why, how can I find out if I
am being watched ?'
"All that is necessary is caution
and a little nerve. Keep your eyes
ojien for any ono whom you suspect
of following you and never go any
where where your hand would lie
exposed unless you are sure you are
not followed. If you have an idea
you are followed, pay no attention to
the person you suspect of following
you. Do not try to escape him, for
that will at once arouse his suspi
cions. Let him follow you, and to
make sure that he is really shadow
ing you after walking a block or two
turn quickly and retrace your steps.
As you pass the man you suspect
look him squarely in the eye. Re
peat this cqierution several times, and
you will be bound to make sure
whether or not ho is really following
"Of course when you know you
are being shadowed you will do
nothing to reveal what you are real
ly doing until your follower has
abandoned the chase." New York
Spilling Suit mill IIi-i-hUIiib Mirroro.
At the present day, when salt is
Fpilled at the table, some persons at
once throw some of the spilled arti
cle into the fire in order to avoid a
quarrel. Salt in many nations was
a token of friendship, and when an
Arabian desired to assure you of his
loyalty he handed you some salt and
said, "There is salt U-tween us.1'
Should he spill any of it he would
hasten to burn a jiortion as a sacri
fice to heaven and n prayer to avert
the impending quarrel..
To break a mirror to many persons
indicates the death of the person who
last looked into the mirror, or some
serious injury to that person. The
savage tribes of nearly every country
lieheved that striking either the im
ago or the shadow of any icrsitfi
meant an injury to that person. Tin y
U'lieved that the image or the shadow
represented the spirit of a pci'son.
and many are the tales told of ma
gicians who inflicted the injuries on
persons they inflicted on their im
ages. To drop a stone into water
where the image of a person was re
flected meant death or some dire dis
aster. New York Telegram.
Too l'liMilllur.
Mamma had taken Fred and Helen
to visit an old school friend whom
she called "Jennie." On returning
homo she heard the children talking
at some length very familiarly about
"Jennie." "Whom are you talking
about" asked mamma of Helen.
"About Jennie," said Helen. "Jen
nie who" "Why, Jennie Gable."
"Well, you must not talk that way.
i You must say Mrs. Gable." "But
' you say 'Jennie,' mamma." "Yes, but
mamma docs not want her little girl
to say it." Just then Fred came for
, ward and said: "Why, of course
mamma is right, Helen. How would
it sound for any one to call grandma
. Tish?" Only people who are well uo
quainted with her, like grandpa,
ought to call her that." Youth's
I Aim-lli j Mini' Oii.
j The word amethyst means not in
toxicated or drunken, Urn use the
' stone was supposed to possess the
virtue of preventing drunkenness,
leaving the wearer or drinker not in
toxicated. v For this reason it was made into
drinking cups by the ancient Per
sians, but unfortunately tradition
leaves us in doul.t as to whether it
.'. was this misplaced confidence or not
that led to tile discontinuance of the
amethystine cup. Minerals.
" A Wumlfi-ful Invention.
'. A chemist has invented an auto
matic sensitive paint which is a bright
. yellow at tho ordinary teinjierature
and a bright red at 5J'.'0 degrees. It
returns to itsoriginal color on cooling
and may be heated with the same ef
fect over and over. St. Louis Re
public. A KovmI Hiii.Ii.
"What a U'autif til hand that young
lady has," remarked Yanderclam to
Mr. Bondclipiicr.
"Yes, that diamond ring, if it is
genuine, must lie worth at least
$1,!()0."-T,xas Sittings.
Thr Future of Natal,
To the African native the estab
lishment of a colony like Natal is like
throwing c-itn the gates of paradise.
He streams in, offering his cheap
though not very regular labor, and
supplying all nis own wants at tho
very smallest expenditure of toil.
Where he multiplies, however, the
British race begins to consider lalmr
of all but the highest kinds dishonor
able, and from tho moment that a
white population will not work in the
fields, on the roads, in the mines, in
tho factories, its doom is practically
sealed. It is limited to supplying
employees, merchants, contractors,
shopmen and foremen to the commu
nity. Sooner or later the black race will
lie educated to a jKiint at which it
will demand and receive a share in
those employments and in the gov
eminent. Whenever that hapjicns
the white race will either lieabsorlicd
or disappear. The nnuss will gradu
ally depart, but a few who have lost
the sense of sujieriority will remain,
intermarry and be perietuated in
the persons of a few hundred, or, it
may be, a few thousand, mulattoes
and quadroons. "National Life and
She Meant Well.
There was a debutante as lieanti
ful, as attractive and as perfect a
dancer as every debutante is or is
supposed to be. But this debutante,
like her sister "debs," was not over
powered with literary knowledge.
Before one of her first dinner parties
she was told that she would lio taken
into dinner by Mr. F.
"Now," said Miss Deb's mother,
"Mr. F. is much interested in histor
ical subjects, therefore, to make him
think you agreeable, start a discus
sion in history. Do you understand'"
"Yes, mamma."
At dinner that evening Mr. F.,
bending over, told Miss Deb "he
heard that she had been quite the
belle of the last gennan such dune
ing, 6uch a gown, such flowers," etc.
"Yes, yes," said the trembling Deb,
and then with a burst of confidence,
"But, oh 1 Mr. F., wasn't it sad about
Mary, queen of Scotts'"
Poor little maiden! She tried hard
to apear learned, but it was evident
ly beyond her depth. Cor. Rich
tnond Dispatch.
A Kurt Mi Slmprd I. Ike n Human Hand.
I have U'fore me at this moment a
portrait of a radish, painted from life
by John Peuoy. which is an exact
counterpart of a human hand, the
leaves at the top strongly reminding
one of tho laces and frills which men
formerly wore at their wrists. The
original of this portrait grew in
sandy soil in a garden at Harlem,
Holland, in the year 1(172, and is now
preserved in spirits nnd kept in the
museum at Glandorp among other
vegetable, mineral and animal curi
osities. If the portrait is true to life,
the resem j:i:i e could not U more
striking. The fingers, the lines in
the palm, the nails, etc., are all per
feet. The lingers all stand slightly
apart, just as yours would if you
were to hang your hand down at
your side and straighten them.
Another radish exactly resembling
a human hand came into possession
of Mr. Lisset, secretary of the nni
seuni at Birmingham. England, m
lHU'.', but has since been lost or de
stroyed. St. Louis Republic.
Tht' I.owiV l.ciip.
Sappho killed herself by jumping
from the Lovers' Leap, a Loucaditui
cliff. This leap was often taken by
lovesick persons, who believed that
if they survived the fall they would
lie effectually cured of a hopeless pas
sion. Tho leaps were always wit
nessed by crowds of spectators, and
the would be suicides were in noway
interfered with by the stale. Boats
were in attendance below to pick up
tho leapers if they came to the sur
face of the sea after the plunge.
Sappho had a passion for a young
man who did not return her love and
lea ed from the cliff in order to be
cured. She perished in the fall. So
also did Artiiuesiu and many other
Pliny tells a curious story of an old
Athenian miser who was in love
with his cook and desiring a cure,
went to have a look at tho cliff. He
peeled over, shook his head, went
home and married the cook. St.
L mis ( J lol ie Denn icrat.
An liiler.iiihliiii For lliihic.
A mother tells the following story
on her two young children. At the
time she was not at home, and the
nurse, in order to insure n peaceful
retirement of the tots.tillowcd them
to take a small lunch to their room.
They knelt down, as is their nightly
custom, and all was still, as became
the solemuity of the occasion, when
one of tho curly heads was raised.
and n startling announcement was !
"Mr. Lord, please 'sense me a min
ute, Kit's takin a bite of my pickle."
After a short but decisive engage
ment devotions were resumed. Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
A KiiNtilonaltln ('atinttroplie,
"How did you enjoy the dog show,
"Not at all. My dear, sweet, love
ly little Fido was eaten up by a hor
rid big brute of a St. Bernard."
"Dear me.' How did it happen?"
"They said it was Urause Fido
looked so much like a sausage."
Harper's Bazar.
Through our Green boects
One evening not long since us our
reporter was lotermg along Main
street enjoying the sweet fragrence
ol his liiiv.inna, lie noticed some
thing that looked just a lute
"queer" to say tlie lrast. and like
the generous soul that he is. he
wail ts everyooily to read andjiidc
for themselves as to whether every
thing "isguhl that gliilei." or not.
A real nice looking young lady
walked paM him quite hurriedely
and crossed to the opposite side of
the street, and upon arriving in
front of one of the office buildings
on side, she cast hurritd
f iances to all points of the com
pass, but not seeming satisfied she
passed on. In a few minutes she
returned and went through the
name movements. Kvcn this time
she did not seem to find what
she was looking for. The report
er's curiosity became aroused and
he concluded to watch the "pro
ceedings. The young lady saun
tered up the street again about a
block and then turned mid started
back, just as if she had left her
pocket lunik some place. When
she arrived at the building
above mentioned she turned
in and was lost to view. Prob
ably ten minutes afterwards,
"Komeo," as we will call him, pass
ed by and went through similar
maneuvers, but it seemingly did
not take him very long to get his
bearings, for he walked along softly
whistling "They're after me" and
seemed to know exactly where he
was headed for. As be neared the
same dark doorway where "Juliet"
had disappeared, he lookcdl as if
wondering whether he was not a
little too early for some appoint
ment, but seeming to think he
would rather be a little early than
late, he darted out of sight. Neither
appeared for over an hour and
when they dill, they came out as
they went in -one at a time, hurry
ing off in different directions,
The I'nited States revenue cutter
k'ush arrived at Honolulu last
Thursday morning, having on
board ex-Congressman Blount, of
Georgia who was appointed com
missioner to investigate the exist
ing conditions in Hawaii and re
port as to the expediency of the an
nexation of the islands to the
I'nited States. As soon as the
cutter was sighted off Koko Head,
at II a. in., business men went to
work, and in a short time the street
anil buildings were covered with
flags and bunting. The townspeo
ple turned out en masse. Hy 11
o'clock when the Ruse anchored in
Naval k'cw, the docks and the
streets were crowded. The mail
steamer Austrailia, which was
scheudled to leave at noon, was
held hack, and from her dock the
band of the provisional govern
incut welcomed the new arrivals
with the stiiiins of the "Star Span
gled Banner." A delegation from
the Annexation Club was hastily
formed and welcomed the commis
sioner ;it the boat landing. During
the two weeks preceeding the'ar
rival of Commissioner Blount the
lethargy of the llawaiians has
given way to action. The Civil
Rights League and the Hawaiian
Patriotic League have held fre
quent mass meetings, at which
either annexation or disfranchise
ment were the respective subjects
of denunciation. On the evening
of March L'L the day before the ar
rival of the steamship Australia
with news that the annexation
treaty had been shelved, a meeting
of white residents, numbering
fully I.'hki, was held at the large
drill shed adjoining the armony of
the provisional government, at
which an annexation club was
formed which has 12(h) members,
and speeches were made by some
of the most prominent men in Hon
olulu. Robert Wilcock, editor of
the Liberal, was made one of the
Vice-Presidents ot the club, and
wastheonly Hawaiian who promi
ently allied himself with the meet
ing. During the next week there will
arrive in Chicago all sorts n( peo
ple, from all parts of the world,
and they are all coming to assist in
making the exposition the great
success that it will be.
An entire tribe of giants from
Bolivia will be among the
lirst to arrive. These fellows are
of assorted, ranging from (i
feet S to N feet 0. The giant among
the giants is an Indian named Main
ami, who clainu eight and one
half feet of frame and a weight of
4 1 K pounds. Twelve natives of In
dia iire also expected to find their
way to Jackson Park this evening.
They are strict Mahometans, and
will spend the first three days after
their arrival in giving praise to the
Holy Prophet for keeping them in
safty during their trip. Tne great
est combination that will reach the
city, however, will be the nineteen
Kuopeau maidens, who are now be
ing chaperoned across the contin
ent by Colonels W. T. C. Hyde and
Thomas Ochiltree, who will be wel
comed to Chic ig by W. I Kno.
These young ladies represent the
different types of beauty of mod
ern womanhood. They come from
different countries of Kuropc. and
will during the exposition act as
models for the International Dress
and Customing Company, which
has a "concession" on Midway
Plaisance. The International Kte.
Company was organized by a mini
tier of Chicago gentlemen for the
purpose of displaying the latest
fashions in fjdrcss to the visitors
ill th" exposition. Down it Jackson
Piirk the concern is spoken of as a
"Beauty ,Minw." Ami perhaps it
might as well Jhe called that as
anything else. In fact the central
figures will he two scor lovely
women, of whom the lirst install
ment will uriive soon. The young
ladies are said to be all that is
beautiful, as they took New York
by storm, the ad jective may not be
misused. The three who are call
ed the most beautiful are Miss
Knid Scott, of England, Miss da -rille
Rimont. of France and Miss
Ladi.ok Keihuharf, of Hungary.
Colonel Ochiltree describes Miss
Scott as "u dainty little girl with si
thoughful face, deep violet eves,
wavy blond hair, symmctical fig.
lire, and an inordinate appetite for
mixed ale." Ladi.ok Keihunhai f is
siiid to be beautiful as an huri con
jured by the god of dreams. And
she also has a reputation of be
ing possessed of a temper that is
uncontrollable. Gabrielle Rain
out has been for two years noted in
Paris for her beauty. While in New
York she caused trouble by smiling
on a young gentleman who was ae
companied by his sweetl cart. A
street scene was avoided only ofter
Colonel Ochiltree had exhaust d
all his powers of persuasion. The
management is indevormg to keep
the ladies in the backgrounds, a
they do not care to haw notoriety
before the exposition opi ns.
Another Chance tor Alar.
It was Chili dm ing the last ad
ministration, it may lie its neigh
bor Peru during this. It appears
that the Cnited States consulate sit
one of the Peruvian ports has been
sacked by a mob with apparant jio
lice sanction. The ollicer i c ing as
consular agent for the United
States was bred upon and wounded
in the foot. The news comes in a
brief telegram from the I'nited
States minister to Peru. He omit
ted such essential details as the
name of the place and thr
name of the wounded ollicer, or
they were dropped from bis dis
patch in the telegraphic transmis
sion. His telegram is as follows:
I.I.MA, April .V-Greshntn, "'ash
ington: At (place omitted) mob at
tacked Masonic lodge, sacked build
ing and burned the fixtures in the
street. Incidentally, I'nited States
consulate w. is invaded, furnishing
destroyed and acting consular
agent shot in toot. Archives sav ed
intact. Squad of Peruvian police
lookeil on while the mob performed
work without interference. The
mail brings the particulars.
Secretary Grcslnnn conferred
with the president on the subject
and this afternoon sent the follow
ing telegram to the minister:
Di-t-AK' t i K .vro i- St a t i : . W a m i i n .
ton, I). '., April (i, ls'.llt. Hicks Min
ister. Lima: Protest against fail
ore of authorities to allord prot. c
tiou to consulate, and if facts are
well established ask expression ;
regret, prompt prosecution ot the
guilt- parties and reparation foi
injury to American property or
person. Gki-siiam.
There is but one consulate in
Peru, that at Callao. In this posi
tion Mr. Aquilla K. Daughtery of
Illinois, appointed during Mr. Har
rison's administration, stands on
the record as consul. There are
under bini seven consular agencies
the occupants of which position
are doubtless merchants of the
country who are paid by fees, and
these fees seem to be very small
inasmuch as only two make any
returns at all to the department ol
fees collecteil.nnd those returns are
under it.'." a jear.
Inasmuch as the dispatch comes
from Lima the impression prevails
that the scene of the outrage was
one of the interior points. This im
pression is further strengthened by
the knowledge in the department
that in many cases where the na
tives assult the .sub -eon su late, the
trouble is due, not to any antagon
ism to the country represented, but
to prejudice and ill-feeling against
the representative personally. This
is not an uncommon occurrence in
South America, or in other parts of
the world, where the acts of a mer
cantile consular agent are resent
ed by the people, who would re
spect the acts of a citizen of the
I'nited States duly appointed to a
full consular position.
It ts believed that the matter will
be satisfactory explained in a
short time.
SALESMEN'. Energetic men want
ed. Free prepaid outfit. One of
our agents has earned over $J(MKJ
in five years. P. O. Box i::71, New
Why Faruirr Jurl Took an Inlrnix IILIike
to On torui ol liiM-iiMf,
"I'd as lives our women folks would
git a disease hitched on to 'em in the
fall as this here rag mat fever," said
.loel Potter to his hired man as they
rested from their labors in the great
open door of the barn. "I'd hvser.
fur that matter, fur then they might,
with nuisin. git over it." he added
Hfter some thought. His listener
nodded sy mpal het tcally, as one ae
qua'nted with trouble of that nature.
1 know it, Joel." he said. "A
man ain't safe fer lay down his c lo se,
Keerlesslike. 'thotit he wants 'em cut
up and hooked in in scroll pattern."
"That's jest it." chimed Joel, glad
of an appreciative ear. "'Lizy'd slit
up anything when the hankerin's on
tier. She uctually buys the young
alios' close with an eye to what kind
of a groundwork they'll make fur
mats, and she knits their stockiu's
outen all them bright shades so
they'll work into the flowers fur the
"When you go into the U-st room,
you hev ter step high as you would
walkm in tW wixxls through under
brush jest to avoid all them tarnal
rag mats she's got sprea' down."
"She has got quite a big assortmint,
that's a fact." rejoined the hired man
m a tone that invited further con
"The last spurt she bed at it." con
tinued Joel, "was when she made the
button mat. That's httlo bits of
cloth 'Unit tho size of buttons, sewed
nn in separate piles. She got it all
ilone but tho last row. an her green
ifive out. Well, sir, she ransacked
this town ter find some ter match.
Wedidn t hev a hot dinner fura good
oll, tin she was nil of n whew 'bout
that mat. Wha' do you s'poso sho
"I wouldn't presume ter say." said
his companion, with an air of not be
.ug surprised at anything.
"Well,"said Joel in an awful whis
cr. "sho tnk tho bottom ruffle ofT'm
dandy's new dress an slit it up fur
he mat."
The listener was duly shucked.
It's more'n 1 can standi Mat
inaKin has swallowed up her best
feelin's. 1 tuk her up to the city with
run last year, and we went to ono of
them high toned churches.
"The minister he was smart as a
whip, an tho singin would carry a
man right up. 1 could see that 'Li.y
was moved. Her head was a-shakin
and her hp was a quiverin, and 1
leaned over and says 1, 'How do you
like it, 'Lizy?' an she turned kind of
a dumb look on mo fur u minute, an
then sho says. 'Oh, Joel,' said she,
wouldn't them curtains round tho
organ look handsomo hooked in?"'
Youth's Companion.
Ice t'nvrn In Savoy.
There are several ice caves in Su
voy, but the most remarkable is that
near Vergy. The grotto is hollowed
ait m a yellowish limestone and
tortus it hall about M yards in depth.
All around you arestalactites. stalag
mites, columns, platforms, amphi
theaters, raised thrones, etc., not of
mineral, as those found in most cav
erns, but of pure ice, hard and clear
iis crystal. The forms of tho great
icicles depending from the roof are
exactly bkofliosoof stalactites, but
where the stalagmites should rise
from tho bottom conical and bottle
shaped peaks are the prevailing
At one point in the cave there is a
row of objects which forcibly reminds
one of a troop of soldiers. On tho
ipposito side there is an ice pipe or
;an, while underneath the latter and
extending into another chatnUT there
is a perfect natural ice tunnel. Cor.
St. Louis Republic
Looking ThroiiKli a IVlriM-ope.
A number of persons were talking
about teleseoM.'s, and each professed
to have looked through tho "largest
one in tho world." One after another
told of the powerful effect of the re
spective teleseojK'S. At last a quiet
man said mildly
"1 otico looked through a telescope.
I don't know as it was the largest in
the world. I hope it wasn't. IJut it
brought the moon so near that we
could see the man in it gesticulating
wildly and crying out: 'Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!' Tho old fool thought
it was n big cannon that wo were
pointing at him."
Tho quiet man and so did
all tho rest of them. London Tit
Colonel ( iilllprr lliplalm Why.
"Jason." said Mrs. Calliper to her
husband, "I should think he would
Lrct tired standing there like that
with his mouth wide open all tho
time, shouldn't you" They were
passing a furrier's store, and Mrs.
Calliper referred to a bear in tho
"Why, no; 1 shouldn't think so,
Cyuthia," said Colonel Calliper in
btsabseutinindod way. "Why should
ho Ho isn't alive, you know. He's
just stuffed."
"Oh, is that so, Jason '" said Mrs.
Calliper. New York Sun.
Too tirt-ut a llorilfii.
A gentleman reported dead was re
warded with a first rate press obituary
notice. He was not dead, but U'iug
met in the street, after the surprise
was over, his friend merely observed,
' If you are uot dead, you ought to be,
for no man can live up to that splen
did obituary notice you have bad."
It I A ll grit Thai a Voir May ! Jlrt
and Miti ;il Notr Pnrpl.
One day. by chance, in a conm--tion
upon colors one of the iersrti!
present, thinking to express a g'.'U
eral sentiment, remarked in a mat
ter of I. ict way that certain wend
had ccuhar tints or shades, llv
was utterly unconscious that he IiaI
saiil auythiug unusual. I also
a woman, who uhiii another fv;t
siou. while we were sinking of the
bluocoloi of a certain flower, madur
this runaik. "It is ns blue as tho
name Julius," and then, seeing tho
astonishmcnt of those around her.
she added naively. "You all know
very wsll that the word Julius in
blue." Naturally none of them Liu!
ever suspected such a thing.
Pedro no. a physician, has published
n very interesting case of color hear
ing that ot a young professor tl
rhetoric. Some young persons bud
assembled and were chatting gayly.
They ivivatcd at random several
tunes the very insipid pleasantry, a
comparison found in u roinatie
'U'autilul as a yellow dog." Then
this person, remarking on the vuico
of the one who had just uttered tho
expression, said in a serious toriev
His vone :s not yellow; it is rod."
Phis allirtnation called forth as ton
ishuiciit and a shout of laughter.
They all bantered the person wlu
had thus made known his peculutr
impressions, ami beginning to sing;
each one wished to know tho color
of his voice
Those who learn for the first time
ot these ccuhnr ierccptions tu
others exH'iienee a great surprise
They can form no idea what it is..
The likening of a sound to a color
seeniH to them a process utterly do
void of any intelligible character.
Meyerbeer has said somewhere thut
certain chords in music are purple.
What meaning can be given to this
expression Lachof tho words taken
separately has a signification. Every
one knows what is meant by a chord
in music and by the color purple, but
tho linking of these terms by the
verb nnd making such a sentence asi
'this chord is purple" conveys no
idea to the mind. As well say vir
tue is blue or vice is yellow.
So for tho great majority of pet
pie color hearing is an enigma. Sun
nlntion lias generally an individual
character. It is tho work of one js-r
son and not of many. It does not
give rise to uniform effects which ru
Ieat themselves from one genera
tion to another and in different
countries. It is especially important
in tho examination of this Hiibjoct to
take into consideration the number
of (MTsons who affirm that they havi?
the faculty of color hearing.
According to Bleuler nnd Ivli
maim, this number would amount to
VI out of every loo Claparodo, adis
tinguished isychologist of the Uni
versity of Geneva, who was deeply
engaged m an examination of thit
subject, has stated that out of 407
who responded to Ins question 2-i
possessed color hearing. Alfred Hi
net in Chaut.tiiiUau.
Aki-moI I'olitli'iil I.rail-IH.
General Washington s first cabinet
is said to have I .ecu the youngest, nil
told, in the history of the country
Jeticrsoti was Hamilton Ran
dolph Knox and Osgood 41 at
thetimeol then induction into office.
' A 1 '.'linnet whose members averagotl
les- than .'i'.i years in age would bo
considered a very remarkable one U
day and a hazardous one as well, ffne!
it is doubtful it any president woukU
care to take upon himself the burdeir
( of' er.tavr.i sure to f:!low
the appointment of so youthful! a set
of advisers. The fact is, our college
- Hiid prolessioi . ! schools keep tho?
! young man from active life so Long;
, nowadays that his public career cai.
hardly begin before he is four or tiv,
years older than his ancestor win,
when the latter started out to rmiVc
the world ovet after the usual fashion:
the ambitious youth just out o!T
his te u... I:'.",:d'nce Journal.
A Plsnters Experience.
My- plantation la In a malarial tfta
f rlrt, nliern fevvr antl anprvallt.
I employ ISO hands) frequently half
of Ilium were !'!. I waa uvarl jr diet
roiirBtfod wbeu I bKn toe naa f
The reault a marvellous. Mr uia
beraraoatronv anij hearty, antl I but
bad no furtliur trouble. TYttb ttiae
pt I Ik. I nonhl not four to li vo la mi
wauip." U. H1VAL, liay vu Mar.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 140 to 111 WusWton St.. BT. F-
for the
TUffS nf