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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1893)
SUteHistoickl 8dotj PLATTSMOUTH HERALD, "HEW TO THE LINE; LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY WILL." VOL XXX. NO. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, APRIL 19. 1893. 11.50 A YEAU. F. HERRMANN, 517 MAIN STREET. 'A Special Values. 40 inch All Wool Heuriettes, Silk Finish, Colors and Black, 50c yd., rfgular 65c quality. 4o inch Whip Cords all New Spring Shade9 at $1.00 a yard, regular $1.25 quality. 30 inch Black Silk Gloria only $1.00 a yard. 45 inch Black Crepons in Fancy and Striped Weaves, only 75c yard regular $1.00 goods. In Black Dress Goods we are show ing a very attractive line of Hen riettes, Serges, Glorias, Whip Cords, Crepous, Nuns Veilings, Flannels, Broad Cloths, Silk Warps, Etc., Etc. Silk Persian Shawls only $5.00, these Shawls cost more to import them than what we ask for them. l ull lines of Black Wool and Silk Fringed Cashmere Shawls from $1.50 to $8.00. We are showing a very pretty line of Curtain materials in Swiss, ft Scrimm, Madras, Brussels Net, suitable for long or sash curtains. 25c for a handsome Dado Curtain mounted on best Spring Roller. New Spring Goods Arriving on every train. BIG BARGAIN. I P. HERRMANN, 517 MAIN STREET. Have just received a large consignment ol FANCY MILLINERY FROM NEW YORK CITY. Come in and see it. The Brightest, the Newest, the Prettiest Millin ery goods ever shown in the city. A regular EMPORIUM of Jlright, new Trimmings. LOCATED IN THE RILEY BLOCK, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HEEALD- HICIHLT fry f DIOKHTTBLB AKD HTJTUTIOUI A trial w ill m,... . . .:!: i! . ...! -iVWHTY in 7.::r"-rM, flavor & cheapness.! Ed Carr Goi Praa. The case of the State vs. Ed. Carr of Eagle, for the shooting of Andy Hess was concluded Tuesday eve ning. The case was stubbornly fought to the bitter end on both sides. Mr. Carr sat with a placid smile of confideuee on his face and his youngest child in his arms, all through the afternoon, while the at torneys ou oue aide were exertiug every power and exhausting every argument to blast his good name and send him to the peuitentiary and Mr. Sullivan for the defence, plainly set forth the facts iu behalf of Mr. Carr. Mr. Sullivan is a most able attorney. If not as eloquent as some, he can nail the facts to the wall and set them out in bold relief by the glaring light of intelli gent argument. The ouly fault that can be found with Mr. Sullivan's argument is his quotations from the bible; speaking of the state bringing forth such an "array of talent and dignity," he saya: "The wicked flees wheu no body pursueth after them." Mr. Travis handled the case in a mas terly manner setting forth the laws of the atate covering such cases in a most fair and uubiased argument; and closed with; "this case tan be no better tried in the courts above than it has been tried here." But Bryan, "our own Billy Bryan," as the Journal says, lay back in his chair, while Mr. Travis was speaking, with his liquid blue eyes studying the fresco ing on the ceiling his massive Gree ciau face at rest, his long, raven locks (lowing loosely back from the broad intelligent ;brow, his feet among the law books ou the table communing with the Gods of poesy; he was a .study; truly a study for the bards. Hon. W. J. Bryan at length, arose iu his ma jestic, stately manner, sipped a little of Jupiters nectar, and pro ceeded to outline iu detail, the du ties devoting upon the judge. Then boldly delving into the merits of the case, he flourished the English language in such a manner as to fairly astound his listeners; wreathes and gugaws, laces, frills and draperies bouquets of Jonny-jump-ups milk-meeds and dog fennel were piled in such profus ion that we were nearly driven from the press table. He says, "The hu man mind is so constructed that a man can see best, that which he wants to see"; we though that rath er a personal remark, but we took it in good part and kept still. When he had finished decorating, Judge Ramsey summed up the evidence, went over each word, action and circumstances in the case and said that, "in his judgement Mr. Carr could not and would not be convicted before a jury, therefore he did not see the necessity of en tailing a needless expence upon the county, and thought he was fulfill ing his duty to the people and to the parties concerned by setting Mr. Carr at liberty. The verdict gave general satisfaction. List ot Letters The following letter list remain, ing in the post office for the past week ending April 13, 1893: Bunk, II Corvan, Jolilm GIUon.E J Hurtiell, Mrn Doll Jones, Eddie Moneypenny, J W Unburn, William Kite, Frank Springer, Jeeie C Sullivan, Mrs J C ThoinaH, M W Clark, Mrs A 1) Edwards, Emma (iriudell.J Kred Johnson, Touiux Milfer, Mr. Lou Morris, L li Iluitoi), Nellie Koddy, Kose Stuck, Grace Taylor, Frank Wriicht, Iren Persons calling for the above will please say "advertised." H. J. Strkight, 1j. M. Brown & Barrett lead them all in Paints, oils and wallpaper. Doings or th City Dad. Last Monday evening the old council met to do business for the last time. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Clerk Fox and approved by the council. A petition was then introduced to grade Sixteenth etreet between Jones and Hickory, which was re ferred to committee on streets and alleys, after a hard struggle to sub due Steimker and Longenhageu. A petition by Ned Baker, signed by about forty business men was introduced, to allow Ned Baker to operate a fruit stand adjoining the Waterman building. By a motion from Spies it was placed on tile. Mrs. McCrosky's petifioii to have her property excluded from taxa tion by the city was referred to the judiciary committee. Ctty marsha and police judge reported $33.00 collected on fines during March and city treasurer's report shows $19,065.71 to the credit of the city. The report of nuance committee was then taken up and after much squabbling over an overdraw of $11.00 bo the street commissioner a motion was made to accept bills as reported by finance committee and warrants be drawu for same. Mo tion prevailed. lne contract for removing gar bage and contents of cess pools was let to mike McCool at five cents per cubic foot. Contract for sidewalk construc tion was let to W. H. Miller for 104 cents per foot. The library ordinance was then discussed and finally left over for the new council. At this juncture Jones (2d) had to be called to order. The mayor then appointed Jones ('2d), Peterson and Longenhageu to act as convassing board. A tem porary adjournment was taken till completed. The results showed that Messrs Davis and Burgess were elected for school board, the cemetery ordinance had carried, and that Jones, Grimes, Bridge and Mahoney were eke ted for the coun cil. . The tie iti theEourth ward was then discussed and a motion made that ten slips of paper be cut and the name of Washington Smith be written on five and that of Lehn hoff be written on the other five, the whole ten to be shaken in a hat and the clerk to draw five out, and the one having a majority of the five be declared elected. At this point Mr. LehnhoiT arose and stated that he considered that he had been rightfully elected in the ward and that as he did not receive justice at the hands of the judges of election in his ward, he did not feel that he would get justice in the council. He then offered to withdraw from the contest and asked that his op ponent be issued a certificate of election. He then left the hall. Mr. Smith absolutely refused to accept the office in this manner and a motion was made for the mayor to appoint two men as tellers to count the votes as the clerk drew them. As the mayor was about to comply, an echo from the press table sayB iu a hoarse whisper: "Butler! Butler! Don't pick Jones, he's a hoodoo." Spies and Lake were named as tellers and the count resulted for our candidate- Washington Smith. A motion was then made that Clerk Fox draw warrants to cover election expenses. Carried. The old council then died. Spunk on Exhibition. We would respectfully submit the following for the perusal of our friend Sherman, over by the post- office. If he could be us honest in his own conviction, to himself and his supporters, we would consent to take under advisement, the pos sibility of some time being con vinced that we ought to sign his petition as postmaster: Is the patronage plan degrad ing? Let us see. Two months ago every democratic editor in Ne braska was denouncing J. Sterling Mortou as a republican-corporation stool piireoti. Then Morton is in Cleveland's cabinet, with a hand on the patronage throttle, and what do we see? the disgusting spec tacle of a majority of Morton's late traducers dealing out columns of flush and slush in honor to the man they but a short while ago consigned to political perdition. And why? Simply because the bv erage democratic editor wants an office and is willing to sacrifice his soul to get it. Two or three mouths ago the Times expressed a belief that Mr.Morton had made his campaign last fall iu the interest of the republican ticket. We hold to that to-day, and no promise of political preferment for self or friends shall lead us to "crook the pregnant hinges of the knee" before the Nebraska member of the cab inet Papillion Times. A desasterous pratrie lire swept through Keith county, destroying many houses and barns, burning up stock and grain till some of the farmers are nearly destitute. An old resident of this place Mrs. Vandeventer in a letter to her father Henry Shafer. says that their barn, grain horses and cattle burn ed and only by their untiring en durance did they save the house from the burning flames. Bennett A Tutt have just re- ceived another car load of Kansas flour which they ure selling at very reasonable prices. One evening last week a musicale was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Huztell. The forepart of the evening was taken up with small talk and social gossip. Misses Virgie Tutt, Blanch Traver, Mrs. Stella Dudley and Mr. Jacquett fa vored us with Home operatic ejec tions, followed by a piano solo by Miss Jennie McEIwain. We were then favored with u selection by Miss Tillie Venard. Conversation and small talk was again indulg ed in, after which we were delight ed with a piano solo from "Wagner" by Mr. McKlwain. Mr. Buzzell wanted to play but for reasoiiB we would not divulge he did'nt. The following is the list of those pres ent: Misses-- Messrs Jenny EcElwain McElwulu Ely Jones was to hnve been mar ried this week to Malinda Jones, but he says she went back on him andj now he won't have her. Ely is the one who chopped into D. Lewis a short time ago with an ax. VirKleTutt lilnncli Truver Tillie Venard Edith Iluzsell Anna r itch Meld Mrs, Stella Dudley. jHClelt. Fruidey. Bluncliiinl. Boston Stor. Millinery Department. We handle the largest stock of inillenry flowers wet f rhi We will sell you two hats as cheap - ma ouy one iu the millenery store. We can show you a hundred hats to the inillenry stores one. Children school sailor hats worth A: for 13c. Trimed sailors worth 5t)c for 25c. Wide rimed white hats for ladies worth 5t)c for 13c. Fancy lace straw hats worth 73c for 30c. Fancy siiapesin toques and bon nets, uud fancy hats worth 73c for 29e. ' Fancy shape hats lace frames worth 73c for 23c. Lace braid hats worth $1.00 for 59c. Fancy lace braid hats worth $1.23 for 00c. Fancy lace biaid hats worth $1 23 or $2.00 for IHe. 50 fancy trimed hats worth $2.00 for $1.00. 50 fancy trimed hats worth S,3ti for $1.30. 50 fancy trimed hats worth fU.7.1 for $1.73. 50 pattern hats worth $11.00 for $200 50 fancy pattern hats worth S3.00 for $2.1W. 50 fancy pattern hats worth $rt.l for $;t.w. 50 fancy pattern hats worth $10.00 for $4.!M. 23 fancy pattern hats worth $13.00 for $S.0O. 13 pattern hats worth $18.00 for $10 23 dox fancy flowers in roses worth 23c a buuch for 13c. 10 do, fancy flowers worth 33c for 20c. 10 do, fancy flowers worth 50c for H.V, 10 do, fancy flowers worth $1.00 for 50c. Fancy emported valvet flowers for 35c worth 50c a bunch. Fancy emported velvet flowers worth $2.00 a buuch for OSc. If you want anythiuir in the line of millenery goods for spring and summer lor Indies, misses and children it only takes a few inin- tites to cotivence you how much cheaper we are than others. Our spring and summer coods are complete in every department. A. Cohn, Boston Store. Mr. Frank Taft will render one of his pleasant and popular programs at the Presbyterian church tomor row, Tluirsdiiy evening. He is one of the best known pipe organ play ers in the t'oited States, us he has played in almost all of the cities and large towns throughout the whole country. He has lately re turned from a five-year tour through Europe and Australia where he met with the most flatter ing success. Don't fail to hear him tomorrow evening. Admission 50 cents, children twenty-five. No re serve seats. Brown 4 Barrett make their own sarsaparilla, cough syrup and liver pills and guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Mrs. Potter, who ran for mayor of Kansas City, a week ago, got 23 votes out of nearly 9,000. The papers describe her as having a mole on her cheek weighing 200 pounds, and a jaw that opened and shut like an alligator's. No wonder she was de feated. Kearney Hub. It's a shame, that mole ought to have been elected. Get posted on prices at Brown A Barrett's before you buy our wall paper. Miss Lizzie Jacquett will give u recitation at the organ recital at the Congregational church this evening. She won first honors at the dramatic class district contest at Ashland, Chas. E. Fanning, A Co., of Om aha commenced paving on sixth street last Monday. The contract was letjast fall for one block of pavingons xtl , aoh wy from Main street. The work t-hould have been commenced when the contract was let, but cold weather stopped them. It U to be paved with Atchison brick. Bock Beer. The celebrated Pabst Milwaukee Bock Beer at S. Outmann's and the Riley Annex. 1 Tirqe and Tide will wait for no Mail Neither do th,e Foiling Bargains. 265 Suits for Children (new) 250 Suits for Man (new Coat, Pant and Vest. $2 to $3 Coat, Pant and Vest, $5 to $8 240 Suits for Boys (new) Coat, Pant and Vest, $3 to $5 OUR STOCK OF HATS AND GAPS, SHIRTS AND NECKWEAR AIK NOW ON DISPLAY AT ELSON'S The CASH Clothier. A fELSON, the Cash Clothier, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.