Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 30, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    TIIKWKKKI.Y llKlt.U.I): I'l.AlTSMOlTlI. NOItASKA. MAlil'11311. 1893.
Are You Going
To Clean House r
Spring! Gentle Spring house denning ami a general
o-erlmuling. In flu- coiin-e of this interesting period ot
denning up you ui-i le l eiuincleil of
2Tg-w Carpots,
IbToTX7" C"o.rtains,
ds Ctlb.ez Tliiaa-g-s.
If Vin are. leini'inliiT vc a,e -Iiow;i:l h
liiimlsoiin-r line llian ever liet'oiu in
Brussels, Ingrains, Tapestry
lower prices than ever.
You will make no mistake in looking over our
Lace Curtains, Portiers,
and silk ALME,
Por Curtain Purposes, if in need of anything
of this kind.
Have j not received a larie coiiMntneiit ot
Come in ami tee it. The Urightesf, the Newest, the Pretti'tt Millin
ery goods ever sln-wii in the city. A regular KMI'OIJIUM
of Uriglit, new Trimmings.
The Hawaiian LanguaKe.
''Hawaii! The very name itself is
1tit a softly breathed vocalization
it loc not contain a single real
consonant; ami tlie entire language
is made up on a principle just
lirectly opposite from the Welsh:
whereas the latter is nearly all
-consonants, the former is noth
ing lut vowels. A traveler grap
hically describes the language of
the islands as having 'no backbone.
Say some of the words over in your
softest tones for, be yonr voice
never so soft, it cannot equal the
dulcet notes of these barbarians -mid
I think you will agree with me
that the stories told us are true,"
writes Mary (iray t'msted, in the
April New Peterson. " 'Kainaina,'
the word for an old resident; here
is only the consonant at the beginn
ing, and the nasalisation at inter
val to hold the vowel sounds
together in soniesort of consistency.
This is even true of the name
of that mighty terrible monster,
the burning volcano, wethehr
you take its ordinary appellation
Kilauea, or its mythological des
ignation Hale-uiau-mau, which in
our harsher tongue means 'the
liouse of everlasting fire.' That relic
of savagery and heathendom, the
forbidden dance 'hulihuli,' suggest
nothing unpleasant by the vowels
Mild liquids of its appellative. Say
over to yourself the name of King
Kalakaua.S predecessor, Lunalino,
"above all,' and of the great hero
of the islands, Kamehameha, 'the
lonely one,' and then contrast them
with our own words! liven the
comparatively harsh 'k' is softened
Ly their flexible organs into pleas
anter Bound, while the music of
their voicea such music as poetry
ami tradition associate with Italian
voices, but which, alas actual ex
perience does not verify must be
something like the sounds which
lulled the Lotos-eaters into forget
fulness of their fatherland. Curo
usly enough -or rather not urio
usly, if one remembers the eternal
spring time in which the islanders
dwell -the Hawaiian language
contains no word for weather: they
have no need of weather-bureaus
and weather-prophets, and therefore
can keep their faith in their kind
a htte longer than we unfortunates
who have so much of that object
ionable article, t urely here are all
the physical and outward condi
tions for the promised celestial
A sad tragedy occurred at Woom
Held, Ky Tuesday in which Allen
Murphy, a young man well known
in that precinct, lost his life at the
hands of Jodie Houston, another
well known business man. Mr.
Houston has been confined to bed
for some time with pneumonia.
Last night while delirious he made
an attempt on the life of his wife.
Her screams attracted the atten
tion of the neighbors, who ran to
her assistance. Mr. Murphy
tirst to reach Houston's room, ami
as he started toward the sick in, in,
Houston drew a revolver and shot
himdead, the bullet entering a few
inches above the heart. The circum
stances attending the tragedy are
particularly sad, Murphy leaving
a young wife and child. The nu n
have always been devoted friends
Mrs. A. F. Hunger took the train
for Crete Monday morning. Mr.
Hunger is employed there in the
Photograph studio for sale. Ad
dress. Hkrald. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Spring Roads
A snow hank here; puddle then?;
With mini Is-tween a lion's share;
And thena strip of slanting ice:
Washed jjluswy by the Hun's ilevice,
l.i leoni- may sail alonj -then slip
Into some pond a foundered ship
With broken rihs and tuttered sails.
A victim for some jester's rails.
And too' 'twere joy to "run aground,"
There' not a solid bit around.
There's tufted ifras upon the sides,
Hut then, alas! the gutter's tides
Of slush and sloo-a warning moat
Will not our longing footsteps flout.
The rutted track holds fast the pace
We exercise with doubtful grace.
And tho' we sigh for earth or snow
In one unbroken stretch, we know
That spring utTords in meiisure rife
Yprlety the spice of life.
(icorge K. Uoweti.
A Terrific Explosion.
The most frightful calamity in
the history of Litchfield, 111 , oc
rurred at an early hour Wednes
day morning, resulting in the de
sttuctiou of a million dollars
worth of property and the loss of
a number of lives, practically
wrecking half of the town and
damaging property for miles
Shortly after ,i o'clock in the mor
inglire was discoverd in Kohlor's
Planet steam flouring mills, the
largest of the kind in the world,
located in the south west part of
the city. The lire department had
scarcely arrived on tl e scene when
an explosion of terrific violence
shook the earth for miles around.
The shock was felt as far as Decatur,
lifty broke the
plate glass windows in a majority
of the stores in the city, prostrated
almost every one on the street,
shook houses loose from their foun
dations, and jarred the machinery
in the Litchfield car and machine
shops to such an extent that work
will have to be abandoned till the
necessary repairs can be made.
It is supposed the fire originated
from a spark from a passing loco
motive, and the subsequent explo
sion was caused by the flames com
ing in contict with an accumulation
of mill dust. It looked at one time
as if the whole south end of town
would be consumed, but the lire de
partment, after a hard fight of
three hours, managed to prevent
thetlames from spreading.
The head millwright, John Car
ver of Waterloo, N. Y., attempted to
get his tools from tne burning
building. He was stunned by the
explosion, thrown against a smoke
stack, pinned there and burned to
death, his limbs being burned olT.
It is uot yet known whether there
were any other fatalities, though a
number of people were seriously in
jured. A grain elevator adjoining the
the mill, containing a quarter of a
million bushels of wheat, was
buined to the ground, with its con
tents, together with a dozen Wa
bash freight cars which were stand
ing near by on a sidetrack.
The injured are as follows: Thom
as Donahue, head cut; Henry Steyle
crushed; Y. (ireenwalt, badly cut;
Andrew Duncan, head cut; Mrs. V.
HolTinan, had a leg broken; Mrs. K.
liichelsou's head was cut. The
mill was owned by Kohler Hro's of
St. Louis. It had a capacity of two
thousand barrels of flour daily and
employed a hundred and fifty men.
The insurance of the mill and ele
vator is three hundied and fifty
thousand dollars.
L. A. Smith, general manager of
the mills, places his loss at Sf.'iOU.tXM)
while the insurance will be about
f),(KX). The other losses are:
Adolph Newberg, store and resi
dence and barns partially demol
ished, $1,0(10, insured in part. Mrs.
V. Hogman, three tenement houses,
Charles Haker, Peter Oiler and Mrs.
O'Neill are left practically homeless
John Grass' store, immediatly east
of the mills, was almost entirely de
molished and yet, singular to say
none of the inmates of these resi
deuces were injured.
t'pon State, Riders and Xisham
street, the principal business
thoroughfHres of the city, nearly
every plate glass front was des
troyed by the concussion. Litch
field's new hotel was damaged not
far from $10,0110, while the New York
store sustained heavy loss. More
than a hundred residences were
damaged to a greater or less ex
tent, and it is impossible to arrive
at anything like nil estimate of the
sum total of the damage. Residen
ces several miles away in the coun
trp Milf. red slightly.
Confined in the cells at the four
courts in St. Louis are four men
and women, the principals in a
most daring and complete train
robbing conspiracy. They are: J. F.
Ciosney. alias Lowe, alias Hunt
ington, alias "Kindergarten." Clark
Goodwin, alias C barley, John K'eed
and Minnie Meyers, alias Lowe.
K'obert Wcnihcrford, alias Leach,
thetifth man escaped from the city.
Chief Desmond received the first
information of the plot Friday
mornining, in the shape of a mes
sage which conveyed word that a
scheme was on foot to loot one of
the outgoing trains Saturday night
on the Missouri Pacific. Seventy
patrolmen in plainclothes arrested
the gang before they had an op
portunity to put their plans into
; execution. In the rooms of Minnie
I Meyers, in a disorderly house, were
I found the masks the men were to
i have worn, together with three
J sticks of dynamite and fuses and
percussion caps. Gosney, Lutz and
' Goodwin said the scheme was to rob
the Saturday night run on the the
Missouri Pacific which takes out
$70,000 every Saturday night. If
successful their operations were to
I be continued on a large scale.
$25 00.
buys a good heavy hand made farm
harness at,
Keekek & Sch.midtmame.
The arrest of Mrs. Delliah Thorn
ton of Hightnore, South Dakota,
has btought to light one of the
most fiendish criminals on record.
During the last year that town has
been visited by three or four disas-
I terous fires, resulting in the burn
' tug of the court house and fully
one-half of the business portion of
the town. The tires were known to
have been of incendiary origin. For
a year or more, covering the time
of the lires, anonymous letters have
been received by a number ol the
prominent citizens of the town. The
character ot the letters was of the
lowest order of vulgarity, some
times accompanied by threats of
of the tiseof the knife, revolver, vit
rol or the fire brand, and in many
of the letters the statement
was made that "we" were the
cause of the recent fires. One of
the anonymous letters was address
ed to a lumberman of thetowu.and
was to the effect that he would
make money by going into a deal
by which to burn the town or the
portion which would be liable to be
rebuilt, provided he would divide
up on the profits made out of the
sale of lumber. Close watch was
kept and finally the woman was
seen to drop one of the letters in a
box. She admitted that she had
written all the letters. She, how-eve.-,
claimed that she was prompt
ed not only to write the
letters, but to burn the buildings
of the three most prominent
men of the towu. The only motive
now suggested for her crimes is
that she owed money to certain
persons on notes and a mortgage
and she thought that by burning
up the records she would get out of
paying them. She first burned up
the court house, but the records
were saved, and she aftewards
burned up the building where the
records had been transferred. She
was arrested on the charge of ar
son and was bound over to the
grand jury. She was released on
bail and was then arrested by tin
United states authorities on the
charge of violating the postal laws
and is now in jail.
WAX TKD Agents to sell our
choice and hardy nursery stock.
We have many new and special va
rieties, both in fruits and ornamen
tals to offer, which are controlled
only by us. We pay commission or
salary. Write us at once for terms,
and secure choice of territory.
MAY Hk'OTHEKs, Nurserymen.
Kochester, N. Y.
In a Bad Fix.
"I once made a mistake myself by
trying to be very thorough," said
the governor.
"When was it?"was asked.
"Not so long ago," said the gover
nor of Tennessee to a Memphis
reporter. "Do any of you think I
look like a felon?" he asked.
"Well, I was arrested as one within
the last two years," he said, "When
I came into the governorship I
thought I would be very thorough,
and one of the tirst things I inves
tigated was the convict system. So
one day I slipped off by myself and
went up to the mines to see howthe
thing was worked when no one was
expecting tne. I intended to go down
into the mines, and put on an old
suit of clothes in which I used to
hunt occasionally. They were torn
and muddy and I congratulated
myself that no one would know me.
"In the pockets were all sorts of
odds and ends, such as strings,
wire, a knife, nippers, etc. I got
the conductor to let me off the
train at a crossing and walked
a mile or two to the mines. As I
got near them, thinking I would
look over the ground before going
out into the cleared space, I turned
out of the path and stuck up the
hill through the brush. I took a
survey and saw a small group of
men around a lire; one or two of
them convicts, one or two per
haps, visitors and one a guard with
a double-barreled shotgun across
his arm. I was thinking of going,
down, and took a step or two, when
some one behind, said 'Hold on;
come back here., I turnedjand there
thirty steps from me was a guard,
annglyold fellow, long and bony,
standing with his shotgun across
his arm. 'What do you want?'
I asked.
'"I want you," he said, 'and wants
you quick. Come here.'
h XL
SuCtorad, Sentohad, and BJ. Doq.
ton No Relief. Cured by Two
8U Cutlcar Kenedlea.
I with tu etpree nr thanke tar the benef- '
fc.tva derteed from etnf Cl'Tnvaa l;ioi"''
NolUug like thee mm eer aanufaetured p ,.
tore year nav leu for, i
with a tore head. 1 jj ,i
break out ill oer my h-,
with pimple whirh ,,M
form a watery natter, t
I would hat to aurawh
nnttl I would bleed. AM -r
doctoring with two dton
for threo tun, nj'in ur
leM, I finally nade up ray
mind to try your Cututiu
KmiDiia with r.-. 1 1
nUraly atiafaclory to m
Aftar oting two acta uf
CimcTRi RiaiDiM, I
am entirely cured. Ibata
recommended your reme-dii-i
to anTeral peraona, and they all tell me they
n No. 1. Ojr druKKiati doing a Dice buntneai
in ,i tii i sa niaibiie, alnea my euro. I hav
yiven him the privilege of Being my name aa pro i
it their efrlcleo'-y. I eoeloae my portrait.
A. F. UJiAJtlt. Photographer, Ml. lloreb.Wli.
f r wife baa been troubled with the aalt rbeum
fir four yeara. uring thletime dorlore of Wi..
"rutin, Illinoia, and the moat eminent doctor uf
Chicago, failed to give relief. 1 bought the t'CTi
rim Kixidiei, and ahe ueed only one boi of
'irnrTRA, t'UTirrB Soap, and half a bottle of
the Ct-TictTRA Kcsoltint, aud thee hav aurri
my wife completely.
C. M. 8TONE, 141 But Bt., Chicago, I;:.
Cuticura Resolvent
The New Blood and Bkin Purifier, Internally, aid
t'UTict'RA, the great Skin Cure, aud Cutiuki
Soap, the eiqulaite Skin iteautitier, eiternally, in
a'lintly relieve and epeedlly cure every diaeae m l
humor of the akin, acalp, and blood, with Iota of
hair, from infancy to axe, from pituple to ecruiulj
Bold everywhere. Price, Cuticuba, 50c; Pimp.
!i-. Uesulvknt, (1. I'repared by the I'.itii.,.
luiua and CiiraiiAL Corporation, liueton.
tf" flow to Cure Bkin Diaeaaen," fil page, ' i
illustration, and teatimouial, mailed free.
PlflPI.ES, blackhead, red, rough, chapped, auj
I I 111 oily akiu cured by Cutiluba Suap.
Back Ache, Kidney Paine, and Wcnk
tiea, Horeue, l.auieneae, Strain, and
Pain relieved In one minute by th
Cuticura AoU-Palo riaaur.
Perfect Kit (Jiiiir
iinteeil, Teeth
nut in the niiirii
in, new ones put
in the Hiune hiv.
Teeth cxfiK ted
for ii cents. Anml
Kiiin Killing's, ft)
cent mill iii),k)IiI
Crowns mill lriil
Wtirk lit prices
most reiisiiiuilile.
All workexectitcil
it hunt piiin. We
l ertiirni all work
known to the Art
of Dentistry, mill
at prices within
the remli of nil.
Do not he preju
diced by w hat oth
us, hut cull anil
Slf IIS. lV'ittiit,.f
our work. We do
just what we ml
vertise. Consul
tation by letter ur
l)k'. UTI'IIKI.' 1i..iiu I.' ,i. I.-,
. ... ............. ' i' 1 1 i , ..'Mini i-itMir
Hrown Muck, opposite V. M. C". A. Build
iu. Sixteenth unit Douulns Streets.
of .-
lit office tree
Piiiil up Cii;.itu! .
ery l,e-;t fiieilitles f,,r
apt triniviction of
" 'I, am goin, to take you to the
warden,' he said.
"'Hut I won't go.' I said. .Idon't
want to go to the warden and I
won't go.'
'"You won't?' Well, we'll see if you
won't. If you don't you'll get a load
of buckshot in you,' he said, drop
ping the gun and pulling back the
hammer slowly.
"I saw that he had me and I dct 'r
mined to explain. '1 am a visitor up
here,' I said.
" 'Yes, no doubt; that's why I
wants you. I wants you to finish
out your visit. We can't bar to part
with you. Walk along than'
" 'Hut' I began.
" 'Hut nothing,' said he; 'you don't
want to but this,' and he gave
me a crack with the butt of his gun
which uearly knocked tne over.
March on!
" 'Look here! 1'atn governor of the
state,' said I, trying to look impos
ing. " 'lie looked at me qi..ically. 'You
are a pretty looking guv'nor, ain't
you?' said he. 'Well, guv'nor, I'm
glad to see you. I'm gwine to help
you finish out yo' term. Walk along
thar and ahet up yer jaw. I'm gittin
kin der tired on it, and I've got a
good mind to let you have a los.d of
buckshot anyways, just to teach
you manners.'
"Well, that old fellow marched
me down aud made a convict go
through my clothes. The things in
my pockets were proof positive of
my guilt, of course, aud you never
heard such a lambasting as he gave
me in your life, all the timekeeping
a running fire at me, asking me
what I was 'in for,' etc. The cir
cumstantial eridence was that I was
a burglar, but they all agreed I
looked like apickpockt, and one
man even suggested that I had
picked a burglar's pocket. That
was the worst of all. Then he
marched tne of to the warden."
"What became of the guard?''
asked one.
"He's manager on my farm," fail!
the governor, "and he still makes
me walk straight."
Ira Dodge, a hunter and trapper,
walking on crutches and with one
arm in a sling and a bandage over
one eye, is in Cheyenne from his
mountain home in Western Wyom
ing, for treatment by nil oculist.
Dodge had an engagement with
three grizzly bears on the 2d of No
vember last. He and his wife have
been isolated ever since. The
woman has nursed him, but finds
the eye injury beyond her skill.
Dodge had more than WO wounds
on his body when he reached home
after mixing with the bears. From
a hill top he saw them at the edge
of Green River and, tying his horse,
started after thein. They took to
the timber, Dodge followed and
knocked over one and then an
other. The third he could not find,
The two down bawled like calves
being branded. Approaching the
tirst he planted a bullet between its
shoulders. He was within 10 feet of
the animal when it rose and rushed
upon him. He threw his hat in its
face and jumped back for a shot.
The shell in his rille stuck. As the
bear closed in he drew his knife
and sent it home a dozen times.
Then this weapon was knocked
from him. He was struck and
squeezed, aud the bear was biting
and chawing him all over when he
became unconscious. When he re
covered his senses the bear was
gone. He crawled to his horse and
mounted, covered with blood and
almost naked. It was twelve miles
to his home. He left the ranch for
the first time five weeks ago. The
woman counted the wounds and de
clared there were 100 distinct marks
The worst hurts were laceration of
the right arm and an opening on
the face, which almost destroyed
theeyt. Dodge is a man of menus
and has a herd of cattle, but loves
to hunt. As soon as he can ride he
is going to get his gun and see
what has become of the bears.
Jones There seems to be a slight JOHN A DAVIKS,
difference of opinion between you ATTORNEY-AT-LAW
and your mother-in law. . ,, . .
Smith-No; her opinion of me is Correspondence Solic.ted.
just my opinion of her. New York Office in Union biooh
fJTt 'Ch -i, bond-., ijoiil, irovi-riiioi'iit and
" local si-cuMi! - bouclit and sold. De
posit p'ei"v-. noil in-.'rest allowed on
the n':t;ti, .He- Drafts drawn, available
in (impart ol the f. S. and all the princi
pal towns of hurope. Collections made
and promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state and
county bonds.
John Kit.ycrnld, I). llawksworth
S. auvli, K. K. White, - i. K. Dovev.
lolin I'ltzuerald, Pres. S. WuiikIi, Cashier
Fresh, Salt and Smoked
Meats of all kinds.
T MAKK the best of all kinds of
sausages and keep a good supply
constanty on hand. Call and see.
Hetween Main and Pearl
Plattsmouth. . . Nebraska
Meat Market.
Fr?5f? Salt and Smoked
Headquarters : for : Poultry.
North Slxth-st.,Opp. Postoffice