Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 30, 1893, Page 6, Image 6
0 THE WEEKLY 1IEHALD: V I .ATTiM( U T H , N K U U A S K A . M AUCll ivu. ; CORREGGIO'S LOUVRE ANTIOPE. Noontide's whltenes of foU ion Illume her lee; Its heat is on her limbs, and on White arm with sweep Of languor fulls around tier lead; the cuddles on tlie lap of earth; While almost dead Atieer. forkful of his mirth, A dimpled Cupid at her Hid hprawls valisficd. Conquered, weary with the light. Her eyelids' 01 li. Kuiuuier's plenitude of might Her lip ahaoi u. I'plifted to Hie Iiurnlug air And w ith riiilciliui fallen apart; Her form is hare. Hut her doeskin hinds each dart Uf her woodland armory. Laid Idle by. Hie is curled beyond the rim Of oaks (hut slide Their lowest branches. Ions and slim. Close to be r side; Their foliage touches her with lobes Half gay, half shadowed, green and brown; Her white throat globes, Thrown backward, and her breasUsiuk down With the supineness of her sleep, Ifaf fringed and deep. Where her liund has curved to slip Across a bough, Fledged Cupid's slumberous fingers grip The turf, and how Close to his chin lie hugs her cloakl His torch reversed trails on the ground With feeble smoke; For in noon's chastity profound, In the blank glare of midday skies. Love's flambeau dies. Rut the sleejiers are not left To breathe alone; A god is by with hoofs deep cleft. Legs overgrown. With a rough iielt and body strong: Yet must the head and piercing eyes In truth belong To some Olympian In disguise; From lawless shape or niic;i unkempt They are exempt. Zeus, beneath this oaken boughs. As satyr keeps His watch hIkivs the woman's brows And backward sweeps Her cloak to flood her with the noon. Curious and fond, yet by a clear Joy in the boon Of beauty f ranehlsed, beauty 3ear To him as to a tree's bent maw The sunny grass. Michael Field In London Athenoum. The Turkey Entitled to a Seat, A man going home from Boston on a late train a few evenings ago took one seat and placed U'side him on the other a largo turkey minus wrapping of any kind. A half duKon men couldn't find seats and stood good na turedly in the aisles. Just as the train moved out of the station a little, nervous looking man came along. He asked the man with the turkey to take the hird up and give him the seat. The man refused, whereupon the nervous man attempted to move the turkey aside himself. "No, you don't," said the bird's own er. "That turkey is going to have a whole seat to himself." "You haven't paid for two seats," said the other, red with rage. "Haven't I? Well, just see me do it now." He called to the conductor. "Here," he sand, passing his book over, "take out another fare for this friend of mine," and he uodded jo cosely in the direction of the bird. The conductor looked a little dubious for a few seconds, then tore out the ticket. Boston Gr'obe. Measuring Candle Tower. The method of measuring the can die jiower of light is simply to move an object along a graded scale, away from the light, until it ceases to cast u shadow; a mark on the scale at this ioint indicating the candle jtower of the flame. It is apparent that the shadows thrown are to a great extent dependent ou the intensity of the light. Thus water gas, which gives a more intense light to a given area than coal gas, casts a strong shade w in the measuring machine, but wh d put to practical use it docs not il i minatea room so well, not having so great diffusive jiower as a coal g is light of the same measured candle ixiwer.-New York Commercial Ad vertiser. Amethytls. Amethysts and several other so called precious stones have become so cheap that they are no longer sold by the carat, but by the ounce. Even the great amethyst that ordi narily graces an episcopal ring is no longer an e-xjiensive stone, and ame thysts of jKMirer quality are ordiuari ly of trifling value. New York Sun. Not So Had as It Sounded. "George!" said Maud. "I am William," said William sternly. "Oh, I know that, Willie." returned Maud. "1 hurt my finger, and that wasmv little swear word." -Hamer's Bazar. False happiness is like false money; it iiiwes nr u tune as weu as me twit, ninl u. ....., . ....1 .. sions, but when it is brought to the touch we find the lightness and alloy and feel the loss. Pojie. Professor Huxley knows of no a priori reason "why snake bodied rej tiles .10 feet long and upward should not disport themselves in our seas as they did in those of the cretaceous epoch. " A deserving charitable institution at Wichita, Kan., is a free Sunday nursery, where infants and young children are, cared for while their 'uireiits attend church. We read in the "Acts of the Apos tles" that handkerchiefs which Paul had touched were carried to the sick, and that miraculous cures were t hereby wrought. It is almost as cruel to juke a man ljout his fast horse as altout his wife and children, but newspajier wits have uo mtrcv. A TERRIBLE CRIME. One of the rr.ost cold blooded murders that ever occurred was committed last Thursday at Hite m a il Iowa resulting in the death of Mrs. Henry Smith of Hiteniati. and the probably fatal wounding of her baby and her sister, the wife of the dastardy wretch who committed the awful crime. The terrible tragedy ended with the hanging of the murderer by an enraged peo ple. The frightful crime was com mitted .it II iu-tuan, a mining town of nbotit 'J.(MK) population Hiteniati is located in Monroe county, and is live miles southwest of Albia, and about thirty miles from Otlumwa. I.owis Friuier, tne murderer, lived at Carbondale, another mining town, situated in Mahaska county fifteen miles from Hiteman. It seems that Mrs. l;raz,ir had left her husband because of his ill-treatment of her. and had gone to live with her sister, Mrs. Smith, at Hite. man, whose husband is employed in the mines at that place. This morning about Id o'clock, while Mr. Smith was at work in the mine, Frazier came to Hiteman and went to Smith's jhouse. He called for his wife and tried together to go home with him, which she re futed to do. A quarrel ensued, Frazier drew a knife and stabbed his wife and also Mrs. Smith and her little baby, which she was hold ing in her arms. Mrs. Smith died within a few hours and Mrs. Fra zier and the baby are both danger eusly wounded. Immediately after committing the terrible crime, Frazier left the house, going south through the woods a mile, then turning west. The news of the terrible tragedy spread rapidly, and in a very few minutes a large number of infuriat ed citizens gathered and started in pursuit of the murderer. The great est excitement prevailed. The peo ple fairly went wild and the scene was one of the beggars description. In a short time the maddened mob started on its mission. Frazier was found at Cummings' crossing, near the Cedar mines, about two miles west of Albia, on the Chicago, Burlington & Otiiney railroad Deputy Sherilf Lewis of Albia who was also in pursuit of'the murderer took charge of him and took him in hie buggy for the purpose of tak ing him to Albia. With the assis tance of a few of the cooler men the officer endeavored to get the prisoner away 1o a place of safety. The excited mob only grew more furious, and seizing the frightened and cowering murderer they took him away from the officer, and took him back to the house where the terrible crime was committed A roqe was secured and placed around his neck and he was hung to a tree near where the victims of his muiderous knife were lying dead and the other two in a dying condition. The body was left hang ing to the tree. A terrible crime had been aveng ed and the infuriated mob bccnine calm, dispersing one after another to their homes. Deputy Sheriff Lewis took charge of the remains and the coroner was sent for. It was one of the most monstrous and cold bltSoded murders ever com mitted in Iowa, and the anger of the people of Hiteman knew no bounds. Business was entirely s li fq ended and work was stopped in this section for the day. A BAD STORM. Scattering reports comingto Mem phis from points in Western Ten nessee and Northern Mississippi, indicate that a terrific cyclone whirled up the Mississippi valley from the southwest, crushing and sweeping away houses like straw sacks along its mad path. Tele graph wires in every direction were twined into tangles like delicate silken threads, atid communication with the storm swept localities was exceedingly difficult and unsatis factory. Trains from the east reaching here late in the afternoon and evening brought reports of widespread destruction. Passen gers on the Yazoo k Mississippi Valley tram told of the destruction of Tunca, Miss. The Birmingham train, due in Memphis at .":(KI o'clock, could not get to Memphis until after N o'clock, the trainmen being compelled to chop and move trees off the tracks between here and Kelley. The trainmen report that not a house was left standing at Kelley, which is a station about thirteen miles from Memphis. The wrath of the storm as it crossed the Kansas City, Memphis Birining hanf road seemed to embrace a ter ritory between Caperville and t Hive Branch. Dozens of houses, huge trees and barns were razed to the ground by the violence of the storm. The damage at Tunica, Miss., was great. About Xi'.VI o'clock in the afternoon the sky in the southwest began to darken and a low wailing sound announced a storm. Within a few minutes the wind came along with a terrible velocity and with a wish and a whirl that portened danger. The first liar 1 Mow gave way to the cyclone and houses were crushed like eggshells. Huge rain drops fell and the scene was a weird one indeed. Although the ruthrless visitor lingered over the doomed . town scarcely two minutes, yet in that time he leveled buildings un- j sparingly, tossing saloon and church alike to the ground. Such 1 unusual and unexpected wrath stunned the people, and the heav engly artillerv. like noise of tumbling roofs, paralyzed the mind for minutes. A partial calm, save the sound of the rain that fob lowed, and then the people rushed about in great excitement. On one side o' the square, where stood a a handsome building occupied by the Knights of I'hythias and Ma sons, was now only a heap of tim ber and jutting beams from a mass of ruins. This was one of the most pretentious buildings in the town. The people on the streets first no ticed this wreck and then they saw the roof of the court house was gone, but there was more than this. There were cries and screams of children. Men rushed to the colored school house, where l.Tt) children had been gathered at their lessons. The building, a two-story frame, had been blown down, and beneath the ruins was a mess of struggling children. So far as known none were killed, but there were many maimed and bruised, some with broken arms and some with fractured skulls. The full extent of the damage is not known, but the loss to property will go into the hundredsof thous and of dollars. Trainmen of the Kansas City, Memphis V Birming ham railroad report that Kelley, Mississppi, was wiped from the face of the earth, not a soul being left to tell the tale. A special train left Memphis for Kelley at p. m. but nothing has been heard since. The second trial of the celebrated case of Anton Woode, the 11-year-old boy murderer of Joseph Smith, was commenced in the district court at Denver last Monday. The youthful prisioner presented the same childish appearance that he did on his former trial two weeks ago. His thoughts were absorbed in a big bag of candy. There was nothing about him that would in dicate what the attorney for the state pictured him to be, a cold blooded murderer, that inveigled Joseph Smith, a man of 2fi years, into the wild mountains and there slew him when his back was turned for the purpose of robbery. The young lad is as happy as a boy can lie, except when seeing some jew elry on another person. Then he looks like a maniac. The state's attorney's will make a desper ate effort to hang him this time, as he attempted to murder the ma tron of the jail since his incarcera tion, and made a desperate assault with a club on his cell mate, a boy prisoner, when he was asleep, and would have murdered him but for the the timely interference of the guards. Compton McCoy, a farmer resid ing a few miles south of St. Joseph, on the Missouri liver banks, was duck hunting on the bar, when he discovered a large dry goods box floating with the current. He haul ed the box to the shore and, break ing it open, was nearly overpowered by a terrible stench which arose from the box. An investigation disclosed that the box was filled with dead bodies in an advanced stage of decomposition, then mams being so badly decomposed that identification was impossible Coroner Reynolds made an investi gation and found the remains were those of four men and one woman and appearances indicate they have been murdered, the remains placed in the box and then sent adrift The community is in a terrible state of excitement. It is supposed the remains are those of a family of emigrants who disappeared in a mysterious manner from Rulo, ID miles north of St. Joseph, last fall. Willi am Harnian, a resilient of Titusville Pa., Committed suicide the other day under very strange curcuiiistauses. He got an idea into his shallow pate that he was his own grandfather and the only way to get out of the scrape, so he thought was to cut his throat, lit left the following singular letter. I married a widow who had a grownup daughter. My lather visited our house very often, fell in love with my stepdaughter and married her. So my father became my son-in-lawand my stepdaughter my mother, because she was my father's wife, my father's brother-in-law. and my uncle, for he was the brother of my stepmother. My father's wife, i.e. my stepdaughter had a son. He was, of course, my brother and in the meantime my grand child, for he was the soil of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother, because she was my mother's mother. I was my wife's husband ahd grand child at the same time, and as the hut-band of a person's grandmother is his grand father I am my own grandfather. Mary McOowan.n 13 year-old girl, commenced fooling with h?r father revolver. Playfully pointing the weapon at her 7-year old brother she pulled the trigger at his com maud to shoot and he fell with a bullet in his head. She thought the revolver was empty. Mrs. Mctiow an is prostrated and the girl has become insane. A committee of nonunion em ploying printers headed by Kdward Clark, called on Mr. Cleve land and presented a petition, signed by nonunion printer ol Washington, asking him to recog nize nonunion men in his selection for public printer and protesting against the elTort made by a dele gation of union printers, headed by Congressman Amos J. Cummings, to induce Mr. Cleveland not to ap point C. W. lvdwards on the ground that he is not a union man. The petition closes thus: "We pray that in exercising your presiden tial prerogative in appointing a public printer, you will impartially consider the right of the immensely larger, less noisy, less guilty body of your industrial fellow citizens who are members of no union, no boycotting labor organizations, and that the public printer whom you shall select will be a man who will remember that nonunion priuers have rights to be respected, equal to those of union printers, and that, as common citizens of a com mon country, they have as much right to labor at the case in the government printing office as have members of any printers' union." It is hoped that Mr. Cleveland will not so far forget himself as to allow any old "rat" to get possession of the government printing office. a his would be a direct slap in the face of union labor. Distillers of Ohio and Kentuckey have been notified that the Internal Revenue commissioner has absolu tely refused to grant further time to those who have quanitius of whisky in which to pay the tax and remove the goods. The custom has been to allow seven months' grace. The bonded warehouse storage this year is large in Kentucke, where the crop so far has been double that of island the round totals of gallons will creep up close to fifty millions, The number of gallons of taxable spirits of all kinds in bond in IMC was 11,m:q;i, and the owners, to take it out will be obliged to pay the government in revenue taxes the sum of flU'J.iW.Ti). This sum does not include the estimat ed taxes for the present year. The joint legislative coal investi gation committee lately secured from Pie letter books of the coal combine proof that they are regular articles of association agreements drawn by the organization with a view to evading the present law prohibiting trusts. It is in the form of a letter from John J. Rhodes to C. K.Wales president of the Pioneer Fuel Compahy, of Minneapolis un der date of May i, lMtJ. It reads: Inclose leae liml agreement to sub scribe to tli? Minnesota bureau of coul statistics mid information. I will snytlmt I have submitted this to un attorney mid lie informs me Hint there i nothing; II-It-Kill in it. ''Ieiise wigti ninl return some lit your eurlest convenience. Now, us there will be, iirobalilv, iiiiinv retailers in this iis.-o.'intioii for the next thirty days, to put this biirenii in proper shape w ill you pleuse setid iiieyour check (or IU0 on nc count The jf.'iO.dOO damage suit of -the coal combine against the joint leg islative committees is not likely to come to trial, as its mi uibers will refuse to pay any attention to the summonses addressed to them un der the following section of the sta '.e constitution: "The menbers of each house shall in all cases, ex cept treason, felonly, and breach of peace be privileged Irom airtsts during a session of tht ir respective houses, and in going to and return ing from the same. For ant speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place." People of Washington are begin ning tobelive the Secretary Mor ton is an expert herdsman, says the Bee. A few days ago he made sev eral removals on the score of econ omy. They were in the bureau of animal industry and were among the niicroseopists engaged in the inspection of meat under the new law. There was praise given Secretary Morton lor his prompt action in cutting down ex penses, but his work, however, is not over pleasing to those demo crats who at the present time would perfcr to see the rolls of the government's employes extended rather than contracted. Notice to Gardners and Farmers. The Cass county canning com pany is now ready to contract for l.'iil acres tomatoes. Contract can lie found at the Hindee hardware store, and at the First National bank. THE FOUR TINS. The Count Hiclski. a nobleman of Poland wax a very ambitious man. His public tit fi-rances hiul displeased the government He was arrested, condemned to iuipiistm nient for life and confined in a dungeon f.u underground, lie hail no light and nevei could tell w hen it was day or night. He hud no one to speak to, for no one was allowed to sir him except the keeper of tlu' prison ninl he was not permit ted to t-jH-aktothc prisoner He had nothing to do. Hays, wci ks, months, passed on nnd he waa still in his dungeon. He was never brought to trial, mid the unfortunate man was most mi-eruble. Ho thought tie would loe his senses, (or his nil son Infill tnive way. fil ling nil over lii blouse one day he found four pins, ami he iu-tiially wept f.u joy. Yet what coultl they be to liiin!1 lie took them from liis blouse and threw them ou the Moor of his dungeon, anil then lit w ent down on his hands mid knees and felt all over the floor until lie luiil found them Tliix he coiit lulled to do day alter day week after week, mouth after month, until the nioiitlin rolled into years. Hut the) were no longer weary years. He had now an object iu life. He would defeat the pur nose of his jailers, who fondly linnd to make him insane. He would live How until lie became an asvil man, cheered by tin companionship of his four plus. Anil then when he had Ut'onictoo old to move about his narrow dungeon he would be content to lie down with his lour silent IiIciuIh nnd die. hi his dreams these pin would often as same familiar shapes. Their heads w ould take on tho likeness of his friends and his relations. They would talk itud IiiiikIi with him. How happy were these dream mo mi nt s to the condemned: There was his dear old mother's face. How slie! upon liiinl And t here were his beloved w ill and his two rosy checked children the) kissed tht ir chubby hands to tln-ir fat lu r His heart seemed bursting w-ith joy. due night lie had a fiuiful dream Hi dreamed lie had lost his pins. Oh, horroi of horrors! The perspiration btoke out in KTiat drops upon his (ace, his arms, his breast. Thus lie found himself when, with a hoarse cry, lie awoke. He realized ipiii k!;. that it was only a dream. His beloved companions were found in their lu-eti-t mi u l place. What a m Use of relief now lillcil his heart in hu iikiuii betook himself nisluir, Iter! fi n yean had passed, mid tin- pn-oin , and his pins were iiisepmalile. His kci-pci w ho never yet had -pokcii to him. w;is now ri'Kiirded with a new interest. He I; ntcd that this man hated an one of bis oppress ors had discovered his occupation, mid that he would endeavor to deprive him of this solace. Carefully now he guanln) his (ins. line day he lost all his pins. He hud scattered them, he thought, as before. Iiul now they eluded Lis rasp. He carefully felt over every inch of the floor of his dun Keoii. Again mid Hgniu hu npeati-d Ms search lint il he grew weary of the task, hut not one pin could he find. Ah he lay angry and despairing on the Mone floor he was moused by the noise ol the keeptr removing the chains and bolt. from the door. Presently lie eiitenil, U-nr ingwith him the prisoner' scanty supply of bread and water. Ily the dim light of the torch which he carried the prisoner fancied he could discern a mocking smile upon his face. This, theu, was the cause He bad stolen his pins. He was now re joiciug at Lis discomfiture. He must havi discovered them while the prisoner slept Hate now filled the hoiiI of the condemned His occupation bad tieeti stolen from him. but a new thought at once engaged hit mind, diffusing through him a kind of ln.ul joy. He would devise a means to torture, to kill hia keepi r. He knew that t Lis man -tin- satellite i f an offensive government -despised him. He would tie revenged. For h long time he gloated over his con template)! plan. How long he knew not Then suddenly a light shone Ix-forc him It came from the torch borne by the keeper, who had returned. Placing hlk torch iu a crevice in the wall, he walked to (he oppo kite corner of the dungeon from that in which the prisoner crouched, and turning his back toward hi in began to fasten i, chain to the wall. Ha! he wan then to la chained to the wall' His blond boiled :it (hiR new indignity. He wished to attack the keeper at once, but he had no weapon His eyes fell upon his hands. They were long mid sinewy. He had once been a hi long man, but long confinement and lin k of nourishment had weakened him. The keeper was undoubtedly it ktrong man. All this w hile he remained with his buck tothe prisoner. It wan plain he regarded him with contempt and did not fear an attack He even hummed a fragment of an insult lug nng. Cautiously, slowly like a cat approach Ing a mouse the condemned moves upon his victim. Itage lends him strength. With one bound he is on the keeper' nhoulders. His long, bony hands meet like a vine upon his throat. Then a terrible struggle he gins. The keeper tries to shake hi in off. He is a strong man, tint he feels he has met his match. Then the keeper beats htm fit rcely npou the head and face with a bolt of iron. The blond flows down hU face and blinds his eyes, but he does riot relax his hold. They roll upon the ground the con detuned uppermost. The keeper has man aged to secure his dagger. He stubs the piisoiier once in the breast. Then the dag gcr falls from his hand; hiseycsauil tongue protrude in a frightful manner; his face is a mixture of purple and red Mood tickles from his nostrils. He is dead. With a maniacal cry of delight the pris oner staggers to his feet, blood streaming dow n his breast and head. He attempts to rt-fuh thedbor, but his strength fails him He is mortally hurt. With a scream he falls lifeless across the threshold, striking head upon the hard stone Hi Kir. Hut what of the pins? The prisoner had been in the habit before lying down to sleep of fastening t he four pins in the left cuff ol his blouse. The fear of detection so op era ted upon his mind that one night, iu a lit of somnambulism, he had put the pins side by side iu the edge of the garment, and there they were afterward found and cominenti-il .ipon by the authorities of the prison. .1. H. Kirwin iu Huffalo News. I iiiirovtiiviit In Calmed Oooils. k is a long step from the cotulit ion of things inCiiinean day which just ilied the witticism, "One man's canned meat i another mini's poison." to these times, w hen t be iiavii s of the world are largely subsisting on "cniiiicd stnll." The caterer of the watdroom mess on board an Anicr icun man of war must be an expert iu (aimed goods, and tbefaet that these things are eaten without serious grumbling by all, and with t h.u.kf illness by those who re u.i n,ls r "hard tack and salt horse," is a tribute to a growing industry. New York Sun. (It lug Him Instruction. He- Kemember that you have promised solemnly to be a sister to uie. She-Yes, hut you mustn't act an if yon thought you were the only relative of that kind i Lave in the world. UvkUiu Ueacou. Humble. Dr. Wa land tells good story of a young clergyman who preached trong tenicr hikc sermon. When he had finished, a deacon said to him. "1 am afraid you have made a mitiike Mr. Jones, who pay the highest pew rent, is a distiller: tie will lie angry." The minister said, "Oh, I am sorry: I will go and explain it to Mr. Jones Aud remove any unfavorable Impression and tell him that I did Dot meau him." Accordingly he waited upon Mr. Jones, who, iu addition to the profession of dis tilling, also carried ou a good many other branches of trade and a good many amuse uienu and was not distinguished aliove other men a being an ascetic. The paitor exprenhed hi regret to Mr. Jones for any thing in the sermon which hurt hi feel ingH. He was somewhat relieved when, with a jovial air, Mr. Jonnssald: "Oh, bleati yon, don't mind that at nil. It must be mighty poor sermon that don't hit me somewhere." New York Tribune. Nurs Knouf h. A good rtory I told of General Sher man' ou Tliotnaa, now kuowu a Father Sherman, hi the company of a detach ment of soldiers he wh crossing the pon toon bridge over the Potomac when the armies were on their way to Washington for their great review In The boy was then about 8 year old. One of the men, to make talk, asked him if he expect ed to grow up as smart a man as his father "No, sir," answered the boy with ur prising promptness "Why, not?" was the next question. "Well," said Thomas without hesitation, "there are plenty of other men who have grow n up, aud w hy ain't they as smart a my father?" Philadelphia 1'ress. Solicitous. Mother-Where have you been, Johnnvr Johnny l)uw n by th' ole mill watchin a man puilit a picture. Mother Didn't you bother hlmf Johnny Naw1 He seemed to bo real liv ten slisl iu me. Mother-What did he sayf Johnny He asked me if I didn't think 'twas most dinner time, aud you'd miss me. -Yankee World. Dimmed to the lliurnirnt. St. Pclcr-From New York, ehf Well, you didn't pay your grocer and never lost a chance to slip out of your flat without paying the rent. You can't come iu. New Arrival Kli Where shall I go? St. Peter Down In-low, New Arrival (ireat snukesl Have 1 got to go mid room with the jaultorf New York Weekly Tiki Much ICenrrve, "Your girl seems to have u good deal of maidenly reserve alsitit her." "Well, I should think she has. I asked her if she would promise to he my wife -three mouth ago, aud she has reserved her -answer ever since. I was thinking she had. entirely loo much maidenly reserve." Chi cagoisiiu. Something About Kggs. "Were you at the poultry showf" "Yes; it was very fine. I don't think ft can lie beat In that line." "I know one thing in the poultry line that can't Imj taut." "What's that?" "China eggs." Texas Sifting. Always Wanting Something. "You women folks are never satisfied," said I' uric Josh. "Here I bring Hannah a fine roll of silk, an she ain't satisfied. Wants to Lev it made up Into a dress right off." Harper's bazar. A Housekeeper's Wall. (Mscouif lament lurks w ithin my breast, Vet in this world of most tilings I've tin best: A husband who's the idol of luy heart, A chllil, a sou; what sriuf from them to parti And friends-I've got the dearest friend on cart li; We minute tears ns well as Join in mirth. I've wealth, so much 1 cannot spend It all: My iurcirliiK break to every plaintive calL Still I'm unhappy, but I've cause to he. I.Ives there a soul who docs not pity me? I've senivlicd In every corner, every nook. Mm ft- !'--1 , to I, ml a hangup cook. -fittsburg Dlapatob. Iilriilllleil. Da;:c.s Whul are you reading theref Scaggs The story of "She Who Must f! Olieyed." Daggs (Hi, yes, the romance of a hired girl - Simei viile Journal The Resiles Man. Of all tiresome things n restless umn it the worst. A rest less woman cannot lie gin to ci l 'io lii to n restless man. She gets pliyi-ici.ily tired out after awhile and must sit down. lint u man he can go on ai d on forever. In cules, r iilmad trains, theaters in. fact, wherever men do congregate1 thero also is the restless limn, driving every one distracted with his ceaseless tramp ing. He goes uii, and ho goca down, but he is never wei.rv. New York Herald. For Old and Young. Tote Liver Pills art as k Indly on th child. Ike delicate female or Infirm Id age, upon I lie vigorous man. ;lve tone to the weak stomach, bow Is. kidney anil bladder. To the organs lliuir strengthening qnalltte re wonderful, miming- llieni toper form their functions as In youth. Sold Everywhere. Office, 110 to 144 WuhhiuKton tit.. N. Y. SUBSCRIBE for the WEEKLY HERALD, $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Tuffs nils