Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 30, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    'I' I I I.' l !' 1 U I V I I l 1 1 I II Ml. .t I IXtlllli I H i a K a ...... . -' """"
OruKnrxin tiln there wn livly who
t tin young, Lenutiftil, ru-cnriliilicl and
ry rich. She was hIho very clever.
Hut her most ntrikiug characteristic waa
that nlie wna every atom a woman. She
tiari three lovers who had been college
tnmlitt. She always auoke of them an her
There was a fourth gentleman whom h?
knew, but by no meaiiH intimately, who
wan a friend of the other t hree.
One of the three friemlH wax tall, hand
Mime, athletic, bad laiiKuixhiiiK eyes, a
long nuiNtache and a tine figure: one wan
clever, almost brilliant, and what witue
women rail "Intellectual;" the thirl wn
rich, good looking and "niireMwful."
All these were conniileri-d gcMl catchel
by maiiiiniw who had marriageable (laugh
tvr and were txipular.
The fourfli gentleman wax a xilent man.
who kept bin own counel, went bi own
put and wu. thought to lie independent In
bin fortune a. he wait known to be lu ht
After a m-unoii in which the young lady
bad U'en greatly and generally admired,
t-arli of the three friends, having olmervetl
the growing mt.'iihinent of the other two,
diHcnvered that he was in love with her.
a-Hch teased the ot hern about her to sound
them, each denied the charge, hated tlir
withers warmly for the time, and each de
cided to get ahead of bin friends.
All three made the fourth gentleman hU
The society beau was the first to decdarr
himself. He had bad the best opportum
ties, had danced with the lady all winter
had the fiixst figure, had been the best
dressed man in the set, had driven a good
team and had talked easily of Urowuing'i
ijoerns and of Kipling s stories.
The occasion which presented itself tc
him was auspicious. It wan a spring after
lioou in the grounds of a beautiful count rj
place, where an entertainment was beiiifr
Itiven by a mutual friend. Tlie spot war
secluded; the air was balmy; the flower
were daz.ling; the birds sang.
He was arrayed faultlessly, and he and
the lady were alone. He naturally liegan
to talk love to her and was alsmt to reach
the point where his voice should grow deer
and his look intense. They wereatthe end
of a long flower bed blue with pansies,
which Just matched her eyes. He stoojied
and plucked one. As he rose she said:
"A race to the other end you that side, I
this, and dashed oil.
She ran like a deer. He hail a record ami
could easily have beaten her, but as the
approached the other end he saw that hei
path divided there. One fork ran off from
him; the other turned into his.
It flashed on him in a second. He would
let her run Into his arms He waited to let
tier choose. Shu chose, and when they re
turned to the house he had her answer. He
resolved to say nothing of it.
Just afterward the second gentleruat
found his opportunity. It was after the in
tellectual entertainment. He had easily
outshone all others. He took her into the
library. Old book were about them; beau
tiful pictures were on the walls; the light
Jell, tempered to t he softest glow. Hererog
lii.ed bis opportunity.
He felt his intellect strong within him
lie approached her skillfully; he hinted at
the delights of the uniou of two minds per
fectly attuned; he illustrated aptly by a
reference to the harmony just heard and to
uumerous instances in literature.
He talked of the charm of culture; spoke
confidently of his preferment; suggest ed
without appearing to do so, his fortunati
advantages over others and referred with
Mime contempt tcommonplace men like
the fourth gentleman.
Her eyes kindled; her form trembled. He
felt his influence over her. He repeated n
IHjVUi he had written her. It was good
enough to ha been published in a maga
sine. Her face glowed.
He glanced up, caught her ryes mid held
Lis hands ready to receive her. She lifted
her hand, looked into his eves, and Le had
bis answer. They strolled back, and be de
termmed to keep it all a secret.
Passing, they bapis'iied upon the third
gentleman, who spoke to her, and No. i!
moment later left her with him.
lie led t lie way Into a little apartment
just by. It seemed to have escaped the nt
t ice of the guests. It wiisstimptuously fitted
lip for a tete-a-tete. Wealth and taste hail
' combined tomakeit perfect. .Slieiulaiino
with pleasure at its beauty.
Alter Handing ner a cliair as luxurious n.
ait could make ilthegcnllcman liegan. In
told of his home, of his enterprise, of hi
success, of his vvritlt !. It had doubled yea
after year. It was hers. He laid la-fore In
Lis plans. They were large enough to Ik
She would lie the richest woman lube
acquaintance. She could lie an angi l wit!
it. With mantling cheek and glowing fai
he bent ton aid him.
"It is yours," he said, "all yours. You
will be worth"
He paused, then stated the sum. Sin
leaned toward him it h an earnest gestitn
her voice trembling, lie hud bis answer
As they pusssed out through the rorridoi
they met the fourth gentleman.
He did notspeuk. lie Mood aside to lei
them pass. He glanced at her lnver, but it
lie had looked at her she did not see him
He was evidently leaving.
"Are you going?" she said casually as
he passed.
"Is it late?"
"1 do not know."
She paused, and her lover politely passed
"Why are you going, then?"
"Hecauso 1 wish to go."
"Will you take me to my chaperonf"
"With pleasure."
"With pleasure?"
"With great pleasure."
"Yon are not very civil."
"I had not Intended to lie."
"Do you think"
"Sometimes. This evening, for instance.
There is your chaperon."
"1 did not think you"
"So 1 supposed. You made a mistake.
"Y'es. lioodby."
The wedding cards of the young lady were
issued within a few weeks, and in days
later she was married.
In the press accounts of the wedding the
bride was spoken of as "beaut tf ill. accom
plished, clever, wise and good." And the
groom wasilescrilH-d as "handsome, stylish,
intellectual and wealthy."
Some people said they always thought
die would have married differently; some
said they always knew she would marry
just as she did. These were most ly w om
en. She herself S lid that she made up Ik I
mind that eening. --Thomas Nelson I'age
in Harper's Mont lily,
A tliMxl l ighter.
Slielalti rn l ill' i lleloie ve were married
)i'- u'.lio tin- ii I : I if the. ilc.
lie -1 in ict was very ckI at geography.
IiVcsh I cms t linking of the
w York eeklv.
KM So Easy It smi When It Is Going
a Mile Minute. (
Ttwre is oiie elderly Kentleinan in
Boston wuo will think a loii time
before Le auin bourda un electric
cur while it id in motion.
He was standing on Trcmont
BtrtM't with a nervous glitter in Lin
eye that showed that ho was in a
Lurry to gt somewhere. Car after
car whizzed by, but they did not
feeni to suit the old gentleman's fan
cy, and his glances up the street bt'
came more frequent und more upi
At hist one apjieared in the dis
tance that caused the watcher s eyes
to brighten. It was a very hand
some car, with a broad green belt
and a yellow diihher. True, it was
bounding along at a rate of fid nii'.fs
un hour; but what of tiiatf The old
gentleman was in a hurry, and then
ho knew how to get on easy enough.
He hail seen lot.soi jm'ojmV do it. All
you had to uo was to wait until the
middle of the car w;is opimsiix to
you, and then stretch out one hand
and one foot, iriw i the rail, and
there you were. Nothing could lie
The electric car camo bounding
playfully along, and the elderly gen
tleman shifted his weight on to one
foot so as to lie ready for it. When
he was opposite to the middle of the
green licit, he leaned a little forward,
stretched out one hand and grasped
the rail us it flew past. Either he
hadn't ascertained correctly how the
thing was done or else he was a tri
fle slow with the other foot, At any
rate he didn't Imunl the car.
There was a terrific jerk, und the
old gentleman found himself stream
ing horizontally liehind tha car like
a iK-nnunt on a masthead. After he
had flown for several blwks in this
manner, the elderly gentleman con
cluded that his tsisition was ridicu
lous for one of his age, and with a
short mental prayer he let go the
rail. Before he landed he turned
live double somersault and a very
dillicult handspring, beside knocking
down three inoffensive passersby.
W hen he bad lieen restored to con
sciousness, and his hat and glasses
had lieeu fished out of the snow by
some kindly souls, he sent one mean
ing glance in the direction of the re
treating car.
"Some jKHiple may call this civili
zution." he said bitterly, "but I call
it h ."
And disdaining the sympathy of
his rescuers he jammed his snow
covered hat over his eves and tot
tered feebly in the direction of the
rurker House. Boston Herald.
Was Tills Inatluct?
One day while busy writing 1
heard Carlo in the dining room ask
itig to go out. The outside doors were
open, and I said, "Yes, Carlo may
go !" and returned to my desk. Soon
lie related his request, and I rose
saying, "Now, you must go, and not
kither nie so!" but he lay quietly,
though anxiously, hi the middle of
the iloor.' Going to him, I found he
bad my canary lictween his front
feet, not a feather injured, but wait
ing for mo to release it in safety.
The cage had accidentally Wn left
oja-n. and finding the bird free, will;
these outside dt sirs of the room open,
he had gently caught and held my
pet. Why should he catch it when
the doors were ojh'H. when if closed
he made no such effort. Who will
say this was mere instinct? Mary E.
Holmes in Science.
The Act of Sneezing.
The practice of saying "God bless
you!" whenever a person sneezes
must lie widespread indeed when we
find a similar salutation, Mbulw! (lit
erally equals live) obtaining among
the Feejeeans of the South Pacific, a
race develops.! by the blending of the
Mahiyo Polynesians with the Papu
mis, the Feejee group being the Inirder
land U'tween the two. It has lieen
said by a Londoirphysieiau that one
is nearer deatli at the actual moment
of sneezing than at any other U'riod
of one's life. Herein perhaps lies the
reason for the kindly wish and may
account for the prevalent idea that it
is dangerous to interrupt a pel-son in
the act of sneezing. Notes and Que
Postage stump Artlxer.
A cleverly constructed little ma
chine has been designed for the pur
pose of affixing stamps to letters and
circulars, and by its means the proc
ess can be carried out with extraor
dinary rapidity. The motions of de
taching, damping and affixing arc
all informed by one revolution of a
small wheel attached to the machine.
From 4.oimi to S.uuu letters an hour
can le stamicd, and one of the most
iiiiisirtant advantages of the machine
is that it will register the numlier of
let t el's thus treated. Exchange.
ot Interesting.
Mother Where have Vou U'en so
Little Son I've Wn standin
watchin two men unloadin bricks.
Mother -I shouldn't think that
would be very interesting.
Little Son No. it wasn't. They
didn't miss and get hit on the toes
once. (Jood News.
A riilluiillirtiiit.
"Ioy:u see' that gentleman? He!
I::'s dried many a tear."
"What a good heart he must have!
Dd tell li e who he is."
"He is a man who sells handker
chiefs." Exchange.
The Trinut IHatrlrta Compared With j
Those of Other title.
A rec:nt census reiort shows that
there are M.000 houses in New York,
occupied by a number of families so
great as to imply thut there are I
nearly four families for every
house in the inetrojiolis. When it is
tccalled that there are thousands of
beautiful homes in New York occu
pied eat h by oue family only, that
miles of avenues and streets are
lined with houses each individually
owned ami occupied by oue family
group, it will be realized to what ex
tent in other jKrts of the city crowd
ing occurs, when to accomodate an
average of nearly four families to
each Iwuse the remaining houses
only are available.
Commring the condition of New
York with Philadelphia the difference
is most marked. In Philadelphia the
average number of families to each
house is one family and one-tenth,
as against three families and over
three-quarters in New York for each
house. In New York the average
for each house is 19 people, while in
Philadelphia the average is not 6
people per house. The death rate
tells the rest. Iu New York it is 28
in every 1,000, in Philadelphia 22 per
1,000. While New York has 1!) peo
ple to each house, Loudon has only
7, with a death rate 3 jer cent lower
than New York.
The extent of the crowding in New
York is mule painf ully apparent by
the statemeut of the national census,
which shows that out of a popula
tion of l,(iU0.(Hi(J no less a number
than 1,200,000 live in apartments,
flats and tenements. Still further is
this confirmed by the sanitary cen
sus made by the police in which it
w;is found that there were herded in
what the board of health designates
as the "tenement district" no less
than 270,000 families. This number,
excet-diug a quarter of a million fam
ilies. averaging five persons to each,
is so great us to excite surprise that
such a condition can exist in the
chief city of the new world, where
conditions of civilization, as illus
hated by the character and numlier
of homes, ought to have their most
perfect exemplification. But the
facts as presented in official reports,
in the death rate and in the person
al observations of men and women
who take a deep interest in the con
dition of human kind in the metrop
olis, show a condition of density full
of danger, in which the indications
toward improvements are few and
far liet ween. North American Re
Questions of ttio Senses.
Perhaps the reader has days when
nothing goes upward or straightfor
ward, but downward, backward,
crookedly, spirally, any way but
straight ahead. Never mind whether
these ills come all the same day or
not; we all know well that they
come. 'What are the senses, some
old worthy has inquired, "but five
yawning inlets to hourly and mo
mentary molestations? What else
are they when on an icy cold morn
ing, after hugging your pillow for
an hour after conscience tugged to
pull you up, you arise to find that
the household fires have taken thut
i;ero morning to turn black in the
face and die How, when you have
esjs'cial and most pressing work to
do or engagements to meet mon
certain day, and when you wake to
find yourself in the gr:; of an all day
headache, or other luiralyziug ill f
Or. in an equally iniortant emer
gency, just as you settle to your ab
sorbing task, or haply dress for your
engagement, your sensitive friend
arrives blandly on the scene? Bos
ton Commonwealth.
Knergy .ret, hut I teleu.
An electrical writer has calculated
that the firing of a small pistol sets
free nliout ti00 foot Hundsof energy,
while a watch consumes alout one
one-fifty-four-milhonth of a horse
power, the energy of the bullet lieing
sufficient to keep the time for two
years. An Edison telephone trans
mitter requires about one one-thou
sandth of the energy in a watch. It
would therefore be worked for 2.000
years on the energy exerted in the
pistol. A lightning flash of 3,500,000
volts and 12.( 00amieres, lasting one
one hundi ed and twenty-one thou
saudth of a second, would run a 100
horsepower engine for 10 seconds.
Lleetncal Data.
l,oii of Life I'roin IHene In Wur.
In the Franco! ieiman war the
German troops lost less than a third
of their dead by disease, while for
merly the loss had been four times
that from wounds. The following
figures gives the deaths from disease
for every 100 men lost in the cam
paign: French in the Crimean war,
7!'; United States troops in the Amer
ican war, Mi; Germans in the last
French war, 20. The small loss from
disease compared with that from
wounds in the French army promises
much for military hygiene in future
campaigns. Lord Play fair.
Instinctive Ac tion In Dentil.
The cannon ball which plunge
through the bead and tore out th
brain of Charles MI did not prevent
him from seizing his sword hilt. The
idea of attack and the necessity for
defense was impressed upon his mind
by a blow which we would naturally
supjnse to have leen too tremendous
and instantaneous to leave the least
interval for thought.. Philadelphia
A LvaiLe; Mine lur Uunti.
In England and in many parts of
Euro'.' proper they have for a long
time lieen using for a horseshoe a
regular furiosity made of com
pressed leather. At the factory
where they are made three thick
nesses of common cowskin are
pressi-d into a steel mold, r.nd
while held in iosition by powerful
clamps are subjected to a bath of
some chemical preparation which
makes them surprisingly hard and
durable. It is claimed for these
shoes that they are much lighter and
last longer than those made of iron,
also that split hoofs are unknown in
horses constantly provided with
them. The shoe is perfectly smooth
on the bottom, uo calks iK'ing re
quired the impact causing the bur-
face to adhere even on the smoothest
ice. Although, as aliove stated, the
shoo is hard and durable, it is also
very elastic, thus preventing sprains
and braises and making the horse's
step lighter and surer. Straw treat
ed with a solution unknown to
American and European chemists
has been used for horseshoes for
centuries in Japan. Perhajs some
American genius will outdo England
and the Japs by giving us a durable
pajxT horseshoe. Who knows?
'huadelphia Press.
Pari Skeleton.
Paris is the head center of the skel
eton trade. The mode of preparation
19 a very delicate operation. The
scalpel is first called into requisition
to remove the muscular tissues. Its
work lieing done, the Ixmes are Itoiled,
being carefully watched meanwhile
that they may not be overdone. Aft
er thiB cannibalistic procedure they
are bleached in the sun. Even the
spots of grease are sure to apiear
when they are exiiosed to heat. The
French treat these with ether and
benzine, securing thereby a dazzling
whiteness, which is a distinguishing
mark of their skeletons. They are
warranted never to turn yellow and
to stand the t;t of any climate. New
York in midsummer is not too hot
for them. They are put together by
a master hand.
A brass rod with all the proper cur
vatures supiMirts the spinal column.
Delicate brass wires hold the ril)8 m
place. Hinges of the most jterfect
workmanship give to the joints
graceful and lifelike movement.
Cleverly concealed hooks and eyes
render disjunction at pleasure possi
ble. I he whole construction pliunlv
indicates the care and skill of an art
ist and a connoisseur. Boston Her
f'lmrarter In the Voire.
How much character and signifi
cance lie in a voice ! I was sitting in
an office waiting for its owner to re
turn when a woman entered and
sjxike to the clerk. My back was to
ward her. and she only inquired
where Mr. Blank was and said she
would wait, but I realized instantly
that she 'Ha "somebody." It was
not merely the quality of her voice,
deep and resonant, but an indescrib
able something in the intonation
which conveyed to my enr the intel
ligence that I listened to a woman
who was the possessor of brains, en
erjry and iower.
hen she came within my range
of vision, I saw a woman of middle
age, large, massive, unconventional
in aptiearauce, and with a face ev
ery line of which was impressed with
the qualities suggested by the voice.
hen the man tor whom I was wait
ing came in. he addressed her by a
name which I instantly recognized
as lielongiug to a woman well known
for her strong and original writings
on sociological problems, and the
revelation of character given by the
voice was justified by the disclosure
of her identity. Boston Advertiser.
KiikIIhIi l.ove For Old t liurrhrn.
The English cople have a deep
seated love for their old churches and
cathedrals, and they spend money
lavishly for their preservation. In
the last 20 years not less than .')3,
048,140 has lieeu expended in the res
toration of these edifices, and this
does not include any sum lielow $2,
500. In London alone no less than
4. 101.045 has lieen thus exjieiitled.
In addition. $IS.o:i8.U5 has been de
voted in the country at large to the
erection of new churches. Another
notable fact is that most of the money
raised for these purposes has lieen
derived from private gifts. Boston
Trlek of lieggitrit' Children.
The children of beggars are often
seen to lie covered with tumors and
wens, while otherwise they are jier
fectly healthy. An inquisitive sur
geon has found the cause of the swell
ings. It is a trick of the father or
mother to appeal the more strongly
to the charity of the world. With an
instrument like a hypodermic syr
inge the skin is punctured and the
breath is blown under it. causing it
to stand out like a tumor or other ex
crescence in a way that would de
ceive almost any one. -New York
All III One 1' of t'onl.
If a pound of coal is subjected to a
dry distillation, and the products and
residual treated chemically by the
processes for obtaining the well
known coal tar olois, the loand thus
treated will yU Id enough of magenta
to color 500 yards of flannel, vermil
ion for 2.500 yards, auriue for 120
yr.rds and alizarine sufficient for 1.15
yards of red clo'.h. Age of Steel.
Po, my life, you want a story as rosy co!
lreI i your tempting cheeks)'
Thn listen to this, though I very much
'ear you know it already but too well.
Oti'.-e upon a time the kinp of heaven
c.'illisl the most mischievous of his anirels
"With this purse," said be, "go to th
bazuar where they retail price of women:
with the t'iO celestes that you will finil in it
buy what is necessary to make up one that
will proclaim your taste iu the matter, mid
when it is flnished send it to the world bv
way of the first conveyance, directed to that
poor poet who in asking us for it with such
extremity, lie careful that you do not for
get any piece and let un se bow you ncuuit
The angel reached the liaziuir in a single
"(ioodday, nntster."
"(iood niwrnitig, child. What liriugsyou
"I have to buy a woman in pieces. Come,
now, takedown all you have and of the
first quality, for there is no lack of money."
"Very well, Imiv. First, the eyes, if it
suits you to liegin there. Here you have all
kinds und color green, blue, black."
"Iet us see. How much are those blue
ones, so light and pure"
"Ten celestes."
"They are dear."
"The best in the shop."
"Put them aside. liaise that glass and
take out that little dewy, red mouth."
"It is marked 4 celeste. There is noth
ing fre.sher iu all the bazaar."
"Put it with the eyes. And that nose a
well. Oh, what hair was ever prettier thun
"That banging up there, colored like rays
of the sun."
"Vou don't choose badly, youth. Vou
light on thn best I have."
"Well, a id these little ears; I think they
will match those velvety cheeks."
"And, as for that, with thin set of pearly
teeth. What do you say V
"Pearls appear to be just the thing t
guard the rosy tongue that 1 see in the far
t best showcase. Bless me! What u throat
and neck. How finely the head we have
just formed will net upon them! Let us
now see some bodies."
"Here they are Choose. 1 have a fine
"That in so. tmt hold on. Not this one,
nor that either, but that over there, which
indeed is so beautiful. Whf.t forms! What
contours! It is a work that does you honor,
"Many thanks, little fellow. 1
understand it."
see yon
"All right. Now, after putting those ala
hunter arms to it. and fastening on those
shapely legs, and to the arms those delicate
white hands, and to the leg those neat lit
tle feet, our work is complete, is it uot?
And what a lovely result, now that we have
it all put together. How handsome, bow
successful! The poet must be very hard to
please who is not enthusiastic over such
"Something is wanting, however."
"Can it be possible?"
"Yes, child; the heart. You have forgot
ten it,"
"How Is that? Dees it not go along with
the body?"
"We sell them separately."
" ery well. Put in a most tender and
loving one. Our poet will thank us for if.'
"I must tell you, youngster, that the ten
der ones come high."
"Then see wait a minute. Cast up the
amount of all that I have selected, and with
the balance remaining we shall add a heart
to her."
"That is soon done 10 here, 9 there, IS
over there the throat, th hands. Here it
Is just fX) celestes."
"Sixty celpste8,"
'Not one less.'"
"Unfortunate coincidence"
"What Is up?"
"That this is precisely the total amount
which I can, spend."
"What shull we do, then?"
"Could you not comedown m little in
"ImiKissiblel Not a farthing. Youareget
ting the very best in the store."
"No. of course not. Certaluly. What la so
beautiful is costly. There Is nothing more
"Listen to this suggestion: Some piece
might le exchanged for a cheaper one, and
with the difference''
"Idl us try it."
"What do you say to those eyes somewhat
less deep?"
"Oh, we must not touch the eyes. It
would be a crime."
"What about this mouth, which is palet
than that?"
"I'd as little have that as the other eyes.
It would be profanation."
"And this body?"
"The other is so pretty."
"And the hands?"
"Oh. no! l-eave them."
"Nothing different. I tflke it as It is."
"Hut. rogue, what do you mean? With
out a heart?"
"Yes, without a heart. After all. as the
want of it cannot be seen, noliody will no
tice the defect."
"As for me, do as you please."
"There is your money."
"Goodby, young man."
"tioodhy, master, till I see you again."
And the cherub, light asimmlieain. gath
ered the beautiful woman in his arms and
descended to the earth, bcatingtheuirwith
his wings.
And as I nach this part of my story you
will not fail to ask tue, "And could t hat
woman live without a heart?"
And I ther, with great distress, will lie
ubliued to answer, "That, mv charming.
ungrateful one. Mobodv can know better
than yourself.' -New York Mercury.
I liiviKOected Titlviit.
Hums was li ing in the town of Ayr, and
though still young had attained more than
a local repiiii'iioti as a po. t,
One day he was parsing through the main
street of the town anil saw two strangers
sitting at oue end of the inn window. Willi
idle curiosity lie stopped to look at them.
Sec i in: him. and thinking the rustic might
afford tbeiiiHume amusement while they
were wailing, the strangers called him iu
and asked hiin to iliue with them. Hums
readily accepted the invitation and proved
a merry, eiiteitJiining guct.
When liier was nearly finished, the
strangers suested that each should try
his hand at v-rseiiuiking, and that the one
who failed to write a rhyme should pay for
the dinner. They felt secure in the chal
lenge, lielicviiig that their rustic guest
would pay (or the meal. The rhymes were
writte.i, h ml Hums read the fuliowing:
I, .lolitiuy I'eep, mv vn sheep:
Twn sheep saw me.
Hull a crown Miiece ill r for I heir Heeee,
Anil I. Johnny I'eep. pi fnc.
The strangers' a-totiil niei,t was great,
ami they but Ii exclaimed: "Who are you?
You must Ins Kobbie Hums:"
And Knlihic Hums did uot pay for the
dinner. Youth's (,'ouipuuioa.
Your Painterii
has often wasted time and material ia
trying to obtain a shade of color, and
Has even resorted to the use of ready
J , - .H&.H.h... V. WIUIQ
he knew nothing, because of the diffi.
culty in making a shade of color with
white lead. This waste can be avoided
by the use of National Lead Company 's
PureWhite Lead
Tinting Colors
These tints are a combination of per
fectly pure colors, put up in small cans,
and prepared so that one pound will
tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure Whites . .
Lead to the shade shown on the can. J
By this means you will have the best f :
paint in the world, because made of '
the best materials , ,
Strictly Pure 1
White Lead
and pure colors. Insist on having one
of the brands of white lead that are
standard, manufactured by the " Old
Dutch" crocess. and known tn K.
strictly pure :
"Southern" "Red Seal"
These brands of Strictly Pure White Lead
nd National Lead Co.'a Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors are for sale by the most re
liable dealeri in paints everywhere.
if you are going to paint, it will pay yon
to (end to us for a book containing informa
tion that may save you many a dollar; it will
only coat you a postal card.
1 Broadway. Sew Voti,
St. Loula Branch, f
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street.
DR. J. H. MclEAN'S
It Is a safe and unfailing remedy for all
Kidney Trouble), Liver Disorders
and Female Irregularities,
Price One Dollar Per Bottle.
The Or. J. n. McLean Medicine Co..
rlr.ii-. and hrn'itifm " hair.
I' a luxuriant ernwth
Nrvrr Falla to Hc.torr Oray to Ita Youthful Color.
Curt M-ullt li.n-ii.'irj 4 hair tilling.
.hvi.hI ai.'' n hniRr.rr
The Consurr ptlve tnd Feefclo and ail !,
utt.-rfr imii.ii. i'iIim . .! 't " I'urMT-a (ms r
10UIC. Ii .-.II.. ...! '.. V.-. l.""f- jlrt" " 1'-
diiti-.i,.,... r-i .' M.i -hi-;' ' ' "
U.fOF.kCM" ' . -v.r'vMi-r r-r
- m.aHESSanEtDMilKkgcURED
' i .a " lr .11.1, 'fi'linl..- .r t'.i.ri-
tyX .J K-r l.r-.i ,. 1 .m-.irul. ..
-. ' ;-'-. r.rir..i,.'. 1. CCII
- 1. i'.r wu... ii pun! I
I Mi. I.
VITALLY WEAK). H.i. . br u. aim npiimina ti
ttt.lnrr. or itoW; Miera rntil itrala ar irl.f ; iKll'Al
BICKhMiH Id mMdlt I Iff .or lrlou. bitlii tonlrtrtrd In voiim
MfFlaf Mm iK" """" l Kmm.nomii.iTY..
OUimT IlBLt Dmit la lOUMlaaamil.
OLI tSIUi la.l ol ira. lor. anj ir.afia.wtthMiiial or,.Li
Impaired tad wtik.o.d Drtroalurclt la appraaeblDt aid it
la bkdt lhmi.nd eaaf.trMtadaadflar.d In bail Lwalvar
"T3 Yft ef our faiih la Prof. Harria'
TiaiaoBralbi day. trial ahholitkli mc
aa, jauai ar aid, aularlaa fr.ra ttila
.-valtol troubla ahoald aaad Ibalraddrta aa waeaa furnlia
Ideation, tobaaa.nartd, tbat waraay aao toa IraaeoBdllma
ir aaab eaaa and prapar ntdlclaa ta affret a prarapl aura.
l-aaatad In N.w Tort lalur II laara at St. Lauli I, . erlri
dt a ehaata lo ba ear.d hi tha eft.bralad Paalilla Traalmrt.1.
f HI HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists.
zjo you Know?
'i.i'. vm;-'. )U result from an
.'i.k ;t.;hy i.vcr than any
; ', 1 . r en i -1 :i '; i gest i o n , Con sti
vi;m:'.. 1 k'.V.aeiie. liiliotisness,
:v"; Maiaria v.sually attend it.
. : San !' mi's Liver Invigorator
a vegetable specific for Liver
Disorders and their accompany,
ing evils. It cures thousands
why not be one of them? Take
Dr.Sanford's Liver Invigorator.
Your Druggist will supply you.
Table Talbe.
It ia out tin' piiiKtronoiuical
tiiaxitut". ami rather a true one, that
"digestion if the tititainesH of the
stomach, and indireMion that of
the doctors." And we have no heci
tation in en vine thut the liininee8
of the dot-torn would not I e half t-o
thrifty, if the luiMneHS of the fdoiu
ach were not upset ly the frying
pans of hail cooks. We live in hope
however. The world in progressing
and progress means that it will
Hooner or later, find out and do
away with the misery and doctor'
hill that lie hidden under the cover
of a fryimr-pan. Cookery is claim
intf its place nmonir the ureat scien
urn, ami mi piil-licalion has done
more, if as much. ' establish its
claim as Table Talk. The nina
zine will deserve the past success
it has achieved, und it certainly has
our best wishes for the future A
sentiment which oujiht to find nu
echo in the tens of thousands of
homes that have been cheered and
benefited by its treatititfs. The
Narch number is now read-.
Published bv the Table lalK I'ud
lishitifj Co . 11 IU Chestnut St.. Phila-
' delphia. sum a year single topic
1 10 cents.