4 JOS STADKLMANN BLOCK, MAIN ST., PEOPLE AND AFFAIRS. The first aniuiiil dei -lauiatory Con test (f tll I'lattSllinlltll high school will be held at Rock vond hall tills evening. Tin programme will be a most enjoyable one ami will ! participated by Misses. Moore, Simpson of Kearney, Mrs. Franklin, I,. Mninclie Ki ly, I.uke Wiles, F.lizabeth Jactjiictie. Mamie Mau.y, (iriicc Walker, Maiul K'emiie, Clara Walker. Nettie Wayhi iglil. Margaret Davis, Rose Dyers anil others. Kveryhoily who attend may ex poet an excellent entertainment. Mrs. Chan. Hicks, of Centennial, Wyoming, in visiting her sister. Mrs. Hrantner. Her daughter, Mrs. Carr, of Greenwood, is with her. Fred Noah, tin employe of the distillery nt Nebraska City met with h most painful accident last Satur day morning, lie was at work in thecattlo she Is carrying feed across a vat, when the hoard broke precipi tatinghiin into the boiling slop. Fortunately but one tjleg fell into the tub, but this was fairly par boiled to above the knee. He was taken to his home on the corner of Fourth street and Sixth avenue, where his injury was dressed, lie lias refused to allow a doctor to visit him, although his friends have counciled one in his behalf. The skin ami much of the llt-nli has pooled olf. The injury must be ex cruciatingly painful; but it may not prove serious, unless it takes a malignant turn. Tomorrow is St. Patrick's day. The fanners of Weeping Water precinct have bought the City Rol ler Mills of Fred Clinton ami took possession last Tuesday. Mr. Ham mer will lake charge ol the busi ness with a competent miller and will give the farmers and consum ers Hour and feed at actual cost. Tin.' mill is one of the best cctpiipc ed in the county. Ledger. Mrs. J. Lewis, of F.iglo, was in illi cit)' Monday visiting her nephew J H. Hrown. I k i sin i i;i iiiiK'si; l iii i: v i;s. Thursday evening a brace of diny looking tramps made their appearance al the institute, and asked lor soniolhing to eat. This was given them, but they were such scurvy fellows and 1'rin. Rakt-straw ordered them from the priiuises. Later in the night the watchman, Walter Davis, discovered a man skulking about the barn. He called upon him to stop, and then tired bis pistol. At this a second appear ed, and responded with a ipiick shot which barely missed the watch man's head, gra.ing his cap. The men hastened their departure, but did not appear during the night. It is thought they were preparing to help themselves to the stale's horses. Nebraska City Press. One of our most highly esteemed Cass county farmers, Mr. John Me Caig. has left us and moved to Ash laud. A PA IX I t I, Atlltd-NT. W. P. Joins received a serious fall on the ice in front of his barn Sunday evening, which resulted in the breaking of a bone in bis right leg a little above the ankle joint. He was taken home and Pr. Livingston reduced the fracture, vhich proved a very serious and painful one, Mr. Jones is rest ing hs well today as could be ex pected. CO.M M ISSIOX K k'S' ol UK The comuiissione have completed the additingof the month's accumu lation of bills against the county. Nothing has been done regard ing the Weeping Water road peti tion becnuseof the non-compliance with the rules by the petitianers. The opening of the bids for build ing county bridges showed that the firm of Todd & Ptindas secured the .HiTj Banks May Fail JOE REMAINS THE GREATEST CLOTHIER I IT P1ATTSMOUTH. HE WEARS contract, their bid being ifl-ON per lineal foot.The Wrouth Iron Hridge Co., of Canton, Ohio, which was the successful firm last year, put in a combination bid which averaged fo.M per foot, andjwas the next low est. T. J. Cuminel of Auburn bid $1.27, the Milwaukee Hridge and Iron Co., $4..Vl, the St. Joe Hridge and Iron Co..$WS, II. K. Mercy of Ashland $1.18, and II. J. Mayer of St Joe. $."i.2"i, for main spans and $4.7." for approaches. The successful (inn is composed of A. H. Todd, for merly the county commissioner, ami C. P. Dundasof Lincoln. Mr. Fred Clinton was in the city on business Monday. Mr. Clinton is an old-time resident of Weeping Water. The now Waterman block is hav ing the roof put on this week, the brick work is till completed. The new structure, when completed will contain three store rooms running back to the alley and a large niiin of well arranged offices, and a hall in the second story, this will be the best office buildieg in the ciiy when completed. Sain Patterson is the happy fath er of a fine girl at his .'ionic, the little one came last week and is do ing well. J. M. Ramsey, an old soldier and esteemed resident of Heatrice, has ueeu ad jiided insane and taken to the asylum al Lincoln. He was sub ject to epilepsy and his insauty is attributed to feeble health tor some years past and to financial trouble. W. H.Shnfer, one of I Mat (smooth's earlost settlors is (piite sick at his homo in the not th west part of the city. Ouite a dologrtinn of Odd fellows went from her Tuesday to attend the funneral of Past (irand A. Har mon, near Avoca. The deceased was one of the earlost members of Prairie lodge and his acipiaint Mice was extensive, mid a more worth , an d attentive brother never took the obligation. He died at the age of til years. The funeral was conducted under the solemn riles of the order one so much loved, followed by a concurse of mourn ing friends and relatives. May he le admitted through the sacred portals ami into the communication of the groat Lodge on High. Keho. Another lire at Nebraska City last week w hich destroyed over $10,- 000 worth of property. The Canning factory is now ready to close contracts for corn, beans, peas and tomatoes to be canned this summer, and all fanners who wish to raise vegetables for them are requested to come and sign contracts. Dok-x To Mr. and Mrs. II. W I.oyd a line boy on last Monday evening-. Mr. Peter Kveland. one of our prominent farmers near Murdock, gave us a pleasant call Wednes day. He commenced sowing wheat during the warm spell, but the cold blasts of the last few days cut short the work. Mr. P.M. Lloyd, of Mm ra . one of our solid Cass county farmers gave us a pleasant call yesterday ami left us a substantial reminder of his visit. Come again Pave. Arrested and Set F ree. Pr.J. II. llanaford says in the Western Plowman: ''If the fust cough is properly treated, the first stop in the direction of consump tion is arrested, the lungs develop, the breath set free, we need fear consumption." Kemp's Halsam for the throat and lungs is the proper treatment for the first coujjh. No other remedy has saved so many from consumption. At all drug gists. Large bottle .TOc and $1. THE WKKKLY HERALD: PLATISMOU HI. NEBRASKA, MahC'II 1(5. 181)3. POLITICIANS GO WRONG BUT LIKE TIME AND HIS Two Men Drowned. Last Saturday afternoon the bridge tender of the M. P. R. R. at the bridge across the Platte at Ore- apolis attempted to cut a log in two that had drifted against the bridge. When he had cut the log about half in two the pressure from the ice broke it, throwing the man, Kd Burgess, into the swift current of the river. He struggled to save himself by getting onto a cake of ice, but tailed, and when he reached the Hiuiington's bridge Andrew Hotvid jumped upon the floating ice in an attempt to save him, reach ing toward him with a long oike pole with which lie had been work ing. Hut the piece of ice to which he sprang broke in two and lloated away from the shore, throwing Hot vid into the water, and both men were doomed to a terrible death. Hotvid sank almost immediate', but Hurgess got hold of the log which he had cut off and floated down for some distance before he went tinder. Their companions stood on the bridges and watched their struggles, but wore powerless to render them any aid. Hurgess was a single man, about fifty years of age, a member of the Grand Army, and his home was at Atchison, Kansas. Of Hotvid but little is known other than that he was unmarried. He died like a man deserving a bettor fate. WAXTKIv Two irood machinists at once, good wages paid, address Fremont Foundry & Machi m-shop Fremont Neb. A Floater Found. Sunday, John Horry, a farmer of the Iowa bottoms, discovered the Moating body of a human being in the water near the oast bank of the Missouri river, about two miles bo low the Darlington bridge, From appearances the body had boon in the water nearly all winter. Jt was devoid of clothing, a part of one arm and one log was missing, and the body was so decomposed that to the casual observer its sex was not disccrnnblc. The coroner of Mills county was notified and the body was taken to Pacific J unction for an official investigation. Hring your job work lo this office for first class work. Listot Letters The following letter list remain ing in the post office for the past week ending March 11. ISM: (.'lurk, Mr Kiln A Limine, Watson lel'ml, Mike Mills, Adrian Shullcross, J II t'doll, II L Hums, h'nli'l Persons calling for the above will please say "advertised." II. J. STKhlc.llT, P. M. "She's A KOln' Better To-Night." The fair Pocima Moore was sing ing her principal solo in "The Wed ding live," the footlights being down to give play to the lime. And one lime-light man in the Hies was hoard to remark to another: "She's a goin'a bit bettor to night, Hill." "It was just time, too." growled the other, "Monday night she was point-thing awful." "She's all the better since I stuck a hairpin into her last night," re joined the first. Jftiriiing with indignation, a gentleman w ho had overheard these remarks sought the stage manager. "Oh, it is all right," said he, after hearing the charge; "they wore talking of the limelight appara tus, which has been rather trouble some lately." WAN TliP Agents to sell our choice and hardy nursery .stock. We have many new and special va rieties, both in fruits and ornamen tals to oiler, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. May Hnothkrs. Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. PEICE" TO ET7"EE2"Sr BODD"S", PRICES PLEASE THE E. G. DOVEY G. D Jhepriees 2 wy Are Very D(?sirate- Wc refer to the Uitcst Addition to Our Carpet Department. Y & S o N. WE ARE SHOWING A MEDIUM PRICED GOODS IN NGRAINS lira BRUSSELS. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING IT WILL PAY YOU T0L00K OVER OUR STOCK. STAIR CARPETING, CHINA MATTING RUGS AND DOOR MATTS. The Finest Lineof Plain, Fringed- Window Curtains to be had in Cass County gg-OUR LINE OF SPING GOODS IS FULL AND COMPLETE QUALITY RELIABLE AND PRICES THE LOWEST. E.G. DOVEY & SON. NotU-B. Hiivitijr sold my stock of jeweler) ami business to I. S. Hrio't, .,,! C II. Je(iiette, I ilesire to extend to my patrons my thank's for their past favors and assure them that they will receive the best ol treat ment from the new (inn, anil cordi ally invite them to continue their patronage. I am preparing to handle the largest stock of pianos and organs ever brought to Platts mouth, and will 'make my head quarters with the linn of Hriggs & Jatpiette where I may be found of them that diligently seek me to settle their accounts, Kespectfully Gl-o. Vass, Kx-Jewelery and Music Ienler. A party prospecting in the old Spanish cupper canyon came upon the skeletons of forty-three soldiers in Devil's (iitlch last Monday. The company has been missing from Fort Mary ever since the Apache raitl on Kspanola, Sept. S)th, 1S7'.). It was supposed they were massa cred by Indians, as not one ever re turned, but it seems, however, that nil died from drinking from a poi sonous spring where the skeletons lay bleaching ever since. The skel etons are still encased in uniform with guns erected as they left them. A lot of ammunition and the skel etons of forty-five horses completed the ghastly discovery. MULTITUDE. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. & SON. re Reasonable. HANDSOME LINE OP Nebraska Pension's. Following is the pension issue for Nebraska: Jacob I'. Maple, Theopholis Lively, Oliver V. Den nis, Luther II. Goltby, Albert Hur ley, Chas k Young, (.'has. II. Dora thy. Wm. L. Hall, Amos I'eck, Milo Robertson, Henry Sinythe, Jas. W. Vannostran, J no. C. Fletcher, Chas. Harrison, t lark A. Dennett. Fred erick Mcl'rocknieier. Issue of previous day: Original -Kthvard H. Mark. Joseph Talbott. Julius Schmidt, G ittfrit-t Fischer, Daniel Hart, Prince A. Gatchrll', Henry Haxter. Chas. X. Thomas,' Saniual I Rust-ell. Additional -Jas. V. Wharton Samual Kdgar. Increase-Geo. V. Klstun, Cassias M. I'ulver. Reissue-Richard R Kartell, Andrew J. Lake. Original Widows-Mary J. Guthman, Tabi tha Fra.ier. ;oi.I KOk' THE TKEAsfKY. Chkac.o, March 13.-The Chenii cal national bank today turned into the sub-treasury !f lOO.tHK) in gold ami gold certificates for transmission to Washington. Within a few days Chicago banks have sent in about JfT.Vt.ntK) in gold. SHOT EACH OTIII-k- Gkke.WILLE, Tk.., March U While resisting arrest Warren Xick. man, a negro, shot and mortally wounded City Marshal Valvin, who managed to return the fire, killing Nicknian. v i.vit i r $5 PER SET Perfect Kit (Juar unteetl, Teeth out in the tnorn inx, new ones put in the same tluv. Teeth extracted firfi cents. Amiil K"i Killings, on cents utitl up, cold t'rowiis ami hriil Work at prices most reasonable. All work executed without pu i n. We perioral all work known to the Art of Dentistry, mid nt prices within the reach of all. )o not he preju diced liy whntotli ersinny suv about us, hut cull anil see iim, examine our work. We do just what we ud vertise. Consul. i .!,. ., . i union ny letter or nt otliee tree of charge. ii ... 1''K"'' I'entM, Fourth K r Hrown Hlock. opposite V. M C if., i.i ttitf, Sixteenth mid iiujjluYstreets. - FIRST NATIONAL : BANK OK PLATISJltH'-m, .NEBRASKA. I'uid upcapitul. Surplus ...$."i0,f),min .. K'.UOO.WO Oiler-the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of LEGITIMATE BANKING BUSINES. OTOCKS, ,o,is, Kold, government urn) lot a I securities bouKlit and sold. Oe V."! recteved ad inu-rest allowed on nnv U,ri,l ,lri,w"- Bvuilnble I a n part of the I . S. mid all the princi pal towns of Kurope. Collections made Wri. 'V'V!1: y r,'"lil,el- "iifhet market i 7 c""ll, v warrants, state and t ount y bonds. Jul l'it.e:alil. I). Ilawksworth l-ho l-.l.u.-ra!.;. I've-. S. W.lir,, Cashier CU 1 HINHICHS. "i: v.i-. in ... . Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all kinds. J M A l F. the best of all kinds ol sausages ami keep a good supplj constant)- on ban.. Call and see. MAR ki;t o SIXTH STRK!-:T. Helwi eii Main mid Pearl I'laltsmouth. Nebraska T.J. THOMAS & SON I'k'HI-h-IKTOKS OF Till- North Sixth-St. Meat Market. prl?. Salt ar?d Smoked Ml-ATS OF AM, KINDS. Headquarters : for : Poultry. GAMK OF ALL KINDS IN SKASON. North Sixth-st..Opp. Postoff ice JOHN A DAVIKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW Correspondence Solicited. Ouiee in Union Rook I'LATTSMOUTH. Nkbkaskji WAITED---W idi-au a ke workers"'.: with 5c DUnTnnniiinl',"wil11 n.os. i. PHOTOGRAPHS r' ,r Centrrville, Tex wSfLM . f? M " rt'". Miss K,,ie A,la.n,.!n1 :,'er$ " minutes: Kev. I BniZi v JIJ for,' !Cffi2S?l WORLD l)ertwntChic.g: III. ' P"'' r