Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 09, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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ONCE IN . it . .. . ...
Tarvrul Rciin-h Show Die. .rls ant
Cnnrordaorr In I'rror.
A minister in North Carolina and
another, and also a Bible teacher in
Kentucky, have liocn pusucled over
this query. "Tho word 'its' ia found
only once in the Bible-where?" They
any: "Will you please tell us where?
We have failed to find it." It is not
remarkable that a minister of expe
rience nhoulil fail to find tho answer
to this query.
The word "its" is not found in the.
best concordances of the Bible, mich
as Cniden'8 and Young's. Moreover,
Worcester's larger dictionary quotes
the statement of Trench, "Through
the whole of our anthemed version
of tho Bible 'its' doeH not once occur.
Although Worcester corrects an error
of Trench in respect to the use of tho
word "its" by Shakespeare nnd Mil
ton, ho does not correct the state
ment in respect totheuseof the word
in thoauthoriml version of the Bible.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
also eays. "The possessive form, 'ito,'
i modern, being rarely found in
Hhakewpoaro and Milton, and not at
all in King James' version of the
Bible." Tho same statement is re
peated in Webster's new Interna
tional Dictionary, word for word.
Dr. Angus, in his "Handbook of the
English Tongue," also says: " 'Its' is
a recent form in English. It is sel
dotn found in Shakespeare and never
in sacred Scripture."
The statement of the revisers of
the English Bible in their preface is
more precise. They say: "It is well
known that 'its' does not occur in the
Bible of Kill, and it does not appear
to have l)een introduced into any edi
tion liofore KKiO. But it is found 10
times in Shakespeare, ami there is
other evidence to show that at the
time of the authorized version it was
coming into use."
Now, if our North Carolina minis
tor nnd other readers of the auth ir
ized version of the Bible will turn to
Leviticus xxv, 5, they will find the
following: "That which groweth of
its own accord of thy harvest thou
slmlt not reap."
Tho word "its" is therefore found
in the current version of our English
Bible, notwithstanding tho state
ment of Worcester, Webster and
other authorities to tho contrary.
Moreover, tho word appeal's in vari
ous editions, as those of tho Ameri
can Bible society, tho Oxford and
Cambridge Tress issues, tho Collins
Bibles, Eyre anil Spottiswoode's,
Bagster's and all tho editions of fam
ily and pulpit Bibles consulted for
this purpose. Sunday School World.
Lord T'iiiiniiii us it ( in pet dinner.
Tennyson appeared once in the new
character of carpet cleaner. Calling
on some friends and finding them
absent he wrote them a polite note,
but had the misfortune to overturn
the ink bottle upon the beautiful
white Persian carpet. Frantic, he
appealed for help to t he servant. She,
suddenly recollecting that new mill;
will remove ink when wet, seized a
can of the creamy liquid which hap
pened to have been ju.-t left by the
milkman. She tip.-ct the can on the
large black pool and set about rub
bing and scrubbing the Main.
Down went Tennyson on his hands
and knees, rubbing and scrubbing
also, in an agony ol su-peiise lest his
friends should return, which he after
ward said "reached the infinite."
Every trace of ink was removed, and
tho servant was rewarded with a
5 shilling piece and the poet's "tied
bless you !" - liondon Tit Bits.
The I mini Cunt-.
A most unpleasant sensation is
caused by the violent excitation of
tho ulnar nerve due to a blow on the
elliow. This nerve passes down on
tho inner side of the arm. and then
rather inconsiderately bends round
and outers the forearm at the back of
the elbow joint. Any one who has
felt his neighbor'sclbowstu kinginto
his ribs knows that the elbow is re
markably deficient in tlesh. The
nerve is therefore at this i mint very
near the surface and has little to
shield it from a blow. If we are so
unfortunate ns to give our elbow a
smart tap. we obtain a practical con
firmation of the fact that the ulnar
nerve is the principal sensory nerve
of the forearm and hand Toronto
Oiltl Cumiiiciit.
One who gives public or private
recitations is certain to hear remark
able comments on his work. Most
people wish for something emotional
and drninat.ic. where the color is laid
on with a heavy brush and senti
ment is ramtia'it.
"I like to be curdled," said a great
lady to me one day. "I like that
piece about a child being run over by
a train. Oh, i-n't it run oven Well,
you think it's going to be run over,
and that's neariy as piod."
Another lady once asked, with a
gracious and sunny smile, "limit
you recite anything about a good
murder?" Clifford Harrison in
"Stray Records."
U;iirtluitH I or Miiijiper.
Did you ever wait for change in a
bargain store ( Did yon ever get
homo and find that you had omitted
to wait for said change; Did you
ever lose a brand new be
fore taking a cent's worth of good
out of it f bid you ever see an article
just like one that, youbought 10 min
utes ago marked 20 per cent less in
some other store? Boston Commonwealth.
-. r.oH.
..ill 1
': rr 1.
.' Hi in ' - . OVV.
-v. ijrw -t r..-i lar.!" liar, m ! my e'd I -wn had on.
My i,M town was Cli::il:am, Mass.
Time was, when I was u lioy, an old
fellow of the l.iine of George San
d( rs, who won without an ( Cort the
bilver star of champion long dis'jiuee
liar for the town and neighboring
vicinity. This fellow bad been, ac
cording to himself, lct 50 times in
great ocean wrecks. He had wan
dered naked and starving up and
down cannibal islands and been res
cued in a most providential manner.
Sharks und whales hail vainly har
bored designs against his life, and in
variably ho had led them a bootless
chase. In doing all this he bud also
established his star reputation. One
day George came into the town drag
ging after him an immense codfish.
"He stopped at all tho houses, he
was so well known, and calling out
the inhabitants pointed with pride i
to the fish and said: 'Now, if I had!
told you jieoplo I had caught a fish of j
that size you wouldn't have lielieved i
it.' George knew his reputation well, j
and ho knew that to gain the actual
credit for his catch that ho would
havo to work for it. It always tickled i
me to think that tho biggest liar in j
town slioulij catch the Itiggest hsli
and then lie compelled to drag it all
around town to prove it." St. IxmiH
Sli-rplhg In I.Iiim'h.
There is an anecdote of Dr, Russell,
the famous war correspondent. The
most unenviable iKisition in which he
ever found himself was not in battle,
but in bed. As tho story runs, the
correspondent was on the way to
India with the Prince of Wales and
stopped at tho palace in Athens. The
king made an appointment with him
for an early walk. Dr. Russell nar
rates: "I went up stairs to bed. I
couldn't sleep. The mosquitoes bit
mo to their hearts' content, particu
larly alxnit the hands and arms. 1
happened to havoa pair of long white
kid gloves in my bag. 1 got up and
put them on. I awoke in the morn
ing with tho knowledge of having
somebody by my bedside. It was the
king, accompanied by his big dog.
It was Cc.'it) I I sat up in bed. 'In half
an hour, Mr. Russell,' said tho king,
Kiniling as he left the room, "1 shall
come back for you.' At breakfast
that morning, during a moment ol
silence, the king, addressing the
queen, with a sly glance in my direc
tion, said: 'Well, I've met a great
many dandies in my time, but Mr.
Rusncll beats them all. lie actually
sleeps in white kid gloves.'"
llnw tilt Si Itail'd limit Ih rrrpiireil.
The food for the sultan of Turkey
is cooked by one man and his assist
nnts, and no others touch it. It is
cooked in silver vessels, and, when
done, each kettle is scaled by a slip
of paper and a stamp, and this is
broken m the presence of the sultan
by the high chamberlain, who takes
one spoonful from each separate ket
tle before the sultan tastes it. This
is to guard against poison. The sultan
never uses a plate, lie rarely uses a
knife or fork a spoon, his bread, a
pancake or fingers are far handier.
It requires just twice as many slaves
as there are courses to serve a diunei
to him. Woman's World.
Itiillroiiil IIukIUIi.
Slang expressions generally origi
nate with tho railroad men, and a
person not versed in slang might
listen to a crowd of railroad men
talking for an hour without getting
the slightest impression of their
meaning. Consequently, whim an
Atchison girl received the following
letter from her Apollo, a brakemau,
she was somewhat puzzled: "My
dear, I pushed the con's face yester
day, and he told the Hiqe, who put
me on the carpet and finally put the
can to me. I will havo to layover
on the hill for 10 days and will lie
down to see you soon," Atchison
Tli AiUiinluK' nf Demi IVcrn.
The einM'rorof China has ennobled
the ancestors of Sir Halliday Macart
ney for three generations. I con
gratulate these posthumous noble
men, wherever their disembodied
spirits may be. Honor will no doubt
be most gratifying to them. Tho
Chinese are more sensible than we
are. It is far more reasonable to
convert dead men who can do no
harm into noblemen than to make
unborn descendants of living men
into legislators, in which capacity
thev mav do much harm. London
Tin' IU-iiiiiIiih il' IVU tm Ornament.
A London lady of high degree
wears set in the jewels of her brace
let a tooth extracted from the mouth
of la r pet poodle. Another af.'rc
tionate creature uses the skin of a
once favorite horse as a lunrth rug
for her boudoir and has a defunct
let pug mounted inalifelike attitude
by the taxidermist for an ornament
on her writing table. Exchange.
An linlenl.
Mrs. Trulove What on earth ever
induced you to engage yourself to
Count Lackpnnny?
Mivt Brlckybiac Why, my dear,
dou't you know that he will inherit
a. service-of renaissance plate? How
it will improve my collection ! Jew
elers' Weekly.
R Saved the Young I.ndjr, but Slipped and
Wm Da.lirri to Pima.
I witneFsrd a most heroic incident
many years ago. In 1S65 two ladies
and two gentlemen went over the
Susquehanna river, opjxisite a small
town in Pennsylvania, to a place call
ed Peter Steps. To get to Peter Steps,
which is on a bluff 150 feet high, you
had to go by a back road. On top of
the stei were two tall pine trees,
eight feet apart, and to tie a rope to
the trees and swing out over tho
bluff was the object of the party.
After the pmtlemen had been swing
ing some time one of the ladies want
ed to swing. Annie, a lieautif ul girl,
got in the swing, and after a short
time sho exclaimed : "Give me a goxl
push. I want to go out so I can sou
the road below." We did so, when
snap went the rojx, and with a terri
ble scream Annie went crashing down
on tho rocks.
Almost scared to death we ran to
the road below. We could not see
Annie, but on looking up there she
was. Her clothes had caught on a
small scrub oak tree, and she was
hanging between heaven and earth.
By this time a crowd had gathered
on the road below. Everylxxly was
excited and was wondering how to
get her from her jx;rilous position.
Just at this time Harry Saylor came
running up the road. Seeing what
wa wrong, he went up the back road
to tho pino trees, and catching the
rojie that was used for the swing de
scended. But, alas, the rope was too short.
Ho did not wait for a longer one, but
inch by inch he picked his way to the
oak tree, and by the greatest exer
tion he managed to get her to the
base of tho tree. Once there even he
dared not leave go of Annie or the
tree. In the mean time a longer rope
was procured, and tying it around
Annie's waist she was landed satVly
aliovo. Not so with Harry. When
near the top, he slipped. Down he
went, landing on the rocks below, a
bruised and bleeding mass.
Gently and tenderly was he taken
home, but bis work on earth was
done. On the stone that stands at
the bead of his grave are these words,
"Sacred to the memory of aiuan who
bravely gave his life for another."
Cor. New York Press.
A 0 1 1 m !t nf Nrw l-:ii;liinil Lift.
Apropos of character sketchmgare
the following little bits of New Eng
land life seen on a train the other
day. A couple of middle aged coun
try women entered the car at a way
station. One, dressed in seamworn
black and carrying a bright yellow
pumpkin took the inside scat, and
her companion, settling herself on the
extreme edge of the remaining haif,
arranged various bundles comforta
bly around her. Presently they en
tered into conversation, "llev you
seen Mis' Brown lately f inquired she
of the bundles. "Why, hevu't you
heard;'' returned the owner of the
1 ler voice sounded aggrieved. "Mis'
Brown an 1 don't speak jest now,'
she went on. "It happened like this,
"i'was at the last sewing circle. We
were sitt in side by side out to supper,
an when the biscuits come along I
bl oke mine open an says 1 to h r.
'Well, I must say I've cat better bis
cuits 'n these. A'li't they spottt d ;'
Well, them were Mis' Brown's bi- 'iiit
an since then she and me a' i t
spoke." "You don't sny."eoiMmo!!Vd
her companion. "Hadn't Ch; L. !..:;;
oughter to be careful !" Bo: ma Ad
vert iser.
Sailor 1'i'iir llriilul ( UiIch.
A gentleman who has reeentiy re
turned from Europe tells of an odd
superstition in vogue among the iw re
ignorant classes of seamen. They
are of the opinion that the presence
of a young couple on their bridal
tour aboard ship portends a violent
storm. The Canadian, an Intnaii
steamship, had a young couple
aboard, and sure enough the ship
was caught in a hurricane. A num
ber of the sailors were intent upon
throwing them overboard, and only
the courage of the captain, who op
posed the mutineers with a revolver
in each hand, saved the lives of those
who were enjoying the first weeks of
their honeymoon. Cincinnati Com
mercial Gazette.
The t-'miimi-n of I'titti'i-Miu,
Tompkins with a "p" is not more
significant than Patterson with two
"t's" if tradition is to be trusted. Ac
cording to the story that has come
down from the Kith century, tho Pat
tersons all spelled the name with one
"t" before Queen Elizabeth set about
marking those of her subjects who
left the ancient Catholic faith and
cast their lot with the Church of Eng
land. She insisted that all the Prot
estant Pattersons take to themselves
a second "t," and since that time
ma'iy have followed that mode of
spelling the name. New York Sun.
t I ul riiuiiKlt A Inni;.
Mrs. - Why don't you
wear a lur lined overcoat, like Mr.
Rich? -
Mr.Wes! '-ill - Remember, my dear,
that Mr. Hit h has failed three times.
I've failed onlv once. - Clothiers and
Haberdashers'' Weekly.
.1 iiili;iii; I'i'iiiii A ppi'aratii-t'H.
"That man must play in the band,"
6aid Bobbie.
"Why do you think so?" asked
"Because he has bandy legs," said
Bobbie. Harper's Bazar.
A Book Miracle
Of all the curiosities pretienred at Kil
dare, and of all the miracle recorded a
liavinif been performed at that place, none
npjiearu mure wuinlerful than that insidi
ous beck wtiicli in twill tobave been written
in the tiuie of St. Bridget add to bava been
dictated by an angel. Early in the night
before the nioriiin upon which the scribe
was to begin to write the book an angel
stood before him in a dream, and showing
him a picture drawn upon a tablet aaid,
"Do you think that you could draw tola
picture ou the first page of the volume
which you propone to copy?" Theacribe,
who doubted his pictorial skill, replied
that he could not. Upon thia the angel
said, "On the morrow offer prayers to the
Ixml, OMking him to open your earthly
eyes and ive you spiritual vision, which
will enable you to see more clearly and
underHtand with more intelligence."
It Is needless to add that the scribe did
as the heavenly visitor directed. On the
following night the angel again appeared
with a dozen of accurately drawn pictures
and page after page of clowely written man
uticript. Within a surprisingly short time
this divinely chosen scribe made perfect
copies of all the pictures and every line,
word and letter of the uiauuxcript, and the
book produced has ever remained as it ia
today a miracle of miracles. For more
than a thousand years "Miracle Book"
(mauuscript) has been eushiiued at Kil
dare. St. Louis Republic.
Canary lllrdu Come from Oernian;.
"There's a funny thing about canary
birds," said a Ninth street bird fancier yes
terday, "and that is the fact that they don't
come from the Canary islnuds at all. Most
people think they do, but they dou't. Iu
fact the birds on the Canary islands are all
green. Canary birds really come from Ger
many. On a rough estimate I should say
that fully 1."i0,(Xi0 nre imported to this coun
try every year. Ol these about 15,000 come
to Philadelphia, where they bring any where
from t.50 to .") apiece."
It is a remarkable industry, this trade in
canary birds. The importations are con
trolled almost entirely by two New York
firms, who have resident buyers iu Ger
many. Nearly every German steamer that
arrives iu Mew York brings large consign
ments of the little warblers. Each bird
has its own ciige, and the cages are made
up in cases of 1SU each. Canaries ure re
nowned for their seamanship qualities, and
stand the vujagu like veteran tars. It is
rarely that any of t liem die en route. They
receive the be.-l of care, anil each shipment
is accompanied by a man whose duly is to
see that they get all they want to eat and
are well cared for generally. Philadelphia
iliite Anlnittls Among the Japani-ne.
A white fox is often mentioned in thi failles, and a white serpent ap
pears iu their pit-ru res of lieiiten, the god
dess of fort line. Aiming the Japanese, as
among: the ancient Greeks and Scythians,
while horses were dedicated to the gods,
ami are still attached totiie larger temples
of tin- country. The milk and butter of
white cows were formerly prized as a med
icine. London Globe.
l.rentliilig of Illtcctft.
Insects ircnc rally breathe through spe
rial pores in various parls of their body
nnd if these pores are closed by oil they
are sull'iicali il. Any one may test, this by
dropping sweet, oil on the thorax or back
of a wasp. It very soon dies, l'or t his rea
fou oil has boi-n found one of the best
things to use for the destruction of in
we u. I .otii 1 ou T i t-1 1 i l s.
An Aian-evl.itinii i:plaineil.
The origin of the symbol "cwt." for huu
divdweiuht. h as follows: C is the initial
Idler ol l he Lat in wont "cent urn," mean
ing a hundred, and wt are the lirst and
last, letters of t in-word "weight" and arc
used as a colli ract ion for it. I'.ruokb u
Diplilht'i'lit anil Smokers.
It, may be not g m iiiily know n I hat font
men in every six use tobacco; et a medi
cal man in Vienna asserts that diphtheria
is thrice as prevalent among smokers as
those who deny themselves t he luxury ol
the weed.---Chambers' Journal.
The Paris Janlin ih-s I'laiitcs owe its
origin to a florist , who, in tho time of
Henry IV, grew nil sorts of native and im
ported plants, to sell Mowers as models tu
the manufacturers of embroideries and
The glowwcnn lays eggs which are
themselves luminous; however, the young
hatched from them are not possessed of
tiiose peculiar properties until after the
first transformation
The knife, though very old, had not com
Into common use as a table uteusil ia th,
?tl "ni.nrr .J
A vee7i woman
the one who's overworked, nerv
ous, and debilitated. AVliat she
needs is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. It's made exactly to lit
her case an invigorating, restora
tive tonic, and a soothing and
strengthening nervine, giving tone
and vigor to the whole system. Hut
it isn't a lucre stimulant. It's a
legitimate tiuilirinc, that an expe
rienced vhvsician has carefully re-
pared, for woman's ailments. All j
the hinetional derangements, chronto
weaknesses, and painful disorders
peculiar to tho nx, are corrected
and cured hy it.
And because it's a crrt rtn remedy,
it can be made a ijn'trindtcd one.
If it fails to give satisfaction, in any
case, you have your money back.
The best pill costs less than any
other. Costs less, but does more.
They're smaller, too, and easier to
take. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
arc the best pills. They regulate
perfectly tho liver, stomach, and
This is the Largest
ever Received in
ior humanity from
of Ladies Jackets the Halance of the Mouth.
til 1
Yuppie x 1 tjesjj varieties, Ken Davi
IhaiiH. Wins Sai w. ( Irimi'M I Mililen hVil T
Junes, Kearlv Harvest, Mo. I'iiiiiin-, d d I J CU US. jStJ ,
Early Richmond , i:;;;;! vj40i
Plum Trees Three-years old40;
Pear Trees Three Years old:40
ApricDtts--Russian 40
Quinces, Champion & Orange 38
Garden Roots--Asparagus I
Small Fruits, c-
.'iirratit Ituslie
fl rnrflc ('unciiril timl Mmir's Karly
vjiwjjwo, DKi.AWAkli
Raspberries, Gregg Tyler
' tv
TT iN T 1 T T "N T :r- 1 . .
r. Ur. r Jrt 1 U
and oils. nix'rncisTS' scxdwiks and vvui: i.njroKs.
'5 ' 'iii; . Alla I'll i ii
lllli'.niri'ii. i.omri'H ln.tennil Sini-ll. um,I I'nr.
it y rwas'$iu
iiiven Kellet at ouch
AP!V into the So,tril,.
One Shipment of Shoes
this city consisting 0f
infancy to old age.
Do.en. Per Km.
11 80$1800
3 60 38 00
3 SO: 25 00
3 00
2 80
3 00
281 1 OO
50, 4 00
781 8 00
80; 4 50
28 1 28
28 1 28
1 801
, I ; i I i 1 1 1;
IV "V-
IA. Jti & GO..
edicines, : Paints,
mill Intliiiiinmtiiiii, Henlo
-W m k-v in
l'nrl'.,l.i i 11.....1
I, J, Wrkty Abnrbtd,