Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 09, 1893, Image 1

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IN)) i
3T 1
11(1 I
an le
Veil ucs.
Silk Persian Shawls only $.".00, these
Shawls cost more to import them
than what we ask for them.
Full lines of Mack Wool and Silk
Fringed Cashmere Shawls from
$l.a0 to .00.
We are showing a very pretty line
of Curtain materials in Swiss,
Scrinim, Madras, Brussels Net,
suitable for long or sash curtains.
'i'c for a handsome Padn Curtain
mounted on l.est Spring Roller.
New Spring Goods Arriving on
everv train.
P. I I K
517 IVTAIlsr
- - WORTH OJF - -
K Mb. U J iU. a. HL- .m
I!y C'onsoliil.-itiiiir our two Stocks in one vu Cut down our Expenses
half ami 1uv our (mmmIs in Laiye tjiianritios, same us Whole
sale dealers, innl in way can give you
Lower Prices than ever lie.foiv.
Or. :i(Dil f h !iMv. i-roicsof of
Author of trt "-l.-'f.i.'ooJ! of
"lr..m IH. -.liv ":l ai:;il , s I't 4. A TMKin ninl others, I inn witislleil that
Is lii n. -x,-t (:!: ' 1 i 1 !' it i-ileci..illy more nutritious tlmn
tl.-r t '.... ...... - ; -p.- .. v ! M-Mf li,r..sij,,.T, tut ions in .-..r-
t.iei V I " c vi - ! .1 .in imv I k on Tlierupeutii'snre ijuiie
lllH-jl'lll... '. ' : I - 1 . -S !l-.l!-KN'riMf."
" ' . . . '. , . ,. is 'l,H nr"-it'luriH'lM,an't wy
nuf' in'''.' . - v ' , i ! ..j. e" ' a vtrtf lninlsin))f tt'xt tiiHiuini. It
'flli '"rV 'f
fri n n i
ELSON, the Cash Clothier,
40 inch All Wool Henriettes, Silk
Finish, Colors and Black, liOc yd.,
regular Oae quality.
4(i inch Whip Cords all New Spring
Shades at $1.00 a yard, regular
if 1.25 quality.
"X inch Itlack Silk Gloria only $1.00
a yard.
4.") inch Mack Crepons in Fancy and
Striped Weaves, only 7."e yard
regular $1.00 goods.
In Mack Dress Good we are show
in a very attractive line of Hen
riettes, Serges, Glorias, Whip
Cords, Crepons, Nuns Veilings,
Flannels, Hroad Cloths, Silk
Warps, Ktc, Ktc.
I !
H M A N N ,
Medicine at University College, London,
1 heraDeutics." arinaliu writes as follows:
i in)
It Meets With a Cold Receiption
in the Senate.
Senator Darner's Irrigation Bill Is
Bitterly Opposed by Hl9 Inde
pendent Brethren - Other
Important News.
Darner's irrigation bill, senate
lile No. HI, was the last Friday's
special order for '2 o'clock and when
the time arrived the introducer of
the hill presented petitions lioth in
favor and against it. Many piti
toners asked its passage as a meas
ure calticulated to he of great bene,
tit to the people. 'Hie following,
however, expressed the opinion of a
great number to the contrary:
First -That the Huid hill in its vnriinis
provisions! too cotuptic ateeil uiul un
wieldy. Second Tluit hy reason of the numerous
ofllccrs created uiul made necessiiry hy
tlio siime, it Is necessarily expensive.
Third That the payment of the salar
ies of the lare nutiiher of saidj'fimi'tiiuis
will hecoine a harden alike on the liti.ens
who receives a henetit from the contem
plated enterprises und those who cannot
possible decieve any advantage there
from. Section ,'t7, p. 17.
Fourth That the plan of taxation pro
posed to he placed on canals which Khali
receive a revenue jfor rental is iinprac
ticte anil unjust.
Fifth Thut the proposed plan forvotinu
bonds for the construction and mainten
ance of canals would lie burdensome and
tin j list and against the best interests of
irrigation throimhout the state,
Sixth-That the present law relative to
irrigation gives every beueiit now needed
and protects every Interest of importance
contemplated in the proposed law.
When Darner called for proced
ure under the special order in com
mittee of the whole TelTt raised the
point of order that the committee
of the whole when last in session
arose with the general appropria
tion bill under consideration as a
special order, therefore the appro
priation bill held a prior claim as
the special order.
Lieutenant Governor Majors sus
tained the point of order, but with
the understanding that neither bill
should lose place, the irrigation
bill was taken up section by section
with Dale in the chair. The (iicstin
seems to have been raised by TelTt
in order to prevent another wran
gle over the status of the general
appropriation bill and to fully de
cide its position on a general lile.
The decision means that the appro
priation bill will come up when the
committee of the whole sits again.
Senate tile No. 11) criming up fur
consideration Pope made the first
attack by moving to strike out sec
tion 1, which provides for the ap
pointment of a state hydratilia en.
gineer at a salary of L',00I) per year
giving as his reasons an argument
at length the unconstitutionality of
the creation of the state office, or a
court with the engineer as its su
preme judge. Tope, however, with
drew his motion in order to allow
the reading of the bill by sections.
The bill received its next hard
blow from its own side ol the
house in a motion from Stewart to
amend by reJucingthe engineer's
salary to Jl,."iiK). The amendment
was adopted. Stewart declared the
hill expensive and of no benelit to
the peeple interested.
Then TelTt jumped onto the meas
ure, asked why a board should be
created at a great expense and also
the saddling t.f bonds on the pen
pie. Stewart continued to nip olf ex
pense accounts until North declar
ed the chief engineer would not
( c.v 1 1 c i i kic win wa i i iori o
Neither do Ll)e Jolliiio- J:3Lirrni
265 Suits for Children (now) j 250 Suits for Mdn (new
Coat, Taut and Vest, $2 to $3 Coal, I 'ant anil Vest. $5 to $8
ELSOH'S Tho CASH Clothier.
have enough to board himsol nut
in Harlan county.
Darner came to the defense of
his bill and repeatedly asserted
that members failed to comprehend
the measure. If they could only
hear, he said, the "prayers of dear
people whom he had the honor of
representing," they would at least
treat the bill fairly and without
Tefft read it letter from it news
paper man of Gering showing that
the sections desiring irrigation
were now principally supplied and
people of that district were almost
unanimously opposing the bill.
North wanted to know if the
writer had any d itches.
Darner naid the man's attitude
would bringdown on his head the
future curses of his own people.
Continuing he read a letter ex
pining that corpoations secured the
remonstrance given above and re
porting that some names were
forged. He charged an effort on
the part of persons to get control
of the head waters. Figures were
given showing that irrigation un
der the present law and under his
bill meant a difference- of $!7,(KX) in
thirty years in cost of irrigating
V) acres.
The discussion narrowed down
between Stewart and Darner, Stew
art continuing that the people
could build ditches under the
present law. It did not put any
more water in western Nebraska
but did hamper with expensive machinery.
TelTt saiil the remonstrance was
the result of a public meeting, clos
ing a spirited talk by declaring
there were only two subjects in the
bill one to give ollice and the
other to bond the people.
The bill was opposed hy I'ope,
Moore, TelTt and Stewart, while
Darner. North, Lobeck, and Harris,
supported it, but without action the
committee arose and asked leave to
sit again.
It is a common remark that very
little interest attaches to the legis
lature. Ivveu with a maximum rate
bill for daily fare the proceedings
appear to be devoid of the deep in
interest displayed at former ses
sions, It will be remembered that the
( maha Canal company has a bill
in the senate which brings their
proposed works under the irriga
tion law and subject to such con
trol. The committee report inde
finitely postponing Pope's bill
regulating telephone charges.
The Newberry maximum rate bill
came up for discussion in commit
tee of the whole. Having been cor
rected and some of the blunders
smoothed over it came from the
committee without even a trace of
governor's voets hanging about it.
Republicans olfered a substitute in
the form of a commodity bill mak
ing a twenty per cent reduction on
rates on live stock, grain, coal, lime
lumber, cement, flour, potatoes,
sand, stone ami brick, but it was
rejected for the vetoed Newberry
bill, which was recommended for
passage by a vote of 51 to 4X. The
close shave for the Newberry bill is
believed to mean, taken into con
sideration with the rejection of the
commodity bill' that no maximum
rate bill can be passed this session.
It is reported that the senate will
not pass the Newberry bill und
that independents will defeat any
other simply to gain a new stock of
political capital.
Governor Crounse has oppointed
S. F. Hilton of Hlair chief oil in
spector to superset! Louis Heimrod
of Omaha. Mr. Hilton hus been
connected with the South Omaha
Drovers Journal. Dr. C. If. Little of
Hloomlifld was named as Superin
tendent of the Norfolk asylum.
240 Suits for
Coat, Pant and
Investigating the Capital Na
tional Bank.
They Make Several ReconiHtula
tlons Besides Mentioning
Other Important Facts In
Lincoln, Neb.. March ll The
feature of (he opening hour of the
house this afternoon was the report
of the special committee appointed
to investigate the amount and con
dition of the state funds deposited
in the defunct Capital National
bank. The report was not complete
and the committee asked for further
time. The report is as follows:
"Your special committee appoint
ed to net in conjunction with a
siimilar committee appointed bj
the senate to investigate the con
dition of slate money deposited in
the Capilal National bank at Lin
coln, Neb., reports that after having
the same under consideration for
several weeks, handicapped by its
duties a. members of this house,
also by arranging for meetings
with itsother committee, has dis
covered a state of things which
fully wnrrants it in the belief that
this committee should he contin
ued iiullinitely till the work is
finished and also should have
power to send for persons and pa
pers and employ accountants and
consel.etc, or some other such com
mittee with similar powers should
be appointed.
"One thing is clearly ascertained.
That is, the state of Nebraska did
through her agents deposit at least
ri.OUOor if'JIO.lKK) in the Capital
National bank of Lincoln which
cannot hchnd, audfoall human ap
pearance but little if any of it wdl
ever be had unless vigorous meas
ures are taken by the state to re
cover the same. And your commit
tee further believes that some sol
vent party or parlies are responsj.
bleandcau be so held, althoiioh
the courts will nave to locate ;the
' In Ihisconuectioti the committee
calls your attention to ; wo bills in
troduced by the chairman of this
committee looking to his end, as
well as to investigate every stale
institution in the slate, a degree of
looseness everywhere having been
devoted to justify such n move on
the part of thelegislafure. It also
calls your attention to memoran
dum taken from the books of the
Capital National bank hy Hank Kx
aininer Griffith, which will give a
clew to the situation. Said papers
are marked 'A' 'IV ainlC and are
made part of this report.
"It is our proper state that the
senate some ten days or 'more ago
discharged its committee, having
appointed another com in 1 1 tee for
such purposes. All of which is re
spectfully submitted.
"A. J. Johnson, Chairman.
"John Sinclair.
"John Hunch" max."
Kxhihit "A" shows as follows:
Statement of Hank Fx .mi i ner Grif
fith relating to State Treasurer
Hartley's open account with the
Capital National bank: Credit !f'M;,.
IHil.KI and January L'l, IVKI, deposit
slip dated Ja Hilary I'; deposit
slip No. lil.HV'., dated December 'S.',
IMS'.), for !f.")U,lK.K), shows on the book
of the bank as iH) with no indorse
ment.pnid January (i, lVd; deposit
slip No. '':t,."i',;f, dated December!!.
IH'NI, for ), shows on han't book
A i m i
i js.
Boys (newi
Vest, $3 to $5
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
!..V A www.
as SUN., indorsed "J. K. Hill, by (;.
l. II ." paid No ember It. lvr; de
posit -hp No. ii,.ii;, ,;lted August
', K'l. for ..!7,i;.-, shows on hank
books as,?; .7.-1. indorsed byj. K.Hill
paid December III. IVU; deposit sli p
No. ;';i.i,;i7, dated August 17, ISH1 for
MM m... shows on bank books as full,
not indorsed, paid January il, lVIH;
deposit slip o. '.-),Ni,,dnted Decem
ber Mil iron, :f;t7,,-.7.-, shows on
bank books as $1 1 1.7.1 indorsed by J.
K. Hill, paid December ID, HY; de
posit slip Nr.. .'.'i.dated December 22,
IV'l, for $58,11 1 ",, hIiows on hank
books as Silica, no indorsment,
paid Decern her 2'.', lSilf; deposit slip
No. 2ri,lVI(i, dated Novem her 1H, IStll,
for S-'Vl.tmi), shows on bankbooks us
fHKl, with forged indorsement, paid
December 22, S!I2; deposit slit. No.
28,471, dated January (i. istu, for Sl.-0-imtl,
shows on hank books us $I."iO,
IHHI, indorsed by J. F Hill, not
stamped paid; letter of '. K Hill to
J. M. Griffith, dated January 27. IStRI,
stating that he holds $11,411,87 of
state w .it-rants sm collateral security
for state deposits.
Kxhihit "IV'-ttate Treasurer
Hartley's credit in Capital National
Jamiarv Hi, IstU ...
January 1'.', . .
t'hei ks;
limitary III, lyi;i ..
Jamil. rv 17, Ihiu .,
January I1. IVM . ..
.Iiuiuarv l'l, I vill
January at, IMi'i....
January '.'I, ...
Kxhihit "C
Hill's credits:
September I.
$ r. SW,.'1.
... .$i:iri,:r.7,s5
.... ttnr.'j.M
l.:Mm 7i"
: IVk,02
. ...ST.1.'.'
Seplen. her I , Is!.'.'
Sentei.iiier H. Ism js'.iri i:
. .i,
( ictober 1, Ni' . 4tWH
i ctoher:il. r. .'il.i.Jbl :t
Nov ber s!r' si,,M..
December I. IM'J i
Decelllb'r I j. s:r.' ISI ll'JS.'.'l
. y I, lU ",. p,i,r,ii;uit
January li, lv.,i iVi.l;i.".7;
Certificates for?im,im0ninl ';i.'i,;!7.'i,
S."., dated January (i, to J . K. Hill,
turned over to Hartley on January
It and Jamiarv Ki. and the certifi
cates tor im.(Km and $:Va,:fi7 marked
paid and canceled.
January , 18;r,, cei I ilicate for $111(1,
NHI credited to I la it ley s aecou a t on
January I1.). IK'U: January (I, ISIW,
certificates lor $ .la ViiX'i ct edited to
Hartley's accon.u on auiiarv 17,
Certificates for JtlolMHKI never
credit ei on bank books, and held
by the bank awaiting credit.
Baby Cured Scall Head
Bii'I Case. Two Doctors No Gootl.
Tries CuUcurri. First Set Helps.
Four Sets Completely Cure.
Our lnl.y Trnrl win horn Nov. ID, 1101. From
hi r birth alio had Hotll lli'iul until "lie w:i (our
:uutith uld, ltin It U'cuiim' worm, mxl rni. out
iu Kinnll wluh. minpl..",
am! thrn Hprra.) to hu
lutVfl yellow m-ftliK. W.
thiil two ilixtont, hut
tl.i.y could not do it nny
good. Ho r tried tM'Tl
( i n Itr.aii.txtt, irbliiK
her m thorough ttunhiug
Ihri'O timon a dny, uiul
Ih. n iialng tliet I TU l iu.
Th flrat Ml we tried
helped her, And hefore b
tmeil tour ffetn (.he wni
perfectly cured. At the.
lure of hIk month our
Iml.v wclirhfd thirty-four
;'o.i'U. tier xkln U fitir hikI dmoolh, mid untlp
perfectly well. I 'orlnut Indexed. 1 uld not do
Hhout Ci'Ticriu Kkmkiiikk, nnd cm. recommend
llit'in m n.oNt eicelle ut for children.
Hub. HKTII JI'IUI, Vuiiderbilt, Mich.
! ued the CrTicriu Kkmei.iic for xhout two
mouth, and the. entire exH.ii wmm hut ('..on,
which no i.iio would regret for a nice (.month
kin. It left my fuccin I lie hot of condition, free
r. .in nil pimplex nnd lilotehen. 1 till iim the
CtTICCHA SoAI'.IIIliI I.lwilVNHhllll.
K. JU Kl'S TlkiMi'HUN, Youngatoirn, O.
Cuticura Resolvent
Til" new lilood and Skin I'urlller, Internally, and
' i rii I ha, the irciil Skin I'ure, and Ctni'l'liA
Sum, nn exitiiHiti. Skin Heiiutlller, extcrrolly, In.
tanily r.-lieve nnd Hp.'e.lily cure every dixeiim' nnd
inimnrof the hkiu, itealp :md lilood, with lo of
luir, from iufumy tu age, from pimpics tu Mcrufula.
Bold everywhert". Price, Ci'Tirt-tlA, Nlc.; Soap,
.:. ; I;i;i.oi.vknt, ft. I'rep.ired l.y the I'iittkh
I'll. O AMI ( IIKMII Al. ( (llll'ollATKIN, ItiMtUU.
t h ' " ll"W In Cure h'kin I ieaHeA,' tVI imiteM, 50
' l'ir;r.itinn, und Iw ti rtiun nial, mailed free.
i'ARV'C "U'1 !J,',lll' luirllied and hcautillcd
'.inDI U hy Ci'TiecuA Soap. AlmoluU ly pure.
Hack ache, kidney pnlna, weakncnn,
rhcu.oi.tiKiu, nnd muscular t.aun. r
He veil In one minute hy the Cutl
vura Autl-I'aln l'lNtr. libc
r k
f B5
5 A
JuiJllro v III