J Tllli WKKKLY 11KUAL1): PI A TTSM ( H ' T 1 1 , X K I 1 1 AS K A . M A 1 1 ( ' 1 1 S!W. 3 i f FREE TRADE CABINET. H - NEBRASKA C1TYS' FIRE. A Disastrous Conflagration Visits Nebraska City Lambeth Bros Heavy Losers- Other Im portant Events. THE NEXT CA111NKT. I,AKKvion. N. Y., Feb. 22. Mr. ('velaadd hiia announced his aoinei a ioiiowp: Walter j. Gresham of Indiana, secretary ot state. Jolm G. Carlisle of Kentucky, necretary of the treasury. Daniel S, I.amont of New York secretary of war. Hiary A. Herbert of Alabama m A etary of the navy. Hoke Smith of Georgia secretary of the interior. ( j J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska, 1 secretary of agriculture. Wilson S. Hissell ot New York , postmaster-general. i Kichard Olney of Massachusetts, attorney-general. ! The selection of lliary A. Herbert or the navy has been expected for sev eral days, bur Mr. Olney's name had not been mentioned in connec tion with the cabinet and his selec tion is a surprise to everybody, peculary to the friends f (Jeorge i i. .. y. j e ii its. FINE AT M-IIRASKA CITY. The large dry goods store be longing to Mr. I.ambreth was en tirely destroyed by fire last Thurs day, including a two story business block. The goods in stores on Mlher side of the htiihlimr were jvatly damage'd. The fire at one ne threatened the whole town as rough tlie vigilent efforts of the emeu and citizens the flames wlfc-re it started. 1 lie lire original- . . cii iroin tne furnace some way lo cated in the basement. The build ing and goods were insured. OAS KXl'Loslo.V Charles Peterson, an employe of the gas company, at. Omaha was terribly burned by an explosion of gas in a manhole on Dodge street between fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, last Thursday. Peterson had crawled into the manhole to make some repairs and carried a small spirit lamp' in his hand. Suddenly an explosion occurred and he was enveloped in a sheet of flame. He hail to crawl several feet backwards and before he could erieale himself the burning gas ad scorched his face auh head burning the flesh to the bone. 'I'l ir . i ne sintering man win taken to Kulin.s drug stort and a surgeon summoned who dressed his wounds after which he was removed to his residence at 1017 South Nineteenth street. He was in terrible pain, but hf. injuuries are not necegsarily fatal. KI-KfTKIflTY I KWKI.I.IXCS. It it proposed to utilize electri city tor cooKing and heatinir in private houses. Machines for the purposes have alriady been con trived. It is estimated that ninety meals for a family of ordinary nize can be cooked in this way at a cost of $fi.57 For the house heating four machines each doing the work of ordinary stove, can be maintained for about $0.40 per month, making a bill of $12 or $Ki per month for the cooking and heating- This amount seems moderate, while the accompany advantages would be great. This method would obviate niucn labor in handling coal, would lessen dust, and save time tiow spent in kindling fires. It is a reform in household economy that seems unite practicable, and its Realization would be hailed with eat satisfaction. A.N IT KM OK IXTEKKST TO KAKMKNS. Saturday last, while in thecitv. r . Ir . - f nc oi me very uest and success fit farmers in the county, related thei following experience in corn raising: He planted :i." acres May '.'."til on new sod land, two and three grains to the hill, planted it north and south with a check now plant er. When the corn made its appear ance he found it was not a good stand, and remembering a similar instance of the kind which had happened him, and which had proved successful, he proceeded to plant on June 6th another planting directly between the first and plant ing it straight the oppsite direction direction of the first, or east or west He gave this corn three plowings and in the fall paid a man for gath ing by the bushel, it yielded him !1 bushels and 4 pounds per acre. Mr. Igo says, he attributes the large yield to the fertilizing properties of the pollen which corny ( on it different neriods. be. cause of the dilTerence in time of plauflng. This experience would indicate that an inferior stand of corn from first planting is not a misfortune. It would be well for our farmers to experiment on this, and note results. Indwtiota Herald. PEOPLE AND AFFA1RS. The democratic press is not say ing any thing now about the ex travagance of the last republican congress. The expenditures of the present democratic congress will reach ifUWS.i'KM.IHX), hence their deep silence aborit extravagance. Austria announces an electric locomotive which is to travel l'-Tt miles an hour. The old Kuropeati countries are waking up, and do fiot propose to be behind the times in matters of rapid transit. THK NIGHT TO I'Korosi-; From bomloti Truth What surprises me, considering the vast number of ladies who preach the equality of the wex in everything, is that an effort is not made to secure equal rights in proposing. To marry is more im portant to a woman than to have a vote, why, then should proposing be limited to one sex? Men are naturally more bashful than women and the result of , the present one sided rule is that many a man remains single because he can not bring his courage up to the proposing point, and, as a necessary consequence, many a girl remains liusbandless. An association of girls, each pledged to propose to any man whom she might deem a desirable husban, would be far more practical than an anti-crinoline society. Tutls' I'ilis do not nauseate or K'fipe. At the farmers dinner given by the merchants, says the Weeping Water Republican, Judge Sullivan made a very pleasant afler dinner speech in which he said that seven of the most pleasant years of his life were spent within seven miles of Weeping Water, and that he al ways enjoyed meeting the people of this place as hecousidered them among his wannest friends. The judge at one time was a farmer of Mt. Pleasant precinct. While the judge was probably not as good a farmer as he is an attorney, he was a good citizen and honored as such by the people of Weeping Water, lion. Isaac Pollard also made a short address complimentary to the people of Weeping Water who had so completely surprised their guests with a good dinner. MURDOCK. I lelii yed ('nnviiinileiu e. Ninon Schliieter is the proud father of a big babe girl since last Friday. Mrs. F. Wolf was called to Omaha by telegraph on account of the sickness of her daughter Mrs, Von l.akutn. A spelling school was held at Murdock February, 1 7 1 li which was well attended and those profited thereby. 11. Horneniier is having every thing painted on his farm, Geo. Haker of Klmwood is doing the work. Win. Hrakhage had (We hogs killed by an engine last week, which is a loss of about $100 to him. Mr. ( leo. Cook came down from Alvo and done some trading here. W. Wilkins is buying largenum bersof hogs, and hauls them to Ashland where he sells them tit a good margin. If the weather holds out, II. Mere jnrgeu will start to build his new barn three miles south west of here, soon. Mr. Jno. Gustin had the misfor tune to lose a pony last week, which had reached the good old age of '.i years. Peculiar Advertising. Advertising a patent medicine in which the proprietor of Kemp's Halsam does for coughs and colds does it indeed wonderfully. He authorizes all druggists to give those wlo call for it a sample hot tel FKKE,' they may try it before purchasing. The large bottles are .-)c aud $1. We certainly advise a trial. It may save you from con sumption. Arrested and Set Free Dr.J. II. Hanaford says in the Western Plowman: "If the first tough is properly treated, the first step in the direction of consump tion is arrested, the lungs develop, the breath net free, we need fear consumption," Kemp's Halsam for the throat and lungs is the proper treatment for the first couch. No other remedy has saved so many from consumption. At all drug gists. I,arge bottle .The and $1. Five prominent men of Pes Moines. Iowa were arrested last week for body snatching, were con- nected with the Drake university Hid medicial college, and were bound over in $",0X1 bonds. ABOUT WATER POWER. A Few Facts Concerning tho Power of Water. CHEAP AND K'ELI ABLE. IntPruMlrtK lnto view W ith ths S retary of tho N.itional Real Es tate Association Some Interesttitf Fat t. Mr. O. W. Crow-ford, secretary of the national real estate association in an interview in the World-llcrahl said: "On the last day of the Muf. falo meeting the convention visited the great water power tunnel at Niagara Falls. I have been making a study of water powers, their use and their value. Gothenburg's is not the only one I have examined. First I went to Niagara Falls. The richest men in America are there spending millions of dollars on one plant. They expect to de velop only 100,(100 horse power. It has taken several years as well as several million of dollars. At Nia gara Falls there are not enough of factories, in fact, or in comteinpla tioi; to use any considerable part of 100,000 horse power. The only hope of immediate or early profit from selling power must come from the demand of mills, factories, street car, light and other power-using riant in Ihilfalo. Cheap reliable power will cer tainly attract manufacturing plants Hut I found these owners if the Niagara water power were con tracting to d -.diver power in Ihilfab. twenty-four miles away, a half cheaper than it could possibly fie made by steam. ltulfalo en joys ns cheap coal as any large city in the union, but the Niagara water power is so cheap that compctiou with it is imposi ble. There is no new principle invol ved in the plant at Niagara Falls. It is simply water falling on a turbine wheel. The new thing about it is conveying the power of electricity from the wheel to the mill, or car line, or factory in Hie village, or to lhilfalo. There is no uncertainty about it, and no possi bility future exists. If additional proof were needed to prove Ihe certain future and al lium inestimable value of water powers, it would be found in the fact that the same company lias secured tne privilege on the Cana dian side of the falls mid will put in a larger plant there at once, f Ifrexel, .Morgan A : Co., the Vander- bilts, Astors, and other million clol hi i'M i.iunn hiii invest minions in a water power plant in ,t villagi whore the entire amount paid rur power by every power-using estab lishment in the place, will not pay one-tenth of 1 per cent, on their in vestment, they must be convinced that their power can outstrip steam in cheapness. They must also be lieve that it will attract factories and mills, or be trausiuitable to Hulfalo. The fact is that they be lieve all three of these propositions A gentleman of my acquaintance l i , W L 1 owneu a nio-norse water tower in Wisconsin. It cost him about $." n year to make a UX)-horse power a day. He sold it for $4ll,(XH) and now tells ie he has an occupation for life, viz: abusing himself for his shortsighedfness. There is no chance for uncertainty about water power. Who ever heard of water turning around and going uphill? It never gets tired. It is not eren a respector of Sunday, ami works at night just as cheaply as by day. Klectricity l.as made power by water power places an article you can buy like calico- by the yard, as it were, Suppose you have a mill that requires ixty horse power to run it. ion can go over to the water plant and order the superin tendent to send you over sixty horse power for ten days or a year. The power plant superintendent sends it over on a wire. .You use it and iwi ii. i licit; is no gelling up :. mm ....... steam; no danger of explosion; von just turn the button and the wheels commence to move. i left Gothenburg yesterday. The weather there like spring. Farmers are sowing spring wheat. There are $rwn worth of brick buildings now going up in the town and prepara tions are being made for $100,00i) worth more to be begun at once, I was told. There is not an empty house in the place and many house have sev eral families. Hoom'r No, sir; there is no boom about it. You can buy a lot to build on for as little as $7." and on almost any terms. The company who owns the water power, loans money to build with. Write the commercial club, it will give vou all infnr. mation free. If you have a friend in the laun dry business tell him to go out there at once. 1 wanted some washing, and they said they would have to semi it away to have it done The company olfers lief power for a term of years to deserving es tablisliineuts. No, sir; there are no Omaha, peo ple in (he enterprise. The company which owns the canal powt r plant, ai d which is promoting the place, is composed of Chicago an 1 Mil wnukce capitalists - just write to the Commercial club. You will j;vt correct information by return mail, and it will surprise you. Tllh FAK'Ml. I'S AMI Tlil-.IN 1 K'l K.N 1 is The man selected tnr in xt .-ci te tary of agriculture, Mr. J. Steiling Morton, seems to have some very intelligent notions wich regard to the interests of the farmers. They are sadly in need of protection against their alleged friends, he de clares, coupled with more educa tion facts and principles of politi cal economy. In other words, he i thinks their greatest danger lies in their tendency to adopt the crude and frantastic theories of reform ers who are principally desirous to dissatisfy them with their occupa tion for political purposes. During recent years they have been filling their heads with sophistries and delusions, to the serious deiriment of their chances of prosperity. Thei r motives good, generally speaking but theit knowledge of the questions involved in the controv ersy that they have inaugurated is defective and inaccurate. They have been persuaded to believe that the raising of corn and wheat, and the fattening of hogs and steers, can lie carried on only by the aid of arbitrary and discrininating legis lation. The books that they read and the speakers to whom they listen tell them that the laws are inimical to agiculture, and that the only way for them to thrive is to insist 1 1 1 i 1 1 having a complete reversal of the present system of dealing with public matters. This is foolish, of course, but they an mostly sincere in their lolly, and 1 1 1 o only curejtor il is bet ter concep tion of simple and unchangeable truths. It is impossible to rsliniate the harm that has been done by the desseniiiiation and acceptance of these false impracticable doctrines, '''hey contain just enough plausi bility to (lei-eve, the average citizen tloes not stop to -dudy them dandy and rationally. There is not a single one of them that will stand the test of log'eal and unprejudiced examination. Th" farmers adopt them because th"y seem to pi otnis ' an artificial invalidation of an easier way to make a living than the ol l-lashioued one of honest in dustry and patient economy. Thev iglK re the fad.iliar and flindemen tal fact that the value of their pro ducts is adjusted by influences over which the lawmakers have no con trol e. The philosphy Ilia', is so at tractive to them by reason of its suggestions of increased profits without the necessity of securing them in the established ways ami Under the prevailingcircumsrauces can bring them only disappoint ment and misfortune. They may be sure that the affairs of the world have not been managed for all thee centuries in such a iiianner as to make the tiller of the soil a burden-bearer for the rest of man kind. The laws operate upon ail classe alike, ami all classes have virtually the same opportunities of grain and progress, if the farmers are not receiving as much for their labor as they deserve, the explana tion is to be found in conditions and relations that are a fixed part of the scheme of civilization, and not the invention of unfriendly leg islaturs acting in the interests of other people. It is to be hoped that when Mr. Morton assumes the dut ies of the office for which he has been chosen he will labor to correct these numerous and pernicious view's, and to restore the agricul tural mind to its former sanity up on subjects of daily interest and importance, (llobe Democrat. Notieo. Having sold my stock of jewelery and business to M. S. Hrigg's and C. II. Jequette, I desire to extend to my patrons my thank's for their past favors and assure them that they will receive the best ol treat ment from the new firm, and cordi ally invite them to continue their patronage. I am preparing to handle the largest stock of pianos and organs ever brought to Platts- mouth, ami will make my head quarters with the tirm of Hriggs iV Jaquette where I may be found of them that diligently seek me to settle their accounts, Respectfully C.F.o. Ass, Kx-Jewelery ami Music Dealer. Representative Davies of Cass is proving himself one of the best men the republican party ever sent to the legislature. He stands up for right and he votes his honest convictions without dodging or trimming.- -Lincoln fall. LOVt PAbbED BY. I . titiM- wiili my r'",vlng WtU'll l-OVl" I'JI'M-d lj. "( 'unit'," hi. ! i h il, "lur-iii,,. iliy ,1 milling. I.CeV ill lii,hL nif li v ihhI ;;n:'i;n. V'lint h:C ii nein nl' .ill Iih -i i i t:ii;. Ali lii . in.ciai .i nil rm.f ri inn. Hi IV ln'lnlldl till' k? Wlll'tl till' iTilM' (l,'l !! Iri clvo i-ultli niul vt itieiii liiiniirs Iruvt. him- l.u' i liil'IK s iiT ;i',e!" Hilt I Hll-lM Ti il: "I Hill plim iUK. W 1. 1 n w it', : i .iii.1 niul i ,-n furro w A.l tin- tii'M i.Ninu t v 1 1 lliKiMiuli, I v.;. v.." l.i-o v.i--'il liy. I ;i lei; witli my vi. inu Y lien 1 .ii o ' ! .i il In . "Culm-." -I. i i n .1. "i:ii. iiYr thy tuiliMn. I'm' t '.I : ' n: lia -t lint ii.hHiiii;. i Vllml i ir lu ll' nlmvs li-l tilf lUt'lilll llll'A'n II V l,li HIM.' Hllll III) I I ll I .am liii:," tn iir -I,); I .n UK 1 1 t'H l" tin: I liiiii-anil Mi. with, llli'il.i niul bimki tuii luilfcliiiiK litiun All limn. Ii'il liy." Hut I iiii-viMi'.l: "I miii wnvliiir. W I. HI III HiTl'D ll'l lllf illllltn, (ilii'lly to Hit l't n ! i n t'M'lmlili'il I Hill fellmv." Lin t ui;.it'il by. 1 m lnny with my ivhiIiib Win li l.iiw iii!.til by. 'Viiim'," -lie i rii il, "llitni (ilnulest Kl'ii'Vlng. ltln'iinl Nirmwxnrl tluiti Ih'vIiik. If lli liearl lit' liiillnw, vnin i liBi lii tvil Mure. Thy wraith of Kraln In Less 1 1 1 ii Love's li'nM luh. illlMo t lire -fur I he liunr fusl ibv illill bre tlio pyre of liopo Miull kindto In lifi'n wi'Mti ru sky." Hut 1 iiiiim-fivtl: "I inn rcnpitiK. Win 'il w ilh Mini; of youth unit iiuiiilt'ii IIoiiii' tlu farm mil totilin full Itulni, I will follow." Lovo ponnt'il tiy, I hail kiallii'rt'd la my liarvmt In n Love piimm'iI by. "Stay!" I t alli'd to tier, sw ift Bpei iliiiK. Tuniiiiic imt- my i-ry iiiiIh'imIImk. "Slay, oh, Love; I fulii woulil follow. Stay tliy llinlil, oh, fleet iiiuotl dwiillmv. I'liiiviliK twlliiilitbkvl I am clil anil worn ami weary, Vohl tny Hi-Ids niul lu nrt -anil ilreaty, Willi I hi.' 1 would liy. (ianii n cl woe iull my harvest. S-iil clinMHof my ilcad hiiped liannt ma, I' ii't-i v ti'iu'i'tn, like di'inoim, t it 1 1 n t iiiu Hluy! I follow!" Love pa-M il by. -AnuiMiiiK Journal, Tin. Ai;e of the l ailll. Tho age of the earth is estimated from the increment in temperature 'is Ave pellet rale its crust. Tho rate :it which it cools, how ever, can only bo approximately determined, owing to the confessedly imperfect thit.t which must be used, tliero being nothing on which to base cnleiil.i tioiis. From a careful analysis of tho data at hand, Sir William Thompson has found that lietwceii 1(10.(1110,(1011 and '.'(id, OOO.ono years ago tho earth lust began to ho misted over hy solid ii!m of rock.; that 10, Ooo.OOO years later it was st ill so hot that the temperature would havo in creased a degrees Fahrenheit for every foot vertically descended be low the zone of constant tempera tare. The present rate of increase averages about I.M of a degree for every foot.. Philadelphia Press. It Iiik Trulim In Ireland. A well known railway man who has returned from a tour of inspee Hon in Europe states that in Ireland the trains would run fast enough h tweeii stations, but would wait lor 5 or 1(1 minutes at each stop. At one long slop wIcto tho driver took water and told him a 5 act story, and the sloker oiled around, ho heard an old fellow in the ear next tho engine say, "Tiia dhriver lias shtopped to hilo tha wather ng'in. I wonder phy they don't hilo it nmnin, like they tin in Knlaiid."-F.cliaiigo." A Tail Answer. A Monroo (Mich.) young man iHiught a pair of overalls the other day, and m the pocket of thorn found a uoto from the young woman who made them, asking him to write to her. He did so, and was much sur prised to receive a reply baying "that t-ho was sorry ho had no liner blood than to wear (such a poor quality of trousers." Philadelphia Ijdger. The Column of Tin.lun. Tho famous column of Trajan in i','7 feet high, cotniKised of JVt blocks of marble mid sculptured from top to bottom. There are 2,fi00 human figures in tho sculptures besides al most as many horses and several military engines. Its summit is reached by a spiral tairaiso (,f !4 Kteps. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Cut f amily. A teacher asked her class to name five different niemlxM's of tho "cat" family. Nobody answered till at last one little girl raised her hand. "Well," said tho teacher encourag ingly. "Father Cat, Mother Cat and three lit tle kittens I" Exchange. In India, up till the last few years, the wife, cither according to her wishes or otlicrwi.se, was cremated on tho same funeral pyro that con verted her dead husband's remains into ashes. A confectioner being curious as to tho weight of aOO pennies placed them in a juiik-i- hag on a confection er's scales and found that they weighed 3 pounds 5 J ounces. The central chamber of the great pyramid is a room hewn out of the solid stone. 4ii feet long, 10 w'doaml Z high. It contains a sircoj hagus, probably of the builder. Of all the possible means of counter acting the effects of confinement in tho office, or of other sedentary em ployments, walking is one of tho surest and easiest. A httio.iVyearold. lifter shopping with her motlier at lending drapery establishments, stiid, "Sc-ems to me that there are a good many bo named 'Cash.'" ' w . . , . Tho l. ii in u ( r. Two men i-iiii'i-nl a ixtit avenue train t tiio l-Viut.-Hitli Mtvct station. )uc was h man of fifty years er limre, stulwart of from. , Imt with ray hair, iiul iliiv- d in n in. miicr becoiiiiii a man of means. I ,. w:is n man of lat-nns -ii man whose nanm throughout. th ?ivih.et! world is niu that curries with if thonnlils of millions of dollars. Yet Mice tiKUi a time, hi th,. davs when tl.s ST'ilil Mini the silver lilllu s of Alliei ics It.'llltlllleil to lie ilisi'overeil llll'l ilt'Vl il"-'l. tli.it man uni k.'il wilh a pick it'ol shovel as n day lal' .i-. i. In the ili-.i-i.v-t-ry niul development of t In im mines le ciiiiiiil his fortune ami his fame. The man whn rnfered tho tr.iiu Willi this Kohl iind silver kin wits h film appearing young fellow of about twenty-one years a, chirk ierhii. Tliero was a sent for neither of them. One was vacated by its occupant nt SaKlith street. In a manner that imli ruled his tfood ln-eeilimr, the young mint touched the gold mid silver king on th n mi ami pointed out to him tho vacant, sent in such a way us tu indiaittj that it was his dosire that tlm elder should take il. His well meant prntTer did not meet with the "thank you" that it merited. Instead the gold and silver king first Htared in a most insolent ami scornful niaiinerat tho young imhu vlio laid dared to attract his attention, Slid then seeing tlm Viicuiit sent lie jumped for mid into it as tbongli his salvation depended on getting it. "You cannot mako u nilk purnu out of a sow's car." New York Times, A t'iniiiiiu .ntrritian, Tho London (iloho wiyt "We NVentlj published mi iiecoutit of the presentation hi Ilomliav of a medal to Lieutenant Ilud illestun, of tho Indian marine, fur 'tlm bravest deed of a year,' and luivet ulnre re ceived p.'ii-tii tilars of mi equally gallant nf,. tempt to nv life mado liy tliu Aiiielirmi cliniiiploii long distance nwimiucr. In tlm winter the steamship Tangier, of l'lilladi l phia, liud mi event fill voyage fi um Sant hma ileC'iilia.iind a sad nceideiit occurred whild tin; Vessel lay nt I'm t do Franee, Marl i u lipie. Tho second etminecr, J. MrFar iand, well known In Philadelphia, went Into llio water to hat he, niul being sei.i-d with era tup gave a shriek mid disappeared "As t lie re w ere several -harks in t ho vicin ity, evt Tvhotly hesitated before going to b is re-rue, hut J. Ii. Johnston, the chamiiioii long ilistunos swimmer, of 1'liilmlclpliin, one of (hu new i f tlio Tangier, jumped overboard fully ilitssul, iind for mi hunt continiiiil t'i t'.ivu lor the l.-ody, lie finally rescued it nller a defcpuiiito cunlliut with two of the man i , iters, in u hii h ho had til use hissheatli knife to ward oil their fert (ions iiltai-ks. i'.oth Johnston umi tint drowiieil man weiehitteu in several plates. Mi.l'arland was greatly respected by hit shipmates, mid was hurled with full nava honors, the I-'reni Ii nut limit its of Mai-lip-l(ui! sending forty olliceis itud six sallora, In full liuiloi in, to at I etui the funeral. 'J' In! collin was covered wilh wreaths from r.lu Amtrkau ami British residents." A farmer ut Jlillershurg, Ind., experi enced Neul Do'.v'h peculiarly contrary luck last week. Ho was boring for wa ter and struck a 4-foot vein of good coal nt a depth of only seventy-five feet.' ft is hoped that the Massachusetts ex periinont Jit hatching bicephalous trout will produce a fish t hut will bo just twice oh apt to hito as tlio ordinary trout. ANTI-B2LIOU3 BEDICINE. In ..jiJurlal illvtrlr ta (heir viHaen.r : '... thai iMian. n-.. l" ,". coaled. i. inn mmll. Jri-,sJei.- Sold Everywlioro. Ofllee, 140to H4 ffashhi-toii St., N. I. HAS MCOICINEJ'AILeD TO CURE YOU ' A tU'Vi .''. AUQ SliHPfiNQnD'r Pro . fEAK-'MEH s l.iil'lv.liiiirfl-nrj Sir Tiuttoirhfii. NtL'ht ntl- piiimk, HI .rnnkt'ii l'rt, r.-s. t'f.iifiinion of IiImi. PritrvMMU. t.i i i rtafk. hhfiiifwiuia. i v:' ii - t.i p(v It r from mm I. Imhit inyon'rt( tWumto t WclO' nrv9 in iiiOtiinT Tims, will Eo:l!lve i inthlHilfMlrifUlt. Ilh an antl Ji 1(lj rt'ln)i')i!i)t.Bii'U)iii'ii.T Will llhAmmmd l.uMiri i-TiMT ar Bttrr all known mHlriiif and f.tli. r i:'viirr,.-ut' 1 -vc f !!!. MMUCI.N V.H t'.VKlt lMVi: NoIl Ni .lit I IX (IKK thew truiiMfS. kll'i IttlHiy-wltifh iK ncive fore m tB fkmi ntilmt win iir ,r:n fnm li'C Bylm,anii to euro IT Ml'NT III-: Itrri A I II. Pi. h uuJ. a KU-. trlo UM Isaoom. ditu nuHiu ni baiu-rr, nno M luted by UiQ trvmrmt l)i'fnut ihroiitthn'it te world, ptvlnir thtt grimme Miliiri(j Mtiifiitn wliich nt once whitnitA tho (tnHr fMly. and infti'ove v-enkn'N the current In "lit dlrM'i (oii'e KtrM fli ti, ihoUntly vnuiitia: atii'AHhy, plow li'tr wa rn t h r rul r'1 itr"iintin(f rv-ry oi tfnn, no Ihnt nwnl ) Imm liif ani ( tin riviirM fmm th flrot wivk'niiftf. Vc tliti-iKi-l apfittvt) (rfii-neih eo th tm without Wfl tliUtt 'f ftnnuu-h (,y HltHTI(K 1 llniiCK. OiirtwltJ ltd iiJh .'.pnitvt'-e will euro vrry riiorrnMiPy r fitn'1 tl We wnrr:it;t our N ltntn tfirnth true cunvntu f i ).-. tri- 'y, wlifrh rrn h ft-tt tmmtltiitlr UPo rhaiDii.i, or wc f-irfftt $ftJMMI. N tfuiunntee our t t rt i:nrir"' i! Kl'-'ni- hiiwiWT t FN I, HUB IIUr.Xkl N Ofl I 1K M.Ol'KU OIUMNM.or io i.v. KvrrvVfrtinf niitMliHr d ntitl old riiaa IllUMlkj end lor our frin UOO'hk I'ltmpkleU mm It I ii ii n v it A SUBSCRIBE for the WEEKLY HERALD, $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE,