Tin: vi:i:kia iiHUAi.ihiM.A'ns.MiirTii.NKiuiAsKA.i'iir.ia'Ai n;. ism. JOS TP-SATS AX AIIIS. "02nTjS PBIC3" TO ETTZE:. it lit lii Banks May Fail AJVli POLiTlt'I, BUT JOE REMAINS THE GREATEST CLOTHIER I IT PLATTSMOUTH. 1 r J -: M J STADKLMANN BLOCK, MAIN ST, MARRIED AT HIGH NOON. Will Cooler and Mattie Sm ill Mai rlc.d, AN AUSPICIOUS EVENT. TleP.fc.O Entoriammi nt Excfirds all Exultations MM' r lu rns of Impoi t.ini.u Cathured About tho City- A Happy Wedding. Mr. Will Coolc', of the ii. A M. Coach department, and Mian Mattie Smith, the handsome daughter i)f Mr. iiml Mrs. Washington Smith were uuiti'il in marriage Tuesday at hijih noon by Rev. J.T. Main!, I). P., of the lirst I'resh; tcrian church, at the home of the bride parent, on the corner of Fifth and arble streets, in the (reticence of n host of friend. Miss Nettie Itallancc presided at the piano. Ah noon us the eeretnony was over the uncut repaired to thediiininj; room where they were MiibHtantially entertained by the provident hot and hote Klahnratcd arrangements hndheen made for the evuit, and cut flower and potted plant were every where ornamenting and niviun fragrance and beauty to the parlor and din-niii-rooin. The hapiy bridegroom and bride dc parte I on the afternoon train on a wedding trip to Colum bus, N'eb., the home Mr. Cooledjjc's parent, and upon their return will begin housekeeping in thin city. TllK IlhKALU extend it hearty good wishes for the future pro perity and happine of the excell ent youny; people. The bride was tastefully dressed in cream Alba tros with ribbon trimmings, and the bridesmaid, Miss Jennie Cooprr of Lincoln wore a pink crepon, while the groom and groomsman wore conventional black. The happy couple were the recipience of a large nuniber of very hand some and useful present. rhe Welsh Bidding. The P. K. O. socictg,ive an enter tainment last Thursday evening at Rock wood hall which for novelty and elegance eclipsed anything; that has been presented in this city for some time. It was the repre eutatiou of a "Welsh lliidal Party." The members of the society were dressed in the Welsh peasant cos. twine, with the high black hat worn by that people, and entertained the guests according to the Welsh cos touis. One of the amusing features of the evening was the sale at auc tion of the numerous presents given to the bride. After refreshments, dancing and card playing were in dulged in till a late hour. Nebraska at the World's Fair A good many Nebraska people, pay the Lin "olii News, who have visited the World's Fair grounds have come home professing great dissatisfaction winch the building erected thereon a representative of this state, it nprssent an ex penditure of something like $17,tKK) of still" fund, but many have been convinced trom an inspection of it, among them being some of the men who are in close touch with the Nebraska commission, ami ex press confidence in the belief that it could be built lor about half tli.it ii ii if Hi nt. Architect McDonald of Geneva returned yesterday from the east and in conversation with a reporter last evening gave his csli mate a follows: "The building is falsely construc ted. The design is as sour as it is ugly. It is very questionable if it will stand together another year. Near our building is located sev eral families of Kiiiinau, with their trained dogs. The weather was so cold that a long visit to the groudswas impossible, and even the Bsquimau.x came near freezing. Try tlie"Crowti" coiih cure. Brown tc Biuret jiuamiitee it. HE WEARS PEOPLE AND AFFAIRS. Wt hope everyone who owns a horse will read the advertisement of the Flkhart Carriage and Har ness Manufacturing Company, of Klkhart, I ndiana, appearing in this paper. Jesse J McVay is advertising a public, sale at hi farm between Kight Mile Grove and Murray to occur on the 'JSth of this month. Rev.Stucker will preach in Mur dock school house every Sunday at -Mill p. m. and k'ev. Althouse will preach occasional!) in the Knglish language of evenings. W. F. Johnson of Alliance, Hox Hutte county, is in the city visiting old friend. A wagon was demolished last Thursday at the It. A M. crossing on I ower Main street by a switch en gine running into it, no one was hurt. Hyron Clark returned from his re cent trip to the Mlack Hills, he Mopped off nt Alliance and pur chased a St. Hernard dog only six mouths old that weighs IIP) pound and stans over two feet high. The color of the dog in yellow, und white with a black nose, 'kMr. Clark is justly proud of his four footed animal ns he should be for he i h beauty to behold. Dame miner has it now that Klm wood is to have a boom this sum mer, she is to have another rail road and several other improve ments, and is expected to be the second city in the county by an other year. An inlluencial democrat told us yesterday that the new democrotic paper was an assured fact, and Mi.it (ieo. Mann would havethe manage ment o( it. Geo. Maun is a good printer and knows something about running a news-paper and TllK HlKAl.n congratulates the democrat on their securing such an able man to run their paper. AKTKK TllK AWAKI1. The governor appointed Prof. L. K. Hicks, ex-state geologist, to make an iuviestigatiou of David Sampson, Jesse L. Root and J. L. Polk's claim that they have struck a forty-inch vein of coal on the south half of section township 11. range 14, Cass county. They claim the !fl,()i)o reward offered by the state lor a twenty-four inch vein of coal. Mrs. Max Leinm died last Thurs day evening at 10 o'clock after a brief illness of only four days, she leaves a husband and two small children to mourn her loss, The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Catholic church. County Clerk hrank Dickson in response to a summons from the legislature, took the ballots of the last state election to Lincoln Tues dayjlora recount of the vote on the amendments. Alderman Jwe Lake presented the Mayor last Monday evening at the citv council with a beautiful ma hogany gavel. S. A. Davis, the local agent for the big monopoly, known as the Standard Oil company has done such a big business the past year that the company will erect two large iron tanks of the capacity of HUM) gallons each for the purpose of storing the oil and will make this point a wholesale depot. The od will be brought here in iron tank cars and emptied direct into the tanks and barrels will be filled from the tank for the surrouiidin trade. Doc Cory has rented the Cal Partuele farm near the poor farm and will inoveout and fake charge of the farm the coining year. LIKE TIME AND KIS Mrs. Olive Vance Jaquette de parted this life at half past twelve. The deceased was the wife of H. F. Japuette in this city and leaves a little babe scarce two week's old that will never know the depth of a mother's love. The funeral occured Monday morning from the familj residence nt the corner of Pearl and Third streets at ten o'clock One of Lawrence Stud's fine mares was killed by au engine, on the M. P. crossing on his father's farm, three miles northwest of town, Friday. A herd of horses were running in the pasture, the train came along, frightened them and they ran for the crossing to get home, when the engine struck this one killing it instantly Win. ILOtteof Louisvelle.throuh his attorneys Hesson V Root, has commenced action fcr damages in district court against Saloon-Keep-er Jno, Humes, of the same village, and histhree bondsmen. Otte alle ges that during the month of Oc tobed, '0, he was poutf-ed upon by one Alexander Shank and was so injured as to permanently disable his left hand. Shank was intoxica ted from the effects of having par taken of liquor purchased from Hume, and for this reason Otte holds Hums and his bondsman re sponsible for his injury and disa bility. He sues for $3,157 $7 of which is for medical treatment, $150 for the ninety days which he was unable to lsbor, and $:i,00) for per manent disability. Manager Morton of the starch works was showing a fine specimen of starch yesterdayto different busi ness men, It was ccitainljr a fine product, and Mr. Robt. Morton, who speaks as one of authority for he has handled starch for a great many years, pronounces the starch the very finest he ever saw without any exception. There is a great future for the Nebraska City Starch Works Press. A pleasant high-five party was held Friday evening at the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Klsou on South Sixth street in honor of Miss McCabe, a niece of Mrs. J. A. Con nor of Portage, Wis., and Mrs Mc Laughlin of Chicago. Those pres ent were the Misses Maud Vivau, Maggie Oliver, Jenet Livingston, Barbara Gering, Vema Leonard, KUa Clark, Kdith ",'hite and the Messrs, Logan Hrown. Arch Cole. man, Will Cleinet. Kind Wurl, Frank White, Henry Gering and Harry Phelps. Refreshments were served at midnight, after which the guests departed with best wishes for the host and hostess for the pleasant manner in which they were entertad. Mr. and Mrs. II. 1). Travis spent Sunday in Weeping Water. "My son," said an old farmer very thoughtfully, to his boy, "you can turn that $12 cow out in the lot and take that blanket off of that if 'Jo horse and put it on that $X) hog, When you get at your work in the morning, you needn't mind curry ing the horse, but you might curry the hog. Heatrice Times. Judge Ramsey issued a marriage license Saturday to Andrew S, Karnes and Mrs. Mary K. Miller of I'nion and .on Monday to Charles Van Doran and Lulu Corey also of 1'uion. Hon. John A. Davics came home Inst Saturday to spend the recess of the legislature. Mr. Davics is giv ing close attention to his legislative work which is commendable and proves that the people of old Cass elected the right man to represent them. The citizens of Pari, Texas are receiving hundreds of letters threat ening to wipe that city from the face of the earth for the horrible way in which they executed Mur derer Smith. FRIGES PLEASE THE Fl KH ART CMGE m mm m-co- N0.14 Farm Unrnatr lluve noM to rmiNiiiiirr for o Tnrii, Hn. JQ ftnad Wnnnn lltiifxitis mid Kuiiihmh this ih'K uiainiuu tx'ior If I trtt;tl thfttt II u.v ' if r;uit for two yearn why pay t ordfr fur you! Wnt your froe. Wo taitu ail lUu risk ui WHOLESALE Snrltiit Wniion. n il for ii in iwll for loii toal.il. Klat:i rlmcton at No. 41 mm . WogOfl. $43. 'u'"i v u""" OWivrry Vnioiiand Kuutl Curia. r-yj gSuCj ' nre nil .V'. Unk-tunnnl Leather. J'Ti" ' kTA f Initio H to "U'iOi Pnuhle IIuvbt. IS to Hiding Sailillt'N and My rl. 3 p' cnt. off lor iranh with order. tM-p&geiMua-trat.Ml Catal'friin free. Address Word comes from Oakland, Cal., that A. G. Hatt, an old citizen of Phittsinouth is seriously ill there at the home of his daughter and that there is 110 hopes of his re covery. A. J. Jackson of McCook arrived in the city last Saturday on a visit to the family of H.J. Streight. Frank Morgan left Monday for New York City and Washington where he expects to witness the in auguration of a real live democrat president on the 4th of March. Mrs. Morgan and her mother accompa nied him as far as Chicago from which point they go to Wisconsin to visit relatives for several week. PLKASANTLY EXTENT A I. E P. Mr. and Mrs. Rnpley entertained a party of friends at their hospit able home corner of Fifth and Granite streets Saturday evening. High five wjts the leading pastime, which held sway until a late hour when refreshments were served and the guests after enjoying the edibles, returned to their homes with kindly and best wishes for the host and hostess. This has been a queer winter and last Saturday we had another oueer storm, for along the southern line of the state the snow fell till it was two feet deep. At Nebraska City it fell only eighteen inches, at Kight Mile Grove and Murray six inches fell and here in Plattsmouth hardly enough fell to cover the ground, while in Omaha none fell at all, out at Lincoln the roads are dry and dusty. Dr. Kd Cummins is the happy father of a girl, The Rock Island people are build ing a cattle chute in North Louis ville and an elevator will be erected in the spring. J. K. Nichols has the lumber on the grounds for a store building 'JlxtUi to he erected soon in north Louisville. Five other merchants have been looking over the grounds and we may look for something to drop in the North part of town soon Louisville Courier Journal. Messrs. Jos. Mullen of Khnwood, J. II. Davis of Weeping Water and Jos. W. Johnson of this city, the gentlemen who comprise the Sol diers Relief commission, assembled at the court house Monday after noon and complied their report for the year of 'till. The report will be presented to the county board at the March session. The expendi tnres during the year passed amounted $:N0 and the commission has recommended that a fund of $I0 be set aside for its use during the present year. Mrs. Joe Lake was completely taken by surprise last Saturday night, about twenty-live of her neighbors and friends, learning that it was her birthday anniver sary, marched in a body with well tilled baskets, upon theunsuspect ingjlady, who gracefully surren dered as soon ias she learned the cause. A good supper was enjoyed by nil and a pleasant evening was passed. Jerry Deleney and family came in from Harvard, Neb., to visit old friend. MULTITUDE. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB(f way. bnip with pnv- rfSxT"y ' any nmnny paid If nut MtlMl.V-tilTV. Wr- an Audit ilntoili.'iU own unlur. tioimg dauiAu ui ahijipuig. PRICES. :i." to X.iO. (iuarantwil nam urri', fe70 to MOO, Mine Toil lliiusi)' M K 1, huu a K7i to IOO. U iiuonrllca. K VI V Tl PAH W.B. PRATT, Sec'y. ELKHART, I N D. Mrs. Conductor Ilelnap of Hast ings was in the sity Sunday visiting with Mrs. J.J. Cassidy and departed on the llyey for Chicago. Horn o Mr. and Mrs. George K Dovey a bright little daughter, the little one arrived Tuesday morning and all parties are reported doing well. A LITTLE SriTEKFK. Callie Davis, a little daughter of Mrs. George S. Davis, met widi a painful accident last evening. She attended a birthday party, given by the little daughter of Wm. Heard, at their home on Central avenue near Fourteenth street. The little ones were enjoying themselves hughly, when in their play little Callie Davis fell, either spraining or breaking her foot. She could not use it at all, and was taken to her home on First avenue in a carriage. A physician was summoned, but the exact nature of the painful in jury is not known. Nebraska City Press Hugh O'Donnell, the leader of the Homestead strikers is now be ing tried for murder. Mr. F. M. Amsberry of Tnion was a visitor in the city lasl Tuesday on business. Mrs. Minnie Armstrong of Dor- Chester, who was considered to be in a dangerous condition from hav ing swallowed a brooch pin has en tirely recovered and is out of dan ger. Bright Agent Wnntrd Quirk to Sell CRAWFORD'S BLAINE. L1KK UK- Written ly Mr. Blaine's nxit-t iiititnnte ii" in 11 irilll tTHE OFFICIAL EDITION-? The ONLY work F.Mmikskii Iiv Vice I'rvs Morton, Att'y fien. Miller, Private Sec. II 11 1 ford, See. (-oxter nml host of other of Mr. Hlnmc H COI.I.KtifKS, CA HIXKT OK HCKKS, SKNATOKS, Ae.; hence will outsell tiny unit nil others KlVK To oK lK MAMt IS Sl.tl'I.Y I.MMKNSK. Don't wnste time on (.'heap- John catch pennv hooks. (Jet the OFFICIAL work und HKsf TKK1 liy writing gt'ifKI.Y to ill l(lt.AKI) I'l H, i ll., B'wtiy nnd Locust St, Louis. S. K. HALL cSc SON .... MANCKACTl'KF.KS OK .... Tin. Copper and Sheet tX3 CP a C3 w CP art ii! w o H w Country Work Attended to - - - - ON SIIOK'T NO'I ici:. ---- G1VIJ US A CALL. COKNKK SIXTH AMI 1'KARI. Sis. Attdkxky-at-Law A. N. sri.i.iVAN. Will Kivesi-cinl nttptition to nil Im-inc entrusted to liim OFflCK-l'liion Itlock, . rUtt-tnoiith PS 'I " ' l OLIVER & RA.MGE, Pkoi'KII-.Toh'S ol' TllK The Boston Meat Market i his Firm do their own Killing and use nothing but Cass County Cattle and Swine. FRESH and SALT MEATS Always on hand. OH XTKY I'KOOL'l'G SUCH AS POULTRY, BUTTER & EGGS tioi (;u r and sold. FIRST NATIONAL : BANK OK PLA-TTSXOL'TII, NE11KASKA. I'uiil up cnpitul. Surplus ..j.'i,min,oi .. to.uuu.vuf (MTers the very host farilitips for the prompt transaction ,,f LEGITIMATE BANKING BUSINES, STOCKS, blinds, cold, uoverntnent and local securities fiouulit und sold. De posits recieved nnd interest allowed on the certitientes. Drnfts drnwn, nvuilutile in nnypiirt of the V. S. nnd nil the princi pal towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. I holiest market price paid for county wnrrunts, stute and county houds. DIEEOTORS : Jolin KitzKernld, I). Hawksworth S. Wauh, K. (C. White, G. K. Hovey. lohn hitzKeruld, Pres. S. Wuuh, Cushier GUS. HINRICHS, HKAI.ER IN . Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all kinds. T MA KB the best of all kinds of sausages and keep a good supply constanty 011 hand. Call and see. MAKKBT ON SIXTH STRBST, Hetween Main unit Penr! I'lattsmouth. Nebraska T.J. THOMAS & SON riv'Ork'IETORS OK THE NorthSixth-St. Meat Market. n Fsty, Salt apd Smoked M BATS OF ALB KINDS. Headquarters : for : Poultry. HAM B OF ALB KINDS IN SBASON. North bixth-st., Opp. Postoffico JOHN A DA V IBS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Correspondence Solicited. Oflicc in Union LHooh PLATTSMOUTH. NKHNA9KJI WANTED Wide awake wirrkers everv. w liete for nIii'ii', lliiiliiirlnili r the Wnrlil. reiitest hook on earth :costitiiiliin,iNii; SHEPP fi A f""1' or in- "UUI I J slallmenls; mammoth ill iistnited circulars and terms free; duilr output over 1."ji voliitiies. Agents wild tphotographSm;',: 1 1 enlreville, lex., t leared lli in "I ,1,1V.. .Miss K'ose Adams, Wooster. O., in fort T niinules; K'ev-. .1 . liowiird Madisnn. I.vnns, a lionaii.a auai;nit. OF THE WORLD cent outfit onlv $1 j hooks on credit ; treiulit paid. Adilresstil.oilK HlHl.K l'l lti.isuiMl C o.. Chestnut st., Philn., I'u., or :M l)enrliortist.,ChiciiKo, 111.