Wl-KKI.Y IlKliAI.D: IM.ATTMIOIT II. NKI'.UASK A, --;l(ltr. liVKI. ISM. V. I' RAILEOAD T'ME TABLE. IU RI.IX.TOI SlsMIl 111 R1YM R. R. (;oIC. WKST- Depart Fiver No. 1 3:4.am fusst'imcr No 3 S t" I' "i Pasener No 5 I'u-tM-iiKi'r No 7 5:1. p m PnsweiiKer To 9, via. l.ouisville . 4:lp ruenner No Hi 7:3 u m Freight NoW. via Louisville (:( uni FreiKht No 7.", to Smith Diiiuha... 8:j0u in Flver No '.' a:l. p m Pa'swnner No 4 1":M " PumimtT No ti, Vi-' u m Passetitjer No" iiMpin PasceiiKer No 10 VAju in mismu in mine n u.iio u. GOING NOKTH- No. 1 '" No. 3 K- Ko.lilT 4:W. III. GOING SOU TH - jo 11 :k") u. in NolS.ilver..'.'. -:Hl- " No. X'Ja IreiKht K:;i7h. m SECRET SUClETlb, "pASHCAMP No. 33-2 M. W. A. meets every seemid and Fourth Monday evnliic in Fitzgerald hall. VHituiK uelulilmn welcome. P. C. Hansen. V. C. : P. Nertenlieriier, W. A.. B. f. Wilde. Clerk. ORDRK OK THE WORLD, MeeM at 7 : 30 every Moiuiav evening at the (irmid Army ball. A. K. (.room, prenideiit, Thus Walling, secretary. AO V W NoS-leet first ami third Fri; iluv evenitiit t each inoiith at lOOF hull, Frank Veruiylea ?l ijh Hurwick, ocoruer, GA. R.MeConllile Port No. 45 meets every Saturday evoiunu at 7 : 30 in Mielr Hall in KOCkwnoil HlocK All VISIIUIK coiuraucs air ordiallv invited to neet with ns. Kred Hates. Post Adjutant ; (i. K. Mies, Po-i (Jominadder. 'XHillTS OF I'YTIIIAS-diiutitlet Lole Xn.47. Meet; everv Wednesday eve ning at their hall over Hentiet A TuttV, till .iuiiimr kninlits nre rorilinllv invited to attend. l N Uri'litli, t C: Otis llovey K of U und S. AO V W No hl-Mwt second and fourth , Friilay I'veniiitfi in the inoiith at IO OF Hall. M Vondrun, M W, K 1' Hrown, lecordeJ. nAl'tniTKUS (IK KK.HKtVA - hud of I'roin J I e l.odne N i. 40 meelB the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month In Ihel'O.O. r. lull. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N ti. ; Mrs. John Cory, S.-cretary rvEGKEE OK IIONOW-Neetn the first and third Thrnrsdaveveninnsofeacli month in I. O. O. F. hall, K it.tfcruld block. Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sisterof Honor Hrs. Nannie liurkcl, sister secretary. DEGKKK OK HONOK-Ivy Iode, No. 13 meets lirst and third Thursdays of racli uiontli in K. of l. hull, Mellu lruv er, nister secretary. PLACKS OF WORSHIP. Catholic. St. Paul's Church, ak. between Fifth and Sixth. Father Cainey, Pastor Hervleea: .V-issat S und 10 :30 a. M. Sunday Hcliuol at 2 :S0, with benediction. Christian. Corner Locust and Klchth St Services moriiiiiK Hiid t-venliiK. Klder A Calloway pastor. Sunday School 10 a. si. Coi.okkii Bai'Tist. Mt. Olive, nk. between Tenth and Kleveiitli. ltev. A. rtoswell, pas tor. Services II a. 111. mid 7 :3U p. III. Prayei meetlinr Wednesday evenlmj. 1'OI'NO MKN'N I'HHISTIAN ASMH'IAII n- Koonisiu Waterman block, Main street, lios- ........lliir for lllMl. Illllv Wt'TV HllUlliLV ttf- teruoon at -t'o'clnek. Konins open week day llirill n..' n. in., i. " . . . .... Hntt'iofAU St. Luke's church, corner Third and Vine. ltev. Ji It. Hinp ens. pastor. Ser vices j 11 A. M. Ul.d 7 :'MV. M . Sunday .School t 2 :30 1'. M. First Mktiiopist. sixth M.. beiwen Mam and Pear . P.ev. I., r. hrilt. l. l. pastor Sendees : 11 A. St., 8 :(si f. M Suudav School 9 :M a m . Prayer ineelii k W ednesday even lot;. (ini.MAN Pni'siiM fliiAN .Corner .Main ami Ninth, llev Wide, paster. Services usual hours. Sunday school '. ;30 A. l . Bwfkpisii CoNciiRii ATloNAl. tlralille, be tween Fifth ami Sixth. Prksrytkih a v. services in new church, cor tier Sixth and Cranite st. Ilev. . I T. Hiiird, pastor. SuiMlav-sci'ool at ! ;. ; I reaclilnn at 11 a. m.n'.id s p. m, 1 lie . It. S. K of this rhiireh ni ets eveiv Habbatll eienlnitat 7 :lf in the basement of the eliui ih. All are invited to aiteim these meethiL's. hor Atchinson, St. Josi'ph, I.t'oven worth, Kaunas City, St. Louis, rik! all poititf tf'-tli, fast Houth or west. Tick ets sold and bay- yaye rluTkeil to any point in tlie t'nitfil Sf a tea or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATK AND ROl'TKS Call at l)epot or addrt'ss H. C. TOWNSKNI), G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. PlflLLIi'Pl, A. G. P. A. Omaha. D. AP3AR. Agt., PlatlHtnotith. Telephone. 77 1 K H UK M A D V DESIQM PlTtam. ror inrormatinn ana frne ITsndtiook write to ML'NN A CO 3U Bhoaoh a V, Niw Vonir. flldeft bureau for rocurlnir putentii In Amorliii. r.,'ry mi 1,111. Itt.i'il lull iy Ul. IB Drntiirnt Derord Ue puuno bt uoiioe given free OX oliarge In the J Scientific American Agency ) MtiMt Mttitm -n r lAreettetrcTilaUrm of any neientlfle paper In the wiirld. Mpleuilldlr llluntrned. No Intelligent nan shnuld be wlthoul It. Weekly, g.'Min a jrer II.Mflz month. Aildrenii Mt'NN A CO. Pt jtLiatiaHti, 3ttl Uroadway. w York City. TO THE IONIC PRIESTESS. Ah, priestrMof an unknown hliriue. Hy w hut eiul process ITii.st thou In some long bygone !i. n- lst thy roboacu? Waa there beneath that urave, i-v. i i-t ., A mouth for kissing? AlasI we cannot know, for now Thy lips are niisalnif. And yet a subtle, nameless rai - Around thee lin;ers; As tberetboustand't-t with trau , :i i Sans nose, lips, Queers. The outline of thy matchlem tuna Thy (truco revealing. Thy tlowiiiK draperies adorn Without coucealiui;. Ah, c uld he look upon thy fafo Whom hand once wrouirht thoe' And see to w hat a sad estate The years have brought thee- Fr him would live attain that hour Of inspiration. When burned bis souk with uew !orn power 5"or thy creation; And he would see thee now t thee In thy perfection; Time's accident could not again Mar recollection. British Uuseoi A Ostrich Amaiea Africans. News han just reached Liverpool ?t the arrival at Sierra Leone, west Africa, of a remarkable specimen of the ostri.;h tribe, which the people of that colony have seen for the first time. Theostrich. which is ten feet high, has come f roa central Africa, and walked a distance of at least (500 miles to the British colony The bird was sent by the great Mohan. rneilan chief, Aliinainy Samadou, to Mr. Alfred L. Jones, of Liverpool, who ha the coaling establishment at Sierra Leone. It came down with a caravan ol the Aliniamy's headmen and traders, who arrived in the British settlement with their produce, ivory, gold, etc. It is a most unusual circumstance for an ostrich to lie found in central Africa, and when it readied Sierra Leone thf whole population turned out to see it The traffic of the streets waa stopped, and the governor had to send a special company of native police to escort it to the Sierra Leone Coaling company's premises. As the Alimamy Samadou is a great Mohammedan, it i thought that the bird may be regarded in some re ligious connection. Knowing tlm great reverence the Ali mamy has fur Queen Victoria and th English people, it is the intention of Mr. Jones to offer the bird to her maj esty as a present from the great Mahom inedati chief. The ostrich, it is said will be sent over by the nest Africai steamer to Li";rpool. Iondou SUuc. ard. The Spoils or War. First Citizen So he punched your head? Second Ditto (w ith his head bouud up) Oli, yes, rather. First Citizen Jtutdid notliingcoineof itf Second L)iUo Nothing come of itf Why, look at my bend! Ixjhdou tilobe. Nerve Blood Tonic Builder Fick noaflsnho nnd rid '.eve all tbetronhla fncf clout to a bilious atateof the system, suoh as DlitlnesH, Nausea, Krowsluoss. Distress after catlnii. Pain ia the Hide, .to. Wlnlo their most roixintkable succona bas him shown iu curing . JlMiflscbe. yet Cniter'a I.lttlo Liver Vn tcto t'pially valiiabloin Constipation, curmR and pra V-utiiift tliisaunn-ini?coi;nlaiiit,whilo tliey alsc riirrpctftlldiBiirilirHoftlioHtouiai-htlinulatoths lircr and rcguuto uio uoweu. tvuu u ui jr yui cuita 'AcliitViey wotililboalmotprlf!olestnt1insewnH uiiTfrin this distressinn complaint; butfortu Batolythoirpi'oilnonsdoes notondbnro.aiid those whooncetrytbomwill find these little pillsvalu. Ikblelnsoniany ways that they will not bo wit lilHf to do without them, but after allsick 004 flB the bene of so many live that hero in whera wo make our great boast. Our pillscure it while Othorsdonot. Carter's Little tlrer Pills ire Tery small anil Trry easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vcnutnblosnd do not gripe or rurgo. but by tliolrgontlo action ploaaeall who usetbem. InTlalsst'iScents; Uveforfl. Sold ty druggists cTerywhiiro, or sout by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE CLUBBING LIST". The Herald und I'osiiinpnlit nil " " und Aiuerirun Kurmer l.rtU ' " ii iid Harpers Mauiiitine 1.51) and Harpers Weekly - 4.Tli mid Harpers linear - I " " and Harpers Viiiiiik People it. 00 anilToleilii Hlade 2 2j " mid Century fi.lHi and St .Nicholas 4.'i " mid Demoreit Magazine . 3.m " " and Inter ( Icean ' 'Ti and I iranifc Judd 1-nriiu-r 4.26 mid Western Rural 1.2J " " ami (Jlolie Dentoerat 'J.'-'fl " " mid New Vnrk Trilnine 1.75 TllK IlKKAI.li is tin? Host und Must K'cliablc Family I'iiper I'uli listictl in Cass County ONLY $1 50 PER YEAR. SUBSCRIBE NOW. aoTfiryr. WILLIAJIS' per bo. ffl&Jr MEDICINE CO., oiorsM.50. Schenectady, N.Y. CURE LAUGHTER AND HEALTH Mi!e Nerve and Liver Pilla Act on o n,wpricipk--reulatinj the liver, ctomach ami bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery I)r Miles pills epeeilily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver piles, constipation I'lieiptaled (or men, women and children. Small -est, mildest, surest, fx) doses 'J." els. samples tree at F. G. lCnekeA Co s 'Pullpate really is a much brighter fellow than we give hint credit for." "What makes you think so'r" "Well, he's sulferinj; from con cussion of the brain rijjht now." Sleep on Left Side. Many persons are unable to sleep on their left side. The cause has lonj; been u puzzle to physicians. Metropolitan papers speak with threat interest of Dr. Franklin Miles, the eminent Indiana specialist iu nervous and heart diseases, who has proven that this habit arises from a diseased heart. He lias examined and kept on record thousands ot cases. His New Heart Cure, a won derful remedy, is sold at F. (1. Fricke Sc Co. Thousands testify to its value as a cure for heart diseases. Mrs. Chas. Henoy, Lovelaud, Colo., says its effects on her were marvelous. Kleaut book on heart disease free "Did the doctor say that you must have change at oncer" "No; but he said that he must within twenty-four hours or there'd be trouble. 1 have been troubled with chronic catarrh for years. Kly's Cream Haiti is the only remedy amon the many that I have used that alfords tue relief. K. W. Willard, Hniist, Joliett. III. My sou has been! afflicted with nasal catarrh since quite younj;. I was induced to try lily's Cream Halm, and before he had used one bottle that disagreeable catarrhal smell had all left him. He appears as wt II as auvotie. It is the best catarrh remedy in the market. J. C. Olmstead, Areola, 111. Tramp Can you tfive a poor man a quartci V I've Kind La ly A live dollar bill is the least I have or I Tramp-Would you like the change in silver or paper: A Mute Recovers Speech Alphonce 11 cm phlin, of Summit township, Hutler Co., I'enn., made an affidavit that his twelve year old son, who had St. Vitus dance for twelve years, lost his speech, was completely cured after usinjjf three bottles of Dr. Miles Restorative Ner vine, and also recovered his speech. Thousands testify to wonderful cures front tisinor jt for nervous di seases, dyspepsia, nervous debility, dullness, confusion of mill 1, head, ache, etc. Four doses ot this Ner vine cured Mrs. W. li. Hums, Soul7i net, d, I ml., who had been sufferinj with constant headache for three months. Trial bottle and elegant book free at F. fi. Fricke Co He Is this the same umbrella you bought and called it a bargain'. She Yes. He That's like a woman. Now I have watched, and you have never carried it yet that it hasn't rained. According to the census of lS'.iO, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1 .Oir,."" people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Huilington K ute." Three fast and comfortable rains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Fran vis, General Passenger and Tit ket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. She 1 wonder why parrots learn to swear so easily? He I guess because they always have such auful Hill before them. Female Weakness Positive Cure. To The Kihtok: I'lease inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for thousand and one ills which arise front deranged female organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy KKKK to any lady if they will send their express and P.O. address. Yours respect fully, Dk. H. D. Makchisi, I'th a, New York. The coal dealer is now able to claim the honor as the cliampain light weight of the country. WOOD'S imiohumioduv-:, The Ureal KnglNh lleinedy. Promptly and normanrnt- lyeurc-nal fnnniiif A, -rem ifurWtril. JmtmtnH-u unit (lit rjtrrta vf Ahune ir riM . Jiet-n firi-wrltied ever 115 years in uiniiMiima in cnsei; UUieonu litlblhlr andllfn- ml r,ihi-oifl Anot'-n. Ahlr. IniKKi.t, fur Woon'a I'mi.- before and After VH ,K' " Ajyurc unit tijicr. w,)rth,.M ni,.,,.0 , ,,,,e 'f this, leave lil dlntiuni'Ht Mure, Inrluse prli-e In letter, and we will auiul ly return mall, l'rlre.nns naektiKO, 1 six. $' one will filrom; l.r e-ifcuie, 1 um plil.-t 1 n plum Mated enviTniie, u stamra Ad.lrns Tl'l-'. Wmill I IIKI IC I, ( II,. ,-i'oudwurd avuout lutrull. llkb. r-h.M In I'l.ittsinotith by tiering A t., F. fi. Fricke A- Co., Hrown A Harrett O. II. Snyder anil druggists everywhere, A I1A11V IX THE SX0W. A STRANGE CHRISTMAS EXPERI ENCfc Of- A TRACKWALKER. A liHllmarf Man's htorjr of Cold, Mormy NiKlit Over Twenty Years Ago, Hheli the Suns W's I'llfit In Hanks Alnug the lUilrnait Vrark-A Chrlsliuas tilft. Kvrv tune I tliink ol Cliri ittnas I think ot tti - -ir IT'.V'hmH an old traek waiher "'Hint s tnorti tlimi twenty years Hh'o. isnt H? Twenty years is it joxxl ioiik sti idcli Lots can liaj'iieu to a man iu twenty vars He could get rich and MenJ it nil hikI get rit-b agitin in that pan of time atul still have Iota of time to pare Hut I haven't I've just stall poor nutir. nlon But sa I was Hayimr. 8iHakin (if Chnstnms always reminds mo of 1X7J. I was trackwalkmi; then for the VuudalU line on a aection between Terra ll.tutu Htnl Farnnton, m the state of Indiana. That ChriHtaiaa night was a corker, I'll tell you. I hoard at nonn from the see Don txiso that the thermometer was 10 des im'Iov tern and as niht came on it enied to Ki t colder and colder. It nal snowed the dav liefors oue of the die)eHt in that year and the engines nad nail a pretty tough time of it plow ing their wsv through m the morning. 'After they did get liy my section the snow was hanked tin seven or eight feet feepm some places hy the Bide of the track It was so cold that I wrapped coHee sacks around my feet before start ing out. pjst to keep them from a frost o'te. You bet I hated to start out. hut I did muster up the courage after swhile It whs about 0 o'clock when 1 started to go hack to Farrington, and the wind was in my face. It's a duru noor Christinas for me,' I thought to iiivself Ma the wind caught mo a belt in ihe side of the head, ilero I'm fated to walk this cold track until midnight without even a kind word from anybody osay 'Merry Christinas to you." It's pretttv tough I guess track walking in lust about the worst trade a man who loves com pauy can adopt. 'As I was stamping along thinking like this, away oil' ahead of me I saw a otmrkls. It s the St. Louis express,' 1 aiil to myself, and she'll be rumbling over me at about sixty miles an hour. Yril had hotter go out in the snow, old uan. unless yon like being ground into !ltl bits. Boo! tiut that snow was deo Way up over my waist. Cut when i fot down oil the track and snugly Micked Hway tr the drift t was a heap "armor, necausH the wind couldn't reach ni. And the old train came right ahead with h buzz and a roar, and her old yel low headlight getting brighter und big irer every second. It was a train of six or seven passenger coaches. All were lit in as bright as kerosene oil could make m. One. two. three, four of the cars whizred past me. But the fifth seemed lo stop Jt didn't, of course, hut the sight I saw seemed to nail it to my eye! "A man and a woman. They stood at the rear window It was open. 1 saw the man with his arms put out, mippli nuting like The woman had a bundle in her arms. Then she didn't have it. I'he man gave a cry of horror that rang out high aliove the clamor of the wheels ami the rattle of the rails and the creak inir ot the machos. Something shot down just piist my bead und landed in the snowdrift beside me I shut my ves tint still saw Hip woman with the nunilleitnd the iminwitl outstretched "leading snns When ojietieil my "yes siam tin train was a ipiarter of a mil aw.ix wti, i:ei rear green light sinking wilii) mm a dot and then ills appearing I'he wind cut me sharp on the-hei-k and live miles oil' 1 heard the church chime in Farruigton tolling the 'piarier hour That sight was a dream, old man I s;nl li. myself us J pulled mv legs out ol the drill But the bun lie I excliiuneil. Involuntarily I looked down in the drift and saw another hoi'. in the snow not tliu one I ciuhh out of. out a smaller out 'Maybe you ve guessed the thing by this tune and maybe vmi haven t. Well, sit that huiidlo was just as cute a UK pound kid as I want to look upon. Hurt' Well. I guess not a little bit When 1 found him ho was laughing contentedly as you pleas' and chewing a chunk ol snow tor a sugar cake.' 'Who did lio belong to?' 'Yon tell I can't. I never knew mid never excet to know He had good dotheson and the odd little collar of lace he woru was marked with u pretty silk T He was fat us a Christmas tur key and the biggest niter you ever saw." 'Why didn't yon find his parents?" Didn't I try my durndest? Jjidn't 1 spend half my wages for the next month Advertising in the newspupers? But no answer did I get to any of them. It seems to me that the man ought to have come and got the child, for he evidently lidn t want to see it tired out likethnt. lbs outstretched, supplicating arms showed that. But ierhaps he only wanted to prevent its being killed. Who knows? Perhaps he was glad to got rid if it, and when lie saw that somebody iad it ull right he was glad enough to leave it to its chance fate." 'What became of the child?' "Named it Tom after myself, 'loin McCorniack is a pretty good, solid sort of a name, you kuow. My family may nor be very stylish, but. none of them nave b-n hanged anyway. And. you . the aid's collar had a T on it I nl inost had to name him Tom." 'Where is he now?" 'Track walking on I lie Vandalia. not inoio than twenty-five miles horn tho very spot where his little baby head nlumped into that snowbank Christmas night is:''" St Louis tiloU-Demo-rr.it Wouim May It MaMin. A Wv'll known Freemason tells mihat women may l-coine members of that order This is news to me. and will be to most women, if I am not mistaken. Alter a lengthy search I have also ascertained that women may be odd Fellows too. Probably they will not wish to, for to be I "odd" is to be talked about nowadays. few York Advertiser. SMOKED FOR OVER P"' I Has been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenty-five years. It is Just as Good Now as Ever. Its Flavor, Fu agkancc and Ftjrity have contributed largely to the growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is growing in f Ivor because liner, sweeter and better tobacco can be had in this form and at much less cost than in cigars. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. DURHAM. N. C. ' DOWN 0 THE THISTLE. 3a airy wing In nniniy AuuiiHt riiiyt Mow mills tlm thistle down; riirutiKli (iiilvurliitf huiu of Hhlinmi-rlng golilen lin.i- I'lie fiiiry stinllnpti floHt in Hlmlenn wnyg Ami tniirli Hi niiiiiy rtM; lint wumliirnrs yet. Kur ilitant Imrlxirt un their Unlit aaiU not, TIiiiiikIi hII (imi f i nil fur vnyiiKU Iiiiik, at last Knell IiiiiIi anil tiller holila Htriindi'il viuwels fusl. While In apt il in (It-inn of kiiiiuiht fallen uniiw U Lulc nrKonlen lio wrei keil the huilgu boluw. Hut when t lie truila ivIiiiIh nwei-p with deoUlo cry, r'ie.t, fnit tin. thlxtln ilown, t'l hy the mini lilimlH, wlhlly fluttrm lilitli Almve Ihe trees ull hniil mini hliiwn, to II y Ami M-i-k in nmlileii tiirtm nuil eliclliiKH witls A hhelier hy the tlen e khIh hMII ileuled. While, fruiu their iuimjiIiiks lorn, lbs cupllvei riiu In snowy nwaniifi IlkeKtiirlleil liutterflir!-, Kar, far Ihey rii, und fade In hendliiiiK IIikIiI AkuIhiI the Kruy ky fruiu my rimer nitfht. The Larvrxtnf the k IiiiImIIiiib renped Inhiiite- I'lior WHIideriiiK tlihlle down Ik owlftly turned 111 lielilx reinulo and wiiito That fi iiixu the dtily roads, whoso houuils are triued Hy ractieil rank" of ernnih-d Ntitlks that hIiow I tut einpty silvery rrnwiiH, frnui friend or fim Ki'l'l Mtle hy ttturdy spines. Tliu vanished fierd it Theui ly rains shall llml.n on want speed 'I'lie llyinir year, till tinili-r April skies Iu countless ho-ls the purple lilov-onis rlstt, -Kiln M. Si xton In Overland .Monthly. Ttii. Vh!k In t oul ( onniioipllon. It U iiKivenlilt to Iriirn that the nilroK fltoliH niiitter hi tin 4,UUI,(KK) Iiiiih (if innl whirli me Used every year liy the nan uiHiiiif.-irtiiriiif; iiiiiaiili-s of l.dinliin ia now lieiiiK mail)- ii i-nnsiilenilili! Houm- of revenue. The viilue if Niilpluiti of inn j linilllil HS n lertill.er Is now Im-jiukI ills jiilti. Where nit n men lilts been ilelieient in the soil the iiilii at iim of 4.VI pimmls ol siilplmte of minimum to t-ai li acre i;nve an inert -iim; of nearly four tons of potiiloi-H Slllph.ite of nil Ilia, Millionth not, ipiiti- Mim livea feilili.eras iiilrnte, is held in tin Moil with Kiealer temieity. It con tniiiH per rciil. of aiiinioiiia, vvliieli l eili.il to 'JO per cent, of nil rop-ii. Then tlu ie are I lie tarry liydriK-arlioii cum I'litiiuls, from wliii Ii (tlniiiks to tliu (lis ciivciy of Kirkliain nml I'eikiliH) licatillftil aniline dyes can lie cM iik ted. Tlie tar has lin n a aouii-e of hiii-Ii n-ve line In I lit i;ns companies that it may lit M-rioiisly slateil tlmL every year there is more coloi iiii.' mailer sent into the n turns iliere of London than would ilyo all the laluiis vvoieii ly Knlish looius within Ihe same time. If we take the waste of I lie hydi-ocarlions to i-ipial -Jt) per cent, of i lie 1 1 1 -1 liiiriicd, we i.loill lind (hat iu the .. , n tuns of coal liiii ucil in the melrop o!is I.MHi.Ciui tuna of livdiocailiotis are lost. Ill other Mollis. s urn- 1 f t.l H H I.I h x ) cubic ,vt of rich liViliocai Imlis are every year use-li-s-.l v t lii-iiu n into the air of London, am tin- h.s i, Uitm.ono. -- Naiional L'cvievv It, spel t lor Hooks. "I disi rii-t I he intclli -m e of auv person whom I see 1 1 u i ii 1 1 1 1 1 l; a iionk disiispeci tul ly," a lady (inland Ihe oilier day, "A k'ood hunk is one of t he In si, of friends, and de serves ijiiikI treat ineiit " not merely thai one should not strain its hack or crease itH paes, hut to lie t rented w ilh delicacy, con sideralioli find respect. "When I see a thouhl less j'irl put out her lut in I toward a line volume ol .sliake speare, mid heum to Multcr the leaves as hIm; talks, or nervously clap the uppercover hy way of emphasis to In r remarks, 1 feel like say inn to her: "'.My dear, you foriret yourself! 1!h-iui-iiiIm i Kosalind, ( ousiiler Violn; do not he rude to l'orlia: tlit-y are friends nf mine, If not of yourn, and are ladies of dis tinction, not to ho treated like ihe senti mental heroines of such trashy novels us you roll up and stiill in your pocket or nam iutoyoiir liiuchhaskei to read in the cars.' "I neverduKiy it; hut I atu far from certain if il would not he a justifiable im Hi!ileness if 1 did." Votlt li s Companion. S ' I Hinlly Talk. "This is a hard family to hvn with!" pouted the piuiio. ".Miss Susie pounds me every day for an hour or 1 wo!" "Well, at least joii don't have to work," exclaimed I lie clock. "Mj handsale never idle; they keep iliein moving every iniutite and second." "Talk nlsiut work!" cried t Iim table; "why, almost everythlnx is put on. me." "I wouldn't luilid work." observed the lamp, "hut I'm sensitive, and it isn't pleas ant when you're quite hriyht to I turned down once or twice every evciiinj;." "Sensitive!'' sneered the mirror. "Tliink of the unly laces ofteu turned on me!'1 "And think also," said the carpet, "Low the children jump on me; still I'm not worn out yet." "You may all talk till you'rn tired, yet you must admit thai not one of you ia so sat ii i as I am," tluUlied the chair de- cisjvcl - Harpers Voting l'eople. lliiiiK" 1" Avoid. S-leepuiK ill badly ventilated thiiiis, wear ing at liliihl the, uodcrcliitliliiK which Is worn t hrouU l he day, late hours, loss of sleep, ttrt-asy loud and irregularity of nicais, all tend to weaken the system to such an extent as to render it'Miite incap:i hleof rehislinnrthe changes in tlie weather or any r xposure to distnie. Good Houo-kecpiiijr. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. Biackwell's Bui! Durham Smoking Tobacco P. J. HANSEN, DKALEK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. I'ntroiiHtft of tlie PuMic Solicited. North Sixth StreBt. Plattsmouth TIMOTHY : CLARK, di;ali:k in Coal and Wood. TKKMS CASH. Yards und Ofllce Ull South Third Street. '1 clc phone. .No. hi. ri.ATTSMOUTIi, NKHRASKA The Old Fteliable H. A. WATERMAN SON. IPHNTE Lath, Sash, Shingles, !MMKK, : IILINDS. Ktr. Can supply everv demnn of the city, l ull ami urt terms, l-ourtu ftitrcet in rear of operu Iniuso. StyeQitizerBai? (CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. W. H. CrSHING, l'rtsi. J. V. JOHNSON', Vict'.I'ri'B. l'U'i;i) W. CAKKUTIF, CiiHh'r. A ;i-ncrnl hiiiikitiK business t ruiisacted. INTKW I'-ST on ilcpoisitx allowt'd ait follown: Four tier Itfiit. atuitial iintcrt'sit if (li'jiosiitcd throe motitlia. f Fivi per cent annual iiitcTCHt if d- poHttcil hix luontliH. 5mx per cent, annual Jinterent if (ltioitcl one year. IHOS POLLOCK R V HTERS Notary l'litiUc. fi Abstracter Solicit Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent If you have real eMate to ncll or exchange hcikI tmdeHcriptiou, price and terms. Ahdtracts of title furnished at reas onable raten. $100,(HX) to loan at 7'i percent and no cotimiiHsion.s, on pood farm security. POLLOCK &. HYEKS I'LATTSMOUTH N ODo under Cm County Busk,